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New world (The); a quarterly review of religion, ethics, and theology. Vol. i. no. 1. March, 1892. Boston, etc. 1892. 8°. IX. 193, also DS. Continued by gift.

Oltramare, Hugues. Commentaire sur les épîtres de S. Paul aux Colossiens, aux Éphésiens et à Philémon. 3 tom. Paris. 1891-92. 8. Port. DS.

"Notice biographique, par Aug. Bouvier," ii. vii.-cxxix. Paetsch, Adolf. Skizzen aus der jüdischen priestergeschichte; kritische bemerkungen zu biblischen schriften. Leipzig. [1890.] 8°. pp. 50. (PÄDAGOGISCHE sammelmappe, 136.)

VI. 1785 (136)

Paine, Timothy Otis. Solomon's temple and capitol, ark of the flood, and tabernacle; or, The holy houses of the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Samaritan, Septuagint, Coptic, and Itala scriptures; Josephus, Talmud and rabbis. Boston, etc. 1886. 4. 45 [43] plates and other illustr.

*27 Case. 359 Parker, Theodore. West Roxbury sermons, 1837-1848. From unpublished manuscripts, with introduction [by S. J. Barrows], and biographical sketch [by F. B. Sanborn]. Boston. 1892. sm. 8°.

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"Reprinted from the Homiletic review."

Peabody, Andrew Preston. A sermon preached in commemoration of the founders of the Nahant church, at the dedication of a tablet erected to their memory, July 22, 1877. With the appendix corrected to 1892. 2d ed. Cambridge. 1892. 8°. Front. III. 366.2 pp. 50.

Peculiar people (The). A weekly journal devoted to Jewish interests, political, social, literary, and religious. [Edited by H. Friedlænder.] Vol. i.;-A Christian monthly devoted to Jewish interests. Editor, W. C. Daland. Vol. ii., iii. Aug. 3, 1888-March, 1891. 3 vol. in 2. New York; Alfred Centre, N. Y. 1888-91. 1. 8° and 8°. Continued by gift. Sem. 1197 The

Perry, William Stevens, bp. of Iowa. Christian patriotism of our fathers. A sermon delivered in Davenport cathedral, May 31st, 1891, before the society of the sons of the revolution in the state of Iowa. [Davenport, Iowa? 1891.] 8 pp. (2), 8. III. 6679

Perry, William Stevens, bp. of Iowa. The third Lambeth conference [1888]; a personal narrative. [Davenport, Iowa?] 1891. sm. 8°. "Privately printed." III. 6679 Pétavel-Olliff, Emmanuel. Le problème de l'immortalité; étude précédée d'une lettre de Charles Secrétan. 2 vol. Paris. 1891-92. 8. III. 6742 Church and state in early Maryland. Baltimore. 1892. 8°. pp. 50. (JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Studies in historical and political science, x. 4.)

Petrie, George, Ph.D.

15395.30(x), also SQ. Rae, George Milne. The Syrian church in India. Edinburgh, etc. 1892. 8°. Front., plates, and wdcts. III. 6833 Rébelliau, Alfred. Bossuet, historien du protestantisme; étude sur l'Histoire des variations et sur la controverse entre les protestants et les catholiques au 17e siècle. Thèse présentée à la faculté des lettres de Paris. Paris. 1891. 8. pp. (4), xx., (2), 602. III. 6662 Reily, John Timon. Cardinal Gibbons, his church, and his country. Martinsburg, W. Va. 1890. 8°. Portrs., plates, and vigns. III. 6630 Half-title: "Passing events in the life of Cardinal Gibbons."

Riehm, Eduard (Karl August). Einleitung in das Alte Testament; bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Alexander Brandt. 2 bde. Halle. 1889-90. 8o DS.

Ritschl, Otto. Albrecht Ritschls leben. ier bd. Freiburg i. B. 1892. 8. DS. Contents:-i. 1822-1864.

Robertson, James. The early religion of Israel as set forth by biblical writers and by modern critical historians. New York, etc. 1892. sm. 8°. (The BAIRD lectures, 1889.) DS.

Rydberg, (Abraham) Viktor. Teutonic mythology; authorised translation from the Swedish by R. B. Anderson. London. 1891. 8°. pp. xii., 706. (Half guinea international library.) III. 6781

Ryle, Herbert Edward. The canon of the Old Testament; an essay on the gradual growth and formation of the Hebrew canon of Scripture. London, etc. 1892. sin. 8°. Table. [Sadler, Ralph.] Vox clamantis. 1891. sm. 8°. Plate.

Contents: Modern science and revelation.

DS. London. III. 6780

-The King

of the Jews. His name. -Appendix. - A translation of Job xxxviii.

Sales, François DE, Saint, évêque de Genève. Lettres choisies aux affligés; condoléances & consolations. Avec une introduction par Henry Bolo. Paris. [1891.] 16o. III. 6741 Salter, William Mackintire. Freedom of thought and of speech. A lecture before the society for ethical culture of Chicago, Dec. 6, 1891. Chicago. 1892. sm. 8°. pp. 29. (UNITY library, 13.) III. 6840, also DS. Schmekel, A. Die philosophie der mittleren stoa in ihrem geschichtlichen zusammenhange dar1892. gestellt. Berlin. 8. 14282.50 Schmoller, Otto. Die lehre vom reiche Gottes in den schriften des Neuen Testaments. Bearbeitung einer von der Haager gesellschaft zur verteidigung der christlichen religion gestellten aufgabe. Leiden. 1891. 8°.


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Scripture, Edward Wheeler. The problem of psychology. London, etc. 1891. 8. pp. 22. 'Off-printed from Mind, vol. xvi. no. 63." III. 6644 Sdralek, Max. Die streitschriften Altmanns von Passau und Wezilos von Mainz. Paderborn, etc. 1890. 8. III. 6799

Contents: - Untersuchungen. - Texte. Shindler, Robert. From the usher's desk to the Tabernacle pulpit; the life and labors of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. New York. 1892. sm. 8°. Portrs. and wdcts. VII. 2728

Siegfried, Karl, and Stade, Bernhard. Hebräisches wörterbuch zum Alten Testamente. ie abt. Leipzig. 1892. 8o.


Smith, George Vance. The Bible and its theology as popularly taught; a review, comparison, and re-statement, with more especial reference to certain Bampton lectures and recent works on atonement and inspiration. London. 1892. sm. 8°. III. 6844

A new edition of "The Bible and popular theology," in part rewritten and considerably enlarged.

Smith, William Robertson. The Old Testament in the Jewish church; a course of lectures on biblical criticism. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. London, etc. 1892. 8. SL. Snell, Merwin Marie. One hundred theses on the foundations of human knowledge. Washington, D. C. 1891. 8. pp. 40. III. 6748 "List of books useful to students of the catholic religion," pp. 38-39.

Sully, James. The human mind; a text-book of psychology. 2 vol. London. 1892. 8°. III. 6764 "References for reading," at the end of each chapter.

Taylor, Charles. The witness of Hermas to the four Gospels. London. 1892. 4o. III. 6842 The author, after studying the Shepherd of Hermas in its relation to the Teaching of the twelve apostles, finds that it contains numerous references to the Gospels, and in particular establishes the fact that the four Gospels were known in the first half of the 2d century, or a generation before Irenaeus.

Thomas à Kempis. Meditations on the life of Christ. Translated and edited by Archdeacon Wright, and S. Kettlewell, with a preface by the latter. New York. 1892. sm. 8°. III. 6758

Trede, Theodor. Das heidentum in der römischen kirche. Bilder aus dem religiösen und sittlichen leben Süditaliens. 4 teile in 2 vol. Gotha. 1889-91. 8. III. 6658

Tschackert, Paul. Paul Speratus von Rötlen, evangelischer bischof von Pomesanien in Marienwerder. Halle. 1891. 8. (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften, 33.) III. 3119(33)

Unitarian churches, Worcester co. - Worcester conference. Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Worcester conference of congregational (unitarian) and other Christian societies, held with the second parish, Worcester, Mass., Jan. 27 and 28, 1892. Worcester, Mass. 1892. 8. pp. 48. Port. of Phinehas Ball. DS. Vickers, John. The real Jesus; a review of his life, character, and death, from a Jewish standpoint. Addressed to members of the theistic church. London, etc. 1891. sm. 8°.


[blocks in formation]

The same. ii. teil. Berlin. 1891. 8o (BERLINER studien für classische philologie und archaeologie, xiii. 2.) Philol. 200(x1) Walther, Wilhelm. Die deutsche Bibelübersetzung des mittelalters. 3 theile in 2 vol. (paged contin.). Braunschweig. 1889-92. 4°. Plates and fac-sims. DS. Ware, Loammi Goodenow. In memory of L. G. Ware. [Edited by H. L. Wheeler.] Burlington, Vt. 1892. III. 6693 pp. xiv., 53+. Port. 17386.28, also DS.

Southampton, Eng. - Walloon church. Registre des baptesmes, mariages & morts, et jeusnes de leglise wallonne et des isles de Jersey, Guernesey, Serq, Origny, &c. établie à Southampton par patente du roy Édouard Sixe et de la reine Elizabeth. Edited by H. M. Godfray. Lymington. 1890. 4o (LONDON, Eng. - Huguenot society. Publ. 4.)

"500 copies printed. No. 420."

Spitta, Friedrich (Adolph Wilhelm). Die Apostelgeschichte; ihre quellen und deren geschichtlicher wert. Halle a. S. 1891. 8. DS. Stalker, James. The preacher and his models. The Yale lectures on preaching, 1891. New York. 1891. sm. 8°. DS.

Stanton, Vincent Henry. The place of authority in matters of religious belief. London, etc. 1891. DS. sm. 8°. Stearns, Lewis French. Henry Boynton Smith. Boston, etc. 1892. 16o. (AMERICAN religious leaders.) 17382.32, also DS. Stephen, Caroline Emelia. Quaker strongholds. London. 1890. sm. 8°.

III. 6660

The author wishes to trace what is the true life and strength of the society; and the manner in which its principles, as actually embodied in its practice, its organization, and its manner of worship, are fitted to meet the special needs of an important class in our own day.

Stokes, Sir George Gabriel, 1st bart. Natural theology. The Gifford lectures delivered before the university of Edinburgh in 1891. London, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. DS.

"Privately printed." Wendland, Paul.


Neu entdeckte fragmente

Philos, nebst einer untersuchung über die ursprüngliche gestalt der schrift De sacrificiis Abelis et Caini. Berlin. 1891. 8°. Gp 51.90 Wheeler, Horace Leslie. Christianity and life; a sermon preached at Willsborough Point, New York, 23 Aug. 1891, during the twelfth annual meet of the American canoe association. Burlington, Vt. 1892. DS. 8. pp. (2), 8. "Privately printed."

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Volksglaube und Vorwiegend nach

Wlislocki, Heinrich vON. religiöser brauch der zigeuner. eigenen ermittlungen. Münster i. W. 1891. 8. Wdcts. (DARSTELLUNGEN aus dem gebiete der nichtchristlichen religionsgeschichte, 4.) DS. [Woodbury, Augustus.] Rev. Daniel Waldo Stevens, 1820-1891; for twenty-three years a missionary to the sailors at Vineyard Haven, Mass. [Sermon preached at Marlborough, Mass.] N. P. [1891?] 4. pp. 14. 17383.42

Woodbury, Augustus. A quarter century of the Channing conference; an address read at Newport, R. I., April 20, 1892. Providence. 1892. 8°. pp. 26. DS.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Amherst college, Amherst, Mass. An anthropometric manual, giving the average and mean physical measurements and tests of male college students, and methods of securing them. Prepared from the records of the department of physical education and hygiene, during the years 1861-2 and 1887-8 inclusive. 2d ed. By E. Hitchcock and H. H. Seelye. Amherst. 1889. 8. pp. 37.


V. 4174 Amherst college, Amherst, Mass. Anthropometric tables, constructed on the standard of stature as determined by measurements of Amherst college students, 1890. Amherst. 1890. 8. pp. (19). V. 4174

Annuaire médical et pharmaceutique de la France du docteur Félix Roubaud, et Almanach général de médecine et de pharmacie de l'union médicale, réunis. 44e année. 1892. Paris, etc. 1892. 18o. Wdcts. V. 4187 Anspach, Lucien. L'école alsacienne a-t-elle raison contre Zeuner? Le rôle de l'eau dans les cylindres à vapeur; conférence faite à la société belge des ingénieurs et des industriels en déc. 1891. Bruxelles. [1891?] 8°. pp. 85. 2 plates. V. 4183

Concerning the debate between Hirn and Zeuner on "le rôle de l'eau qui règne à l'intérieur du cylindre pendant le travail de la vapeur.'

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Baddeley, P. F. H. Whirlwinds and duststorms of India; an investigation into the law of wind and revolving storms at sea. With an addendum containing practical hints on sanitary measures required for the European soldier in India. London, etc. 1860. 8. Diagrs., and atlas of 20 [19] plates, obl. 8°. Met. 450

Bailey, Liberty Hyde. The philosophy of the crossing of plants considered in reference to their improvement under cultivation. Lecture delivered at the public winter meeting of the Massachusetts state board of agriculture, at Boston, Dec. 1, 1891. Boston. 1892. 8°. pp. 31. BG.

Baillon, (Ernest) Henri. Dictionnaire de botanique, par H. Baillon, avec la collaboration de J. de Seynes, J. de Lanessan, E. Mussat, [and Paris. others]. 4 tom. 1876-92. 4o. Illustr. BG.

Ball, Walter William Rouse. Mathematical recreations and problems of past and present times. London, etc. 1892. sm. 8°. Diagrs. VI. 6805

Barbey, William. Cousinia Layardi Ball et Barbey. Lausanne. 1890. 8°. pp. 4. Plate. BG. Barbey, William. Cypripedium calceolus X macranthos. Lausanne. 1891. 4°. pp. 7. Plate.


Bergbohm, Julius. Neue integrationsmethoden auf grund der potenzial-, logarithmal- und numeralrechnung. Stuttgart. 1892. 8°. pp. (4), 58. VI. 6769 Bergbohm, Julius. Neue rechnungsmethoden der höheren mathematik. Stuttgart. 1891. 8. pp. (8), 30. VI. 6769

Blanford, William Thomas, editor. The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Published under the authority of the secretary of state for India in council. Mammalia. By W. T. Blanford. London, etc. 1888-91. 8. pp. XX., 617. Wdcts. MZ.

The same. Fishes. By Francis Day. 2 vol. London, etc. 1889. 8. Wdcts. MZ. Bôcher, Maxime. On Bessel's functions of the second kind, [and a review of Pockels On the differential equation Au+k2u=0. Charlottesville, Va. 1892.] 4. pp. (8). VI. 6768

Annals of mathematics, Jan. 1892; vi. 85-92. Boeddicker, Otto. The milky way from the North Pole to 10° of south declination; drawn at the earl of Rosse's observatory at Birr castle. London, etc. 1892. obl. f. pp. (4). Vign. and 4 plates. AO.

Bolles, Frank. Young sapsuckers in captivity. [Boston. 1892.] 8°. pp. (11). V. 4243

"From the Auk, vol. ix. no. 2, April 1892, pp. 109-119." Bolza, Oskar. On the theory of substitutiongroups and its applications to algebraic equations. Math. [Baltimore. 1891.] 4. pp. 86.

"Reprinted from American journal of mathematics, vol. xiii., nos. 1 and 2."

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"Proceedings California academy, ser. 2, vol. iii." Braun, Max. Auf welche weise infizirt sich der mensch mit parasiten? Hamburg. 1892. 8. pp. 31. Wdcts. (SAMML. gemeinv. wiss. vorträge; neue folge, vii. 145.) VIII. 175a (VII)

Bremen, Ludwig. Tobacco, insanity, and nervousness. St. Louis, Mo. 1892. 8°. pp. 16. V. 4197

"Based on an article read before the St. Louis medical society, Oct. 1891."

Britton, Nathaniel Lord. The American species of the genus anemone and the genera which have been referred to it. [New York. 1891.] 8°. pp. (24). (COLUMBIA COLLEGE, New York, N. Y.Herbarium. Contributions, 23.) BG. "Reprinted from the Annals of the New York academy of sciences, vol. vi., Dec. 1891."

Buchenau, Franz. Abnorme blattbildungen. [Berlin. 1891.] 8°. pp. (7). Plate.


"Sonderabdruck aus den Berichten der deutschen botanischen gesellschaft, jahrg. 1891, bd. ix. heft 9."

Buchenau, Franz. Beiträge zur kenntnis der gattung tropaeolum. [Leipzig. 1892.] 8°. pp. (81). Wdets. BG. "Separat-abdruck aus Engler's Botanischen jahrbüchern, 15. bd. 2. heft, 1892."

Buckton, George Bowdler. Monograph of the British cicadaæ or tettigidæ. 2 vol. London, etc. 1890-91. 8°. 82 plates. ᎷᏃ.

Cannizzaro, Stanislao. Abriss eines lehrganges der theoretischen chemie, vorgetragen an der k. universität Genua. 1858. Uebersetzt von Arthur Miolati. Herausgegeben [mit anmerkungen] von Lothar Meyer. Leipzig. 1891. sm. 8°. pp. 61. (OSTWALD, Wilhelm, editor. Klassiker der exakten wissenschaften, 30.) V. 3993

Contents: -Briefliche mittheilung an prof. S. de Luca. (Nuovo cimento, vol. vii. 1858.)-Ueber die dissociation oder die zersetzung der körper unter dem einfluss der wärme von M. H. Sainte-Claire Deville. Betrachtungen von S. Cannizzaro. (Nuovo cimento, vi. 428-430. 1857.)- Zur erklärung ungewöhnlicher condensationen von dämpfen, von Kopp. Bemerkungen von S. Cannizzaro. (Nuovo cimento, vii. 375-378. 1858.)

Chambers, George Frederick. Pictorial astronomy for general readers. London. 1891. sm. 8°. Wdcts. (WHITTAKER's library of popular science.) AO.

Cheney, Simeon Pease. Wood notes wild; notations of bird music. Collected and arranged with appendix, notes, bibliography and general index, by J. V. Cheney. Boston. 1892. 8. Port, and fac-sim. 1221.57

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Chittenden, Russell Henry. On the ferments contained in the juice of the pineapple (ananassa sativa), with some observations on the composition and proteolytic action of the juice. By R. H. Chittenden, assisted by E. P. Joslin and F. S. Meara. [New Haven. 1891.] 8°. pp. 28. BG. "From the Transactions of the Connecticut academy, vol. viii. 1891.”

Claassen, Edo. On the flora of northern Ohio. [Philadelphia. 1892.] 8°. pp. 10. BG. "Reprinted from the American journal of pharmacy, March and April, 1892."

Classen, Alexander. Handbuch der analytischen chemie. 4e vermehrte und verbesserte aufl. 2 theile in 1 vol. Stuttgart. 1889-91. 8° Plate and wdcts. V. 4239

Contents: i. Qualitative analyse. 1889.-ii. Quantitative analyse. 1891.

Claus, Karl (Friedrich Wilhelm). Lehrbuch der zoologie. 5e umgearbeitete und vermehrte aufl. Marburg. 1891. 8. pp. xii., 958, (2), xx. Wdets. V. 4214

The first four editions of this work have the title "Grundzüge der zoologie."

Cobbe, Frances Power, and Bryan, Benjamin. Vivisection in America. [4th ed.] London. 1890. pp. 54. Wdcts. V. 4217


Cory, Charles Barney. The birds of the West Indies; including all species known to occur in the Bahama islands, the Greater Antilles, the Caymans, and the Lesser Antilles, excepting the islands of Tobago and Trinidad. Boston. 1889. 1. 8°. Maps and wdcts. V. 4241

"A list of works relating to West Indian ornithology," pp. 5-14. "Most of the matter contained in the present work appeared in the Auk for 1886, 1887, and 1888."

Cory, Charles Barney. A list of the birds of the West Indies, including the Bahama islands and the Greater and Lesser Antilles, excepting the islands of Tobago and Trinidad. Boston. 1885. 1. 8. pp. 1-4, ff. 5–34. V. 4240

Printed on one side of the leaf only. Cory, Charles Barney. A naturalist in the Magdalen Islands; giving a description of the islands, and list of the birds taken there, with other ornithological notes. Boston. 1878. sm. 4°. pp. 93. Front., plate, and wdct. V. 4242

Coulter, John Merle. The future of systematic botany. Address before the section of biology, American association for the advancement of science, Aug. 1891. Salem, Mass. 1891. 8. pp. 14.


"From the Proceedings of the American association for the advancement of science, vol. xl., 1891." Creighton, Charles. A history of epidemics in Britain, from A.D. 664 to the extinction of plague [1666]. Cambridge [Eng]. 1891. 8°. pp. xii., 706. V. 4236

Dana, James Dwight. On Percival's map of the Jura-trias trap-belts of central Connecticut, with observations on the upturning, or mountainmaking disturbance, of the formation. [New Ha ven. 1891.] 8°. pp. (9). Map. V. 4173

"From the American journal of science, vol. xlii., Dec. 1891," pp. 339-447.

Dana, James Dwight. System of mineralogy; descriptive mineralogy. 6th ed., by E. S. Dana, entirely rewritten and much enlarged. 1st thousand. New York. 1892. 1. 8°. pp. lxiv., 1134. Wdcts. V. 4257

"Bibliography," pp. xlv.-lxi.

Davis, William Morris, of Cambridge, Mass. The Catskill delta in the post-glacial Hudson estuary. [Boston. 1891.] 8°. pp. (17). Wdcts. V. 4268 "From the Proceedings of the Boston society of natural history, vol. xxv., Nov. 18, 1891," pp. 318-334. Davis, William Morris, of Cambridge, Mass. The theories of artificial and natural rainfall. [Detroit. 1892.] 8°. pp. (10). Met. 455 "Reprinted from the American meteorological journal for March, 1892," pp. 493-502.

Dawson, Sir (John) William, and Penhallow, D. P. Parka decipiens. Notes on specimens from the collections of James Reid, of Blairgowrie, Scotland. Historical and geological, by Sir Wm. Dawson. [Microscopical and botanical results, by D. P. Penhallow. Montreal. 1892.] BG. Proceedings and transactions of the royal society of Canada, 1891, vol. ix. sect. 4, pp. 3-16.

4. pp. (14). Plate.

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"Reprinted from Bulletin of the Torrey botanical club, vol. xix. no. 4, April, 1892."

Debierre, Charles, and Doumer, E. Vues stéréoscopiques des centres nerveux. Paris. 1892. 48 photogrs. in sm. 8° cover.


Album des centres nerveux; figures schématiques avec légendes explicatives. Paris. 1892. obl. 48°. pp. (48). Wdcts. Philos. Dedekind, Richard. Stetigkeit und irrationale zahlen. 2e unveränderte aufl. Braunschweig. 1892. 8. pp. (8), 24. VI. 6999

Eberhard, V. Zur morphologie der polyeder. Leipzig. 1891. 8. 2 plates. VI. 6774

[Encausse, Gérard.] Traité méthodique de science occulte par Papus [pseudon.]. Lettre-préface de Ad. Franck. Paris. 1891. 8. pp. xxxvi., 1092. Front., plates, and wdcts. III. 6440 Engler, Adolf. Über die hochgebirgsflora des tropischen Afrika. Berlin. 1892. 4o.


"Aus den Abhandlungen der königl. preuss. akad. der wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1891."

Ewing, James Alfred. Magnetic induction in iron and other metals. London. 1892. 8. Diagrs. (The Electrician series.) V. 4271 Forney, Matthias Nace. Catechism of the locomotive. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. 46th thousand. New York. 1891 [cop. 1887]. 8. pp. xvi., 709. Plates, wdcts., and diagrs. V. 4260 Fraenkel, Karl. Text-book of bacteriology. 3d ed., translated and edited by J. H. Linsley. Edinburgh. 1891. 8. V. 4193

France Mission du Cap Horn. Mission scientifique du Cap Horn. 1882-83. 7 tom. in 9. Paris. 1888, '85-91. 4°. Wdcts., maps, and plates. (Ministères de la marine et de l'instruction publique.)


Contents:i. Histoire du voyage; par L. F. Martial. 1888.ii. Météorologie; par J. Lephay. 1885. iii. Magnétisme terrestre; par F. O. Le Cannellier. Recherches sur la constitution chimique de l'atmosphère; par A. Muntz et E. Aubin. 1886. iv. Géologie; par P. Hyades. 1887.v. Botanique; par Paul Hariot, Paul Petit, Emile Bescherelle [and others]. 1889.-vi. Zoologie. 3 tom. 1891. vii. Anthropologie, ethnographie; par P. Hyades, J. Deniker. 1891.

Frazer, Persifor. Joseph Leidy, M.D., LL.D. [Minneapolis. 1892.] 8°. pp. 5. Port. of Leidy. "From the American geologist, Jan. 1892." 17361.20 Galloway, Thomas Walton. Notes on the fungus causing damping off and other allied forms. [Boston. 1891.] 8°. pp. 10. Plates.


"From the Transactions of the Massachusetts horticultural society, pt. 1, 1891."

Garman, Samuel. The discoboli; cyclopteridæ, liparopsidæ, and liparidida. Cambridge. 1892. 4o. pp. 96. Plates. (In MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, Cambridge, Mass. Memoirs, xiv. 2.) V. 737 (XIV)

"Literature," pp. 85-91.

Goodale, George Lincoln. Useful plants of the future. Some of the possibilities of economic botany. The presidential address for 1891, before the American association for the advancement of science. New Haven. 1891. 8. pp. (35). BG. "From the American journal of science, vol. xlii., Oct., 1891."

Goodale, George Lincoln. Zukunftsfragen über nahrungs- und nutzpflanzen. Ein öffentlicher vortrag gehalten vor der jahres-versammlung der American association for the advancement of sciIn ence, am 19. aug. 1891, in Washington, D. C. freier uebersetzung aus dem englischen von Fr. Hoffmann. New York. 1891. sm. 8°. pp. 32. BG. "Sonder-abdruck aus der Pharmaceutischen rundschau."

Gore, George. A general relation of electromotive force to equivalent volume and molecular velocity of substances. Birmingham. 1892. 8°. pp. (76). Wdct. V. 4267

"Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Birmingham philosophical society, vol. viii. pt. 1," pp. 63-138.

Great Britain · - Meteorological office. Harmonic analysis of hourly observations of air temperature and pressure at British observatories. London. 1891. 4o. Wdct. (Official, no. 93.) Met. 285

Great Britain Meteorological office. Ten years sunshine in the British Isles, 1881-1890. London. 1891. 8°. pp. (2), 58. Map and charts. (Official, no. 98.) Met. 453 Observations of double stars made at the United States naval observatory. Pt. ii. 1880-91. Washington. 1892. 4o. VI. 690

Hall, Asaph.

"Washington observations, 1888; appendix i." "Part i. of these double-star observations was published in 1881 as app. vi. to the Washington observations for 1877.'

Halliburton, William Dobinson. A text-book of chemical physiology and pathology. London, etc. 1891. 8. pp. xx., 874. Wdets. V. 4259

Harrington, Mark Walrod. A memorial address [read before the university of Michigan, May 3, 1891] on the life and services of Alexander Winchell, professor of geology and paleontology. [Ann Arbor.] 1891. 8. pp. 29. 17394.67

"Bibliographical notes on Dr. Winchell's purely geological work," pp. 27-29.

Hartmann, J. Die vergrösserung des erdschattens bei mondfinsternissen. Leipzig. 1891. 1. 8°. Diagrs. and plate. AO.

"Des xvii. bandes der Abhandlungen der math.-phys. classe der königl. sächsischen gesellschaft der wissenschaften no. 6."

Hatch, Frederick Henry. Mineralogy. London. 1892. sm. 8°. Wdcts. (WHITTAKER & Co., publishers. Library of popular science.) V. 4319 Literature of the subject, p. 118.

Hempel, Walther. Gasanalytische methoden. 2e aufl. Braunschweig. 1890. 8. Wdcts.

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