Slike stranica

book on its subject. It unites plodding diligence and
thorough honesty with vividness of narrative and a
habit of generalisation." Spectator, Apr. 6.

Smith, G. B. Shelley; a critical biography.


"The reader, will, in fact, to a certain degree, have to perform the labours of a biographer by trying to evolve from the mass of heterogeneous statements a true likeMr. Hogg's 'Shelley' differs to a certain degree from the Shelley of Mr. Peacock or the 'Shelley memo. rials'. Mr. Hogg is a humorist, and all that was wild, extraordinary, and fanciful in Shelley's characrer had for him so great a charm that its deeper aspects were apparently left unnoticed. But, with all its faults, where is there another work of the subject that takes so strong a hold of the imagination that gives so vivid and vigo. rous a picture of the poet's personality? 'Shelley's early life', by Mr. D. F. MacCarthy, pub. in 1872, is another contribution towards the story of the poet's youth. If Shelley's college life is the chief point of interest in Mr. Hogg's work, that of Mr. MacCarthy's centres in the poet's expedition to Ireland. Mr. Smith is at his best in his remarks on Shelley as a politician. He vindicates the common sense and political judgment of the poet. He fails to throw any new light on his domestic relations. Our chief sources of information on these points are the facts as related by Peacock in Fraser's mag., June 1858, Jan. 1860, and Lady Shelley's account of the same in 'Shelley memorials'. Mr. Peacock, in spite of his Greek and his literary tastes, evidently failed from lack of sympathy to comprehend the inner workings of Shelley's mind. Lady Shelley probably gives us a truer picture. The diligent student may glean sundry interesting traits of character from Medwin's book. Mr. Middleton's, on the other hand, is merely an inferior compilation, made up of other people's materials. W. M. Rossetti's substantial and conscientious memoir is not a biography, if by biography we mean the dramatically. told story of a man's life, in which the philosophical insight into the mainsprings of character and action shall be combined with the power of infusing the breath of life into its subject."


"Concentrated, thoughtful, pithy, and at times eloquent." Contemporary rev.

"Mr. Smith undertakes to realise to us what Shelley was as a man and as a writer, introducing the leading biographical facts more by way of illustration than of regular narrative. This design is carried out with mod.

erate success.

The last two sections are on the 'Poetry of Shelley'. They appear to us to add little to the stock of criticism. Mr. Smith tells us a few things which are new; others which are new without the stamp of truth; and some which are decidedly erroneous." W. M. Rossetti in Acad., Jan. 19.

"Not perhaps a very original or profound work, but a very readable sketch. The author gives us a short biography of the poet, some remarks on his political and religious views, and a criticism of his poetry. The last-named portion is the part of the book which has pleased us most. It follows the tendency of to-day to place Shelley in the very first rank of our English singers."

Westminster rev.

Stanley, E. J. Rambles in wonderland,

Yellowstone, and among the geysers, etc., of up the the National Park. [With wood cuts.] Strangford, Lord. Original letters and papers upon philological and kindred subjects; ed. by Viscountess Strangford.

"We feel sure that no correspondent of Lord Strangford ever burned a letter of his. His letters ran over alike with wit and with information; there was some happy allusion, some apt sarcasm in every line. Nor was this all. No one was ever more ready and generous in communicating knowledge. In short, a letter, written in one of his happiest veins, was a mixture of wit and learning which it was really a privilege to receive." Sat. rev., Jan. 16, 1869.

"Ld. Strangford is one of the most remarkable instances on record of men who impress everybody that comes in contact with them with a sense of their vast powers, but who yet pass away without accomplishing anything of general note."

"The reader will rise from the book with a feeling of Eram., Mar. 23. disappointment. We expected a scholar, and we find

[blocks in formation]

only a dilettante; we looked for instruction, and we get
little else than dogmatic statements for which no evidence
is given, or else exaggerated denunciation."
Mar. 23.

Thirlwall, C. Remains, literary and theological;

ed. by J. J. S. Perowne.
"Thirlwall was a bishop whom nature intended for a
judge. Judicial weightiness - the quality which the
Romans designated
trait of his character." - Nation, Feb. 28.
as gravitas - was the distinguishing

Trench, R. C. Lectures on medieval church hist.
On some questions he scarcely seems to be on a level
with recent research.
Trench's lectures is knowledge of political history; its
The weak point of Dr.
strong point is its keen sympathy with Christian modes
of thought in the Middle Ages. He is most at home in
dealing with the cucharistic controversies, the school-
men, and the sects of the Middle Ages. His lectures are
admirable in their general survey of the field, but are
not profound in matters of detail. They are the work
of a theologian rather than a historian. Still we know
of no summary that is nearly so good." - Exam., Mar.


Upton, E. The armies of Asia and Europe; official reports on the armies of Japan, China, etc., accompanied by letters descriptive of a journey from Japan to the Caucasus.

In 1875-76 Gen. Upton was sent through Asia and Europe to report upon the organization, tactics, discipline, and manœuvres of the various armies.

Virginia; a Roman sketch.

"Enough ability shown in it to entertain throughout with a sense of cleverness, giving the impression that the author could do a good deal more. The scenes of the story for a complete one is told, having quite a finished little plot of its own Eternal City. A glimpse is afforded into the crafty nearly all pass in the naïveness of a Roman family." - Contemporary.

Wilson, D. Reminiscences of old Edinburgh.

"The author seems a well-intentioned but thoroughly provincial bookmaker. He is industrious and enthusiastic, no doubt, like the Chamberses and Arnots who have worked in the mine of Edinburgh antiquities, seandals, and 'good stories' with him or before him. But he has not Dr. Chambers's power of saying simple things in a simple way. Many of the anecdotes he gives us are not only old, but have been much better told before.

Mr. Sharpe was fond of expressing his sentiments in annotations on his friends' books; and he did this to a great extent on the margin of a previous work by Wilson on Edinburgh. So these volumes are dotted with Sharpe's rasping comments on men and things. Such a curious cross between Horace Walpole and Samuel Johnson, such a compound of cynie and cavalier, will probably never be seen again." - Ath., Feb. 23.

Wolf at the door, The. (No name ser.)
Wreck of the Grosvenor.

We have seldom met with a novel calculated to inspire the reader with a more lively curiosity as to its authorship than the 'Wreck of the Grosvenor.' From the first line to the last it is marked by power of a rare order, managed with an uncommon degree of skill. The description of the working of the vessel in fair weather or foul is technical and minute to the last degree. The sea-language employed is always correctly used, and some of the descriptions of the atmospheric effect at sea show that the writer is familiar with the In fact the book is the book of a thorough If its author does not prove to be some writer of established reputation, he will be one by virtue of this story, as soon as his identity is made out. - Nation, Apr. 18.


Wriothesley, C. A chronicle of England during
the reigns of the Tudors, 1485-1559; ed. by
W. D. Hamilton. Vol. 2. (Camden Soc.
New ser., v. 20.)

Zimmern, H. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing; his life

and works.

Art, L'. Tome 10, 11.

These volumes contain a series of articles on Rubens and his works suggested by the tercentenary festival at Antwerp last August.

Babeau, A. Le village sous l'Ancien Régime.

"Faire connaître l'administration des campagnes sous l'ancienne monarchie; étudier la gestion des affaires communales par les habitants des villages; montrer la part qu'y prenaient le prêtre, le seigneur, et le prince; indiquer le concours que tous apportèrent à l'instruction, à l'assistance publique, à l'agriculture; tel est le but de ce livre." Introduction.

"He has drawn a picture, with the most minute accu. racy, from documents collected with infinite care." Contemp. rev.

Barbey d'Aurevilly, L. L. F. dit J. Les bas


Contents. Mme. de Stael. Mme. Le Normand. Mme. Sophie Gay. - Mme. Emile de Girardin. -Mme. George Sand. - Daniel Stern. Mme. de Gasparin. Mme. Edgar Quinet. - Eugénie de Guérin. - Mme. A. Mme. la Craven. Mme. Marie Alexandre Dumas. princesse de Belgiojoso. - Mme. Swetchinė. - L'auteur de Robert Emmet. - Mme. la marquise de Blocqueville. Mme. de Saman. - Le retour du Christ. - Souvenirs d'une Cosaque. - Mme. Louise Colet. Mme. Gustave Halier. Mme. André Léo. - La comtesse Guiccioli. Mme. Claire de Chandeneux.

Henry Gréville.

Mile. Clarisse Bader. La sœur Emmerich.

"Ce n'est pas une inconséquence que d'introduire dans 'Les œuvres et les hommes au 19e siècle', la série des femmes qui écrivent, car les femmes qui écrivent ne sont plus des femmes. La punition de ces jalouses du génie des hommes a été de n'avoir plus le moindre droit aux ménagements respectueux qu'on doit à la femme." Introd. "So M. Barbey d'Aurevilly, having a strong dislike to female writers (which is, to be sure, but a part of his antipathy to authors in general) has treated his victims 'sans ménagement'. The result is an amusing book if one likes bitter criticism and an evident intention of seeing only literary faults and moral defects." - Nation, May 2.

Bonnal, E. Manuel et son temps; étude sur l'opposition parlementaire sous la Restauration. "Son livre, qui atteste de longues et sérieuses recherches, nous donne d'abord une excellente biographie du grand orateur de la Restauration. Autour de son héros, M. Bonnal a groupé les événements et les hommes qui ont donné à cette époque une physionomie si attachante et si curieuse; il n'a voulu négliger ni la poli. tique étrangère, ni les problèmes les plus importants soit de la législation, soit de l'économie politique, qu'il traite déjà en maître; enfin il a composé un livre rempli de faits et de discussions, trop touffu peut-être et trop animé, car, au milieu des faits qui s'accumulent et des émotions auxquelles l'auteur s'abandonne, Manuel luimême risque d'être quelquefois oublié." - H. Reynald in Rev. pol. et lit.

Cahier, C. Nouveaux mélanges d'archéologie d'histoire et de littérature sur le Moyen Age. "A learned and most interesting work, beautifully illust. with woodcuts and copperplates." - Sat. rev.

Cassagne, A. T. Traité d'aquarelle.

Treats both the technical and the theoretical part of water color painting in detail and with apparent thoroughness. Includes letters of Jos. Vernet and of Charlet, and a number of illustrations, some colored.

Curci, C. M. Le dissentiment moderne entre l'église

et l'Italie.

"For many years Father Curci has ranked among the most conspicuous champions of the doctrine supposed to be embodied in the Society of Jesus, and powerfully expressed through the Civiltà cattolica. It now appears that for years he has become more and more estranged from the lines of thought and action vehemently insisted upon by the authoritative organs of the Society, and in every instance his difficulties arose out of conflict in his mind between what was being peremptorily demanded by these exacting exponents of Catholic requirements and what the irrepressible

promptings of his Italian heart felt to be due to the
civil authorities in possession of his native land."
C. Cartwright in Acad., Mar. 30.

It is now said that Father Curci has recanted. Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. D. Dernières pages.


"George Sand nous fait entrer dans son intimité. On y peut démêler comment et pourquoi George Sand n'avait pas le génie du théâtre. Sa mobilité d'impressions et sa naïveté qui s'intéresse à toutes choses, voilà ce qui explique que la contrainte du théâtre lui fut une gêne insupportable. George Sand, en effet, manquait de ce qu'on appelle proprement l'esprit. Elle considére les choses séparément, avec une lenteur un peu étonnée, puis les réfléchit tour à tour comme un miroir fidéle et brillant. De là les lenteurs très-acceptables dans le roman, et dans ses romans à elles le plus souvent charmantes, mais au théâtre à peine supVous trouverez dans ce dernier volume


une petite comédie écrite pour le théâtre de campagne. C'est La laitière et le pot au lait'. On ne saurait imag. iner rien de plus enfantin, de plus insignifiant." - M. Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit.

"One of the most interesting sketches in this volume is the account of the author's marionnette theatre at Nohant. The whole essay deserves to be read for its own interest and for the light it throws on the woman who wrote it. In its thoroughness and sincerity, as well as in its subject, it reminds one of Goethe. Of consid. erable importance is 'Mon grand-oncle', in which she gives a fuller account of this relative, whom she had mentioned in her 'Histoire de ma vie'. His career was a singularly adventuresome one, and in hardly any of her novels has she invented a more startling combination of incidents than those which made up this abbé's life." - Atlantic, March.

Contains also an estimate of Napoleon III., of which it is said that "She, patriot and republican, managed to be just to the man who created the Empire and lost Alsace and Lorraine".


- A

Nouvelles lettres d'un voyageur. Contents. Nouvelles lettres d'un voyageur. La villa Pamphili. Les chansons des bois et des rues. De Marseille à Menton. pays des anémones. propos de botanique. Mélanges. Une visite aux catacombes. - De la langue d'oc et de la langue d'oil. La princesse Anna Czartoryska. Utilité d'une école normale d'équitation. La berthenoux. Les jardins en Italie. Sonnet à Mme. Ernest Périgois. - Les bois. L'île de la Réunion. Conchyliologie de l'île de la Les amis Réunion. A propos du choléra de 1865. disparus. Néraud père. Gabriel de Planet. - Carlo Soliva. Le comte d'Aure. Louis Maillard. - Ferdinand Pajot. Patureau Francœur. Mme. Laure Fleury.

"In them we recognize the full limpid style of the great novelist, her love of nature and wondrous de. scriptive talent, and that philosophical optimisın which had its source in profound goodness." G. Monod in Contemp. rev.

Durand, Mme. A. F. (pseud. H. Greville). Dosia. L'expiation de Savéli.

"Nous avons en ce moment une véritable avalanche de romans signés Henry Gréville. 'Dosia' et 'l'Expiation de Savéli' sont vraiment supérieurs. 'Dosia' ressemble beaucoup au 'Major Franz' de Mme. BoosboomToussaint, et à la 'Renée Mauperin' d'Edmond et Jules de Goncourt. 'L'Expiation de Savéli', sous une couleur à la fois sobre et originale, offre de saisissants tableaux des mœurs, des superstitions et des passions de la classe rurale en Russie, de même que, dans 'Dosia', les 'Koumiassines', et la 'Princesse Ogheroff", sont photographiées les mœurs bizarres de la noblesse et de la riche bourgeoisie. Ce qui fait le charme de 'Dosie' et de 'l'Expiation de Savéli, c'est la constante limpidité du style, une pointe de gaité qui amène le sourire, et un parfum littérairement exotique, auxquels les gourmets intellectuels sont toujours sensibles." Polybiblion, jan.

"Very interesting and absolutely unobjectionable stories." H.D.

Mme. Durand is now 36 years old. Her name was Alice Fleury, and at the age of 15 her father, who was a teacher, had already taught her Latin, English, and Italian. Fleury became a teacher in Russia, and there began her literary work. She married M. Durand, the assistant editor of the St. Petersburg Journal, in which some of her earliest writings appeared. The Paris publishers for several years refused to print any of her stories. There is a sketch of Mme. Durand's life in 'The Literary world for April.

Duvert, F. A. Théâtre choisi. 5. v.

Contents. Vol. 1. 1825-33. Ketty; ou, Le retour en Suisse. Harnali; ou La contrainte parcor. - Heur et malheur. La famille improvisée. Marionnette. Mile. Marguerite. - Prosper et Vincent. 2. 1832-36. Les cabinets particuliers. ("Ce n'est pas même une farce que cette pièce, mais Arual et Lepeintre surent faire d'une parade ridicule une des plus folles bouffonneries dont on ait gardé le souvenir." La.)-Jacquemin, roi de France. Un scandale. - Fich-Tong-Khan; ou, L'orphelin de la Tartarie. - Impressions de voyage. - Actéor et Le mari de la dame de chœurs. le centaure Chiron. Cara

3. 1836-40. Monsieur et madame Galochard. bins et carabines. - Renaudin de Caen. ("Cevaudeville est un véritable éclat de rire." La.) Le marchand de peaux de lapin, ou Le rêve. Le plastron. La famille du fumiste. 4. 1841-42. La sœur de Jocrisse. Cornaro, tyran pas doux. Un docteur en herbe. La chef dans la dos. Une queue rouge. L'omelette fantastique. 5. 1843-47. L'homme blasé. L'ile de Robinson. La vie de Napoléon racontée dans une fête de village. Riche d'amour. Le diable. Ce que femme veut.

Duvert's first vaudeville was played in 1823. Since then he has written nearly 160 farces, several of which still keep possession of the French - and English

stage. Van Laun, in his translation of Molière, has lately, with some exaggeration, traced many of the best scenes in English comedy to Molière. A similar inquiry in regard to Duvert would give him the credit of much that passes under the name of Morton, Matthews, etc. For instance 'Lend me five shillings' is 'Riche d'amour'; •Used up' is 'L'homme blasé'.

Enault, L. La veuve.

Si les

"La muse de M. Enault est une discrète, sage, et décente personne. Elle ne connaît ni les enthousiasmes qui transportent, ni les audaces qui effraient. trois premiers quarts de l'œuvre traînent en longueur, le dernier quart est vraiment imaginé d'une façon heureuse et traité d'une main très-délicate. Il y a là un certain nombre de pages tout à fait distinguées." pol. et lit.

Etex, A. Les souvenirs d'un artiste.


"A Etex l'on doit entre autres œuvres remarquables les deux groupes de l'Arc de Triomphe faisant face à P'avenue de Neuilly. Que de déboires, que d'amers désenchantements, quelle implacable hostilité des hommes et des circonstances! Les inimitiés qu'il s'est attirées, son imagination les lui grossit encore. Il est persécuté; tous s'acharnent contre lui. Le voilà victime des critiques, qui ont formé une ligue et le dénigrent systématiquement; victime des artistes, qui ne lui pardonnent ni son talent ni son caractère; victime de l'Acadó. mie, qui se venge de tant de récriminations amères; victime des ministres, qu'effraient ses opinions républicaines." Rev. pol. et lit.

Gautier, T. L'Orient. 2 v.

A collection of papers originally published in various periodicals.

Un ouvrage où l'on retrouve toutes les qualités du célèbre écrivain, son imagination brillante, son style coloré et plein d' images, sa remarquable finesse d'esprit. En relisant ces pages, on se sent presque transporté dans ces pays de soleil et de vive lumière que P'auteur aimait tant et décrivait si bien." Rev. des D. M.

On Gautier see the study of G. S. Saintsbury in the Fortnightly for March.

Guiffrey, J. J. Les Caffiéri; sculpteurs et fondeursciseleurs; étude sur la statuaire et sur l'art du bronze en France au 17e et au 18e siècle. "Tout le monde connaît les admirables bustes de Piron, de Rotrou, de Corneille, de du Belloy qui décorent le grand foyer de la Comédie-Française. Pourquoi le nom de leur auteur, Jean-Jacques Caffiéri, est-il à peine connu, tandis que celui de Houdon, son heureux

rival, jouit universellement d'une légitime réputation M. Jules Guiffrey a fait l'histoire de ses œuvrés les plus importantes et a donné de piquants détails sur la rivalité de Cafliéri et de Houdon. Autour de ce personnage principal, l'auteur a groupé les membres de cette famille qui compta huit ou dix artistes, dont plusieurs d'un mérite supérieur dans des genres différents: d'abord Philippe Caffiéri qui précéda et surpassa pentêtre, dans l'exécution des bronzes d'ornament, Gouthière sur qui M. Guiffrey a découvert et publié ici des documents nouveaux du plus haut intérêt; Jacques Caffiéri, en méme temps sculpteur et fondeur en bronze, qui fut chargé par Louis xv d'exécuter la boîte en bronze doré de l'horloge de Passement, cette merveille de la mécanique que conserve le palais de Versailles; Philippe Caffiéri l'ancien, qui vivait sous Louis XIV et travaillait à la fois pour les Gobelins, le Louvre, Versailles, et décorait la flottille du canal des plus fines sculptures. C'est lui qui fonda à Brest une colonie de sculpteurs en bois, dignes continuateurs des Puget, qui, pendant tout le 18e siècle dirigèrent la décoration des vaisseaux de guerre de la flotte royale." - Bibl. de la France.

Guimet, E. Promenades japonaises; dessins d'après nature par F. Regamey. "L'auteur des 'Promenades japonaises'est depuis peu de temps de retour de son voyage au Japon. Tous les dessins qui illustrent le volume ont été pris sur les lieux mêmes." Bibliog. de la France.

"A profusion of lively pen and pencil sketches of domestic life in Japan." - Fortnightly rev., Feb.

"Notwithstanding the severe remarks of M. Bousquet [author of Le Japon de nos jours'], who appears to have been irritated and annoyed by everything, the 'Promenades' gives a most favorable idea of the intelligence, lightheartedness, politeness, and acuteness of this hitherto little-known people." - Acad. Havard, H. Histoire de la faïence de Delft.

"A splendidly illustrated work, valuable in addition for its copious notices of the principal designers of Delft ware." - Fortnightly rev., Feb.

Hugo, V. Histoire d'un crime. Tome 2.

"Contains more new matter than did the first vol.... On the other hand it is, in style, decidedly less brilliant." Athenœum, Mar. 23.

James, H., Jr. French poets and novelists.

Contents. Alfred de Musset. - Théophile Gautier. Charles Baudelaire. - Honoré de Balzac. - Balzac's letters. George Sand. Charles de Bernard and Gustave Flaubert. Ivan Turgénieff. The two Ampères. Mérimée's letters.

Madame de Sabran.

The Théâtre Français.

Mostly republished from the Galary and Atlantic. 'Gautier' is from the N. Amer.rev.; 'Baudelaire', from the Nation."All exhibit Mr. James's peculiar gift of discrimination, and will be read with as much profit as pleasure." - Nation.

"There has of late years appeared nothing upon French literature so intelligent as this book so ncute, so full of good sense, so free from affectation and pretence." Atheneum, Mar. 16.

"The moral tone is not that which we should look for in an Anglo-Saxon critic." Harper's mag., May. "As a critic of pure literature he is somewhat defec. tive; but as a critic of life as represented in literature he takes very high rank indeed." - Acad, Apr. 20.

"Neither science nor the classics nor even our own literature gives most color to Mr. James's pages. It is a French word, a French illustration, a French quotation, which runs most readily from his pen. It is in French and at the feet of French critics that he has learnt his business.... The three chapters on Balzac are an unrivalled criticism. The one on George Sand need fear only the contrast with Matthew Arnold's [Fortnightly rev., June 1877, and Littell's liv. age, v. 134]. The essay on Baudelaire is better in essence and better in expression than the essay of Mr. Saintsbury [Fortnighly rev, Oct. 1875] which called it forth; and the criticism of Turgenef is a singularly acute and fascinating study of a writer far more talked about among us than read." - Lib. table. Mar. 30.

"Mr. James is quite unable to write about poetry. and his essays on Alfred de Musset and on Baudelaire were not worth the trouble of reprinting. The studies on the 'Two Ampères' is charming, because treated from the novelist's point of view; that on 'Madame de Sabran' is indifferent; that on 'Merimée's letters' pleasing but not very instructive; and finally that on "The Théâtre Français' is a capital piece of sprightly writing. Within the limits of Mr. James's proper field, he writes with authority. He is himself a skilful novelist, a refined observer of men and situations, and well able to appreciate the merits of a story. His own style is clear and forcible, he discriminates nicely between one talent and another His strong point as a critic is not enthusiastic praise, but the patient analysis of an object of his aversion. He writes very justly and incisively about George Sand, for example, with whom, it is plain, he has very little natural sympathy.

Mr. James takes his stand among the ranks of the realists only to a very slight degree. He adores Balzac; but while fascinated with Flaubert, he dreads and detests him." Exam., Mar. 16.

Jouin, H. David d'Angers; sa vie, son œuvre, ses écrits, et ses contemporains. 2 v.

"La vie de David d'Angers se résume en un mot: la création d'un art national. Douze cents pièces sont sorties de ses mains, et les plus modestes comme les plus connues parlent avec éloquence de la patrie fran. çaise. Il a écrit, 'Je ne tiens à mes ouvrages que parce qu'ils représentent des grands hommes; sans cela, je les briserais quand je constate combien je suis resté loin du but auquel je voulais atteindre.” Préface.

La Berge, C. de. Essai sur le règne de Trajan.

"Deeply versed in epigraphy and archæology as well as in ancient literature, a shrewd critic, and at the same time an elegant and vigorous writer, he has produced in some sense a comprehensive work on the subject. The concluding chapters on the government, customs, thought, and religion of the Roman Empire, form one of the most solid and exhaustive studies on the subject ever made." Contemp. rev.

Latour, A. de. Valence et Valladolid, La monja alférez, Les Batuécas; nouvelles études sur l'Espagne.

Lenthéric, C. La Grèce et l'Orient en Provence; Arles, le bas Rhône, Marseille.

"Une suite à ses 'Villes mortes du Golfe de Lyon'. Il étudie surtout deux villes importantes, l'une qui ne fut grande que dans le passé et l'autre qui continue à l'être, Arles et Marseille. Des deux, c'est la première qui lui plait le plus et l'inspire le mieux; il en fait revivre les origines, il la suit à travers toutes les vicissitudes de son existence agitée, et la dépeint belle encore et intéressante dans le sommeil voisin de la mort où elle achève de s'éteindre. M. Lenthéric n'est pas toujours un historien irréprochable. et l'on aurait quelques réserves à faire sur la façon dont il choisit ses sources; mais il est un ingénieur et un géologue, et il a montré d'une façon attachante les relations qui unissent l'histoire de l'homme à l'histoire du sol qu'il occupe; c'est là l'originalité de son livre." Rev. d. D. M., fév. 15. "Provence is almost a French Asia; the Aryan colonists, in the first place, swept over the land, and absorbed the Ligurian populations which had settled along the coast; Phœnicians and Greeks came next, bringing new ideas, new institutions, new religious sys. tems; and Christianity in its turn moulded this assemblage of ethnical elements. Arles and Marseilles have always been regarded as the two centres of Oriental civilization in France; but, whilst the former of these cities, shorn of its past splendour, is only a beautiful wreck. the latter is ever young, bustling, and active, and absorbed by material interests. The early his. tory of these two places, the physical configuration of the soil, the share which they have had in history, their social life, their art, and their religion all these are studied in detail, and illustrated by notes, maps, and plans." Sat. rev., Feb. 2.

Masson, F. Le département des affaires étrangères pendant la Révolution, 1787-1804.

"He first describes the state of the Foreign Office when revolutionary principles were brought to bear upon it; he then shows the effects of the 10th of August on diplomacy and diplomatic correspondence; the new

minister, Lebrun-Tondu, transferring the style of the popular clubs to official despatches, and Buchot spending his days at a coffee-house and giving his signature inter pocula. When Bonaparte assumed the reins of government a return to old traditions took place. Talleyrand, Hauterive, and Reinhard had no small diffi. culty in placing matters on their ancient footing, but they succeeded." Sat. rev.

Merlet, G. Tableau de la littérature française, 180015.

"No safer guide could be selected in this investigation than M. Merlet, whose critical essays, already composing four volumes, have pointed him out as the worthy successor of Géruzez, Villemain, and Sainte-Beuve."

-Sat. rev.

Treats of "La littérature impériale, sujet ingrat, et de ce sujet la partie la plus ingrate, les principales phrases du mouvement religieux, philosophique, et poétique. Le roman, la critique, l'érudition, la science, l'histoire, l'éloquence, et la politique, c'est à dire ce qui a dans cette période le plus de valeur, sont ajournés à une autre publication." - Rev. pol. et lit.

Muller, E. La forêt, son histoire, sa légende, sa vie, son rôle, ses habitants. "Scientific and at the same time poetic; illustrated with a design on almost every page", including many of Giacomelli, two of Bodmer, one of Victor Hugo.

Musset, P. de. Extravagants et originaux du 17e siècle.

Contents. Mme. de la Guette. Le chevalier Plénoches. Mile. de Gournay. M. de Guise, le dernier. Benserade. - Boutteville et Deschapelles. Les originaux du 17e siècle; galerie de portraits. 5e éd.

Contents. Le cheval de Créqui. - Mlle. Paulet. - Le marquis de Mariamé et la reine Christine. - Un favori de monsieur (Gaston d'Orléans). - Un mauvais sujet en 1645. Michel Lambert. - Un hommes aimable en 1615. Le poëte Gombauld. L'avocat Patru. Les pré. cieuses. Le maréchal de Gassion. Chamillart. Le duc de Coîlin.

Neymarck, A. Colbert et son temps. 4 v.

"Vol. 1 traite de l'influence exercée par le grand ministre sur les finances de la France, sur le commerce et l'agriculture. Vol. 2 s'occupe de la société française pendant l'administration de Colbert, de la part qu'il prit à l'encouragement et au developpement des beauxarts, des lettres, des sciences, et aussi aux affaires générals de la marine, des fortifications, des matières reli. gieuses. C'est une étude curieuse et instructive que celle de ce bourgeois champenois arrivé sous un roi tel que Louis XIV au rang de premier ministre, et mettant en onze années son pays dans l'état le plus prospère et le mieux ordonné." - Rev. des questions hist.

Pelletan, P. C. E. Elisée; voyage d'un homme à

la recherche de lui-même.

Petruccelli della Gattina, F. Histoire diplomatique des conclaves. 4 v.

"J'ai lu plus de cent mille dépêches officielles, mé. moires, considérations, instructions, comptes rendus, commentaires, discours, memorandums, lettres, tout inédit. Pas un mot, pas un fait, pas une assertion qui ne pût être prouvée par une autorité incontestable." Préface.

"Cet ouvrage est unique en son genre. Il donne l'histoire successive de tous les conclaves d'où est sortie l'élection des papes. Cette histoire était inconnue pré. cédemment, et elle a été puisée par l'auteur aux sources des archives d'Italie. Cet ouvrage fournit en outre pour la première fois les détails exacts sur le mode de tenue des conclaves, avec tout le formulaire suivi et avec les constitutions diplomatiques. Il donne la composition du Sacré-Collége, et les règles du veto accordé à certains pays catholiques, tels que la Prusse, l'Autriche, l'Espagne." - Bibliog. de la France.

Peyrebrune, G. de. Contes en l'air.

Contents. L'Apollon pythien. Une fenêtre sur l'autre monde. - Tante Berthe. Une horrible histoire. Histoire d'un pantalon gris perle. - Sous les branches. "Le style est spirituel, les détails agréables, ce qui n'est

pas de trop pour donner quelque air de nouveauté à
ces petites histoires vieillottes."
M. Gaucher in Rev.
pol. et lit.

Pompadour, J. A. P., marquise de. Correspondance

avec son père et son frère, etc.; pub. par A. P. Malassis.

"Voici donc ici Mme. de Pompadour pendant deux cents pages toujours présente: la voici dans son ton et dans son tour d'esprit essentiellement uni, bourgeois, composé de bons lieux communs de morale, et piqué ça et là d'expressions littéraires." - Fortnightly rev., Feb. Portalis, R., baron. Les dessinateurs d'illustrations

au 18e siècle.

Quinet, E. Lettres à sa mère.

"His letters to his mother, which are singularly wanting in literary or political importance and in human interest." - Athen. The critic seems to be singularly wanting in human sympathy.

"Si sa candeur demeure toujours quelque peu étrangère aux réalités de la vie, si sa sensibilité est toujours quelque peu exaltée, on est forcé de rendre hommage à cette constante jeunesse de cœur qui n'empêchera ni maturité de la penséc, ni la virilité de l'action, et il faut remarquer que cette exaltation de la sensibilité aura toujours pour objet la vérité, la justice, la liberté, la patrie.

La mère d'Edgar Quinet avait plus de charme que de sérieux dans l'esprit. On voit que, dans les lettres de son fils, elle se préoccupait surtout de trouver de l'agrément. Quand il sera plus tard à Paris elle le verra moins volontiers dans l'intimité de M. Cousin, un philosophe qui ne cherche pas assez les moyens de plaire, que dans l'intimité du vandevilliste Bayard. E. Quinet sentira alors qu'il n'est pas tout à fait compris, et il entretiendra plus volontiers sa mère du succès de ses ouvrages que de la pensée intime qui les lui dicte.

On rencontrera dans ces deux volumes nombre de portraits esquissés d'un crayon rapide, Victor Hugo, Villemain, Guizot, Chateaubriand, le duc d'Orléans, et bien d'autres." - Rev. pol. et lit, juin 1877.


"The two first volumes of E. Quinet's Letters (which have already reached a 2d ed.) continue, with some overlapping, that fascinating fragment of his autobiog., the 'Histoire de mes idées'. Of the strange details of his mental life nothing is to be found in his correspondWhat fills it at this period is an absolutely passionate love for his mother, which, indeed, scarcely loses in the warmth of its expression during the 28 years over which the correspondence extends. The greatest charm of these letters - apart from the vividness of their descriptions consists in their perfect sincerity. Hence it is, that although mainly occupied with personal details, or, at least, with personal aspects of events, their historic value for the period over which they extend is very great." - Spectator.

Ris Paquot, -. Histoire générale de la faïence ancienne, française, et étrangère. 2 v. f. Ruysdael, J. Eaux fortes; reprod. et pub. par A. Durand; texte par G. Duplessis.

12 landscapes etched by the celebrated Dutch painter, characterized by the same sombre effects as his pictures. A sketch of the few facts known about his life is prefixed. The reproductions are as admirable as those of Duerer mentioned on p. 29.

Saynètes et monologues. 2 v.

Contents. Vol. 1. Gætschy, G. Professeur de dé. clamation. Nadaud, G. Un proverbe manqué; - Le conte du garde; - L'oraison funèbre de Madame Bourgeois; Examen de conscience d'une jeune fille. Cros, C. La famille Dubois; - L'affaire de la rue Beaubourg. - Monselet, C. Voyage dans mes poches; Un livre leste. - Supersac, L. La porte est close. Gastineau, O. Lélia. Ferrier, P. Chez la cliente; - Une larme d'Auvergnat. Biez, J. de. Le premier billet. Ohnet, G. Aux avant postes. Chauvin, -. Ruses et trucs. Mons, F. Le dernier Klephte. 2. Banville, T. de. Ancien Pierrot; - La perle. Marthold, J. de. La veille du mariage. Silvestre, A. Tizianello. - Guillemot, J. Une mauvaise étoile. Nadaud, G. Un double aveu. - Cros, C. Le voyage a trois étoiles; - Le Bilboquet; La bonne. - Ferrier,

P. Le roman d'une pupille. Normand, J. Billet de faire part. - Durandeau, E. La lettre du fusilier Bridet. Supersac, L. Hippolyte, ou Les quatre fiancées. - Chauvin. Sous bois. - George-Richard. Obf! Jouhaud, A. Tue-toi le premier.

"Dramatic trifles, only the suggestion of a situation, deftly and delicately treated, two or three lightly-drawn characters, a few pages of dialogue, and nothing more. It is the many monologues which give novelty and value to these volumes. Certainly, it is surprising to see what variety and what vivacity can be given to a play in which there is only one part. The 'Voyage dans mes poches' of Monselet is both witty and humorous. Supersac's 'La porte est close', in v. 1, is really a complete drama, in spite of its limited dramatis persone. But the best things in the books are half-a-dozen monologues by Cros, and of these 'La bonne', in v. 2, and 'L'affaire de la Rue Beaubourg', in v. 1, are especially amusing; in the latter the monotony of the monologue is most ingeniously avoided by allowing the one actor to assume at times a second part. In short, these saynètes and monologues are most of them polished and pointed, few of them broad, and none of them long. They bear witness, also, to the growth in France of the study of English literature. There is a reminiscence of 'Locksley Hall' in Ferrier's 'Le roman d'un pupille', and nearly the whole of La perle', by M. Théodore de Banville, has been borrowed from Shakspeare's 'Antony and Cleopatra'." - Nation, Feb. 7.

Valfrey, J. La diplomatie française au 17e siècle; Hugues de Lionne, ses ambassades en Italie, 1642-56.

"Hugues de Lionne was one of the ablest French diplomatists of the seventeenth century. A pupil and creature of Mazarin, De Lionne entered the diplomatic career under his auspices, and, as a natural result, the Cardinal claimed the glory of successes which were chiefly achieved by the young statesman the peace of the Pyrenees and the treaty of Munster, for instance."

Sat. rev.

[blocks in formation]

"A standard life of R. not unworthy to take a place side by side with the biography of Raffaelle by Passavant, and with the life of Titian by Mm. Crowe and Cavalcaselle. It may be asked what means all this turmoil of inquiry as to an artist who takes what may be termed his daily constitutional walk through the lower types of nature? Perhaps the true answer is that Rembrandt occupies an exceptional position, that the phenomena he presents never occurred before and can never be repeated. The product of his art is startling; it is singular for individuality of character, supreme in light, shade, and colour; the painter's life, moreover, is shrouded in a mystery which corresponds significantly with the chiaroscuro of his art, and both life and art are interwoven with a critical period in the history of a great people." Sat. rev.

Yriarte, C. Les bords de l'Adriatique et le Mon

ténégro. 4°.

A companion to the author's 'Venise'. "Delineations of ornaments, minute descriptions of costumes, views of quaintly-built towns and romantic mountain scenes. Unfortunately, the letterpress does not correspond. It is excessively long." H. F. Tozer in Acad., Apr. 6.

No. 3 of these Lists is out of print. Those who do not intend to keep the lists will confer a favor upon some persons who do by leaving that number at the Library.

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