Peard, F. M. The white month. "The scene of 'The white month' is laid in Brittany, and the heroine of The white month', a certain Marguerite de Keragnac, is a Breton maiden charming enough in her single self to make all her readers hope that she is real, and many of them think seriously of a ramble in the land of pardons and dolmens, of Dinorah and the Chouans. With an excellent knack of dialogue, the author has a good eye for character; while now and then, as in the presentment of Marguerite herself, and, above all, in that of Madame de Keragnac, Marguerite's stepmother, she achieves a great artistic success. Her landscapes and interiors, too, are very neatly and prettily done; they have the quality of being quiet and faithful in themselves, and of producing a picturesque and vivid impression on their readers." Ath., March 27. Poncins, L. de. La prise de la Bastille. Zur deutschen Geschichte; vom Religionsfrieden bis zum dreissigjährigen Krieg. 2e Aufl. Rialle, G. de. La mythologie comparée. Tome 1. "La théorie du fétichisme poussée à l'excès, a nui au travail de M. de Rialle. Elle l'a conduit à confondre sous la qualification commune de fétiches, en les répartissent seulement entre les différents règnes naturels, des objets aussi différents que les cailloux et des montagnes, par example, ou que les animaux réels et les animaux fantastiques. De tels procédés de classification ne sauraient conduire à aucune conclusion solide. Mais ils laissent à l'ouvrage, en tant que collection de faits, une valeur réelle, diminuée seulement, sinon pour le grand public, au moins pour les savants qui voudraient en tirer profit, par l'absence complète de références." - Abel Bergaigne in Revue critique, 5 juillet. Ross, D. W. Studies in the early history of institutions. No. 3. Rowe, R: Picked up in the streets; or, Struggles for life amongst the London poor. "Mr. Rowe studied the waifs of London life, the flotsam and jetsam, with the assiduity of a naturalist, and the sympathy of a philanthropist. Mr. Rowe was a moralist no doubt, but he never moralises. He simply describes, 'holds the mirror up to nature' with a steady hand, and leaves his readers very much to draw their own inferences. Mr. Rowe has studied the most hopeless wrecks of humanity with the same sort of curiosity that an entomologist devotes to considering the habits of insects. To most people they may present no single feature of interest, but to him they are meat and drink. He blames them not. He simply observes their ways, and takes notes. His methods of study are strictly experimental." - Exam., July 24. Russell, W. C. A sailor's sweetheart. (Franklin Sq. lib.) "In 'A sailor's sweetheart' Mr. W. Clark Russell has surpassed even 'The wreck of the Grosvenor', and told a tale which for originality of plan, inventive skill, descriptive power, and romantic interest comes near to being the most remarkable marine novel we have ever read." Literary world, Oct. 23. Saint-Victor, P. de. Les deux masques: tragédie, comédie. le sér. Les antiques. T. 1. Eschyle. 2e éd. "The author promises three series; the first dealing with the great Greek dramatists and with the Indian Calidasa, the second with Shakspeare, and the third with the entire range of French drama. A history of the Persian wars, even in M. de Saint-Victor's language, seems a tremendous introduction to a criticism of Æschylus. However, the work is so admirable in itself that it is hard to quarrel with the design which has occasioned it. The early chapters on the Bacchic orgies and festivals, and the running criticism of the father of tragedy himself, especially of the Prometheus and the Oresteia, are wholly admirable. In a very few instances his rich and flexible prose becomes a little too prodigal in its wealth, and seems to lack firmness in its flexibility; but this is a danger of the style which no one but his master Gautier himself has uniformly succeeded in avoiding." Sat. rev., July 3. "The style of M. de Saint-Victor is certainly the most brilliant to be found at the present day among French journalists. Lamartine happily indicated this brilliancy when he said 'I only read Saint-Victor through blue spectacles." - Acad., July 31. "Le talent de l'éminent critique est bien connu, et l'on savait d'avance dans quel style magistral, avec quelle abondance d'idées et d'images, avec quelle richesse d'aperçus et de comparaisons, il allait nous parler du vieux maître de la scène grecque. On pouvait prévoir qu'il ne se bornerait pas à une étude littéraire, mais qu'à propos d'Eschyle il parlerait de la Grèce et du génie grec, qu'il mêlerait l'histoire et la mythologie, et ferait de son livre une œuvre d'érudition en même temps que de poésie et de critique. C'est ce qui est arrivé. Les admirateurs du grand talent de M. de Saint-Victor l'ont vu avec joie concentrer, dans une œuvre destinée à rester, les rares facultés d'esprit et d'imagination, de pénétration et d'analyse, qu'il dépensait depuis vingt ans dans ses feuilletons." - L. de Ronchaud in Rev. pol. et lit., 16 oct. Schenkel, D. Die christliche Dogmatik vom Standpunkte des Gewissens aus dargestellt. 2 v. Scherer, E. Diderot, étude. "Apropos of the complete edition of the works of that author published by MM. Assézat and Tourneux, in twenty volumes. M. Edmond Scherer has endeavored to put this great figure in his true place, equally removed from excessive admiration or excessive disdain. He examines Diderot in his private life, in his philosophy, in his dramatic criticism, in his plays, in his literary criticism and in his romances, in his æsthetic criticism and his dialogues. The most remarkable chapter is that which analyses the philosophy of Diderot; all the frequently obscure and contradictory theories of the chief of the encyclopædists are here explained and elucidated with great art. In M. Scherer's opinion, Diderot only possessed some of the qualities of a writer, and does not constitute a complete writer, or one of really the first rank. But he is animated and inspired in the highest degree, and this redeems the numerous faults which he displayed, and in the first rank of which cynicism and immaturity are too manifest." Acad., July 31. ... Scherer, W: Vorträge und Aufsätze zur Geschichte des geistigen Lebens in Deutschland und Oesterreich. Schmeidler, Dr. W. F. C: Das russische Reich unter Kaiser Alexander 11. Schopenhauer, A. Aphorismes sur la sagesse dans la vie; traduit par J. A. Cantacuzène. "If any works ever deserved to be translated into all languages of civilized countries they are those of Arthur Schopenhauer." - Nation, Dec. 23. Scotch sermons, 1880. "They may have been preached in Scotland by Scotchmen; but they depart very widely from the traditional type. There is not a single element of the old Scotch sermon in the volume, unless it be that of intensity. There is a complete absence of dogmatism and the theology of the Confession - at least, of its narrowness and its gloomy prospect for the future; and only the richer juices of its devout and glowing heart. It is, in short, the proclamation of religious Free-Thought by the foremost minds within the pale of the Church of Scotland." W: Mitchell in the Modern review, July. Senior, W: Travel and trout in the antipodes; an angler's sketches in Tasmania and New Zealand. "He delineates a phase of colonial life which has not been before dealt with, omitting all reference to politics, statistics, and other dry particulars which fill the 'four to five hundred volumes already published upon New Zealand'. Mr. Senior has been as happy in his description of the wonderful and romantic scenery of New Zealand as in that of Tasmania. Mr. Senior's humorous sketches of their former customs and of their present imperfect but promising civilization are full of interest." Ath., Jan. 24. Sensier, A. J. F. Millet, peasant and painter; tr. by H. de Kay. Shioda, M. Japanese pottery; a native report; with an introd. and catalogue by A: W. Franks. (South Kensington Mus. Art handbooks.) Talmud. A Talmudic miscellany; or, 1001 extracts from the Talmud, the Midrashim and the Kabbalah; comp. and tr. by P. I: Hershon; with introd. preface by Rev. F. W. Farrar; with notes and indexes. Tartt, W: MacD. Essays on some modern works, chiefly biographical. 2 v. Tissot, V., and Améro, C. Les aventures de Gas(T. 1, 13e éd.; 2, 11e pard van der Gomm. éd.) 2 v. "Qui nous en apprennent sur Berlin et la Prusse autant et plus que le Diable boiteux sur Madrid et l'Espagne." Firmin Boissin in Polybiblion, juillet. Uchard, M. Inés Parker. 5e éd. Reprinted from the Revue d. D. Mondes, mai, juin. "M. Mario Uchard, author of the well-known play 'La Fiammina', has written a better book than most of the novels that come before us, though there are some faults in it and some absurdities. The beautiful American heroine is now a stock character with French novelists. But Inés Parker has sufficient originality to separate her from the majority of her sisters." - Sat. rev., Aug. 7. Ulbach, L: Le chateau des épines. The sequel of this novel is 'Le crime de Martial'. Walford, C. Insurance cyclopædia. Vol. 4. Weitzmann, C. F. Geschichte des Clavierspiels und der Clavierliteratur. 2e Ausg. "Sie gewährt nicht sowohl dem Fachmusiker oder gar Musikhistoriker, als vielmehr dem Musikfreunde besonderes Interesse. Nicht als ob das Werkchen dilettantisch abgefasst wäre, im Gegentheil, sein Inhalt ist gediegen und auserordentlich reich an interessanten historischen Details, besonders aus neuester Zeit, die man anderweit nicht so leicht beisammen findet; aber die Form der Darstellung ist so allgemein verständlich und so wenig ermüdend, das man eben nicht Forscherinterresse zu haben braucht, um es Seite für Seite gewissenhaft durchzulesen." Literarisches Centralblatt, 8 Mai. Whitney, W: D. A Sanskrit grammar. (Vol. 2 of Bibliothek indogermanischer Grammatiken.) "The grammars of Colebrooke, Williams, and Müller, which have been in use until now, are largely adaptations of the native grammars of Panini and other pundits treatises of wonderful subtlety and vast learning, but as innocent of the methods of inductive science as the scholasticism of the Middle Ages. This grammar is the first scientific presentation of the facts of Sanskrit. Its most striking excellences are completeness, covering historically the whole literature from the Vedas to Kalidasa, and treating of some subjects, as accent and syntax, virtually for the first time; a new and simplified presentation of the Sanskrit verb; and clearness of statement and ingenuity of arrangement throughout the volume.". Literary world, June 19. "The author has made provision for the requirements of the various stages of progress by the use of different sizes of type. His remarks on the use of the cases and tenses are very valuable, and far better than what we have met with on the subject in other Sanscrit grammars." Ath., July 3. Wilhelm's wanderings; an autobiography. "An amusing volume of literary anecdotes, notably about Goethe and Landor." Westminster rev. ... "The author has lived a strangely wandering and eventful life, and has mixed with society in England, France, and Germany, of every rank. He was secretly married in Rome with the connivance of the Pope and of the Cardinal Vicar. The subject of a much-talked of cause célèbre." Morning advertiser. Wither, G: Vox vulgi; a censure of the Parliament of 1661. Now first edited by the Rev. W. D. Macray. ""Observant Wither' is our contribution to the list of epithets by which the poet has been distinguished, and it is based upon his 'Censure of the Parliament of 1661'. The new House of Commons met in May, and before the 1st of August Wither perceived that it was a congregation of 'brutes', of 'giddy rattlebrains', 'quick-witted things' who without a reason, reason overthrow', and were, in fact, running 'headlong to the devill'. This discovery was too much for his prudence. In the fulness of his vanity Wither at once directed against them 732 verses, intended to act as a 'chymick pill' for their purgation, dedicated the ms. to the Lord Chancellor, and received by way of return two years' seclusion in Newgate and No evidence could be more convincing than Wither's clumsy verse of the sudden change which came over England during 1661, and of the moral and social gulf by which it was separated from the England the Tower. of 1660." Ath., July 3. Albertis, L. M. d'. New Guinea; what I did and what I saw. "The author has spent altogether nearly three years in New Guinea and its immediate neighborhood; he has penetrated into the very heart of the island, and throughout his various explorations he has been indefatigable in forming his valuable collections and gathering information about the native population." - Athenœum, Nov. 13. Allies, T: W: A life's decision. "This is a book which is second in interest of its kind only to the 'Apologia' of Cardinal Newman. Mr. Allies has here given us the steps of his conversion." - Dublin rev., July. Arundel Society. 1880. Virgin in glory with two saints; from the altar piece by Pinturicchio at Monte Oliveto. Boston. City Council. Celebration of the 250th anniversary of the settlement of Boston, Sept. 17, 1880. Boston almanac and business directory, 1881. Boyesen, H. H. Ilka on the hill-top, and other stories. Broughton, R. Second thoughts. "Gillian is charming, a person very different from the Joans, Nancys, and Lenores whose joys and sorrows the author formerly chronicled. All the personages of the slight, but carefully written story, are entertaining. A charming freshness pervades the book; and Miss Broughton's ridicule of the 'excessive cultshaw' school, the 'Maudle and Postlethwaite' jargon - which, with the illustrations, is the best thing that has appeared in Punch since the healthy, hearty fun of 'Mr. Briggs' in the bygone years - is very amusing indeed." - Spectator, July 3. Bryant, W: C., and Gay, S. H. A popular history of the U. S. Vol. 4. Burke, S. H. Historical portraits of the Tudor dynasty and the Reformation period. Vol. 2. "It will, no doubt, give its readers a more just idea of the period, and of the men who figure in it, than can be formed from the usual run of Protestant writers. It is, however, important that a book like this, which professes to give a view of transactions very different from what is commonly taken, and which appears to be the result of considerable research, should be thoroughly tested. And we are sorry to say that so far as we have investigated the matter we can place very little confidence on our author's references. Though there are many passages expressed in such ridiculous language that we are scarcely able to understand the writer's meaning, it is, upon the whole, easy reading; and, what is of more importance, upon the whole it gives a true picture of the wickedness of the times, and of the Protestant party especially." Nicholas Pocock in the Academy, Oct. 16. Cable, G: The Grandissimes; a story of Creole life. "In painting the Creole life of New Orleans at the beginning of the century he has in effect broken new ground, and, as the soil is rich, one's first impression is that he has contented himself with merely overturning it. But, rich as it is, it needs an artist to exploit it with the success shown in 'The Grandissimes', and Mr. Cable is a literary artist of unusual powers. It is not only a charming picture cleverly painted. It deals with graver elements of social existence than mere picturesqueness; and though the society it depicts no longer exists, and its problems have been solved by time, it is none the less a serious and important work for that. The effect upon a tropical society habituated to the substitution of impulse, good or bad, for reasoning, loose or exact, of an institution whose maintenance involved an inversion of the mental processes of the modern world, is a theme worthy the powers of any expositor." - Nation, Dec. 9. Cambridge University calendar for 1880. Chaucer, G. Tale of the man of lawe; The pardoneres tale; The second nonnes tale; The chanouns yemannes tale; from the Canterbury tales; edited by Rev. W. W. Skeat. (Clarendon press series.) Chaucer Society. Autotypes of Chaucer mss. Christie, R: C. Etienne Dolet; the martyr of the Renaissance. "On the 3d of Aug. 1546 there was executed on the Place Maubert, Paris - first strangled and then burneda comparatively young man, who, during his short life, of which not less than five years was spent in prison, had devoted himself to the advancement of letters, and whose services in the cause, both as a printer and an author, if not so great as he himself believed, were nevertheless of considerable value. It was Etienne Dolet." - Robert B. Drummond in the Academy, Dec. 4. Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. Thirty years; being poems, new and old. Crockford's clerical directory for 1880. 12th issue. Daudet, E. Madame Sylvani. Disraeli, B:, Earl of Beaconsfield. Endymion. "In Zenobia we have Lady Blessington; in Neuchatel, Lionel Rothschild; in Count de Ferrol, Bismarck; in Prince Florestan, Louis Napoleon; and in Agrippina, his mother, Queen Hortense; in Jorrocks, Milner Gibson; in Thornberry, Mr. Cobden; in Montfort, Lord Melbourne; and in Comely, Bishop Wilberforce." - Lit. world, Dec. 18. We give a list of different ascriptions on p. 246. Dohme, R., and others. Kunst und Künstler des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. 2 pts. in 5. "Few modern works of art-biography are more satisfactory than this, for each life is written by some art critic who has devoted especial study to the artist of whom he treats. This of course precludes the unity of view and scientific aim that might be found in a work written throughout by one author; but, on the other hand, it ensures a far more detailed attention to each subject than would be possible to the art historian who sought to grasp the whole." - Acad., May 8. Dublin Univ. calendar for 1880. Dunsmuir, A. Vida; a study of a girl. 2 v. "A pleasant piece of writing, the various characteristics of the minor figures enhancing the common sense and simplicity of the rustic heroine. Miss Dunsmuir's tale has the merit of being short, though there is a good deal more in it than in most longer novels." Ath., May 1. "A curiously pleasing book. It answers exactly to the description given in its second title, 'Study of a girl'; and in the history of the girl of whom Miss Dunsmuir has made the study there is nothing more exciting than the fact that she is motherless, that she is hardly appreciated by her father, and that she receives three offers of marriage. Yet in the two volumes which make up the book there is so much simplicity and earnestness, such truthful exposition rather than analysis of character, that the faults which the work possesses are easily pardoned in consideration of its somewhat quaint and agreeably old-fashioned merits." Sat. rev., May 1. Duruy, V. Histoire des Romains jusqu'à l'invasion des barbares. Nouv.éd. T. 3. Fagan, L: Life and correspondence of Sir A. Panizzi. 2 v. Fenton, J: Early Hebrew life; a study in sociology. "This work is an application of sociology to those portions of the Pentateuch which deal with social life. The labors of Sir H. Maine, Mr. Herbert Spencer, and others, have so far determined the characteristics of the different stages of the development of human society as to render the general principles of sociology available for unfolding the social history which is enfolded in traditions of laws and customs. In the case of the Pentateuch nothing of this kind has yet been attempted. No endeavor has hitherto been made to reconstruct the history of early Hebrew society by the light afforded by research into the early history of man; and, therefore, since literary criticism has destroyed the traditional estimate of the age of the Pentateuch, it has not seldom been assumed by Hebraists that there is no real history attainable prior to the prophetic records, commencing about в.с. 800. It is, on the contrary, the object of this work to show, by comparison with the results of sociological research, that the Pentateuch contains traditional laws and customs which have gradually accumulated during the progress of the Hebrews from nomadism upwards. By grouping these customs, therefore, in their sociological order, an outline of Hebrew social life is obtained from the earliest period down to the commencement of the prophetic records. Consequently, instead of relying solely upon the prophets for the earlier Hebrew history, their testimony can be controlled by a valuable, independent body of evidence. The work will also be useful to students of sociology, since the customs, being arranged in historic sequence, can either be added to general collections of data, or, regarded as the history of an extinct civilization, can be studied in their bearing upon the science of man." Fergusson, J., and Burgess, J. The cave temples of India. "Splendid work. A volume which stereotypes these remarkable buildings, classifies them in distinct periods, makes some contribution to ethnology, and almost enables us to lift the veil in which early Hindu social history has hitherto been enshrouded. As a guide-book, too, though somewhat bulky, the book is complete. The caves are described with an amplitude of detail, with a clearness of plan, and with a precision of measurement which would leave little or nothing to any future Baedeker or Murray." - Sat. rev., Oct. 16. Fothergill, J. The Wellfields. "Such novels as The Wellfields render important services to art." - F. M. Owen in the Academy, Oct. 16. Free-Lance, pseud. Horses and roads; or, How to keep a horse sound on his legs; a series of papers repub. from 'The farm journal'. Garat, D. J. Mémoires; avec une préface par E. Gr. Britain. Master of the Rolls. Letters and Grigor, J: Arboriculture; a practical treatise on raising and managing forest trees, etc. Grove, G:, ed. Dictionary of music and musicians, 1450-1880, by eminent writers, English and foreign. Vol. 2. Guerin, V. Ile de Rhodes. 2e éd. "A minute and learned description of that island." Nation, Aug. 19. "Cet ouvrage est le plus complet qui existe sur cette île célèbre dans l'antiquité, plus célèbre peut-être au Moyen Age." - E. Beurlier in Bulletin crit., 15 sept. H., W. H., ed. Templeton and Malibran; reminiscences of those renowned singers, with original letters and anecdotes, with portraits by Mayall. Hatton, J. Three recruits, and the girls they left behind them. 3 v. "Although decidedly sensational, 'Three recruits' is certainly superior to the ordinary specimens of the blood-and-thunder school. The story is cast in the old coaching-times, and the three volumes are written with a good deal of spirit, and make exceedingly interesting reading." - Examiner, May 1. Hawthorne, N. True stories from history and biography. Heart, The, and its function. (Health primers, no. 8.) Holden, E: S. Sir W: Herschel; his life and works. Houdoy, J. La beauté des femmes dans la littéra ture et dans l'art du 12e au 16e siècle. Incorporated Law Society. Calendar for 1881. International Monetary Congress. Report of proceedings, with app. of the Conf. held in Paris, Aug., 1878. Jenks, H: F. Boston Public Latin School, 16351880. Johnson, R. Little classics. Vol. 17, 18. Contents. Vol. 17. Nature. 18. Humanity. Kardorff-Wabnitz, Baron W: von. The gold standard; its causes, its effects, and its future; from the German. Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea; its origin, and an account of its progress down to the death of Lord Raglan. Vol. 6. "The slowest of modern campaigns has had the fate of having the slowest of modern historians to record it." Examiner, Oct. 16. "This book is a disappointing one; and in Holofernes' words the author draweth out the thread of his verbosity finer than the staple of his argument." Spectator, Nov. 6. Myers, F: W: H: Wordsworth. (Eng. men of "They rest almost invariably on the authority of De Rossi, whose profound archæological learning Mommsen has frankly acknowledged. Like its companion volume on the history of the Catacombs, it is furnished with beautiful illustrations and chromo-lithographs, which give the reader something like an adequate notion of the ancient Christian paintings and sculpture. The whole subject has been a battle-ground for Catholics and Protestants. The latter have, for the most part, questioned the antiquity of any of these frescoes, and denied that we can derive from them any genuine approximation to the beliefs of the Early Church. Mr. Parker is among the skeptics. He has gone the length of declaring that De Rossi knows perfectly well that three fourths of the paintings belong to the eighth and ninth centuries. This is imputing to him deliberate bad faith, and our authors are naturally, reasonably too, as we think, very angry with him." - Spectator, Oct. 23. Oxford University calendar for 1880. Palmer, E. H. Haroun Alraschid, Caliph of Bagdad. Peard, F. M. Mother Molly. "Mother Molly' is a story of the troubles between French and English in 1779, when the French fleet invested Plymouth harbor, and the townspeople took to flight. The party of children with whom the story deals find refuge on the moors, and their wild free life there is very interestingly described." American bookseller, Oct. 15. Mr. "Ever since Lessing said, "There is no other philosophy than the philosophy of Spinoza', the fame of the Jewish thinker has been steadily rising. In the first place, Spinoza is, as it were, the Dante of philosophers, inasmuch as his life is interesting apart from his thoughts. And, further, his speculation anticipated in a remarkable manner certain of the most striking tendencies of modern thought. By a method which appears at first sight entirely opposed to that of modern science, he arrived at results which curiously coincide with the outcome of two centuries of investigation. Of the enormous literature which has gathered round Spinoza, two works alone compete with this volume in fulness of treatment and in sympathetic insight: Dr. Van Vloten's 'Benedictus de Spinoza naar Leven en Werken' and Kuno Fischer's monograph contained in his 'History of modern philosophy' (in the revised form published this year). Pollock appears to us to have surpassed the latter by his clear insight into the scientific bearings of Spinoza's views, while Dr. Van Vloten's treatment is disfigured by an antitheistic bias which obscures his vision on many important points. It would be difficult to point to any English book on a philosopher and his writings which can be put on a level with this one. An excellent summary of Spinozism is given, which shows Mr. Pollock to be completely master of his subject, and then the three chief elements are assigned to their respective sources: pantheism to the Jewish philosophers, monism and the conatus to Descartes. This view appears to be as just as it is novel, and at the same time due care is taken to insist that Spinoza is in reality original in his welding together of the borrowed doctrines. The late Prof. Clifford's influence on his friend has given a reality to Mr. Pollock's criticisms on physical matters which is utterly lacking in the foreign criticisms of Spinoza. The bountiful translations from the Latin are artfully couched in English that might well be contemporary with Spinoza. It would have been easy for Mr. Pollock to have palmed off his translations as excerpts from a contemporary translation of the 'Opera posthuma', which had hitherto remained unknown." - Ath., Nov. 20. |