Slike stranica

Sewage. See Birch, R. W. P.; — Hering, R.

Sewall, Rufus King. Centennial memorial services of old Alna meeting-house, Alna, Maine, Sept. 11, 1889. Wiscasset, 1896. 8°. 24 p. Illus. [3, Author.] Pemaquid, its genesis, discovery, name and colonial relations to New England. Read before the Lincoln County Historical Society, May 22, 1896. n.p., 1896. 8°. 21 p. [3, Author.]

Popham's town of Fort St. George. Bath, 1876. 8°. 32 p. Folded map. [3, Author.]

Shailer, William H. A historical discourse, Winthrop, [Me.], June 16, 1874, before the Maine Baptist Missionary Convention. Portland, 1874. 8°. 68 p. [1] Shakers. See Evans, F. W.

Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. Outlines of the earth's history. A popular study in physiography. Illus. N. Y., 1898. 8°. vii, 417 p. [1]

Shambaugh, Benjamin F. Iowa City, a contribution to the early history of Iowa. Iowa City, 1893. 8°. viii, 116 p. [3]

- editor. Documentary material relating to the history of Iowa. Vol. 1. Iowa City, [1895-97]. 8°. iii, 287 p. [3]

Shannon, Robert T. Tennessee cases, with notes and annotations, being reports of cases in the Supreme Court of Tennessee not heretofore reported and cases contained in Thompson's cases and the legal reporters not reported in the regular series of Tennessee reports. [Vol. 1.] Nashville, 1898. 8°. xix, 720 p. [1] Sharon, Conn. See Van Alstyne, L.

Sharon, Mass. Directory. See Foss, A. E., & Co.

Sharpless, Isaac. A Quaker experiment in government. Phila., 1898. 8°. v, 280 p. Portraits. [1]

Shattuck, Mrs. Harriette (Robinson). Advanced rules for large assemblies. A supplement to the Woman's manual of parliamentary law. Boston, [1898]. 16°. vii, 136 p. [1]

Shaw, Flora L. The story of Australia. London, [1897]. 12°. 150 p. (Kennedy, H. A., ed. Story of the empire series.)

Shaw, Robert Gould. See Boston. City Council.

Shearman, Thomas Gaskell. Natural taxation, an inquiry into the practicability, justice and effects of a scientific and natural method of taxation. New and enlarged ed. N. Y., 1898. 12°. iii, 268 p. [1]

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and Redfield, Amasa Angell. A treatise on the law of negligence. 5th ed., substantially rewritten. N. Y, 1898. 2 v. 8°. clxxxiv, 1-668 p.; xv, 669

1427 p. [1]

Sheep. See Cape of Good Hope. Chief Inspector of Sheep.

Sheldon, Edwin Holmes. See Chicago Literary Club.

Sheldon, George. 'Tis sixty years since, [in Deerfield, Mass.]. The passing of the stall-fed ox and the farm boy. [Read at the annual meeting of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association at Deerfield, Feb. 22, 1898.] h.t.p. [1898.] 8°. 13 p. [3, Author.]

Shelley, Henry C. The Ayrshire homes and haunts of Burns, with photographs by the author. N. Y., 1897. 16°. (3), 148 p. Portrait, plates. [1]

Shells. See United States. Office of the Chief of Ordnance.

Shepard, Samuel. All things earthly, changing and transitory. A sermon, Lenox, Mass., April 30, 1845, 50th anniversary of his ordination; with the address of Lenox, 1845. 8°. 32 p. [1]

Rev. Mr. Todd. See Todd, J.

Sherman, Sumner U. Battle of the Crater and experiences of prison life. Providence, 1898. sm. 4°. 38 p. (Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Hist. Soc. Personal narratives, 5th ser., no. 8.)

Sherman family. See White, C. A.

Sherwood, Margaret. Dryden's dramatic theory and practice. A thesis presented to the Philosophical Faculty of Yale University in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy. n.p., [189-]. 16°. 110 p. [1]

Ship building. See Webb, W. H.

Shipping. See Ireland. Registrar-General.

Shipwrecks. See United States. Weather Bureau.

Shiras, Oliver P. Equity practice in the United States Circuit Courts. 2d ed., enlarged. Chicago, 1898. sm. 8°. 226 p. [1]

Shoemaker, Michael Myers. Islands of the southern seas, Hawaii, Samoa, New Zealand, Tasmania, Australia and Java. Illus. N. Y., 1898 [1897]. 8°. xiv, (1), 277 p. [1]

Short, Edward Lyman. The law of railway bonds and mortgages in the United States, with illustrative cases from English and colonial courts. Boston, 1897. 8°. Ixiii, 975 p. [1]

Shotwell, Ambrose Milton. Annals of our colonial ancestors and their descendants; or, Our Quaker forefathers and their posterity, embracing a genealogical and biographical register of nine generations, about two hundred families, of the Shotwell family in America, etc. Lansing, Mich., 1895. 1. 8°. viii, 299, (1) p. Portraits and illus. [1]

Same. Excerpts from Annals of our colonial ancestors and their descendants. Lansing, 1895. 1. 8°. 70, (1) p. Portraits and illus. [1] Same. Our parents and their parentage. A condensed lineage table of the heads of families whose known children are recorded in the Annals of our colonial ancestors and their descendants. 1st series, 1895, part 1-2. n.t.p. [1895.] 1. 8°. 8 p. [1]

Benjamin Lundy, the anti-slavery organizer, editor, lecturer and traveller, his ancestors, descendants and other near relatives, and a sketch of his life and public services. Reprinted from appendix to Annals of our colonial ancestors and their descendants. Lansing, 1897. 1. 8°. 15 p. Portraits and illus. [1] Should the state contribute a part of the cost of public schools? [Anon.] n.t.p. [18-] 12°. 10 p. [3]

Shropshire, Eng. See Murray, J., publisher.

Siam. See Young, E.

Sicily. See Paton, W. A.

Sidgwick, Henry. Practical ethics, a collection of addresses and essays. London,
1898. 12°. vi, (1), 260 p. (Muirhead, J. H., ed. The ethical library.)
Sidis, Boris. The psychology of suggestion, a research in the subconscious nature
of man and society; with an introduction by William James. N. Y., 1898. 12o.
x, 386 p. Illus. [1]

Signers of the Declaration of Independence. See Myers, T. B.
Silver. See United States. Geological Survey.

Silver currency. See Atkinson, E.;- Hoar, G. F.;- New York Chamber of Commerce; - United States. Congress; - Wiegand, C. Silvernail, William H. Index to the session laws of the state of New York, with all changes and modifications noted and under a single alphabet from session of 1775 to session of 1897. N. Y., 1897. 1. 8°. vi, (1), 899 p. [1]

- The New York criminal reports. Reports of cases in all the courts of the state of New York, etc.; with notes and references. Vol. 12. [1896-97.] Albany, 1898. 8°. [1]

Simons, William C. Bonds for trust funds, savings banks, and conservative investors. Springfield, Mass., [1898]. 16o. (14) p. [3]

Simsbury, Conn. See Woodbridge, D.

Sinclairs of England, The. [Anon.] London, 1887. 120. viii, 414 p. [1]
Sioux Indians. See United States. Department of the Interior.

Sketches of Col. Ledyard, [by J. L. D.], and "Mother Bailey," [by W. H. S.] ;

with a complete list of the men killed, wounded and captured at the battle of Groton Heights, who fought under Col. Ledyard, Sept. 6, 1781. [Groton, 18-.] 16°. (10) p. Illus. [1]

Skinner, Charles R. The authority of the state in the examination and licensing of teachers. Argument before the Greater New York Commission on the educational chapter of the proposed charter, Jan. 11, 1897. h.t.p. [1897.] 8°. 18 p. [3]

Slater, Andrew C. See Thompson, W. L.

Slaughter houses. See United States. Department of Agriculture.
Slavery. See American Anti-slavery Almanac; -

American Liberty Almanac;

- Anti-slavery Record; - Billings, E. C.;-Channing, W. E.; — Considerations, etc.; - United States. Treaties and Conventions.

Sleep. See Manacéïne, M. de.

Sloane, William Milligan. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. N. Y., 1896 [c. 1894-96]. 4 v. fo. Portraits and illus.


Smith, Arthur. A sermon in memory of Rev. Henry G. Storer, Scarborough, Sept. 30, 1888. Portland, 1888. 8°. 14 p. [1]

Smith, Benjamin E. The century atlas of the world. N. Y., [1897]. 4°. [1] Smith, Charles C. Memoir of John Amory Lowell, LL.D. Camb., 1898. 8°. 22 p. Portrait. [3, Author.]

Smith, Charles Gilman. See Chicago Literary Club.

Smith, E. Darwin. Supreme Court. The people of the state of New York against. the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad Co. and others. Opinion of Judge Smith, with a brief running commentary. N. Y., 1870. 1. 8°. 66 p. [1]

Smith, Edwin D. A brief digest to v. 49-54, American State Reports, with an index to the notes, and a table of cases reported. San Francisco, 1897. 8°. 196 p. [1]

Smith, Elbridge. The life and character of the Hon. William Parkinson Greene. An address before the Alumni of the Norwich Free Academy, Jan. 25, 1865; [with an appendix containing historical matter relating to Norwich, Conn.]. Camb., 1865. 8°. 137 p. [1]

Smith, George Mure. A sermon, celebration of the centennial birthday of Mrs. Phebe Washburn, Lenox, Mass., Feb. 19, 1867. [With Mrs. Washburn's family.] Pittsfield, 1867. 8°. 12, 3, (1) p. [1]

Smith, Harriette Knight. The history of the Lowell Institute. Boston, 1898. 12°. x, 125 p. Portraits and plates. [1]

Smith, J. E. A. The public school system of Pittsfield, 1761-1880. Pittsfield, 1880. 8°. 43 p. [1]

Smith, S. Percy. The Kermadec Islands: their capabilities and extent. Wellington, 1887. 8°. 29 p. Folded map and illus. [1]

Smith, Theodore Clarke. The Liberty and Free Soil Parties in the Northwest. Toppan prize essay of 1896. N. Y., 1897. 8°. xi, 351 p. Maps. (Harvard Univ. Department of History and Government. Harvard historical studies, v. 6.)

Smith, Thomas Kilby. See Smith, W. G.

Smith, Walter George. Life and letters of Thomas Kilby Smith, brevet majorgeneral United States volunteers, 1820-87. By his son. With portraits. N. Y., 1898. 8°. ix, 487 p. [1]

Smith, William R. The history and debates of the convention of the people of Alabama, 7th Jan. 1861; in which is preserved the speeches of the secret sessions and many valuable state papers. Montgomery, 1861. 8°. 464, XII p. [1] Smith family. See Foster, G. E.; - Pelletreau, W. S.

Smithey, Royall Bascom. History of Virginia. A brief text book for schools. N. Y., [1898]. 12°. 276 p. Portraits and illus. [1]

Smithsonian Institution. Annual report of the board of regents, June 30, 1895. [Part 2.] Wash., 1897. 8°. Plates and illus. [3]

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Box 67. List of documents and other publications of the United States government, Jan. 19-April 19, 1898, distributed for the Library of Congress through the Institution. Wash., 1898. 8°. 5 p. [3]

International exchange list. Corrected to July 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. viii, (1), 331 p. (No. 1081.) [3]

Miscellaneous collections. [Vol. 37, no.] 1087. Wash., 1898. 8°. [3]


1087. Holden, E. S. A catalogue of earthquakes on the Pacific coast, 1769-1897.

Smithsonian Institution, continued.



[Vol. 38, no.] 1084, 1090. Wash., 1897-98. 8°. [3]


1084. Howe, J. L. Bibliography of the metals of the platinum group: platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, osmium, ruthenium, 1784-1896.

1090. Mathews, J. A. Review and bibliography of the metallic carbides.


[Vol. 39, no.] 1125. Wash., 1898. 8°. [3]


1125. Hodgkins fund. Bergey, D. H. An investigation on the influence upon the vital resistance of animals to the micro-organisms of disease brought about by prolonged sojourn in an impure atmosphere.

[blocks in formation]

[No. 1076 or 1093.] Bolton, H. C. A catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals, 1665-1895, with chronological tables and a library check-list. 2d ed.

- Publications available for distribution April 1898. Wash., 1898. 8°. ([Publ.], 1091.) [3]

- Report of [the] secretary, Jan. 30, 1896-97. Wash., 1897-98. 8°. [3]

29 p.

- The Smithsonian Institution, 1846-96. The history of its first half century. Ed.
by G. B. Goode. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. x, 856, (1) p. Portraits. [1]
Smyth, Frederick. See Poore, B. P., and Eaton, F. B.
Snow. See United States. Weather Bureau.
Soapstone. See United States. Geological Survey.
Social science. See Bliss, W. D. P., ed. ; — Chapman, J. J.;
J. F.; George, H.; — Gladden, W.; — Henderson, C. R.;-Johnston,
R. M.; - Samelson, M.; -Stuckenberg, J. H. W.; -Vincent, G. E.;—
Ward, L. F.



Socialism. See Benham, G. B.;-De Leon, D.; - Edlin, W.; - Fones, J. H.; McClure, W. S.; Sanders, G. A.; Scotsburn, pseud.; Socialist Labor Party;-Sombart, W.

Socialist Labor Party. Catalogue of the New York Labor News Co. n.t.p. [18-] 8°. (4) p. [3]

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Platform and constitution adopted at the national convention, New York City, July 1896. n.p., [1896]. 8°. (3), 5 p. [3]

- Principles. [Duties of members, etc.] n.t.p. [189-.] 24°. (6) p. [3] Proceedings, 9th annual convention, New York City, July 4-10, 1896.

1896.] 8°. 63 p. [3]

See People, The.

[N. Y.,

Society of Colonial Dames of America. See United States. Congress. Massachusetts Society. National constitution, officers and by-laws. Boston, 1895. 32°. 29 p. [3]

- Officers and members, 1897. h.t.p. [1897.] 8°. 15 p. [3]

Requirements for admission to the Massachusetts Society. [Revised ed.] h.t.p. [1896.] 16°. 28 p. [1]

Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia. Register, 1897. Washington City, 1897. 8°. 124 p. Portrait. [3]

Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Year-book, 1898. Publication no. 4. Boston, 1898. 8°. 370 p. Facsimile, portrait, map and illus. [3]

Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Colorado. [Constitution, bylaws, members, etc.] Denver, 1897. 8°. 74 p. [3]

Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Illinois.

List of officers and

members, with a record of the service performed by their ancestors in the wars of the colonies. Publication no 3. Chicago, 1897. 8°. Portraits. [1] Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Missouri. Register, 1898. St. Louis, [1898]. 8°. 54, (1) p. [1]

- Year book, 1896. St. Louis, [1896]. 8°. 38 p. Illus. [1]

Same. Supplement, 1897. St. Louis, [1897]. 8°. 14 p. [1]

Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Hampshire. Register of officers and members, constitution and by-laws, etc. n.p., 1897-98. 8°. 51 p. [3] Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Ohio. General statement, officers, membership roll, memoranda concerning the general society and other state societies, constitution and by-laws, Nov. 25, 1896. Compiled by [T. H. Norton], registrar. n.p., [1896]. 16°. 53 p. [3]

Same. 2d annual register. Officers, general statement, etc, Nov. 25, 1897. Compiled by [T. H. Norton], registrar. n.p., [1897]. 8°. 66 p. [3]

Society of the Army of the Potomac. Report of the 28th annual re-union, Troy, N. Y., Aug. 20-21, 1897. N. Y., 1897. 8°. [3]

Soils. See United States. Department of Agriculture.

Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts, Chelsea. 15th annual report of the trustees, June 30, 1897. Boston, 1897. 8°. [3]

Solicitors' Journal Almanack for 1898. [London, 1897.] Broadside. [3] Solorzano Pereira, Juan de. De Indiarvm ivre; sive, De ivsta Indiarvm Occidentalivm inquisitione, acquisitione et retentione [et gvbernatione]. Ed. novissima. Lvgdvni, 1672. 2 v. fo. (23), 438, (167) p.; (12), 858, (138) p. [1]

To v. 1 is appended his "Disputatio de parricidli crimine."

Sombart, Werner. Socialism and the social movement in the 19th century; with a chronicle of the social movement, 1750-1896. Tr. by A. P. Atterbury, with introduction by J. B. Clark. N. Y., 1898. 12°. xvii, 199 p. [1]

Some important observations occasioned by, and adapted to, the publick fast, ordered by authority, Dec. 18, 1765, on account of the peculiar circumstances of the present day. [Anon.] Newport, 1766. 12°. 61 p. [1]

Somerville, Mass. Public Library. Bulletin. Vol. 1. Jan. 1896-Dec. 1897. Somerville, 1897. 8°. [3]

Somerville Directory, [1898. No. 21.] W. A. Greenough & Co., compilers and publishers. Boston, 1898. 8°. Folded map. [1]

Somerville Journal. [Weekly.] Jan.-Dec., 1897. Somerville, 1897. fo. [3] Sons of the American Revolution. Empire State Society. Yonkers Chapter. The charter meeting of the Chapter, Nov. 7, 1896; with a centennial address on the founding of the great Northwest by Theodore Gilman. Camb, Mass., 1897. 8°. 43 p. [3]

Maine Society. History of Colonel Edmund Phinney's 18th continental regiment. [By Nathan Goold.] Portland, 1898. 8°. 62 p. [3, H. S. Burrage, Portland, Me.]

New Hampshire Society. Proceedings, 1889-97. Concord, 1898. 8°. 239 p. Portraits. [1]

Paul Jones Club, Portsmouth, N. H. Year book 1897. By O. L. Frisbee, historian. [Portsmouth, 1897.] 8°. 55 p. Portraits. [3]

Sons of the Revolution. Massachusetts Society. Register of members, with the constitution and by-laws. Boston, 1893-95. 1. 8°. Illus. [3]

[ocr errors]

New York Society. Supplement no. 1. Year book, members admitted Feb. 11, 1896-March 8, 1898. N. Y., 1898. 1. 8°. 154 p. Illus. [3]

North Carolina Society. The membership and ancestral register, by-laws and charter of the Society, including also the constitution of the General Society, etc. Raleigh, 1898. 8°. 57, (6) p. [3]

Pennsylvania Society. Annual sermon, Dec. 19, 1897, and 10th annual report of the board of managers, April 4, 1898. n.p., [1898]. 8°. [3]

South. See Atkinson, E.; - Powell, T. O.; - Southern Historical Association; - United States. Bureau of Education.

South African Railway Officers' Conference. Natal government railways. Minutes of meetings held in Pietermaritzburg, March 1897. Cape Town, 1897. fo. 68, iv p. [3]

South African Republic. See Great Britain. Colonial Office, - Parliament; - Stanley, H. M.;- Younghusband, F. E.

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