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to nos. 41-58 (books received Jan. - Dec..1880).

Words in parentheses after the page-numbers indicate the heading under which the note referred to will be found.

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Aldridge, L.

awoke in, 221.

The world she

Alencar, J. de. As azas de um
anjo; Cinco minutos; O demo-
nio familiar; Mãi; Verso e
reverso, 161.

Alexander, Sir J. E: Cleopa-
tra's needle, 201.

Allen, F: D. Remnants of early
Latin, 177.

Alton-Shée, E., comte d'. Mes
mémoires, 189.

Amicis, E. de. Holland, 229.
Amos, S. The Eng. constitution,
177. Political and legal rem-
edies for war, 197, 217.

Ancona, E. La cruz y la espada,

Anderson, Rev. J. Ladies of the
Covenant, 161.

Lightning con

Anderson, R:
ductors, 225.
Anderson, T. S. Persia, 189.
Andreozzi, A. Le leggi penali
degli antichi cinesi, 221.

Androuet Du Cerceau, J. Les
plus excellents bastiments de
France, 197.

Annales de démographie inter-
nationale, 177.

Annals of the war, 169.

Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit
International, 161.

Annuaire du Club Alpin Fran-

çais, 1878, 161.

In search of

Ansted, D: T:
minerals, 197.
Antiquary, Jan., 177.
Antoine, C: De la succession
légitime, 161.

Aphorismical disc. of treason-
able faction, 193.

Appleton, T: G. Chequer-work,


Appleton, W: S. Descendants
of W. Sumner, 161.

Apponyi, F. H. Libraries of
California, 161.

Archæological Institute of
America. Ist ann. rept., 205.
Archivio glottologico ital., 217.
Aristoteles. Ethica Nicoma-
chea, 197.

Arnold, A. Social politics, 181.
Arnold, H. P. Pontresina, 213.
Arr, E. H., pseud. New Eng-
land bygones, 193.

Ashwell, A. R. S: Wilberforce,

Asseline, L:

triche, 161.

Histoire de l'Au-

Atcherly, R. J. A trip to Boër-
land, 185, 205.
Athens. Ecole Française. Bib-
liothèque, 213.

Atkinson, E: Railroads of the
U. S., 225.

Attwood, F. G. Rollo's journey
to Cambridge, 189.

Audley, Mme. A. Frédéric
Chopin, 225.

Audsley, G: A., and Bowes, J.
L. Keramic art, 185.
Auerbach, В. The foresters,
221. Der Forstmeister; Lan-
dolin von Reutershöfen; Un
terwegs, 189. Brigitta; Das
Landhaus am Rhein; Lorle,
die Frau Professorin; Nach
dreissig Jahren; Zur guten
Stunde, 229.

Austin, Mrs.J. Mrs. Beauchamp
Brown, 189.

Ayres, A. Muhlenberg, 217.
Babeau, A. La ville sous l'an-
cien régime, 221.
Bagehot, W. Econ. studies, 193.
Bahá-ad-din-Zohair. Poetical
works, 209.

Bailey, G: W. A private chap-
ter of the war, 205.

Baker, W. M. Carter Quarter-
man; A year worth living, 177.
His majesty, myself, 161.
Baker, W. S. Engraved portr.
of Washington, 181.

Historia de los

Balaguer, V.
trovadores, 161, 217.

Balbiani, G.
vertébrés, 225.

Génération des

[blocks in formation]

portraits, 189.
Bastian, H. C. Brain, 205, 213.
Batbie, A. P. Traité de droit
public et administratif, 165.
Batchelder, C. R. The Eastern
Diocese, 201.
Bates, IH: W. Central Amer., 169.
Baur, F. C. Church hist., 165.
Bazaine, F. A., maréchal de
France. L'Armée du Rhin, 193.
Beal, S: Romantic legend of
Sakya Buddha, 161.
Beard, G: M., M. D. Nervous
exhaustion, 205.
Beardsley, A.

Derby, Conn.,
215 (Orcutt and Beardsley).

Beaumont, J., D. D. Poems, 217.
Beauty's daughters, 197.
Beers, W. G. Lacrosse, 161.
Bellamy, E: Dr. Heidenhoff's
process, 197.
Belleval, R., marquis de. Nos
pères, 165.

Belot, A. Deux femmes, 169.
Bender, H. Rom u. römisches
Leben, 229.

Benham, Rev. W: Catharine
and Craufurd Tait, 165.
Bent, J. T. Freak of freedom,

Bentham, G. British flora, 177.
Bérenger-Féraud, L. J: B. Les
peuplades de la Sénégambie,


Bergerac, S. C. de. Hist. com.
des états et empires de la lune
et du soleil, 221.
Bergerat, E. T. Gautier, 173.
Berkeley, G:, Bp. Selections, 173.
Berlin und St. Petersburg, 223.
Bernays, J. Lucian und die
Kyniker, 197.

Bernoni, D. G. Fiabe e novelle
popolari veneziane, 221.

Bert, P. La morale des Jésu-
ites, 205.

Berthet, E. В. La bête du
Gévaudan, 177.

Bertin, E., Les mariages dans
les anc. société française, 181.
Bessels, E. Die amerikanische
Nordpol-Expedition, 193.

Bethune, G: A. The uncertain-
ties of travel, 197.
Bevan, G. P. Surrey, 161.
Bezaure, G. de. Fleuve bleu, 161.
Bigelow, M. M.
Placita Nor-
mannica, 165.

Bigelow, T. Visit to Newport,
etc., 1815, 185.

Bigmore, E. C., and Wyman,
C. W. H. Bibliog. of printing,

Bikélas, D. Louki Laras, 193.
Biograph and review, The, 177.
Birch, J: Examples of labour-

ers' cottages, 185.
Bitter, C. H. Bach, 181.
Black, C. Orlando, 221.
Black, W: Sunrise, 189. White
wings, 217.

Blackburn, H: Academy notes,
209. Breton folk, 165. Gros-
venor notes, 213. The Ober-
ammergau passion play, 201.
Blackmore, R. D. Mary Aner-
ley. 189, 197, 221.
Blackwell, Ir. E. Moral educ.
of children, 177.
Blackwood's mag., March, 183.
Bladé, J. F. Poésies populaires
en française, 161.
Blanc, J: J. L: 10 ans de l'hist.
d'Angleterre, 189, 213. L'Etat
et la Commune, 213.
Blanc, Mme. T., (pseud. T.
Bentzon). Un châtiment; La
grande saulière, Ma tante
Hermine; Madelette; La pe-
tite perle, Desirée Turpin;
Un remords; Le roman d'un
muet; Une vie manquée: Le
violon de Job; Le vocation de
Louise, 173. Georgette, 197.

[blocks in formation]

Boissier, G. Proménades arché-
ologiques, 221.

Bolles, A. S. Financial hist. of
the U. S., 1774-89, 173.

Bonitz, H. Origin of the Ho-
meric poems, 177.

Bonnemère, L. Voy. à travers
les Gaules 56 ans avant Jésus-
Christ, 193.

Bonneville de Marsangy, L:
Mme. Campan à Ecouen, 173.
Borgognoni, A. Studi d'erudi-

zione e d'arte, 217.
Bosio, F. Ricordi personali, 161.
Boston. City Council. Granary
burial ground, 163.
Boswell, J.
Erskine, 197.

Corresp. with A.

Bouché-Leclercq, A. Divina-
tion, 185.

Bouffé, M. Mes souvenirs, 225.
Bouley, H: Hydrophobia, 221.
Boulger, D. C: Central Asian
portraits, 189.

Bourloton, E. L'Allemagne
contemp., 165.

Bowen, F. Gleanings, 225.
Bowes, J. L. Keramic art, 185
(Audsley and Bowes).

Boyle, F: Chronicles of No-
man's land, 185.

Braddon, M. E. Barbara, 177.
Just as I am, 221.
Braithwaite, W: and J., eds.
Retrospect of medicine, 177.
Brandes, G. Lord Beaconsfield,


Brassey, Mrs. A. Sunshine and
storm, 165.

Brassey, T: Foreign work and
Eng. wages, 165.

Bray, C: P'sycholog, and ethical
divisions on a physiolog. basis,
162, 163.

Bréal, M. Mélanges de mythol-
ogie, 173.

Brent, J: Canterbury, 189.
Brett, W: H: Indians of British
Guiana, 181..

Brewer, Rev. E. C. The reader's
handbook of allusions, etc.,
177, 193.

Bright, W:, D.D.
hist., 165.

Brimfield, Mass. Historical
celebration, 1876, 189.
Brinsmead, E. Pianoforte, 177.
Brocher, C: Nouveau traité de
droit international privé, 165.
Brosch, M. Geschichte des
Kirchenstantes, 193.
Bross, W: Chicago, 189.
Brown, Miss. pseud. The for-
eign tour of the Misses Brown,
Jones and Robinson, 162.

[blocks in formation]

Buchholz, R. West-Afrika, 229.
Buck, A. H., M. D. Hygiene
and public health, 177, 205.
Bucke, R: M. Man's moral na-
ture, 181.

Buckton, C. М. Town and
window gardening, 173.
Buddha. Sutta Nipáta, 189.
Buerstenbinder, E. A hero of
the pen, 221.

Bulliot, J. G., and Roidot, J.
La cité gauloise, 173.

Bund, J. W. W. Selection of
cases from the state trials, 189.
Bunge, F. G. von. Die Stadt
Riga im 13. und 14. Jahrh.,

Burdo, A. Niger et Bénué, 173.
Burke, O. J. Lord Chancellors
of Ireland, 189.

Burke, S. H. Hist. portraits of
the Tudor dynasty, 225.
Burnand, F.C. The 'A. D. C.',

Burnett, Mrs. F. H. Louisiana,

Burnett, P: H. Recollections
and opinions of an old pioneer,

Burnham, S. W. Report with
ref. to the location of Lick
Observatory, 225.

Burton, Mrs. I. Arabia, Egypt,
India, 165.

Burton, J: H. Queen Anne, 177.
Burty, P. C: Méryon, 225.

Busby, T: History of music, 197.
Bushnell, H. Life and letters,
197, 221.

Butler, C. M., D.D. Hist. of the
Book of common prayer, 181.
Buxton, S. C. Political ques-
tions of the day, 225.

C., J. T. de. El comerciante de
perlas, 162.

Cable, G: W. The Grandis-
simes; Old Creole days, 221.
Cadol, E: La diva, 165.
princesse Aldée, 221.


Caird, J:, D.D. Introd. to the
philos. of religion, 197.

Calonne, le baron La vie
municipale dans le nord de la
France, 197.

Calvert, G: H. Coleridge, Shel-
ley, Goethe, 225. Shake-
speare, 162.

Cameron, Μ. Ε.

Achendaroch, 165.

Cameron, V. L.

highway, 197.

House of

Our future

Camoens, L. de. The Lusiad, 189.
Campbell, L. Sophocles, 181.
Capefigue, J: B. H. R. L'armée
fr. en Espagne, 173.

Capel, Monsignor T: J:, D. D.
Gladstone's 'Political expos-
tulation', 221.

Capes, W. W. Livy, 217.
Capron, J. R. Auroræ, 190.
Caro, E. M. Etudes morales,
225. L'idée de Dieu, 102.
Carpenter, Rev. J. E.
Carpenter, 173.

Carralon de Larrua, A. La
dama duende; El diablo del
Mediodia, 162.

Carrau, L. L'évolution, 222.
Carron, E. Course maritime, 190.
Carter, R. B. Eyesight, 190.
Carter, S. N. Art suggestions, 225.
Casas, B. de las. Hist. de las
Indias, 225.
Casgrain, l'abbé. Legendes ca-
nadiennes, 225.

Castelnau, A. Les Medicis, 162.
Caterina, St., of Sienna.
lettere, 166.


Catholic Church. Taxes de la

pénitencerie apostolique, 181.
Cavendish, H:
Electrical re-
searches, 185.

Certain dangerous tendencies in
American life, 181.

Chadwick, J: W. The faith of
reason, 173.

Chaney, G: L. Aloha! 169.
Chapelain, J: Lettres, 217.
Charavay, E. A. de Vigny et
Charles Baudelaire, 201.
Charlestown. First Church.

Records, 181.
Harvard Church.


Charlesworth, M. L.
the mill, 162.


Oliver of

Charton, E: Dictionnaire des
professions, 217.

Chase, J: Landscape painting,


Chatrian, A. Contes de la mon-
tagne, 202. Les deux frères;
Le grand-père Lebigre, 198
(Erckmann and Chatrian).
Chaucer, G. Poetical works, 201.
Chénier, M. J. Poésies, 225.
Cherbuliez, V. Amours fra-
giles, 209. A stroke of diplo-
macy, 181. The wish of his
life, 162.

[blocks in formation]

Colenso, F. E. Zulu war, 201.
Colenso, J: W:, Bp. of Natal.
The Pentateuch, 162.

College of New Jersey. Prince-
ton book, 177.

Collet, S. D. The Brahmo year-
book, 1876-79, 181.
Collins, C. W. Saint Simon, 198.
Collins, W: W. Fallen leaves,
181. Jezebel's daughter, 225.
Colombi, marchesa. In risaia,

Colucci, G. I casi della guerra
per l'independenza d'America,

Compton, C: and E: H. Comp-
ton, 166.

Congrès International d'Etudes
du Canal Interocéanique.
Compte rendu, 205.

Contemporary review, Dec., 162.
Jan., 166. Feb., 177.

Convict life, 222.

Cook, J. Bibliog. of Dickens, 169.
Cook, J. Labor, 205. Socialism,

Cooke, J: E. Virginia Bohe-
mians, 198, 213.

Cooke, J. P. Religion and
chemistry, 229.

Cooke, M.C. Ponds and ditches,


Cooley, A. J. Cyclopædia of
practical receipts, 222.

Corazzini, F. Letteratura popo-
lare italiana, 169.
Corfield, W. H. Health, 213.
Cornhill mag., Jan., 166. March;
April, 185. August, 217, 222.
Oct., 225.

Cory, W: Guide to mod. Eng.
history, 181.

Cosnac, G. J., comte de. Louis
XIV., 201, 222.

[blocks in formation]

Dareste de la Chavanne, A. E.
C. La Restauration, 190.
Daubrée, A. Géologie, 173.
Daudet, A. Les rois en exil,

162. Théâtre, 213.
Daudet, E. Dolores, 169, 193.
Madame Robernier, 174. La
maison de Graville, 202. Le
mari, 222.

Daval, G. and J: Hist. de la
Réformation à Dieppe. 162.
David Armstrong; or, Before
the dawn, 205.
Davidson, J. M. Eminent Eng.
Liberals, 225.
Davis, G. A.

Centennial cele-

bration, Reading, Vt., 213.
Davis, J:, d. 1605. Map of the
world, 1600; Voyages and
works, 205.

Davis, N. K. Theory of thought,

Dawkins, W. B. Early man in
Britain, 193.

Dawson, J: W: Fossil men, 213.
Day, J: Plays, 225.
Deák, F. Francis Deák, 193.
Deane, M. Seen in an old mir-
ror, 169.
Delaporte, L.
bodge, 190,
Demay, G.
Moyen Age, 222.

Voyage au Cam-

Le costume au

De Mille, J. The cryptogram;
The living link, 222.
Deming, P. Adirondack stories,

[blocks in formation]

Desnoiresterres, G. Le B. Gri-
mod de la Reynière, 229.
Despois, E. Les lettres et la
liberté, 202. Le vandalisme
révolutionnaire, 169.

Detroit Press and Tribune Co.
Z. Chandler, 185.

Devéria, G. Relations de la
Chine avec l'Annam-Viêtnam,

Dexter, H: M. Congregational-
ism, 202.

Dickens, C: The Mudfog pa-
pers, 222.

Didier, E. La petite princesse,


Didon, l'abbé H. N. La science
sans Dieu, 213.
Dipavamsa, The, 169.
Ditfurth, F. W:, Freiherr von.
Die hist. Volkslieder, 162.
Dixon, C: Rural bird life, 213.
Dixon, W: H. Royal Windsor,

Dobson, A. Vignettes, 181.
Dobson, H. A. English litera-
ture, 209. Hogarth, 166, 209,
Dodge, M. A. Common school
system, 177.

Dodgson, C: L., (pseud. L. Car-
roll). Doublets, 162.

Donoso-Cortès, J. F. M. de la S.,
marq. de Valdegamas. Deux
diplomates, 207 (Raczynski
and D.).

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