Haste thee, Nymph, and bring with thee Jest, and youthful Jollity, Quips and cranks, and wanton wiles, Nods and becks, and wreathed smiles, Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, And love to live in dimple sleek ; Sport that wrinkled Care derides, And Laughter... The Actor: A Treatise on the Art of Playing. Interspersed with Theatrical ... - Stranica 190napisao/la John Hill - 1750 - Broj stranica: 326Potpun prikaz - O ovoj knjizi
 | John Milton - 1707 - Broj stranica: 482
...Jeft and Youthful Jollity, Quips and Cranks, and wanton Wiles, Nods and Becks, and wreathed Smiles, Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, And love to live in...••] ;:•*;• And Laughter holding both his fides. ';• J: - . Come, and trip it as you go : "• ' -- 1• r • On the light fantaftick toe, And in... | |
 | Miscellany poems - 1716 - Broj stranica: 426
...Jcft and youthful Jollity, Quips and Cranks, and wanton Wiles, Nods, and Becks, and wreathed Smiles, Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, And love to live in dimple fleck ; Sport that wrinckled Care derides, And Laughter holding both his (idc.». V o L. 1. H ,46 The... | |
 | Christopher Smart - 1752 - Broj stranica: 264
...thee, a daughter fair, So buxom, blith, and debonair ; .Hafte thee, Nymph, and bring with thee 25 {eft and youthful Jollity, Quips and cranks, and wanton...on Hebe's cheek, And love to live in dimple fleek ; 30 Sport, that wrinkled Care derides, And Laughter holding both his fides; Come, and trip it, as... | |
 | John Milton - 1759 - Broj stranica: 412
...Jeft and youthful Jollity, Quips and Cranks, and wanton Wiles. Nods and Becks, and wreathed Smiles, Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, And love to live in dimple fleek ; 30 Sport that wrinkled Care derides, And Laughter holding both his fides. Come, and trip it as you... | |
 | John Milton - 1759 - Broj stranica: 420
...and youthful Jollity, • . Quips and Cranks, and wanton Wiles, Nods and Becks, and wreathed Smiles, Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, And love to live in dimple fleek ; 9 30 Sport that wrinkled Care derides, And Laughter holding both his fides. Come, and trip it as... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1767 - Broj stranica: 290
...Jelt, and youthful Jollity, Quips, and Cranks, and wanton Wiles, Nods, and Becks, and wreathed Smiles, Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, And love to live in...; Sport, that wrinkled Care derides, And Laughter, holding both Jiis fides. Come, and trip it as you go, On the light fantaftic toe ; And, in thy right... | |
 | 1778 - Broj stranica: 344
...youthful jollity, " Quips and cranks, and wanton wiles, " Nods, and becks, and wreathed fiiriles, " Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, " And love to live in dimple fkek : " Sport that wrinkled care derides, " Anil Laughter htLling both his fides. " Come, and trip... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - Broj stranica: 320
...youthful Jollity, H 3 Quips Qmps and Cranks, and wanton Wiles, Nods and Becks, and wreathed Smiles, Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, And love to live in dimple fleek; 30 Sport that wrinkled Care derides, And Laughter holding both his fides. Come, and trip it as you... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - Broj stranica: 324
...HS Quir ioz MILTON'S POEMS. Qujps and Cranks, and wanton Wiles, Nods and Becks, and wreathed Smiles, Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, And love to live in dimple fleck; yj Sport that wrinkled Care derides, And Laughter holding both his fides. Come, and trip it... | |
 | John Bell - 1780 - Broj stranica: 340
...Bacchus bore: Hafte thee nymph, and bring with thec Jeft and youthful jollity, Qmps and cranks and wanton wiles, Nods and becks and wreathed fmiles, •Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, And luve to live in dimple ileek, Sport, that wrinkled Care derides, And Laughter, holding both his fides:... | |
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