saint Jean. Faire l'histoire de Jésus, de saint Paul, de saint Jean c'est faire l'histoire du christianisme." Revue historique; dir. par G. Monod et G. Fagniez, 1876-77.5 v. The historical journal of the Protestants in France, as the Revue des questions historiques is the organ of the Catholics. Both are sustained with great ability. Ruskin, J. St. Mark's rest; history of Venice. Pts. 1, 2. Saint-Graal, Le, pub. par E. Hucher. "Le roman du Saint Graal est une conception relativement récente, élaborée avec des matériaux anciens. La trame du récit est chrétienne, chevaleresque, tout imbue de ce que l'on aurait pu appeler, an 12e siècle, l'esprit moderne; les éléments de la composition paraissent, au contaire, appartenir à l'ancien fonds bar. dique, et nous dirons plus, aux traditions gauloises." The present edition is prepared, apparently, with the very greatest care, and beautifully printed. Several different versions of the romance are given. The orthography of the mss. is exactly followed. Vol. 1 contains a long and interesting dissertation on L'origine du roman Le Saint-Graal. Schliemann, Dr. H. Mycenæ; researches and discoveries at Mycenæ and Tiryns; the preface by Gladstone. Sime, J. Lessing. "Goethe and Schiller built upon the foundations Les. | sing had laid. He cast abroad more germs of fruitful thought than any other writer of his time. In him we find the ideal of the best qualities of the 18th century, and some of those considered most characteristic of the epoch in which we live. In all literary history', says Heine, 'Lessing is the writer whom I love most'. "- Pref. "It is to Lessing that an Englishman would turn with readiest affection. We cannot but wonder that more of this man is not known among us." T. Carlyle. "Mr. Sime must be congratulated on having given his readers as good an idea of Lessing's views as is possible in a short space." Sat. rev. This account of the life and writings of Lessing leaves little or nothing to be desired. - Spectator. Smith, R. D. History of Guilford, Conn. Smithsonian Institution. Annual report, 1876. Stieler, K., and others. The Rhine. "Written by three German authors, and illustrated by ever so many artists. Its style is the best form of handbook; and Mr. Bartley seems to have wrestled not unsuccessfully with the joint effusions of the three gentle. men in one. The book is a good book, though it might be better with fewer illustrations-not only because some of them are not so good, but because the reader would then have time to study and enjoy the majority, which have more or less merit." - Contemp.rev. Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its founder. "A condensed and impartial account of Mohammedanism." - Fortnightly rev. Stoney, Major F. Sadleir. Memoir of the life and times of R. Sadleir. "S.'s life was long, active, and sometimes adventurous. He was employed by Henry VIII. and Q Elizabeth in the affairs of Scotland. Lloyd, in his Worthtes, calls him 'one of the last of Englishmen'." Sullivan, A. M. New Ireland. "He might fairly have called it "The genesis of home rule'; throws valuable light on recent Irish politics, but contains next to nothing about the present condition of the Irish people." "A series of vivid and picturesque sketches. The author, a devoted Ultramontane and an uncompromising Home Ruler, is yet able to state the case of his country in a form which appeals to the candor of his English fellow-countrymen." Acad. Sully, J. Pessimism, a history and a criticism. Discusses not merely that ordinary pessimism in which a gloomy view of life is the result of low spirits, but a school of German thought which aims at a com plete theory of the universe; which had its beginning 1 with Arthur Schopenhauer (who affirmed that "the world is the worst among all possible ones") was continued by Franenstädt and Hartmann (who calls the world a rational blunder) and has many adherents at the present day. "Meliorism (a faith in our ability to increase the amount of positive good, the only faith that can stimulate human endeavor) not optimism is Mr. Sully's theory. The work is diffuse." Sweetser, M. F. Dürer. (Artist biographies.) "Simple narrative of the extraordinary influence a disinterested and kind-hearted man was able to exert over the people who came under his rule in India." Edinburgh rev. Col. Taylor was "the man who wrote the three books which, of all books in existence, tell us most of the Hiudoo character, the 'Confessions of a Thug' which was famous forty years ago], 'Tara', and Seeta'. Though not a great man, he was a most re. markable one; he had a magical influence over the natives, and was obeyed, as it were, on sight. Our own explanation of the mystery is that he was by nature a good Hindoo; he held precisely the notion of government which is their ideal, good, gentle, non-interfering government, based on a short code and the will of a good man." - Spectator. Trowbridge, J. T. The book of gold, and other poems. Two years behind the plough; experience of a on a Bucks County farm. Claims "general truthfulness of the scenes and characters." Pref. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey of the Territories. Verne, J. Hector Servadac. 2e partie. "Une série d'agréables recits de mœurs flamandes qui se distinguent par la simplicité de la touche et la sobriété des détails. La note émue n'est pas non plus absente de ces récits. Les amours du bonhomme Jef, Les Dunes. La famille Tuerlinckx. nous ont paru réunir plus particulièrement ces qualités." - Rev. d. D. M. Villehardouin, G. de. Conquête de Constantinople; avec la contin. de Henri de Valenciennes; texte orig. accomp. d'une trad. par N. de Wailly. 2e éd. Whitaker, J. Reference catalogue of current lit erature. Wilkins, A. S. Roman antiquities. A review of the Brahminical system in its various modifications, including a parallel with Buddhism. Fortnightly rev. Willis, R. Servetus and Calvin. "The horrible death of Servetus was an act of personal revenge planned with deliberate treachery and carried out with cool determination by the pious Reformer at Geneva." - Ath. To be published as often as there are titles enough to fill a sheet. Subscription for 1878, 15 cts. It is desirable that the number of subscriptions should be known soon for the determination of the number to be printed. Some copies of Nos. 1 and 2 are still to be had at the Library. Aldrich, T. B. The queen of Sheba. "Mr. Aldrich's growth as a port has been one of the most notable facts of our recent history; and his latest essay in fiction is stamped with the same tokens of ma. turing power. By power we do not mean the convulsive force that so often goes by that name in literature, but the quiet ability to imagine clearly, and the art to execute with delicacy and distinction; the conscience that forbids the artist to let anything go from his hand without the last refining touch. The story is one of singular freshness and interest. The style is witty and full of a genial spirit. As for the mere diction, it must be very good since it does its office so transparently that one does not think of it." - Atlantic, in which the story first appeared. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen; hrsg. von L. Herrig. 57. Bd. Contains, among other articles, "Ein Versuch die Nachwirkung von Lessing's Laokoon en einigen Dichtungen Goethe's zu erwiesen; von E. Eickershoff". Backer, A. de. Bibliothèque de la Comp. de Jésus. Vol. 3. Bagford ballads, The; ed. by J. W. Elswort. Pt. 2, 3. (Ballad Soc.) Beckwith. Majolica and fayence. Traces the manufacture of a variety of glazed pottery from its birthplace, the Spanish island of Majorca (whence it gets its name, in an Italian form) through the modifications received in various cities of Italy; and also follows it to the Spanish mainland and as far castward as Persia. Illustrated by photo-engravings. "Gives little space to marks and monograms and is rather concerned with the manufacture of pottery and with the æsthetic considerations which should have weight in its decoration. The book is slight, brief, off-hand in discussion of interesting topics, peremptory in its decisions, full of common sense and the result of close observation." Nation. Bigot, A. Li bourgadiero; poésies patoises. 7e éd. In the dialect of Nimes. Blackie, J. S. Wise men of Greece; dramatic dia logues [in verse]. "Unexhausted by his labours in teaching to the world at large Greek, Celtic, Scotch music, moral philosophy, and other subjects, Prof. Blackie has found time to compose a number of dramatic dialogues, the purpose of which is, in his own words, 'to give the general reading public a living concrete notion of what the thought of Thales was, in his day, to the society of Miletus; what Pythagoras, with his school of moral discipline, was to Crotona, and so with the rest'. What is remarkable is that in so large a book, dealing with so many burning questions, and offering so many opportunities for excusable interpolations and anachronisms, there should be so little doctrine which can be confidently assigned not to the Greek philosophers, but to the Edinburgh pro. fessor. The work is, in fact, full of sound learning, and we can well believe its author that it is the 'produce of hard work and years of study." Athenaum. "So little indeed is there of Prof. Blackie himself in the volume, except in the preface and notes, and so faithfully has he presented almost every line upon the direct authority of Greek text with a careful accuracy that reminds us of Becker's 'Charicles', that it is difficuit not to regard the 'Wise men of Greece' as a sort of companion to the series of Ancient classics for English readers'." Exam. "When a man not only (like some early Greek philosophers) thinks he knows everything, but also (unlike Greek philosophers, who learnt poetry betimes as part of their educ.) supposes that the communication of his knowledge in a poetical form comes by nature, little else than failure can be the result." Sut. rev. Bluecher, G. L. von, Fürst von Wahlstatt. Bluecher in Briefen aus den Feldzügen 1813-15; hrsg. von E. von Colomb. "Bluecher's vigorous and racy pen. The biting, laconic sentences, uncouth and mis-spelled, reveal strong native faculties, astute insight, fire, and toughness of purpose." Acad. Chancer, G. Chaucer for children; by Mrs. H. R. Haweis; illust. The Spectator thus compares it with Spenser for chil. dren; by M. H. Towry. "In the first place, Chaucer's poetry is more suited to children than anything that Spenser ever wrote. If Spenser is prolix to grown-up men and women, what must he be to children? It is the story that is tedious; it is the allegory that is wearisome. The poetry is divine. Miss Towry gives us the stories without the poetry, or, more distinctly speaking, without the verse, for her prose is not only good, but like Astrophel's somewhat poetic. But we do not think that children will be deeply interested or amused by it, and we feel sure that it will do them no manner of good. Now, Mrs. Haweis' work is eminently calculated to do them good. Indeed, it is a book from which even grownup people may not only derive a great deal of pleasure, but a great deal of information. The illustrations are charming, superior to the Spenser not merely in brightness and artistic delicacy, but inasmuch as they have evidently a tale to teil, and they tell it." Cook, J. Biology. Transcendentalism. In Popular science monthly for Feb. is an article on the 'Biology' in which, as might be expected, it is decidedly condemned. There is an article in the Index by B. F. Underwood, to one part of which D. A. Wasson replies in the Unitarian rev: for Jan., maintaining "the transcendentalist view concerning our knowledge of causation against the empirical or empirico-sceptical". The Unitarian rev. also has a review of the Biology by Bixby in which complaint is made that the scholarship is not accurate nor the logic cautious, and examples are given. Finally the Literary world for Jan. contains a "symposium" on Cook's Transcendentalism' by N. P. Gilman (Unitarian), Dorus Clarke (Orthodox), and J. L. Dudley (??). Costa de Beauregard, marq. A. A man of other days; recollections, ed. by C. M. Yonge. "The history of a Savoyard family, 1752-1800, with suppl. chapters to 1824. The substance of the work is to be found in the letters of the Marquis Henry, beginning when he was a boy, and those of Joseph de Maistre: with sentimental comments by the great-grandson of the former, the absence of which would have been a considerable relief to readers generally". - Athen. "The opening chapters of the work introduce us to Paris society at the time when it was perhaps the most brilliant; and it is amusing to accompany our hero to Mme. Geoffrin's salon, where Marmontel, Rochefoucauld, Greuze, Diderot, Cochin, and many others, discourse literature, art, and philosophy. Costa writes home brilliant descriptions of the sights he has seen and the company to which he has been introduced. Marmontel is in distress because his 'Belisarius' is condemned by the gov. censors; Voltaire abuses Fréron; Mme. Geoffrin reads to her guests the letters she receives from her friend, Stanislaus-Augustus Poniatowski, King of Poland; Greuze makes himself disagreeable by his suspicious manners and his avarice. The variety of scenes described in these pleasant memoirs, the historical personages crowded together on the canvas, and the account of the noble but fruitless struggle of Savoy against the French Republic, give to the whole work a dramatic interest which derives additional charm from the character of the Marquis himself, -a character in which high principle, genuine wit, and patriotism are happily blended together." - Sat. rev. Daudet, A. Lenabab; mœurs parisiennes. 10e éd. "It is a most carefully studied and life-like picture of Parisian society under the Second Empire, with portraits of well-known personages. M. Daudet's talent is losing something of its simplicity and vigour. He becomes confused, diffuse, and incorrect; he heaps his colours one on the top of the other, and often draws caricatures rather than pictures. As regards composi. tion and style, Jack is inferior to Fromont jeune; and the Nabab is inferior to Jack." - Acad. "Portraits, far from flattering, of some who. like M. Jules de Lesseps, are alive are also introduced, but do not sin against good taste to a greater extent than do those of the Duke of Abercorn and others in the novels of Lord Beaconsfield. But the unpardonable offence of M. Daudet lies in his scandalous travesty of the lives of the duc de Morny [Mora] and of Sir Joseph Olliffe [Jenkins]. The forty editions of M. Daudet's 'Fromont jeune et Risler aîné' and its acceptance by the Academy were won by careful writing. To 'Jack', M. Daudet's last novel, the most extraordinary expenditure in adver. tising ever known in the publishing trade of France failed to give a similar sale, and in it the critics found an imitation of Dickens as unsuccessful as that of Balzac in M. Daudet's previous novel had been close and strong. 'Le nabab' is an attempt to imitate Zola." Athenæum. (Zola's "Rougon, Macquart & Cie." is the history of a family under the Second Empire.) The nabab is a M. Bravay who made a large fortune in Egypt as some say by corrupt means, although About speaks well of him in the Athenœum. Montpavon is Montgazon. Daudet was secretary of the Corps Legislatif when Morny was its president. Dawson, J. W. Origin of the world. "Prof. Dawson is a clever logician, a brilliant rhetorician, a writer with fine perception of literary ensembles, and a man of science; although he has gone a little lunatic upon reconciliations of the Mosaic cosmography with the current inductions of geology." - The library table. "A defence of complete harmony between science and revelation, taking of course the 'days' of creation as so many 'periods', but accepting from the sixth day downwards the Biblical narrative in its most literal sense. Of course the evidence from 'cave' and 'fossil' man, from flint weapons in the drift, and layers of alluvial soil accumulated over the remains of human life, from Egyptian or Chaldean legends stretching back to a fabulous antiquity, have one and all to be explained away." Graphic, London. Doran, Dr. J. London in the Jacobite times. 2 v. "Each page contains incidents enough for an inde. pendent work, and the reader longs in vain for a piece of 'padding', as a relief. It gives us all the history of England for more than a century." Athen. Duncker, M. W. History of Antiquity; from the German, by E. Abbott. Contents. Vol. 1. Egypt. - The Semitic nations, as far as the point when the nations of Iran began to influence their destinies. Ancient history re-written by the light of recent investigations, especially the discoveries in Assyria. Ebers, G. Eine ägyptische Königstochter. A historical novel of considerable power, in which the romance is not entirely buried under the learning. As to the erudition Ebers is declared by Egyptologists to be good authority on the reign of Ramses; as to the art, if his Egyptian princesses and priests and doctors have a suspicious resemblance to German princesses and theologians, and physiologists, he may claim that they are at least interesting, and ask who can prove that the men and women of the 14th century before Christ had not the feelings and ideas of the 19th century after. Edkins, J., D.D. Religion in China; a brief account of the three religions [Confucianism, Buddhism, Taouism]. With observations on the prospect of Christian conversion. The 1st ed. appeared in 1859. Four new chap- | ters are added. Festa, G. B. Hist. of the war of Fred. 1. against the communes of Lombardy, [1152-83]. With a preliminary discourse on the origin of the liberty of the communes. Gardiner, S. R. Personal government of Charles 1., 1628-37. "These two volumes will bring the reader to the threshold of the Puritan Revolution. The period of nine years here treated of is one in which many causes were at work to undermine the Royal authority, and an accurate knowledge of these less exciting times is therefore absolutely indispensable to the formation of a sober judgment on the more stirring events which followed. Hitherto no book has even professed to trace the gradual change which came over English feeling year by year." Preface. Geikie, C. Life and words of Christ. "His aim is nothing less than to enable us to see the condition of the world at the time of Christ's birth, and during his lifetime, as if we were contemporary with him-or rather, far more clearly, for a contemporary of Christ probably knew nothing of what was occurring beyond the limits of his little province. Every item of fact that can reproduce for us Palestine as it was-even to the aspect of the seasons, the nature of the soil in each locality, and the character of the flora and fauna-is detailed with the most careful minuteness, and every recorded event in the life of Jesus. and each of his sayings and teachings is placed, as far as possible, in its proper relations to the existing circumstances of time and place. With far greater elaboration than Renan he re. constructs for us the milieu into which Christ was born." Appleton's jour. "Dr. Geikie is no critic. His object is picturesque and readable sacred biography, and in this he succeeds." - N. A. review. Gobineau, J. R., comte de. Romances of the East. In the preface the author decries the maxim that "Men are every where the same", and declares "that the fact that men are everywhere essentially different in their passions, their vices, their method of looking on themselves and on others, in their beliefs, interests, and the problems in which they are engaged gives history its value, poetry a part of its worth, and romance all its raison d'être". And so Gobineau's Afghans, Circassians, Persians, Turks are Afghans. Circassians, Persians, and not Frenchmen; and, as the N. Amer. rev. says, the stories read "as if told by an Eastern mau, and not by an outsider". The translation is not perfect. Herrick, R. Chrysomela, a selection from the poems of H.; with notes by F. T. Palgrave. "A poet hitherto little known in proportion to his charm and his desert." Palgrave. "Contains something not easily to be found elsewhere, a biographical and critical appreciation of Herrick. A selection from which almost every trace of the coarseness in the morals of the Restoration has been excluded." Nation. "Mr. Palgrave's essay is in his best style, playful yet earnest. light yet massive." Westm. rev. Jehu Junior, pseud. Vanity fair album; a show of sovereigns, statesmen, etc. Vol. 9. 52 full-length colored caricature portraits, including Andrassy, Brassey. Bright. Ignatief, Midhat Pasha, Sir Francis Doyle, Theod. Martin, Dr. J. H. Newman, the Rev. Arthur Tooth, and the composer Wagner. Johns, E. (pseud. E. Marlitt). Im Hause des Com merzienrathes. 2e Aufl. We have a translation entitled "At the councillor's". Kaufmann, D. George Eliot and Judaism; trans. "His view is that wherever the Jews take root there they germinate, unaffected by variations in the nature of the soil, and proof against any inclemency of atmosphere. It is only lately that the idea of nationality has reappeared among them in all its antique sharpness of outline, and the Judaism of to-day is awakening to national self-consciousness. Deronda is a Jew de manding the rights pertaining to his race, and claiming admittance into the community of nations as a legitimate member; and this representation of Judaism is, the writer holds, 'in its glorious exaltation most healthy and beneficial, and opens up the prospect of a complete and perfect body destined to renewed life of fresh and manly vigour." Sat. rev. "The four great representatve Jews in fiction would be Marlowe's 'Shakespeare's' Lessing's, and George Eliot's. To analyse them all, and show how each was to a certain extent the product of the age, is a task well worth doing". Westminster rev. Lacroix, P. Science and literature in the Middle Ages and at the Renaissance; illust. "Cosmopolitan impartiality, however, is not a French virtue, and certainly is not to be found in E. Lecroix. For pictorial effect a noteworthy book, but its liter. ary judgments are not to be trusted." Spectator. Lawrence, G. A. Guy Livingstone; or, Thorough. thenism. One of the earliest of the novels of muscular heaLe Conte, J. Elements of geology. An attempt to present in a scientific manuer to the intelligent general reader whatever is most interesting in geology, without the details which are suitable only for those who desire to become special geologists. Evolution is made "the central idea about which many of the facts are grouped". Lessing, G. E. Johann Faust; ein allegorisches Drama; hrsg. von C. Engel. First printed anonymously in 1775. McKnight, D. A. The electoral system of the U.S; a crit. and hist. exposition of its fundamental principles in the constitution, and of the acts and proceedings of Congress enforeing it. "He insists on the original purpose of the framers of the constitution, when they provided that the President and Vice-President should be chosen not directly by the people but by electors, and with this view submits the form of a constitutional amendment. He can hardly | find words strong enough to express his disapprobation of the electoral commission." Boston d. Advertiser. Mansilla, L. V. Una escursion a los indios Rranqueles. "Obra premiada en el Congreso Internac. Geograf. de Paris (1875)." In 1869 Mansilla was appointed com. mander of the S. and S. E. frontier of the prov. of Córdoba, where he was very successful in establishing peace. While there he made a visit to the hostile cacique, which forms the subject of the present work. Martin, T. Life of the Prince Consort. Vol. 3. Of less dramatic interest than v. 2. The account of the way in which Napoleon III. fascinated the Prince and Queen and the whole history of the Anglo-French alliance in the Crimean war form the best parts of this volume. May, Sir T. E. Democracy in Europe; a history. "I have illustrated democracy from the history of those states in which its incidents have been the most remarkable", Greece, Rome. Italian republics, Switzerland, Netherlands, France and England. "I have investigated the causes of the political development of nations. stud. ied the inner life of many republics, in ancient and modern times; and followed the most memorable revo. lutions, and the greatest national struggles for civil and religious liberty. The spirit in which this history is written is this:-I hail the development of popular power, as an essential condition of the social advance. ment of nations; I am an ardent admirer of political liberty, of rational and enlightened liberty; and I condemn any violation of its principles, whether by a despotic king, or by an ill-ordered republic." - Preface. "The title seems to court comparison with the wellknown study of De Tocqueville on 'La démocratie en Amérique'. But the two works have little in common but their names. Many a reader can probably remem. ber how vividly phrase after phrase of the French writer stamped itself upon the memory, thanks to the speculative power of the thought, and the concentrated earnestness of style, and the breadth of the generalising fancy, which, bold and hazardous as it might often seem, yet served at least to rivet attention and stimulate enquiry. Some impatient readers might complain that they were treated to a larger dose of questionable theory than undoubted fact. There is little likelihood of such objections being brought against the work before us. Those who have already studied the history of the times in question will not find much to reward their search in the descriptive summaries here presented to us; those who have a speculative interest in tracing the obscurer laws of social progress must not look to May to do for them what Aristotle did long ago in some departments of the subject, and what De Tocqueville, Stein, and Bagehot, Mr. Tylor and Sir H. Maine, and others, have carried out in various branches with subtlety and erudition mingled. But those who have, or think they have. no leisure will find in the work before us, not, perhaps, 1 Church. Vol. 2. A republication of his apologetic writings in defence of the Church of England; with additions pointing out what he now regards as his fallacies. "Dr. Newman, who as a controversial champion may boast to have slain his thousands in his day, has now added one more, and not the least illustrious, to the long list of his victims.-his former self. Not that the Fellow of Oriel has really anything to complain of at the hands of the Father of the Oratory. Unsparing as is Dr. Newman's exposure of what he deems the errors of statement and fallacies of reasoning into which his via media theory betrayed him, his candour is too exquisite to permit him to be unjust even to his self of other days." - Contemporary rev. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Young Musgrave. "The rapid succession in which Mrs. Oliphant produces her novels is very remarkable; still more remarkable is it that all her novels are good." - Examiner. "Had Mrs. O. only been content to tell a simple story instead of straining her inventive faculties to the utmost in order to construct a far-fetched, intricate plot, intended to keep the reader on the tip-toe of expectation to the end, her present book would be a truly charming work of fiction. Mrs. O., no doubt, defers to a morbid taste of our time." - Athenœum. Osborn, R. D. Islam under the Khalifs of Bagh 12. Contents. Pt. 9. Tombs in and near Rome. 10. Sculpture. 12. The catacombs. Poor, H. V. Money and its laws. Reviewed by W. G. Sumner in the International rev., which also has a review of Pierce's Sumner by B. P. Poore. Revue politique et littéraire, 1877. One of the best French critical journals. Scarlett, P. C. Life of Lord Abinger. "By the dull son of a remarkable father. Fortunately it contains ninety pages of autobiography which are invaluable. They give Scarlett's account of the causes of his own success, and are a compendious statement, by the first of English advocates, of the principles on which depends the art of advocacy". Nation, July 26. Schliemann. Mycenæ. There is an article in the Contemporary for Jan. on Mycene and Cyprus by R. Stuart Poole of the British Museum, which is not a mere review, but an independent study of late archæological discoveries. Blackwood for Dec. and the Edinburgh for Jan. also have an article about Mycense; and in the Dec. Fraser is an interesting account of the recent excavations by the artist and archæologist. W. Simpson. He considers the connexion of the tombs with Agamemnon as at present unproved. The Athenœum for Dec. 22. also has a somewhat sceptical article. The Jan. Quarterly has doubts about the existence of Trojan symbols at Mycense and the Ηρη βοώπις theory. Bayard Taylor writes on Ephesus, Cyprus, and Mycense in the N. A. rev. for Jan.-Feb.; and Mahaffy is to add chapters on Olympia and Mycense to the new edition of his "Rambles and studies in Greece". 1 1 Sidgwick, H. A supplement to the 1st ed. of the Methods of ethics, cont. all the add. and alterations in the 2d ed. "I have further been led, through study of the Theory of evolution in its application to practice, to attach some. what more importance to this theory than I had previously done." Preface. Spofford, H. P. Art decoration applied to furniture. "Traces out the history of decoration as applied to furniture. She shows at once its development and its significance. She invests it with its true historic mean. ing. She furnishes the information which ought to prevent our decorators, who are too often uncultured mechanicians from falling into their often ludicrous anachronisms." - Harper's mag. (The book is published by the Harpers.) Swinburne, A. S. Note on Charlotte Brontë. A dithyramb in praise of Miss Brontë, whom Swinburne calls "a type of genius directed and moulded by the touch of intelligence" and contrasts with George Eliot, "a type of intelligence vivified and colored by a vein of genius". The Spectator, whose criticism of Wemyss Reid's Memoir of Miss Brontë is attacked by Swinburne. calls the Note "uproarious, panegyric", and "extravagance run mad, with panting English epi. thets toiling after it in vain." "There has certainly been nothing so good as this study ever written on the Brontës. - Athen. "Mr. Swinburne is still very young." - Contemp. rev. Taylor, W. H. Four years with Gen. Lee, with an authoritative statement of the strength of [his], army. The author was "confidential staff officer with Gen. Lee during the entire war". Thomson, Sir C. W. Voyage of the 'Challenger' [in] the Atlantic, 1873 and 76. The Challenger circumnavigated the globe in the four years 1872-76, for purpose of scientific observation, and especially to explore the bottom of the ocean. The present volume is a diary only of the two passages across the Atlantic in 1873 and 1876. The author was director of the civilian scientific staff of the ship. In his Depths of the sea (1873) he had given an account of the preliminary cruises of the Lightning, between Scotland and Faeroe, in 1858, and of the Porcupine in 1869-70. Tiele, C. P. Outlines of the history of religion to the spread of the universal religions; from the Dutch by J. E. Carpenter. "The object of the History of religion is to show how that one great psychological phenomenon which we call religion has developed and manifested itself in such various shapes among the different races and peoples of the world. All religions, even those of highly civilized nations, have grown up from the same simple germs; and by it, again, we learn the causes why these germs have in some cases attained such a rich and admirable development, and in others scarcely grew at all." Preface. Trollope, T. A. Life of Pius ix. "The author's long residence in Italy has afforded him somewhat exceptional opportunities of acquiring information and forming a judgment about men and things related to the Papacy. He is certainly happier in his comments on the political than on the ecclesiastical bearings of the tale-on which last he is always superficial and often obviously mistaken; nor does it seem to have occurred to him that, if his estimate of the relig ious question be correct, we should be almost inevitably landed in the awkward dilemma that either Christianity, as a divine revelation, is false, or that the extremest and most intolerant Ultramontanism is its sole legitimate expression. A very readable narrative, in a jerky diffuse, and colloquial style, not unfrequently verging on vulgarity.- Sat. rev. University magazine. By this name the Dublin univ. mag. is hereafter to be known. In the Jan. no. is an interesting article by the widow of Dr. George Boole on her husband's character and opinions. Herbert Spencer declared the step taken in Boole's "Investigation of the laws of thought" to be one "far greater in originality and importance than any taken since Aristotle". Waring, J. B. The arts connected with architecture; illust. by examples in Central Italy from the 13th to the 15th century. Warner, C. D. Being a boy; illust. by Champ. "The essence of a country boy's life in a New Eng. hill town thirty or forty years ago. The reminiscences are not sentimentalized, but they are touched with the greatest tenderness". - Atlantic. "One of Mr. Warner's most delightful studies. The spicy smell of the sweet fern, thick about the rocks in old pastures, the tinkle of cow-bells, the breath of new hay come to one as the pages are turned." The library table. Wiese, L. German letters on English education. Dr. Weise is the author of a thorough account of Prussian schools, every where recognized as of authority. More than twenty years ago he visited England and studied and described its educational system. A second visit was followed by a second series of letters, in which a less favorable view is taken of the condition of the higher education in England than in the first series. The letters do not treat so much of popular education or of the universities, as of the great public schools. "His present work is fuller and more elaborate than its predecessor, and affords yet stronger evidence of its author's keen insight and general fairness and breadth of view. His frequent denunciations of the system of examinations, competitive and otherwise, would have more weight if the alternative he has to offer had more chance of being accepted." - Acad. Wynn, C. W. Memorials; ed. by her sister. "We have had nothing very like it since the memoirs of Sara Coleridge and of Mrs. Hare. Among her father's friends were Southey, Hallam, Mackintosh, Heber, and others; among those who were peculiarly her own were Baron Bunsen, Baron Varnhagen von Ense, Mr. Carlyle, and Mr. Maurice. Her conversations with M. de Tocqueville and Montalembert are very interesting." - Globe, London. "Miss Wynn's letters, with the exception of a few written from Paris in 1851, rest entirely upon their literary distinction. Now it is rather a curious fact that while so many women are good letter-writers, far better than ordinary men, few women have ever reached the very highest level. Perhaps Mme. de Sévigné still remains alone, for we hardly think that even our own Lady Mary Wortley Montagu can claim a place beside her. Miss Wynn lived much abroad; and died at Archacon, when a little over 60 years of age, in 1869." Athenaum. "The letters exhibit traces of intelligence that assume the look of downright shrewdness. She appears to have been a highly-cultivated woman, taking a deep interest in religious, political, and social questions, but, so far as we can judge. without any enthusiasm of accomplishment or pursuit. She shows a strongly affectionate nature, very well balanced, with a deep-seated conscientiousness, and a consequent love of what is solid in human relations. It is probable that the impression left upon the mind of a stranger would gain much in tenderness if it were not for omissions which were quite natural to the high-toned reticence of good society. We can call to mind no memoir of a woman of any distinction of character which leaves so strong an impression of the entire sanity of its subject. Happy is the country where such women are, so to speak, a not very uncoininon product of the soil, and yet make no stir." |