BRIALMONT. History of the Life of Arthur Duke of Wellington; from the French of M. Brialmont; with emendations and additions by the Rev. G. R. Gleig. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1858-60 BRITAIN (GREAT). Rerum Britannicarum Medii Evi Scriptores-continued from page 918. 13. Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. 8vo. Lond. 1859 14. Political Poems and Songs relating to English History, composed during the period from the accession of Edw. III. to that of Ric. III. Edited by Thomas Wright. vol. 1. 8vo. ibid. 1859 15. Bartholomæi de Cotton Monachi Norwicensis Historia Anglicana (A.D. 449-1298); necnon ejusdem Liber de Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Angliæ. Edited by Henry Richards Luard. 16. Fr. Rogeri Bacon Opera quædam hactenus inedita. Vol. I. containing 1.-Opus Tertium; 2.-Opus Minus; 3.-Compendium Philosophiæ. Edited by J. S. Brewer. 8vo. ibid. 1859 8vo. ibid. 1859 17. Brut y Tywysogion; or, the Chronicle of the Princes. Edited by the Rev. John Williams ab Ithel. 8vo. ibid. 1860 18. Royal and Historical Letters during the reign of Henry the Fourth. Edited by the Rev. F. C. Hingeston. vol. 1. 8vo. ibid. 1860 19. The Repressor of over much blaming of the Clergy, by Reginald Pecock, D.D., sometime Lord Bishop of Chichester. Edited by Churchill Babington, B.D. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1860 20. Annales Cambriæ. Edited by the Rev. John Williams ab Ithel. 8vo. ibid. 1860 21. Giraldi Cambrensis Opera. Edited by J. S. Brewer. vol. 1. 8vo. ibid. 1861 22. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry the Sixth, King of England. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson. vol. 1. 8vo. ibid. 1861 23. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several original authorities. Edited, with a translation, by Benjamin Thorpe. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1861 24. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Reigns of Richard III. and Henry VII. Edited by James Gairdner. vol. 1. 8vo. ibid. 1861 25. Roberti Grosseteste Episcopi quondam Lincolniensis Epistolæ. Edited by Henry Richards Luard. 8vo. ibid. 1861 BRITISH MUSEUM. A List of the Books of Reference in the Reading Room of the British Museum. Printed by order of the Trustees. [With Preface by J. Winter Jones.] 8vo. Lond. 1859 BROOM (Herbert). Commentaries on the Common Law. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1861 BROUGHAM (Henry, Lord). Political Philosophy. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849 BROWN (Edwardus). Fasciculus Rerum Expetendarum et Fugiendarum, prout ab Orthuino Gratio editus est Coloniæ A.D. 1535; una cum Appendice sive Tomo II. Scriptorum Veterum qui Ecclesiæ Romanæ errores et abusus detegunt et damnant, necessitatemque reformationis urgent. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1690 BROWNING (W. Ernst). The Practice and Procedure of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes: with forms of practical proceedings, the acts, rules and orders, tables of fees and bills of costs. BRUT Y TYWYSOGION: See BRITAIN, No. 17. BULLEN (Edward) and Stephen Martin LEAKE. Precedents of Pleadings in Actions in the Superior Courts of Common Law; with notes. 12mo. Lond. 1860 CAILLET (J.) L'Administration en France sous le Ministère du Cardinal de Richelieu. Deuxième édition, refondue. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1861 CALENDARS of State Papers-continued from page 919. 8vo. Domestic Series, of the reign of Charles I. 1628-1629. Lond. 1859 Edited by 8vo. ibid. 1859 1629-1631. Edited by John Bruce. 8vo. ibid. 1860 1631-1633. Edited by John Bruce. 8vo. ibid. 1862 Domestic Series, of the reign of Charles II. 1660-1661. Edited by M. A. Everett Green. 1661-1662. Edited by M. A. Everett Green. 8vo. ibid. 1861 8vo. ibid. 1861 8vo. ibid. 1862 1663-1664. Edited by M. A. Everett Green. Calendar of the State Papers relating to Ireland, of the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth, 1509-1573. Edited by Hans Claude Hamilton. 8vo. ibid. 1860 Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1574-1660. Edited by W. 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Edited from the Sir Edward Lake's Interviews with Charles I. on being created a Letters of Pope to Atterbury when in the Tower of London. Edited Supplementary Note to the Discovery of the Jesuits' College at 74. Diary of the Marches of the Royal Army during the Great Civil War; kept by Richard Symonds. Now first published from the original MS. in the British Museum. Edited by Charles Edward Long. 4to. Lond. 1859 75. Original Papers illustrative of the Life and Writings of John Milton, including sixteen Letters of State written by him, now first published from MSS. in the State Paper Office. With an appendix of documents relating to his connection with the Powell Family. Collected and edited, with the permission of the Master of the Rolls, by W. Douglas Hamilton. 4to. ibid. 1859 76. Letters from George Lord Carew to Sir Thomas Roe, Ambassador to the Court of the Great Mogul, 1615–1617. Edited by John Maclean. 4to. ibid. 1860 77. Narratives of the Days of the Reformation, chiefly from the manuscripts of John Foxe the Martyrologist; with two contemporary biographies of Archbishop Cranmer. Edited by John Gough Nichols. 4to. ibid. 1859 78. Correspondence of King James VI. of Scotland with Sir Robert Cecil and others in England, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth; with an appendix containing papers illustrative of transactions between King James and Robert Earl of Essex. Principally published for the first time from manuscripts of the most Hon. the Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. preserved at Hatfield. Edited by John Bruce. 4to. ibid. 1861 79. Letters written by John Chamberlain during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Edited from the originals by Sarah Williams. ibid. 1861 CAMDEN SOCIETY'S Publications—continued. 80. Proceedings, principally in the county of Kent, in connection with the Parliaments called in 1640, and especially with the Committee of Religion appointed in that year. Edited by the Rev. Lambert B. Larking, from the collections of Sir Edward Dering, Bart., 1627-1644, with a preface by John Bruce. 4to. Lond. 1862 81. Parliamentary Debates in 1610. Edited from the Notes of a Member of the House of Commons, by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. 4to. ibid. 1862 CANONES. Σύνταγμα τῶν θείων καὶ ἱερῶν ΚΑΝΟΝΩΝ τῶν τε Αποστολων καὶ τῶν ἱερῶν Συνόδων καὶ τῶν ἁγίων Πατέρων, ἐκδοθεν, μετὰ των αρχαίων ἐξηγητων, ὑπο Γ. Α. ΡΑΛΛΗ και Μ. ΠΟΤΛΗ, ἐγκρίσει τῆς ἱερᾶς Συνόδου τῆς Ἐκκλησίας τῆς Ἑλλάδος. 6 vols. 8vo. Athenis, 1852-9 CAREW (George, Lord). Letters: see CAMDEN SOCIETY, No. 76. CARNÉ (Le Comte Louis de). La Monarchie Française au dix-huitième siècle. Etudes historiques sur les règnes de Louis XIV. et de Louis XV. 8vo. Paris, 1859 CARPMAEL (William). The Law of Patents for Inventions. Sixth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1860 CARRARIA (Paulus). De Litterali ac Mystica Regularum Juris Canonici Interpretatione et Veritate. 2 vols. in 1. fol. Bononiæ, 1617 CARREL (Armand). Histoire de la Contre-Révolution en Angleterre, sous Charles II. et Jacques II. 8vo. Paris, 1827 CARVE (Thomas). Itinerarium Thomæ Carve, Tipperariensis, Sacellini Majoris Anglorum, Scotorum et Hibernorum sub exercitu Cæsareæ Majestatis militantium, cum historia facti Butleri, Gordon, Lesly et aliorum. Nova editio; cui accedunt paucula quædam de vita itinerantis, necnon index generalis. 4to. Lond. 1859 CASAUBONUS (Isaacus). Epistolæ, insertis ad easdem responsionibus. Accedunt huic tertiæ editioni, Is. Casauboni Vita, Dedicationes, Præfationes, etc. Item, Merici Casauboni Epistolæ et Tractatus quidam rariores, curante Th. Janson. ab Almeloveen. fol. Roterodami, 1709 CASTRENSIS (Paulus). In Pandectarum, Justinianeique Codicis titulos (scil. in primam et in secundam Digesti Veteris) Commentaria, cum Fr. Curtii et aliorum adnotationibus illustrata. Quibus adjectæ sunt, in secundam Digesti Novi Avenionenses Prælectiones. fol. Venetiis, 1593 In primam et in secundam Infortiati partem Commentaria; in primam, et in secundam Digesti Novi partem Commentaria; cum Fr. Curtii et aliorum adnotationibus illustrata. fol. ibid. 1593 CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES. Catalogue of the Library of the Faculty of Procurators, Glasgow. 1845. Supplements. 1847-51-58. 8vo. Glasgow, 1845–58 Catalogue of the Library of the Corporation of London, 1859. Supplements, 1860–61. 8vo. [Lond.] 1859-61 CAWDOR (Thanes of): see SPALDING CLUB. CHAMBERLAIN (John). Letters: see CAMDEN SOCIETY, No. 79. CHANTREAU (P. N.) Table analytique et raisonnée des Matières con- CHITTY (Joseph). Chitty on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Cheques on Bankers, Bankers' Cash Notes and Bank Notes; with references to the Law of Scotland, France, and America. The tenth edition. By John A. Russell, and David Maclachlan. CHRISTIE (W. D.) Memoirs, Letters, and Speeches of Anthony CODEX AUGIENSIS: see BIBLIA SACRA. COLERIDGE (Hartley). Poems. With a Memoir of his life by his Essays and Marginalia. Edited by his brother [Rev. Derwent Coleridge]. COLERIDGE (Herbert). A Glossarial Index to the printed English Literature of the Thirteenth Century. COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor). On the Constitution of the Church and State, according to the idea of each. Edited from the author's corrected copy, with notes, by Henry Nelson Coleridge. Fourth Notes on English Divines. Edited by the Rev. Derwent Cole- ridge. Aids to Reflection. Edited by the Rev. Derwent Coleridge. Seventh edition. COLLETTE (Charles Hastings). Dr. Wiseman's Popish Literary The Novelties of Romanism: addressed to the Right Rev. Dr. Goss, the Bishop of Roman Catholics in Liverpool. In three |