Slike stranica

Number 78.]



Leibnitz, G. W., Freiherr von, ed. Codex juris Miot, A. F., comte de Melito.

gentium diplomaticus, in quo tabulæ authenticæ actorum publicorum, tractatuum, aliarumque rerum majoris momenti per Europam gestarum; edidit G. G. L.

Leslie, G: D. Our river [the Thames].

"He has simply given his personal reminiscences of Sat. the river, of its pleasant nooks, its villages and inns, its boating people, birds, artists, fishes, and bores." rev., June 4.

Lucas, C: J: M. Les actes de la conférence de Bruxelles; extrait du Compte-rendu de l'Acad. des Sciences mor. et pol., jul. 1875. Mabinogion, The. The boy's Mabinogion; the earliest Welsh tales of King Arthur in the red book of Hergest; ed. with an introd. by S. Lanier.

McCook, H: C., D.D.

The honey ants of the

Garden of the Gods, etc.
Markham, C. R., ed. Voyages of W: Baffin, 1612-

22. (Hakluyt Soc., v. 63.)

"The better part of these materials had already appeared in Mr. Haven's introduction and notes to 'The voyage to Spitzbergen', printed by the American Antiquarian Society. The book is a work of scissors and paste very well put together indeed, and prefaced, but it Atheneum, Oct. 8. is not worthy of Mr. Markham."

Mayor, J. B.

A sketch of ancient philosophy,

from Thales to Cicero.

"What is wanted is something to combine conciseness
with accuracy and clearness, something which will be
easy and interesting to readers of ordinary intelligence,
and will leave no doubt in their minds as to the author's
The indolent student
meaning'. We are afraid that, when translated into
plain words, this means cram.
who wants to be ready with an available stock of knowl-
edge against next examination day will find that it
largely saves him the trouble of thinking. He will be
further grateful for the service that it is rendered in a
pleasant, readable style. He must be a very dull fellow
if he cannot pick a handy general knowledge of Aristotle
(whatever that may be worth) out of the fifty pages
Professor Mayor devotes to that philosopher." - Sat.
rev., Sept. 10.

Merrill, S. East of the Jordan; a record of travel
and observation in Moab, Gilead, and Bashan,
1875-77; with illust., etc.

Merriman, D., D.D. James Abram Garfield; dis-
course in memoriam.

Milner, G: Country pleasures; the chronicle of a

year chiefly in a garden.

"The greater part of his book is occupied with the
description of aspects of natural beauty noted within
the compass of a single year, from an old garden in
It is not a book to be read
South-east Lancashire.
through at a sitting; it should be taken up from time to
time, and compared journalwise with the reader's own
observations and reflections." - Westmin. rev., Oct.

"This book is thoroughly, penetratingly rural. ... The
author's method is to chronicle week by week and month
by month the garden life of a single year (the year 1878),
and to illustrate what he has seen and enjoyed by frequent
quotations from the range of English poetry, in this
manner connecting his own with a more general expе-
Though not an apostle of nature, nor yet of
culture, he is a very entertaining writer."
Dec. 1.

Memoirs; ed. by

Gen. Fleischmann; from the French by Mrs.
C. Hoey and J: Lillie.
"The author was minister, ambassador, councillor of
state and member of the Institute of France, between
the years 1788 and 1815; his lifelong friendship with
Joseph Bonaparte, whom he accompanied to Naples and
about Spain, where he was with the king throughout the
Peninsular war, and his intimate acquaintance with the
political and personal history of the Bonapartes, render
his memoirs exceptionally full and valuable."
lishers' weekly, Nov. 12.


Mitchinson, A. W. The expiring continent; a
narrative of travel in Senegambia; with obs.
on native character, etc.

"The vigor and truthfulness with which he has traced
Cobden's career as a public man, and his relations with
all the public movements in which he took part, are
equalled by the tact and grace with which, having access
to all the private letters and memoranda extant, he has
set forth as much as need be told about his personal
history and his relations with his friends and kindred.
Mr. Trevelyan's 'Life of Macaulay' is very properly
regarded as one of the best biographies dealing with the
present century that have lately been written; but Mr.
Morley's 'Life of Cobden' is superior to it. Not only a
very honest and very able memoir of Cobden, but also
a valuable contribution to contemporary history, and to
the study of contemporary politics."
Oct. 29.

Morley, J: Life of R: Cobden. 2 v.

Morris, J:, S. J.

Life of Father John Gerard, of

the Society of Jesus. 3d ed., enl. "Mr. Morris is one of the few living writers who have succeeded in greatly modifying views of English history which had been long accepted as the only tenable ones.

to carry The racking and robbing, the butchering and banishing, of Roman Catholics in the 16th century the matter no farther - has been proved to be as essentially a religious persecution as the burning of Gerard landed 'heretics' by Queen Mary, or the wholesale roasting of Jews by the Inquisition of Spain. on the coast of Norfolk a fortnight after he had comYet he became for pleted his 24th year, quite unknown, and without a friend in this part of England. 18 years the most active, and incomparably the most successful, emissary whom the Church of Rome has had in England since the Reformation. It is hardly saying too much to assert that, but for him, the Catholic party in England would have collapsed altogether." - Augustus Jessopp in Acad., July 9.


Morselli, E., M.D. Suicide; essay on comparative moral statistics. (Internat. sci. ser.)

Nineteenth century, Oct. 1881.

"The most thoughtful article, and the most stimulative of thought, is that on 'Scientific optimism', by Mr. James Sully." - Academy, Oct. 15.

Palgrave, F. T. The visions of England. VEP-P174
"Not a continuous narrative; not poems on every
critical moment or conspicuous man in our long annals
but single lyrical pictures of such leading or typical
characters and scenes in English history, and only such,
as have seemed to me amenable to a strictly poetical
treatment. Poetry, not history, has, hence, been my
first and last aim, or, perhaps I might define it history
for poetry's sake." - Preface.

Patmore, C. K. D. The unknown Eros. VEP P27U

Pope, A. Works; ed. with introd. and notes, by the Rev. W. Elwin and W.J. Courthope. Vol. 3. "Rarely throughout the introductions or notes do we find indications that Mr. Courthope has failed to understand and to fulfil his duties as an editor. His notes exhibit a thorough mastery of his subject; they illustrate the page without burdening it, and they are free from any attempt at display." - Atheneum, Oct. 15.

Rawlinson, G: History of ancient Egypt. 2 v.

"Canon Rawlinson has left unread full three-fourths of the literature of his subject." - Amelia B. Edwards in the Academy, Aug. 6.

The seventh great Oriental monarchy; the Sassanian or new Persian Empire. Rossetti, D. G. Ballads and sonnets.

VEP-R731B "The supernatural element of poetry (as fundamental an element as the humorous, and much rarer in modern times) finds here an expression as genuine, as unadul. terated with the self-conscious knowingness of a scientific age, as if the poems had been written in the time of Shakspeare, or even in the time of Roger Bacon." Athenæum, Oct. 8.

"The best part of it is that rare and wonderful thing, mere poetry - clustered fruit full of the scent and color of the sun. A gift of beauty." E. Douden in the Academy, Oct. 15.

Russell, A. P. Thomas Corwin; a sketch.

"Mr. Corwin was governor of Ohio in 1840, U. S. Senator, 1845, Secretary of the Treasury, 1850, Minister to Mexico, 1861."

Russell, W: C. An ocean free lance; from a privateersman's log, 1812. (Franklin Sq. lib.)

"A series of sea-fights, ending with a fire at sea, and enlivened by a ball and a ghost-story, and will be devoured by boys and girls, and by such sailors and marines as may be fond of story-books. But a single volume is more than enough for most people past the age of boyhood." Spectator, May 14.

After pointing out a number of anachronisms and blunders in seamanship the Saturday review remarks: "The author has chosen an unpleasant subject; and, in an attempt to redeem its unpleasant character, has only succeeded in making his narrative ridiculous. On the strength of some acquaintance with the modern merchant service he has tried to tell a story of the old war. That he should have attempted a task for which he is unfitted is to be regretted, as, despite his passion for word-painting, he has considerable ability."

Schulze, H. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen über Völkerrecht.

"La plus grande partie de la brochure est formée par une introduction, qui contient entre autres un tableau fort bien fait du développement historique du droit des gens, dans la pratique et la théorie, depuis l'antiquité jusqu'à nos jours." Revue de droit international,

v. 13. 1881.

Shakespeare, W: Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra; ed., with notes, by W: J. Rolfe. Shioda, M. Japanese pottery, a native report; with an introd. and catalogue by A. W. Franks.

"It adds a great deal to our scanty knowledge of a subject which has not had the benefit of systematic, still less of comprehensive, and, least of all, correct, treatment. Great as is European ignorance about Oriental pottery of all kinds, our uncertainty about the ceramics of Japan can hardly be fathomed." - Athenæum, Apr. 2.

[blocks in formation]

"Tells the story of Irving's life, with copious selections from his writings; and gives in a few brief pages a careful estimate of his genius." Boston traveller, Nov. 26.

Williams, A. Μ.

Poets and poetry of Ireland;

with essays and notes. VDVP-W674 Winchell, A. Sparks from a geologist's hammer.

Mont Blanc and the Mer de Glace.

Contents. Ascent of Mont Blanc. - The beautiful. The old age of continents. Obliterated continents. geologic time. A grasp of Geological seasons. Climate of the lake regions. Mammoths and mastodons. Salt enterprise in Michigan. - A remarkable Maori manuscript. Genealogy of ships. - Huxley and evolution. - Grounds and consequences of evolution. Metaphysics of science. Winsor, J., ed. Memorial history of Boston, includ. Suffolk Co., Mass., 1630-1880. Vol. 3. Contents. The Revolutionary period.

hundred years, pt. 1.

The last

"Mr. Winsor will receive the hearty thanks and congratulations of every one interested in it, not only for his intelligent editorship, but for his annotations scattered through the volume, always adding something out of his abundant resources, or still further illuminating the topics presented by the various writers." - Boston daily


[blocks in formation]

Additions. 2d ser.]


Ablett, W: H. Market-garden husbandry. (Farm-
ing for pleasure and profit, sect. 8.)
Accolti, B. De bello a Christianis contra barbaros
gesto pro Christi sepulchro. 1532.

Acland, A. H. D., and Ransome, C. Handbook
in outline of the polit. hist. of Eng. to 1881.
Acton, R. Our colonial empire.

"Written in a pleasant, readable manner, with wise avoidance of dry discussion, and giving only so many statistics as are really necessary." - Spectator, Dec. 31, 1881.

Adams, Mrs. L. Aunt Hepsy's foundling. 3 v.


"New Brunswick is personally known to Mrs. Adams. Its small town life has charms for her; and the picture bears all the marks of faithful delineation."

Adamson, R. Fichte.

"Characterized by mastery of method and clearness of exposition. The student is supplied with just the kind of knowledge necessary to one commencing the study of Fichte, and the general reader has a really interesting account of the philosopher's life and a very fair description of his thoughts." - Athenœum, Jan. 14,


"The admirably thorough fashion

in which Prof. Those who have studAdamson has done his work. ied Fichte will know best the value of his concise and carefully-balanced statements." - A. Seth in Mind, Oct.


Aegidi, L: K:, and Klauhold, A. Frei Schiff unter Feindes Flagge; urkundliche Darstellung der Bestrebungen zur Fortbildung des Seerechts seit 1856.

Æschylus. Agamemnon; tr. by the Earl of Car


"A translation of the Agamemnon must be in the main judged on its presentation of the choruses; and it is impossible to say that Lord Carnarvon's satisfies the requirements of poetry, even where it meets those of exactness." - A. Goodwin in Acad., June 28.

"A brilliant translation." - Exam.

The house of Atreus; the Agamemnon, Liba-
tion-bearers, and Furies; tr. by E. D. А.

Alcott, L. M. Moods; a novel.


A new edition restored to its original form; in the first issue important omissions and changes from the author's ms. were made.

Alexander, W: Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk.


"Mr. Gladstone described it as a most vigorous and truthful delineation of local character, drawn from a portion of the country where that character is peculiarly worthy of careful study and record." - Amer. bookseller, Nov. 15.

Allen, C: G. B. Anglo-Saxon Britain.

"It is inevitable that there should be a reaction
against the Teutonic school of English history, which
held that the English invaders of Britain practically
exterminated the Romano-Celtic inhabitants, or drove
them into the Western hills. The whole question has
now become one of degree, and Mr. Grant Allen has
summed up the discussion with much skill. He leans to
the theory that much Celtic blood survives among us,
but agrees with Freeman and Stubbs that the conquered
race became thoroughly English." - C. W. Bouse in
Academy, Nov. 19.

Anderson, J. Scotland in early Christian times.
2d ser. (Rhind lectures for 1880.)

Andrews, W. Book of oddities.

"Contains chapters on Revivals after execution. - A
human pincushion. - Female jockeys. - Whimsical
wills," etc.

Anna or Enna or Ennana. Le conte des deux
frères; (tr. par G. Maspero].

nal of the Club, 1876-81. 2 v.
"The first volume is almost entirely occupied with
the topography, etc., of the White Mountains."

Appalachian Mountain Club. Appalachia; jour

Arnold, E. L.

On the Indian hills; or, Coffee

planting in Southern India. 2 v.
"A well-written narrative." - Athenœum.

Ars moriendi, ed. princeps circa 1450; a reprod. of
the copy in the Brit. Museum; ed. by W. H.
Rylands; with an introd. by G: Bullen.
(Holbein Soc.)

Aubertin, C: L'esprit public au 18e siècle. 2e éd.

Austin, A. Savonarola; a tragedy.


Aubigné, T. A. d'. Œuvres complètes; notices
biog., etc., par R. et F. de Caussade. 4 v.
Audin, J. M. V. Histoire de la vie, des écrits, et
des doctrines de Martin Luther. 5e éd. 3 v.
"One qualification for the great task of setting Savon-
arola and his epoch on the stage Mr. Austin certainly
enthusiasm both for his subject and for the
purely dramatic treatment of it. Gems of thought and
expression are found here and there." - E. D. A. Mors-
head in the Academy, Nov. 12, 1881.

Avery, I. W. History of Georgia, 1850-81.
B., C. The story of a nursery rhyme; illustrated

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