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MESSAGE of the pres. rel. to Fr. and Gr. Brit. 5 Dec. 1793.

REP. of sec. state rel. to the privil. and restric. commerce of the U. S. in foreign countries, Dec. 1793.

MESSAGE of the pres. enclosing letters fr. the min. plenipo. at Lon. and the min. plenipo. in Fr. to the see. state with the ans, of the sec. 1794.

MESS. fr. the pres, trans. docum. rel. to hostile threats ag. the territories of Spain in the neighbourhood of the U. S. 20 May, 1794.

REP. of sec. state of laws, decrees, and ordin. resp. commerce, 1794.

MESS. of the pres. enclosing a copy of a letter fr. the min. plenipo. of the Fr. repub. of 25 Dec. 1793 and a copy of the proceed. of the legis. of S. Car. 15 Jan. 1794.

MESS. of the pres. trans. a rep. of the sec. state rel. to complaints of spoliations on the com. of the U. S. 1794.

PINCKNEY'S memorial, Hammond's ans, and the letter of the sec. of state of 1 May to Hammond, 12 May, 1794. REP. of the com. appointed to examine into the state of the treasury department, 22 May, 1794.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. a letter fr. the sec. state to the min. plenipo. of his Br. maj. with an ans. to a letter fr. the min. dated 22 May, 1794. LETTER fr. Joseph Fauchet rel. to the French weights and measures, 1794. LETTERS bet. Edm. Randolph and Geo. Hammond, 1794. REP. of the commissioners of the sinking fund, 29 May, 1794. REP, of the com. to wh. was referred the bill entitled An act provid. for the payment of a certain sum of money due to the Fr. repub. 6 June, 1794. REP. of the commissioners, appointed to confer with the insurgents in the west. counties of Penn. 4 Sept. 1794. BILL to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia of the U. S. 18 Feb. 1795.

RANDOLPH'S statement of facts, 1795. REP. of the com. of ways and means on the state of the receipts and expend. of the U. S. 17 March, 1796. Mess. fr. the pres. accomp, sundry papers rel. to the affairs of the U. S. with the Fr. repub. 18 Jan. 1799. MESS. fr. the pres. accomp. a rep. of the sec. of state, etc. 21 Jan. 1799.

Accounts of the treasurer of the U. S. of pay and receipts of public monies fr. 1 Oct. 1800, to 30 June 1801, etc. REP. of the com. rel. to the expend, of money made by the commissioners of the city of Washington, 27 Feb. 1801. LETTER fr. the sec. navy to Sam. L. Mitchell, rel. to naval preparations 31 Dec. 1801, with docu. rel. thereto, 30 June,


MESS. fr. the pres. trans. a roll of the persons having office or employment under the U. S. 16 Feb. 1802. Doc. accomp. the commmun. of the pres. 15 Dec. 1802.

LETTER fr. the sec. treasury accomp. his rep. 20 Dec. 1802.

MESS. of the pres. accomp. a state. of expend. fr. 1 Jan. 1797, by the quartermaster gen. and the navy agents, etc. 23 Dec. 1802, fol.

LETTER fr. the treasurer of the U. S. accomp. the general acc. of his office, of the rec. and expenditures of pub. monies fr. 1 Oct. 1801 to 30 Sept. 1802, 27 Dec. 1802.

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Rer. of the com. of ways and means rel. to 7,800,000 dolls, having been applied to the principal and int. of the pub. debt, also rel. to the acc. and proceedings of the commissioners of the sinking fund, 3 March, 1803.

LETTER fr. the treasurer of the U. S. accomp. his general acc. of receipts and expend. of pub. monies fr. 1 Oct. 1801 to 30 Sept. 1802 also, acc. of ree, and expend. for the war and navy departments. 27 Dec. 1802.

LETTER fr. the treasurer of the U. S. accomp. his general acc. of rec. and expendi. also his ace. for the war and navy depart. fr. 1 Oct. 1803. to 30 Sept. 1804.22 Jan. 1805. PRESIDENT's mess. 8. Nov. 1804. the com. of com. and manufac

tures to whom was referred the petition of the pres. and directors of the N. Y. and Duchess county slate companies-15 Nov. 1804.

LETTER fr. the secretary of the treas. trans. a rep. and estimates for the year 1805, also a state. of rec. and expendi. fr. 1 Oct. 1803 to 1 Oct. 1804, 19 Nov. 1804.

REP. of the com. to whom was referred the rep. of the select com. appointed 13 March, 30 Nov. 1804.

MESS. fr. the pres. cont. a rep. of the surveyor of the pub. builings at the city of Wash. 6 Dec. 1804.

MEMORIAL presented by the inhabi. of Louisiana to the Congress of the U. S. trans. fr. the French, 1804.

REP. of the com. appointed 12 Nov. 1804, rel. to the form of gov. for Louisiana, 25 Jan. 1805.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans, a letter fr. commo. Preble giving an acc. of the trans. of the vessels under his command fr. 9 July to 10 Sept. last, 20 Feb. 1805. LETTER fr. the sec. of the treas. with a rep. and estimates for 1806, also a state. of the rec. and expendi. fr. 1 Oct. 1804, to 1 Oct. 1805, 13 Dec. 1805.

MESS. fr. the pres. of the U. S. resp. the applica. of Hamet Caramalli, exbashaw of Tripoli, 13 Jan. 1806.

MEMORIAL of the merch. and traders of the city of Phil. presented by Logan in the senate, 15 Jan. 1806.

MESS. fr. the pres. of the U. S. trans. a memorial of the merchants of Baltimore on the violation of our neutral rights, 29 Jan. 1806.

NICHOLSON's motion, 10 Feb. 1806.

Doc. accomp. a mess. of the pres. rel. to Gr. Brit. 10 Feb. 1806.

MEMORIAL signed by H. Daggett of New-Haven presented to the senate by Hillhouse, 17 Feb. 1806.

LETTER fr. the post master general, 13

Feb. 1806.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. copies of treaties bet. the U. S. and sundry tribes of Indians, 19 Feb. 1806.

Mess. fr. the pres. commun. discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Redriver and Washita by Lewis, Clark, Sibly. and Dunbar, with a statis. acc. of the countries adjacent, 19 Feb. 1806. REPORT of the com. rel. to the applica.

of Hamet Caramalli, 17 Mar. 1806. REP. of the com. rel. to the territory of

Michigan 18 March, 1806. LETTER fr. the post master gen. rel. to trans. the mail fr. Athens in Georgia to N. Orleans, 21 March, 1806. REP. of the sec. of state on the privileges and restrictions on the commerce of the U. S. in foreign countries, 16 Dec 1793, reprinted 1806.

LETTER fr. the treasurer of the U. S. accomp. gen. acc. of rec. and expenditures, also his acc. for the war and navy depart. fr. 1 Oct. 1805 to 30 Sept.


MESS. fr. the pres. cont. his commun. to both houses of cong. at the com. of the first sess. 10th cong. 27 Oct. 1807. MESS. fr. the pres. with his proclama. interdicting the harbours and waters of the U. S. to Brit armed vessels, 19 Nov. 1807.

FURTHER rep. of the com. rel. to the defence of our seaport towns and harbours, 3 Dec. 1807.

LETTER fr. the sec. treas. accomp. a rep. and estimates for 1808, also a state. of the rec. and expen. fr. 1 Oct. 1806 to 1 Ort. 1807, etc. 4 Dec. 1807. the pres. of the U. S. commun. letters fr. gov Hull resp. the Indians in the vicinity of Detroit, 30 Dec. 1807. LETTER fr. the treasurer of the U. S. accomp. his gen. acc. of rec. and expendi. also his acc. for the war and navy depart. fr. 1 Oct. 1806, to 30 Sept. 1807, 18 Jan. 1808.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. an official commu. of certain orders of the Brit. gov. ag. the maritime rights of neutrals, dated 11 Nov. 1807, 3 Feb. 1808. MESS. fr. the pres. of the U. S. commun. further informa. in pursuance of two resolu. of the house of the 13 of Jan. 4 Feb. 1808.

BILL in addition to the supple. embargo
act, 11 Feb. 1808.

Mrss. fr. the pres, communi. an add. rep.
of the proceed. of the commissioners,
rel. to a road fr. Cumberland to the
state of Ohio, 19 Feb. 1808.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. the rep. of the
sec. of state rel. to impressments, 2
March, 1808.

MESS. fr. the pres. rel. to sundry parcels
of ground in and adjacent to the city of
N. Orleans, 7 March, 1808.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. a rep. rel. to the
Military academy at West Point, 18
March 1808.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. a letter fr. the
sec. of state to Monroe rel. to the at-
tack on the Chesapeake, also Monroe's
correspon. with the Brit. gov. and
Madison's correspon. with Rose on the
same subject, 22 March, 1808.

LETTERS fr. the sec. of state to Monroe
and Pinckney on subjects committed
to their joint negociation with com-
mun. to the sec. of state, accomp. a
mess. fr. the pres. 23 March, 1808.
REP. of the sec. of the treas. rel. to pub.
roads and canals, 12 Ap. 1808.

REP. of the com. to whom was referred
the correspon. bet. Monroe, and Can-
ning and bet. Madison and Rose rel. to
the attack on the Chesapeake, also a
commun. fr. the pres. of 30 March
with a letter fr. Erskine to the sec. of
state and a letter fr. Champagny to
Armstrong, 16 Ap. 1808.

LETTER fr. the sec. of the treas. rel. to
the mint, 25 Ap. 1808.
MESS. fr. the pres. of the U. S. at the
opening of the 2d. sess. of the 10th.
cong. 8 Nov. 1808.

MESS. fr. the pres. at the commencement
of the 2d. sess: of the 10th cong, 8
Nov. 1808.

DOCUMENTS accomp. the mess. of the
pres. 8 Nov. 1808.

REP. in part of the com. rel. to our for-
eign relations, 22 Nov. 1808.
MESS. fr. the pres. trans. copies of acts,
decrees, orders, and proclamations
affecting the commer. rights of neu-
tral nations issued since 1791, 23 Dec.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. copies of
all orders, and decrees of the bellige-
rent powers of Europe affecting the
commer. rights of the U. S. passed
since 1791, 28 Dec. 1808.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. a list of vessels
permitted to depart fr. the U. S. since
22 Dec. 1807, 28 Dec. 1803.

MESS. fr. the pres. commun. certain let-
ters wh. passed bet. the Brit. sec. of
state, Canning, and Pinckney, 17
Jan. 1809.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. informa. rel.
to the appropriating of 2,000,000 dolls.
24 Jan. 1809.

MEMORIAL and petition of the pres.
and directors of the Chesapeake and
Delaware canal company, 24 Jan.

ANNUAL rep. of the library com. fr.
1808, 27 Jan. 1809.
Mess.of the pres. trans. a letter fr. Pinck-
ney covering one to him fr. the Brit.
sec. of state with his reply, 30 Jan.

REP. of the com. rel. to the relief of
Wm. White and others, 30 Jan. 1809.
MESS. fr. the pres, at the com. of the
first sess. of the 11th. cong. 23 May,


DOCUMENTS accomp. the mess. etc. 23
May, 1809.

LETTER fr. the sec. of the navy giving
a gen. view of the state and disposition
of the vessels belonging to the navy of
the U. S. and of the gun boats, 25
May, 1809.

DOCUMENTS accompan. the bill provid-
ing for the sale of the gun boats report-
ed by Anderson, 8 June, 1809.
MESS. fr. the pres. of the U. S. trans.
the resolu. of Penn. rel. to Gideon
Olmstead, 11 June, 1809.

REP. of the atty. gen. on the petitions of
Edward Livingston and of the inhabi.
of Orleans, 12 June, 1809.
MESS. fr. the pres. at the opening of the
2d. sess. of the 11th. cong. 29 Νον.


LETTER fm the sec. of the treas. trans.
a rep. in part on the subject of Amer.
manuf. 19 Ap. 1810.

Mess. fr. the pres. at the com. of the 3d
sess. of the 11th cong. 5 Dec. 1810.
DEBATE in the h. of repre. on the bill
for apportioning representatives ac-
cord. to the third enumera. of the peo-

MESS. fr. the pres. at the com. of the
1st. sess. of the 12th. cong. 5 and 6
Nov. 1811.

OBSERVA. on the subject of the bill rel.
to the establishment of the quarter-
master's depart. 1811.

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com. of the 2d. sess. of the 12th. cong. | REF. of the sec. of the treas. rel. to the 4 Nov. 1812.

MESS. fr. the pres, trans. copies of a commun. fr. Russell to the sec. of state connected with the correspon. commun. by his mess. of the 12 inst. rel. to the pacific advances made on the part of this gov. to that of G. Brit. 18 Nov. 1812.

REP. of the com. rel. to Wm. Lambert's memorial, Co Jan. 1813.

MESS. fr. the pres. transmitting informa. touching the Fr. decree purporting to be a repeal of the Berlin and Milan decrees, 12 July, 1813.

SECRETARY OF STATE. VIZ. REP. of the see. of state rel. to lands not claimed by the Indians, nor granted to, nor claimed by any citizens, 10 Nov. 1791.

LETTER fr. the, with state. and abstracts rel. to Amer. seamen who have been impressed, etc. 23 Jan. 1805.

LETTER fr. the, with an abstract of all

the evidences of title to lands claimed under any act or pretended act of the state of Georgia, passed or pretended to be passed in 1789 and 1795, 14 Feb. 1805.

LETTER fr. the, accompanying a state. of applications made to the Brit. gov. in cases of impressment, 8 March, 1806.

LETTER fr. the, trans. an abstract of the number of seamen registered in the several collection districts of the U. S. for 1806 and 1307, March, 1808.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, FOL. VIZ. REP. of the sec. of the treas. rel. to a provision for the support of the public credit of the U. S. 14 Jan. 1790.

STATE of rec. and expendi. of pub. monies during the admin. of the finances by Rob. Morris, with extracts and acc. fr. pub. records, 19 March, 1790. REP. of the sec. of the treas. rel. to the

cod and whale fisheries, Feb. 1791. REP. etc. rel. to manufac. 5 Dec. 1791. ABSTRACT of goods, wares, and merchandise exported fr. the U. S. fr. 1 Oct. 1790 to 30 Sept. 1791.

ABSTRACT of goods, wares, and merch. exported fr. 1 Oct. 1791, to 30 Sept. 1792, also an abstract of duties arising fr. imports fr. 1 Oct. to 21 Dec. 1791, with an abstract of duties arising fr. tonnage of vessels entered into the U. S. fr. 1 Oct. to 31 Dec. 1791.

pub. debt, 7 Feb. 1792. REP. etc. on the act for laying duties on spirits, etc. 6 March, 1792. GEN. state of the revenue on distilled spirits, 8 May, 1792. Acc. of payments and receipts of pub. moneis fr. 1 Oct. to 31 Deo. 1792. Acc. of rec. and expendi. of the U. S. for 1792.

SUNDRY statements rel. to several foreign loans of the U. S. S Jan. 1798. SUNDRY statements of the sec. of the treas. 23 Jan. 1793.

COMMUNICA. fr. the sec. of the treas. to the h. of repre. of the U. S. 2 March, 1793.

TREASURER of the U. S. accounts of payments and receipts of pub. monies fr. 1 Jan. to 30 June, also the war depart. acc. fr. 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. 1793. SUMMARY statement of the rec. and expenditures of the U. S. fr. the com. of

the present gov. to the end of 1703. Acc. of rec. and expendi. of the U. S. for 1793.

REP. of the sec. of the treas. rel. to the
tonnage of vessels, 3 Jan. 1794.
REP. etc. in pursuance of an order of
the h. of rep. of 30 Jan. 1794.
TREASURER of the U. S. acc. of pay-
ments and rec. of pub. monies fr. 1
July, 1793, to 31 March, 1794, also
the war depart. acc. fr. 1 Jan. to 31
March, 1794.

REP. of the treasurer, 25 Ap. 1794.
ABSTRACT of exports fr. the U. S. for
one year ending 30 Sept. 1793, etc.
2 June, 1794.

Acc. of the treasurer of the U. S. of
payments and rec. of pub. monies fr.
1 Ap. to 30 June, 1794, also payment
and receipts on acc. of the war depart.
fr. 1 Ap. to 30 Sept. 1794.
SUNDRY estimates and statements rel. to
appropriations for the service of 1794.
STATEMENT in relation to the foreign
and domestic debt of the U. S. and the
funds appropriated for the reduction
of the dom. debt, proposed at the
treasury, for the com. appointed to
enquire into the state of the treasury
department, 24 Feb. 1794.

SUNDRY estimates and statements rel.
to appropriations for 1795 and to the
expendi. of certain sums heretofore

REP. of the sec. of the treasury read in the h. of rep. 19 Jan. 1795, cont. a plan for the further support of pub. credit.

REP. of the sec. etc. for the improvement of the revenues of the U. S. 2 Feb. 1795.

REP. of the state of the mint, 1795.
LETTER fr. the sec. etc. trans. two state-
ments of the importa. in Amer. and
foreign vessels fr. 1 Oct. 1802 to 30
Sept. 1803.

Acc. of the rec. and expendi. of the U.
S. for 1802.

LETTER fr. the sec. of the treas. en-
closing a rep. and sundry documents,
21 Νον. 1804.

LETTER fr. etc. to the chairman of the com. appointed to enquire rel. to claims ag. the U. S. barred by the statutes of limitation, with a rep. of the register of the treasury of the claims for services rendered and supplies furnished during the revolu. war, accomp. a bill making a further provision for extinguishing the debts of the U. S. 6 Dec. 1804.

LETTER fr. etc. trans. two statements of the importations in Am. and foreign vessels fr. 1 Oct. 1802, to 30 Oct. 1803, 13 Dec. 1804.

LETTER fr. etc. accompanied with a state. of the emolu. of the officers employed in the coll. of the customs for 1804, also a letter fr. the comptroller to the sec. of the treas. 26 Feb. 1805. Acc. of rec. and expenditures of the U. S. for 1805.

LETTER fr. the sec. of the treas. with a rep. and estimates, 5 Dec. 1806. LETTER fr. etc. trans. two state. of the importa. in Amer. and foreign vessels fr. 1 Oct. 1804, to 30 Sept. 1805, 24 Dec. 1806.

Acc. of rec. and expend. of the U. S. for 1806.

LETTER fr. the sec. of the treas. trans. a state. of the pub. debt on the first days of Jan. 1801, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, respectively, with explanatory state. and notes, 28 Feb. 1807.

LETTER fr. etc. accompanied with a state. of the emolu. of the officers employed in the coll. of the customs for 1806, also a letter fr. the comptroller to the treasurer, 28 Feb. 1807.

LETTER fr. the sec. of the treas. enclosing a rep. and estimates, 6 Nov.


Acc. of rec. and expendi. for 1807. LETTER fr. the see. of the treas. trans. two state. of the importa. in Amer. and foreign vessels fr. 1 Oct. 1805, to 30 Sept. 1806. 2 Feb. 1808.

LETTER fr. etc, trans. a state. of goods,

wares, and merch. exported fr. the U.
S. during one year prior to 1 Oct.
1807, 1 March, 1808.

LETTER fr. etc. trans. a state. of the
emolu. of the officers employed in the
coll. of the customs for 1807, with a
letter fr. the comptroller to the sec. of
the treas. 16 March, 1808.
LETTER fr. etc. trans. a state. of the
pub. debt, on the 1 Jan. 1791, to 1
Jan. 1807, respectively, with explana.
state. and notes, 14 Ap. 1808.
LETTER fr. etc. trans. his annual rep.

and estimates, 16 Dec. 1808.
LETTER fr. etc. trans. the annual state.
of the district tonnage of the U. S.
31 Dec. 1807 with an explana. letter
of the register of the treas. 27 Dec.

LETTER fr. etc. trans. a state. of goods,
wares, mer. exported fr. the U. S. no-
minally during one year prior to 1
Oct. 1808, but in fact during the three
last months of the year 1807, subse-
quent exporta. having been prevented
by the embargo, 27 Dec. 1808,

LETTER fr. etc. trans. a state. of sums
annually received at the treasury since
the estab. of the present gov. also a
state. exhib. the annual amount of se-
veral branches of the customs and
charges thereon, 7 Jan. 1809.
LETTER fr. etc. trans. his annual rep.
2 June, 1809.

LETTER fr. etc. trans. his annual rep. 12
Dec. 1810.

SINKING fund and pub. debt, viz. REP. of the board of trustees of the sinking fund cont. their journals and a state. of their purchases since their last rep. to congress, 25 Feb. 1793. REP. of the commissioners for purchasing the public debt stating the amount of purchases and other proceed. since their rep. 16 Dec. 1793, 18 Nov. 1794.

REP. of the commissioners of the sinking fund, with sundry state. of the proceed. wh. have been authorised by the board, since their rep. 4 Feb. 1804, 5 Feb. 1805.

REP. of, etc. with state. etc. since their rep. 5 Feb. 1806.

REP. of, etc. with state. etc. since their rep. 5 Feb. 1807. 6 Feb. 1808.

WAR DEPARTMENT. REP. of the sec. of War 1793.

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