Slike stranica

Johnson's new universal cyclopædia. 4 v.

Projected by Horace Greeley, edited (on a somewhat different plan) by Pres. Barnard. The articles are signed, and on some controverted subjects there are articles on both sides. Rich in Amer. matters, geog. and biog. Joret, C. Herder et la renaissance lit. en Allemagne.

"Cette remarquable étude, dont on s'est plus occupé en Allemagne qu'en France, offre le tableau curieux et souvent piquant de l'évolution accomplie par l'Alle magne au 18e siècle pour échapper au joug de la France et retrouver une littérature nationale. Nous avons été long temps dupes des vertus des Allemands, nous avons trop cru à leur désintéressement, à leur humanité, il est temps de rétablir les droits du bons sens avec ceux de l'esprit français. Joret loue ce que les Allemands ont montré de puissante originalité, sans rien dissimuler de leurs erreurs et de leur injustice envers la France." Rev. pol. et lit.

King, T. Starr.


Christianity and humanity; ser

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The inhabitants of Upper Egypt have preserved the ancient type and many manners and customs which have been lost in Cairo and the trading towns of the North.

With a preface by Schweinfurth who speaks highly of the author's opportunities and capacity of observation, and pronounces his description of the Egyptian Christians more satisfactory than that of Lane. Knowlton, I. C. Annals of Calais, Me., and St. Stephen, N. B.

Kompert, L. Nouvelles juives.

The stories of Kompert have been noted for twenty years in Germany as entertaining and faithful pictures of the peculiar character, manners, and belief of the German Jews.

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Legeay, U. Histoire de Louis XI. 2 v. Linderman, H. R., Director of the Mint. Money and legal tender in the U. S.

Luard, H. R. Relations between Eng. and Rome, reign of Henry III.

Maclean, J. Hist. of the Coll. of New Jersey. 2 v. McCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is.

"A hash-up of guide-hooks and official materials. His opinions are those of an advocate pleading for his client [the Khedive]; facts are glossed over, excuses and palliatives urged. The style too is cumbrous and pretentious." — Spectator.

Manning, H. E., Archbp. of Westminster. Miscellanies.

Matthews, W. Ethnography and philology of the Hidatsa Indians.

Mazade, C. de.

Life of Count Cavour.

From the Revue des Deux Mondes.

"The best work on Cavour is by H. von Treitschke, having the great merit that the milieu in which Cavour lived and worked, the atmosphere in which he was brought up, and the varied social and political forces which he partly guided and partly followed, are de scribed with a fulness and clearness which make the book much more than a simple biography. Mazade has not all these merits, yet his narrative is full of life and ease, his style readable, and his criticism clear,

pointed, and vigorous. His book is aimed at the understanding of a foreign people and not at the fostering of French national vanity."- -Exam. Mérimée, P. Chronique de Charles IX.

Mélanges historiques et littéraires.

Contents. Les Mormons. Les Cosaques de l'Ukraine et leurs derniers Atamans. Sur un tombeau découvert à Tarragone. -- De l'histoire ancienne de la Grèce. L'hôtel de Cluny De la littérature espagnole. -Les Romains sous l'Empire. Mémoires d'une famille huguenote. - De Penseignement des beaux-arts. - Res. tauration du Musée. Vie de César-Auguste. - Inventaire des joyaux de Louis, duc d'Anjou. Miln, J. Excavations at Carnac.

Mr. Miln made important discoveries of traces of Roman occupation at the Bossenno and Mont St. Michel, and here describes them modestly, and perhaps a little drily. 162 pages of interesting details admirably and abundantly illustrated." - Acad.

Mitchell, S. W. Fat and blood; and how to make them.

Modern surface ornament. [24 plates.]
Moreau, H. La politique française en Amérique,

[blocks in formation]

The Contemp. rev. praises M.'s earnestness, courage, scrupulous honesty, and psychological acuteness.

"Mr. Morley has in the course of the last few years risen out of the class of brilliant periodical essayist into the higher class of the very few who influence opinion. He has long had the car of the public as one they are willing to listen to: he is now looked to as one from whom they expect to learn. And he has long exchanged the juvenile gratification of saying a smart thing for the manly satisfaction of trying to say the true thing." -Acad.

Morris, E. E. The age of Anne. (Epochs of modern hist.)

Narjoux. Notes and sketches of an architect in the north-west of Europe.

"One of the pleasantest books of light reading which we have met with for some time.” — Acad.

Nineteenth century. Vol. 1.

"The ablest piece of literary criticism in the vol. is the paper on George Sand by F. W. Myers." Nowell, R. Spending of [his] money, 1568-80. That is, his account-book.

Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Carità.

Has one or

"Written with more care than usual. more characters struck out from observation which may live in the reader's memory, and this is saying a good deal for a modern novel." — Sat. rev.

"Uneven but always pleasant and readable."
"Contains, as is inevitable in a story from Mrs. Oli-
phant, fine observation, and clever semi-cynical remarks
on life."- Brit. q. rev.

Osborn, R. D. Islam under the Arabs.
Parkman, F. France and England in N. A. Pt. 5:
Count Frontenac and New France under
Louis XIV.

Peile, J. F. Philology. (Green's Lit. primers.)
"A brief and able résumé; fresh, bold, and inde-
pendent treatment of the subject."- Nation.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Story of Avis.

The author is suffering from the common complaint called 'gush', and many of her sentences are little better than those of the authoress of 'St. Elmo'. Yet, in spite of great blemishes, the novel is interesting, almost absorbing. Miss Phelps, for all her unreality and overstrain

ing, does say many good things that show a knowledge of human nature. Her very boldness and excess may have an attraction, but she also has more deserving qualities. She reads women excellently in spite of the alarming pedestal she hoists them upon. The fault of her literary work is not in the conception, but in the execution."- Scribner's.

Pierce, E. L. Memoir and letters of Ch. Sumner. Deals only with Sumner's private and literary life, 1811-45, including his European tour, in which are many entertaining sketches of men famous in literature, art, society, and politics.

Pitman, Robert C. Alcohol and the State. Powell, J. W. Contributions to North American ethnology.

Prentiss, Mrs. E. Pemaquid; a story of old times in New England.

Price, Francis C. Fac-similes illustrating the labours of W. Caxton at Westminster, and the introd. of printing into Eng., with memoir, etc. Proctor, R. A., Myths and marvels of astronomy. Contents. Astrology.-Religion of the great pyramid. - Mystery of the pyramids. - Swedenborg's visions of other worlds. - Other worlds and other universes. Suns in flames. The rings of Saturn. - Comets as portents. -The lunar hoax. - Some astronomical paradoxes. - Astronomical myths. Origin of the constellation-figures.

[ocr errors]

Radcliffe, C. B., and others. Diseases of the spine and nerves.

Ramsay, Allan. Poems; with life.

Ravaisson, F. Archives de la Bastille. Tome 9. Renan, Ernest. Les évangiles et la seconde génération chrétienne.

China. 1r Bd.

Richthofen, F., Freiherr von.
Sellar, W. Y. Roman poets of the Augustan age:

A descriptive monograph. very warmly praised in the Nation. And the N. A. rev. pronounces the book "a masterpiece. Such a piece of critical writing is hardly to be found in English." To be succeeded by a volume on Horace.

Séyd, E. The fall in the price of silver.
Shairp, J. C. Poetic interpretation of nature.

"It is one of the writer's chief objects to show that the imagination in dealing with external nature is as really a truth-discovering faculty as is the intellect, although truths of the imagination are of a different order from those which science ascertains. Beauty, although for its existence it requires a living soul, is no less real than light or gravitation." -- E. Dowden, in Acad. Sharp, S. Rudiments of geology. Shields, C. W. The final philosophy. Smith, II. B. Faith and philosophy, discourses

and essays.

Contents. The relations of faith and philosophy.. Nature and worth of the science of church history. Reformed churches of Europe and America. - Christian theology as a system. The new latitudinarians of England. Theological system of Emmons. - Christian union and ecclesiastical rennion. Sir W. Hamil. ton's theory of knowledge. Draper's Intellectual de. velopment of Europe. - Whedon on the will. - Renan's Life of Jesus. - The new faith of Strauss.

Southgate, H., Bp. The cross above the crescent; a romance of Constantinople.

Stedman, E. C. Hawthorne and other poems. Stieler, K., and others. The Rhine from its source

to the sea.

Sumner, C. Works. Vol. 12.

Sweetser, M. F. Raphael. (Artist-biographies.) Titian. (Artist-biographies.)

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T., M. W. Sursum corda; hymns for the sick and suffering.

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Theuriet. Gerard's marriage.

"A story of provincial life and as fresh and charming in its idyllie simplicity as Goethe's Herman and Dorothea. M. Theuriet is a skillful artist, whose slightest touch tells upon the general effect; we make the acquaintance of a whole village society whose members are as clearly discriminated as the most labored creations of the modern English school." - Appleton's journal. Other critics are a little less enthusiastic. Thompson, J. P. The U. S. as a nation; lectures on the centennial.

Vapereau, L. G. Dict. univ. des littératures.

A convenient book of reference in questions of literary history, literary æsthetics, and composition, and of bibliography.

Verne, Jules. Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais.

[blocks in formation]

Villari. In change unchanged. (Leisure hour ser.) "The writer, English by birth, Italian by marriage, uses her great advantage of a double nationality with a taste and skill which remind us of Quits' and 'The initials'."

Wagner, R. The Nibelung's ring; a festival play;

English words to R. Wagner's Ring des Nibelungen, by A. Forman.

Walford, L. B. Pauline. (Leisure hour ser.)

By the author of Mr. Smith. "Fully sustains the favorable reputation produced by the writer's former story. To take a commonplace mortal and so to set him before the reader that he shall become a personal acquaintance, this is art. .. And he has succeeded in the wellnigh impossible task of putting a fairly new Minna and Brenda on paper." Acad.

Wilkinson, J. Narrative of a blockade-runner.

Includes a full account of the passage by the U. S. flect of the forts below New Orleans, and some new facts about blockade-running.

Woolsey, T. D. Political science. 2 v. Wright, E. Traps baited with orphan; or, What is the matter with life insurance? Wylie, W. G. Hospitals; their history, organization, and construction.

Yonge, Miss C. M. Womankind.

"I have no hesitation in declaring my full belief in the inferiority of woman, nor that she brought it upon her. self." Chap. 1.

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Contents. Something about our good things. month in the Adirondacks. - A plea for phrenology. Three months in the shadow. The loom of the East.Lavater: or, The two faces. The kingdom of the commonplace. Were the slave states a part of the nation. American good-nature. Our contemporaries. A broken heart.

Art, L'. 1877. Vol. 2, 3.

The most noteworthy contents of vol. 2 are a paper by Ch. Yriarte on "the great Spanish painter Goya, illustrated by some half dozen of Goya's most striking etchings, stunning in their cold, fierce vigor; a wonderful portrait of a lady by Chaplin in the Paris Salon: Guillemet's Falaises de Dieppe, an impressive stretch of sand and sea overlooked by stupendous cliffs; an essay with illustrations from his own pencil on Théophile Gautier as a painter. and an essay on Mme. de Saux (Mme. Henriette Browne) who has for many years contributed such remarkable Arabic and Moorish pieces to the Paris Salon". - Contemp. rev.

Vol. 3 contains an excellent portrait in etching and fine engraving of M. Thiers; autograph etchings by Saintin, Toussaint, Desbrosses; other fine ones after Jules Breton, Orchardson, Burne, Jones, Diaz, -one in particular by Champollion, after Fortuny's 'Moors and vulture', and above all, an etching, equally happy in subject and treatment, from Watts's portrait of Lady Lindsay of Balcarres. About the value of all these things there can be no doubt. The last seems to us a work in which the ideal and the real are quite wonder. fully united. There are excellent papers on the last Salon, Sèvres china, and early faïence at Quimper and Rouen. In short, there is a wonderful amount of good art for the money.” - Contemp. rev. Arundel Society. Chromolith. Christ's charge to S. Peter; from the fresco by P. Perugino in the Sistine Chapel at Rome. Batterson, Rev. H. G. Christmas carols, and other


Benjamin, S. G. W. Contemporary art in Europe.

Gives an account of the financial and social condition of art in each country and of the aims and tendencies of each school, with notices and spirited portraits of artists. Bibliographie de Belgique, 1875.

Bigelow, E. B. Tariff policy of England and of the U. S. contrasted.

Black, W. Green pastures and Piccadilly; by B. in conjunction with an American.

The scene of part of this novel is laid in America. "The least satisfactory novel from an artistic point of view which Mr. Black has of late years produced, though of course it contains many pleasant touches of humor, inuch really charming description.". -Ath. Bowditch, H. I. Public hygiene in America; cen

tennial discourse, 1876; with corresp. [and] digest of Amer. sanitary law, by H. G. Pickering.

Bridgman, M. F. Mosses; [verses].

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"Mr. Dobson keeps closer to nature than Mr. Lockyer, turns more frequently to quaint antique topics and sug gestions, and cultivates forms of poetic writing which, however successfully used in France and Italy, have seldom been adopted with felicity into our perhaps in flexible tongue. In some of these Mr. Dobson's suc. cess is altogether extraordinary. Contains a large num. ber of poems for the due enjoyment of which a good deal of special culture is needed. Mr. Dobson exhibits a well-marked talent for light dramatic dialogue.' Dow, J. Tuck genealogy; Robert Tuck, of Hampton, N. H., and his descendants, 1638-77. Fairbairn, Sir Wm. Life by himself, completed by W. Pole.

"Fairbairn put his hand to the first sketches of some of the chief improvements of the age. His course is a justification of the saying that genius consists in the power of taking infinite pains." - Ath. Field, H. M., D. D. From Egypt to Japan. Fleury, J. Rabelais.

"Le livre de Rabelais est une encyclopédie où toutes les théories dont l'ensemble constitue le progrès du 16e siècle sont venues se grouper: réforme de l'éducation, renouvellement de l'esprit humain par les sciences nouvelles et l'étude de l'antiquité; critique des institutions ecclésiastiques, financières, judiciaires; tolerance religieuse. M. Fleury a tenu à montrer brièvement les antécédents de toutes ces idées et le développement qu'elles devaient prendre après Rabelais. Dans le dernier chapitre M. Fleury passe en revue tous les jugements portés sur Rabelais par ses ennemis et ses amis."- Rev. pol. et lit.

Forbes, A., and Greene, J. W. Rich men of Mas

sachusetts; sketches. 1851.

Fortnum, C. D. E. Bronzes. (So. Kensington Museum hand-books.).

[ocr errors]

Friederici, C. Bibliotheca Orientalis; list of books pub. in 1876 on the East. Geographisches Jahrbuch.

6r Bd., 1876.

Graham, E. The cuckoo clock; illust. by W. Crane. By the author of 'Carrots'.

Grant, Sir A. Aristotle. (Ancient classics for English readers.)

Contains in 196 pp. a life of Aristotle; a survey of his writings illustrated by quotations. criticisms, and reflections; and a chapter on "Aristotle since the Christian era".

Greene, D. H. History of the town of East Greenwich and adjacent territory.

Grimm, J. L. C. and W. C. Deutsches Wörterbuch. Bd. 4, Abth. 2: H-J.

Hart, C. H. Memoir of the life and services of Col. J. Nixon.

Harvey, P. Reminiscences and anecdotes of Daniel Webster.

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Napoleon's conspiracy and of the causes which favored its success. Schoelcher's indignant narrative, published within a few months after the events it narrates, is still the best record of the sentiments entertained in 1851 and 1852 by all honest men. Nor have Victor Hugo's reminiscences all the power which might be expected from a protest against an infamous and successful crime uttered by the greatest of living French writers. The work is as a literary performance not quite equal to its author's reputation. But if it be considered as a political pamphlet, aimed at the conspirators of to-day, it will be perceived to be a work of which it is hardly possible to exaggerate the importance."- Nation. Hunterian Club. [Publications.] Nos. 33-40. Contents. No. 33. Rowlands, S. A sacred memorie of the miracles of Christ. 34. Rowlands, S. A whole crew of kind gossips. 35. Lodge, T. Scillæ's metamorphosis. 36. Lodge, T. A Margarite of America. 37. Rowlands, S. Heavens glory. Earths vanity. - Hels torments. 38. Rowlands, S. Doctor Merrie-man. 39. Rowlands, S. Famous history of Guy, Earl of Warwick. 40. Bannatyne, G. The Bannatyne ms. Pt. 3.

Ihne, J. A. F. W. History of Rome. Vol. 3. Thought to be less interesting than the preceding volumes.

International Medical Congress of Phila. Transactions, 1876.

Johns, E. W.? (pseud. Evan ap Coel). The silver wedding; romaunt de Moyen Age.

Johnson, A. H. The Normans in Europe.

"An excellent little manual of the hist. of the Norman incursions and settlements in Europe from the 9th to the 12th century." — 19th cent.

Kertbeny, K. M. Bibliografie ungarischer Literatur. 1s Heft.

King, T. S. Substance and show, and other lectures; ed. with introd. by E. P. Whipple. Ladson, G. S. Lotos land, and other poems. Lamb, C. and M. Poetry for children, and Prince Dorus.

First published in London, 1809. 2 v. 18°; reprinted. Boston, 1812. The English edition has been lost since 1827 till last spring when a copy was found in South Australia. Two copies of the American edition are known to exist.

Legouvé, G. J. B. E. W.

Théâtre de campagne.

Contents. le sér. Legouvé, G. J. B. E. W. Ma fille et mon bien; comédie. Meilhac, H. Paturel; com. Bornier, vicomte A. de. Le monde renversé; com.— Hervilly, E. de. La soupière; com. Legouvé, G. J. B. E. W. Autour d'un berceau. Normand, J. Les petits cadeaux; com. - Hervilly, E. de. Silence dans les rangs! com. - Legouvé, G. J. B. E. W. La fleur de Flemcen; com.- Le Reboullet, A. Avant le bal. Choieçke, C. E. Un salon d'attente; com. 2e sér.Labiche, E. M. La lettre chargée; fantaisie. Droz, G. Les crises de monseigneur: com. Gondinet, E. Le mari qui dort; com. Sollohub, le comte V. Sa canne et son chapeau: com. — Hervilly, E d'. Vent d'ouest; com. — Theuriet, A. La vieille maison; com. -Sollohub, le comte V. Une sérénade; scène proverbe. - Gondinet, E. Les convictions de papa; com.

M. Legouvé, of the French Academy, was the literary partner of Scribe and the author of Médée. "None of these little plays is in the least immoral, and, with the exception, indeed, of two of the ten, Paturel', by M. Meilhac, and 'Les petits cadeaux', by M. Normand (which, although in no sense improper, may suggest phases of life of which the young mind is fortunately likely to be ignorant), there is nothing in the volume to offend the most fastidious. For students of French no longer novices, and seeking to acquire idioms and colloquial phrases of use in actual talk, these plays, written in just the right conversational key, are very well adapted; and for acting in the parlor or reading aloud it would be difficult to surpass some of them, notably the two comedies of M. Ernest d'Hervilly, of which one especially. La soupière, slightly in the style of A morning call', and gracefully satirizing the chinamania

of the day, is particularly polished and pointed." - Nution, noticing the 1st series. In the 2d series, 'La lettre chargée' and 'La vieille maison' are said to be "très joli"; 'Les crises de monseigneur', and 'Une sérénade' to be "très bête".

Linas, C. de. Les origines de l'orfévrerie cloisonnée.

"J'appelle orfévrerie cloisonnée un travail particulier de joaillerie qui consiste à incruster à froid dans des alvéoles d'or, ou, par extension, dans une plaque de métal découpée à jour, soit des pâtes vitreuses, soit des lames de verre, soit des pierres précieuses taillées en table, soit enfin des cabochons, disposés de manière à former un ensemble décoratif, une sorte de mosaique." - Pref.

Linton, Mrs. E. L.

The world well lost.

Little, A. Early New Eng. interiors; sketches in Salem, Marblehead, Portsmouth and Kittery. Littré, E. Supplément au dictionnaire de la langue française.

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"Les additions comprennent en première ligne un grand nombre de termes techniques et de néologismes de tout genre, recueillis dans des publications contemporaines; on y trouve aussi des acceptions nouvelles de certains mots déjà inscrits dans le dictionnaire, des étymologies, des historiques qui manquaient, des exemples nouveaux, quelques rectifications, etc." Rev. d. D. M. London Library. Catalogue; by R. Harrison. Lorenz, O. Catalogue annuel, 1876. Lytton, E. R. B., 2d Baron Lytton. Julian Fane; a memoir, [with his literary remains].

Fane "was. I think, the most graceful and accomplished gentleman of the generation he adorned". Lytton. Similar appreciation comes from Henry Reeve, Forster, and others; and Morley speaks of his "refined and delicate nature, his graceful, poetic, and subtle in-. tellect, and the singular and remarkable charm of manner"; he says he never "found any one out of America more unwavering in his belief and sympathy, or more intelligent and appreciative as to the causes and progress of [our] great conflict than he was". Macy, Capt. W. H. There she blows! or, The log of the Arethusa.

"Not a mere yarn', but a series of illust. sketches of actual life on the ocean, made up of real incidents and introducing for the most part real characters." — Pref. Majendie, Lady Margaret. Dita. (Leisure hour


By the author of Gianetto.

Manfred, pseud. Lord Byron vindicated; or, Rome and her pilgrim; [verses].

Mears, D. O. Life of E. N. Kirk.
Merivale, C.

Roman triumvirates. (Epochs of ancient history.) Mitchell, D. G. About old story-tellers: of how and when they lived, and what stories they told.

Short biographies of the great story-tellers, Scott, DeFoe, Goldsmith, Swift, Bunyan, etc., and sketches of the stories they wrote. Mr. Mitchell confesses "a lurking fondness for those good old-fashioned stories which were current forty years ago and some of them may be a hundred years ago-written in good straightforward English. I cannot outlive the zest with which I first pored over the story of 'Lazy Lawrence' or 'Barring out'. " Bookbuyer.

Muffel, N. Beschreibung der Stadt Rom; hrsg. von W. Vogt.

Newfane, Vt. Centennial proceedings and historical facts; [by a committee]. O'Callaghan, John Cornelius. History of the Irish brigades in the service of France. Palestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly state


[Dec. 22, 1877.

Parton, J. Caricature and other comic art in all times and many lands.

"Mr. Parton exhibits his usual skill in catching the popular and picturesque features of his subject." Appleton's jour

Pebrer, P. Taxation, revenue, expenditure, etc., of the British Empire. Pennell, H. Cholmondeley. Puck on Pegasus. 8th ed.

"In 'P. on P.' there was literary work which, of its kind, has never been surpassed."- Spectator. Pennington, R. Notes on the barrows and bonecaves of Derbyshire.

Perkins, F. B. Devil-puzzlers, and other studies. Odd, bright, and amusing.

Plumptre, E. H. Popular exposition of the epistles to the seven churches of Asia.

Poor, H. V. Money and its laws.

Summary. "Part 1. An abstract discussion of the Laws of money, in which it is shown that gold and silver became money, without convention or compact, from the universal and instinctive desire for their possession; that their value depends upon cost alone. Part 2. A critical History of money from the earliest times. In it is shown that Aristotle is the source of all monetary theories now prevailing; that his assumption that money is a creature of convention or compact, has, with little variations, been fully accepted by all succeeding writers, all hold. ing that the most worthless of substances might be made money which would circulate at the value of coin, provided their amount did not exceed that necessary for the exchanges that were taking place; in other words, that money was a 'medium of exchange', value itself being no necessary attribute of it; an erroneous assumption. Part 3. A history of currency and banking in

the United States."

"The laws of money' is clearly and strongly written. In the 'History of monetary theories' all the writers of note on money are reviewed by Mr. Poor, and are criticised unsparingly."- N. Y. Er'g. Post.

Prime, W. C. Pottery and porcelain of all times and nations.

"Mr. Elliott's work should be possessed for the compendiousness and practicality of its information and for the superior elegance and variety of its illustrations; and Dr. Prime's treatise should be at hand for consulta. tion on difficult or obscure points, and for filling in the details of one's knowledge. The list of marks on pottery and porcelain in Dr. Prime's book is believed to be the most complete that has appeared in any single volume, and beginners will find much useful advice in the chapter on Collectors and collecting in America'." Appleton's journ.

Prince of Argolis; with illustrations by J. M. Smith. The illustrations are excellent, following the best authorities in their representation of architecture and costume, including specimens of early sculpture and pottery in the British Museum and Schliemann's dis. coveries in the Troad. A lad with any liveliness of imagination would be led on by these to further study of such matter in other and graver works."- Lippincott. Prior, R. C. A. Popular names of British plants; [their] origin and meaning; a [dictionary]. Quaritch, B. General catalogue of books: Supplement, 1875-77.

Raymond, Prof. G. L. Ideas made real, [and Haydn; verses].

Renan, E. Les évangiles et la seconde génération chrétienne, (74–117).

According to the Revue pol. et lit. "pour M. Renan les hommes sont plus que les doctrines. Ce n'est pas une certaine théorie sur la justification et la ré. demption que a fait la Réforme; c'est Luther, c'est Calvin. Le parsisme, le judaïsme, l'hellénisme auraient pu se combiner sous toutes les formes sans produire ce fait unique, fécond, grandiose, qui s'appelle le christianisme. Ce fait est l'œuvre de Jésus, de saint Paul, de

« PrethodnaNastavi »