Slike stranica

Monuments and monumental inscriptions in Scotland. 1871-72. 2 v. (Grampian Club.) Scotland, social and domestic; memorials of life and manners in North Britain. 1869. (Grampian Club.)

Saintsbury, G: Specimens of French literature from Villon to Hugo. VF 98A2 "Considéré sous le rapport du choix des morceaux, ce livre est excellent et témoigne de la grand connaissance que Mr. Saintsbury posséde de la littérature française." -Puul Bourget in the Academy, July 7.

"A supplement to the author's Short history of French literature.' In certain ways it is a good and use. ful piece of work scholarly, laborious, fairly comprehensive. In certain others it is less satisfactory. Mr. Saintsbury has theories of his own on the subject of what is and what is not important in French literature, which mar his impartiality as a critic, and his usefulness as a teacher."- Athenæum, Aug. 1. Scarth, H. M. Early Britain; Roman Britain. (Soc. for Prom. Christian Knowledge.)

8E12 SCA7

"As an introductory guide to the study of the Roman epoch in Britain, all that could be wished. Its plan and execution are alike excellent; and until a new and complete Britannica Romana is issued it will no doubt hold its ground as an able synopsis of the first four centu ries of English history." W. Thompson Watkin in the Academy, Sept. 15.

Schelle, E: Richard Wagner. [1882.] (Deutsche Bücherei, no. 10.)


Sellar, T: The Sutherland evictions of 1814; former and recent statements respecting them examined. 8DSSU-SE

"In 1807, the Marquis of Stafford began his scheme for the improvement of Sutherland. From time to time, as leases fell in, the sub-teuants were removed from the interior to the coast, where with the sea before them, they would no longer have to depend entirely for subsistence on an ungrateful soil, and their holdings were thrown into sheep pasture. In 1814, Patrick Sellar, then factor to the Marquis of Stafford, removed some tenants from a farm in Strathnaver. He was afterwards accused of having carried out the evictions with great brutality. He was brought to trial in 1816, when a jury with the approval of the judge unanimously ac quitted him. Many years afterwards there appeared a series of letters by Donald MacLeod on the Highland clearances, and the charges against Sellar were peated. Believing MacLeod's allegations to be 'absolutely false,' Mr. Thomas Sellar has written this vin dication of his father." -G. P. Macdonell in the Acad., July 28. Seyppel, C. M.

Slocum, C: E.


Aegyptische Humoreske. 1882.

Short history of the Slocums, Slocumbs, and Slocombs of America; genealogical and biographical, 1637-1881. 1882.


Smith, G: I've been a gipsying; or, Rambles among our gipsies and their children in their tents and vans.

"Mr. Smith's sketches of his visits to the gipsies are graphic and varied. It is pleasant to learn that though he has never been sparing in his description of the darker features of gipsy life, he has always been welcomed by the gipsies themselves as their genuine friend." - - Contemporary rev., Sept. Spinoza, B. Ethic; demonstrated in geometrical

order, and divided into five parts; tr. by W. H. White. (English and foreign philosoph. lib., v. 21.)

"It is doubtful whether a translation of Spinoza's Ethics was really wanted. Whoever can follow such an argument at all can learn with less labour to follow the clear scholastic Latin of Spinoza. However, if the

thing were to be done, Mr. White has done it very fairly well. His English is clear and manly, and he appears generally to represent Spinoza's meaning accurately enough. The preface deals chiefly with the ques tion which we have a right to ask of any person who professes to have anything to say to us, Wherein can you help me?' by an analysis of some of Spinoza's most edifying propositions, including those which treat of immortality. Mr. White is not the least successful of the interpreters of the actual thought of Spinoza on this vexed question, perhaps, because he is not too careful about his author's consistency." — Academy, Sept. 22. Thompson, M. Songs of fair weather. W5P-T37

"Mr. Thompson as a whole is not one of the poets who are born, and whose mission is to sing. His verse lacks the divine indwelling, and occasional stumbling lines and faulty rhymes must take not a little from his good marks for mere workmanship." Lit. world, Sept. 22.

[ocr errors]

Tissot, V:, and Amero, C. Adventures of three fugitives in Siberia; tr. by S. Gale.

"A well-told story, interesting in itself, and doubly so on account of the skilfully interpolated descriptions of the scenery, climate, and people." -Whitehall review. "Il s'agit de l'evasion d'éxiles politiques secondée par un maitre à danser parisien fixé en Sibérie, et non moins fertile en expédients que son proche parent le passepartout' de Jules Verne." C. R. in Bibl. univ.,


Uhlhorn, G. Christian charity in the ancient church; tr. from the German.


"Dr. Uhlhorn has undertaken a two-fold task in his book, that of the Christian apologist and that of the historian. As an historian he has entered a field where there is an abundance of material for research, but where collators have been few. Although this volume is not an exhaustive or philosophical treatise, yet it brings together with much fidelity a mass of charitable antiquities available for the use of the sociologist." American, Sept. 22.

Verne, J. Godfrey Morgan; a Californian mystery; tr. by W. J. Gordon, VEG•V59G

"It cannot compare with his early dreams of science; but it is better than The giant raft."— Acad., Apr. 28. Weed, T. Autobiography; ed. by H. A. Weed.


"A mine of reminiscence which begins with the opening of the century and covers the most important periods of our national history. The marvelous memory of the author seems never to be at a loss for names or dates, or minute details to help out his narrative." San Francisco chronicle, Aug. 12.

"The autobiography is as readable as the reminiscences of an old man of affairs usually are; but as the political reminiscences of Thurlow Weed, the volume is unquestionably a very great disappointment."- Nation, Sept. 13. Wellcome, Mrs. M. D. Planchette's biography; a complete history of its origin with a statement of the various theories respecting it. 1869. Wilson, Sir E. Recent archaic discovery of ancient Egyptian mummies at Thebes; a lecture.

"Seldom has an oft-told tale been retold so pleasantly and instructively as in this tiny volume." - Academy, Aug. 4.

Wilson, E: L. Photographics; lessons [with] notes on all the processes needful in the art of photography. 1881.

Published by the Boston Athenæum, Beacon St., Boston,
Mass., weekly. Price by the year 25 cts; by mail,
50 cts. Entered at the Post Office, Boston,
Mass., as second class matter.

[blocks in formation]

Adenés or Adenez li rois. Li roumans de Berte aus grans piés; pub. par A: Scheler. 1874.


Archer, W: Henry Irving, actor and manager; a critical study.

"The estimate of the tragedian is too severe; it is sometimes unpractical-clever with the cleverness of the student in the study, or the skilled debater in the debating club, rather than with that of the cosmopolitan critic whom experience has made liberal. If it is

in some respects a one-sided, it is none the less a genuine, contribution to criticism. It is excellently written; it is the work of a writer who thinks and a writer who reasons. It has many points carefully argued, and is continually ingenious." Academy, Sept. 29. Ashe, W. Personal records of the Kandahar campaign,by officers engaged therein; with introd.


[blocks in formation]

Trois passions. 1868. Bateman, J. C. Ierne of Armorica; a tale of the time of Chlovis. 1873. VB311 Bellegarde, J: B. M. de.

Reflexions sur ce qui peut plaire ou déplaire dans le commerce du monde. 5e éd., rev. et corr. 1720-28. 2 v. Reflexions sur la politesse des mœurs, etc. éd., aug. 1728.


Reflexions sur le ridicule et sur les moyens de l'éviter. Se éd. aug. 1720.

Beyle, M. H: (pseud. de Stendhal). Armance;

préc. d'une notice biog. par R. Colomb. 1877. VFF•STIA Bible. O. T. Greek. Vetus Testamentum Græce, secundum septuaginta interpretes, cur. et stud. L. Van Ess. 1855.

Blunt, E. M. American coast pilot. 1827. Boetticher, A. Die neuesten Ausgrabungen der griechischen Archäologischen Gesellschaft. [1882.] (No. 13 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48 Brachvogel, U. Bret Harte. [1882.] (No. 14 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48 Brizeux, J. A: P. (Euvres. Tome 21: Les Bretons. 1879. VFP B77 Brockhaus' Conversations-Lexikon. 13e Aufl. Ir4r Bd. 1882-83. 4 v.

Burke, O. J. History of the Catholic archbishops

of Tuam, from the foundation of the See to the death of the most Rev. John MacHale, D. D., 1881.

"Mr. Burke fills more than two-thirds of his book with his sketch of Archbishop MacHale. And no wonder, for it is in every way a grand figure, impressing enemies almost as much as friends." - II: Stuart Fagan in the Academy, May 19.

Butler, B. C. Lake George and Lake Champlain, to 1759. 1869.

967G29 B

Byzantios, S. D. Λέξικον Ελληνικὸν καὶ Γαλλικόν, 1846. 2 v.

(No. 131. Oct. 20, 1883

Caro, E. M. St. Dominique et les dominicains, [1170-1221]. 1853.

Caro, J. Das Bündniss von Canterbury, eine Episode aus der Geschichte des constanzer Concils. 1880. 8G3M-C22

"Le 15 août 1416. l'empereur Sigismond et Henri v d'Angleterre signaient, a Cantorbéry, une alliance dirigée principalement contre la France. La conduite de Sigismond a été l'objet de jugements fort sévères surtout dans l'intéressant volume de Lenz sur Sigismond et Henri v d'Angleterre. Le travail de M. Caro n'est au fond qu'une réhabilitation de la politique tortueuse et fantasque de l'empereur, il ne servira qu'à embrouiller derechef une question passablement claire en elle-même et très bien élucidée déjà par le livre de M. Lenz."R. in Revue critiqué, 8 jan. Carriere, M. Geschmack und Gewissen. 1882. (No. 1 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48 Wechselbeziehungen deutscher und italienischer Kunst. [1882.] (No. 16 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48 Church, A. J: Heroes and kings; stories from the Greek.

"We lately have been reading again Nathaniel Hawthorne's Wonder-book' and Tanglewood tales,' and we are confirmed in our opinion that the romantic charm of Hawthorne remains unsurpassed as a medium for introducing children to Greek myths. Mr. Church's gift is of a different kind. He is not so much a story-teller as an adapter. In reading him those who know the original feel the original always present. It is the language with its studied simplicity that holds the attention rather than the incidents." — Academy, June 23. Cicero, M. T. Pensées de Cicéron; [lat. et fr.]; tr. par l'abbé d'Olivet. 1764. Cooke, J: E. Bonnybel Vane; embracing the his

tory of Henry St. John, Gentleman. Vc773B "Depicts the social life of Virginia in the time of Governor Dunmore. Full of happy, effective touches." DuPrel, C: Das zweite Gesicht; psychologische Studie. [1882.] (No. 19 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48 Ebers, G: M. Mein Grab in Theben. 1882. (No. 2 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48 Edda. Le message de Skirnir et les dits de Grimnir; poëmes tirés de l'Edda de Sæmund, avec des notes trad., et comment. perpétuel. par F. G. Bergmann. 1871. VCYO ED2B Eggleston, E: The Hoosier school-boy. VEG3HO "Paints boy-life on the Ohio half a century or so ago. A realistic description of the difficulties and obstacles which an ambitious boy had to surmount in making his way in the world." American bookseller, Oct. 1. Ewald, P., and Loewe, G. Exempla scripturæ Visigotica: XL tabulis.

Favre, J. C. G. Plaidoyers politiques et judiciaires;

pub. par Mme. J. Favre. 1882. 2 v. vr6-F27P "A côté de cet intérêt purement littéraire qui s'attache à toute œuvre éloquente, les discours de Jules Favre offrent aussi — et surtout un vif intérêt historique. Son talent et ses opinions lui ont valu d'être mêlé à presque toutes les grandes causes politiques du règne de Louis-Phillippe et de l'Empire."-G. Paulet in Bulletin critique, 15 mai.

Fields, Mrs. A. A. How to help the poor.

"The same hopeful, patient, winning ardor that one finds in the writings of Octavia Hill, or Florence Nightingale, or Edward Denison."- · American, Oct. 6. Fisher, G: P. The grounds for theistic and Christian belief.

"Discusses the evidences of both natural and revealed religion, with special reference to modern theories and objections. Particular attention is given to the

agnostic philosophy of today.

A powerful and well constructed defence of the theology of the New Testament against its assailants." - American bookseller, Oct. 1.

"Professor Fisher's learning, skill in argument, and power of langugae have given him the position of one of the foremost defenders of the faith, now living." Fita y Colomé, F. Actas inéditas de siete concilios españoles, 1282-1314. 1882.

"The text is enriched by most valuable notes and comments, in addition to an appendix of fifty pages of contemporary documents. The main interest of these councils consists in the light which they throw on the obscure subject of the suppression of the Templars by Pope Clement v. in the Council of Vienne 1312, and on the acquittal of the Templars of Castille by the Spanish Council of Salamanca, 1310. The subsequent interest is the question of the toleration of the Jews debated at Zamora, 1313." — Wentworth Webster in the Academy, Sept. 16, 1882.

Florist, The; [1848-] 50. 3 v.

Vol. 1-[3]. 1848-51.

dessins au crayon et à

Foyer des artistes, Le; 20 la plume. [188-.] Gardiner, L. Papers and biography, 1599-1663; with appendix; ed., with notes, by C. C. Gardiner.

Gautier, E. T. L. Appel aux ouvriers. [1873.] Benoit x1; étude sur la papauté. 3e éd., rev. et corr. 1876.

Le livre de tous ceux qui souffrent; recueil de prières. 3e éd. 1874.

Scènes et nouvelles catholiques. 2e éd., entièrement refondu. 1875.

Voyage d'un catholique autour de sa chambre, etc. 1875.

Gentil-Bernard, P: J. Bernard, called. L'art d'aimer, etc.; notice et notes par F. de Donville. 1880. )VFP G28 Gib, Sir G: D. Life and times of Robert Gib, Lord of Carribber, familiar servitor and master of the stables to King James v. of Scotland. 1874. 2 v. 5DS-G35 Gieseler, J: K: L: Text book of church history; tr. from the 4th rev. Germ. ed. by S: Davidson; new ed., rev. and ed. by H: B. Smith.

1876. 5 v. Glasenapp, H. Der Bey von Tripolis; Burleske. (No. 48 of Wallner's allgem. Schaubühne.) VGD-9W15 Gould, J: Synopsis of the birds of Australia and the adjacent islands. 1837-38.

Graf, A. Roma nella memoria e nelle immaginazioni del Medio Evo. 1882. 2 v. 8J.G75 "Der Verf. will innerhalb der abendländischen Litteratur die Züge sammeln, aus denen sich das Bild des heiduischen Roms und seiner Geschichte in der mittelal terlichen Phantasie zusammensetzt. Er hat diese schöne Aufgabe mit warmer Liebe ergriffen und eine Fülle von Material, auch ungedrucktes aus ausländischen Bibliotheken zusammengetragen, sodass sein Werk eine Fundgrube für die vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte werden verspricht."- E: Schröder in Deutsche Lit., 25 nov., 1852.


Grant, J. Pictures of popular people; or, Illustrations of human nature. [1842.] VE8-G76 Gréard, V. C. O. De la morale de Plutarque. 3e éd. 1880.

"L'excellent et je dirais même le charmant livre! Oui, bien qu'il s'agisse de l'antique Plutarque et de sa morale un peu rebattue! Mais le critique y avait mis sa clarté, sa raison, et cette simplicitè harmonieuse que l'on

nomme atticisme." - Bérard Varanac in Rev. pol. et lit., 7 juillet. Harburger, H: Der strafrechtliche Begriff Inland und seine Beziehungen zum Völkerrecht und Staatsrecht: drei Beiträge zum sogenannten internationalen Stafrecht. 1882.

"La première étude traite des eaux territoriales, de leur étendue et de leur situation juridique. La seconde est consacrée à une analyse fort serrée de la notion du territoire, de l'intérieur, Inland, en droit criminel, dans ses rapports avec le droit public; l'auteur examine successivement les cas de l'Etat unitaire et des Etats composés, unions, confédération. La troisième étude, enfin, est intitulée: Fictions de droit international sur la sphère d'application (Geltungsbereich) des lois pénales,' et s'occupe des délits commis sur un navire en mer, des délits commis par ou sur des personnes faisant partie de l'armée en pays étranger, des délits commis par les ressortissants à un consulat, des délits des fonctionnaires consulaires, des fonctionnaires d'une légation, des souverains et de leur suite. L'ouvrage de M. Harburger, riche en faits et en données positives, se distingue aussi par une connaissance remarquable de la littérature ancienne et moderne en toutes langues et de l'histoire gé. nérale et spéciale du droit des gens." - L. R. in Rev. de droit int., no. 5, 1882. Hawthorne, J.

Fortune's fool.


"Mr. Hawthorne has accustomed his readers to expect certain things from him - an exultation in physical force, a peculiar mysticism and symbolism, a fantastic imagination, and vivid description. He has also accustomed them to look for startling coincidences, exag gerated language, and extravagant incident. All these they will find given them in full measure in Fortune's fool.' Though the work reveals unquestionable power, it lacks reserve." -Athenæum, Sept. 29.

"There is a suggestion of depth and intensity about it which is rare in modern fiction, and an hereditary instinct for dealing with the lights and shadows of moral nature. Yet it is a book which leaves a rather unpleas ant taste in the mouth after it is read."- St. James's gazette, Sept. 27.

Henle, J. Ueber das Erröthen. [1882.] (No. 7 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48 Die Sage von Parzival und dem Gral. (No. 3 of Deutsche Bücherei.)

Hertz, W: 1882.

VG3+9D48 Hübner, J. Tintoretto. [1882.] (No. 22 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48 der deutschen

Kelle, J: Die Verwälschung

Sprache. [1882.] (No. 18 of Deutsche
5th ed. rev.

King, M. Hand-book of Boston.

[blocks in formation]

Kistner, A., (pseud. A. Albert). Ein Abenteuer; Lustspiel. (No. 57 of Wallner's allgem. Schaubühne.)

VGD-9w15 Der Herr Graf; Lustspiel. (No. 55 of Wallner's allgem. Schaubühne.) VGD-9W15 Koch, A. Der Deutsche Brahmane. [1882.] (No. 23 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48 Kremnitz, M. Carmen Sylva. [1882.] (No. 15 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48

Lachaise, C. (pseud. C. Sachaile). Les médicins de Paris jugés par leurs œuvres : statistique scientifique et morale des médicins de Paris. 1845.

Lamezan, E:, Graf. Ueber menschliche Willensfreiheit und strafrechtliche Zurechnung. [1882.] (No. 8 of Deutsche Bücherei.) Landon, C: P. Annales du Musée, et de l'Ecole Moderne des Beaux-Arts. 1815. 16 v. Same. Tome complémentaire. 1815.

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VFF M86R "Recit très attachant." - Maxime Gaucher in Rev., pol. et lit., 23 sept. 1882.

Murphy, J: N: The chair of Peter; or, The pa

pacy considered in its institution, development, and organization, and in the benefits which it has conferred on mankind.

"The motive of the work is not so much historical as controversial. In a controversial argument, fidelity of statement is imperative. It is however, precisely the quality in which the present work is conspicuously deficient, not from any intention of the author to mislead, but from inadequate knowledge and a thoroughly uncritical habit of mind." - Sat. rev., Sept. 22.

"A valuable addition to our Catholic literature, both because an able and well-written book, and because its author not being a priest his words will have the more weight with many of those outside inquirers for whose special information it has been compiled." Dublin rev., Apr.

New Jersey. Documents rel. to the colonial his

tory of New Jersey; ed. by W: A. Whitehead. 1882-83. 2 v. 9681-w58 Nightingale, The; or, Polite amatory songster; a selection of songs. 1808. VEN 98L9 Nijhoff, M. Bibliotheca Neerlando-Indica: catalogue de livres et mss. concernant les IndesOrientales et Occidentales Néerlandaises, etc. :XX81-N58

Nordhoff, C: Man-of-war life; a boy's experience in the U. S. navy during a voyage around the world.

Ouville, A. le M. de. L'élite des contes du sieur d'Ouville; avec une préf. et des notes par G. Brunet. 2 v. ) VFF OU9

"Un joyeux contemporain du sévère Descartes et de l'austere Pascal. Dans cette première moitié du 17e siècle, dont nous nous exagérons le sérieux et la gravité, on aimait à rire. Le cardinal de Richelieu, tout le premier, s'égayait fort de ces joyeusetés, facéties, et gaillardises recontées avec bonne humeur par le sieur d'Ouville, à moins que ce ne fût par Boisrobert, car la ques tion n'est pas tranchée." Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 23 juin.

Parker, Capt. W: H. Recollections of a naval officer, 1841-65. 65 P226

"His descriptions of his various cruises in the United State's service are mingled with a good deal of histori. cal matter freshly and graphically told." - American bookseller, Oct. 1.

Peyrebrune, G: de. Jean Bernard.


Un portrait de la femme qui dépasse comme embel. lissement, idéalisation, angélification, tout ce que le modèle avait pu rêver. Oui, un ange, son Odette, et avec des ailes plus longues encore que celles de l'abbé Constantin. C'est une œuvre saine et fortifiante, morale sans être fade et en même temps, d'une excellent style." — Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 23 juin.

"On dit que, sous ce nom vraiment romantique de G. de Peyrebrune, se cache une femme, et une femme de beaucoup d'esprit. L'esprit y est, très-certainement. Mais elle fera bien de déshabiller un peu moins son style." F. Boissin in Polybiblion, avril.

Preyer, W: Die Concurrenz in der Natur. [1882,] (No. 9 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48

Rahsalf, R:

Hegelmann's psychologische Briefe; oder: Folgen eines Gedankenstrichs; Lustspiel. (No. 54 of Wallner's allgem. Schaubühne.) VGD-9w15 Renan, J. E. Recollections of my youth; tr. by C. B. Pitman. 5F R292 E "La valeur psychologique,- et nous entendons par là ce qu'ils contiennent de renseignemens sur un état d'âme, sur une crise de pensée, qui peut-être n'a pas été, dans ce siècle, unique à M. Renan, - n'en est pas moins rare que la valeur littéraire. En les réunissant en volume, M. Renan y a joint une très curieuse préface, et les a fait suivre de quelques lettres non moins curieuses. Lettres et préfaces, elles permettront au lecteur de démêler avec précision ce qu'il y a de Vérité' dans ces Souvenirs, et selon le mot de Goethe, ce qui s'y glisse de fort heureusement inévitable Poesie."" - Revue d. D. Mondes, bulletin, mai.

Rhenish album, The; or, Scraps from the Rhine; journal of a travelling artist through Holland, up the Rhine to Strasburg, and returning through Belgium. 1836. AGR3 R34 VR622H

Roe, E: P. His sombre rivals.

"The scene is laid in the time of the civil war, and there is a description of the Battle of Bull Run which is very accurate." American, Sept. 29.

Rojas, F. La Célestine; tragi-comédie de Calixte et Mélibée; tr. par A. Germond de Lavigne. 1873. VHXD R63C Sadler, L. R. Theatrical anecdotes; or, Fun and curiosities of the playhouse, and the players.

1882. Sanborn, K.. A year of sunshine; cheerful exVE 98A5 tracts for every day in the year. "There is the widest variety in the selections, authors both modern and ancient being included, and usu ally the extracts being not only cheerful but in excellent taste." - Boston advertiser, Oct. 10.

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Schmidt-Kimpler, H. Ueber Blindsein. [1882.]

(No. 11 of Deutsche Bücherei.)


Schneegans, A: Strassburg nach der Uebergabe an Frankreich, 1681-98. [1882.] (No. 20 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48 Schöner, K. Der Palatin und seine Ausgrabungen. [1882.] (No. 12 of Deutsche Bücherei.) VG3+9D48 Schwebel, O. Deutsches Bürgerthum von seinen Anfängen bis zum Jahre 1808. 7BG-SCH9

"Herr Schwebel selects a number of the most interesting and characteristic episodes in the history and the social existence of the great German mercantile communities. Wisby, the seat of so much vanished splendour, Strasburg in its palmy mediæval days, the merchants of Stralsund, the ruin of Magdeburg, the vain efforts of Wullenwever to restore the old order of things; domes. tie architecture, public pageants, the Reformation, the Crusades. All his scenes are full of colour and life, and though intended exclusively for German readers, the book would well bear translation." — Saturday rev.,

Mar. 17.

Scribe, A. E. Ein Minister unter Ludwig xv.,

nach Scribe von A: Fresenius. (No. 47 of Wallner's allgem. Schaubühne.) VGD-9w15 Vater und Tochter; Schauspiel, frei bearbeitet von H: Grans. (No. 46 of Wallner's allgem. Schaubühne.) VGD-9W15

Selectus epistolarum clariss. virorum eruditorum ; e Museo R. A. N. I. C. 1746. :XQR*B46 Sherlock, W: Sermon at the funeral of R: Meggot, Dean of Westminster, Dec, 10, 1692. 1693. Shower, J: St. Peter's sin and true repentance; discourse on the public profession of repentance by T. W., etc. 1692. Sosnowski, M. E. von. Kuno Fischer. [1882.] (No. 21 of Deutsche Bücherei.) Stavenow, B. Das Halstuch. (No. 49 of Wallner's allgem. Schaubühne.) VGD-9w15


Stockholm. Svenska Akademien. Handlingar, 1786-[99]. 1a, 2a delen. 1801-02. 2 v. What social classes owe to each Sumner, W: G. other.

"Whether Professor Sumner's pupils adopt his conclusions or not, they cannot fail to be stimulated by his reasoning. To follow him or to differ with him takes strong and clear thinking." — Nation, Sept. 27.

"The motto of this book is the old cry of the economists Laissez faire' which the author renders into plain English as Mind your own business. The book itself is a treatise on the necessity of applying this golden rule to all social questions. The state must be impartial. Capitalists must protect themselves as against their employers; those who neither employ nor are em. ployed must protect themselves by buying or refusing to buy, as they see fit, the productions of capital and la bor. But neither the employers nor the employés must ask the State to protect their interests as producers where those interests come into collision with the inter

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Stephen, M. ✓w244s

VGD-9w15 Volger, F. Ich liebe Sie! Lustspiel. (No. 50 of Wallner's allgem. Schaubühne.) VGD-9W15 Warner, S. (pseud. E.. Wetherell). D. "He lived a familiar life, became a distinguished physician in Boston, and spent his large income on a group of houses, half hospital, half home, which he built just out of the town, and where he took and cared for the poorest and most helpless of his patients. Too long and often dull. Stephen's was certainly an exceptional case. What was his real name, and what became of his model hospital home?"- Boston advertiser, Oct. 10. Weed, E. A foolish virgin. (Franklin Sq. lib.)


[blocks in formation]

present. Williams, S. W. The middle kingdom; a survey of the Chinese Empire and its inhabitants. Rev. ed. with new map. 2 v. A3-w673 "This new issue is practically a new book. Largely rewritten, and expanded so as to include a large amount of new material collected by Dr. Williams during the later years of his residence in China, as well as the most recent information respecting all the departments of the Empire." -Pub. weekly, Sept. 22. Woollen, W: W. Biographical and hist. sketches of early Indiana. 677-w88 Young Men's Christian Assoc. of the U. S. and British Provinces. 25th international convention, Milwaukee, Wis., May 16-20, 1883; [and the Year book, 1883-81]. Ziemmsen, L: Friedrich Spielhagen. [1882.] (No. 26 of Deutsche Bücherei.)


Published by the Boston Athenæum, Beacon St., Boston,
Mass., weekly. Price by the year 25 cts.; by mail,
50 cts. Entered at the Post Office, Boston,
Mass., as second class matter.

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