Slike stranica

Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. D., (pseud. G: Sand). Dernières pages; Nouv. lettres d'un voyageur, 33. Questions d'art et de littérature, 58.

Duerer, A. Œuvre, 29.

Dufau, P. A. Souvenirs d'une jeune aveugle-née, 6.

Daff, M. E. G. An Indian journey, 49.

Dumanoir, P. F. P., and Clair-
ville, L: F. Nicolaie, dit.
Charlotte Corday; Lavater. 72.
Damas, A.. fils. La dame au
Camélias, 46.

Damont, L. La sensibilité, 17.
Dancan, W. S. Feeling and
energy, 56 (Popular).
Dancker, M. W. Antiquity, 14.
Crown and the

cabinet, 39.

Daplessis, G. See Mantegna, A, 39.

Dapont, L. Tours et Bordeaux,


Darand, Mme. A. F., (pseud. H. Gréville). Ariadne, 46. Dosia. 33, 39, 46. L'expiation de Savéli, 33. Les Koumias. sine, 21. Marier sa fille, 69. Nouvelles russes, 39. La prin. eesse Oghérof; Sonia, 39. Darand, G. Sea-bathing, 50. Darantin, A. M. M. Une pèche miraculeuse, 51 (Nus and Durantin).

Durier, C. Mont-Blanc, 17. Duray, V France, 21. Davert, F. A. Theatre, 34. Daveyrier, A. II. J., and Bayard, J: F. A. Les bijoux Indiscrets, 72.

Dayckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopædia, 25.

Earl, H. H. Fall River, 40 (Peck, F. M., and Earl, H. H.).

East, Major C. J. France, 25. Ebers, G. Eine ägyptische Königstochter; Uarda, 14. Eden, C. H. China, 25. Eigeworth, T. Y. Ethics, 54. Elinburgh review, April, 41. Oct., 65.

Eikins, J., D.D. Relig. in China, 14.

Eiwards, Mrs. A.

A blue

stocking, 41. Jet, 46, 50. Edwards, H. S. Slavonian Turkey, 2.

Edwards, M. B. Bridget, 50. Egger, E. L'histoire de la critique chez les Grecs, 6. Eggleston, E: Roxy, 58, 66. Egleston, N. IH. Villages, 54,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Fersen, J: A., comte de. Le comte de F. et la cour de France, 59.

Fetherstonhaugh, Mrs. Kings. dene. 50.

Fétis, F. Biog. des musiciens. See Pougin, A. Feuillet, O. Philippe, 22. Le journal d'une femme, 63. La petite comtesse, etc., 59.

Les amours de

Field, H. M., D.D. Egypt to Japan, 10.

Fields, J. T. Underbrush, 6. Figanière, Viscount. Elva. 39. Financial reform almanack, 1878, 42.

Fischer, K. Gesch. der neuern Philos., 41.

Fisher, F. E., (pseud. C. Reid).
A summer idyl, 54, 62.

Fisher, G. P. Christianity, 6.
Fisher J., BD. of Rochester.
English works, 26.
Fiske, J:, 2) (Wright).
Fitz Gerald. Eschylus' Aga-

memnon. 1.

Five years penal servitude, 54. Flammarion, C. Les terres du ciel, 26.

Fletcher, Miss J. Mirage. 22, 26. Fleury, J. Rabelais, 6, 10. Flint, A.. Jr. Muscular power,


Fogg, W. P.
Folengo, T.
Lique, 39.
Folsom, N. S. Four Gospels. 1.
Fontaine, H. L'électricité, 22.
Forbes, A., and Greene, J. W.
Rich men of Mass., 10.

Arabistan, 2.

Histoire maccaro

Forbes, R. B. Reminiscences,
66. Seamen, 26.
Forestié. E. Les faïenceries de
Montauban, 22.

Fornander, A. Polynesian race, 17.

Fortnightly review. 66. Feb.. 18. March, 26. April, 29. May, 42. July, 50. Aug., Sept., 54. Oct. 59.

Fortnum, C. D. E. Bronzes, S. Kensington Museum, 2, 10. Fothergill, J. First violin, 66. Foucher de Careil, L. A., comte. Leibniz et Pierre le-Grand, 6. Fowle, T. W. Conscience in evolution, 53 (British).

France. Conseil Supérieur de l'Agriculture, etc. La circulation monétaire, 59. Commission de l'Inventaire Général des Richesses d'Art de la France. Inventaire: Paris, 26.

Ministere de l'Agriculture.

Annuaire statist., 1878,59. Franco, G. Habiti delle donne venetiane; Habite d'huomeni venetiane; Nuova inventione de diverse mostre, 50. Franklin, A. Les sources de l'histoire, 46.

Fraser's mag, Apr., 29. May, 42. Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Markgräjin Eaireuth. Memoirs, 6.


Freeman, E. A. Ottoman power in Europe, 2. Turks,


Freshfield, D. W. Alps, 2. Freytag, G. Die Ahnen, 2. Friederici, C. Bibliotheca Orientalis, 10.

Frothingham, O. B. Gerrit Smith. 18.

Fronde, J. A. Thomas Becket, 39, 42.

Gachard, L. P. Rubens, 30. Gairdner, J. Lancaster, 31 (Morris). Richard III., 54. Gallenga, A., (pseud. L. Mariotti). Italy, 59.

Gardiner, S. R. Charles 1., 14. The first two Stuarts. 39. First two Stuarts and the Puritan Rev., 42. Thirty years' war, 31 (Morris).

Gardner, F. Gautier, T. Gay, S. H.

Memorial, 2.
L'Orient. 34.
Hist. of U. S.. 57

(Bryant, W: C., and Gay).
Rabelais, 6.

Gebhart, E.
Gebler, K. v. Galilei, 2, 42.
Geikie, C. Christ, 14.
Gentz, F. von. Zur Gesch. d.
orientalischen Frage, 59.
Geographisches Jahrbuch, 10.
George, E. Belgium, 22.
German home life, 50.
Gibbon, C. Combe, 54.
Gibson, J. Sir Walter Scott, 39.
Giebel, C. G. Thesaurus or-
nithologiæ, 21.

Giffen, R. Stock exchange se. curities, 66.

Gift, T.. pseud. Sce Havers, D. Gill, W: F. E. A. Poe, 2. Gillmore, P.

[blocks in formation]

Goldziher, I. Mythology, 46. Goltz, baron C. von der. Gambetta, 22.

Gonse, L. J. Jacquemont, 2. Good words, Oct., 59. Goodenough, Com. J.G. Journal, 22.

Gordon, C. A. Burmah, 66. Gosse, E. W. The unknown lover, 30.

Gotti, A. Michelangelo, 39. Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, 42.

Gould, Rev. S. B. Lives of the saints, 6. Yorkshire oddities, 2. Gozlan, L. Dieu merci! 50. Le lion empaillé; Notre fille est princesse, 72.

Graham, K. Tell me a story,
22. The cuckoo clock, 10.
Grant, Sir A. Aristotle, 2, 10.
Gravures de 1463, Les, 6.
Gray, A. Z. Mexico, 18.
Gray, J. H. China, 30.
Gray, O. W. Atlas of U. S., 6.
Gray, R., Bp. Life, 22.
Great German composers, 63.
Greco, O. Bibliobiog. femmi-
nile ital. del 19. sec., 39.
Green, J. R. Short hist. of Eng.
people; Hist. of Eng. people,
vol. 1., 18.

Green, Jirs. M. A. E. Prin-
cesses of Eng., 26.
Green, S. A. Epitaphs, 42.
Green, W. L. Molten globe, 2.
Greene, D. H. Hist. of East
Greenwich, 10.
Greenwell, W.
rows, 30.

[blocks in formation]

Grosart, A. B. Eng. Jacobite ballads, 6.

Grote, G. Ethical subjects, 22. Groth, K. Ut min Jungsparadies, 18.

Gsell-Fels, Dr. Venice, 6. Guerini, F. Genio ed amore, 50. Guerzoni, G. Il terzo renasci

mento, 66. Guichard, E. Tissus. 50. Guifirey, J. J. Les Cafliéri, 34. Guillemin, A. La lumière, 6. Guimet, E. Promenades japonaises, 34.

Habberton, J. Other people's children, 2.

Hafiz. A century of ghazels, 22. Hale, E. Stuarts, 42.

Hale, E: E. G.T. T., 2. What career? 22.

Hale, W. H. Precedents and proc. in criminal causes, 59. Halévy, L. M. M. L'été de la St. Martin; Frou-frou, 51 (Meilhac, and Halévy).

Hall, F. Eng. adjectives, 22.

Goblet d'Alviella, E., comte. Haller, G., pseud. Bleuet, 39.

Inde et Himalaya, 6. Goedeke, K. Goethe, 2. Goethe, J. W. v. Faust. 46.

and Willimer, M. J. von. Briefwechsel, 22.

Goldoni, C. Memoirs, 6.

Hallock, C. Gazetteer, 2. Hamersly, L. R. Living offi. cers, 39. Hamerton, P. G. 23 (Marmorne). Mod. Frenchmen, 54. Hamley, Col. E. B. Voltaire, 6.

[blocks in formation]

Harvard College. President. 52d annual report, 18.

Harvey, l. Daniel Webster, 10. Harwood, J. B. Paul Knox, pitman, 50.

Haug, M. Parsis, 46. Haussonville, J. O. B. de C., comte de. Souvenirs et mélanges, 50.

Havard, II. La faïence de Delft, 34.

Havers, D., (ps. T. Gift). Maid Ellice, 46.

Hawels, Mrs. H. R. Beauty, 54. 13 (Chaucer). Hawthorne, J. Mrs. Gainsborough's diamonds. 54.

Hay, M. C. Back to the old home, 54. Reaping the whirlwind, 42. Hayward, A. Hedge, F. II. Spirit, 10.

Goethe, 54.

Ways of the

Helm, H. T. American road. sters, 70.

Henshaw, Col. W. Orderly book, 10.

Herbert, E., Lord of Cherbury. Lord H. and T. Ellwood, 10. Herford, Brooke. Religion in Eng., 59.

Herrick, R. Chrysomela, 14. Hertzberg, G. F. Griechenland, 22.

Hessey, Archdeacon J.A: Moral difficulties, 70.

Hetty's strange history, 2.

Heusy, P. Un coin de la vie de misère, 59.

Heyse, P. J. L. Die Kinder der Welt; Im paradicse, 42. In paradise, 59, 66. Skizzenbuch,


[blocks in formation]

Hoffman, W. Modelbuch künstlicher Visirung und Muster, 60.

Holbein, H. Portraits, 38. Holdsworth, E. W. H. Fisheries, 2.

Holland, H: W. Dawes, 70. Holland, J. G. Nicholas Minturn, 6.

Holly, H. H. Dwellings, 42. Holm, Saxe, pseud. Stories, 60. Holmes, O. W. Poet. works, 22. Holtei, K. von. Dreihundert Briefe, 63.

Homerus. Iliad; tr. by Cordery, 18. Stories, 47.

Hon. Miss Ferrard, The, 20. Hood, T. Eng. versification, 22. Hoppus, M. A.M. Five-chimney farm, 26.

Horatius Flaccus, Q. Life and character, 32.

Horton, S. D. Silver and gold, 60.

Hovenden, R. M., 39 (Horatius Flaccus, Q.). Howard, B. One year abroad, 6. Howe, J. B. Polit, econ.; Monetary and indust. fallacies, 50. Howe, Mrs. J. W. Dr. S. G. Howe, 22.

Howell, G. Labour and cap. ital, 54.

Howells, W: D. A counterfeit presentment, 6.

Huebbe, J., and Perez, A. A. Mapa de Yucatan, 60.

Huebner, J. A., Freiherr von. Autour du monde. 2.

Hueffer, F. Troubadours, 50. Hugessen, E. H. K. Life of Cromwell, 60.

Hughes, A. W. Balochistan. 60. Hugo, V. M., comte. Grandpère, 3. Histoire d'un crime, 10, 34. La légende des siècles, 3. Notre Dame de Paris, 6. Le pape, 50.

Hull, E. Ireland, 22.
Hullah, J. Music, 6.
Hunt, H. G. B. Music, 60.
Hunter, W. W. Bengal, 18.
Hunterian Club. Pub., 10.
Hutton, R. H.
Criticism, 3.

Sir Walter Scott, 54. Huxley, T. H. Invertebrated animals. 22. Physiogr., 26. Hymans, L. Types and silhouettes, 18.

Ideville, H., comte de. Victor-
Emmanuel II., 51.

Ihne, J. A. F. W. Rome, 10.
Indian Alps, 42.

Inman, T. Faiths. 22. International Congress of Orientalists. Trans., 21 sess., 1874, 47.

International Medical Cong. of Phila. Transactions, 10. Ireland, W. w. Idiocy and imbecility, 30.

Irene Macgillicuddy, Tender recollections of. 24. Irving, W. Old Christmas, 3. Italy. Deput. Minis. Ixtit. Presso la Soc. Geog. Ital. Studj bibliog., etc.; Studj sulla geografia, 39.

Jackson, C. Yorkshire diaries, 3. Jackson, Mrs. H. M., formerly Mrs. Hunt. Bits of travel at home, 42.

Jackson, W. Retribution, 18. Jackson, W. H. Catalogue,

N. Amer. Indians, 22.


[blocks in formation]

Jevons, W. S. Mill, 29 (Contemp.). Polit. econ., 42.

Jewitt, L. Brit., 30. Johns, C. A.

Ceramic art of Gt.

Forest trees, 42. Johns, E. Im Hause des Commerzienrathes. 14.

Johns, E. W.? The silver wedding, 10.

Johnson. Oriental religions, 6. Johnson, A. H. Normans, 10; 31 (Morris).

Johnson, R. Play day poems, 51.
Johnson, S: Lives of poets, 67.
Johnson's Cyclopædia, 7.
Johnston, A. K. Africa. 39.
Johnston, W: P. Life of Gen.
A. S. Johnston, 70.
Jones, L. E. American cata-
logue, 70 (Laypoldt, F.).
Jones, W. Finger-ring lore, 42.
Jonge, J. K. J. de. Barents
relics, 18.

Joret, C. Herder, 7.
Jouin, H. David D'Angers, 35.
Journal de menuiserie, 26.
Journal of nervous and mental
disease, 30.

Juncker, E. Margarethe, 51.
Kaufmann, D. George Eliot,
Judaisın, 14.

Kaufmann, Rev. M. Socialism. 47.

[blocks in formation]

caster rose, 55.

Keary, C. F. Dawn of hist., 70.
Keary, E. The magic valley, 22.
Keats, J. Letters to Fanny
Brawne, 30. Works, 3.
Jesus, 47.

Keim, Ir. T.
Kekulé. R. Thonfiguren aus
Tanagra, 60.

Keller, F. Lake dwellings, 47.
Keller, G. Die Leute von
Seldwyla, 23.

Kemp, D. Yacht and boat sailing, 70.

Kempe, J. E. Preachers of the Eng. Ch., 19.

Kent, S. H. Arctic Circle, 51. Kertbeny, К. М. Bibliog. ungarischer Literatur, 10. Ketchum, Mrs. C. Lotos-flowers, 19.

Kiddle, H., and Schem, A. J.


Cyclop. of educ, 26. book of educ., 1878, 55. King, J. W. European ships of war, 6.

King, K. The bubble reputation, 60.

King, M. Harvard, 47.

King, T. Starr. Sermons, 7.
Substance and show, 10.
King, W. F. H. Addington
Venables, 60.

Kingsley, Rev. C. All Saints' day, 19.

Kitchin, G. W. France, 3.
Klunzinger, C. B. Egypt, 7.
Knowlton. I. C. Calais, Me.,
and St. Stephen, N. B., 7.
Kock, C. P. de. Œuvres, 3.
Kompert, L. Nouv juives, T.
Kotschoubey, A. Manuscrit de
Mlle. Camille, 7.
Kremer, A. von.
schichte des Orients, 3.
Kremer-Auenrode, H. von.
Staat und Kirche, 26.


La Berge, C. de. Trajan, 35. Labiche, E. M. Théâtre, 60. Lacombe. P. Peuple française, 27, 60. The French people, 70. Lacour, L. Le Tartuffe, 7. Lacroix, P. Middle Ages, Re. naissance, 14.

Ladson, G. S. Lotus land, 10. Lafon. M. Pasquino et Marforio, 47.

Lagrange, l'abbé F. St. Paulin de Nole, 60.

Laird, E. K. Globe trotter, 3.
Lamb, C. and M. Poetry for
children, 10.
Lanfrey, P.
Française, 60.

La Révolution

Lang, K. H. Cyprus, 67.
Lange, F. A. Materialism, 3.
Latham, II. Examinations, 30.
Latour, Valence et Val.
ladolid, 35.

Lau, T., and others.
griech. Vasen, 42.


Laurie, S. S. Ethics, 51. Laurin; ein tirolisches Heldenmärchen, 27.

Lavoix, H. 'Misanthrope', 7.
Lawrence, E. Eng. lit. primers;
Mediæval literature, 51.
Greek lit.; Lat. lit., 3.
Lawrence, G. A. Guy Living-
stone, 15.
Lea, H: C.
force, 60.

Superstition and

Lecky, W. E. H. England, 19. Le Conte, J. Geology, 15. Lefanu, J. S. The bird of

passage, 51.

Lefroy, J. H. Bermudas, T. Legeay, U. Louis XI., 7. Legouvé, E. L'art de la leeture, 23.

Legouvé, G. J. B. E. W. Thé âtre de campagne, 10, 27, 55. Le Hon, H. L'homme fossile en Europe, 3. Leigh, H. S. Jeux d'esprit, 3. Leighton, W., Jr. King Edwin,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Cordia, 51. The world well
Lost, 11, 19.

Little, A. N. E. interiors, 11.
Littré, E. Suppl. au dict. de la
Langue franç., 11.
Lockhart, L. W. M. Mine is
thine, 55.

Lockroy, J. P. S. de, and Cor-
mon, P. E. P. Le chien du
jardinier, 72.

Lockyer, J. N. analysis, 42.


Lodge, H. C. G. Cabot, 3.
Loeher, F. von. Cyprus, 67.
LLoftie, Mrs. Dining room, 30.
Loftus, C. My life, 42.

London Library. Catalogue, 11.
Long, R. H. Cyprus, 55 (Mac-

Longfellow, H. W. Poems of places: Asia, 55; Russia, 47; Gr., Turkey; Switz., Austr, Germ., 23.

Lorenz, O. Catalogue annuel,
1876, 11. Catalogue, librairie
française, 23.

Lotze, R. II. Mikrokosmos, 23.
Lovett, W. Life, 47.

Luard, H. R. Eng. and Rome,
reign of Henry III., 7.

Lubomirski, le prince J. Safar

Hadgi, 60.

Lucas, P: H.

ennemis, 72.

L'homme sans

Ludlow, J. M. Am. indepen

dence, 31 (Morris).

Luebke, W. Art, 19.

Lukin, J. Boy engineers, 23.

Lytton, E. R. B., 2d Baron

Lytton. Julian Fane, 11.

McCarthy, J.

thrope, 23.

Miss Misan

M'Clintock, J., and Strong, J.

Cyclopædia, 23.

MeCoan, J. C. Egypt, 7.

MacColl, M.

question, 51.

MaoDonaid, G.

Lossie, 3.

The Eastern

Marquis of

Macdonald, J. Food from the West, 55.

Macé, J. Hist. d'une bouchée de pain, 27.

Macedo, J. M. de. Brazilian biog., 3.

Mackay, C: Gaelic etymology,


McKeen, S. Bradford, Vt., 3. Mackenzie, D. Sahara, 23. Mackenzie, Sir G. Witchcraft, 6 (History).

McKnight, D. A. Electoral system, U. S., 15. McKnight, G. Firm ground, 27. McLaughlin, M. L. painting, 19.


Maclean, J. Coll. of N. J., 3, 7. McMillan, D. C. Elective franchise, 27.


Macmillan's magazine, Feb., 23. March, 27. Aug., Sept., 55. Sept., Oct., 61.

Macpherson, G. Mem. of A. Jameson, 67.

Macquoid, K. S. Doris Barugh, 67. The fisherman of Auge, 51. Mill of St. Herbot, 3. Through Brittany, 23.

Macy, Capt. W. H. There she blows! 11.

Mag, 47. Maginn, W. pers, 23.

Shakespeare pa

Maistre, X. de. Voyage autour de ma chambre, 51.

Majendie, Lady M. Dita, 11. Malleson, Col. G. B. French Mallock, W: H. Lucretius, 67. struggles in India, 51. The new Paul and Virginia, 61. The new republic, 30. Manfred, pseud. Lord Byron vindicated, 11.

Manley, J. J. Fish and fishing,


Mann, R. J. Domes. econ., 27. Manning, H. E., Cardinal arbp. of Westminster. Miscellanies, 7. Vatican Council, 19, 27.

Mansilla, L. V.
Mansfield, R. B. Water Lily, 3.

Ranqueles, 15.

Los indios

Mantegna, A. Œuvre, 39. Al-
exander, 51.

Manzoni, A. I promessi sposi,


Manzoni, L.
stor. ital., 39.

Bibliog. statut. e

Marcoartu, Internation-
alism, 3.

Marenholz-Bülow, B. Froebel, 3.
Mariette, or Mariette-Bey, A.
E. Upper Egypt, 23.
Mariotti, L., pseud. See Gal-
Mario, Mrs. J. W. Napoli, 51.
Markham, C. R.
lenga, A.

Marlowe, C. Dr.
Marmontel, J. F.
Marmora, A. la.

Lancaster. 42.

Voyages of

Faustus, 70.

Memoirs, 42.

I segreti di

stato nel governo constituzion-
ale, 39.

Marmorne, 23.
Marsh, H. C. Islam, 31.
Marshall, J:
Marsh, O. C. Vertebrate life, 42.

artists. 51, 70.

Marshman, J. C.
Martin, Mrs. H.
ley, 55, 61.

Anatomy for

[blocks in formation]

Martin, T. Prince Consort, 15.
Hours of


thought, 42.


Masson, D. Milton, 27.
Mason, A. J. Diocletian, 39.
Masson, F. Le département des
affaires étrang., 1787-1804, 35.
Matériaux pour l'histoire de
l'homme, 70.
Mathews, C.
timide, 51.

Un Anglais

Matthews, W: Hidatsa Indi-
Maxwell, J. C.
ans, 7. Oratory, 70.
motion, 31.

Matthews, J B., 8 end.

Matter and

Maxwell, Sir W. S. Antwerp
deliv. in 1577, 51.

May, Sir T. E. Democracy in

Mayers, W. F. The Chinese
Europe, 15.
government, 47.


[blocks in formation]

The bird. 27.

L'étudiant, 3. Les soldats de
la Révolution, 61.

Mignaty, M. A. Historical past
of Italy, 61.

Miles, M. Stock-breeding, 70.
Miln, J. Carnae, 3, 7.
Miller, C. H. Songs of Italy, 70.
Mind. Vol. 1, 2. 19.
Minturn, W:, 50 (Fortnightly).
Mitchell, D. G. About old
Mitchell, S. W. Fat and blood, 7.
story tellers, 11.
Modern surface ornament, 7.
Moland, L. Théâtre, 23.
Moinaux, J. Les deux sourds, 15.
Molesworth, Mrs. Hathercourt,

[blocks in formation]

Moltke, H. C. B., Montaiglon, A. de. Molly Bawn, 55. Russia, 19. Monti, L. Consul abroad, 40. poésies franç., 27. Montgomery, Miss F. town crier, 51. More, R. J. Balkans, 51. Moore, T. Prose and verse, 19. Moreau, H. La politique franMoreton, R. Horse-breaking, 31. çaise en Amérique, 7. Morison, J. C. Gibbon, 55. Morley, H. Eng. relig., 27. Morley, J. Crit. miscel., 3, 7. Diderot and the Encyclopædists, 61. English men of letMorley, S. ters, 55. wynd, 70.

Margaret Chet


Morny, C: A: L: J., comte de, Morris, E. E. Age of Anne, 7, and Offenbach, J. M. Choufleuri restera chez lui le..., 31. Epochs of mod. hist., 31. Morris, W. Decorative arts, 51. Motley, J.L. Peter the Great, 27. Mozley, J. B., D.D. DevelopMuegge, T. Afraja, 47. ment, 70. Mueller, Max, 21 (Contemp.). Muffel, N. Rom, 11. Muller, E. La forêt, 35. Mullinger, J. B. Schools of Charles the Great, 3.

Murger, H. Le serment d'Hor-
Murray, A. S.
ace, 27.

[blocks in formation]

Musset, P. de. A. de Musset, 3, 23. Extravagants et originaux

[No. 20. Dec. 31, 1878.

du 17e siecle, 35. Histoires de trois maniaques, 27. Lui et elle, 23. Le nouvel Aladin, 55. Nouvelles italiennes, 51. Muybridge. Central America, Les originaux du 17e siecle, 35. illust., 27.

My heart's in the Highlands, 48.
Nagler, G. K. Monogrammist-
en, 3.

Narjoux, F. Notes of an archit.,
in the N. W. of Europe, 7.
National Assoc. for the Prom.
Nason, E. Dunstable, 40.
Nature, Nov., 67.
of Soc. Sci. Trans., 1877, 48.
Neale, R. Medical digest, 27.
New quarterly mag., April, 43.
Oct., 70.

Newcomb, S. Astronomy, 19.
Newfane, Vt. Centennial, 11.
News, Daily.
Newman, J. H. Via media, 15.
War corresp.,

1877, 27; 1877-78, 48.
Nibelungenlied. The fall of the
Neymarck, A. Colbert, 35.
Nibelungers; tr. by WV N.
Lettsom, 27.

Nicholson, H. A. Earth, 23.
Niemann, J. Kleine Studien, 15.
Nineteenth century, 7. Fcb., 23.
March, 27. May, 43. June, 48.
Nissen, H.
Aug., Sept., 55. Oct., 61.
Studien, 43.


Nohl, Dr. L. Mozart, 31.
Northcote, Sir J. Notebook, 19.
Norman, C. B. Armenia, 27.
Notley, F. E. M. Love's crosses,

Nowell, R. Spending of [his]
Nus, E. M. M. Les pauvres de
money, 4, 7.
Paris, 49 (Brisebarre and

and Durantin, A. M. м.
O'Callaghan, J. C. Irish brig-
Une pèche miraculeuse, 51.
Offenbach, J. M. Choufleuri,
ades, 11.
etc., 72 (Morny and Offen-


Olfers, M. von. Oliphant, L. Piccadilly, 43; (is Neue Novellen, 3. Oliphant, Mrs. M.O. W. Cariauthor of Tender, etc.) 24. tà, 7. Mrs. Arthur, 3. The primrose path, 51, 62. Young Oliphant, T. K. Old and midMusgrave, 15. dle English, 70.

Onderdonk, H., Jr. Annals of O'Meara, K. Fr. Ozanam, 3. Hempstead, 1643-1832, 27. Oort, H., and others. The Bible Jamaica centennial, 1876, 51. for learners, 43.


Orcutt, S. Torrington, Conn., 43.
Ormsby, J. Stray papers, 71.
Orred, M. Honor's worth, 51.
Overbeck, J. A.
Osborn, R. D. Islam, 7. Islam
Otis, Lieut. Col. E. S. Indian
under Khalifs, 15.
question, 43.
Palestine Exploration Fund.
Kunstmythologie, 43.
Page, H. A. T. de Quincey, 3.
Thoreau, 20.
Palgrave, R. F. D. House of
Quarterly statement, 11.
Palfrey, F. W. Bartlett, 40.
Palgrave, F. T. 14 (Herrick).
Commons, 31.

Paris. Louvre. Chefs-d'œuvres
de la sculpture, 39.
Parker, F. A. Mobile Bay, 43.
Parker, J. H. Rome, 15.
Parkman, F. France and Eng.
in N. A. Count Frontenac, 7.
Parton, J. Caricature, 11.
Pascoe, F. P. Zool. classif, 3.
Passerini, L. La bibliog. di
Michelangelo, 40.

Pater. Angel, 55 (Macmillan). Patrick, M. Christine Brownlee's ordeal, 51.

Payn, J. By proxy, 43, 48.

Peard, F. М. Madrigal and other stories, 51.

Pobrer, P. Taxation, etc., British Empire, 11.

Peck, F. M., and Earl, H. H.
Fall River, 40.

Peile, J. F. Philology, 7.
Peking gazette, 51.

Pelletan, P. C. E. Elisée, 35.
Pennell, H. C. Puck, 11.
Pennington, R. Bone-caves of

Derbyshire, 11.

Pepys, S. Diary and corresp., 3. Perez, A. A. Mapa de Yucatan, 60 (Huebbe, J., and Perez, Α. Α.).

Perkins, C. C. Raphael and Michelangelo, 23.

Perkins, F. B. Check list, 52.
Devil-puzzlers, 11.

Perugino, P. Christ's charge
to St. Peter. Arundel Soc., 9.
Peters, S. Hist. of Conn., 3.
Petitot, J. Emaux, 71.
Petruccelli della Gattina, F.
Hist. dipl. des conclaves, 35.
Peyrebrune, G. de. Contes en
Pair, 35.
Pfeiffer, L.

tanicus, 40. Pfoundes, C. kuro, 43,

Nomenclator bo

Fu-so mimi bu

Phelps, E. S. Story of Avis, 7.
Phillips, B. A struggle, 48.
Phillips, H., Jr. Poems, 40.
Philochristus, 40.
Phyllis, 43.

Physicus, pseud. Theism, 52.
Pictet, 43 (Nineteenth).
Pieralisi, S. Correzioni al Ur-
bano VIIL; Urbano VIII. e
Galilei, 40.

Pierce, E. L. Ch. Sumner, 8. Pike, J. S. Financial crisis, 40. Pine, J: Spanish Arınada, 71. Pitman, R. C. Alcohol, 8. Piton, C. China-painting; [Plates], 71.

Playfair, Col. R. L. Algeria, Tunis, 24.

Plays for private acting, 55. Plumptre, E. H. Epistles to the seven ch. of Asia, 11. Plutarchus. Shakespeare's

Plutarch, 71.

Pompadour, J. A. P., marquise de. Correspondance, 36.

Poole, R. S. Mycense, 15 (Schliemann).

Poole, S. L. E. L. Lane, 20. Poor, H. V. Money, 11, 15. Railroads of the U. S., 52. Poore, B: P. Polit. register, 71. Popular science monthly, suppl., July, 52. Sept., 56. Portalis, R., baron. Les dessinateurs, 36.

Porter, Gen. F. J: 5th army corps in 1862, in N. Va., 62. Porter, N. Amer.colleges, 71. Pougin, A. Musiciens, 40.

[blocks in formation]

Quaritch, B. General catal. of books, 11.

Quarterly review, 20. Oct., 68.
Queen of the Colonies, The, 31.
Quinet, E.
Génie grec, 48.

Lettres à sa mère, 36. Merlin
l'enchanteur, 62.

Radcliffe, C. B., and others.
Spine and nerves, 8.

Radical review, 52.
Rae, E. Moors, 48.
Raffaello Santi, or Sanzio.

Cartoons. Arundel Soc., 38. Rajna, P. Orlando Furioso, 40. Rambaud, A. Hist. de la Russie, 62.

Rameau,-. Une colonie féodale en Amérique, 27. Ramsay, A. Poems, 8.

Ranke, L. von. Hardenberg, 20. Ravaisson, F. La Bastille, 8. Rawle, F. Inhabitants of Delaware, 31.

Rawlinson, G. Origin of nations, 24. Raymond, Prof. G. L. made real, 11.


Reade, C. The jilt, 3. Reeve, H. Petrarch, 43. Vienna and Berlin, 1805-6, 4.

Reid, C.pseud. See Fisher, F.E. Relazione delle scoperte fatte da Colombo, 40.

Rémusat, C: de. Abélard, 4.
Renan, E. Caliban, 52. Les
évangiles, 8, 11. Mélanges
d'hist. et de voyages, 52.
Renouvier, C: Uchronie, 62.
Reumont, A. von. Toscana, 4.
Revue historique, 12.
Revue pol. et lit.. 1877, 15.
Reybaud, Mme. H. E. F. A.

The goldsmith's wife, 56. Rhode Island hist. tracts, 27. Rice, J. By Celia's arbour, 45. Shepherds all and maidens fair; When the ship comes home, 49 (Besant, W., and Rice, J.).

Richthofen, F., Freiherr von. China, 8.

Rimmer, A. Oxford, 71. Rimmer, W. Art anatomy, 4.

Rink, H. Dan. Greenland, 4. Ris-Paquot, Hist. gén. de la faïence, 36. Manuel du collec. de faïences, 48.

Ritter, L. Ansichten aus Nürnberg, 62.

Robert-Houdin, J. E. Conjur. ing and magic, 27.

Roberts, Miss M. Fair Else, 28. Roberts, Sir R. Asia Minor

and Caucasus, 4. Robida, A. Villes d'Italie, 40. Robinson, C. E. Widgeon, 4. Robinson, J. Ferns, 52. Rochholz, E. L. Tell und Gessler, 62.

Rocquain, F. L'esprit révolu-
tionnaire, 1715-89, 52.
Rolland, E. Devinettes, 48.
Romania, 52.
Rome. Com. Arch. Mun.
Bulletino, 49.

Istituto Archeologico. Ephemeris epigraphica, 52. Roquette, 0. The curate of Orsières, 56.

Rose, H. J. Spanish people, 20.
Rosenberg, A.S.u.B. Beham, 43.
Rosenkranz, K. Hegel, 52.
Rougemont, F. de. L'âge du
bronze, 48.
Rous, F. Thule, 62.
Routledge, J. India, 24.
Rouveyre, E.


nécessaires, 52. Row, C. A. Christian evid., 52. Roxbury. First Religious Soc. Memorial of G: Putnam, 62. Royce, S. Deterioration, 52. Rubieri, E. Poesia popolare italiana, 40, 62.

Ruskin, J. Ariadne Florentina, 62. Florence, 4. St. Mark's rest, 12. The two paths, 62. Russell, W.C. Auld lang syne, 71. Sacher-Masoch, L., Ritter von. Der Emissär; Falscher Hermelin; Gute Menschen und ihre Geschichten; Kaunitz; Ein weiblicher Sultan; Wiener Hofgeschichten; Zur Ehre Gottes, 72.

Sadlier, A. T. Seven years and mair, 71.

Saint-Graal, Le, 12. St. John, M. The sea of mountains, 43.

Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Correspondance, 40, 43.

Saintsbury, G. C. de Bernard, 46 (Didier). Cherbuliez, 18 (Fortnightly). Gautier, 26 (Fortnightly), 34 (Gautier). Mürger, 54 (Fortnightly). Oct. Feuillet, 50 (Fortnightly). Salisbury, S., Jr. The Mayas, 24. Sampleton, S., pseud. See Monti, L.

Samuelson, J. Hist. of drink, 71. Sanctis, F. de. Storia del. lit. ital., 52.

Sands, J. Out of the world, 40. Sankey, C. Roman history, 53 (Cox and Sankey).

Sarcey, F. Comédiens, 48. Saturday rev., Aug. 17, 56. Saunders, J. Shipowner's daughter, 52.

Sauvage, T: M. F. Les porcherons, 72. Sawtelle, I. B. Townsend, 43. Sayce, A. H. Babylonian literature, 31.

Saynètes et monologues, 36.

Schaeffle, A. E. F., 47 (Kaufmann).

Schaff, P. Ref. confessions, 40. Scheffel, J. V. v. Der Trompeter von Säkkingen, 43. Schem, A. J. Cyclop. of educ., 26. Year-book of educ., 55 (Kiddle and Schem).

Scherr, J. La société et les mœurs allemandes, 28.

Schiller, J. C. F. von, and Cotta, J. F., Freiherr von Cottendorf. Briefwechsel, 28. Schliemann, Dr. H. Mycense, 12, 15, 20, 28.

Schmid, H. Alte und neue Geschichten aus Bayern; Concordia; Mein Eden; Mütze und Krone; Die Türken in München, 72.

Schuebeler, F. C. Pflanzenwelt
Norwegens, 4.
Schumann, K. Music, 4.
Schuré, E. Le poète panthéiste,


Scribe, A.E. Piquillo Alliaga, 43. Scribner's monthly for Feb, 24. Sellar, W. Y. Koman poets: Virgil, 8.

Senior, W. N. Conversations, 56. Sergeant, L. New Greece, 71. Severance, M. S. Hammersmith, 56.

Seyd, E. Fall in silver, 4, 8. Shairp, J. C. Poetic interp. of nature, 4, 8.

Shakespeare, W: As you like it; ed. by W. J. Rolfe; Hamlet; ed. by W. J. Rolfe, 62. Henry v.; ed. by W. J. Rolfe, 28. Midsummer-night's dream, 4, 28. Much ado about nothing,


Sharp, S. Geology, S.
Shaw, F. L. Castle Blair, 56.
Shepherd, R: H. Ruskin, 71.
Sheppard, J. B. Christ Church,
Canterbury, 4.

Sherwood, Mrs. M. M. Roxobel, 71.

Shields, C. W. Philosophy, 8.
Shreve, W. P. Venus of Milo, 24.
Sidgwick, H. Suppl. to 1st ed.
of Ethics, 16.

Simcox, E. Natural law, 4.
Sime, J. Lessing, 12.

Simon, J. Le gouvernement de
M. Thiers, 71.

[blocks in formation]

Smith, W. G. Mushrooms, 4. Smithsonian Institution. Ann. report, 1876, 12.

Scarlett, P.C. Lord Abinger, 15. Société russe, La, 20, 24,

Sola, pseud. An American girl in a boys' college, 28.

South Kensington Museum. Conferences, 40.

Southall, J. C. Mammoth, 28. Southgate, H., Bp. The cross above the crescent, 8. Souvestre, E. Contes, 68.

Spence, J. M. Venezuela, 24. Spofford, H.P. Art decoration, furniture, 16.

Springer, A. Michelangelo, 68. Staal de Launay, Mme. de. Memoirs, 20.

Stanley, Miss. Five Dials, 68. Stanley, E. J. Wonderland, 32. Stanley, F. St. Petersburg to Plevna, 71.

Stanley, H. M. Dark continent,


Starbuck, A. Whale fishery, 62.
Statesman's year-book, 1878, 23.
Stauben, D. Vie juive en Al-
sace, 23.

Stebbins, E. C. Cushman, 44.
Stedman, A. M.M. Oxford, 63.
Stedman, E. C. Hawthorne, 8.
Stephens, L. S: Johnson, 52.
Stern, Daniel, pseud. See Ag-
oult, M. de F.
Sterndale, R. A. Seonee, 20.
Stevens, H. Bibles in the Cax-
ton Exhib., 28.

Stevenson, R. L. Inland voyage, 62.

Stieler, K. Rhine, 8, 12.
Stirling, M. C. Two tales of
married life, 49 (Craik and S.).
Stobart, J. W. H. Islam, 12.
Stockbauer, J. Kunstbestre-
bungen, 25 (Eitelberger).
Stoney, F. S. Life of Sadleir, 12.
Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Poganue, 44.
Strangford, Lord. Letters on
philological subjects, 32..
Streckfuss, A.F.K. Too rich, 40.
Strong, J. Cyclopædia, 23.

Stubbs, W. Early Plantag., 63.
Sturgis, J.R. John-a-Dreams, 63.
Sullivan, A. M. New Ireland, 12.
Sully, J. Pessimism, 12.
Sumner, C. Works, 8.
Sumner, W. G. Protection, 4.
Sunday review, 63.

Sweetser, M. F. Claude Lor. raine, 40. Dürer, 12. Leonardo da Vinci, 71. Michael Angelo, 63. Murillo, 12. Raphael, 8. Rembrandt, 40. Sir J. Reynolds, 40. Titian, 8. Turner, 63.

Swinbarne, A. C. Charlotte Brontë, 16. Laus Veneris, 63. Sybel, H. von. Hist. Wissen, 4. Socialismus, 63.


Symonds, J: A. Many moods, 71. Renaissance in Italy, 4, 44. Symondson, F. W. H. years abaft the mast, 71. T., M. W. Sursum corda, 8. Tacitus. Works, 44. Taelen, Mme. van der. Histoires à l'envers, 4. Taillandier, Saint-René. renégats de 89, 24.


Taine, H. A. Les origines de la France contemporaine, 63. Tausin, H. Devises, 39 (Chassant, A., and Tausin, II.). Taylor, J. H. B. Deukalion, 71. Taylor, Col. M. A noble queen, 43. Story of my life, 12. Taylor, T. Dramas, 8. Taylor, W. H. Gen. Lee, 16. Temple Bar for April, 40.

Tender recollections of Irene Magillicuddy, 24.

Tenney, E. P. Agamenticus, 48. Coronation, 4. The new West, 52.

Tennyson, A. The revenge, 27 (Nineteenth).

Testa, not Festa, G. B. Fred. 1. against Lombardy, 14. Tevis, A. H. Sierras, 4. That husband of mine, 4. Thausing, M. Albert Dürer, 63. Theuriet, A. Antoinette, 63. Le filleul d'un marquis, 48. La fortune d'Angèle, 52. Gérard's marriage, 4, 8. The godson of a inarquis, 44. The house of the two barbels, 63. Mile. Guignon; Le mariage de Gérard, 52. Raymonde; Le don Juan de Vireloup, 24. Thibaut, A. F. J. Mus. art, 24. Thiboust, L. Les filles de marbre, 72 (Barrière and T.). Un mari dans du coton, 52. Thierry, A. Nestorius et Eutychès, 52.

Thiers, L. A. 56 (Senior). Thirlwall, C. Remains, 4, 32, 71. Thomas, E. Jainism, 4. Thompson, J. P. U. S. as a nation, 8.

Thomson, Sir C. W. 'Challenger, 16.

Thonissen, J. J. La théorie du progrès, 63. Thornton, W.T. works, 28.

Thurston, R..H.

engine, 63, 72.

Indian public

The steam

Thwing, C. F. Amer. coll., 72.
Tiele, C. P. Hist. of religion, 16.
Tissot, V. Pays des milliards;
Prussiens en Allemagne; Voy.
ages aux pays annexés, 24.
Vienne, 44.

Toepffer, R. Genfer Novellen, 4.
Tolstoy, L., count. The Cos-
sacks, 63, 72.
Tommaseo, N., and Bellini, B.
Dizionario, 40.

Topinard. P. Anthropology, 24.
Torrens, W. T. M. Melbourne,


Tourneur, C. Plays, etc., 20. Towle, G. M. Montenegro; Mod. Greece, 4. Vasco da Gama, 44.

Townley Hall mss., 4. Trafton, Miss A. His inheritance, 56.

Trelawny, E. J. Shelley, 56. Trench, R. C. Medieval church hist., 32, 40.

Trimen, Capt. R.


of the Brit. army, 72. Trollope, A. Amer. Senator; Christmas at Thompson Hall, 4. Is he Popenjoy? 44, 48. The Lady of Launay, 63.

Trollope, Mrs. F. E. Among aliens; A charming fellow, 63. Trollope, T. А. Papal conclaves, 4. A peep behind the scenes, 63. Pius IX., 16. Trotter, J. M. Music, 28. Trowbridge, J. T. Book of gold, 12.

Trueba, A. de. Narraciones, 4. Tucker. Rev. H. W. Memoir of E. Feil-1, 40.

Tuke, D. H. Insanity, 72. Tulloch, J. Pascal, 28. Targenef, I. S. Terres vierges; Virgin soil, 4.

Turner, J. M. W. 33 etchings for the Liber studiorum, 63. Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, S. L.

Twenty years [in] Turkey, 68.
Unger, W. Eavres, 63.
U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey
of the Territories. Bulletin;
9th an. report, 12.
University magazine, 16, 63.
Feb., March, 23.
Unsere Zeit, 4.

Upton, E. Armies, 32.
Ure, A. D. Dict. of arts, 68.
Valfrey, J. La diplomatie
franç. au 17e siècle, 36.
Vandenhoff, G. Reading, 68.
Van Laun, H: French lit., 72.
French rev. epoch, 63.

Vapereau, L. G. Dict. univ. des lit., 8.

Vecellio, C. Corona, 68.
Veitch, J.

Lucretius and the

atomic theory, 4. border, 24.

Verconsin, E. C'était Gertrude, 40. En wagon, 64.

Verne, J. Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais, 8. Un capitaine de quinze ans, 64. Découvertes de la terre, 8. Hector Servadac, 8, 12. L'ile mystérieuse; Les Indesnoires; Le pays des fourrures, 8. Le tour du monde, 12. Une ville flottante. 8.

Vernet, Jos. Letters, 33 (Cassagne).

Veron, E. L'esthétique, 72.
Vétault, A.
Veuillot, L.

Charlemagne, 24.

daloue, 36.

Molière et Bour

Vian, L. Montesquieu, 64.

Vilbort, J.

noises, S, 12.

Nouvelles campi

Villari, L. In change, 8. Villehardouin, G. de. Constantinople, 12. Vincent, J. vannes, 63.

Jacques de Tré

Viollet-le-Duc, E. L'art russe,
40. Mont Blanc, 20.
Virginia; A Roman sketch, 32.
Vissering, W. Chinese cur-
rency, 44.

Vogüé, Le orte. E. M. de. Syria,
Palestine, Mt. Athos, 24.
Voragine or Varagine, J. da.
The golden legend, 68.
Vosmaer, C. Rembrandt, 36.
Voss, S. M., Gräfin von. Court
of Prussia, 4.
Wagner, R.
ring, 8.
Wake, C. S.
rality, 44.
Walford, E.
Walford, L. B.
Walker, F. A.

The Nibelung's

Evolution of mo

Great families, 68.

Wallace, A. R.

Pauline, 8. Money, 40. Reply to Car

penter, 2 (Carpenter). Tropical nature, 44: Waliner's allgemeine Schau bühne. 64.

Ware, W. R. Gr.ornaments, 72. Waring, E. J. Bibliotheca therapeutica, 64.

Waring, G. E., Jr. Book of the farm, 64. Bride of the Rhine, 25. Village improvem., 4. Waring, J. B. Architecture, 16. Warner, C. D. Being a boy, 16. Warner, S. Diana, 44. Warring, H. Squire Paul, 64. Watteau, A. Drawings, 38.

[blocks in formation]

Wiese, L. English educ., 16. Wild, J. J. Thalassa, 23. Wildfowler, Snapshot, pseuds. Shooting, yachting, etc., 68. Wilkins, A. S. Rom.antiq., 12. Wilkinson, J. Narrative of a blockade-runner, 8.

Williams, J. F. St. Paul, Minn., 4.

Hinduism, 12.

Williams, M.
Modern India, 44.

Williams, W. M. Norway, 44.

Williamson, J. Belfast, Me., 4. Willimer, M. J. v. Briefw., 22. Willis, R. Servetus, 12. Willshire, W. H. Playing cards at Brit. Museum, 4.

Wilson, A. J. Resources of mod. countries, 64.

Wilson, D. Old Edin., 32. Winsor, J. Bibliog. of Shakespeare, 4.

Wither, T. P. Bigg -. South
Brazil, 23.

Witt, C. de. Washington, 68.
Wohlwill, E. Galilei, 4.
Wolf at the door, The, 32.
Wolff, C. Historischer Atlas, 4.
Wood, J. G. Nature's teach-
ings, 64.

Woolsey, T. D. Polit. science, 8.
Wreck of the Grosvenor, 28, 32.
Wright, C. Philos. discuss'ns, 20.
Wright, E. Traps baited with
orphan, 8.

Wriothesley, C. Chronicle of Eng., 1485-1559, 32.

Wurzbach, C. v. Biog. Lex., 64. Wylie, W. G. Hospitals, 8. Wynn, C. W. Memorials, 16. Yonge, Miss C. M. Christians and Moors in Spain, 68, 72. Stories of German history, 28. Womankind, 8.

Yorick figlio di Yorick, pseud. See Ferrigni, P. C.

Young, E. D. Nyassa, 28. Young, J. C. Journal, 4. Young, J. J. Ceramic art, 68. Yriarte, C. L'Adriatique et le Monténégro, 36. Venise, 20. Zambrini, F. Boccacci, 64. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 4. Zimmern, H. Lessing, 32. Schopenhauer. 4.

Zoological record, 1875, 4.

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