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Supplement to Additions No. 101.


Ed. J: P. Gray.

American journal of insanity.
Utica, N. Y. q. 1844.

American journal of mathematics. Ed. J. J. Sylvester. Balt. q. 1878.

American journal of medical sciences. Ed. I. M. Hays. Phila. q. 1827.

American law review. Ed. L. Eaton and S. D. Thompson. St. Louis. bi-m. 1866.

Annales de chimie et de physique. Ed. E. Bertin, and others. P. m. 1789.

Annales d'hygiène publique et de médicine légale. Ed. Dr. P. Brouardel. P. bi-m. 1829.

Antiquarian magazine and bibliographer. Ed. E: Walford. L. m. 1882.

L. m. 1880.

Antiquary. Ed. E: Walford.
Bibliophilie anc. et mod., française et étrangère.
Ed. A. Labitte. P. m.

Bystander. Ed. Goldwin Smith. Toronto, Ca. q.


Continued as the Canadian journal.

Chemical news and journal of physical sciences,
Ed. W: Crookes. L. w. 1880.

Civil service record. Ed. B. C. Davis. B. m.
Co-operative news. Manchester. w.
Economist. (Amer.) Ed. C. M. Ransom, and
others. B. w.

Education. Cond. T. W. Bicknell. B. bi-m. 1880. Granite monthly. Ed. J. N. McClintock. Concord, N. H. 1877.

International review. Ed. W. R. Balch.

bi-m. 1874.

N. Y.

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Alhoy, P. M. Les bagnes; histoire, types, mœurs, mystères. Ed. illust. 1845. Allen, C: G. B. Flowers and their pedigrees. "These essays originally appeared as articles in various magazines. Clearness and elegance of style are the first requisites in the case of any literary production intended to interest rather than directly to instruct the reader. So far Mr. Grant Allen is eminently successful. We are quite willing to accept his propositions as means for stimulating further research. As such they have their value. But when they are put before us didactically and dogmatically, we venture to express our dissent. Darwin piled fact upon fact. He verified so far as was possible each observation as he went; he carefully avoided dogmatism. Bentham, treating on the very subject discussed by our author, spent laborious years in the careful scrutiny of the composites, and his conclusions are somewhat more modest than those of Mr. Grant Allen." - Atheneum, Nov. 10. Arnold, M. Poems. 1883. 2 v. VEPAR64.3 Arvine, K. Cyclopædia of anecdotes of literature and fine arts. 1851.


Baker, Sir S: W. True tales for my grandsons. VB17T

"Very well told, and full of local colour, with here and there a touch of quiet pathos. Very effective are the descriptions of places visited, their people, and the strange creatures which inhabit their woods and sens. Whether he discourses on the incidents of an arctic voyage, a sail up the Nile, a visit to Cyprus, or an exploration into Central Africa, he is always entertaining, and always trustworthy."

Baumgarten, M. The acts of the apostles; or, The history of the Church in the apostolic tr. by A. J. W. Morrison. 1844. 3 v. (Clark's for. theolog. lib.)


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1838. 2 v.

VE3 c195 On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. 1841. 5.9c19 Caro, E. M. Du mysticisme au 18e siècle; essai sur la vie et la doctrine de Saint Martin. 1852.

Carpenter, F. de Y. Round about Rio. ✓C22R "Impressions gained by a year's sojourn among the Brazilians. No charge of undue rosiness is likely to be made against him. But his cynicism is of a good natured rather than an ugly kind. There is no malice in his mind, no bitterness in his book. He is a traveller who sees things with his own eyes, and describes them in his own way - a way which is certainly entertaining." - Dial, Dec.

"A scene at the bull-fight, when a collection was taken for the sufferers at Ceara, is the best thing in the book." Critic, Dec. 22.

Chester, R. Love's martyr; or, Rosalin's complaint. 1601; with Diverse poeticall essaies' on the Turtle and Phoenix, by Shakspere [and others]; ed. by A. B. Grosart. 1878. (New Shakspere Soc.) VE-S68N Board of Commissioners. Report of the exposition, Sept. 3-Oct. 9, 1875.

Cincinnati Indust. Exposition.

Conflict in nature and life; a study of antagonism in the constitution of things, etc.

"The opinion is strenuously maintained that the notion of universal harmony, attainable perfection, and unmixed happiness is Utopian and illusory. The strength of the book is in the abundance of illustrative matter which he has brought to the support of his thesis, and in the large view of the world which he has been obliged to take in order to do it. The author favors meliorism, and his book has a healthy tone, in so far as it presents the dual position in which the active forces of life stand toward one another. The argument is instructive rather than conclusive, and is supported by liberal extracts from nearly all the modern writers on science, society, and religion." Boston advertiser,

Dec. 4.

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"We follow through the times of Henry v. who started from there to invade France; of Elizabeth, who visited it soon after the Armada; and of Charles I., in whose time the Mayflower sailed for Massachusetts. The corporate history is traced through a series of charters from various sovereigns down to that ever memorable period in the municipal history of England, when Charles II. sought by a 'quo warranto' to deprive towns of free action. If these transactions are politically interesting, there are others equally so from a social point of view."

Depping, G: B. Romancero castellano, ó Colleccion de antiguos romances populaires de los Españoles. 1844. 2 v. VHXN 9D4

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In a notice of the unveiling of the Doré statue the Saturday review says, "He has produced 'La Tour de Nesle' a romantic play which M. Zola himself pronounces the ideal of the genre,' and in Antony' an achievement in drawing-room tragedy which is certainly the first, and which in the opinion of a critic so competent and so keen as M. Dumas fils, is probably the strongest thing of its kind in modern literature. Of this latter play, as it seems to us, it is difficult to speak with too much admiration. is in its essentials a play in the same sense as 'Othello' and the Trachiniæ are plays in theirs. It is the be ginning not only of Les lionnes pauvres,' but of 'Thérèse Raquin' as well; just as La Tour de Nesle' is the beginning of Patrie' and 'La haine.' Ewald, G: H: A: von. Erklärung der grossen phönikischen Inschrift von Sidon u. einer ägyptisch-aramäischen, u.s.w. 1856. Firth, A. Voices for the speechless; selections for schools and private reading. VEP.9F51

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Grayson, W: J. The hireling and the slave; Chicora; and other poems. 1856. W5P G795 Guerrier, L. L. Madame Guyon sa vie, sa doctrine 5F-C994G

et son influence.

"M. Guerrier se propose de prouver: 1, que la vie de Mme. Guyon a été irréprochable; 2, que la doctrine mystique du quietisme mérite une certaine indulgence; 3, que Fénelon eut la beau rôle dans la controverse qui s'éleva, à ce sujet, entre Bossuet et lui; 4, que Bossuet, au contraire,s'est montré cruel à l'égard de Mme Guyon, et qu'il a employé tous les petits et grands moyens contre son contradicteur. Mme. Guyon reste pour nous une névropathe. Avec M. Guerrier, nous suivons à pas pas les progrès de cet état morbide. Son livre permet au lecteur de tirer, en toute connaissance de

cause, une conclusion, qui n'est peut-être pas la sienne, mais qu'on ne saurait établir sur des documents plus certains. La lecture attentive de son livre prouvera combien la raison et le bon sens étaient du côté de Bossuet (cf. chap. XVII.), combien les réfutations, les distinctions, et les explications de Fénelon ne peuvent prévaloir contre la logique de son adversaire, et c'est un grand éloge que l'on peut faire de l'auteur que cette sincérité avec laquelle il expose les arguments de Bossuet, qu'il condamne cependant. M. Guerrier a été plus heureux en montrant dans Bossuet l'abus du principe d'autorité." Paul Bondois in Rev. pol. et lit., 3 nov. Harrison, E. A. Armorial registry of the sovereigns and knights of the Order of the Garter, from 1343 to the present time.

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Harrold, J: Libby, Andersonville, Florence; the capture, imprisonment, etc. of H. 1870.

9541.H23 Howells, W: D. A little girl among the old masters; with introd. and comment.

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"These slight pages of comment, so gingerly critical, so tenderly playful, are among the most charming that Mr. Howells has written. Better sketches than hers

may have preceeded ultimate failure, but much worse ones have led to ultimate success." - Pall Mall gazette, Dec. 10.

Isaacs, N: P: Twenty years before the mast; or, Life in the forecastle; rev. by [J. P. Beckwith]. 1845.

Jefferies, R: The story of my heart; my autobiography. VE J353 "A fragment of out-spoken moods, pleasant to read. It treats of the ideal in life, the laws of chance, the absence of time, the relentlessness in nature. It embraces philosophy, science, religion, and even paupers. His pages are full of beauty, and alive with nature, the sea, the stars, and London; his finest description is that of the city and river life. The book is a contribution to the ideal in life. It is composed of day-dreams dreams which haunt an earnest mind as night follows day; and its real value lies in its plea for walking, and keeping our eyes and ears open to nature, for there is really little heart' or human interest in it." — James Powers in the Academy, Nov. 3.

"A speculative work regarding the future state, admirably written."

Kinloch, F. Eulogy on G: Washington. 1867. Lycophron. Alexandra; rec. scholia vet. cod. Marciani add. G. Kinkel. 1880.

McGee, B: F. History of the 72d Indiana Volunteer Infantry of the Mounted Lightning Brigade; ed. by W: R. Jewell. 1882. 9541N-M17 Macquoid, T. R., and Mrs. K.. S. About Yorkshire. AEYS M24 "Possesses much of the value of a good guide-book, with little or none of the padding which makes those useful companions such painfully dull reading. The engravings are satisfactory, and there are plenty of them." Athenæum, Aug. 18.

Magnus, L: I. Sammlung von Aufgaben und

Lehrsätzen aus der analytischen Geometrie des Raumes. le Abth. 1837. (Hirsch, M. Sammlung geom. Aufg. 4r Th.)

Maine. General Conference of Cong. Churches. Minutes, 1857-76. 8 v.

Marheineke, P. K. Geschichte der teutschen Reformation. 1831-34. 4 v.

Markham, J:, Adm. A naval career during the old war; narrative of the life of Admiral Markham. 5E-M343

"His zeal for the public service, and his hostility to corruption and jobbery made him many enemies. He attained the rank of Admiral, but his services are held never to have received due recognition. It appears, however, from the record of his life that he had not many opportunifies of greatly distinguishing himself. Such opportunities as presented themselves were certainly turned to account."-St. James's gazette, Dec. 11. Marshall, E. Dayspring; story of the time of W: Tyndale. VM357D Marti y Cantó, J: Flores del àlma consagradas à la Virgen Santisma durante el mes de mayo.


Masius, H. Studies from nature; tr. by C: Boner, illust. by E. Hasse. 1855.

Mass. Instit. of Technology. Society of Arts. Abstract of proceedings, 18-20th year, 187982. 3 v.

Maxwell, M.. E.. B. The golden calf; a novel. VB725G Meyer, G: H. von. The organs of speech and their application in the formation of articulate sounds. (Internat. sci. ser.) "The author is professor of anatomy in the University of Zürich, and is therefore entitled to speak with authority upon the facts which come within the range of his subject. The book, is of course, largely physio. logical, but it is simple, concise, and clear, and is illustrated by numerous cuts."— Boston advertiser, Dec. 13. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S. Commandery of Penn. Register, Apr. 15– July 1, 1882.


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Rosmini-Serbati, A., il abate. Of the five wounds of the Holy Church; ed., with ntrod., by H. P. Liddon.

"The first wound is the lack of sympathy in public worship between the clergy and the flocks which they serve. The second is the want of education in the elergy. The third is the spirit of division which separates the bishops from each other, and from the clergy and the people. The fourth and the fifth have to do with the appointment of the bishops by the secular power, and may be taken to include what is commonly known as Erastianism. Vigorous champion as he was of Papal supremacy, and of the temporal domain, he fell under the suspicion of the ecclesiastical authori ties of his own church. Two of his works, The constitution according to social justice,' and 'The five wounds of the church' were condemned by the Congregation of the Index.' This ban was afterwards taken off."- Spectator, Dec. 8.

Rusden, G. W. History of Australia. 3 v. Ruskin, J: Notes on [his] drawings placed on exhibition by Prof. Norton, Oct. 1879. Russell, A. P. Characteristics; sketches and es5E 90R91 Russell, J: F. S., Earl Russell and Visc. Amberley. Analysis of religious belief. 1877.


Sawyer, Gen. F.

Military history of the 8th Regment Ohio Vol. Inf., etc.; ed. by G: A. Groot. 1881. • 9540-SA9 Schleicher, A: Compendium der vergleichenden Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen. 1861-62. 2 v. Schliemann, Dr. H: Troja; results of the latest researches and discoveries on the site of Homer's Troy, etc. in 1882; and narration of a journey in the Troad, 1881; pref. by A. H. Sayce.

"Both at Mycenae, and in the Troad, Dr. Schliemann's labours have been rewarded by results, (however we may interpret them), of the very highest interest and importance. In collections of learned evidence from every source, Dr. Schliemann is also unwearied. His discoveries are unequalled in interest by any that archæology has ever made. Dr. Schliemann has been accused of obscuring his facts by his theories, and the public has been warned that a distinction should be made between the theories he has put for ward, and the facts he has discovered. A very necessary warning." Sat. rev., Dec. 8. Schroeder, J: F:

Life and times of Washington, etc. 1860. 2 v. in 4 pts.

Shakespeare, W: Tragedy of Titus Andronicus;

ed., with notes, by W: J. Rolfe. VE S5T4 Shorthouse, J. H: The little schoolmaster Mark; a spiritual romance. VSH82L

"There is no plot. The incidents are strongly pictured. The characters are strange with a fascination beyond what strangeness gives. It is sad throughout. Perhaps in this one element of sadness lies its chief charm. Certain it is, the little book has some unusal winning grace beyond the simple artlessness of its style." Boston advertiser, Dec. 11. Society of Biblical Archæology.


13th sess., 8th meeting, June 5, 1883. Taylor, J.. and A.. Little Ann and other poems;

illust. by Kate Greenaway.

"Miss Greenaway never illustrated a book with greater abundance of taste, vivacity, and pleasant grace." -Atheneum, Dec. 1.

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Thurn, E. F. Among the Indians of Guiana, etc.

"Of great value and interest. The amount of information about the inner life of the Indians will seem marvellous to those, who, having some experience of them, would define their conversation as silence broken


only by monosylables and grunts; and who know how dificult it is to become intimate with them. Partly through the half-bloods, more through his own tact, probably, Mr. Im Thurn was able to get within the exclusiveness that comes of timidity, and therefore, can tell us more than most travellers. The chapter on animism that is to say, the assumption of the Indian that there is a soul in everything. from the bird overhead to the wierdly shaped stone by some waterfall — is very entertaining and suggestive. To the Indian dreams and visions are realities."- St. James's gazette, Dec. 4. Thwing, C: F. The reading of books; its pleasures, profits, and perils.

x25 T42 Tugault, A. Grammaire de la langue malaye ou malaise. 1868.

U. S. vs. J. W. Dorsey, and others. Proceedings, second trial of the case for conspiracy. 4 v. Vaill, Lieut. T. F. History of the 2d Connecticut Vol. Heavy Artillery; originally the 19th Conn. Vols. 1868. 954c.v19 Vega Carpio, L. F. de, and Calderon de la Barca, P: Obras maestras de Lope de Vega y Calderon de la Barca. Nueva ed., rev. y mejorada. [1852.] VHXD V52 Virgilius, M. P. Works tr. into English verse, with notes, etc., by J: A. Wilstach. 2 v. Vivian, G: Scenery of Portugal and Spain. 1839. Spanish scenery. 1838.

Washington, G: Letters on agriculture to A. Young and Sir J. Sinclair; ed. by F. Knight.


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Winter, W: English rambles; and other fugitive w5 w734

pieces in prose and verse.

"Every page proves the cultivated man, and trained writer. A traveller who took time, who loved to linger, and who is not afraid or ashamed to tell us of his thickcoming fancies, his gentle sympathy, his regrets, his loving appreciation as he stood in places sacred to the great dead. The volume is one so thoughtful and delicate of such finish and grace, that we wish there was more of it." Lit. world, Dec. 15.

Wolski, K. Poland; her glory, her sufferings, her overthrow.

"The author is a strong believer in the future independence of Poland, and looks forward hopefully for it at no distant date. The papers which form the volume were delivered on Sunday mornings during the summer of 1880, on the banks of the lake Goplo, near the town of Griezno, the Cradle of Poland.' The work begins at the point where history emerges from fable, and rapidly surveys the chief events down to the last revolt in 1863."

Wyatville, Sir J. Illustrations of Windsor Castle; ed. by H: Ashton. 1841. 2 v.

Published by the Boston Athenæum, Beacon St., Boston,
Mass., fortnightly. Price by the year 25 cts.; by mail,
50 cts. Entered at the Post Office, Boston,
Mass., as second class matter.

Amelot de la Houssaye, A. N:

Mémoires historiques, politiques, critiques, et littéraires. 1737. 3 v. Amis et Amiles, und Jourdains de Blaivies; hrsg. von K. Hofmann. 1882. VFO-AM5 Andersson, C: J: The Okavango River. 1861. Ashton, J: Humour, wit, and satire of the seventeenth century. VEA 9AS3

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"Mr. Ashton's researches among broad-sheets and jest-books may serve to convince persons given to jesting of the undeniable truth that it must be very hard to do anything new in this particular line. Excellent collection. Altogether, very entertaining and useful."- St. James's guzette, Oct. 16. "Extremely entertaining in themselves, being relieved of the interminable repetitions and padding of the originals. They offer a mine of facts about the lower orders of Englishmen, their habits and customs, ordinary topics, prejudices and absurdities. They naturally reflect the political events of the day. The relation of English history, literature, religion, with those of Holland has been often noticed. In reading these purely folk-literary productions one cannot fail to see the likeness between the nations."- N. Y. times. Atwater, E: E. History and significance of the sacred tabernacle of the Hebrews. 1876. B*****g. Die erste Falte, oder Das beste Mittel; Bluette. (Wallner's allgem. Schaubühne.) VGD-9W15

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Bache, A. D. Eulogy on Hon. James A. Pearce, of Maryland. 1863.


Bezold, E., and others. Die Gesetzgebung des deutschen Reiches, mit Erläuterungen. 187476. 2 v.

Bible. N. T. Sp nish. El Nuevo Testamento. 1863. Bilbrough, E. L. "Twixt France and Spain; or, A AFP99-B49

spring in the Pyrenees.

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has all the requisites, from the hereditary feud between priest and baron to the doting fidelity of the old retainer." Nation, Nov. 15.

Campbell, W: H. Funeral discourse, death of A. Yates, Nov. 17, 1844. :65-Y24

Cervantes Saavedra, M.

Cauer, P. Delectus inscriptionum Graecarum propter dialectum memorabilium. 1877. The ingenious knight Don Quixote de la Mancha; a new trans. by A. J. Duffield, with notes of the Rev. J: Bowle, etc. 1881. 3 v. VHXG-C33D4 Christmas entertainments, etc. 1740. [1883]. (Vellum parchment shilling ser., no. 4.) "Altogether a delectable book, full of bliss for those who enjoy tales of Christmas, legends of hobgoblins, Rawheads, and Bloody-bones, witches, wizards, sprites, and the great conveniences arising from' the last, and how to make them.' The tales are the results of 'boiling down' old legends of the country fireside. The little book is a kind of Gesta Britannorum' of the quaintest order.” — Athenæum, Dec. 1.

"Valuable to the student of the eighteenth century in England." Academy, Dec. 15.

Church, A. J. Roman life in the days of Cicero; sketches drawn from his letters and speeches. 7BJ C47

"Of Cicero's country retreats, of his anxiety to adorn his library at Tusculum, of his Sabine farm near Arpinum with its island study, of his fashionable seaside home near Cape Caleta, of his dreariness and complaininguess in exile, and of the furtive way in which he reproached his friends under pretence of reproaching himself, indeed. of the curious mixture of courage and vascillation in his character generally, Mr. Church gives us a most graphic picture in this interesting book, which has all the interest of a novel." Spectator, Dec. 22. Cogswell, J. Faithfulness in the service of Christ; sermon, funeral of S. Williams, 1776.

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"Mr. Crawford's new book is as clever in its way as its precursors, and, indeed, displays a faculty of which they gave but faint indications, if any— that of writing aphorisms, almost epigrams, with a cynical flavour perceptible, though not dominating them. His theme, how. ever, is not a pleasant one. There is no attempt to minimise the ugliness of the whole business, or to rep resent it as likely to have yielded lasting happiness had the Nemesis not come as it did. Anyhow, the book can do no hurt, though it would have been easy to choose a pleasanter topic." Rev. Dr. R: F. Littledale in the Academy, Dec. 15.

"No glamour of style, or solemnity of warning, or cleverness of analysis may blind our eyes to the fatal badness of the subject dealt with, however dealt with. The book begins brightly and entertainingly, but it is only a story, aud it soon ceases to be entertaining." Critic, Dec. 22.

Crowther, J. Sermon, 26th Feb. 1797, on the death of Mrs. Wright. :65-w933 Cumming, F. F. G. In the Hebrides. ADSи35-c91 "Miss Cumming is among the very best of our writers of travel, for with a keen and most experienced eye for whatever is interesting and picturesque, she is never content to be misled by a merely superficial observation of things. She has a habit of going about them and be hind them, and getting at them as they really are, and she writes with much simple charm of description. In the Highlands she is evidently among scenes and people she loves, and wherever she goes she has always a stock of curious lore to tell us about Highland charac. teristics and customs, throwing on them often interesting sidelights from the results of her many wanderings elsewhere." - · Contemporary rev., Nov.

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