United States. Department of the Treasury, continued. - (Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants.) Combined statement of the receipts and disbursements, apparent and actual, of the United States, June 30, 1897. h.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 4°. [3] Comparative statement of the receipts and expenditures of the United States, Dec. 1, 1896, Oct. 1-Dec. 1, 1897, May 2-Sept. 1, 1898. n.t.p. [Wash., 189698.] obl. 8°. [3] Digest of appropriations for the support of the government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1897-98, and of deficiencies for prior years. Wash., 1896-97. 2 v. 4°. [3] Statement of the condition of the U. S. Treasury and the receipts and expenditures of the government, Aug. 1897-July 1898. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897-98.] obl. fo. [3] (Division of Customs.) Regulations governing the sampling and classification of imported sugars and molasses, under the act of July 24, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. 27 p. [3] - Regulations relating to the establishment of bonded smelting and refining warehouses, under the provisions of section 29 of the tariff act of July 24, 1897. Wash., 1898. 8°. 8 p. [3] - (Division of Loans and Currency.) Registered bonds caveated upon the books of [the] Department, Oct. 1897-Sept. 1, 1898. [Wash., 1897-98.] fo. Sheets. [3] Statement showing the amounts of gold and silver coins and certificates, United States notes and national bank notes in circulation, Oct. 1, 1897-Sept. 1, 1898. [Wash., 1897-98.] 1. 8°. Sheet. [3] (Division of Special Agents.) Report on the rookeries of the Commander Islands, season of 1897. By Leonhard Stejneger. Wash., 1897. 8°. 17 p. [3] Report on the salmon fisheries of Alaska, 1897. By H. M. Kutchin. Wash., 1898. 8°. 39 p. Plate. [3] Statistical tables. Fur seal catch, season of 1897. Wash., 1898. 8°. 30 p. [3] Abstract of infantry tactics. Department of War. Annual reports, June 30, 1897. and plates. [3] Boston, 1830. 12°. 138 p. Plates. [3] Wash., 1897. 8 v. 8°. Folded diagrams, maps Contents. Report of the Secretary. - Chief of Engineers, v. 1-6. - Chief of Ordnance. Circular. Medals of honor issued by the Department up to and including Oct. 31, 1897, with the laws, orders and regulations relative to the medal, the ribbon to be worn with the medal, and the knot to be worn in lieu of the medal. Wash., 1897. 4°. 133 p. Plate. [3] Customs tariff and regulations for ports in Cuba in possession of the United States. Wash., 1898. 8°. 62 p. [3] Customs tariff and regulations for the Phillippine Islands. Wash., 1898. 8°. 40 p. [3] · Drill regulations for siege artillery, United States army. Wash., 1898. 32°. 43 p. Folded sheet. [3] Estimate of appropriations needed for organizing the volunteer army, etc. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898] 8°. 10 p. (55th Cong. 2d sess. House doc., no. 439.) [3] - Infantry drill regulations. The manual of arms adapted to the magazine rifle, caliber 30. Wash, 1897. 32°. (2), 35 p. [3] Register. Corrected to May 31, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] -Rules to be observed in keeping efficiency records and making reports of efficiency of persons in the classified service employed in the Department. Reprinted Dec. 15, 1896. n.t.p. [Wash., 1896.] 12°. 4 p. [3] United States. Department of War, continued. The war of the rebellion: a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. By G. B. Davis, [and others]. Series 1. Vol. 51-53. Wash., 1897. 3 v. in 6. 8°. [3, Hon. G. F. Hoar, Worcester.] Same. Series 2. Vol. 1-2. Wash., 1894-97. 2 v. 8°. [3] (Library.) [Circular letter concerning the distribution of military publications.] n.t.p. [Wash., 1897 ?] sm. 8°. (3) p. [3] (Military Information Division.) Military notes on Cuba. h.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 12°. 184 p. Folded maps and plans. [3] Notes and tables on organization and establishment of the Spanish army in the peninsula and colonies. Wash., 1898. 12°. 218 p. [3] [Publication.] No. 15, 17-19. Wash., 1897-98. sm. 4°, 8°. Folded maps and plates. [3] Contents. No. 15. The autumn maneuvers of 1896 in Europe. 17. Sources of information on military professional subjects: a classified list of books and publications. 18. Selected professional papers. Tr. from European military publications. 19. The organized militia of the United States in 1897. Freedmen's Hospital. Report to the Secretary of the Interior, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] General Land Office. Circular containing instructions issued under the act entitled "an act extending the homestead laws and providing for right of way for railroads in Alaska, and for other purposes." Issued June 8, 1898. Wash., 1898. 8°. 26 p. [3] Coal-land law and regulations thereunder. Reprint, [Dec. 28, 1897]. h.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. 9 p. [3] Instructions to special agents of the General Land Office relative to timber on public lands. March 8, 1898. Wash., 1898. 8°. 53 p. [3] Regulations concerning permission to use right of way over the public lands for tramroads, canals, reservoirs, etc. Approved Dec. 23, 1896. Wash., 1897. 8°. 5 p. [3] Regulations concerning right of way for canals, ditches, and reservoirs over the public lands and reservations for the purpose of irrigation. Approved Feb. 20, 1894, [reprinted]. Wash., [1897]. 8°. 17 p. [3] Same. Approved July 8, 1898. Wash., 1898. 8°. 19 p. [3] Report of the Commissioner, [June 30, 1897]. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Rules and regulations governing forest reserves established under section 24 of the act of March 3, 1891. Issued June 30, 1897. Reissued Aug. 5, 1898, with amendments. Wash., 1898. 8°. 16 p. [3] Timber circular P, to special agents. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. (1) p. [3] - United States mining laws and regulations thereunder. Approved Dec. 15, 1897, [with amendment, March 14, 1898]. h.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 38, (1) p. [3] Geological Survey. 18th annual report, 1896-97. Part 5. Wash., 1897. 1 v. in 2. 1. 8°. [3] The clay-working industry of the United States in 1896. By Heinrich Ries. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 68 p. [3] - Drainage basin of the Potomac. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior transmitting a copy of a letter from the Director of the Survey inclosing a report regarding the hydrography of the drainage basin of the Potomac. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 8°. 64 p. Plates and diagrams. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 90.) [3] United States. Geological Survey, continued. - Geologic atlas of the United States. Folio 28-37, 39-41. Library ed. Wash., 1896-97. fo. [3] M. R. Campbell and W. C. Mendenhall. Wash., 1896. 8°. Folded maps and plates. [3, M. R. Campbell and W. C. Mendenhall.] Gold and silver in 1895-96. Wash., 1896-97. 1. 8°. [3] Iron and steel and allied industries in all countries. By J. M. Swank. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 94 p. [3] List of the publications of the Survey. Wash., 1897. 8°. 80 p. [3] The manufacture of coke in 1896. By E. W. Parker. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 92 p. [3] Map of Alaska showing known gold-bearing rocks, with descriptive text containing sketches of the geography, geology, and gold deposits and routes to the gold fields. Wash., 1898. 8°. 44 p. Folded map. (55th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 195.) [3] Memorial of the General Assembly of Colorado. Letter from the Director of the Survey relative to memorial in relation to the Geological Survey. n.t.p. [Wash., 1897.] 8°. 8 p. (55th Cong. 1st sess. Sen. doc., no. 170.) [3] New developments in well boring and irrigation in eastern South Dakota, 1896. By N. H. Darton. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. (57) p. Maps, plates and illus. [3, Nelson H. Darton.] The production of abrasive materials, 1896-97. By E. W. Parker. Wash., 189798. 1. 8°. [3] The production of aluminum in 1896. By R. L. Packard. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 7 p. [3] The production of antimony and platinum in 1896. By E. W. Parker. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 9 p. [3] The production of asbestos and graphite in 1896-97. By E. W. Parker. Wash., 1897-98. 1. 8°. [3] The production of asphaltum, 1896-97. By E. W. Parker. Wash., 1897-98. 1. 8°. [3] The production of cement in 1896. By S. B. Newberry and Uriah Cummings. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 16 p. [3] The production of coal in 1896. By E. W. Parker. Wash., 1897. 1.8°. 286 p. [3] The production of copper in 1896. By Charles Kirchhoff. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 55 p. [3] The production of feldspar and quartz in 1896. By Heinrich Ries. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 6 p. [3] The production of fluorspar and mica, 1896-97. By E. W. Parker. Wash., 189798. 1. 8°. [3] The production of fuller's earth in 1896. The production of gypsum, 1896-97. 1.8°. [3] Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 11 p. [3] The production of iron ores in 1896. By John Birkinbine. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 32 p. [3] The production of lead and zinc in 1896. By Charles Kirchhoff. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 48 p. [3] United States. Geological Survey, continued. - The production of lithographic stone in 1896. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 5 p. [3] The production of manganese ores in 1896. By John Birkinbine. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 42 p. [3] The production of mineral paints and barytes, 1896-97. By E. W. Parker. Wash., 1897-98. 1. 8°. [3] The production of mineral waters in 1896. By A. C. Peale. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 23 p. [3] The production of natural gas in 1896. By F. H. Oliphant. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 28 p. [3] The production of nickel and cobalt in 1896. By Joseph Wharton. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 16 p. [3] The production of petroleum in 1896. By F. H. Oliphant. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 151 p. [3] The production of phosphate rock in 1896. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 12 p. [3] The production of precious stones in the United States in 1896-97. By G. F. Kunz. Wash., 1897-98. 1. 8°. [3] The production of quicksilver in 1896. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 6 p. [3] The production of salt, 1896-97. By E. W. Parker. Wash., 1897-98. 1. 8°. [3] The production of soapstone, 1896-97. By E. W. Parker. Wash., 1897-98. 1.8°. [3] The production of sulphur and pyrites in 1896-97. By E. W. Parker. Wash., 1897-98. 1. 8°. [3] Reconnaissance of the gold fields of southern Alaska, with some notes on general geology. By G. F. Becker. Wash., 1898. 1.8°. 86 p. Maps, plates and illus. [3] Report of progress of stream measurements, 1898. By A. P. Davis. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 418 p. Maps, plates and diagrams. Reservoirs for irrigation. By J. D. Schuyler. Maps and plates. [3] [3] Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. (126) p. Statistics of the clay-working industries in the United States in 1896. By Jefferson Middleton. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 30 p. [3] The stone industry in 1895. By W. C. Day. Wash., 1896. 1. 8°. 61 p. Diagrams. [3] Same. 1896. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 126 p. [3] Topographic atlas of the United States. Physiographic types. By Henry Gannett. Folio 1. Wash., 1898. fo. [3] Water resources of Indiana and Ohio. By Frank Leverett. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. (143) p. Folded chart and maps. [3] Water-supply and irrigation papers. No. 2-6, 9-11, 15-16. Wash., 1897-98. 10 v. 8°. Folded maps, plates and illus. [3] No. 2. Davis, A. P. 3. Rafter, G. W. 4. Russell, 1. C. 6. 9. Contents. Irrigation near Phoenix, Ariz. A reconnoissance in southeastern Washington. Boyd, D. Irrigation near Greeley, Col. 10. Barker, F. C. Irrigation in Mesilla Valley, N. M. 11. Davis, Á. P. River heights for 1896. 15-16. Operations at river stations, 1897. A report of the Division of Hydrography. The Witwatersrand banket, with notes on other gold-bearing pudding stones. By G. F. Becker. Wash., 1897. 1. 8°. 36 p. Map and illus. [3] (Division of Mineral Resources.) Mineral products of the United States. Calendar years, 1888-97. [Wash., 1897.] Broadside. [3] Gettysburg National Military Park Commission. The Gettysburg National Military Park Commission. The location of the monument markers and tablets on the battlefield of Gettysburg. [Wash.], 1898. 8°. 22 p. [3] United States, continued. Government Hospital for the Insane. Report to the Secretary of the Interior, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Government Printing Office. Annual report of the Public Printer, June 30, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] (Library.) Author and title list of books. July 1, 1898. Wash., 1898. 8°. 64 p. [3] Title list of books. March 1, 1898. Wash., 1898. 8°. 21 p. [3] Hydrographic Office. Annual report of the Hydrographer to the Bureau of Navigation, June 30, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Contributions to terrestrial magnetism, the magnetic dip or inclination, as observed at thirty important maritime stations, with an investigation of the secular change in the direction of a freely suspended magnetic needle at twenty-nine of the stations. By G. W. Littlehales. Wash., 1897. 8°. 45 p. Folded map. ([Publ.], no. 114.) [3] - Hydrographic bulletin. No. 384-435. Jan. 6-Dec. 29, 1897. [Wash., 1897.] Broadsides. [3] Notice to mariners, 1897. [52 nos.] Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Notices to mariners for the Great Lakes. Nos. 1-10, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Price list of charts covering ground in West Indies and adjacent waters. n.t.p. [Wash., 1898.] 12°. 4 p. [3] Inspector-General of the Army. Annual report to the Major-General Commanding the Army, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Annual report to the Secretary of War, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Report of an inspection of the several branches of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, July 31, 1897-Jan. 27, 1898. Wash., 1898. 8°. [3] Same. Illustrations from the report of an inspection made in 1897. Wash., 1898. 8°. [3] Report of W. W. Averell, Assistant Inspector-General, to W. B. Franklin, president board of managers, on inspection of branches of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, and soldiers and sailors' homes in states, Nov. 30, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] Interstate Commerce Commission. 11th annual report, Dec. 6, 1897. Wash., 1897. 8°. [3] 9th annual report on the statistics of railways in the United States, June 30, 1896. Wash., 1897. 8°. Folded map. [3] - Bulletin. No. 3. Wash., 1897. 12°. [3] No. 3. Decisions upon questions raised under the classification of operating expenses. [Case 37-47. June 21, 1897.] Changes in transportation charges, etc. Letter from the Commission transmitting statement respecting cases in which it has ordered any change in transportation charges, in the classification of freights, or in practices affecting such charges, as directed by resolution of the Senate adopted March 18, 1896. n.t.p. [Wash., 1896.] 8°. 36 p. (54th Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc., no. 30.) [3] Classification of construction expenses as prescribed by the Commission in accordance with section 20 of the act to regulate commerce. 31 p. [3] Wash., 1898. 8°. Preliminary report on the income account of railways in the United States, June 30, 1897. Wash., 1898. 8°. [3] |