Slike stranica

Servi, F. Dante e gli ebrei. 1803. Soave, M. Dante Alighieri ed il poeta Emmanuele. [1863?] Imola, Benvenuto da. See Rambaldi, B., da Imola.

Imperial, Francisco. Desir á las siete virtudes. (In Estelrich, J. L., compiler. Antología de poetas líricos italianos traducidos en verso castellano. ISS9. pp. 20-33.)

Dante is represented as appearing to the poet and acting as guide.

Same. (In Balzo, C. del, compiler. Poesie di mille autori intorno a Dante. Vol. iii. 1891. pp. 258-272.)

See also Del Balzo, vol. iii. pp. 242-257, 273-274, and Vidal y Valenciano, "Imitadores, traductores y comentadores españoles de la Divina comedia," 185, especially pp. 219-224

See also Rios, J. Amador de los. Introduccion de la alegoría dantesca en la poesia española. 1864.

Savi-Lopez, P. Un imitatore spagnuolo di Dante nel '400.


Teza, E. Dantiana. 1895.

In difesa di Dante. [Milano, etc., 1875.]

Clipping from Gazzetta letteraria, 4 maggio, 1895, in Dante scrap-book, i, p. 105. Signed Un difensore di Dante."

Written in answer to A. Catalano's "Una contraddizione dantesca," which see.

In memoria della solenne inaugurazione del monumento a Dante in Trento addi 10 ottobre 1896. Trento, 1896. f°. pp. 19. 1019 G 119 Contains an extract from Guglielmo Ranzi's "Il monumento a Dante a Trento," also his inaugural address as president of the committee in charge, and that of A. Tambosi, the Podestà of Trent.

In occasione del sesto centenario dalla sua nascita omaggio a Dante Alighieri per alcuni perugini. See [Pennacchi, G., and others].

In occasione della festa del sublime pocta Dante Alighieri eseguita in Firenze il 14 maggio 1865, vennero pronunziate queste parole. Siena, 1865. Broadside. 74 × 1034 in.

Poem. In Dante scrap-book, ii, p. 136.

Inaugurazione del monumento a Dante Allighieri in Verona nel 14 maggio 1865. See Verona, Italy. Inaugurazione, etc.

[blocks in formation]

Indra, pseud., reviewer. See Buonfanti, C. Epigrafi in onore di Dante. 1865.

Inglis, Miss Frances. See Calderon de la Barca, Mme. F. INGLIS.

Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique. See Yriarte, C. (E). Françoise de Rimini dans la légende et dans l'histoire; avec vignettes et dessins inédits d'Ingres et d'Ary Scheffer. 1883.

Inguagiato, Vincenzina. La candida rosa [Par. xxxi. 1 et seq.). (In Giornale dantesco. 1895. An. ii, pp. 453-469. Plate.)

-2 - Dantes Xristi Vertagus; conferenza. Girgenti, 1893. 4°. pp. 34. 1019 F 179

In explanation of the "cinquecento diece e cinque " (D X V) of Purg. xxxiii. 43. Summarized in Giornale dantesco, 1893, an. i, pp. 91-92

See also Jachino, G. Dantes Xristi Vertagus. 1893. -3 Nota al verso 28 del 20o canto dell' Inferno. Girgenti, 1891. 8°. pp. 68. 1019 E 178

Reviewed by S. Scaetta in Giornale dant:sco, 1894, an. i, pp. 581-583.

-4- Osservazioni su alcuni commenti del prologo della Divina commedia. Girgenti, 1890. sm. S. pp. 219. 1019 E 27 Inserted is an antograph postal-card from the author to W.


Inf. i is studied, verse by verse, with special reference to passages from other parts of the Commed.a.

- 5-Se Dante salga al paradiso col corpo o in ispirito. (In Giornale dantesco. 1896. An. iii, pp. 447-453)

Inno, cori e cantata in onore di Dante. Sce [Corsini, G.]

Inno seguito sulla Piazza di Santa Croce dopo l' inaugurazione del monumento a Dante. ( Giornale illustrato. 3-9 giugno, 1865. An. ii, pp. 172173)

1018 G 31

With a woodcut of the Piazza at the time of the unveiling of the statue: also portraits of Cambray-Digny, Gonfalonier of Florence, and Guido Corsini, promoter of the Centenary. Interpretazione d' un passo di Dante mal inteso da tutti gli espositori [Inf. iii. 40-42]. [Milano, 1816.] 8. Pp. (10). 1015 DIII

"Biblioteca italiana, febb. 1816, no. ii," pp. 145-154Invernizio, Carolina. Se Quinterno, Mme. C. INVERNIZIO.

Intorno l'interpretazione del verso dantesco Pape Sitan, pape Satan aleppe [Inf. vii. 1]. MS. 4°. rp. (10).

1017 G 160

Iorio, Giuseppe. See Jorio, G. Irenico. Filippo, reviewer. See Artaud de Montor. A. F., translator. Le purgatoire. 1813 Irmer, Georg. See Plumptre. E. H. Note fon Irmer's "Die Romfahrt des Kaiser Heinrich's VII"). (The Commedia and Canzoniere, a new translation by E. H. Plumptre. IEC-87. Vol. i, pp. cxxvii-cxxxi )

[Irving, Washington] American researches in Italy: Life of Tasso. - Kecovery of a lost portrait of Dante. (In the Knickerbocker. Oct. 1841. Vol. xviii, pp. 319–322.)

Signed "G. C" › Geoffrey Crayon). Gives an account of R. H. Wilde's efforts towards the recovery of the Giotto fresco, and the successful outcome of the venture.

Istria, Dora ď, pseud. See Koltzov-Masalski, E. GHIKA, princess.

[Italia; canti di un Cristiano. - Italia, il centenario di Dante. 1865.]

A review of this work, by F. Berardinelli, in Civiltà cattolica, 20 maggio, 15, an. xvi, pp. 471-477, 40 17 6 155). Italian literature during the tercento. (Iz Dublin University magazine. Sept. 1855. Vol. xlvi, pp. 288-296.)

[blocks in formation]

Izoulet-Loubatières, J. B. J., translator. See Carlyle, T. Le héros comme poète : Dante, Shakespeare. 1888.

J., B. Zur Dante-Litteratur. (In Westermann's illustrierte deutsche Monatshefte. Juni, 1894. Bd. lxxvi, pp. 377-378.)

Reviews R. della Torre's "La pietà nell' Inferno," and 1. del Lungo's" Beatrice nella vita e nella poesia del secolo xii." Jabez, pseud. Dante and his translators; [on Purg. iii. 28-30]. (In Notes and queries. April 3, 1875. 5th series, vol. iii, p. 277.)

—2— - English translations of Dante. (In same. Nov. 24, 1877. 5th series, vol. viii, p. 417.)

Supplements Bouchier's notes on the same subject.

- 3—Mr. C. Hindley; [translator of Dante]. (In same. Dec. 1, 1877. 5th series, vol. viii, p. 420.)

Jaccarino, Domenico. Biblioteca dantesca fondata nel 1879 presso la Brancacciana di Napoli da D. Jaccarino. 1. elenco dei libri donati dalla Propaganda-scuola dantesca napoletana fino a tutto il 1892. Napoli, 1893. sm. 8°. pp. 32. 1019 D 478 translator. I Dante popolare, o La divina commedia in dialetto napolitano. [Vol. i. 'Nfierno.] 1870. I Dante popolare. Vol. i-iii. 1881-84. See Part I (D. C.— Italian dialects. — Neapolitan). Reviewed in Il Baretti, 2 dic. 1869, an. i. n 5, pp. 39-40, (1019 Z 154).

Numerous reviews and notices are contained in the appendix to the edition of 1870.

Jachino, Giovanni.

Dantes Xristi Vertagus. (In Biblioteca delle scuole italiane. 1 luglio, 1893. Vol. v, no. 19, pp. 299-300.) 1019 Z 281

An abstract of the lecture, with the same title, by V. Inguagiato, whom see.

Jacob, Johannes (Traugott). Die Bedeutung der Führer Dante's in der Divina commedia, Virgil, Beatrix, St. Bernhard; in Bezug auf den idealen Zweck des Gedichtes und auf Grund der geisti gen Lebensentwickelung des Dichters. InauguralDissertation. Leipzig, 1874. sm. S°. pp. (1) +84.

1016 F 254 Jacobi, Johann Georg. See Sulger-Gebing. É. Dante in der deutschen Litteratur des xviii. Jahrhunderts. [1896]

Jacobi, Maximilian. Naturleben und Geistesleben; der Sinnenorganismus in seinen Beziehungen zur Weltstellung des Menschen: la Divina commedia. Leipzig, 1851. sm. 8°. pp. xii + 335.

1017 C 136 Has no connection with the work of Dante save in the phrase "Divina commedia." See p. 334.

Jacobs, Montague. Gerstenbergs Ugolino, ein Vorläufer des Genic dramas. Mit einem Anhang: Gerstenbergs Fragment Der Waldjungling" aus der Handschrift veröffentlicht. Berlin, 1898. 8. Pp. 145+ (2). (Berliner Beitrage zur germanischen und romanischen Philologie. 14.) 1416 F 44 pp. 10-26, Erwähnung und Uebersetzung von Inferno xxxiixxxiii; pp. 26-40, Ugolino-Dichtungen.

Jacobson, B., translator. Das neue Leben. 1877. See Part I (Minor works. — Vita nueva. — German). Reviewed by W. Bernhardi in Jenaer Literaturzeitung, 1877, Jahrg. iv, p. 710-"by "D. C." in Hillebrand's Italia, 1877, Bd. iv, p. 316, (3817 K 24).

Jacobugri, Luigi Zelli. See Zelli Jacobugri, L. Jaconianni, Luca. Il Caronte di Dante paragonato col Caronte di Virgilio e con quello di un altro autore moderno; saggio di studio critico per le scuole e facile ad essere capito anche da coloro che non conoscono il latino. Firenze, 1858. 1. 8°. pp. 30+ (1). 1018 F 21

"Il Caronte di Virgilio è un buon vecchio. Il Caronte di Dante è un tristo demonio."— p. 28.

[blocks in formation]

See also Renier, R. Un poema sconosciuto degli ultimi anni del secolo xiv. 1832.

Jacopo DI DANTE. See Alighieri, Jacopo DI DANTE.

Jagemann, Christian Joseph. Antologia poetica italiana. Weimar, 1776-77. 2 v. sm. So. 1013 A 140-141

i, pp. 1-67, Scelta di descrizioni e sentenze ricavate dalla Divina commedia; pp. 68-72, Discorso della vita e dell' opere di Dante.

ii, pp. 314-320, Canzone di Dante in morte della sua amata Beatrice, Altra canzone in morte di Beatrice, Bailata amorosa di Dante.

translator. Die Hölle. 1780-82. See Part I (D. C.- German). Jameson, Mrs. Anna MURPHY. On the love of Dante for Beatrice Portinari. — Dante and Beatrice. (In her Memoirs of the loves of the poets. Boston, etc., 1994. 16°. pp. 87-107.) 2701 F 38

Contains the text and original prose translation of the sonnet beginning Vegli occhi porta la mia donna A more, and Shelley's rendering of the sonnet beginning Guido vorrei che tu e Lapo ed to.

Janitschek. Hubert. Die Kunstlehre Dante's und Giotto's Kunst. Leipzig, 1892. 8°. pp. 31.

1019 F 9 Antrittsvorlesung gehalten in der Aula der Universität in


Reviewed by " P. N." in Die Nation, 10 Sept. 1892, Jahrg. ix. p. 758;-in Kunstchronik, 27 Okt. 1892, n. F., Jahrg. iv, col. 38-39-by F. X. Kraus in Literaturblatt für germanische und romanische Philologic, Sept. 1895, Jahirg. xvi, col. Noticed in the Nation, Feb. 9, 1893, vol. Ivi, p. 105:by Scartazzini in his "Aus der neuesten Dante-Literatur," April 8, 1893. See also Giornale dantesco, 1893, an. i, pp. 225-226.


Jannelli, Gabriele, joint-author. See Capasso, B., and G. Jannelli. Pietro della Vigna; osservazioni e documenti. 1882.

Jannucci, Alfonso Maria. Teologia estetica e sociale della Divina commedia di Dante Alighieri; conferenze. Napoli, 1892. 1. 8°. pp. v +372 + (1). 1019 F 64 Jansen, W. N. Het Dante-huis. (In De wachter. 1883. 5 deel. p. 188.)

[ocr errors]

translator. See Hegel, F. W. K. De oudere Dante-commentaren. 1880.

translator. See Lamennais, (H.) F. ROBERT de. Over Dante. 1879.

Jeaffreson, Mary, translator. See Gebhart, E. Dante, Savonarola, and Michel Angelo. 1882. Jeanroy, Alfred. Dante Alighieri. [Paris, 1892?] f. pp. (15). 1019 G 139

“La grande encyclopédie, livr. 319," pp. 887-901. reviewer.

See Rod, E. Dante. 1891.

Sordello di Goito. Vita e poesie, per C. de Lollis. 1896. Symonds, J. A. Dante, son temps, son œuvre, son génie.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

[-] Same. Nota al canto xi, versi 43-75, del Paradiso di Dante Alighieri. [Edited by] E. Alvisi. Città di Castello, 1894 sm. S. pp. 54+ (2). (Collezione di opuscoli danteschi inediti o rari. 12.)

1019 S 10 See also Cosmo, U. Le mistiche nozze di frate Francesco con madonna Povertà. 1898

For a reference to Dante in a poem by Giovanni da Parma, as this author is popularly called, see Del Balzo, "Poesie di mille autori intorno a Dante," vol. ii, 1890, p. 523.

Joannes de Serravalle, translator and commentator. Translatio et comentum totius libri Dantis. 1891. See Part I (D. C.- Latin).

Reviewed by K. Braig in Literarische Rundschau für das katholische Deutschland, 1 Mai, 1892, Jahrg. xviii, col. 149-153, (Dante scrap-book, ii, 89); in the Nation, April 6, 1893, vol. Ivi, p. 262, (see also Nation, April 27, 1893, vol. Ivi, pp. 311-312). Noticed in L'Alighieri, 1891, an. iii, p. 265. See also Bullettino della Società dantesca italiana, 1892, no. 10-11, pp. 61-64; Giornale dantesco, 1894, au. ii, pp. 152-154, and Ferrazzi, v, pp. 292-295.

See also Carini, I. Il commento dantesco di frate Giovanni da Serravalle. 181.

Mandalari, M. Il "Dante" del Papa. 1891. La Commedia” in latino.



Moncada, C. C. La biblioteca vaticana e mons. I. Carini; ricordi. 18257

Moore, E. The Wodhull MSS. of Dante. 1886.

• See also Novati, F. Frà Giovanni da Serravalle professore, predicat re, ambasciatore in Perugia. 1897.


Nuovi documenti sopra frate Giovanni da Serravalle.

Joannes de Virgilio. Ecloga in qua auctor loquens introducit Daphnin, Melibocum et Moerin loquentes. (In Mercuri, F. Lezione xi in forma di lettera al cav. F. Scolari. 1853. pp. 34-41.)

Written on the occasion of Dante's death.

Same. [With notes.] (In Balzo, C. del, compiler. Poesie di mille autori intorno a Dante. Vol. i. 1889. pp. 282-296.)

See Plumptre's translation of Dante, vol. i, p 327. "Like so many other Italians of note in art and literature, he is better known by his nickname than by his real name.... He was professor of Literæ Humaniores at Bologna, 1318-25, and acquired the title by which he is now known from his devotion to the study of Virgil, which was no doubt one link of union between him and his friend Dante." Moore, The tomb of Dante.

— 2 — [Epitaph on Dante, beginning Theologus Dantes nullius dogmatis expers.] (In Balzo, C. del, compiler. Poesie di mille autori intorno a Dante. Vol. i. 1889. pp. 261-265.)

Two readings, with, pp. 266-268, the Italian translation by Scolari (from his ed. of the Eclogae), and the German translation by Krafft (from his ed. of the Kime).

See also Frati and Ricci, "Il sepolcro di Dante," 1889, pp. vviii, 3.

Same, English. [Translated by J. S. Phillimore.] (In Phillimore, Miss C. M. Dante at Ravenna. 1898. pp. 176-177.)

With Latin original.

An English prose translation is given in Wicksteed's "Provisional translation of the early lives of Dante," 1898, p. 46. For the poetical correspondence between Joannes and Dante see Part I (Minor works. Eclogae), and Supplement.

See also A.. C. Cenni intorno ai versi latini di Giovanni del Virgilio e di Dante Alighieri recati in versi italiani ed illustrati da F. Scolari. 1846.

Beccaria, C. Le ecloghe latine di maestro Giovanni de Virgilio e di Dante Alighieri. 1889.

[blocks in formation]

commentator. La divina commedia. [Inf. i-xiv.] 1887. - Commento alla Divina commedia. Inf. xv-[xxxiii]. 1889-93. See Part 1 (7), C.).

translator and commentator. Goettliche Comoedie: Hölle. 1883.- Goettliche Comoedie. 183949; 1849; 1865-66; 1868; 1871; 1877. — Einige Steilen aus der Göttlichen Commedie. 1861. See Part I (D. C.— German).

Reviewed by R." in Literarisches Centralblatt. 14 Juli, 1866, col. 780-783 ; — by T. Paur in Blatter fur iterarische Unterhaltung, 2, Nov. 1866, Nr. 4, pp. 75% 75% (1615 6N4); -by K. Witte in his "Dante-Forschungen," Bd. i, 1, PP. 337-353-by G. A. Scartazzini in Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung, Nov. 6, 1877, (1016 G 82); —ly F. H. Humpire in his translation of Dante, vol. ii, 1887, p. 49:- by H. Drahem in Wochenschrift für Klassische Philolog.e. Dez. 18,1, Jahig. vii, col. 1377 See Ferrazzi, 1, pp. 536-540.

[ocr errors]

See also Grimm, H. Datte-Literatur. [Petzholdt. J] Zur Geschichte der Danteaus,aben von Philalethes. 1883 84.

Strauss und Torney. V. F. von. zur Göttlichen komödie. [1873].

Ein Nachgesang Dante's

Das Buchlein vom König Johann von Sachsen. Leipzig, 1807. sm. 5. pp. 150.

1018 C 216

Contains a summary of the king's life, a seleton from bis letters and addresses, and extracts from con men crative addresses by Julius Salig. A. E. Proells, K. H. Gra, K. 1. Brause, and H. Trobberger.


A portrait of King John is in the Giornale illustrato, numero del centenario, 13-19 maggio, 1865, p. 151, at . j hotoe graphs of the statue erected to the king's menary, o t the Royal Theatre, Dresden, are in the Date ¡l album. The statue is described in L'Aughton, 1956. pp. 216-217.

See also Dollinger, J. J. I. von. Gedächtnissrede auf König Johann von Sachser 1874

Falkenstein, J. P. von. Johann König von Sachsen. ein Charakterbild. 1878.

Zur Charakteristik König Johann's von Sachsen. 14 L., V. Giovanni di Sasseria


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Notices from a Vatican мts. ("miscellanea, 1320") concerning legal proceedings against Matteo and Galeazzo Visconti for attempting to injure Pope John XXII by sorcery, the name of Dante being mentioned.

Reviewed in Kassegni bibliografica della letteratura italiant, nov, dec. 18,5, an. iii, p. 299; — by G. L. Passerini in Gornale dantes. o. 181, an. iv, pp. 126-130.

See also Grauert, H. Dante ein Nigromant? (In his Neue Dante-Forschungen. [17])

Passerini, G. L. Una nuova notizia della vita di Dante?


[blocks in formation]

Joubert, Léo, reviewer. See Cesena, S. G. de. Le monde dantesque, ou Les papes au moyen âge. 1836.

Jourdain, Miss Eleanor Frances. Dante's use of the divine name in the Divina commedia." [New York, 1895] 4°. pp. (4). 1019 G 69 "Christian literature, May, 1895. vol. xiii," pp. 35 38. Inserted is an autograph letter from the author.

First printed in the Expository times (Edinburgh), April,

[ocr errors]

--The symbolism of the "Divina commedia." [New York, 1894] 4°. pp. (3).

[blocks in formation]

Julius, Nikolaus Heinrich, translator. See Ozanam, A. F. Italiens Franciskaner-Dichter im dreizehnten Jahrhunderte. 1853.

Jundt, Auguste. L'apocalypse mystique du moyen âge et la Matelda de Dante; leçon d'ouver ture. ( Séance de rentrée des cours de la faculté de théologie protestante de Paris, 3 nov. 1886. Paris, 1886. 8°. pp. 17-76.) 1018 G 128

Concerning the prophecies of St. Hildegard, St. Elizabeth of Schoenau, Joachim de Flore, and the nun Mechtild of Magdeburg. the latter of whom the author considers to be the original of Dante's Matelda.

Justi, Karl. Dante und die Göttliche Comödie; eine Vorlesung den 20. März 1860 zu Marburg gehalten. Stuttgart, 1862. 8°. pp. 40. 1016 C 122

Reumont speaks of this address as forming part of a collection entitled "Oeffentliche Vorträge gehalten von einem Verein akademischer Lehrer zu Marburg," (Bibliografia, p. 314). The above may be a separate reprint.

K., H. Dante and his translators; [on Purg. iii. 28-30]. (In Notes and queries. Jan. 2, 1875. 5th series, vol. iii, p. 17.)

Occasioned by J. A. Picton's note on the same.

K., L., reviewer. See Kraus, F. X. Dante, sein Leben und sein Werk. 1897.

K, P. Zum Jubiläum eines Dantegegners. (In
Preussische Jahrbücher. 1883. Bd. li, pp. 229-232.)
On Cariero and his "Breve et ingenioso discorso contra
Popera di Dante," 1552.

Kaltschmidt, Jacob Heinrich, translator. See
Uhland. (J.) L. Dante. 1866.
Kaminski, Ludwik, translator. Pickto [i-v].
[1853] See Part I (D. C.— Polish).

Kannegiesser. Karl (Friedrich) Ludwig Die Göttliche Komödie, ein Gemalde des Professors Vogel von Vogelstein. (In Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. 1860. Bd. xxviii, pp. 463–466.)

translator. Die göttliche Komödie. 181621; 1825; 1832; 1843; 1873. See Part I (D. C. — German).

Reviewed by K. Witte in his "Dante-Forschungen," Ed. i, 169, pp. 23-319 by G. A. Scartazzini in Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung, July 4, 1873, (1016 G 82). translator. Dante Alighieri's prosaische Schriften mit Ausnahme der Vita nuova. 1845. See Part I (Minor works. 1019 G 69 Collections. German). Reviewed by E. Kuth in Heidelberger Jahrbücher der Literatur, 1845-46, Jahrg. xxxvi:i, xxxix, (1015 F 202 b-203 a). translator. Dante Alighieri's lyrische Gedichte. 1827; 1842. See Part 1 (Minor works. Rime. German).

"Christian literature, Dec. 1894, vol. xii," pp. 102-104. First printed in the Expository times, Nov. 1894.

- 3 The women of the "Divina commedia.”

[New York, 1895.) 4°. pp. (3).

1019 G 69

"Christian literature, Aug. 1895, vol. xiii." pp. 217-219.
First printed in the Expository times, Julv, 1895.
Jubert, Amédée, translator. L'enfer. 1874.
See Part I (D. C. — French).

Julia, Vincenzo. Dante che chiede pace nel
monistero di Sante Croce del Corvo; [sonnet]. (In
Il Baretti. 30 ott. 1879. An. xi, p. 350.) 1019 z 164
From his "Quaranta sonetti," Cosenza, 1879.


Same. Dante che chiede pace in un con(In his Sonetti e liriche. 3a ed. Napoli, 1888. 8°. p. 15.) 1019 C 142

With author's autograph.

Same, Spanish. Dante demanda la paz en un convento. [Translated by J. L. Estelrich.] (In Estelrich, J. L., compiler. Antología de poetas líricos italianos traducidos en verso castellano. 1889. pp. 743-744-)

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

natshefte. 1881-82. Bd. li, pp. 36-44, 206–213, 393399. Port. of Ugolino Gherardesca.)

Karsten, Gustaf (E.) Dantesca; osservazioni su alcuni passaggi della Divina commedia. (In Modern language notes. May, 1888. Vol. iii, pp. 119-123.)

See Stanislaw

On Inf. iii. 42; v. 104, 108, 114, 138. Kaszewski, Kasmirz, reviewer. ski, A., translator. Boska komedya. 1887.

Kate, Jan Jakob Lodewijk ten. Dante Alighieri. Mijnen waarden vriend Dr. Hacke, vertolker van Dante's Inferno. (In De komedie, overgebracht door J. C. Hacke van Mijnden. 1867-73. [Vol. i], pp. [i-ii].)

Two sonnets. Reprinted in the following work. -2- In memoriam: mijnen vriend Dr. Hacke van Mijnden, vertolker der Divina commedia. (In his Uit den vreemde: vertaalde poëzy. Leiden, n. d. 16°. pp. 21-24.) 1019 C 59

Two sonnets and one longer poem. translator.

C. - Dutch).


De hel. 1877. See Part I (D.

Reviewed by J. Bohl in De wachter, 1876, 1o deel, pp. 444

See also Bruin, H. de. Ten Kate's verwering. 1877. Nolet de Brauwere van Steeland, J. C. H. Les traducteurs de Dante Alighieri aux Pays-Bas. 1879.

translator. See Byron, G. G. N. BYRON, 6th baron. Dante's prophecy; fragment [translated into Dutch]. 1853

See also Nolet de Brauwere van Steeland, J. C. H. Na den strijd [tusschen Ten Kate en Bohl]. 1877.

Keats, John. Sonnet; a dream, after reading Dante's episode of Paulo and Francesca. (In his Poetical works and other writings, now first brought together, including poems and numerous letters not before published, edited with notes and appendices by H. B. Forman. Vol. ii. London, 1883. 8°. pp. 134-136.) 1816 F 36

"This beautiful sonnet seems to have been written originally in the first volume of the minature Cary's Dante which Keats carried through Scotland in his knapsack; and the composition should probably be assigned to the early part of April 1819. There is a fair transcript written on one of the blank leaves at the end of the copy of Endymion' in Sir Charles Dilke's pos session. The sonnet was published over the signature 'Caviare' in the Indicator for the 28th of June, 1820." - H. B. Forinan, op. cit.


—2— Sonnet; on Leigh Hunt's poem The story of Rimini." (In same. p. 229.)

First printed in the "Literary remains" in vol. ii of the "Life, letters," etc., 1848, and dated 1817.

The above sonnets are also given in Drury's ed. of Keats's "Poems," 1895, vol. ii, pp. 165-166, 221-222.

Keightley, Thomas. Dante's Commedia. (In Notes and queries. Sept. 14, Oct. 26, 1861. 2 series, vol. xii, pp. 206, 324.)

Maintains the existence of a geographical symbolism in the plan of the Inferno.

Keil, Johann Georg, editor. La divina commedia. 1807. See Part I (D. C.).

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Butler). On the picture of Paolo and Francesca [by Ary Scheffer]. (In her Poems. London, 1866. 163. p. 58.) 1018 C 212 First printed in the American ed. of her poems, Boston, 1859. Same. To Dante. (In her Poems. London, 1SS3. 12. p. 298.) 1842 K 251 Kennedy, William Sloane. Dante's Divine comedy. (In his Henry W. Longfellow; biography, anecdote, letters, criticism. Cambridge, Mass., 1882. 8°. pp. 96-102.) 2226 E 37

On Longfellow's translation, with citations from a review by C. L. Speranza. Inserted is an autograph postal-card from the author.

Ker, William Paton. Historical notes on the similes of Dante. (In the Modern quarterly of language and literature. March, 189S. Vol. i, no. i, pp. 24-29.)

Reviewed in Bullettino della Società dantesca italiana, ott.nov. 1898, n. s, vol. vi, pp. 27-28.

Kerslake, Thomas. Dean Plumptre's "Dante." (In the Academy. Jan. 28, 18SS. Vol. xxxiii, p. 62.) A note concerning Plumptre's inference from Par. x. 139148 that Dante may have seen the great clock of the Cathedral of Wells.

Kertbeny, Károly Maria, pseud. See Benkert, K. M.

Keszler. József Dante Galeottoja, kép a romanticus költészet történetébol. Budapest, 1890. So. Pp. ix 55 (1). 1019 E 17 200 copies printed.

On the romance of Galeotto mentioned in Inf. v. 137. Key Helmer. Francesca da Rimini; skådespel på vers i fyra akter. Stockholm, 1893-]

A review of this work, by "A B.,“ in Fanfulla della domenica, 21 maggio, 13. Dante scrap-book, i, p. 134). Keyser, N. See Jenike, L. Dante w pracowni Giotta; [painting by N. Keyser]. 1870. King. Alice. Dante. [London, 1870.] 8°. 1016 F 31


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The argosy, May, 1870, vol. ix," pp. 350-355King, William. Art of love. [Extract.] (In Balzo, C. del, compiler. Poesie di mille autori intorno a Dante. Vol. vi. 1898. pp. 433-435-)

Kirkup. Seymour. [-] Dante monuments at Florence. [Translated by H. C. Barlow.] (In the Athenæum. March, 16, 1872. pp. 335-336)

The original article appeared in La nazione, marzo 5, 1872. —2— The Giotto portrait of Dante. (In the Academy. Dec. 15, 1870. Vol. ii, pp. 59-60.) Opposes Milanesi's ascription of the portrait to Bernardo Daddi.

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A number of verv fine illustrations to the Inferno, by Kirkup, are reproduced in the album to Lord Vernon's ed. of the Inferno. 1848-65. See Part 1 (D. C.) For reproductions of Kirkup's drawing of the Bargello portrait of Dante, before restoration, see Appendix — Iconography.

Kirner, Giuseppe, editor. See Bruni Aretino, L. Dialogi ad Petrum Histrum. 1889.

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Kissner, Alfons. Chaucer in seinen Beziehungen zur italienischen Literatur. Inaugural-Dissertation. Marburg, 1867. 8°. pp. (3) +81 + (1). 1726 E 99

pp. 69-74 treat especially of Dante. Kjær, Nils. Dante. (In his Essays; fremmede forfattere. Kristiania, 1895. sm. 8°. pp. 143-162.) 1019 € 263

Occasioned by Vedel's "Dante; en Studie," 18,2.

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