The Practice on the Plea Side of the Court of Exchequer: To which is Added an Appendix Containing the Recent Acts of Parliament, and New Rules of Court : Also the Forms of Writs and Proceedings in General Use, and a Table of Costs as at Present Allowed on Taxation, Dio 272

J. & W.T. Clarke, 1833 - Broj stranica: 210

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Stranica xxxvi - Provided always, that no first writ shall be available to prevent the operation of any statute whereby the time for the commencement of the action may be limited...
Stranica xxv - Court in which such proceedings are pending touching such examination, and the conduct or absence of any witness or other person thereon or relating thereto ; and the Court is hereby authorized to institute such proceedings and make such order and orders upon such report as justice may require, and as may be instituted and made in any case of contempt of the Court.
Stranica xxvii - ... such defendant does not in any manner collude with such third party, but is ready to bring into court or to pay or dispose of the subject-matter of the action in such manner as the court (or any judge thereof) may order or direct.
Stranica lxxvii - In all cases in which any particular number of days, not expressed to be clear days, is prescribed by the rules or practice of the courts, the same shall be reckoned exclusively of the first day, and inclusively of the last day...
Stranica lxxi - Courts on behalf of such person, expressly named by him, and attending at his request, to inform him of the nature and effect of such warrant or cognovit, before the same is executed ; which attorney shall subscribe his name as a witness to the due execution thereof, and thereby declare himself to be attorney for the person executing the same, and state that he subscribes as such attorney.
Stranica xvii - Quarter- Sessions of the Peace by law ought to be held, shall hold their general Quarter Sessions of the Peace in the first...
Stranica cvi - We command you, That within eight days after the service of this writ on you, inclusive of the day of such service, you do cause an appearance to be entered...
Stranica xxii - An Act for establishing certain Regulations for the better Management of the Affairs of the East India Company, as well in India as in Europe...
Stranica cx - This writ was issued by EF of attorney to the plaintiff [or plaintiffs within named ;] or, This writ was issued in person by the plaintiff within named, who resides at [mention the city, town, or parish, and also the name of the hamlet, street, and number of the house of the plaintiff's residence, if any such there be.] The amount claimed for debt and costs also to be indorsed.
Stranica 25 - Judge, the profession, occupation, or quality, and place of abode of the plaintiff, on pain of being guilty of a contempt of the Court from which such writ shall...

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