Slike stranica

Holmes, Mrs. M.. J. The English orphans; or, A home in the New World. 1855. Vн732 Hutcheson, A. Estimate of the present national debt; added, Copy of remarks subjoined to calculations made in 1717, etc.

Il est temps encore. 1861.
Intrigues of the Queen of Spain with the Prince
of Peace, etc.; by a Spanish nobleman. 1808.

Ipcher, A. Le droit et le fait. 1861.
King's Mountain celebration; address by J: S.
Preston. 1855.

Lanman, C: Leading men of Japan; with histori

cal summary of the empire.

"The book is worth a place in libraries because there is as yet nothing better to take its place; but its bald and scrappy style is repulsive. Taken as a whole it is a bunble of pamphlets, creditable neither to publisher nor author." - Nation, Mar. 8.

Lee, Miss S. The chapter of accidents; comedy. 1796. VED F23 Liddell, H: G:, and Scott, R. A Greek English lexicon. 7th ed., revised and augmented with the co-operation of Prof. Drisler, N. Y. "This lexicon is not only an improvement on the last issue so great as to make an epoch, but also the best that we shall have for many years to come." - Critic, Feb.


McMaster, J: B. History of the people of the U. S.,; from the Revolution to the civil war. Vol. 1.

"What the late Prof. J. R. Green did for his country by writing his History of the English people' Mr. J: B. McMaster has essayed to do for us. He carries out

in a complete, vivid, and delightful way his promise to describe the dress, the occupations, the amusements, the literary canons of the several epochs; to note the changes in morals as well as manners; to trace the growth of a humane spirit in legislation, and the influence of more enlightened views upon public opinion; to recount the manifold improvements, the multifarious inventions and discoveries which have marvellously augmented the conveniences of labour."- N. Y. sun, Mar. 11.

Margry, P. Relations et mémoires inédits pour

servir à l'histoire de la France dans les pays
d'outre-mer. 1867.

Marmora et l'alliance prussienne. 1868.
Martha, J. Les sacerdoces athéniens. (Athens.
Ecole Fr. Bibl.)

"Pour les savants qui ont étudié les institutions anciennes il semble que le temps et l'espace n'existaient pas autrefois. Décrivent-ils l'organisation des sacerdoces helléniques, ils passent d'Athènes à Lacédémone de Delphes à Corinthe. La vraie méthode n'est pas dans confusion; elle est au contraire dans la séparation des temps et des lieux. M. Martha s'est inspiré de cette idée dans le travail qu'il nous donne sur les sacerdoces athéniens." E. Beurlier in Bulletin critique, 15 oct., 1882. Merson, C: V. E. L'année 1860 devant l'Europe. Meyer, K: A., and Ruprecht, F. J. Beiträge zur Pflanzenkunde des russischen Reiches; hrsg. von der K. Acad. d. Wiss. 1844-48. 5 v. Miller, W. J. Celebration of the 200th anniv. of Bristol.

Moor, J. H. Notices of the Indian Archipelago, and adjacent coutries; papers relating to Borneo, Celebes, Bali, etc. 1837.

[blocks in formation]

Nasmyth, J. Autobiography; ed. by S: Smiles.

5DS-N175 "Life of a Scotch engineer, born at Edinburgh Aug. 19, 1808. He invented the steam hammer [1839], the steam pile driver [1843], chilled iron shot [1662], and many other useful and wonderful mechanical contrivances."

"In each of the capacities, engineer, draughtsman, manufacturer and astronomer, James Nasmyth would have earned a distinguished name if he had been content with that alone. His simple and charming story may be recommended to all sorts and conditions of readers." Athenæum, Feb. 24.

Olenschlager, J: D. von. Neue Erläuterung der guldenen Bulle Kaysers Carl Iv. 1766.

P., C. Le peuple français docteur médecin donnant ses consultations gratuites à cinq puissances qui sont indisposées depuis la guerre d'Italie. 1861.

P., J. N. L'œuvre d'un grande peuple. 1864. Paris, G. Les contes orientaux dans la litérature française du Moyen Age. 1875. XVFL-P21 Parker, T. Discourse of the function of a teacher of religion; ordination of M. G. Kimball. 1855.

Partenopex de Blois; tr. from the French of M. Le Grand; with notes by W: S. Rose. 1806. VFO+L52

Payn, J. The best of husbands. 2 v.

[blocks in formation]




In the heart of a hill; and other stories. VP291

Like father, like son. 2 v.

Murphey's master.

Not wooed, but won. 2 v.

[blocks in formation]






[blocks in formation]

Pott, Mrs. H: Promus of formularies and elegancies; private notes in ms. circ. 1594, hitherto unpublished by Francis Bacon; illust. by passages from Shakespeare; with pref. by E. A. Abbott.

"The theory of the book is simply this: That Bacon made this collection of words, phrases and proverbs, 1655 in number, for use in literary work, and that the plays known as Shakespeare's contain hundreds and thousands of passages which show that the passages were put to use in writing them. A completer and more disastrous failure could not be found in the annals of literature. We have not found an instance, not one, in which the passage in the plays is shown to have its origin in the Promus.'"-N. Y. tribune, Mar. 11. Pufendorf, S. (pseud. Severinus de Monzambano). De statu Imperii Germanici. 1668. Punch. Our honeymoon and other comicalities from Punch. 1859. VEA 9P960

[blocks in formation]

Rankin, M. Texas in 1850.
Rebmann, A. G: F: v. Das Ministerium der Hölle;
vom Geheimschreiber Beelzebubs tradirt.
Acherontia. 5796.

Redfield, I. F. Letter to Senator Foot upon the points settled by the war, etc. 1865.

[ocr errors]

Reiffenberg, F: de. Patrum Societatis Jesu poemata selectiora. 1758. 2 v. Rhéal, S. Les divine féeries de l'orient et du nord, etc.; illust. par Mme. Rhéal et A. Fragonard. 1843. VOK+R34 Richards, W: C. Georgia illust.; sketches by T. A. Richards, [and] hist. sketches by our own writers. 1842.

Riggs, S. R. Mary and I; forty years among the Sioux. [1880.]

Robertson, H. D. District duties during the revolt in the north-west provinces of India, 1857, with rem. on investigations during 1858-59. Rogers, N. P. Address before the Concord Female Anti-Slavery Soc. 1837. Rolin-Jaequemyns, G. Le droit international et la question d'Orient. 1876.

Rome. Views of the city and environs of Rome. 1855.

Rome et Constantinople. 1860.

Rose, G:, (pseud. A. Sketchley), Mrs. Brown on co-operative stores. 1879. VR72MS

Rouse, E. S. S. The bugle blast; spirit of the conflict. 1864.

Saint Evremond, C: M. de S.-D, sieur de. Works; made English, with life, by P. Des Maizeaux; added memoirs of the Dutchess of Mazarin by the Abbot St. Real. 1714. 3 v. VFSA24.E St. Nicholas; Scribner's illust. magazine for girls and boys; [ed.] by M.. M. Dodge. Vol. 19. 12 v.

Smith, C. Answer to slanderous reports cast on the Baptists at Ashfield. 1776. repr. Smith, C: S. Trial and conviction of S. 1874. Squibb, E: R., of Brooklyn. Proposed legislation on the adulteration of food and medicine, etc. (Econ. monographs.)

Stapleton, A. G. Les véritables causes de la guerre ; tr. [1871.]

Steudel, E. G. Nomenclator botanicus. 1840-41. Stevens, W: B. Love is of God; sermon. 1856. Suchier, H. Bibliotheca Normannica. 1879. 2 v.


Contents. Vol. 1. Reimpredicht; hrsg. von H. Suchier. 2. Der Judenknabe; hrsg. von E. Wolter.

"Die beiden bis jetzt vorliegenden Bände berechtigen zu den besten Erwartungen für das weitere Fortschreiten des Unternehmens und der Name des durch seine früheren Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete des altfranzösischen Philologie rühmlichst bekannten Hrsgbr's dafur bürgt, dass das künftig Folgende dem bis jetzt Geleisteten nicht nachstehen werde."- Literarisches Centralblatt, Dec. 4, 1880.

Taney, R. B. The cases of the ship Brothers, the snow Edward, and the ship James Adams. [183-.]

Tardif, E. J. Coutumiers de Normandie; textes critiques pub. avec notes, etc. par E. J. Tardif. Pte. 1.

"Of combined historical and juridical interest ... and M. Tardif has, for the first time, shown that this most ancient collection of Norman Customary Law is divisi. ble into two parts, the first of which is of an origin nearly contemporaneous with that of the Tractatus de legibus Angliae attributed to Ranulf Glanvill, the Great Justiciar of King Henry II., while there is internal evidence that the second part was composed shortly after the separation of Normandy from England, and possibly before 1223." - Travers Twiss in the Academy, June 24, 1882.

Terry, C. Christ's presence the basis and life of Christian effort; sermon. 1856.

Thevenot, J: de. Travels into the Levant; newly done out of Freuch, [by A. Lovell]. 1687. Thomas Aquinas, St. Summa theologica; emendata Nicolai, Sylvii, Billuart, et C. J. Drioux notis ornata. 1875. 8 v.

Thomas, P. E., afterwards Sagouan. Report of the proceedings of an Indian council, Cattaraugus. 1845.

Vasari, G: Lives of painters, sculptors, and architects; tr. with notes by Mrs. J. Foster. 5 v. "It is a terrible shock to read as the opinion of M. Lermolieff, that Vasari actually forged letters to produce material for his work; and hence the delightful stories we have been accustomed to accept are now to be relegated to the category of myths." -Acad., Jan. 20. Walcott, C. F. History of the 21st Regiment Mass. Volunteers, 1861-65; with statistics of the war and of rebel prisons.

Wangemann, O:

Geschichte d. Oratoriums von den ersten Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Wellman, J. W. Church polity of the Pilgrims; sermon. [1857.]

Westerburg, E. Der Ursprung der Sage dass Se

neca Christ gewesen sei; eine kritische Untersuchung nebst einer Rezension des apokryphen Briefwechsels des Apostels Paulus mit Seneca.

"Eine feine und anziehende neue Untersuchung der Briefe zwischen Seneca und Paulus."-Lit. Centralblatt, 2 sept. 1882.

"Voici un petit écrit plein de choses neuves et intéressantes. Comment a-t-on eu l'idée de faire de Sénèque un chrétien? M. Westerburg s'est aperçu que sa prétendue correspondance est composée de deux parties parfaitement distinctes, une plus ancienne, qui peut bien remonter au Ive siècle, et qui serait un reste de la correspondance que saint Jérôme a connue, et une plus récente, de l'époque carlovingienne. La démonstration de M. W. est irréprochable au point de vue de la méthode." - Rev. critique, 18 juil., 1881.

White, A. Narrative of a voy. to Maryland; extracts from letters of missionaries, 1635-77; ed. by E. A. Dalyrymple. White, H. The tariff question. (Econ. monographs.)

Wickes, T: Discourse, funeral of C. H. Fay, Oct. 10, 1854.

Williams, J. O. Mammoth trees of California. 1871. Wilson, D. Memorials of Edinburgh in the olden time.

Wilson, J. Capital, currency, and banking; articles pub. in the "Economist," 1845-47. Wilson, J. A. Adventures of W. Wilson, J: The lost solar system of the ancients discovered. 1856. 2 v.

Wither, G: Parallelogrammaton. (Spenser Soc. no. 33.)

Yxart, J. Fortuny, noticia biográfica critica.

"Les rapports de Fortuny avec H: Regnault. Meissonnier, Gérôme, sont fort bien élucidés,ainsi que l'influence qu'eurent ces relations sur le talent de des peintres ou sur celui de Fortuny lui-même."- A. Savine in Polybiblion, Jan. 1882.

Published by the Boston Athenæum, Beacon St., Boston,
Mass., weekly. Price by the year 25 cts.; by mail,
50 cts. Entered at the Post Office, Boston,
Mass., as second class matter.

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the semi-cent. anniversary. 1863. American Inst. of Instruction. Lectures and journal of proceedings. 1881.

Ancient India as described by Megasthenes and Arrian; a trans. of the fragments of the Indika of Megasthenes coll. by Dr. Schwanbeck, and of the first part of the Indika of Arrian, by J. W. McCrindle; with introd., notes, and map. Andrew, Sir W: The Euphrates Valley route to India, in connection with the Central Asian and Egyptian question. Antécédents et conséquences de la politique impériale en Italie. 1861.

Babeau, A. La vie rurale dans l'ancienne France. 8FY-B11

"Dans Le village sous l'ancien régime,' il avait étudié ce que l'on peut appeler la vie publique du paysan, le regime auquel il etait soumis, les autorités auxquelles il obéissait, la part qu'il prenait à l'administration du bourg; ici c'est la vie privée de l'habitant des campagnes qu'il cherche à nous faire connaitre. Pas de parti pris ni de déclamation; le livre inspire la confiance." - Rev. d. D. Mondes, 15 jan.

Baldwin, J. Introduction to the study of English literature and literary criticism. Vol. 1: Poetry.


"It gives very few hints to the student of poetry, and even the illustrative criticism from many sources is so fragmentary as to have little value. A thorough, searching examination of one great poem would be worth a whole volume of this miscellaneous information." - Atlantic, March.

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Report of the engineers. 1828.

Baron, A. Le paupérisme, ses causes et ses remèdes.

"Ce volume a obtenu le premier prix au concours de M. Isaac Pereire. Il a pris la question à son vrai point de vue le paupérisme est une maladie sociale, que les empiriques seuls ont la prétention d'extirper par un spécifique de leur invention; pour ceux que veulent le combattre efficacement, il n'est pas d'autre moyen que de lui disputer le terrain pied à pied en remédiant aux vices d'organisation qui l'engendrent. L'ensemble

du travail mérite d'être classé parmi les études les plus fortes et les plus solides du temps. Il a entre autres, l'avantage de rompre avec la mode qui s'est établie en certains sujets, de donner des mots pour des arguments.” Nouvelle revue, nov. 1882.

Barrows, W: Purgatory, doctrinally, practically, and historically opened; with introd. by A. McKenzie.

Birt, T. Das antike Buchwesen; in seinem Verhältniss zur Litteratur, mit Beiträgen zur Textgeschichte des Theokrit, Catull, Properz, X-B53


"Not content to pass lightly over the surface, as M. Egger did when in his charming little Histoire du livre' he threw the results of years of study into a popular narrative, the German scholar is at pains to give chapter and verse for every statement, however apparently triv. ial. Where Herr Birt does allow himself general reflections on the conditions of literature in antiquity he is always both interesting and instructive. His style in such passages is singularly terse and vigorous. The glow of the enthusiast may be felt even through the pre

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Blumer, J. J. Handbuch des schweizerischen Bundesstaatsrechtes. 1863-64. 2 v.

Bluntschli, J. K. Geschichte d. schweizer. Bundesrechtes von den ersten ewigen Bünden bis auf d. Gegenwart. 1849-52. 2 v. Boardman, H: A. A quarter-century discourse, 10th Presbyterian Church. 1858. Boissier, E: P: Elenchus plantarum quas in itinere Hispanico legit B. 1838.

Bovet, F. Egypt, Palestine, and Phoenicia; a visit to sacred lands; tr. by H. Lyttleton; with biog. sketch by F. Godet.

Bowen, F. Treatise on logic; or, The laws of pure thought, comprising both the Aristotelic and Hamiltonian analyses of logical forms, and some chapters of applied logic.

Brandes, G: Moderne Geister; literarische Bildnisse aus dem 19n Jahrhundert. XVAV-B73M

"Eight literary sketches devoted to Paul Heyse, Hans Christian Andersen, John Stuart Mill, Ernest Renan, Esaias Tegnér, Gustave Flaubert, Frederik PaludanMüller, and Björnstjerne Björnson. Each sketch is a masterpiece." - Nation, July 6, 1882.

Brassey, Lady A. Tahiti; a series of photographs taken by Colonel Stuart-Wortley.

Brosien, H. Lexikon der deutschen Geschichte. Die Völker, Länder, historischen Personen und Stätten Deutschlands.

"Fleissige und verlässige Arbeit."- Deutsche Lit., 17 Juni 1882.

Buckland, A.. The story of English literature.


Causton, H: K. S. Essay on Mr. Singer's "Wormwood;" a restoration of the author's reply, mutilated in "Notes and queries, no. 72," with a note on [J. Lydgate] monk of Bury, and a reading of Shakespeare's sonnet 111. [1851.]

Caverno, A. Record of the Caverno family. 1874. Cayla, J: M. La France sans le pape. 1861. Chamberlain, Mrs. Glossary of West Worcester

shire words; with notes by T: Hallam. (Eng. Dialect Soc.) Chevalier, M. Le capital dans ses rapports avec le progrés industriel et social et avec l'amélioration du sort des ouvriers. 1870. Claretie, J. Un enlèvement au 18e siècle; docu

ments tirés des archives nationales. 5F м545c "Il n'y aurait pas eu là matière à un gros volume; mais M. Claretie, qui connait si bien le 17e et 18e siècle ajoute à l'anecdote des souvenirs curieux, des rapprochements piquants, des observations morales qui rehaussent le sujet et en augmentent à la fois l'étendue et la portée." Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 30 déc., 1882. "The abduction has but little interest; but a long introduction entitled' A visit to the Hôtel de Soubise' more than redeems the book."- Saturday rev., Jan. 6. Coignet, J. R. Les cahiers du capitaine Coignet; 5F.c665

pub. par Lorédan Larchey.

"Captain Coignet was a real person who actually haunted the cafés of Auxerre at the beginning of the Second Empire. Vieux de la ville,' some local persons persuaded him to recount his reminiscences of Napole on's times. They cannot be said to have much literary charm of themselves, but they would have delighted Carlyle in the occasional touches precious to the literary historian, which they give as to the Emperor's campaigns." Saturday rev., Dec. 2, 1882.

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-- July 4. 1821.

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w56-9P16 w56-9P16

Dilworth, W. Life of Dr. Johnathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. 1758. 5DU SW53D Disraeli, B: The letters of Runnymede. 1836. Don, D: Prodromus floræ Nepalensis quæ legit F. Hamilton. 1825. Dufour, V., l'abbé. Bibliographie artistique, hist. et littéraire de Paris avant 1789. xx8FzP2-D8 Ebers, J: Seven years of the King's Theatre. 1828. Embacher, F: Lexikon der Reisen und Entdeckungen. A.бEM1

"Es zerfällt in zwei Abtheilungen, deren erste, umfangreichere uns in alphabetischer Ordnung Namen, biographische und bibliographische Notizen über die namhaftesten Reisenden, die zweite einen gedrängten topographisch geordneten Ueberblick über die Entdec kungsgeschichte giebt." Th. F. in Lit. Centralblatt, 3 Juni, 1882.

Eötvös, J., Baron. Der Einfluss der herrschenden


Ideen des 19 Jahrh. auf den Staat; vom Verfasser aus dem ungarischen übersetzt. Fables turques; tr. par J. A. Decourdemanche. (Bibl. Elzevirienne, v. 35.) Faulmann, K: Illustrirte Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer technischer Entwicklung bis zur X7-F27 Gegenwart; von Karl Faulmann.

"A history of printing from the practical point of view, embracing every application of typography from the fifteenth century to the present day. It contains a rich store of information, and is amply and excellently illustrated. A list of the trade periodicals of all countries is appended."

Favre, L: Le Luxembourg, 1300-1882. 8FzP2L-F2

"Recit d'abord piquant, puis dramatique."— Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 2 déc., 1882. Fiore, P. Sul problema internaz. della società giuridica degli stati. 1878.

Fitzherbert, Sir A. The book of husbandry; repr. from the ed. of 1534, and ed. with introd., etc., by W. W. Skeat. (Eng. Dialect Soc.) Forcellini, E. Totius Latinitatis lexikon; adjecto Onomastico totius Latinitatis; cura et studio V. De-Vit.

"Le Lexicon totius latinitatis, par l'abbé Forcellini, fut publié trois ans après sa mort, en quatre volumes infolio, 1771. Furlanetto en donna une troisième édition italienne de 1827 à 1831, avec d'importantes additions. Les editeurs anglais ou allemands s'emparèrent ensuite de l'ouvrage; ce qui n'empêcha pas le docteur De Vit, ami de Furlanetto et disciple de Rosmini, d'en entrepredre un entier remaniement, avec le double dessein de mettre le Lexique au courant de la science, et de transformer en une œuvre nouvelle, grâce aux innombrables informations de l'archéologie et de l'épigraphie, l'incomplète ébauche de l'Onomasticon, mêlé dans le travail primitif au vocabulaire général. Un ouvrage ap pelé à rendre de grands services." A. Gefroy in Rev. critique, 20 sept. 1880.

France. Ministère de la Justice. Recueil des lois, etc., rel. à l'extradition. 1877.

Franzos, K: E. Aus Halb-Asien; Culturbilder
aus Galizien, der Bukowina, Südrussland
und Rumänien. 1878. 2 v.
AN F85

Vom Don zur Donau; neue Culturbilder aus
"Halb-Asien." 1877-78. 2 v.

Friend, H. Glossary of Devonshire plant names. (Eng. Dialect Soc.)

Fuentes y Guzman, F. A. Historia de Guatemala que publica con notas e ilust. J. Zaragoza. 1882-83. 2 v. (Bibl. de los Americanistas.) Galdós, B. P. Gloria. 2 v. VHXF G13G Garnier, J. C. Traité d'économie politique, exposé didactique.

Gasparin, A. E., comte de. Un parole de paix sur le différend entre l'Angleterre et les EtatsUnis. 1862.

Glasgow herald, Centenary of the. 1882.

:XTDS2-G46 Goddyn, M., and Mahiels, E: Le droit criminel belge au point de vue international. 1880.

"Il traite des actions naissant des infractions commises par des étrangers; de l'execution des jugements étrangers en matière répressive et de leurs effets en Belgique; du renvoi, de l'expulsion, de l'extradition; c'est surtout cette dernière matière qui a été l'objet des études des deux auteurs. Ils n'ont pas eu la prétention de produire une œuvre nouvelle, ils n'ont pas non plus approfondi les grandes controverses ou les difficultés que font naître les dispositions éparses de la législation belge sur les étrangers; ils ont voulu vulgariser, sous une forme pratique et un peu superficielle, l'état actuel de la loi et de la jurisprudence." -A. P. in Revue de droit int., 1882, no. 4.

Gregorovius, F. Wanderjahre in Italien. 5 v. Guild, W: New York and the White Mountains. 1852.

Guyard-Delalain, A. P: Un cri en faveur du pouvoir temporal du pape. 1861.

Gyllenborg, G:, grefve, and others.

Letters between G. and the Barons Gortz, Sparre and others rel. to raising a rebellion in [England] to be supported by a force from Sweden. 1717.

Hale, E: E. The immaculate conception; sermon. 1855.

Hall, H. The Puritans and their principles. 1846. Hamelmann, H. De traditionibus apostolicis, etc. 1555.

Hamilton, C: Transactions during the reign of Queen Anne from the Union to the death of that princess. 1790.

Harcourt, B. d'. Les quatre ministères de M. Drouyn de Lhuys.

"L'expédition de Rome en 1849, les conférences de Vienne en 1854 et 1855, la convention du 15 septembre 1864 entre la France et l'Italie, les négociations qui ont précédé et suivi la bataille de Sadowa." - Comte de Luçay in Polybiblion, Oct., 1882.

Holland, Rev. H. S. Logic and life; with other


"There is a great difference between the power of the different sermons in this volume, but some of them are as powerful as any preached in this generation, and, indeed, full of genius, original thought, and spiritual veracity. Mr. Holland combines with an oratorical power which sometimes runs away with him, and diffuses itself like a flood till the mind is almost overpowered by the wealth of his accumulated illustration, very nearly as careful and precise an appreciation of the ins and outs of

the question with which he is dealing, the qualifications of a truth, the set-offs against an argument, the difficulties in a true position, the plausibilities in a false one, as Bishop Butler himself could have displayed.” — Spectator, May 6, 1882.

Hurtrel, Mme. A. Les amours de Catherine de Bourbon sœur du roi et du comte de Soissons. 5F B663

Very prettily illustrated.

In the polar regions; or, Nature and natural history in the frozen zone.

In the temperate regions; or, Nature and natural history in the temperate zones.

Journal of a deputation sent to the East by the

Com. of the Malta Protestant College, 1849, etc., by a lay member of the committee. 2 v. Kaltenborn, C: von. Geschichte der deutschen Bundesverhältnisse und Einheitsbestrebungen. 1806 bis 1856.

Keith, R., Bp. History of the affairs of church and state in Scotland, from the beginning of the Reformation to 1568; with biog. sketch, etc., by the editor. 1844-50. 3 v.

Kendall, E: A. Argument for construing largely the right of an appellee of murder to insist on trial by battle. 1818.

Keye, O: Kurtzer Entwurff von Neu-Niederland und Guajana, aus dem Holländischen versetzt durch T. R. G. S. C. S. 1672.

La Bruyère, J: de. Euvres. Nouv. éd. rev. et aug. de morceaux inéd., notices, etc., par G. Servois. Vol. 3. 1878. VP-L114

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Mackenzie, Sir G: Laws and customs of Scotland in matters criminal. 1678.

Madvig, J: N: Die Verfassung und Verwaltung der römischen Staates. 2 v.

"The views of recent writers are too often summarily dismissed in a cursory and haif-contemptuous note, and in some cases a sweeping sentence of condemnation is pronounced which ought in fairness to have been sup ported by solid reasons. The complicated techni calities of the Roman system are handled with the ease skill that only a thorough mastery of the subject can give, and this is especially the case in those parts of his wide field which the author has carefully gone over in his earlier works; such, for instance as the colonial system and the history of the equestrian order. The scholarship throughont is what we should expect from Prof. Madvig, and every page bears the stamp of a vigorous personality which has risen superior to age and blindAthenæum, Oct. 21, 1882.


Magill, M.. T. Women; or, Chronicles of the late war. 1871. VM275 VFF M283M

Mairet, Mme. J. Marca.

"On a été très frappé de l'immense progrès révélé par le nouveau volume de l'aimable auteur de Miss Printemps. Le talent a muri. Aux qualités délicates sout venues s'ajouter les qualites vigoureuses.". Bibl. univ., déc., 1882.

Mill, J: L. Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy. 1877.

Miller, C. H. (called Joaquin). Life amongst the Modocs. 1873.

Moffatt, R. S. Economy of consumption; an omitted chapter in political economy. 1878. Moir, D: M. Outlines of the ancient history of medicine; a view of the progress of the healing art among the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Arabians. 1831.

Monroe, D. B. Grammar of Homeric dialect. (Clarendon press ser.)

Montgomery, Capt. A. The cherrie and the slae; with other poems, [and] memoir of the author. VDSP M76 VFF M86

Mouëzy, A. L'oncle de Danielle.

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"En France, quand nous étudions une littérature, le côté esthétique nous attire souverainement. Si nous né

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