When the issue of these slips was commenced in Sept. 1874, it was thought that they would be found seful to subscribers: 1. when new, as lists of the est publications; 2. when old, as reminders of od books yet unread by them; 3. as a record of their reading, if the titles were crossed out as the books were read; 4. in sending for books by a messenger, when a check or a number at the side of a title would show what book was wanted with less trouble and less likelihood of mistake than if the title were written; the numbers indicating preference, the slips to be returned to their owner with the books". They have been moderately successful; but the Librarian believes that their usefulness can be increased, and proposes to try for a time the experi ment of adding to the monthly list of additions brief notes, original or borrowed, giving an indication of the character of some of the books. When a work like Kingsley's Life can elicit such different judgments as "A book to be recommended to everybody", and "The subject of this biography was so wonderfully conceited that I had not patience to finish it", it will not be surprising if those who read on the strength of the following recommendation should occasionally decide that they had been misled. It is hoped, however, that the notes may be, on the whole, of sufficient assistance in the choice of books, at least to persons who want the time or the opportunity to peruse many critical journals, to justify the trouble of preparing them. Beha-ed-Din Zoheir. Poetical works; with a metrical English translation, notes, and introd., by E. H. Palmer. Berlin. Akad. der Wiss. Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum. Vol. 6, pt. 1. Berty, Adolphe. La renaissance monumentale en France, specimens de composition et d'ornementation architectoniques. 2 v. fo. Bible. The four Gospels; trans. from the text of Tischendorf; by N. S. Folsom. 2d ed. Said by good judges to compare well with Dr. Noyes's translation. Blackburn, H. Academy notes for 1877, [illust.]. Pictorial notes in the National Gallery, [illustrated]. Blades, W. Biog. and typography of W. Caxton, England's first printer. Blakey, R. Historical sketch of logic. Bocher, E. Les gravures française du 18e siècle, ou Catalogue raisonné des estampes, etc., 1700-1800. 4. v. Boettger, C. Das Mittelmeer. Highly praised by Petermann. The only physical geography of the Mediterranean except Smyth's. |