“The” Plays of William Shakespeare, Opseg 2F. C. and J. Rivington, J. Johnson, R. Baldwin, 1805 |
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Stranica 255
... Quin . Is all our company here ? Bot . You were best to call them generally , man by man , according to the scrip.2 Quin . Here is the scroll of every man's name , which is thought fit , through all Athens , to play in our interlude ...
... Quin . Is all our company here ? Bot . You were best to call them generally , man by man , according to the scrip.2 Quin . Here is the scroll of every man's name , which is thought fit , through all Athens , to play in our interlude ...
Stranica 256
... Quin . Answer , as I call you . - Nick Bottom , the weaver . Bot . Ready : Name what part I am for , and proceed . Quin . You , Nick Bottom , are set down for Pyramus . Bot . What is Pyramus ? a lover , or a tyrant ? Quin . A lover ...
... Quin . Answer , as I call you . - Nick Bottom , the weaver . Bot . Ready : Name what part I am for , and proceed . Quin . You , Nick Bottom , are set down for Pyramus . Bot . What is Pyramus ? a lover , or a tyrant ? Quin . A lover ...
Stranica 257
... Quin . Francis Flute , the bellows - mender.2 Flu . Here , Peter Quince . Quin . You must take Thisby on you . Flu . What is Thisby ? a wandering knight ? Quin . It is the lady that Pyramus must love . Flu . Nay , faith , let me not ...
... Quin . Francis Flute , the bellows - mender.2 Flu . Here , Peter Quince . Quin . You must take Thisby on you . Flu . What is Thisby ? a wandering knight ? Quin . It is the lady that Pyramus must love . Flu . Nay , faith , let me not ...
Stranica 258
... Quin . No , no ; you must play Pyramus ; and , Flute , you Thisby . Bot . Well , proceed . Quin . Robin Starveling , the tailor . Star . Here , Peter Quince . Quin . Robin Starveling , you must play Thisby's mo- ther.4 - Tom Snout the ...
... Quin . No , no ; you must play Pyramus ; and , Flute , you Thisby . Bot . Well , proceed . Quin . Robin Starveling , the tailor . Star . Here , Peter Quince . Quin . Robin Starveling , you must play Thisby's mo- ther.4 - Tom Snout the ...
Stranica 259
... Quin . You may do it extempore , for it is nothing but roaring . Bot . Let me play the lion too : I will roar , that I will do any man's heart good to hear me ; I will roar , that I will make the duke say , Let him roar again , Let him ...
... Quin . You may do it extempore , for it is nothing but roaring . Bot . Let me play the lion too : I will roar , that I will do any man's heart good to hear me ; I will roar , that I will make the duke say , Let him roar again , Let him ...
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Æneid ancient Antony and Cleopatra Ariel Ben Jonson Caliban called comedy Demetrius dost doth Duke edit emendation Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair gentle Gentlemen of Verona give grace hath hear heart Helena Hermia Johnson Julia King Henry lady Laun Launce lion lord lover Lysander madam Malone Mason master means Measure for Measure metre Midsummer Night's Dream Milan Mira mistress monster moon musick never night Oberon observes old copy reads Othello passage play poet pray Prospero Proteus Puck Pyramus quarto Quin Ritson scene second folio sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's shew signifies Silvia sleep song speak Speed Spenser spirit Steevens Stephano strange suppose sweet tell thee Theobald Theseus thing Thisbe thou art thou hast Thurio Tita Titania translation Trin Trinculo unto Valentine Warburton word