Slike stranica
[blocks in formation]

Ainger, A. Charles Lamb. Eng. men of letters.)

"One of the pleasantest of Mr. Morley's excellent biographical series. His chapters on Lamb as essayist and critic are delicately neat, perceptive. and sympa thetic; and in his relation of the incidents of Lamb's life he shows himself no less generous than acute and accurate."-N. Y. Tribune.

Alcott, A. B. Sonnets and canzonets. W5P AL148 Allen, J. The Worcester Association and its antecedents; hist. of four ministerial associations, with notices.

Allen, W. History of Norridgewock.
Ames, N. Pirates' Glen and Dungeon Rock.

[blocks in formation]

"Anzengruber's peasants are less pretty, less pictur esque than Auerbach's, but more real; they savour of the soil, they live mentally in that dim, intellectual twilight characteristic of uneducated persons and young children."-- Spectator, Aug. 13, 1881. Arnaud, Mme. A. François Del Sarte, ses découvertes en esthétique, etc., préc. de details 5FD386A sur sa vie, etc. Aspland, R. B. Memoir of the life, works, and corresp. of Rev. Robert Aspland. Auerbach, B. Spinoza, a novel; [tr.] by E. Nicholson. VGGAU32s

"This book, which tells, with a due admixture of fact and fiction, the story of Spinoza's early life, was the first by which Auerbach established his fame. The ablest part of the book, and that which makes it decidedly worth reading is the picture it furnishes of Jewish manners and of the intellectual condition of Holland at that period. The character of Spinoza, too - the manner in which his doubts arose, his philosophy was formulated - is well sketched." - Athenæum.

Berthold Auerbach, b. 28, 2, 1812, d. 8, 2, 1882. Chief works: Spinoza, 1537; Schwarzwalder Dorfgeschichten, 1843; 2d series, 1848; Dichrer u. Kaufmann, 1854; Barfüssele, 1856; Auf der Höhe, 1865; Das Landhaus am Rhein, 1869; Waldfried, 18-; Brigitta, 1880. The Athenæum has his Gesammelte Schriften, 20 v. 1857-58. Babeau, A. L'école de village pendant la Révolution.

"An excellent specimen of the monographs on historical subjects which are nowhere now produced in a more creditable manner than in France. M. Babeau shows conclusively that the much-reviled ecclesiastical system of education was, for the most part, altered only for the worse by the Revolution; that the power given to the Communes of managing their schools on something like the School Board system had by no means good results; and that the chorus of demand at the beginning for the restoration of clerical supervision was loud and almost unanimous." - Sat. rec., Nov. 5, 1881.

"Ce sont les menus faits qu'il assemble, les archives locales qu'il dépouille, les petites communes qu'il étudie avec patience, avec sagacité, sans esprit de parti."- Rev. des Deux Mondes, 15 sept., 1581.

Bach, A. B. Bacon, II:

Musical education and vocal culture. A Parisian year.

Bain, A. James Mill; a biogrpahy.

"Without any human interest. The biography of James Mill still remains to be written if any one shall hereafter be sufficiently attracted by his somewhat crabbed character to undertake the task. Whatever interest these volumes possess they derive from their subjeet, not from its treatment. Prof. Bain is lacking in all the qualities, except industry, which he here displays in excess, that go to make a good biography." -Athe num, Jan. 25, 1882.

John Stuart Mill; a criticism; with personal recollections.

"So far as doctrines are concerned one could not have wished for an exponent more sympathetic than Prof. Bain, who may fairly be termed the last of the associationists. But for the task of biographer, and even of critic, something more is required than mere knowledge of the doctrines expounded by thinkers, and these additional qualities-literary style and arrangement, knowledge of life, and broad intellectual sympathies are absent."- Athenæum.

Baissac, C. Etude sur le patois créole mauricien.

"Un livre instructif et amusant. On y voit comment se décompose une langue dans les esprits incomplets. Le livre de M. Baissac nous fait vivre au milieu de ce peuple enfantin, aimable, dont le cerveau étroit n'admet que des idées faisant image."-L. Q. in Revue pol. et lit., 8 oct., 1881.

Baker, H: B. Our old actors.

Baker, T. Ueber die Musik der nordamerikanischen Wilden.

Ballou, A. History of Milford, Mass., to 1881. Barber, J: W., and Punderson, L. S. History and antiq. of New Haven, Conn.; with biog, sketches, etc.

Barclay, E. Mountain life in Algeria.

"Written and beautifully illustrated by a painter, The fruit of more than one visit." D. W. Freshfield in the Academy, Dec. 17, 1881.

"Mr. Barclay has, so to speak, been always on foot among his studies; he has looked in the face the people he talks of, and he has gone up and down among them, and sat at meat with them; and the result is a most pleasant volume upon a most interesting race." -Atheneum.

Barrett, W: History and antiquities of Bristol. Bates, J. Anniv. disc. at Dudley, Mass., 1853; with topog. and hist. notices.

Battle-Flag Day, Conn., Sept. 17, 1879. Beattie, W: Ports, harbours, watering-places, and coast scenery of Great Britain; illust. by W.

H. Bartlett.

Beljame, A. Le public et les hommes de lettres en Angleterre, 1660-1744.

"M. Beljame indeed, would not be a Frenchman if his book was not written in some degree to illustrate a general theory. But he has supported his theory and based his conclusions on a substructure of inquiry into facts so accurate, so full, and so laborious, that we hardly know a single monograph of the kind in French, German, or English with which it will not compare favorably." Atheneum, Oct. 8, 1851.

"There is no sketch of the lighter literature of England between 1660 and 1740 to be found in English of half the minuteness, accuracy, and fullness of this."--Athenæum, Dec. 31, 1851.

Bellings, R. History of the Irish confederation and the war in Ireland, 1641-63; ed. by J: T. Gilbert. Vol. 1.

Beowulf; an epic poem; tr. from the Anglo-Saxon by A. D. Wackerbarth. VDYP B45 Berlèse, l'abbé, Monographie du genre camellia et traité sur sa culture.

[blocks in formation]

"La trame est légère, par exemple, très joliment brodée; de la soie, de l'or, et quelques perles fines. Les romans de M. Bentzon demandent à être pris non en gros, mais en détail."- Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. litt., Sept. 3, 1851.

Bluntschli, J: K. Le droit international codifié;

tr. de l'allemand par C. Lardy. Bond, A. Hist. disc., 100th anniv. of the 2d Cong. Ch., Norwich, Conn., July 24, 1860. Bouldin, P. Home reminiscences of J: Randolph of Roanoke.

"In plan this volume resembles Harvey's Reminiscences of Webster, save that it presents not one man's reminiscences, but those of several, and they relate almost wholly to Mr. Randolph in the more private phases of his character and life.”— Literary world, Boulnois, II. P. Dirty dustbins and sloppy streets. Brant, Capt. J. Memoir.

Brockett, L. P. Our western empire; or, The new
West beyond the Mississippi.
Brodie, Sir B. C. Ideal chemistry; a lecture.

"The elements, are they really primordially distinct bodies? Are any of them compounds of the others, more intimate than those we are in the habit of decomposing and recombining in our laboratories? or are all of them resolvable into some more truly elemental elements, or even element of which we as yet know nothing? Are they the survivors of a process of natural selection ; existing because in harmony with their surroundings? Sir B. C. Brodie suggests that 'in remote time, or in space, there did exist formerly, or possibly do exist now, certain simpler forms of matter than we find on the surace of th globe.'”—Journ. of scienc“, Feb. 1531. Brookline, Mass. Pub. Lib. Catalogue; supplement, 1873-81.


Buchon, J: A. C. Choix de monumens primitifs de l'église chrétienne.

Buckingham, J. T. Annals of the Mass. Charitable Mechanic Association.

Buet, C: Les chevaliers de la Croix-Blanche.

VFF B86 Les

"L'œuvre tient à la fois du drame et du roman. sociétés secrètes y jouent un grand rôle ; chaque chapitre forme une scène mouvementée; chaque personnage est un caractère.” —F. Boissin in Polybiblion, Oct. 1851. Buffalo Hist. Society. Publications. Vol. 1, 2. Bullock, II. H. Commemorative address, [Royalston], Aug. 23, 1865, 100th anniv. Butler, S: Alps and sanctuaries of Piedmont and the canton Ticino.

Caird, E: The problem of philosophy at the present time; introd. address to the Philos. Soc. of the Univ. of Edinburgh. Cant-Wall, E. (pseud.?) Ireland under the land act; letters contrib. to the Standard.

Carpenter, L. Examination of the charges against Unitarians and Unitarianism.

Carter, A. History of Berlin, Mass.

Castro, A. de. Obras escogidas de filósofos. (Vol. 65 of Arabau. Bibl.)

Chambers, R. The Threiplands of Fingask; a family memoir.

Chase, G: B. Lowndes of South Carolina; hist. and genealogical memoir.

Clark, J. V. II. Indian camp-fires, and hunting grounds of the red men.

Clarke, J. F. Coffee houses and coffee palaces in England.

Coan, T. Life in Hawaii; an autobiog. sketch of mission life and labors, 1835-81.

"Rev. T. Coan was for many years a missionary in Hawaii; he gives his own experience in the missionary field, and an account of the people, the scenery, life, and customs of Hawaii."— Pab. weekly.

Cogswell, E. C. History of Nottingham, Deerfield, and Northwood, N. H. Collier, J: Primer of art.

Collins, W: L. La Fontaine and other French fabulists. (For. class. for Eng. readers.) "Second-hand treatment."— Athenrum, Mar. 4. Constant, B. Lettres à Mme. Récamier, 1807-30. VF5-c76

"Ces lettres étaient entre les mains de Mme. Lenormant, légataire de Mme. Récamier. La famille de B: Constant proteste contre la publication qui en a été faite. Elle prétend qu'elle a eu lieu en dehors des conventions arrêtées et, notamment, sans l'avertissement qui devait être placé en tête des lettres.” — Le liore, 10 jan. 1892. Cooke, M. C. Freaks and marvels of plant life; or, Curiosities of vegetation.

Cooley, T: M. The general principles of constitutional law in the U. S. (Student's series.) Cornell, W: M. Life and public career of Hon. Horace Greeley.

[ocr errors]

Cornhill magazine, April 1882. The fine paper on Talk," by "R. L S." a century since would, by itself, have made a literary reputation." - Spectator, April 1, 1881.

Cornish, F. W. Life of Oliver Cromwell.

"An outburst of admiration for Oliver Cromwell and a fervid assertion of his essential uprightness."— Athendum, Dec. 24, 1881.

Cotton, J: Beautiful birds described; ed. from [his] mss. by R. Tyas. 3 v.

Cox, S. C. Recollections of the early settlement of the Wabash valley.

Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. Plain-speaking. (Franklin Sqr. lib.) Craven, Mme. A: Eliane. 2 v. VFF C85E Crawford and Balcarres, A. W. Crawford, Earl of. The Earldom of Mar during 500 years; letters. 2 v.

[blocks in formation]

Dall, Mrs. C. H. My first holiday; or, Letters
from Colorado, Utah, and California.
Dance of Death; [list of eds., in Harvard Coll.

Darby, W: Geographical descr. of Louisiana, southern part of Mississippi, and Alabama. Darmesteter, J. Coup d'œil sur l'histoire du peuple juif.

"Pages éloquentes et d'un grand style. M. Darmesteter, après avoir indiqué les grandes lignes de l'histoire du peuple juif, indique les principaux problèmes qu'elle soulève. Ce qu'il tient à marquer surtout, c'est que le judaïsme est, de toutes les religions, la seule qui accepte de grand cœur le progrès social et les conquêtes de la science. ... M. Darmesteter ne rêve pas cette Eglise invisible de l'avenir' que quelques Israélites entrevoient dans le lointain des âges. Non, il n'a pas cette illusion de sectaire ou d'illuminé. Ce qu'il croit c'est que l'esprit juif peut agir encore dans le monde pour la science suprême et le progrès sans fin, et que le rôle de la Bible n'est pas achevé. Quand le peuple qui a fait la Bible disparaitrait, race et culte, son empreinte demeurerait an plus profond du cœur des générations, qui n'en sauront rien peut-être, mais qui vivront de ce qu'il a mis en elles." — Maxime Gaucher in Revue pol, et lit., 14 mai,


Daudet, A. Numa Roumestan. 6e éd.

"M. Alphonse Daudet dit que les méridionaux sont menteurs, or M. Alphonse Daudet est méridional, done - Et M. Daudet le dit longuement, pendant tout un volume où il n'y a guère que cela, sous toutes les formes et tous les assaisonnements. ... S'il n'y a pas de roman, il y a un long monologue plein d'esprit et de verve." Maxime Gaucher in Revue pol. et lit., 22 oct. 1881. Daudet, E. Histoire des conspirations royalistes du Midi sous la Révolution.

"M. Dandet has told the story clearly and well. His book has a good map."- Sat. rev., June 4, 1881. Demontzey, P. Traité pratique du reboisement et du gazonnement des montagnes.

"Ouvrage publié sous les auspices des Ministères de PAgriculture et des Travaux Publics." Denton, W: Soul of things; or, Psychometric researches and discoveries. Vol. 2, 3. De Peyster, J. W. Mary, Queen of Scots; a study. Deulin, C. Les contes de ma Mère l'Oye avant Perrault. XVFK D487


"Il s'etait proposé de chercher en France et chez les peuples voisins la source première de ces histoires merveilleuses. Non pas que M. Deulin suppose que Perrault ait puisé ses récets à ces formes primitives, non malgré l'avis contraire de Yénin et de Maury, il estime que Perrault les avait recueillis sur les lèvres des nourrices. e seul objet qu'il se propose, c'est de comparer les traditions diverses des différents pays et de voir les modifications qu'elles ont subies en passant de siècle en siècle et même en passant d'un pays ou d'une province dans une autre province et un autre pays. ... Quant au sens caché et philosophique, au symbolisme, il ne veut même s'en occuper." Rev. pol. et lit., 8 fév. Deutsch, S. Letters; a practical and grammatical course for easy and thorough self-instruction in the German language.


"This grammar is equally remarkable for its compre. hensive scope and thorough elaborateness. Students who will devote to it a fair measure of energy and diligence, will not only become masters of the grammatical rules of the German language, and of most of its lexicographical treasures, but they will have grasped its very marrow and spirit; learned its evolution and development, and acquired a knowledge of its relation to English, Anglo-Saxon, Gothic, and other Aryan tongues. The study is made comparatively easy by strictly methodical progression, by typographical helps to the eye, and chiefly by the aid of English parallels." Nation. Dickens, C: Posthumous papers of the Pickwick Dickens, Club; illust. by Crowquill. V-D55P7

[ocr errors]

Dillenback & Leavitt. History and directory of Kent Co., Michigan.

Dillon, J: B. Oddities of colonial legislation in America; with records, a condensed history of the states, etc.

Dolbear, Prof. A. E: The art of projecting; a manual of experimentation in physics, chemistry, and natural history.

Doudeauville, B. A. F. le T. de L. de M. de la R., duchesse de. Life of Mme. de la Rochefoucauld, duchesse de Doudeauville; tr. by Mrs. C. Hoey. 5F L3227

"The biography of an uncanonized Catholic saint, and interesting, not only as the portrait of a very lovely woman, but for the light which it incidently throws on the domestic and religious life of the best of the old French nobility." - Unitarian rev., Dec. Drake, S: A.

The heart of the White Mountains. Drake, S: G. Indian captivities; or, Life in the


Drummond, J. Spiritual religion; sermons. Drummond, W: H. Sermons; with memoir by J.

S. Porter.

Du Boisgobey, F. Le crime de l'omnibus.


"M. Fortuné du Boisgobey seems to be making considerable progress in the particular kind of novel-writng which he has chosen. He gets his story within more manageable limits, works it out by means of more interesting characters, and diversifies it more cunningly with secondary interests. Whether, even with these advantages, it is a style much worth cultivating is another question.". Saturday rev., Feb. 4, 1882.

Du Moncel, T., comte. Incandescent electric lights, with ref. to the Edison lamps at the Paris Exhibition.

Dupin, F. P: C:, le baron. Géométrie et méchanique des arts et métiers et des beaux-arts.

3 v.

Contents. Vol. 1. Géométrie. 2. Méchanique. 3. Dynamic.

Du Sartel, O. La porcelaine de Chine: origines, fabrication, décors, et marques.

Dutuit, E. Manuel de l'amateur d'estampes : Ecoles flamande et hollandaise.

"Ce n'est qu'un catalogue, en vérité, mais un catalogue illustré, d'abord, de fac-similés precieux. et puis un catalogue aussi riche qu'il se puisse en renseignemens de toute sorte, sur les plus anciennes gravures, sur les estampes coloriées, sur les cartes à jouer, etc." Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 mai, 1881.

Eddy, C: Genealogy of the Eddy family. Edgeworth, F. Y. Mathematical psychics; an

essay on the application of mathematics to the moral sciences.

"Shows clear signs of genius, and is a promise of great things to come.". - Alfred Marshall in the Academy, June 18, 1881.

Edwards, J. F. Vaccination; arguments pro and con; with a chapter on the hygiene of small


Edwards, M. B. Exchange no robbery. (Franklin sqr. lib.)

Ellis, J: The wine question in the light of the new dispensation. Ellwanger, H. B. tivation, etc.

The rose; a treatise on the cul

"Though many books upon the rose have been produced within the past twenty years, the most useful and valuable are English compilations and specially adapted to an English climate, hence the desirability of a work

like the present, where the differences of climate, etc., are considered. These differences require a modification and change in the directions for culture, a different list of varieties for general cultivation, etc., all of which the author has considered, besides many new varieties, classes and types are described, while many modifications of old-established principles which have lately crept into rose-culture have not been overlooked."Pub. weekly.

Elze, K: Essays on Shakespeare; tr. by L. D. Schmitz.

Notes on Elizabethan dramatists.

Emerson, G. R. W: Ewart Gladstone, a polit. and literary biography.

Emerson, W: A: History of Douglas, Mass., to


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"All editions of these books subsequent to the first have suffered serious curtailment; these volumes are the first reprint from the unmutilated originals. ... Lively and amusing, Miss Ferrier was too much of a caricaturist to be a great humourist, and she fails in pathos as no great humourist has ever failed; but her humour was of a high, though not of the highest order." — Spectator, Feb. 4, 1882.

"Has a value as a record of English manners of the time preserved by a keen observer who always wrote like a lady; but its most enduring charm will lie in the delineations of Scotch life and characters. As a work of art it is in various ways inferior to the two novels which followed it.” — Saturday review, Jan. 21, 1852. Feuillet, O. L'acrobate; comédie.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]



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Field, D: D. Outlines of an international code.

"Si, en effet, il était démontré qu'un homme aussi habile que lui, un des codificateurs du projet de la légis lation statutaire de New York, n'a pu formuler un code susceptible de servir de base à un traité entre plusieurs nations qui l'accepteraient comme leur loi commune, il faudrait en conclure que l'heure n'est pas encore venue de songer à une codification officielle du droit international, et l'on pourrait, en renonçant pour le moment à cette voie impracticable, s'occuper de perfectionner le droit des gens par des moyens moins radicaux. Or telle est bien décidément notre impression."- Rev. de droit int., v. 5.

Fields, Mrs. A. A. James T. Fields; biog. notes and sketches; with unpublished fragments. Finlay, H. Journal during his survey of the post offices between Falmouth and Casco Bay, Mass., and Savannah, Ga., 1773-74. Fitzgerald, P. A new history of the English stage. 2 v.

"With recklessness that ends by commanding admira tion, he dashes off, one after another, books about the stage, all equally pleasant, readable, amusing, and un. trustworthy."-Athenæum, April 8, 1882. Fowle, T: W. The poor law. (Eng. citizen ser.) France, J. A. Le crime de Sylvestre Bonnard, membre de l'Institut.

"A French novel, which one can recommend to ones" friends of both sexes and of all ages. M. France is a scholar, and a well-known editor of old French texts, This latest editorial work of his may be less important to literary science than his previous labors, but has more general human interest than all the 16th century French poems which he is likely to rescue from the limbo of manuscript."- Saturday ret., Aug. 13.

"Rien de violent, comme le titre pourrait le faire Metcraindre, rien de noir dans ces aimable volume. ... tons, si vous voulez, que ce soit peu de chose, et puis prenez le volume de M. France, et voyez ce que ce peu de chose devient sous sa plume." — Bibliothèque unit. mai 1881.

Franklin, Conn. Cong. Ch. Celebration of the 150th anniv., Oct. 14, 1868.

Frémy, E. Essai sur les diplomates du temps de la Ligue.

8F9Y 188

Froehner, W. Terres cuites d'Asie-Mineure. Frothingham, O. B. The rising and the setting faith; and other discourses.

2 v.

Froude, J. A. Thomas Carlyle; the first forty years of his life, 1795-1835. "These two volumes are to be Mr. Froude's sole contribution to a formal biography of Carlyle. The remain ing part of the life is to be told by means of Mrs. Carlyle's letters annotated by Carlyle, and indirectly by Carlyle's own letters and those of his correspondents. Mr. Froude has adopted the modern theory of biography, and allowed Carlyle and his entourage to disclose the character of his hero ipsissimis verbis. His comments are few and judicious, and there is little if any hero-worship in this account of the apostle of hero-worship." - Athenæum, April 8, '82.

Fuller, A. W. Artistic homes in city and country.
Gale, T. The court of the Gentiles; the original
of human literature, from the Scriptures and
Jewish Church. 1669-71. 2 v.

Garnett, S. A. Cursory family sketches.
Gibbs, W: H. Address before the Lit. Assoc.,
Blandford, Mass., Sept. 21, 1850, upon the
history of that town.

Gilman, D. C. Historical disc., Norwich, Conn.,
Sept. 7, 1859:

Girard, P. L'Asclépieion d'Athènes d'après de récentes découvertes. (Athens. Ecole Française. Bibliothèque.) Girardin, M., called Saint-Marc. Lectures on dramatic literature; tr. by R. G. Barnwell. Glasson, E. Histoire du droit et des institutions de l'Angleterre comparés au droit et aux institutions de la France. Vol. 1: Epoque anglo-saxonne.

Published by the Boston Athenæum, Beacon St., Boston,
Mass., bi-monthly. Price 25 cts; by mail, 50 cts.
Entered at the Post Office at Boston, Mass.,
as second class matter.

Glisan, R. Journal of army life.
Godefroy, F: Dictionnaire de l'anc. langue fran-

çaise et de tous ses dialectes du 9e an 15e
siècle. Vol. 1.

"We have been struck by the very great number of words which are English as well as Freneh. To the student of our early literature, M. Godefroy's work will be almost as necessary a handbook as Stratmann's Dietionary of the old English language."- Academy. Gondinet, E. [Comédies.]

Namely: L'alouette. VFD G584A; - La belle Madame
Donis. VFD G584B; — Les braves gens. VFD'G584L; —
Les cascades. VFD'G584A; Le chef de division. VFD'
G584J; - Christiane. VFD G584C; — Le club. VFD G584v1;
- Le comte Jacques. VFD'G584RO; — La cravate blanche.
VFD'G584A;-Gavaut, Minard, & Cie. VFD G584A;
Gilberte. VFD G584L; — Les grandes demoiselles. VFD'
G584R; Le homard. VFD'G584R; — Jean de Nivelle.
VFD G584C; - Jonathan. VFD G584J; Libres! VFD'
G584L; Oh! Monsieur! VFD'G584R; - Le panache.
VFD G584B; - Panazol. VFD G5S4R; - Paris chez lui
1863. VFD G584v; - Les revoltées. VFD'G584R; — Le roi
l'a dit. VFD G584RO; - Tant plus ça change. VFD'
Les tapageurs. VFD.G5S4T;- Le tunnel. VFD.
G5S4A; — Les victimes de l'argent. VFD.G584V; Les
vieilles couches. VFD'G584V1; — Un voyage d'agrément.

VFD G584T.

"On connaît le genre; l'éclat de rire continu, produit par l'absence de toute logique ou plutôt par la perception d'une logique spéciale, celle des fous, des idiots, des ahuris." A. Cartault in Rev. pol. et lit., 19 nov. 1881. Goodhue, J. F. History of Shoreham, Vt.; with acc. of the Co. of Addison, by S: Swift. Gordon, G: H. War diary of events in the War of the Rebellion.

Greg, W: R. Miscellaneous essays.


Contents. Rocks ahead and harbours of refuge. Foreign policy of Great Britain - imperial or economic? -The echo of the antipodes. — A grave perplexity be fore us. Obligations of the soil. The right use of a surplus; or, Remission of taxes an abuse of revenue. -The great twin brethren. Is the popular judgment in politics more just than that of the higher orders?— Hariet Martineau. - Verify your compass. The prophetic element in the Gospels. - - Mr. Frederick Harrison on the future life.-Can truths be apprehended which could not have been discovered?

"Mr. Greg's intellect, though acute and vigorous, was preeminently wanting in freshness and versatility. He had not a touch of that talent, traceable in every line of Bagehot, which enables a theorist to put well-worn truths in a new point of view. Hence he displays little skill in the analysis of character. Nor did he possess anything like the extensive knowledge or the capacity for sympathy which gave Mill for a short time such commanding influence. Though, again, no man tried more earnestly to conduct controversy in a fair and candid spirit, Mr. Greg betrayed in all his utterances on political or social subjects an unmistakable bias. Not by interest but by force of position and natural bent of mind, he was "retained" through life as the representative of capitalists. Whatever the form or the title of Mr. Greg's political writings, he in fact always wrote from the point of view of a manufacturer. He gained as a controversialist by the honest dogmatism which enabled him to put forth without hesitation and with perfect sincerity the strong points of the case which he undertook to argue."


"His strength lay in two characteristics: he never attempted to win his case by any other force than by the strength of his argument. Sarcasm, irony, humorous exaggeration, all the hundred modes of appealing to men's feelings rather than to their understandings, were utterly foreign to his manner. He possessed, further, a rare capacity for discriminating between the different degrees in which his arguments carried satisfaction to his own mind. He could distinguish, and make it clear to his readers that he distinguished between conclusions which he held to be certain, and those inferences which he believed to have in their favor but a slight amount of probability," "Extracts from a very careful estimate of Greg's ability, in the Nation, Jan. 25.

Grosvenor, J. du V. Model yachts and boats;
their designing, making, and sailing.
Guilmard, D. Les maîtres ornemanistes.
Same. Planches.

"180 planches ainsi que 20 titres et 18 têtes de page,
tous fac-similés choisis parmi les meilleures composi
tions des principaux maîtres ornemanistes et reproduits
par la photogravure: à laide de ces planches, on peut
suivre l'histoire de l'ornementation depuis la fin du 15e
siècle jusqu'au commencement du 19e. Ce travail de M.
Guilmard sera très utile et aux artistes qui y trouveront
des renseignements sûrs, et aux amateurs à qui la con-
naissance des styles est indispensable pour le classe.
ment de leurs collections, et surtout, comme le fait re-
marquer M. le baron Davillier dans l'introduction de
l'ouvrage aux industries d'art." Revue critique, 25
avr. 1881.
Handbook of charity organiza-

Gurteen, S. H.

tion. Habberton, J: Mrs. Mayburn's twins. VH11м Hackländer, F: W: Clara; or, Slave life in Europe; pref. by Sir A. Alison. VGG•H111c

Hahn, T. Tsuni-goam; the supreme being of the Khoi-Khoi.

"It is seldom that we find the religion and the myths of a savage, or, at all events, of a very uncultivated people, examined with such minuteness and knowledge.” A. Lang, in the Academy, Jan. 7, 1882. Hale, Miss L. P. The Peterkin papers. Hall, B: H. Collection of college words and cus



Hamersly, T: H. S. General register of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps, 1782-1882; with a sketch of the navy, 1775-98.

Hanson, J: W. History of Norridgewock and Canaan, Starks, Skowhegan, and Bloomfield, to 1849; incl. sketch of the Abnakis. Harrison, J. E. Myths of the Odyssey in art and literature.

"Miss Harrison has attempted to produce a kin of novelty in English literature; a volume which combines mythology the literary treatment of myths - and "mythography," a criticism of the same myths as illus. trated by the artists of the ancient world. Her book con: tains much information that will be new to all but pro fessed archæologists. Miss Harrison's work is copious and learned; and, as a rule, she sticks to the matter in hand, and does not wander into digressions. Here is a book that every student of the Odyssey will find inter, esting." Saturday rev,, Oct. 29, Iss1,"

Few who have not seen Overbeck's Heräische Bild. werke will have realized how thoroughly those early Greek sagas might be illustrated from existing works of art; in supplementing the labours of Overbeck, our authoress has given us, to a part of his gallery, a guide as conscientious and as attractive as could be desired." Cecil Smith in the Academy, Nov. 12, 1881,

Harte, F. B. The luck of Roaring Camp. and other stories; incl, earlier papers, Spanish and American legends, Tales of the Argonauts, V-112512


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