VOL. XXXIV. FEBRUARY 1918. No. 2. 34:2 GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE The Geography of Brazil in Relation to its Political and Dirk Hartogs' Landing in Australia. By W. SIEBENHAAR, Page 41 56 John Adair: An Early Map-Maker and His Work. By Harry Alsace-Lorraine-British Guiana-The Scottish Meteorological Society- PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, CASTLE TERRACE. Printed by T. and A. CONSTABLE, at the University Press. Agents EDINBURGH: Douglas & Foulis. GLASGOW: Jas. MacLehose & Sons. LONDON: Edward Stanford, Ltd., 12, 13 and 14 Long Acre, W.C. Issued Monthly to Members of the Society. THE DICTOGRAPH Inter-communication Telephone System has many features which the ordinary Inter-departmental Telephone entirely lacks. These exclusive features are well worth investigating; and if Telephone efficiency is vital to a business, then that business needs the Dictograph system. Will you consult us in the matter? Any time will be convenient. GEORGE WATERSTON & SONS, LTD. Manufacturing Stationers 33 and 35 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH. NATURAL HISTORY WATKINS & DONCASTER NATURALISTS 86 STRAND, LONDON, W.C. (Five Doors from Charing Cross) Keep in stock every description of Apparatus, Cabinets, Books, and BIRDS' EGGS, BUTTERFLIES, AND MOTHS, Etc. BACON'S MAPS OF THE MOMENT CONTOUR MAP OF THE NEAR AND MIDDLE EAST. Scale, 95 miles to 1 inch. Size, 40 by 30 inches. Extends from Rome (W.) to Kabul (E.), Astrakan (N.) to Gulf of Aden (S.). Ancient and modern names. Includes The Balkans, Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, and Egypt, and a large scale Inset Map of Palestine. Routes of Alexander the Great, Pompey, and St. Paul are shown. Unrivalled for teaching Scripture Geography. Price. 7s. 6d. May also be had in Political Colouring. CONTOUR MAP OF THE MEDITERRANEAN LANDS. Scale, 64 miles to 1 inch. Size, 76 by 40 inches. Covers all the Eurasian areas affected by the War. Extends from Petrograd (N.) to Red Sea (S.), British Isles and Canary Islands (W.) to Persian Gulf (E.). Both ancient and modern names are given, physical features are graphically shown in colour, so that it is useful for Classical, Scripture, or Modern Geography. Price, 17s. 6d. DETAILED MAP OF MODERN PALESTINE. With two Insets, Plan and Environs of Jerusalem. Size, 14 by 21 inches. Price, Paper, folded in cover, or flat, 1s.; Cloth, 2s. SCHOOL MAP OF CANAAN AND PALESTINE. Side by side. Size, 5 by 4 feet. Price, 16s. SCHOOL MAP OF CANAAN. Size, 30 by 40 inches. Price, 6s. SCHOOL MAP OF PALESTINE. Size, 30 by 40 inches. Price, 6s. BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF THE HOLY LAND. Coloured. Size, 30 by 40 inches. Price, Cloth and Rollers, 6s.; Paper, folded in cover, 2s. 6d. The Wall Maps may be had Cloth, Rollers, and Varnished: or Cloth, Detailed Catalogue sent on receipt of a postcard. G. W. BACON & Co., Ltd., 127 Strand, London, W.C. 2 When answering this Advertisement, please mention this Magazine. and Domestic Hot Water Supplies for Private Houses TORPHICHEN STREET, EDINBURGH. SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE. Back numbers of the Magazine in complete sets so far as possible from Vol. I. (1885) to Vol. XXX. (1914), may be purchased at the Society's Rooms, at the cost of £3, 3s. per set. The July 1904 Magazine is the only number missing from all the sets, but about a dozen sets are available in which no other number is missing. FACTS and PROBLEMS of the WAR The best books on the war, English, French, and American, can be obtained from R. GRANT & SON. A well-chosen selection can always be seen in stock. 107 PRINCES STREET Telegrams-Quarto, Edinburgh. Telephone-Central 1919. EDINBURGH HIGH-CLASS STATIONERY MANUFACTURE is one of the principal industries of Edinburgh. Our complete modern factory at 92 George Street is equipped to turn out the best class of Stationery Manufacture in every branch of the Stationery Trade. GEO. STEWART & CO. 92 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH (Complete Printing, Binding, and Stationery Works adjoining.) Telephone No. 4015 (two lines), When answering this Advertisement, please mention this Magazine. THE CALL OF THE WEST. Letters from British Columbia. BY CAPTAIN C. F. J. GALLOWAY. Profusely Illustrated. Cloth. 12s. 6d. net. (Second Edition.) "Captain Galloway rejoices in the possession of a style which, simple and direct, makes this record of his wanderings in the untravelled wilds and populous places of British Columbia one long delightful narrative. And he has wandered far and seen much."-Canada. THROUGH LAPLAND WITH SKIS AND REINDEER. BY FRANK HEDGES BUTLER, F.R.G.S. With 4 Maps and 65 Illustrations. Cloth. 12s. 6d. net. (Second Impression.) "A most welcome addition to the literature of travel." - Daily Graphic. "This is a capital book, which is sure to appeal to all British folk interested in the life of the open air. "-Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. T. FISHER UNWIN, Limited, 1 ADELPHI TERRACE, LONDON W.C.2. ROYAL SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. THE LIBRARY. The Library of the Society contains nearly fourteen thousand books, and is abundantly supplied with periodicals dealing with geography and the related subjects. THE LENDING LIBRARY. The majority of the books constitute a lending library for the use of members. Each member is allowed to have out two books or three volumes at one time, and these may be kept for six weeks. Members who do not reside in Edinburgh can have books forwarded to them on application to the librarian. The receipt of all new books is acknowledged in this Magazine, issued monthly to members, so that they may see, month by month, what additions have been made to the library. Practically all important new works dealing with travel and exploration, whether published in English, French, German, or Italian, are added to the library as they appear. Teachers will find the library of great use in view of the fact that it is rich in geographical text-books, and that as new editions of these appear they are forwarded by the publishers for the use of members. THE REFERENCE LIBRARY. The reference library contains an up-to-date collection of books of reference, which may be consulted in the Society's rooms. When answering this Advertisement, please mention this Magazine. Vice-Chairman. -A. ERNEST MAYLARD, M. B., B.S. Aberdeen. The Very Rev. Sir G. ADAM SMITH, D.D., LL.D., Trustees-JAMES CURRIE, M.A., F.R.S.E.; F. GRANT OGILVIE, C.B., LL.D.; SIR COLIN G. MACRAE, W.S.; J. D. MONRO; JAMES CORNWALL, and the Honorary Treasurers, ex officio. Honorary Treasurer-JAMES CURRIE, M.A., F.R.S.E., Edinburgh. Honorary Secretaries - RALPH RICHARDSON, W.S., F.R.S.E.; JOHN GEORGE BARTHOLOMEW, LL.D., F.R.S.E. Glasgow: JOHN W. GOURLAY, C.A. (Local Secre- Dundee: JOHN F. SIMPSON, 22 Reform Street. 8 Union Terrace. SOCIETY'S HALL: SYNOD HALL, CASTLE TERRACE, EDINBURGH TELEGRAM: GEOGRAPHY, EDINBURGH. |