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Of the principal Advantages which a Player ought to have from Nature.


MONG the many arts which should never be exercis'd but by perfons who are happy in a variety of natural accomplishments, there are few, to the excelling in which they are more essential, than in performing well in tragedy and comedy. The Actor is expected to delude the imagination, and to affect the heart: and in order to his attaining to perfection in this difficult task, nature muft have been assistant to him in an uncommon manner,


It is effential to our being rationally pleas'd with theatrical representations, that the performers to whom the principal parts are allotted, perfectly keep up the illusion we are to be entertained with; as it is peculiarly from them, that we expect what is to move and affect us.

These performers, therefore, more than all the reft, ought to be selected from among persons, whom nature has particularly favour'd.

In enquiring what are the natural endowments immediately necessary to performers on the stage in general, we shall endeavour to discuss certain preliminary points, which have not hitherto been properly or fufficiently explain'd; and thence proceed to examine, what are the peculiar qualifications necessary to particular actors.

Perhaps it would not be easy to do the publick a more acceptable service on the subject of these entertainments, than by informing those who are ambitious to appear in the capital parts of our plays, (tho' nature has deny'd them the neceffary means) that it is impoffible to fucceed in so illjudg'd an attempt.

This we shall endeavour to explain, in the second book of this first part.



In which many of the common Prejudices of the Age are confidered; and Obfervations made on the necessary Qualifications of Performers on the Stage in general.


Can an Actor excell in his Profession, without a good Understanding?

A Thing

is not always the more true, because it is generally affirm'd. We frequently hear people who pretend to be the best judges of dramatic performances, declare that some of the modern actors, who have a general and not wholly undeserv'd applause, have mean understandings: But we flatter ourselves, it may be easily proved, that either the actors, whom these severe criticks cenfure, have more sense than they have the difcernment to distinguish in them; or that they have less merit, even than they allow them, and have the good fortune to be esteemed much better performers, than they really are.

It is not easy to avoid the allowing a good understanding, even to perfons who excel in arts that are merely mechanick; and furely the accomplish'd actor, if he have no other title to it than that of his being fuch, ought not to be deny'd



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