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American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular

Established in the year 1852.


F. LEYPOLDT, Editor and PUBLISHER, 37 PARK Row, New York.

VOL. V. No. 26.

NEW YORK, Saturday, June 27, 1874.



HARPER & BROTHERS will send any of the following works by mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the United States, on receipt of the price.

MY MOTHER AND I: A Love Story. By the author of "John Halifax." With Illustrations. Library Edition. 12mo, Cloth, $1.50. FOR LOVE AND LIFE: By Mrs. Oliphant, 8vo, Paper, 75 cents.

SECOND-COUSIN SARAH: By F. W. Robinson. Illustrated. 8vo, Paper, 75 cents. AT HER MERCY: By James Payne, 8vo, Paper, 50 cents.

JOHN WORTHINGTON'S NAME: By Frank Lee Benedict. 8vo, Paper, $1.00; Cloth, $1.50. THE PARISIANS: By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. With Illustrations. 12mo Cloth, $1.50; 8vo, Paper, $1.00.

COLONEL DACRE: By the author of "Caste," etc. 8vo, Paper, 50 cents. THROUGH FIRE AND WATER: By Frederick Talbot. Illustrated. 8vo, Paper, 25 cents. LOTTIE DARLING: By John Cordy Jeaffreson. 8vo, Paper, 75 cents.

THE BLUE RIBBON: By the author of "St. Olaves," "Jeanie's Quiet Life,” “Meta's Faith,” etc. 8vo, Paper, 50 cents.

VICTOR HUGO'S NINETY-THREE: Translated by Frank Lee Benedict. 8vo, Paper, 25 cents; 12mo, Cloth, $1.75.

"SHIP AHOY:" A Yarn in Thirty-six Cable Lengths. By George Manville Fenn. Illustrated. 8vo, Paper, 40 cents.

A PRINCESS OF THULE: By William Black. 8vo, Paper, 75 cents.

BY ANTHONY TROLLOPE: LADY ANNA. 8vo, Paper, 50 cents.

PHINEAS REDUX. Illustrated. 8vo, Paper, $1.25; Cloth, $1.75.

DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND: By T. Adolphus Trollope. 12mo, Cloth, $1.25. BY MISS BRADDON: TAKEN AT THE FLOOD. 8vo, Paper, 75 cents.

PUBLICANS AND SINNERS. 8vo, Paper, 75 cents. WILKIE COLLINS' NOVELS: Library Edition.

With Portrait on Steel by Halpin. 12mo, Cloth,. $1.50 per volume.

Now Ready: The New Magdalen.-The Woman in White.-Poor Miss Finch.-The Dead Secret.-Man and Wife.-Basil.-Hide-andSeek.-No Name.-The Moonstone.-Armadale -Queen of Hearts.-My Miscellanies.-Antonina.-After Dark, and Other Stories (In Press.




Author of "A Journey to the Centre of the Earth." Translated from the French by Louis Mercier, M.A. (Oxon.) and Eleanor E. King.




"The American Gun Club" is simply a reprint of a fragment of Jules Verne's popular work “From Earth to the Moon and a Trip Around it." It is issued in this form and under this title to meet an unauthorized reprint, under a very similar name, of this precise section of the work mentioned. "The American Gun Club" contains all the letterpress and double the number of illustrations of the unauthor ized edition, and is published at one-third less. In the regular edition of " From the Earth to the Moon and a Trip Around it" this section has 40 illustrations, of which but 24 are given in "The American Gun Club." The illustrations in "The American Gun Club" are printed from electrotypes taken from the original wood-cuts in Paris.




The attention of booksellers, who, only for their own use, have ordered copies of the UNIFORM TRADE LIST ANNUAL, is called to the special value of the ANNUAL, as a business card, when given away:

Presented discriminately, "with the compliments of the dealer, to librarians and large book-buyers, it cannot fail to prove a profitable investment. A copy, with firm name, and a notice of "all books supplied," etc., should be placed wherever it may meet the glance of lovers of books. The volume is so conspicuous and suggestive in appearance, that none who care for books can resist examining it. It must pay any bookseller to have a copy, with his business card, in every library within his district, public or private.

Even last year's ANNUAL, after having been replaced by

the new one, may thus advantageously be disposed of.

Until further notice, subscriptions for a limited number of the ANNUAL are still received at $1.00 per copy; but after publication day the price will be raised, if any copies should be left, which is doubtful.

F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher,

P. O .Box, 4295, N. Y.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Eighth page

Sixteenth page..

Short Advertisements, per line







Front, back, and second pages, and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Application for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day.

Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines; 25 cents for every additional line.

Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, 10 cents per line.

Terms of Subscription-$3.00 per annum, payable in advance. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post paid.

Advertisements should reach the office of the

Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. Address P. O. Box 4295.

NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers to the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY will please notice, on their printed address, the date indicating the expiration of their subscription, and notify us of any error made in printing.

No bills will hereafter be sent except to houses with whom we have an open account. If remittance is not made within a month after expiration, it will be understood that the paper is to be discontinued.

Remittances should be made by draft on New York, Post-office money order, or registered letter, as we cannot be responsible for any losses. Address P. O. Box 4295.

The postage on the WEEKLY, which, if paid in advance, is 5 cents per quarter, or 20 cents per annum, must be paid by subscribers at their own post-office.

On to the Convention!

ALL hail to Boston! The publishers of the Hub have responded to a man. Lee & Shepard took the lead in signing the call of their suffering brethren, and were promptly followed by the Osgoods, Little, Brown & Co., Roberts, and the whole publishing body almost without an exception. Every one that possibly can leave the city is going to Put-in Bay, or will send a representative. They joined the rank and file with heart and soul. Remember it!

The Book Trade Union movement is spreading rapidly, as will be further seen by an important announcement which we are not authorized to make till our next number, and every one in the trade will find it to his interest to be present at the Convention.


MESSRS. A. K. BUTTS & Co. have a publication of general interest in their forthcoming issue of Bradlaugh's "Essays on Questions of Religion

and Politics," in both of which fields he out


THE Philadelphia Evening Telegraph now announces a translation of Jules Verne's latest story, "The Adventures of Dr. Ox," which will be published by-and-by, with some other short stories by this master of the marvelous, by the Osgoods. The New York Tribune has issued in its extras several complete English novels, at cents apiece. including "The Wooing O't," which is still selling in the "Leisure Hour Series" at the rate of a thousand a month perfect right to do this, to any extent they please, The newspapers have a but we don't know that it is quite fair for the Tribune, which profits so much from the publishers, to run counter in this way. However, it always was in favor of free trade!


SIR SAMUEL BAKER'S new work bears the title "Ismailia." It is now completed and an American edition will be printed in the late summer or early fall by Harper & Bros. This describes Sir Samuel's adventures as the head of the military expedition sent by the Khedive for the suppression of the slave trade along the Upper Nile.

A SISTER of the late Hon. Robert Walker, Mrs. M. W. Cook, has in preparation a translation of the works of the great Polish poet, Krasinski, as to whom there appeared a lively article in a recent number of the Arcadian.


MERIDIAN AND TUSCALOOSA.-The partnership heretofore existing between George A. Searcy and E. Philips, doing business in Meridian, Miss., and Tuscaloosa, Ala., has expired by limitation. E. Phillips & Co. assume the liabilities and are authorized to collect the accounts due Searcy & Philips of Meridian. George A. Searcy assumes the liabilities and is authorized to collect the accounts due George A. Searcy & Co. of Tuscaloosa.

NEW YORK CITY.-Taintor Bros., School Book Publishers, have removed from 676 Broadway to 758 Broadway.

POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y.-Reed & Adriance, book. sellers and stationers, have been succeeded by Reed & Leroy, Sherman H. Leroy having purchased the interest of I. R. Adriance.

PHILADELPHIA.-The Protestant Episcopal Book Society have disposed of their stereotype plates and entire stock in trade to Mr. James Hammond, who, for the past seventeen years, has been their chief clerk. He will continue the business on his own account, and the Executive Com

mittee would cordially recommend him to the confidence of all with whom the Society heretofore have had business transactions.

radicals the radicals. Prof. Marvin's title of "Mediomania" for his lectures on spiritualism, PHILADELPHIA.-Dreka, stationery and engravalso to be published by them, gives sufficient ❘ing house, have removed to the spacious store No. cue to his view of the subject.

1121 Chestnut street.


The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported books are marked with an asterisk; Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks.

Aitken.-Scottish Songs. A Selection of the choicest |
Lyrics of Scotland. Compiled and arranged, with brief
Notes, by Mary Carlyle Aitken. 18, pp. 304. $1.25.
Auerbach.-The Villa on the Rhine. By Berthold Auer-
bach. Transl. by James Davis.
With portr. 2 vols.;-
Black Forest Village Stories. By Berthold Auerbach.
Transl. by Charles Goepp. (Leisure Hour Series.) 16°.
Per vol. $1.25.
*Baldwin.-Introduction to Irish Farming. By Thomas
Baldwin, M. R. 1. A. 18°, pp. 169. 75 c.....Macmillan.
Biddle.-Materia Medica, for the Use of Students. By
John B. Biddle, M.D., etc. 6th ed., revised and enlarged.
With illustr. 8, pp 435. $4.
...Lindsay & B.
*Blackie.-Hora Hellenicæ. Essays and Discussions on
some important Points in Greek Philology and Antiquity.
By John Stuart Blackie, F.R.S.E. 8, pp. 394. $4.

Bow.-A Treatise on Bracing and its Application to Bridges
and other Structures of Wood or Iron. By Robert Henry
Bow, C.E. With 156 illustr. on stone. 8°, pp. 48. $1.50.
Van Nostrand.
Braddon.-Taken at the Flood. A Novel. By Miss M. E.
Braddon. (Harper's Library of Select Novels, No. 412.)
8°, pp. 176. Pap. 75c.....
Brockley Moor. A Novel. By J. W. L. 12. $1.50.
Brooklyn Council (The) of 1874. Letter-Missive, State-
ment and Documents, together with an official phonographic
Report of the Proceedings and the Result of Council. 8°,
PP. 250. $2.....
Woolworth & G.
*Cairnes. Some leading Principles of Political Economy
newly Expounded. By J. E. Cairnes, M.A., etc.
8°. $5.

pp. 200.


**Claire.-A Wild Bouquet. By Leon Claire. Sq. 16°,
pp. 211...................................
....(Syracuse) Truar, Smith & Co., Prs.
*Cuthbertson.-Euclidian Geometry. By Francis Cuth-
bertson, M.A. Sq. 16°, pp. 286. $1.75......Macmillan.
Drury.-Deep Waters. A Novel. By Anna H. Drury,
author of " Misrepresentation,' Blue Ribbons," etc. 8°.
Pap. 75 C.....
Estes & L.
Fonblanque.-A Tangled Skein. By Albany Fonblan-
que, Jr. 8, pp. 217. Pap. 75c..
..... Estes & L.
Gray.-The Biblical Museum. A Collection of Notes, ex-
planatory, homiletic, and illustrative, forming a complete
Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, especially designed
for the use of Ministers, Bible Students and Sunday School
Teachers. By James Comper Gray. The Gospel accord-
ing to Mark. 12, pp. 136. 75 C..............Randolph.
Gross. Die amerikanische Krisis. Vorträge zum Ver-
standniss der nationalen Lage, gehalten im Februar und
Marz 1874. Von Magnus Gross. 12, pp. 142. Pap. 25 c.

*Horace.-The Odes of Horace in a Metrical Paraphrase.
By R. M. Hovenden, B.A. 16°. pp. 179. $1.75.


[blocks in formation]

Leffel.-The Construction of Mill Dams, comprising also
the building of Race and Reservoir Embankments and
Head Gates, the Measurements of treams, Gauging of
Water Supply, etc. With numerous full page illustr. By
James Leffel & Co. $2.50.....
McAlpine.-Modern Engineering. A Lecture delivered
at the American Institute at New York. By Hon. Wm.
J. McAlpine. 2d Ed. 8°. $1.50........ Van Nostrand.
Martin.-Guide Book to Mount Desert Island, Maine. By
Mrs. Clara Barnes Martin. Illustr. with photographs and
maps from U. S. Coast Survey. 16°, pp. 100.
Bds. 75C,
Loring, S. & H.

Masson.-A compendious Dict. of the French Language. French-English. English-French. Followed by a List of the principal diverging Derivations, and preceded by Chronological and Historical Tables. By Gustave Masson. 16°, pp, 416. $2.50....... .Macmillan. Massachusetts.-Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. By Albert G. Browne, Jr., Reporter. Vol. 13. Being Massachusetts Reports, vol. 119. 8°. Shp. $5.50..Houghton. Maudsley-Body and Mind. An Inquiry into their connection and Mutual Influence specially in Reference to Mental Disorders. Enlarged and rev. ed., to which are added Psychological Essays. By Henry Maudsley, M.D. .Appleton. 12. $1.50.... Ohio.-See Peck. O'Kelly.-The Mambi-Land; or, Adventures of a Herald Correspondent in Cuba. By James J. O'Kelly. 12. $1.75. Lippincott. **Olsen.-The American Yacht List for 1874, Published with the official Sanction and under the Patronage of the New York Yacht Club. Contains a complete Register of the Yacht Clubs of the United States and Canada. With Lists of Officers, Names of Vessels and Owners, Addresses of American and Foreign Club Secretaries. etc. Also, fac similes in chromo-lithographs of Club Signals. Compiled by Niels Olsen, Steward N. Y. Y. C. Sq. 16, pp. 145. $1. (New York) Brentano. Patton vs. Swing.-The World's Edition of the great Pres byterian Conflict. Patton vs. Swing. Both sides of the Question. With portraits of Profs. Patton and Swing. 8, Pp. 169. $1.25; pap. 75c.... ...MacDonald. Peck.-The Township Officers' Guide. A Manual of the Law relating to the Formation and Government of Townships, and the Rights and Duties of Township Officers in the State of Ohio, with numerous Forms and Annotations of Decisions. By Hiram D. Peck. 12, pp. 8, 388. $2. Clarke. Putnam.-The Metric System of Weights and Measures. By J. Pickering Putnam. 8°, pp, 65. Bds. 50 c.

Hurd & H.
Robinson.-Hand-Book of the Physical Training in Schools,
including full Directions for a Variety of Calisthenic Exer-
cises. Adapted to Classes of all Grades, and to Social and
Individual Practice. By Charles J. Robinson, A.B., etc
16°, pp. 37. 50 C.....
..Payot, U. & Co.
Robinson.-Slaves of the Ring. By F. W. Kobinson, au-
thor of "True to Herself," Stern Necessity," "Poor
Humanity," etc. 8°, pp. 171. Pap. 75 c.......Estes & L.
Rumor.-By the author of " Counterparts," "Chas. An-
chester." 8, pp, 212. Pap. 75 c...
Estes & L.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, New Manual of. Compiled and
transl from approved sources. Published with the Appro-
bation of the Archbishop of Baltimore. 2d enl. ed. 24*,
PP. 332. 75 c.; Levant mor. $1.25; Engl. calf $2.50.
Kelly, P. & Co.
**Scott.-Heart of Mid-Lothain. By Sir Walter Scott.
(New illustr. Fireside ed. vol. 6.) 12°. $1.50; pap. $1.
Porter &C.
Sue.-Martin the Foundling; or, The Adventures of a
Valet-de-Chambre. By Eugene Sue, author of " The Wan-
dering Jew;" "Mysteries of Paris," etc. Illustr. 8, pp.
372. $1.50......
Swing-Full and complete Report of the Trial of the Rev.
David Swing, before the Presbytery of Chicago, for Heresy.
Edited by the following Committee appointed by the Pres-
bytery: Rev. D. S. Johnson (Stated Clerk of Presbytery),
Rev. Francis L. Patton (Prosecutor), Rev. George C. Noyes
(Counsel for Accused). 8°. $1.40; pap. $1.


Fansen, McC. & Co. Talmage.-Old Wells dug Out. Being a Third Series of Sermons. By T. DeWitt Talmage. Phonographically reported and revised. 12°, pp. 432. $2....

..Harper. Will Tables for Qualitative Chemical Analysis, with an Introd. Chapter on the Course of Analysis. By Prof. H. Will. 2d Am, from the 9th German ed. Ed. by Chas. F. .Baird. Himes, Ph.D. 8°. $1.50.....

Yates-A Dangerous Game. By Edmund Yates, author of "Broken to Harness," "Running the Gauntlet," etc. (Gill's Select Novels.) 8°, pp. 200. Pap. 75 c... Gill

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Martin, Guide to Mt. Desert Island, Me.Bds.$0.75
GEO. MACDONALD & Co., Chicago.
Patton vs. Swing, World's Ed. of the Great
Presbyterian Conflict..... .$1.25; pap. .75


MACMILLAN & Co., New York.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

HARPER & BROS., New York.

Baldwin, Introd. to Irish Farming.


Braddon, Taken at the Flood

. Pap. .75

Blackie, Hora Hellenicæ


Talmage, Old Wells Dug Out..


Cairnes, Principles of Political Economy.
Cuthbertson, Euclidian Geometry...



Horace, Odes, in a Metrical Paraphrase, by


Knox, Songs of Consolation...


Per v. 1.25

Masson, Dict. of French Language.


HENRY HOLT & Co., New York. Auerbach, Villa on the Rhine, 2 v. ;-Black Forest Village Stories (Leisure Hour Series).

[blocks in formation]

PAYOT, UPHAM & Co., San Francisco.
Robinson, Handbook of Physical Training.. .50

T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Phila.
Sue, Martin the Foundling...

Pap. 1.50

Scott, Heart of Mid-Lothian..... $1.50; pap. 1.00
A. D. F. RANDOLPH & Co., New York.

$1.40; pap. 1.00 Gray, Biblical Museum, Mark....
KELLY, PIET & Co., Baltimore.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, New Manual of.


[blocks in formation]

Morris, Wm. O'C. The French Revolution and First Em-
pire: an Historical Sketch. Post 8°. Longmans....7s. 6d.
Post 8°
Ancient and Modern.
Piggot, J.
.......Ios. 6d.
H. S. King..
South by West; or, Winter in the Rocky Mountains and
Spring in Mexico. Ed. with a Preface by the Rev. Charles
Kingsley. Illustr. 8°. Isbister...
Stamer, W. The Gentleman Emigrant: his Daily Life,
Sports, and Pastimes in Canada, Australia, and the U. S.
2 vols. Tinsley..


2 vols. Post

Stuart, W. K. Reminiscences of a Soldier.
8°. Hurst & B.....
Bothwell : a Tragedy. Post 8*
Swinburne, A. C.
.....12s. 6d.
Chatto & W
Vizcaya; or, Life in the Land of the Carlists at the Out-
break of the Insurrection, 1872-1873. Post 8°.
On Early English Pronunciation:
Weymouth, R. F.
w th especial reference to Chaucer (in oppos. to A. J. Ellis).
......Ios. 6d.
8°. Asher..
Wilberforce (Bishop). Essays contributed to the Quar-
2 vols. 8°. Murray..
terly Review.
Wilberforce, H. W. The Church and the Empires:
Historical Periods. Post 8°. H. S. King..........10s. 6d.

[blocks in formation]

Tissot, J. Le Catholicisme et l'instruction publique. In-18
jés. Sandoz et Fischbacher......
.......4 fr. 50 C.
Banville, Th. de. Poésies. Petit in-12. Lemerre..6 fr.
Boissier, G. La Religion romaine, d'Auguste aux Antonins.
2 vol. In-8°. Hachette......
.......15 fr.

Cratiunesco, J. Le Peuple roumain d'après ses chants
nationaux. In-8°, vili-329 p. Hachette.

Marmier, X. Les Etats-Unis et le Canada. Gr. in-8°, 247
p. Mame et fils.

Pressense, E. de. La Liberté religieuse en Europe depuis
4 fr.
1870. In-18 jés. Sandoz et Fischbacher....
Saigey, E. Les Sciences aux xviiie siècle. La Physique de
Voltaire. In-8°. G. Baillière.....


Vinet, E. L'Art et l'archéologie. In-8°. Didier..7 fr. 50 c.

Present rate of Importation, $1.10 gold, per Thaler a 30 gr.
Nohl, Dr. L. Beethoven, Liszt, Wagner. Ein Bild der
Kunstbewegg. unseres Jahrhunderts.
gr. 8.
.2 Th.

Wulff, Eb. Architekonische Harmonielehre in ihren
Grundzugen dargestellt. Wien, v. Waldheim.......


Th. Kapp, F. Der Soldatenhandel deutscher Fursten nach Amerika, 2. verm. u. umgearb. gr. 8. Berlin, f Th. 12 gr. Springer..... Schmid, H. Concordia. Eine deutsche Kaisergeschichte aus Bayern. 5 bde. 8. Leipzig. E. J. Gunther...........4 Th. Brentano, Frz. Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkte. (In 2 Bdn.) 1 Bd. gr. 8. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot. 2 Th. 12 gr. Voigt, H. Fundamentaldogmatik. Eine zusammenhäng. historisch krit. Untersuchg. u. apologet. Erorterg, der Gotha, Fundamentalfragen christl. Dogmatik. F. A. Perthes.... Schrader, A. Von Warschau nach Portici. Roman aus der poln. Revolution. burg, Blucher...

[blocks in formation]
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