DR. SYNTAX IN PARIS; or, A Tour in search of the Grotesque. A Humorous and Satirical Poem. 8vo. London. 1820. With 16 colored illustrations by Williams, and an engraved and colored title-page. Full yellow crushed levant morocco, with an outside border of conventionalized flowers, tooled in gold, on the covers, and in the center of the front cover a representation of "Doctor Syntax" (taken from an illustration in the book), inlaid in green, black, and white morocco, doublure and flies of yellow watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière. 630 ROWLANDSON, THOMAS. LESSONS OF THRIFT, Published for General Benefit, by a Member of the Save-all Club. 8vo. London. 1820. With 12 colored illustrations by J. R. Cruikshank, and an engraved and colored title-page. Full purple crushed levant morocco, with an outside border of conventionalized flowers, tooled in gold, on the covers, and in the center of the front cover the figure of a child (from the frontispiece), inlaid in brown, yellow, and white morocco, doublure and flies of purple watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière. 631 ROWLANDSON, THOMAS. THE TOUR OF DR. SYNTAX THROUGH LONDON, or, the Pleasures and Miseries of the Metropolis. A Poem. By Doctor Syntax. 8vo. London: Published by J. Johnston, Cheapside. 1820. With colored frontispiece, engraved and colored title-page, and 18 colored illustrations by artists of the Rowlandson school. Bound from the 8 original parts as issued, with the original paper covers bound in the back, together with the advertisement announcing the original publication. Full wine-colored crushed levant morocco, with an outside border of conventionalized flowers, tooled in gold, on the covers, and in the center of the front cover a figure of "Dr. Syntax," inlaid in black, white, and yellow morocco, doublure and flies of red wateredsilk, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière. 632 ROWLANDSON, THOMAS. JOURNAL OF SENTIMENTAL TRAVELS IN THE SOUTHERN PROVINCES OF FRANCE, Shortly before the Revolution; Embellished with Seventeen Coloured Engravings from designs by T. Rowlandson, Esq. 8vo. London: Published by R. Ackermann, 101, Strand. 1821. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with an outside border of conventionalized flowers, tooled in gold, on the covers, and in the center of the front cover the figures of two men (taken from an illustration in the book), inlaid in brown, green, blue, red, and white morocco, doublure and flies of dark green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière. 633 ROWLANDSON, THOMAS. THE TOUR OF DOCTOR PROSODY, in Search of the Antique and Picturesque, through Scotland, the Hebrides, the Orkney and Shetland Isles; Illustrated by twenty humorous plates. 8vo. London: Matthew Iley, Somerset Street, Edinburgh. 1821. With 20 colored illustrations by C. Williams and W. Read. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with an outside border of conventionalized flowers, tooled in gold, on the covers, and in the center of the front cover a representation of "Doctor Prosody" on horseback (taken from the frontispiece), inlaid in black, white, and brown morocco, doublure and flies of brown watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière. 634 ROWLANDSON, THOMAS. EVELINA: OR, THE HISTORY OF A YOUNG LADY'S INTRODUCTION TO THE WORLD. By Miss Burney. A New Edition, embellished with engravings. 8vo. London: Pub lished by Edward Mason, Creed-Lane, Ludgate Street. 1821. With a colored frontispiece, and 6 colored illustrations, three of which are signed "W. Heath." Full olive brown crushed levant morocco, with an outsideborder of conventionalized flowers, tooled in gold, on the covers, and in the center of the front cover a figure taken from the frontispiece, inlaid in blue, red, brown, white, and yellow morocco, and goldtooled, doublure and flies of red watered-silk, edges gilt on the rough, by Rivière. 635 ROWLANDSON, THOMAS. [JOHNSTON, CHARLES.] CHRYSAL; OR, THE ADVENTURES OF A GUINEA: By an Adept. A New Edition, to which is now prefixed a Sketch of the Author's Life. Embellished with plates. 8vo. London. 1821. Three Volumes. With 15 colored illustrations, drawn by E. F. and J. Burney, Mawson, Corbould, and engraved by W. Read and Maddocks. Full brown crushed levant morocco, with an outside border of conventionalized flowers, tooled in gold, on the covers, and in the center of the front cover of each volume figures taken from the frontispieces, inlaid in blue, white, yellow, purple, red, and brown morocco, and gold-tooled, doublure and flies of dark green wateredsilk, gilt edges, by Rivière. 636 ROWLANDSON, THOMAS. THE HISTORY OF JOHNNY QUE GENUS, the Little Foundling of the Late Doctor Syntax: A Poem, by the author of The Three Tours. 8vo. London. 1822. With 24 colored illustrations by Rowlandson. Full dark brown crushed levant morocco, with an outside border of conventionalized flowers, tooled in gold, on the covers, and in the center of the front cover a figure of a man (taken from the frontispiece), inlaid in brown, blue, and white morocco, doublure and flies of dark brown watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière. |