This is a new popular edition of the reduced map of Western Palestine issued by the Palestine Exploration Fund. It shows all the roads and railways constructed since the original survey was made. Only modern place-names are given, the Biblical identifications having been omitted for the sake of clearness. The hills are printed in brown, which also contributes to the legibility of the map. PALESTINE.-Bartholomew's Topographical and Physical Map. Scale 4 miles to an inch. Compiled from the Palestine Exploration Fund Surveys and other authorities, with additions to 1917. Inset Plan of Jerusalem, Vegetation Map, and Sections. In 2 sheets. Price 8s. 6d. net, mounted on cloth and folded. Mounted on rollers, 15s. John Bartholomew and Co., Edinburgh. The area included in this map extends from Beirut in the north to beyond Beersheba in the south, and from Gaza in the west to beyond Damascus in the east. The orographical contour colouring brings out the relief of the country with striking effect. Biblical as well as modern names are given. PALESTINE.-War Map. Scale 1:684,288, or 8 miles to an inch. 1917. Price 2s. 6d. Edward Stanford, Ltd., London. This is a handy map for reference, but the names are somewhat obscured by the black hill-shading. AMERICA AND AUSTRALIA. MANITOBA AND SASKATCHEWAN. - Maps showing disposition of lands. Corrected MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, AND ALBERTA. - Map showing Elevators. 1917. Department of the Interior, Ottawa. MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, AND ALBERTA. - Map showing Branches of Chartered Banks. 1917. Scale 25 miles to an inch. Prepared in the Natural Resources Intelligence Branch under the direction of F. C. C. Lynch, Superintendent. Department of the Interior, Ottawa. QUEENSLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. - Geological and Topographical Atlas of the Gympie Goldfield and Environs, by B. Dunstan, F.G.S., Chief Government Geologist. 1910-1911. In 36 sheets. Scale 1: 4752 or 13.3 inches to a mile. Department of Mines, Brisbane. The geological map is complete in 18 sheets, and shows all the formations in elaborate detail; the 18 sheets are then repeated with topographical features. The relief is shown by contour lines at intervals of every 10 feet. Altogether this atlas is a very creditable piece of colonial cartography. W. & Α. Κ. JOHNSTON'S WALL MAP OF EURASIA COMPRISES all the Continents of Europe and Asia. Coastline, Rivers, and Lakes are clearly defined, and Physical Features boldly and distinctly drawn. The Land is tinted according to its elevation in shades of green and brown, and the Sea according to its depth in shades of blue. The Land Contours range from 500 to 20,000 feet, and the Submarine Contours from 100 to 4000 fathoms. Main Railway Lines are shown, and Principal Towns are indicated by the initial letter of the name. Size, 50 by 42 inches. Scale, 1:9,300,000 or 147 miles to an inch. Price, on Cloth, Rollers, and Varnished, 12s. each. LIST OF W. & A. K. JOHNSTON'S BATHY-OROGRAPHICAL WALL MAPS Isobars and Winds for July. *India-No. I. Railways, Industries, Population, Political Divisions. دو II. Rainfall, Forests, Minerals, Agriculture. SIZE OF EACH MΑΡ, 50 BY 42 INCHES. w. A. K. JOHNSTON, Ltd. Edina Works and 2 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. When answering this Advertisement, please mention this Magazine. A SERIES OF SIXTY-EIGHT PLATES OF MAPS AND PLANS, WITH DESCRIPTIVE TEXT, ILLUSTRATING THE TOPOGRAPHY, PHYSIOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY, CLIMATE, AND THE HISTORICAL, POLITICAL, AND COMMERCIAL FEATURES OF THE COUNTRY T Designed by and prepared under the direction of J. G. BARTHOLOMEW, LL.D., F. R. G. S. THIS Atlas presents, on a uniform scale of half-an-inch to the mile, the topography of the country at the present day in a series of forty-five section-maps; in another series of maps it gives a graphic summary of its historical, physical, political, and economic features. All the topographical maps and plans have been submitted to competent local authorities for the insertion of new railways, roads, mansion-houses, hotels, etc., and the deletion of such as no longer exist. The colouring shows height of land and depth of sea and lochs according to contour lines. Eight representative maps from Blaeu's Atlas of 1654, reproduced in facsimile, form an interesting comparison with the present-day topography. The general maps, with explanatory text, illustrate Physiography, Geology, Meteorology, Demography, and History. Price, £2, 2s. net, bound in Cloth; or £2, 12s. 6d. net, in Half-Morocco, gilt. THE CITIZEN'S ATLAS OF THE WORLD T Edited by J. G. BARTHOLOMEW, LL. D., F. R. G. S. CONTAINS 156 Large pages of beautifully coloured Maps (each Plate measures about 14 × 18 inches); an Index of 70 pages; a descriptive Gazetteer of over 50,000 Names; Introductory Text and Geographical Statistics; a Coloured Frontispiece, "Flags of All Nations." HIS popular, comprehensive, and beautiful Atlas now occupies a prominent position as a Standard work of reference throughout the English-speaking world. The maps have been brought thoroughly up-to-date, and while very full of detail, are easily read owing to the clearness of the engraving. The Atlas is equipped with an Index of some 25,000 names, and also a Gazetteer giving brief descriptions of about 50,000 places. Such a work of reference is indispensable to every one who desires to follow intelligently the momentous and stirring events resulting from the titanic struggle of the nations in the present world-wide war. The boundaries of States may undergo change hereafter, but whatever alterations may be made after the war, the value of the Atlas for reference purposes will still remain. Price (strongly bound in cloth), 25s. net. A Complete Prospectus of these Works free on application. JOHN BARTHOLOMEW & CO. The Geographical Institute, Duncan Street, Edinburgh. When answering this Advertisement, please mention this Magazine. VOL. XXXIV. MARCH 1918. No. 3. 34:3 GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE The Problem of Alsace-Lorraine. By MARION I. NEWBIGIN, D.Sc. Page 81 Notes on the Physiography of Arran. By ALEXANDER SCOTT, 90 Southern Palestine: Some Notes on Historical Geography. By Captain W. R. KERMACK, 99 Travel Memories. By Lieutenant-Colonel A. C. YATE, F.R.G.S., 105 114 Geographical Notes, 114 The Peoples of Hungary-The Moslem Populations of Russia Sources of PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, CASTLE TERRACE. Printed by T. and A. CONSTABLE, at the University Press. Agents-EDINburgh : Douglas & Foulis. GLASGOW: Jas. MacLehose & Sons. LONDON: Edward Stanford, Ltd., 12, 13 and 14 Long Acre, W.C. Issued Monthly to Members of the Society. THE DICTOGRAPH Inter-communication Telephone System has many features which the ordinary Inter-departmental Telephone entirely lacks. These exclusive features are well worth investigating; and if Telephone efficiency is vital to a business, then that business needs the Dictograph system. Will you consult us in the matter? Any time will be convenient. GEORGE WATERSTON & SONS, LTD. Manufacturing Stationers 33 and 35 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH. NATURAL HISTORY WATKINS & DONCASTER NATURALISTS 36 STRAND, LONDON, W.C. (Five Doors from Charing Cross) Keep in stock every description of Apparatus, Cabinets, Books, and Specimens for Collectors of BIRDS' EGGS, BUTTERFLIES, AND MOTHS, Ete. Price-List sent post free on application. BACON'S NEW SCHOOL CATALOGUE SPRING 1918 EDITION We have issued a restricted number of above, and will be pleased to send one on receipt of a postcard. All publications listed can be supplied at present. OUR MOST RECENT PUBLICATIONS NEW PHYSICAL WALL ATLASES. Nine Sets. British Isles, World, and Continents, 21s. per set, cloth, on roller; 268. cloth, folded in case. Four, or more, selected Maps to order. CONTOUR WALL MAPS. Fourteen at 17s. 6d.; Eight at 7s. 6d. EDUCATIVE GEOGRAPHY. A Teacher's Handbook dealing with Practical work in Geography and Weather Observation. 1s. net. HALFPENNY OUTLINE CONTOUR HAND MAPS FOR COLOURING. BACON'S SCHOOL ATLASES ( Size, 7 by 10 inches. 10) LARGE PRINT ATLAS. 16 Political Maps. 4d. net. letterpress. Paper, 4d. Board, 6d. net. EXCELSIOR ATLAS. 32 Political Maps. Paper, 8d. Cloth, with Index, 1s. 3d. net. RELIEF ATLAS. 20 Political and 16 Relief Maps, 8d. With Index, 10d. Cloth, 1s. 3d. net. EIGHΤΡΕΝNY CONTOUR ATLAS. 35 Physical Maps, 4 Local Maps, and Index. Paper, 8d. Board, 10d. net. EXCELSIOR CONTOUR ATLAS. 41 Physical and 13 Political Maps, with Index. 1s. 3d. net. Index. 2s. 6d. net. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE ATLAS. 50 Physical and 48 Political Maps, with "THE MAP AND ITS STORY.” 44 Physical Maps, with letterpress. Size, 10 by 12 inches. 1s. net. Specimen pages, etc., sent with Catalogue, on application. G. W. BACON & Co., Ltd., 127 Strand, London, W.C. 2 When answering this Advertisement, please mention this Magazine. |