MACMILLAN & Co. Have Just Published: THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATION In Plants, in the Lower Animals, and in Man. By J. BELL PETTIGREW, M. D., F.R.S. With HORÆ HELLENICA: Essays and Discussions on some important points of Greek Philology and Antiquity. By JOHN NEW VOLUME OF THE GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES. SCOTTISH SONG: A selection of the choicest Lyrics of Scotland. Compiled and arranged, with brief Notes. ESSAYS AND ADDRESSES: By Professors and Lecturers of Owen's College, Manchester. 8vo, $5.00. THE APOSTOLICAL FATHERS: By A critical account of their genuine Writings, and of their Doctrines. By JAMES Donaldson, THE GOSPEL OF THE RESURRECTION: Thoughts on its Relation to Reason and History. By the REV. B. F. Westcort, D.D. New RENDU'S THEORY OF THE GLACIERS OF SAVOY: Translated by Alfred Wills, Q.C.; with Supplementary Articles by Professors Tait and Rus- THE BALLADS AND SONGS OF SCOTLAND, In view of their Influence on the Character of the People. By J. CLARK MURRAY. SONGS OF CONSOLATION. By ISA CRAIG KNOX. F'cap, 8vo, $1.50. A COMPENDIOUS DICTIONARY OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. In a Metrical Paraphrase. By R. M. HOVENDEN, B.A. F'cap, 8vo, $1.75. INTRODUCTION TO IRISH FARMING. By THOMAS BALDWIN, M.R.I.A. 18mo, 75 cents. NEW VOLUMES OF THE CLARENDON PRESS SERIES. A TREATISE ON THE USE OF THE TENSES IN HEBREW. By S. R. DRIVER, M.A. 12mo, $3.25. BURKE. SELECT WORKS. Crown Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by E. J. PAYNE, B.A. Vol. 1. Thoughts on Present Dis- THE WORKS OF HORACE. Edited, with Introductions, Essays, and English Notes, by E. C. WICKHAM, M.A. Vol. 1. Odes and Epodes. 8vo, $6.00. Macmillan & Co., 21 Astor Place, New York. PAPER WAREHOUSE, J. M. SHERWOOD, No. 38 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF BOOK, NEWS, BAG, ENVELOPE AND MANILA PAPERS. MAILING PAPER A SPECIALTY. Publishers who desire Paper of the right Size, Weight and Quality for use, in the "TRADE LIST ANNUAL," will be supplied at the shortest notice, and at the Lowest Price. A COLOMBIER FOLIO COPY OF Turner's Picturesque Views in England and Wales. With Text by Lloyd, 1838, 2 vols. large Colombier folio, 96 superb copper-plates, Original India Proofs before the Letters, with text, a matchless copy for sale, Price £80. Apply at once and direct to BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 Piccadilly, London. *** A Large Paper Copy, imperial 4to India Proofs, can be had for £50; a Large Paper Copy, imperial 4to Ordinary Proofs, with Text, can be had from B. Q. for £9 9s. The ordinary copies in royal 4to have poor impressions, and deserve no notice. This work can be imported into the United States of America free of duty. MOUNT DESERT ISLAND, MAINE. WE SHALL PUBLISH, JUNE 24, A GUIDE-BOOK ΤΟ MOUNT DESERT ISLAND, Illustrated with Five Photographic Views, and Two Maps, from U. S. Coast Survey Charts; the whoje gotten up in the best style. The GUIDE is divided into Four Sections, viz.: Giving Routes to Mount Desert; its History; Excursions; and How to make the Best Use of a Short Visit. Printed on Tinted Paper. Square 16mo. 100 pages. Lithographic Cover. PRICE 75 CENTS. Trade supplied by OR BY LEE & SHEPARD, Boston. LEE, SHEPARD & DILLINGHAM, New York. LORING, SHORT & HARMON, Publishers, PORTLAND, ME. ANNOUNCEMENT. At the request of Dr. H. Von Ziemssen, Professor of Clinical Medicine at Erlangen, a number of the most eminent clinical instructors of Germany have undertaken to prepare, in a series of independent treatises, a complete. Cyclopædia of the Practice of Medicine. The incentive to this labor is the great need which has been felt the past year or two of a work which fully corresponded to the present standpoint of clinical medicine. This Cyclopædia will embrace the entire range of Special Pathology and Therapeutics, and will be completed in fifteen volumes, large octavo, of from 500 to 700 pages each. The list of contents of each volume, in Prospectus, gives the names of the Authors, and the special departments which they have undertaken. While the work of each writer will bear the stamp of individuality, there will be an effort made to give to each subject the prominence and space due to it only-that the harmony of the entire work may be preserved. It is designed that the Cyclopædia shall be, par excellence, a Practical Handbook for Physicians, and for this reason especial attention has been given to clear and systematic arrangement. For the value of the whole work, as well as the separate departments, the names of the writers are a sufficient guarantee. Each volume will have a full and carefully prepared Index. Messrs. Wm. Wood & Co. have the honor to announce that by special arrangement with the German Publisher and Author, they will publish, by SUBSCRIPTION, a copyrighted translation of this work. The translating will be done by professional gentlemen, many of them former students of the writers of the different treatises, under the supervision of a responsible chief. Great care will be taken with the mechanical execution of the volume. The type will be large and clear, the paper fine, and the engravings electrotypes of the originals. It is proposed to publish three to four volumes a year, at, as nearly as possible, regular intervals, in order to distribute the cost of subscription equally over about four years. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Payable upon the Delivery of each Volume. Fifteen Volumes, octavo, muslin binding, per vol., 66 66 66 leather 66 66 half morocco binding, per vol. Send for a Prospectus, containing full details, etc., to WILLIAM WOOD & CO., Publishers, $5.00 6.00 7.50 27 GREAT JONES STREET, NEW YORK, ΤΟ DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL MATERIALS. The School Edition of the EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE, for the FALL TERM (fifth year), will be issued during the latter part of July, and will contain an entirely new complete classified Reference List of School-Books, with retail prices for 1874-1875. The list will be arranged as in the number of last summer, according to special branches; such as Algebra, Arithmetic, Astronomy, Composition, Dictionaries, French, Geography, German, Greek, History, Latin, Philosophy-Natural and Mental, Primers, Readers, etc., etc., with numerous cross-references. Thus information on any branch can be obtained at a glance. The names of the Publishers will be indicated by initials, to which a separate key will be supplied for the special use of Dealers. The Educational Catalogue, published last summer, was circulated by most of the leading firms, and long after it was out of print inquiries for it were received from all quarters. The experience gained from that result will make the forthcoming one superior to any guide to educational literature ever published for the use of American Booksellers and Teachers. In making up special orders for the Educational Catalogue Booksellers should bear in mind that it possesses more than temporary value, and will be called for during the whole year. The last page will be left blank, unless a stereotyped or electrotyped page, uniform in size with the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, shall be sent before going to press. If we are to make the plate, it will be charged extra at the mere cost of composition and electrotyping, viz., $6.25. These rates are charged uniformly for any page that does not contain more matter than can be set up in nonpareil. Copy should be sent with the order. Mode of shipping must be stated when ordering the CATALOGUE. NOTICE. As numerous orders for editions were received, last summer, after the issue of the Educational Catalogue, we again call attention to the necessity of being in possession of all orders on or before July 10th. We must be able to determine on the quantity of the paper that may be required for printing several weeks before going to press. In order to avoid unnecessary correspondence, we beg to say that, in justice to our advertisers, we must decline printing any editions “without advertisements," before September. It is mainly owing to the support of advertisements hat the " Catalogue can be compiled and printed at the low rates at which it is offered to the trade. As, however, no wholesale price advertisements are accepted, the additional lists of publishers and manufacturers cannot possibly depreciate the value of the paper, but, on the contrary, will secure to the dealer additional chances for sales. All communications concerning the EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE should be addressed to F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher, P. O. Box 4295, New York. All orders will be filled in succession, according to their dates. SEASONABLE BOOKS FOR TOURISTS. New England. A full, concise, accurate Guide-Book to all the Cities, Mountain and Seaside Resorts and memorable places in New England. Indispensable to every Tourist within these six States. many Maps and Plans. $2. The Adirondacks: With What Summer Comforts and Recreations they offer; how to get there and to gain the most health and benefit from them; and a very readable book, too. By W. H. H. Murray. With Maps and Illustrations, $2; cheaper edition, without Maps, $1.50. Newport: Some of its Picturesque, Romantic, and Historical Features, very charmingly described, and illustrated with Heliotypes in "Oldport Days" ($2.50), and in "Malbone: an Oldport Romance" ($1.50). By T. W. Higginson. Boston Illustrated: A clear, full, and interesting representation of Boston and its Suburbs. Very amply illustrated. 50 cts Seaside Studies: A charming description, with Illustrations, of New England Polyps, Jelly Fishes, and Star Fishes. By Alexander and Mrs. E. C. Agassiz. $3. Woods and By-Ways of New England: A delightful book, full of out-door and forest information, penetrated by the flavor and fragrance of our New England woods and fields. By Wilson. Flagg. With Heliotype Illustrations. 8vo. $5. Thoreau's Excursions: MAINE WOODS, CAPE COD, WALDEN, CANADA, CONCORD AND MERRIMACK RIVERS. Marvellously keen and minute in observation, abounding in original suggestions, and exceedingly interesting. $2 each. SUMMER READING. Good for Mountain or Seaside, Farm-House or Watering-Place, Outdoors or Indoors. Aldrick's Prudence Palfrey. Paper, $1; | Verne's Tour of the World in 80 Days. cloth $1.50. Marjorie Daw. Paper $1; cloth $1.50. Warner's Baddeck. $1. My Summer in a Garden. $1. Howells' Their Wedding Journey. $2. A Chance Acquaintance. $2. Same. 18mo. $1.50. Mrs. Thaxter's Among the Isles of Shoals. Owen Meredith's Fables in Song. $2. $1.50. Five Weeks in a Balloon. $2. Blackburn's Normandy Picturesque. $1.50. H. H.'s Bits of Travel. g1.50. Higginson's Out-Door Papers. $1.50. Good Paper-Cover Novels. Zelda's Fortune. $1. Murray's Young Brown. 75 cents. King's Queen of the Regiment. 75 cents. For sale by Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the Publishers, JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. |