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New England.

A full, concise, accurate Guide-Book to all the Cities, Mountain and Seaside Resorts and memorable places in New England. Indispensable to every Tourist within these six States. With many Maps and Plans. $2.

The Adirondacks:

What Summer Comforts and Recreations they offer; how to get there and to gain the most health and benefit from them; and a very readable book, too. By W. H. H. Murray. With Maps and Illustrations, $2; cheaper edition, without Maps, $1.50.



Some of its Picturesque, Romantic, and Historical Features, very charmingly described, and illustrated with Heliotypes in " Oldport Days" ($2.50), and in Malbone: an Oldport Romance ($1.50). By T. W. Higginson.

Boston Illustrated:

A clear, full, and interesting representation of Boston and its Suburbs. Very amply illustrated. 50 cts. Seaside Studies:

A charming description, with Illustrations, of New England Polyps, Jelly Fishes, and Star Fishes. By Alexander and Mrs. E. C. Agassiz. $3.

Woods and By-Ways of New England:

A delightful book, full of out-door and forest information, penetrated by the flavor and fragrance of our New England woods and fields. By Wilson. Flagg. With Heliotype Illustrations. 8vo. $5. Thoreau's Excursions:

MAINE WOODS, CAPE COD, WALDEN, CANADA, CONCORD AND MERRIMACK RIVERS. Marvellously keen and minute in observation, abounding in original suggestions, and exceedingly interesting. $2 each.


Good for Mountain or Seaside, Farm-House or Watering-Place, Outdoors or Indoors.

Aldrick's Prudence Palfrey. Paper, $1; | Verne's Tour of the World in 80 Days.

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* For sale by Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the Publishers,

JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston.

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CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER announce a cheap edition, in paper, of Emerson Bennett's novels, in dollar volumes. "The Outlaw's Daughter" and "Villeta Linden are ready. They have in preparation "Conchologia Castrica; The Molluscous Animals and their Shells of Chester County, Penn., with numerous illustrations," by William D. Hartman, M. D., and Ezra Michner, M.D.; 'Practical Guide to the Determination of Minerals by the Blowpipe," 2.50 by Dr. C. W. C. Fuchs, Professor in the Univer25sity of Heidelberg, translated and edited by T. W. Danby, M. A., F. G S., etc., a book which promises to be an important addition to this branch of scientific literature; "New School Remedies and their Application to the Cure of Diseases," by W. Paine, the principal of a local "Medical College," notorious for its sale of diplomas: and "An Essay Contributing to a Philo. sophy of Literature," by B. A. M.-Roper's Hand-book of the Locomotive" is in its second edition. This is an excellent work, and was out of print within a few weeks of its appearance.

Front, back, and second pages, and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Application for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day.

Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines; 25 cents for every additional line.

Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, 10 cents per line.

Terms of Subscription-$3.00 per annum, payable in advance. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post paid.

Advertisements should reach the office of the Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. Address P. O. Box 4295.

Subscriptions and Advertisements, from England, received by B. F. Stevens, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. Subscriptions from the European Continent filled by E. Steiger, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, New York, and all German booksellers.

NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers to the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY will please notice, on their printed address, the date indicating the expiration of their subscription, and notify us of any error made in printing.

No bills will hereafter be sent except to houses with whom we have an open account. If remittance is not made within a month after expiration, it will be understood that the paper is to be discontinued.

Remittances should be made by draft on New York, Post-office money order, or registered letter, as we cannot be responsible for any losses. Address P. O. Box 4295.

The postage on the WEEKLY, which, if paid in advance, is 5 cents per quarter, or 20 cents per annum, must be paid by subscribers at their own post-office.


JANSEN, MCCLURG & Co., have now ready a full and complete report of the late trial of the Rev. David Swing before the Presbytery of Chicago, for heresy, edited jointly by the clerk of the Presbytery, Rev. D. S. Johnson, his prosecutor, Rev. F. L. Patton, and his counsel, Rev. G. C. Noyes. The book contains in full the charge and specifications against Professor Swing, his declaration, the testimony of the witnesses, reports of committees, and all other proceedings bearing upon the question at issue.

J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co. have nearly reached the end of the list of books to be published by

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THE fashion seems to have become general for newspaper correspondents to make books of the materials collected during their professional undertakings. The Ashantee war gave rise to several such productions, and now that on Cuba, by Jas. J. O'Kelly, the correspondent of the New York Herald, whose arrest and imprisonment gave rise to some very" tall talk" in the journal which he represented, is promised in a few days by the Lippincotts. The book, as has been stated, is entitled "The Mambi-Land; or, Adventures of a Herald Correspondent in Cuba."

PORTER & COATES, Philadelphia, have commenced the publication of an "International Series" of popular novels. The volumes will be issued in a neat limp cloth binding, and will sell for $1.25. The initial volume of the series, "The Cross of Berny," has been issued. Two new volumes of their Library of Approved Novels are shortly to be published: "Chaste as Ice, Pure as Snow," by M. C. S. Despard, and "Gentianella," by Mrs. Randolph. These will be 12m0, and sell at $1.50 in cloth. They also announce "The Wild North Land," a volume of travel in the Arctic Regions, by Major Butler, formally known by a previous volume of travels in Canada. It will be a crown 8vo, with 16 full page illustrations and map, and will sell for $2.50.

THE second volume of the "Bric-a-brac Series"

will be ready early in July. Over 170 pages will be devoted to Thackeray, 100 to Dickens and the remainder to fresh matter about Coleridge and Keats. Mr. Stoddard's wide acquaintance with periodical literature has enabled him to obtain a great variety of anecdotical matter, never before printed in book form, including Hon. William B. Reed's contributions to Blackwood's, and almost all the volume will therefore be practically new.

"THE Greatest Man in the East" is the title of a

comedy immortalizing Lord Timothy Dexter, who made himself famous by writing his book with the punctuation all in a heap, and by the fortune he

made out of warming pans.

them this side of the summer vacation. Some of those in partial readiness will be kept back for the autumn, and the probabilities are that the first week in July will close their publishing programme for the season. "The Second Wife," a novel after the German of E. Marlitt, by Mrs. A. L.. Wister, and "The Mambi- Land," by J. J. PURCHASERS of Chorley's "Recent Art and SoO'Kelly, are to be published immediately. The second volume of the "Memoirs of John Quincyciety" and also the trade, can obtain complete indexAdams," and "Lord Lytton's Speeches and Ad-es, suitable for fastening into copies, on application to dresses," will both probably be published as soon its publishers, Messrs. Henry Holt & Co. These as ready, but the rest of their list is likely to stand were inadvertently omitted from the books already ssued, but will be found in future copies.



The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported books are marked with an asterisk; Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks.

Adeline de Chazal; or, First Experience of the World after Leaving School. 12°. $1.50...... .... Cunningham, Art (The) of making Wax Flowers. With illustr. Second ed. 18. pp. 27. Pap. 25c....... ..P. Mason & Co. Baker.-The Reading Club and Handy Speaker. Being Selections in Prose and Poetry, Serious, Humorous, Pathetic, Patriotic and Dramatic, for Readings and Recitations. Edited by Geo. M. Baker. No. 1. 16°. 50 c.......Lee & S. Barnard.-Proceedings in the Court of Impeachment in the Matter of the Impeachment of George G. Barnard, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. 3 vols. 8°, pp. 2410. Shp. per. vol. $3... Weed, P. & Co. Brigham.-Cast Catalogue of Antique Sculpture. With an Introduction to the Study of Ornament, and nearly 100 Photographic Illustr. By W. T. Brigham, A.M. Large 4°. Reduced to $12...... ...Lee & S. Campbell and Root.-The Columbian Speaker. Consisting of Choice and Animated Pieces for Declamation and Read. ing. Selected and adapted by Loomis J. Campbell and Orin ...Lee & S Root, Jr. 16. 75 c... Chellis.-Wealth and Wine. By Miss Mary Dwinell Chellis, 12, pp. 337. $1.25.... Nat. Temp. Sx Collins.-My Miscellanies. By Wilkie Collins. With a Portrait. (Harper's Illustr. Lib. ed.) 12°, pp. 426. $1.50. Harper.

Craik.-Miss Moore. A Tale for Girls. By Georgiana M.
Craik. Illustr. 16°, pp. 235. 90 C........ ...Harper.

Easy Book (The). Illustr. 12, pp. 128. 75 c.....Shorey.
Francis.-Kate Parker. By Laura Francis. Illustr. 16°,
Pp. 464. $1.50......
Cong. Pub. Soc.
Franco-Tigranes, a Tale of the Days of Julian the Apostate
From the Italian of Father John Joseph Franco, S. J. Being
an Historical Sketch of the Fourth Century of the Church.
12, pp. 375. $1.50.....
Greenough.-Bound Brook; or, Amy Rushton's Mission.
Ly A. J. Barker. Illustr. 16°, pp. 519.



Cong. Pub. Soc. Holt.-The Model Landlord. By Mrs. M. A. Holt. 18. ..Nat. Temp. Soc. Hugo.-The Brigand; or, The Demon of the North (Hans D'Islande). By Victor Hugo. 8, pp. 201. Pap. 75 c.

50 C.......


Hymns of the Church, with Tunes. Edited by Dr. Zachary Eddy, Rev. John B Thompson, Dr. Ashbel G. Vermilye, Dr. Alexander R. Thompson, and U. C. Burnap. Rev. ed. Sq. cr. 8°, pp. viii, 504. $2.75... ...Barnes. Kohler.-Die neue Erziehung. Grundzüge der pädogogischen Ideen Fröbel's und deren Anwendung in Familie, Kindergarten und Schule. Von August Kohler. 12, pp. 34. Pap. 15 c........ ...Steiger.

Lee.-The Bible Regained and the God of the Bible ours; or, The System of Religious Truth in Outline. By Rev. Saml. Lee. 12. $1.50..

..Lee & S.

Miller-Ned and Sydney ("Our $200 Prize Book"). By Mary C. Miller. 18, pp. 341 75C......Cumb. Presb. Bd. Montagu. The Autobiography of Edward Wortley Montagu. With a Preface by R. Shelton Mackenzie, LL.D. 12, pp. 540. $1.75...... .....Peterson. **Nason.-The Life and Times of Charles Sumner, his Boyhood, Education and Public Career. By the Rev. Elias Nason. Illustr. with portr., etc. 12°, pp. 356. $1.50. hif. mor. $2..... ..Russell.

O., G. E. See Thurid. O'Callaghan.-History of the Irish Brigades in the Service of France. By J. C. 'O'Callaghan. 8°, pp. 649. $5. O'Shea Parsons.-The Philanthropies; or, The Practical Workings of Christianity. The Gospel of Christ the only true Gospel of Humanity. By Rev. J. N. Parsons. Revised by Rev. E. N. Kirk, D.D. 16°, pp. 128. 70 c...... Cong. Pub. Soc. Polko.-Lulu's Novel. From the German of Elise Polko. 8, pp. 89. Pap. 50 c........ ...Loring.

Prime.-Under the Trees. By Samuel Irenæus Prime. 8, PP. 313. $2.......


By F. W.

Robinson.-Second Cousin Sarah. A Novel. Robinson, Author of "Little Kate Kilby," "For Her Sake," etc. 8, pp. 148. Pap. 75 C........


St. Thomas of Villanova.-Life of St. Thomas of Villanova, Archbishop of Valencia and Augustinian Friar. With an Introductory Sketch of the Men the Manners and the Morals of the Sixteenth Century. 12, pp. 352. $1.50.

Cunningham. Schurz.-Eulogy on Charles Sumner. By Hon. Carl Schurz. Delivered at Boston. Cr. 8°. $1; pap. 50 c..... Lee & S. **Scott.-The Black Dwarf, and Old Mortality. By Sir Walter Scott. (Illustr. Fireside ed.) 12°. $1.50; pap.$1. Porter &C.

Siebold.-Anatomy of the Invertebrata. C. Th. v. Siebold. Translated from the German with Additions and Notes, by Waldo J. Burnett, M.D. 8°, pp. 470. $5.... Campbell. Sumner, Chas. See Nason; Schurz.

Thurid and other Poems. By G. E. O. 8. $2.. Lee & S. Tuckerman.-Joseph Tuckerman on the Elevation of the Poor. A Selection from his Reports as Minister at large in Boston. With an Introduction by E. E. Hale. 16, pp. 206. $1.25..... .......Roberts.


Van Lennup.-Ten Days among the Greek Brigands. A
True Story By Rev. H. J. Van Lennup.
16°, pp. 272.
$1.25 (Corrected title)..
..Cong. Pub. Soc.
Villetard.-History of the International. Transl. from the
French of Edmond Villetard by Susan M. Day. With an
Introduction by Henry N. Day. 12, pp. ix, 259. $1.50.

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PORTER & COATES, Phila. Scott, Black Dwarf and Old Mortality (Fireside ed.). ..$1.50; pap. 1.00

A Report of Progress. THE meeting of the Publishers' Board of Trade, which concluded its sessions too late for notice in our last issue, took, it will be seen, a decided step forward in trade reform, although the next day it rescinded its action and left discounts as they were before. The reconsideration was due, however, to the fact that the immediate adoption of a new system of discounts would compel the violation of certain existing contracts, and the total result may be construed as a declaration on the part of the publishers in favor of the reduction of discounts as soon as it may be brought about compatibly with existing arrangements. We trust sincerely that the representation of publishers at the Put-in Bay convention contemplated in another resolution may be general, and that the convention may thus be fully competent to speak for the whole trade.

Mr. Aston's reception by the board showed a full appreciation of the present difficulties, and we learn from him that a number of prominent New Yorkers have promised to be present at the convention. Mr. F. W. Christern, we may add, has consented to prepare and read a paper on the organization of the French and German trades.

Since our last, a meeting of the trade of Chicago has been held, at which Mr. G. B. Brown, of Toledo, presented the platform of the Book Trade Union, whose aims met with hearty support. Messrs. Jansen, McClurg & Co., Keen, Cook & Co., the Western News Co., Hadley Bros., and others, were represented, and we understand that the Chicago trade is a unit on this subject.

A letter from Mr. Robert Clarke, printed elsewhere, shows the feeling of the trade in Cincin nati.

All this encourages us to hope much success for the present movement. We believe that the Book Trade Union is destined, before many years have elapsed, to become a thoroughly national organization, in which all the publishers and the vast majority of dealers will have part, and that its convention will be a Congress of the trade that will deal usefully with many classes

E. STEIGER, New York. Kohler, Die neue Erziehung.....



Pap. 15

WEED, PARSONS & Co., New York. Barnard, Impeachment of, 3 vols.. ...Per vol. 3.00 of trade subjects, and do a great deal toward making the book business worthy of itself. And we trust that the Put-in Bay convention will be so effective for present purposes that by next fall the publishing interest will stand ready to agree to the main principles of reform, so that in the Trade List Annual for 1875 we shall be able to show the practical results of the agitation of the past year in a reduction of discounts and of prices.

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WHERE is Put-in Bay? This has been the trade conundrum for some weeks, and conjecture has run wild from Alaska to New Jersey. We have before us authoritative information in a glowing circular from the leading hotel, in which the trade will be glad to learn there is a fine dancing hall 50x100, a dining-room, no mosquitoes, and a first-class barber's shop, not to mention "a skilful and experienced surgeon and a cuisine. It is "the acknowledged superior of Saratoga, Newport and Long Branch," is 13 miles from Johnson's Island, half a mile from Gibraltar Island, and other islands to suit, and was the celebrated place into which Commodore Perry "put in" to say that "we have met the enemy and they are ours." We also learn from an exchange that Richmond's Museum has just been removed from Meadville to that place, doubtless because of the coming convention of the book trade. Usual discounts to clergymen, professors, and others outside of the trade. Any further information can be obtained by enclosing stamp to this office.

P. S.-Put-in Bay, Ohio, is a summer resort on Lake Erie, midway between Cleveland and Toledo. Steamers touch there from Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland and other points, and communication is had with several railroads via Sandusky, and other cities.

A NOTABLE fact connected with journalistic literature is that the Herald's Khivan correspondent's book on the campaign is shortly to be translated into Russian, as the best authority on the subject.

Mr. HAMERTON'S "Sylvan Year," which has been running for some time in The Portfolio, will be published in a handsomely illustrated volume, by

Messrs. Roberts Brothers, in the fall.


Publishers' Board of Trade,


25 Bond Street, New York.

Second Session, 10:30 A. M., June 11th.
Vice-President A. S. Barnes, Esq., in the chair.

The consideration of Articles of Association and By-Laws was resumed.

Several minor amendments were made regarding the conduct of arbitrations, which will be found printed in the forthcoming edition of the By-Laws. Mr. Isaac C. Aston, of Columbus, Ohio, President of the American Book-Trade Union, was invited to

Minutes of regular meeting held June 10 and 11, address the Board. He spoke of the need for a re1874, at the Grand Central Hotel.

First Session, 1:30 P. M., June 10.

Vice-President, A. S. BARNES, Esq., in the


The following houses were represented :


Minutes of preceding meeting approved.

The Arbitration Committee presented a report in a complaint made by Messrs. Brewer & Tileston, A. S. Barnes & Co., and R. S. Davis & Co., against Messrs. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co.

Dr. Brewer appealed from the decision of the committee to the Board, under by-law xxi.

Mr. Holt moved that the Board delegate its power of finally settling the case to a special committee of three.

Pending the resolution, it was amicably agreed among the parties that Mr. Blakeman should accompany Mr. Albert Barnes to the place where the alleged violation of the law occurred, and that the decision he should render, after himself examining the facts alleged against his house, should be accepted by all parties.

The Articles of Association and By-Laws, as passed at the preceding meeting, were then taken up for revision.

Mr. Mason moved that all restrictions regarding the number of agents be removed. Carried.

Mr. Bragg moved that the maximum rates of discount be on regular sales 33 per cent., on introductions 25 per cent., on exchanges 50 per cent., and on sales from branch houses 25 per cent. Carried.

On motion, the Chair appointed as a committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year, Messrs. Bragg, Soper, and Holt.

Adjourned till 10:30 A. M., June 11th.

duction in the scale of discounts, reading the fourth article of the platform of his association as follows:

4th. That to assure permanence in these reforms, the retail price of books should be reduced so that the largest discount under any circumstance could not exceed one-third.

Mr. Aston thanked the Board for having on the preceding day taken action conforming to this provision, and closed by inviting the members of the Board to attend the next convention of the American Book-Trade Union at Put-in Bay, Ohio, on the 21st, 22d and 23d of July next.

On motion of Mr. Albert Barnes, it was

Resolved, That the thanks of the Board be tendered to Mr. Aston for his invitation, and that such members as can accept it be requested to do so.

Mr. Holt moved a new by-law, providing that, Where any changes in these Articles of Association and By-Laws conflict with contracts in existence, the Executive Committee shall be immediately notified what these contracts are, and the parties bound by them may then keep them in good faith. Adjourned till 3 P. M.

Third Session, 3 P. M.. June 11th.

In the absence of the President and Vice-President, Smith Sheldon, Esq., was selected to take the chair.

Mr. Bragg moved a new by-law, as follows: No member of this Board, nor any of its agents or employees, shall, in printed pamphlet, circular, advertisement, or newspaper article, criticise, unfavor. bly compare, or specifically name, in any way calculated to injure them, the school text-books of any member of this Board, or circulate, or cause or connive at the printing, publication, or circulation of any matter invidiously reflecting upon the honor, integrity, good faith and fair dealing of any fellowmember of this Board. Carried.

Mr. David Ivison moved to reconsider the changes in discounts passed the day before. Carried.

Mr. Isaac Sheldon moved :

I. To permit the publication of Retail or Wholesale Lists at discretion.

II. To make the maximum discounts(A.) In regular sales, one-third from the retail price, or 163 per cent. from the wholesale.

(B.) In introductions, at the regular wholesale


(C.) In Exchanges, one-half from the retail, or one-third from the wholesale.

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