The Plays of William Shakespeare,: Accurately Printed from the Text of the Corrected Copy Left by the Late George Steevens, Esq. : with Glossarial Notes, and a Sketch of the Life of Shakspeare. : In Eight Volumes. ...Stereotyped by J. Howe--N. York. Philadelphia: Published by H.C. Carey, and I. Lea, and M'Carty & Davis, 1823 |
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Stranica 17
... heavens ! What foul play had we , that we came from thence ? Or blessed was't we did ? Pro . Both , both , my girl : By foul play , as thou say'st , were we heav'd thence ; But blessedly holp hither . ( 1 ) Quite . ( 2 ) Abyss . Dashes ...
... heavens ! What foul play had we , that we came from thence ? Or blessed was't we did ? Pro . Both , both , my girl : By foul play , as thou say'st , were we heav'd thence ; But blessedly holp hither . ( 1 ) Quite . ( 2 ) Abyss . Dashes ...
Stranica 19
... heavens ! Pro . Mark his condition , and the event ; then tell me , If this might be a brother . Mira . I should sin To think but nobly of my grandmother : Good wombs have borne bad sons . Pro . Now the condition . This king of Naples ...
... heavens ! Pro . Mark his condition , and the event ; then tell me , If this might be a brother . Mira . I should sin To think but nobly of my grandmother : Good wombs have borne bad sons . Pro . Now the condition . This king of Naples ...
Stranica 20
... heaven , When I have deck'd2 the sea with drops full salt ; Under my burden groan'd ; which rais'd in me An undergoing stomach3 , to bear up Against what should ensue . ( 1 ) Suggestion . ( 2 ) Sprinkled . ( 3 ) Stubborn resolution . t ...
... heaven , When I have deck'd2 the sea with drops full salt ; Under my burden groan'd ; which rais'd in me An undergoing stomach3 , to bear up Against what should ensue . ( 1 ) Suggestion . ( 2 ) Sprinkled . ( 3 ) Stubborn resolution . t ...
Stranica 21
... Heavens thank you for't ! And now , I pray you , sir , ( For still ' tis beating in my mind , ) your reason For raising this sea - storm ? Pro . Know thus far forth .--- By accident most strange , bountiful fortune , Now my dear lady ...
... Heavens thank you for't ! And now , I pray you , sir , ( For still ' tis beating in my mind , ) your reason For raising this sea - storm ? Pro . Know thus far forth .--- By accident most strange , bountiful fortune , Now my dear lady ...
Stranica 30
... heavens ! I am the best of them that speak this speech , Were I but where ' tis spoken . Pro . How ! the best ? What wert thou , if the king of Naples heard thee ? Fer . A single thing , as I am now , that wonders To hear thee speak of ...
... heavens ! I am the best of them that speak this speech , Were I but where ' tis spoken . Pro . How ! the best ? What wert thou , if the king of Naples heard thee ? Fer . A single thing , as I am now , that wonders To hear thee speak of ...
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Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
Anne Ariel Bawd better brother Caius Caliban Claud Claudio death devil doth Duke duke of Milan Enter Escal Exeunt Exit eyes Falstaff father fault fool Ford friar Gent gentle gentleman give grace hath hear heart heaven hither honour Host Hugh Evans husband Illyria Isab Isabel Julia knave lady Laun look lord Angelo Lucio madam maid Malvolio marry master Brook master doctor Milan Mira mistress Ford never night Olivia pardon Pist Pompey pr'ythee pray Prospero Proteus Prov Provost Quick Re-enter SCENE servant Shal Silvia Sir Andrew Ague-cheek Sir Hugh sir John Sir John Falstaff Sir Toby Sir Toby Belch Slen soul speak Speed sweet Sycorax tell thee there's thine thing thou art thou hast Thurio Trin Trinculo Valentine What's woman word