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United States. Congress, continued.

Portion of a speech of Monsieur Méline, president of the Council and Minister of Agriculture, delivered in the French Chamber of Deputies, 20th Nov. 1897, [relative to the prevailing agricultural distress]. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. 5 р. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 26.) [3]


The post-office. Shall its business be turned over to private corporations? n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 5 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 217.) [3] Prevention of cruelty to animals in the District of Columbia. Memorial of the American Medical Association of Philadelphia protesting against the passage of the bill S. 1063 for the further prevention of cruelty to animals in the District of Columbia. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. 4 p. (55th Cong. 1st sess. Sen. doc., no. 169.) Price of armor plate. Statement concerning the price of armor plate, and congressional action on the subject, submitted by the Bethlehem Iron Company. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 21 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 125.) [3] - Proceedings of National Association of Credit Men, in which the history of bankruptcy legislation is reviewed, the necessity for a bankruptcy law pointed out, and what the characteristics of such law should be. Appendix. nt.p [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 43 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 156.) [3]

- Profit in sugar beets. Paper by R. M. Allen read at a beet-sugar convention, Grand Island, Nebr., Nov. 1896. n.t.p. [Wash., 1896.] 8°. 8 p. (54th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 20.) [3]

- Progress of Nebraska under populist government. Letter from C. Q. de France to J. Gadsden in response to a request for information regarding the administration of public affairs of the present executive state officers of Nebraska as com. pared with the administration of republican officers in the past. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 10 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 203.) [3]

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- Promotion of the ramie industry. Statement by S. H. Slaught in behalf of an appropriation to promote the ramie industry. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. 32 p. Illus. (54th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 47.) [3]

Protest against the passage of Senate bill 1063. Memorial of W. H. Welch and others protesting against the passage of Senate bill no. 1063, entitled "a bill for the further prevention of cruelty to animals in the District of Columbia." n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 11 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 104.) [3] The public credit. Memorial and petition of the National Business Men's League recommending the passage of a law to strengthen the public credit. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 11 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 202.) [3] The Reform Club's feast of unreason. By C. A. Towne. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. 8 p. (55th Cong. 1st sess. Sen. doc., no. 177.) [3]

Repeal of navigation laws of the United States. Memorial from the Jacksonville Board of Trade urging the repeal of the navigation laws forbidding foreign vessels engaging in the coastwise trade. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 2 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 257.) [3]

- Report of the committee on foreign relations, United States Senate, relative to affairs in Cuba. Wash., 1898. 8°. xxxii, 636 p. Folded maps and plates. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. report, no. 885.) [3]

Appended documents.

54th Congress, 1st session. Sen. doc., no. 166. Letter of Hon. T. Estrada Palma to Hon. Richard Olney, [containing statement of facts concerning the belligerency of Cubans].

Sen. doc., no. 213. Message from the President requesting that the Senate be furnished with the correspondence of the Department of State between Nov. 5, 1875, and the date of the pacification of Cuba in 1878, relating to the subject of mediation or intervention by the United States in the affairs of Cuba, transmitting report from the Secretary of State, with such papers as seem to be called for by the resolution.

Sen. doc., no. 278. Message from the President relative to the rights of the United States, under our treaty with Spain, as to the trial of our citizens arrested in Cuba and under condemnation and sentenced to death by the Spanish military tribunals for alleged offences of a political or other character against the Spanish laws or government; a report of the Secretary of State, with accompanying papers.

54th Congress, 2d session. Sen. doc., no. 39. Correspondence concerning the death of Charles Govin.

-Sen. doc., no. 79. Claims of citizens of the United States against Spain, and accompanying papers relating to the vessel Competitor and the persons claiming American citizenship captured thereon.

United States. Congress, continued.


54th Congress, 2d session. Sen. doc., no. 146. Persons claiming American citizenship captured on the Competitor; report from the Secretary of State.

55th Congress, 1st session. Sen. rep., no. 377. Alfredo Laborde and others. Report [from] the committee on foreign relations [relative to the capture of the Competitor].

54th Congress, 2d session. Sen. doc., no. 84. List of citizens of the United States arrested in Cuba since Feb. 24, 1895.

Sen. doc., no. 119. Gasper A. Betancourt. Correspondence relative to the arrest and detention of Betancourt, a citizen of the United States, by the Spanish authorities in Cuba. Sen. doc., no. 120. Segundo N. Lopez. Report from the Secretary of State relative to the killing of Lopez at Sagua La Grande, Cuba. American citizens in prison in Cuba. Correspondence and reports of the Consul-General at Habana relating to all American citizens now in prison in Cuba not previously reported on.

Sen. doc., no. 172.

55th Congress, 1st session. Sen. doc., no. 47. Gustave Richelieu and August Bolten. Report from the Secretary of State, with accompanying papers, relating to the arrest and imprisonment at Santiago de Cuba of the American citizens, Richelieu and Bolten.

Sen. rep., no. 371. August Bolten and Gustave Richelieu. Report [from the committee on foreign relations].

55th Congress, special session. Executive A. George Washington Aguirre. Report from the Secretary of State and copies of correspondence in regard to the case of Aguirre in Cuba. Condition of affairs in Cuba. [Statements of F. W. Lawrence and others ]

Report of the Spanish Naval Board of Inquiry as to the cause of the destruction of the U. S. B. S. Maine.

Same. Another copy. Wash., 1898. 8°. 636 p. Folded maps and plates. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. report, no. 885.) [3]

Rural free-delivery service in European countries. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 22 p. [3]

Second-class mail matter. Report [from the committee on post-offices and postroads]. n.t.p. [Wash., 1896.] 8°. (31) p. (54th Cong. 1st sess. House report, no. 260.) [3]

Silver and wheat, the economic doctrine of their commercial companionship explained and sustained, etc. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 20 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 86.) [3]

Strengthening the public credit, etc. Report [from the committee on banking and currency]. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 38 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. House report, no. 1575.) [3]

Statutes, 1st session, 55th Congress, 1897, and recent treaties and executive proclamations. Wash., 1897. l. 8°. [3]

- Submarine boat Holland. Letter from the secretary of the John P. Holland Torpedo-Boat Company of New York transmitting a copy of the report of Lieut. Nathan Sargent, United States navy, on the performance of the Holland. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 11 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 226.) [3] Sugar schedule in tariff bill. Tabulated statement. Wash., 1897. 8°. 4 p. (55th Cong. 1st sess. Sen. doc., no. 184.) [3]

- Supplement to Notes on the Revised Statutes, July 1, 1889-Jan. 1, 1898. See Gould, J. M., and Tucker, G. F.

Synopsis of the bill for currency reform reported by the House committee on banking, May 1898. n.t.p. [1898.] 8°. 4 p. (H. R. 10289.) [3] Wash., 1897. 8°. 70 p. [3]

The tariff law of 1897. The tariffs of 1894 and 1897 on imports into the United States, and customs administrative act of June 10, 1890, with amendments to sections 7 and 11. Wash., 1897. 8°. 238 p. [3]

Ticket brokerage. Hearings, Dec. 16, 1897, Jan. 6-7, 15, 1898, before the committee on interstate commerce of the Senate on the bill, S. 1575, to amend an act entitled "An act to regulate commerce." Wash., 1898. 8°. 382 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 128.) [3]

To provide for taking the 12th and subsequent censuses. Report [from the committee on the census]. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 72 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. report, no. 1009. Calendar no. 1094.) [3]

To secure to the people a sound currency. Views of the minority. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 124 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. House report, no. 1575, part 2.) [3]

Turtle Mountain band of Chippewa Indians. [Report] from the committee on Indian affairs. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 20 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. House report, no. 820.) [3]

United States. Congress, continued.

United States bankruptcy law of 1898. Uniform system, with marginal notes and index. Wash., 1898. 1. 8°. (2), 30 p. [3]

United States laws relating to the navy, marine corps, etc., compiled from the statutes and subsequent acts to June 17, 1898, with a digest of the decisions of the courts and opinions of the Attorneys-General. By W. H. Michael. Wash., 1898. 8°. 581 p. [3]

Various forms of local government in the District of Columbia, with list of Washington city officials appended, by W. B. Bryan. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 38 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 238.) [3] War claims of California, Oregon and Nevada. [Additional report] from the committee on claims. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 16 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. report, no. 544, part 2.) [3]

- Wilkinson Call. Memorial of Wilkinson Call, for eighteen years a senator from Florida, and of some members of the Florida Legislature, relating to the election of senator for the term commencing March 4, 1897. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 5 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 236.) [3]

See Clark, H. F., and others; — McConachie, L. G.

(46th Congress. 2d session, Dec. 1879-June 1880.)

Executive documents of the Senate. Vol. 7, part 3. Wash, 1898. 8°. [3]

(52d Congress. 1st session, Dec. 1891-Aug. 1892.)

Miscellaneous documents of the House of Representatives. Vol. 50, part 4, 8, 18. Wash., 1896-97. 3 v. in 6. 4°, fo. [3]

(52d Congress. 2d session, Dec. 1892-March 1893.)

Executive documents. Vol. 3. Wash., 1893. 8°. [3]

(53d Congress. 2d session, Dec. 1893-Aug. 1894.)

- Reports of committees of the Senate. Vol. 15. Wash., 1895. 8°. [3] Executive documents. Vol. 29. Wash., 1895. 8°. [3]

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Reports of committees of the House of Representatives. Vol. 3. Wash., 1894. 8°. [3]

Miscellaneous documents of the House of Representatives. Vol. 37, [v. 5-7]. Wash., 1897. 3 v. 8°. [3]

Wash., 1895. 8°. [3]

(53d Congress. 3d session, Dec. 1894-March 1895.) Executive documents of the Senate. Vol. 6. Reports of committees of the Senate. Vol. 2.

Miscellaneous documents of the Senate. Vol. 1.

Wash., 1895. 8°. [3]

Wash., 1895. 8°. [3]

- Executive documents. Vol. 28. Wash., 1895. 8°. [3]

Reports of committees of the House of Representatives.

8°. [3]

Wash., 1895. 2 v.

Miscellaneous documents of the House of Representatives. Vol. 3, 7, 9. Wash., 1895. 3 v. 8°. [3]

(54th Congress. 1st session, Dec. 1895-June 1896.)

Senate documents. Vol. 1, 5, 7-15. Wash., 1896. 3 v. 1. 8°, 8 v. 8°. [3]

Senate reports. Vol. 1-3, 6. [Wash., 1896.] 4 v. 8°. [3]

House documents. Vol. 1-4, 7, 11-23, 25-31, 33-45, 48-52, 54-57, 59-60, 62-74, 76-79, 81, 83-87. Wash., 1895-96. 12 v. 4o, 54 v. 8°, 6 v. 1. 8°. [3]

[House reports. Vol. 6, 10. Wash., 1896.] 2 v. 8°. [3]

(54th Congress. 2d session, Dec. 1896-March 1897.)

Journal of the House of Representatives. Wash., 1897. 4°. [3]

House documents. Vol. 18-19, 33-34, 38, 77. Wash., 1897. 2 v. 4°, 1 v. 1. 8o, 3 v. 8°. [3]

United States. Congress, continued.

(55th Congress. 1st session, March 15-July 24, 1897.)

Journal of the Senate. Wash., 1897. 4°. [3]

Journal of the House of Representatives. Wash., 1897. 4°. [3]


See Federalist, The; - Foote, A. R.; -Schouler, J.


Advance sheets of consular reports. No. 1-233. Jan. 1-Sept. 30, 1898. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. [3]

Consular correspondence respecting the condition of the reconcentrados in Cuba, the state of the war in that island, and the prospects of the projected autonomy. Message from the President transmitting [correspondence]. Wash., 1898. 8°. v, 91 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 230.) [3] Same. Wash., 1898. 8°. iv, (1), 91 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. 406.) [3]

House doc., no.

The letter of transmittal differs from that in House doc., no. 230. Consular reports. Vol. 55-57. Sept. 1897-Aug. 1898. Wash., 1897-98. 8°. [3] Same. Supplement. No. 206, 208, 211, 215. Nov. 1897, Jan., April, Aug. 1898. Exports declared for the United States. Returns from consular districts for quarter ended June 30, 1897-March 31, 1898. Wash., 1897-98. 8°. [3] General index to consular reports, nos. 112-151, v. 32-41. [1890-93.] Wash., 1894. 8°. vii, 123 p. [3]

Same. General index to monthly consular reports, nos. 152-203, v. 42-54. Wash., 1897. 8°. 220 p. [3]

Special consular reports. Vol. 1 [in part]. Fruit culture in foreign countries. Reissued, with supplementary reports. Wash., 1897. 8°. (2), 393-994, xiv p. [3] Same. Vol. 3, reissued, with supplementary reports. Streets and highways in foreign countries Wash., 1897. 8°. (2), 616 p. Folded diagrams. [3] Same. Vol. 5, reissued, with supplementary reports. Canals and irrigation in foreign countries. Wash., 1898. 8°. v, 620 p. Folded maps, diagrams and plates. [3]

Same. Vol. 10 [in part].

Extension of markets for American flour. Reissued, with supplementary reports. Wash., 1897. 8°. xii, 155-579 p. [3] See National Board of Trade.

Continental Congress.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Extracts from the Votes and proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, 5th Sept. 1774, containing the Bill of Rights, a list of grievances, occasional resolves, etc. Annapolis, 1774. 8°. (2), 44 p. [1]

Court of Claims.

See Nott, C. C., and Hopkins, A. Cases decided, 1896-97.


See American Digest; - American Negligence Reports; - Garland, A. H., and others;- Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Company; - Phelps, W. W.

Dead Letter Office.

Dead letter office sale. Catalogue of articles accumulated in the dead letter office, to be sold at auction, Dec. 13, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. 54 p. [3] Report of the Superintendent to the First Assistant Postmaster-General, June 30, 1892, 97. Wash., 1892-98. 8°. [3]

Declaration of Independence.

See Donaldson, T.

United States, continued.

Deep Waterways Commission.

Report, Dec. 18-22, 1896, accompanied by the report on technical work and the several topical reports and drawings pertaining thereto. Wash., 1897. 8°. 263 p. Folded maps and diagrams. (54th Cong. 2d sess. House doc., no. 192.) [3]

Department of Agriculture.

Annual reports of the Department, June 30, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3]

Circular no. 7. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. [3]


No. 7. Possible influence of importation of Hawaiian sugar on beet-sugar production in the
United States.

Cowpeas, by J. G. Smith. h.t.p. [Wash., 1896.] 8°. (12) p. [3]

- Farmers' bulletin. No. 58-83. Wash., 1897-98. 8°. Illus. [3]


No. 58. Williams, T. A. The soy bean as a forage crop; with an appendix on soy beans as food for man, by C. F. Langworthy.

59. Benton, F. Bee keeping.

60. Whitney, M. Methods of curing tobacco.

61. Handy, R. B. Asparagus culture.

62. Hill, G. G. Marketing farm produce.

63. Pearson, R. A. Care of milk on the farm.

64. Howard, G. E. Ducks and geese, standard breeds and management.

65. Experiment station work. - 2.

66. Smith, J. G. Meadows and pastures, formation and cultivation in the middle

eastern states.

67. Fernow, B. E. Forestry for farmers.

68. Smith, E. F. The black rot of the cabbage.

69. Experiment station work. -3.

70. Marlatt, C. L.

71. Curtiss, C. F.

72. Bentley, H. L.

The principal insect enemies of the grape.

Some essentials in beef production.

Cattle ranges of the southwest, a history of the exhaustion of

the pasturage and suggestions for its restoration.

73. Experiment station work. - 4.

74. Milk as food.

75. Swingle, W. T.

76. Voorhees, E. B.

The grain smuts, how they are caused and how to prevent

Tomato growing.

77. Wheeler, H. J. The liming of soils.

78-79. Experiment station work. - 5-6.

80. Marlatt, C. L. The peach twig-borer, an important enemy of stone fruits. 81. Tracy, S. M. Corn culture in the South.

82. Butterweck, O. C. The culture of tobacco.

83. Whitney, M. Tobacco soils.

Same. No. 19. 3d revised ed. Wash., 1897. 8°. 32 p. Illus. [3]


4th revised ed. Wash., 1898. 8°. 32 p. Illus. [3]

Same. No. 22, 31, 33, 45, 51, 60. [Revised.] Wash., 1897-98. 8°. [3]

Same, reprinted. No. 15-17, 20-24, 26, 28-42, 44-49, 51-52, 54-56. Wash., 189497; [reprinted, 1897]. 8°. [3]

· Same, reprinted. No. 21, 23-25, 28, 35, 40-41, 44, 47, 52, 55-57, 60-64, 69, 74. Wash., 1894-98; [reprinted, 1898]. 8°. [3]

The feeding value of corn stover. By J. B. Lindsey. h.t.p. [Wash., 1896.] 8°. (10) p. [3]

An ideal department of agriculture and industries. By E. Tisserand. h.t.p. [Wash., 1896.] 8°. (14) p. [3]

The improvement of our native fruits. By L. H. Bailey. h.t.p. [Wash., 1896.] 8°. (10) p. [3]

· Irrigation on the Great Plains. By F. H. Newell. h.t.p. [Wash., 1896.] 8°. (32) p. Plates and illus. [3]

Library bulletins, Oct. 1897-Aug. 1898. [Libr., 18-23. Wash., 1897-98.] 8°. [3] Contents.

Libr. 18. Hawks, E. B. A bibliography of poultry.

19, 21-23. Accessions to the library, July 1897-June 1898.

20. Clark, J. A. Reference list of publications relating to edible and poisonous mushrooms.

Proceedings, National Convention for the Suppression of Insect Pests and Plant Diseases by Legislation, Washington, D. C., March 5-6, 1897. Ed. by B. T. Galloway. Wash., 1897. 8°. 31 p. [3]

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