Unionidæ. See New Zealand. Colonial Museum and Geological Survey. United Service. Vol. 10, 14-16. New series. [July-Dec. 1893; July 1895-Dec. 1896.] Phila., 1893-96. 4 v. 8°. [1] United States. Adjutant General's Office. Appointments, promotions, retirements, etc., of commissioned officers of the U. S. army recorded during the week ending Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1897. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 12°. [3] [Circular, Jan. 18, 1897, announcing the death of Major George S. Wilson, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. army.] n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 12°. (1) p. [3] Circular letter, volunteer recruiting service. [June 3, 1898.] n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 12°. 6 p. [3] Compendium of general orders amending army regulations since their publication, July 1, 1898. Wash., 1898. 12°. 48 p. [3] Enlistments for the line of the army during Sept. 1897-Aug. 1898. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897-98.] 12°. [3] General orders and circulars, 1897. Wash., 1898. 12°. [3] Military commands and posts, with post offices, telegraph stations and nearest railroad stations or boat landings, [Oct. 1, 1897]. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. [3] Official army register, [Jan.] 1898. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Official table of distances for the guidance of disbursing officers of the army charged with payment of money allowances for travel. Wash., 1897. sm. 4°. 475 p. [3] Roster of commissioned officers, United States volunteer regiments of engineers, cavalry and infantry. Wash., 1898. 12°. 38 p. [3] Roster of general officers and officers of the general staff, U. S. volunteers, arranged according to rank in their respective corps and grades. Wash., 1898. 12°. 47 p. [3] The soldier's handbook for use in the army. By N. Hershler. Wash., 1898. narrow 16°. 81 p. [3] Special orders, 1897. h.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 12°. [3] Stations of the United States army, Oct. 12, Dec. 1, 1897; Jan. 12, 13, Feb. 25, March 22, 1898. [Wash., 1897-98.] Broadsides. [3] United States army directory, Oct. 1897-March 1898. h.t.p. [Wash., 1897-98.] 1. 8°. [3] U. S. army recruiting circular. [April 27, 1898.] n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 12°o. 3 p. [3] Architect of the United States Capitol. Report of the Architect, with report of S. H. Woodbridge relative to improving ventilation of Senate wing of Capitol, to the Secretary of the Interior, June 30, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Armor Factory Board. Report, with accompanying papers. Wash., 1897. 8°. 95, (1) p. Folded diagrams and plates. (55th Cong. 2d sess. House doc., no. 95.) [3] Army. (Department of the Columbia.) Annual report of Brigadier General H. C. Merriam, commanding the Department, [with reports of chiefs of staff departments], 1897. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., 1897. 12°. (89) p. Folded sheets. [3] (Department of the East.) Annual report of Major General Wesley Merritt, commanding the Department, [with reports of chiefs of staff departments, 1897]. Governor's Island, N. Y., 1897. 12°. (85) p. Folded sheet. [3] (Department of the Platte.) Annual report of Brigadier General J. J. Coppinger, [with reports of chiefs of staff departments]. Omaha, 1897. 12°. (87) p. Folded sheets. [3] United States, continued. Attorney-General. Annual report, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Compilation of the laws of the United States applicable to the duties of the Governor, Attorney, Judge, Clerk, Marshall, and Commissioners of Alaska. Wash., 1884. 8°. 60 p. [3] Union Pacific Railroad Company. Letter from the Attorney-General, with papers relating thereto, directing the Department of Justice to send to the Senate copies of the record of proceedings in any court of the United States in a case or cases in which the United States is a party relating to the foreclosure of any mortgage against the property of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, in which cases the Attorney-General has entered an appearance for the government. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. 40 p. (55th Cong. 1st sess. Sen. doc., no. 10.) [3] Records in Pacific Railway foreclosure cases. n.t.p. [Wash., (55th Cong. 1st sess. Sen. doc., no. 10, part 2.) [3] Same. [Part 2.] 1897.] 8°. 28 p. Same. [Part 3.] Records in Union Pacific Railway foreclosure cases, in the case of Russell Sage and G. J. Gould v. the Union Pacific Railway Company et al. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. 57 p. (55th Cong. 1st sess. Sen. doc., no. 10, part 3.) [3] Same. [Part 4.] Pacific railroads. Copy of the entrance of appearance of the Union Pacific Railway Company and other papers relating to the case of the United States against the Railway Company, H. M. Alexander, J. F. Dillon et al. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. 90 p. (55th Cong. 1st sess. Sen. doc., no. 10, part 4.) [3] Attorney-General for the Post-Office Department. Report of the Assistant Attorney-General, June 30, 1897. h.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. [3] . Board Appointed to Consider the Subject of Dry Docks. Report. Wash., 1898. 8°. 35 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 107.) [3] Board for Locating a Deep-Water Harbor in Southern California. Deep-water harbor at Port Los Angeles or at San Pedro, Cal. Letter of the Secretary of War [transmitting] the report made by the Board, with accompanying maps and papers. Wash., 1897. 8°. 330 p. (55th Cong. 1st sess. Sen. doc., no. 18.) [3] · Board of Assay Commissioners. Proceedings of the Assay Commission of 1898, and test of coinage executed and reserved, 1897; also, laws of the United States relating to the annual assay, and rules for the organization of the Board. Wash., 1898. 8°. [3] Board of Engineers. - Examination of improvements at Aransas Pass, Tex. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting the report of the Board. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. 44 p. Folded maps. (55th Cong. 2d sess. House doc., no. 137.) [3] Organization of the bridge equipage of the United States army, with directions for the construction of military bridges. Prepared by a board of engineer officers. Wash., 1870; reprinted, 1898. 8°. 102 p. Folded plates. [3] Same. Plates. 1869. n.p., [1869; reprinted, 1898]. fo. [3] Board of General Appraisers. Annual report to the Secretary of the Treasury, Sept. 30, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Decisions of the Board, Oct. 2, 1897-Jan. 6, 1898. [No. 3975-4062.] n.t.p. [Wash., 1897-98.] 8°. [3] Board of Indian Commissioners. 29th annual report, 1897. Wash., 1898. 8°. Folded map. [3] United States, continued. Board of Inquiry in re Cost of U. S. Revenue Steamer Daniel Manning. U. S. revenue cutter Daniel Manning. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting report of the Board. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 5 p. (55th Cong2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 216.) [3] Board of Ordnance and Fortification. - 7th report, Oct. 31, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. (55th Cong. 2d sess. no. 27.) [3] Board on Geographic Names. Decisions, Jan. 1, 1892-98. Wash., 1898. 8°. 40 p. [3] Board on the Regulation of Coast Artillery Fire. Sen. doc., Drill regulations for coast artillery, United States army. Part 1-[6]. Wash., 1897-98. 8°. Folded diagrams and plates. [3] Contents. Part 4. Drill. 5. Coast defence. [6.] Practice. Same. [Appendix.] Range tables, 8-inch, 10-inch and 12-inch b. 1. r. Wash., 1898. 8°. 8 p. Folded sheets. [3] Same. [Without folded diagrams and plates.] Wash., 1898. 8°. 155 p. [3] Same. Plates to accompany Drill regulations for coast artillery. Wash., 1898. fo. 22 plates. [3] Bureau of the American Republics. Annual report of the Director, 1897. Wash., 1898. 8°. [3] - Bulletin. No. 76-78, 84-87, 90-91. [Nos. 84-85, 90, entitled "Handbook."] n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. Folded maps. [3] Contents. No. 76. La tarifa de aduanas aprobada el 24 de Julio de 1897. 77. Lei de tarifa approvada no dia 24 de Julho de 1897. 78. Tarif général des Etats-Unis. Loi approuvée le 24 juillet 1897. Alaska. Handbook. 85. Hawaii. Handbook. 86. Price list of publications. 87. Reciprocity and trade, etc. Bureau.] [Compilation of newspaper articles relating to the 90. Newspaper directory of Latin America. Handbook. Same. No. 86. Revised. n.t.p. Commercial directory and monthly bulletins. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. (4) p. [3] No. 86. Price list of publications. Bulletins in six volumes. 1893, [reprinted, 1897]. 8°. [Reprint of no. 30, 35, 50.] Vol. 1, part 1. Wash., Plates and maps. [3] Contents. Vol. 1, part 1. No. 30. 1st annual report, 1891. - No. 35. Breadstuffs in Latin America. - Commercial directory of the American republics. Vol. 1. Wash., 1897. 4°. liv, 1069 p. Folded maps. [1] Contents. Rica. Vol. 1. Argentine Republic. -Bolivia. - Brazil. — Chile, Colombia. - Costa Same. [Prospectus, sample pages], etc. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 10 p. [3] Wash., 1897-98. [3] Special bulletin no. 89. [Diplomatic and consular service of the Latin American republics and Hawaii in the United States. Corrected to Aug. 20, 1897.] Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 7 p. [3] Trade relations in America. By J. P. Smith. Articles in the Monthly bulletin for July-Dec. 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. (63) p. [3] United States, continued. Bureau of Construction and Repair. – Annual report of the Chief of the Bureau to the Secretary of the Navy, June 30, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Bureau of Education. - Annual statement of the Commissioner of Education to the Secretary of the Interior, June 30, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Art and industry. Education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States. By I. E. Clarke. Part 3. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Contents. Part 3. Industrial and technical training in voluntary associations and endowed institutions. Commercial education in Europe, particularly in Austria, France and Germany. [By E. J. James.] Wash., 1897. 8°. (119) p. [3] Correlation of studies. [By E. E. White and G. H. Howison.] Wash., 1897. 8°. (12) p. [3] — Digest of the public school laws of the states of the Union. [By Wellford Addis.] Wash., 1898. 8°. (240) p. [3] - Early common schools in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, and in the southern states, [by A. D. Mayo]. Wash., 1897. 8°. (122) p. [3] - Early educational life in middle Georgia. [By R. M. Johnston.] Wash., 1897. 8°. (50) p. [3] Education in Alaska. Letter from the Commissioner of Education relative to moneys heretofore appropriated by Congress for educational purposes in Alaska, and the manner in which such appropriations have been expended. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 186 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 137.) [3] - Education in central Europe, [and Music in German schools]. Wash., 1897. 8°. (83) p. [3] Education in Great Britain and Ireland. [By A. T. Smith.] Wash., 1897. 8°. (59) p. [3] - Education in Mexico and Central America. [By F. F. Hilder.] Wash., 1897. 8°. (29) p. [3] - Educational directory. [Corrected to Feb. 1897.] Wash., 1897. 8°. (29) p. [3] - Same. [Corrected to April 1898.] Wash., 1898. 8°. (28) p. - [3] - The 5th International Prison Congress. [By C. D. Randall.] Wash., 1897. 8°. (34) p. [3] Henry Barnard. By A. D. Mayo. Wash., 1898. 8°. (44) p. [3] Horace Mann. [Address by W. T. Harris before the National Educational Association, Buffalo, July 7, 1896.] Wash., 1897. 8°. (43) p. [3] - Horace Mann and the American common school. By A. D. Mayo. Wash., 1898. 8°. (53) p. [3] - Introductory statement of the Commissioner of Education for the report of 189596. With statistics of common schools, [and list of publications, 1867-96]. Wash., 1897. 8°. lxxv p. [3] Laws relating to city school boards. Wash., 1897. 8°. 78 p. [3] - The letters of Rabbi Akiba; or, The Jewish primer as it was used in the public schools two thousand years ago. Wash., 1897. 8°. (21) p. [3] - Popular education among civilized nations, [by P. E. Levasseur. Education in France, [by A. T. Smith]. Wash., 1897. 8°. (41) p. [3] - Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1895-96; 1896-97, v. 1. Wash., 189798. 3 v. 8°. [3] 124 p. Folded map. Report on introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska, with [appendix and] illus. By Sheldon Jackson. 1897. Wash., 1898. 8°. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 30.) [3] - Sunday schools. [By J. H. Blodgett.] Wash., 1898. 8°. (79) p. [3] Tennessee centennial and international exposition. [By J. C. Boykin.] Wash., 1898. 8°. (30) p. [3] United States, continued. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Report on the operations of the Bureau, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Bureau of Equipment. The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1900. 1st ed. Wash., 1897. 1.8°. [3] The American nautical almanac, 1901. 1st ed. Wash., 1898. 1. 8°. [3] Catalogue of ship's and crew's libraries of the U. S. receiving ship Franklin. [Aug. 1897.] Wash., 1897. 12°. 13 p. [3] - Catalogue of the ship's and crew's libraries of the U. S. S. Oregon. [Jan. 1897.] Wash., 1897. 8°. 116 p. [3] Directions for the care and training of homing pigeons for the U. S. navy. Sept. 1897. Wash., 1897. 12°. 15 p. [3] Directions for use of compensating binnacles with fore and aft and athwartship magnet correctors and quadrantal spheres, etc. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 3 p. [3] Electric plant. General plan of electric light wiring and list of fixtures, etc., for U. S. battleship nos. 7, 8, and 9, Alabama, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Wash., 1898. 12°. 15 p. [3] The Pacific coaster's Nautical Almanac, 1898. 1st ed. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. [3] Same. 2d ed. Wash., 1897. 1.8°. [3] - Practical problems and the compensation of the compass in the United States navy. By S. W. B. Diehl. Revised by W. H. H. Southerland. Wash., 1898. 1. 8°. 186 p. Folded maps and diagrams. [3] - Report to the Secretary of the Navy, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Specifications for equipment of battleships of about 11,500 tons displacement. July 1898. Wash., 1898. 12°. 10 p. [3] Specifications for equipment of harbor-defense vessels of the monitor type of about 2,550 tons displacement. July 1898. Wash., 1898. 12°. 9 p. [3] Specifications for quartermaster's spy-glasses. n.t.p. [Wash., 1896.] 12°. 3 p. [3] Specifications for the installation of electric lights on board of training vessel for Naval Academy. April 1898. Wash., 1898. 12°. 12 p. [3] Bureau of Ethnology. List of publications, with index to authors and titles. Compiled by F. W. Hodge. Wash., 1897. 8°. (2), ci-cxix p. [3] Primitive trephining in Peru. By M. A. Muñiz and W. J. McGee. Wash., 1897. fo. 72 p. Plates. [3] Bureau of Immigration. Annual report of the Commissioner-General of Immigration to the Secretary of the Treasury, June 30, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Circular for the information of persons desiring to enter the Medical Corps of the U. S. navy. h.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 1. 8°. (3) p. [3] Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. navy, Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, to the Secretary of the Navy, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] - Specifications for the removal of brick wall and construction of wrought-iron fence at the United States Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] fo. 3 p. [3] Bureau of the Mint. 25th annual report of the Director, June 30, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Report upon the production of the precious metals in the United States, 1896. Wash., 1898. 8°. [3] |