Slike stranica

Emmerich, A. Die brocardschen gebilde und ihre beziehungen zu den verwandten merkwürdigen punkten und kreisen des dreiecks. Berlin. 1891. 8. Diagrs. and plate. VI. 7723 Engler, Adolf. Syllabus der vorlesungen über specielle und medicinisch-pharmaceutische botanik; eine uebersicht über das gesammte pflanzensystem, mit berücksichtigung der medicinal- und nutzpflanzen. Grosse ausg. Berlin. 1892. 8o

BG. Fisher, A. K. The hawks and owls of the United States in their relation to agriculture. Prepared under the direction of C. H. Merriam. Washington. 1893. 8. 26 plates. (UNITED STATES Department of agriculture Division of ornithology and mammalogy. Bulletin, 3.) *V. 4554 flora von Arnstadt. BG.

Formánek, Eduard. Beitrag zur Serbien, Macedonien, und Thessalien. 1890-91. [Wien. 1890.] 8. pp. 58. "" 'Separat-abdruck aus der Deutschen botanischen monatsschrift."

Fricker, Karl. Die entstehung und verbreitung des antarktischen treibeises; ein beitrag zur geographie der Südpolargebiete. Leipzig. 1893. 8°. Map. MZ. Ġegenbauer, Leopold. Über arithmetische progressionen, in denen anfangsglied und differenz

theilerfremd sind. Wien. 1891. 8. pp. 36.

VI. 7386

"Aus den Sitzungsberichten d. kais. akademie d. wissenschaften in Wien; mathem.-naturw. classe, bd. c. abth. ii. a, oct. 1891."

Glazebrook, Richard Tetley, and Shaw, William Napier. Practical physics. 4th ed., revised. London, etc. 1893. sm. 8°. pp. xxvi., 633. Front. and diagrs. (TEXT-BOOKS of science.)

V. 3575.2 The birds of Great Britain. 367 col. plates. *27 Case. 658 Grashey, Hubert. Experimentelle beiträge zur lehre von der blut-circulation in der schädel-rückgratshöhle. Fest-schrift der med. fakultät der universität München zur feier des fünfzigjährigen doctor-jubiläums des Herrn Dr. L. A. Buchner. München. 1892. f. pp. (10), 75. Diagrs.

Gould, John.

5 vol. London. 1873. fo

V. 4608

Grawinkel, Karl, and Strecker, Karl. Hilfsbuch für die elektrotechnik. Unter mitwirkung von Fink, Goppelsræder, Pirani, v. Renesse, und Seyffert bearbeitet und herausgegeben. 3e vermehrte und verbesserte aufl. Berlin. 1893. 8. pp. x., 642. Wdcts. V. 4592

Greenhill, Alfred George. Notes on dynamics. For the senior class of artillery officers [Woolwich]. London. [1892?] fo. Plates. V. 4564

Greenwich, Eng. - Royal observatory. Results of the observations of the time of swing of the Indian invariable pendulums, made at the observatory, in 1889. London. 1891. 4. pp. (2), 130.77, also AO.


[blocks in formation]


Harkness, James, and Morley, Frank. treatise on the theory of functions. New York, etc. 1893. 8°. Diagrs. VI. 7708

Hart, Ernest. Hypnotism, mesmerism, and the new witchcraft. New York. 1893. Wdcts.

sm. 8° V. 4581 Harvard college― Medical school. The medical school of Harvard university. Cambridge. 1893. 8. pp. (8). Wdcts. Pier 3. 308 Harvard college - School of veterinary medicine. Descriptive circular of the school of veterinary medicine of Harvard university. Cambridge. [1893.] 8. pp. 19. Wdcts.

Pier 3.308 Hazen, Henry Allen, U. S. A. The climate of Chicago. Washington. 1893. 8. Maps and diagrs. (UNITED STATES Weather bureau. Bulletin, 10.) Met. 384

[blocks in formation]

München, etc. (GESCHICHTE der Neuere zeit, 22.) V. 4568 Plants of the Cayman.



Hitchcock, Albert Spear. Bahamas, Jamaica, and Grand Louis. 1893.] 8°. Plates. "From the 4th annual report of the Missouri botanical garden."

Hitchcock, Albert Spear. The woody plants of Manhattan in their winter condition. Manhattan, Kansas. 1893. 8°. pp. 20. BG.

Hochenegg, C. Anordnung und bemessung elektrischer leitungen. Berlin, etc. 1893. 8°. Diagrs. V. 4596

Holm, Theodor. Notes on the flowers of anthoxanthum odoratum L. Washington. 1892. 8. pp. (5). Plate. BG.

"From the Proceedings of the United States national museum, vol. xv., pp. 399-403."

Horsley, Victor. The structure and functions of the brain and spinal cord; being the Fullerian lectures for 1891. London. 1892. 8. Wdcts. V. 4594

Hughes, Mrs. Margaret WATTS. Voice figures. London. [1891.] 1. 8°. pp. 48. Illustr. 122.33 Description and illustrations of figures produced by directing the voice against an elastic membrane, upon which powder, liquid, paste, or some similar substance has been placed. Humphrey, James Ellis. Amherst trees; an aid to their study. Amherst, Mass. 1892. sm. 8° BG.

pp. 78. "Based on a series of papers, which originally appeared in the Amherst record, from May 4th to July 13th, 1892. " Huth, Ernst. Die delphinium-arten der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Berlin. 1892. 8°. pp. 15. BG.

[blocks in formation]

Klatt, Friedrich Wilhelm. Compositae mechowianae. Wien. 1892. 1. 8°. pp. (6). BG. "Annalen des k. k. naturhistorischen hofmuseums. Separatabdruck aus bd. vii. heft 1 und 2."

Klein, Felix (b. 1849). Einleitung in die höhere geometrie, i. Vorlesung gehalten im wintersemester 1892-93; ausgearbeitet von Fr. Schilling. Göttingen. 1893. sm. 4. Diagrs. Lithographed. VI. 7697, also Math.

Klein, Felix (b. 1849). Vorlesungen über projektive geometrie. Cambridge. 1893. 4o Diagrs. Cyclostyled. VI. 7665

Kölreuter, Joseph Gottlieb. Vorläufige nachricht von einigen das geschlecht der pflanzen betreffenden versuchen und beobachtungen, nebst Fortsetzungen 1, 2 und 3. 1761-1766. Herausgegeben von W. Pfeffer. Leipzig. 1893. sm. 8°. (OSTWALD, Wilhelm, editor. Klassiker der exakten wissenschaften, 41.) V. 4001

Lagrange, Charles. Étude sur le système des forces du monde physique. pp. 728. (In BELGIUM- Académie royale des sciences, etc. Mémoires, 1892, 4o, xlviii. [2].) 1.575 (XLVIII) Laurent, Hermann. Traité d'analyse. 7 tom. Paris. 1885-91. 8. VI.4404

Contents:i. Calcul différentiel; applications analytiques et géométriques. 1885. ii. Calcul différentiel; applications géométriques. 1887.iii. Calcul intégral; intégrales définies et indéfinies. 1888. iv. Calcul intégral; théorie des fonctions algébriques et de leurs intégrales. 1889. v. Calcul intégral; équations différentielles ordinaires. 1890. vi. Calcul intégral; équations différentielles partielles. 1890. -vii. Calcul intégral; applications géométriques de la théorie des équations différentielles. 1891.

Lemmon, John Gill. Hand-book of westAmerican cone-bearers; approved English names with brief popular descriptions of the cone-bearing trees of the Pacific slope north of Mexico and west of Rocky mountains. [Oakland, Cal.] 1892. pp. 24. Plate. BG. Levy, S. Anleitung zur darstellung organischer präparate. 2e umgearbeitete aufl. Stuttgart. 1890. 8o Wdcts. V. 4574

1. 8°.

Linn, Thomas. The health resorts of Europe; a medical guide to the mineral springs, climatic, mountain, and seaside health resorts, milk, whey, grape, earth, mud, sand, and air cures of Europe. With an introduction by T. M. Coan. New York. 1893. sm. 8°. Wdcts. V. 4580 Love, Augustus Edward Hough. A treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity. 2 vol. Cambridge [Eng.]. 1892-93. 8°. Diagrs.

V. 4365 Mach, Ernst. The science of mechanics; a critical and historical exposition of its principles. Translated from the 2d German ed. by T. J. McCormack. Chicago. 1893. 8. Portrs. and

[blocks in formation]


Marquand, E. D. The flora of Guernsey. N. P. [1891.] 8 pp. 23. "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Guernsey society of natural science, for 1891."

Marshall, Arthur Milnes. Vertebrate embryology; a text-book. London. 1893. 8°. pp. xxiv., 640. Wdcts. ZL.

With a bibliography at the end of each chapter.

The same. New York, etc. 1893. 8. pp. xxiv., 640. Wdcts. MZ. Mascart, Eleuthère. Traité d'optique. 3 tom. Paris. 1889-93. 8. Plates and diagrs.

V. 3728, also AO. Merrill, E. A. Electric lighting specifications, for the use of engineers and architects. York. 1892. sm. 8°.

New SS.

Micheli, Marc. Contributions à la flore du Paraguay. 5 pt. in 1 vol. Genève. 1883-92. 4°. 51 plates. BG.

Contents:[i.], ii. Légumineuses. 2 pt. 1883-89.iii. Polygalacées; par Robert Chodat. 1889.-[iv.] Cypé racées; par Paul Maury. 1889.-v. Malpighiacées; par Robert Chodat. 1892.

"Mémoires de la société de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Genève, tom. xxviii. no. 7; xxx. 7, 8; xxxi. [pt. i.] 1, ii. 3."

Miers, Henry Alexander, and Crosskey, R. The soil in relation to health. London, etc. 1893. sm. 8°. Front. and wdcts. (Macmillan's manuals for students. Sanitary science.) V. 4586 Minchin, George Minchin. Hydrostatics and elementary hydrokinetics. Oxford. 1892. sm. 8°. Diagrs. V. 4613 Minot, Charles Sedgwick. Human embryology. New York. 1892. 8°. pp. xxiv., (2), 815. Wdcts. "References," pp. 779-792. V. 4582, also MZ. Morong, Thomas. A new species of listera, with notes on other orchids. [New York. 1893.] 8. pp. (10). (COLUMBIA COLLEGE, New York, N. Y.-Herbarium. Contributions, 33.) BG. "Reprinted from Bulletin of the Torrey botanical club, vol. xx. no. 2, 3, Feb., March, 1893. "

Morong, Thomas, and Britton, Nathaniel Lord. An enumeration of the plants collected by Thomas Morong in Paraguay, 1888-90. [New York. 1893.] 8°. (COLUMBIA COLLEGE, New York, N. Y. Herbarium. Contributions, 35.) BG.

"Reprinted from the Annals of the New York academy of sciences, vol. vii."

Müller, Felix. Zeittafeln zur geschichte der mathematik, physik und astronomie bis zum jahre 1500, mit hinweis auf die quellen-literatur. Leipzig. 1892. 8°. VI. 7691

Munro, John, and Jamieson, Andrew. Α pocket-book of electrical rules and tables for the use of electricians and engineers. 9th ed., revised and enlarged. London. 1893. obl. 48°. pp. xxiv., 677. SS. Newton, Hubert Anson. A memoir of Elias Loomis. Washington. 1891. 8°. pp. (32).



"From the Smithsonian report for 1890," pp. 741-770. "Publications of Elias Loomis," pp. 762-770.

New York (City) — Scientific alliance. Addresses delivered at the first joint meeting, held at the American museum of natural history, Nov. 15th, 1892. New York. 1893. 8°. pp. 64. BG. Parker, Thomas Jeffery. William Kitchen Parker, F.R.S., sometime Hunterian professor of anatomy and physiology in the royal college of surgeons of England. A biographical sketch. London, etc. 1893. sm. 8°. Port. of W. K. Parker. VII. 2922, also MZ. List of Parker's published works, pp. 133-145.

Parry, Charles Christopher. Catalogue of the herbarium of C. C. Parry. Oquawka, Ills. [1891.] 8 pp. 82. BG. Pennsylvania University. Contributions from the botanical laboratory. Vol. i. Philadelphia. 1892. 1. 8°. Plates.

no. 1.

V. 4460, also BG. Pietzker, Friedrich. Die gestaltung des raumes; kritische untersuchungen über die grundlagen der geometrie. Braunschweig. 1891. 8. Diagrs. VI. 7754

Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln. Descriptions of new plants collected in Mexico by C. G. Pringle, in 1890 and 1891, with notes upon a few other species. [Boston. 1893.] 8°. pp. (21). (HARVARD COLLEGE, Cambridge, Mass.- Gray herbarium. Contribution, 12.) BG.

"Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American academy of arts and sciences, vol. xxvii."

Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln, and Seaton, Henry Eliason. Additions to the phænogamic flora of Mexico, discovered by C. G. Pringle in 1891-92. [Boston.] 1893. 8°. pp. (13). (HARVARD COLLEGE, Cambridge, Mass. Gray herbarium. Contributions, new series, 3.)


[blocks in formation]

St. Petersburg, Russia - Imp. botanitcheski sad. Scripta botanica horti universitatis imperialis petropolitanae. [Edited by A. Beketof and Khr. Gobi.] Tom. i.-iii. (in 2 vol.). [St. Petersburg.] 1886-92. 8o Plates and wdcts. BG.

The title is given in Russian also.

Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Some insects of special interest from Florissant, Colorado, and other points in the tertiaries of Colorado and Utah. Washington. 1892. 8. pp. 35. 3 plates. (UNITED STATES GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin, 93.) 20.18

Seaton, Henry Eliason. New and little known plants collected on Mount Orizaba in the summer of 1891. [Boston.] 1893. 8°. pp. (8). (HARVARD COLLEGE, Cambridge, Mass. - Gray herbarium. Contributions, new series, 4.) BG.

"From the Proceedings of the American academy of arts and sciences, vol. xxviii."

Sellers, Coleman, and Leeds, Albert Ripley. Biographical notice of Pres't Henry Morton, of the Stevens institute of technology, prepared on the occasion of the presentation to the trustees and faculty, by the alumni association, of a portrait of President Morton, Feb. 15, 1892. m. [New York. 1892.] 4°. Portrs., plates, and wdets. AO. Seward, Albert Charles. Fossil plants as tests of climate; being the Sedgwick prize essay for 1892. London. 1892. 8. MZ.

Popular astronomy. Editors: W. W. Payne, C. R. Willard. Vol. i. no. 1. Sept. 1893. Northfield, Minn. 1893. 8. Plates and diagrs. (2 cop.)


Continued. Prescott, George Bartlett. The electric telephone. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. New York. 1890. 8. pp. (4), xii., 795. Illustr. SS.

Reid, Harry Fielding. Studies of Muir glacier, Alaska. [With supplements by H. P. Cushing, G. H. Williams, and F. H. Herrick.] Washington. [1892.] 8°. pp. (66). Front., plates, maps, and wdcts. V. 4571

"National geographic magazine,” 1892, iv. 19–84.


Ridgway, Robert. Directions for collecting birds. Washington. 1891. 8o. pp. 27. (UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, 394.)

Riley, Charles Valentine. lecting and preserving insects. 8. Plate and wdcts. MUSEUM. Bulletin, 39F.)


VIII. 39 (39) Directions for colWashington. 1892. (UNITED STATES NATIONAL VIII. 39 (39) "Works most useful for the study of insects," pp. 132-145. Roberts, Robert Davies. The earth's history; introduction to modern geology. London.


sm. 8°. Col. maps, plates, and wdcts.

(UNIVERSITY extension manuals.)

The same. New York. 1893. Col. maps, plates, and wdcts. (Ditto.)

V. 4525

sm. 8°.


[blocks in formation]

Siemens, Werner voN. Personal recollections; translated by W. C. Coupland. New York. 1893. 8°. Port. VII. 2959 Sievers, Wilhelm. Zur kenntnis des Taunus. Stuttgart. 1891. 8°. pp. 55. Map. (FORSCHUNGEN zur deutschen landes- und volkskunde, v. 5.) "Litteratur über den Taunus," pp. 5-6. V. 3713.5

Small, John Kunkel. A preliminary list of American species of polygonum. [New York. 1892.] 8°. pp. (20). (COLUMBIA COLLEGE, New Herbarium. Contributions, 31.) BG. "Reprinted from Bulletin of the Torrey botanical club, vol. xix. no. 12, Dec. 1892."


Spencer, Herbert. The inadequacy of "natural selection." London. [1893.] 8°. pp. 69. MZ. "Reprinted from the Contemporary review."

Sperry, Lyman B. Confidential talks with young men. Chicago, etc. 1893. sm. 8°. Wdcts. V. 4583 Stejneger, Leonhard. Directions for collecting reptiles and batrachians. Washington. 1891. 8°. pp. 13. Wdcts. (UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bulletin, 39E.) VIII. 39 (39) Suksdorf, Wilhelm N. Flora washingtonensis. A catalogue of the phænogamia and pteridophyta of the state of Washington. [White Salmon, Washington? 1892.] 1. 8°. pp. 15.

BG. Taylor, David Watson. Resistance of ships and screw propulsion. New York, etc. 1893. 8o Diagrs. V. 4639

Thorpe, Thomas Edward. A dictionary of applied chemistry. 3 vol. London, etc. 1891-93. Wdcts. DR. 144.5


Vol. i. is "2d ed."


Trelease, William. Further studies of yuccas and their pollination. [St. Louis. 1893.] pp. (46). 19 plates, and wdct. V. 4521, also BG. "From the 4th annual report of the Missouri botanical garden."

Tuke, Daniel Hack, editor. A dictionary of psychological medicine; giving the definition, etymology, and synonyms of the terms used in medical psychology, with the symptoms, treatment, and pathology of insanity, and the law of lunacy in Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vol. (paged contin.). London. 1892. 8°. pp. xvi., 1477. Front., plate, wdcts., and fac-sims. Philos.

"Bibliography," pp. 1382-1405. United States-Treasury department. (1893.) Laws and regulations for the maritime quarantines [for the government of domestic ports]. April 4, 1893. Washington. 1893. 8°. pp. 17. V. 4509 United States-Treasury department. (1893.) United States quarantine laws and regulations, Feb. 24, 1893. Washington. 1893. 8°. pp. 19.

V. 4509 Walther, Johannes. Einleitung in die geologie als historische wissenschaft; beobachtungen über die bildung der gesteine und ihrer organischen einschlüsse. [Theil i.] Jena. 1893. 1. 8°. MZ. Contents:i. Bionomie des meeres; beobachtungen über die marinen lebensbezirke und existenzbedingungen. Webb, Herbert Laws. A practical guide to the testing of insulated wires and cables. New York. 1891. sm. 8. Wdcts. and plate. SS.

"A reprint of a series of articles which appeared originally in the Electrical engineer."

Weismann, August. Das keimplasma; eine theorie der vererbung. Jena. 1892. 8°. pp. xviii., 628+. Wdcts. MZ.

Willey, Henry. Enumeration of the lichens found in New Bedford, Mass. and its vicinity, from 1862 to 1892. New Bedford, Mass. 1892. 8. pp. 39. V. 4610

Willkomm, Moritz. Schulflora von Österreich. 2o, verbesserte und vermehrte aufl. Wien. 1892. sm. 8°. BG. Wilson, George Richard. Drunkenness. London, etc. 1893. sm. 8°. (SOCIAL science series.) VI. 6653 Wolf, Rudolf. Handbuch der astronomie, ihrer geschichte und litteratur. 2 bde. Zürich. 1890-93. 8. Wdcts. AO. Zahm, John A. Sound and music. Chicago. 1892. 8. Front. and wdcts. V. 4590

IV. Useful Arts.

Bement, Miles, & co. Illustrated catalogue of metal-working machine tools, also steam hammers, hydraulic machinery, etc. Philadelphia. [1893?] 4. Front. and wdcts. V. 4640

Cramp (William) & sons ship & engine building company, Philadelphia, Penn. [Descriptions of ships built or in process of construction for the United States navy. Philadelphia. 1892.] obl. 16°. pp. (10). Plates. 5375.22 Griffith, Alexander. The cycle calendar, or 128 years cycle system of measuring time. London. 1892. 1. 8. pp. x., (34). I. 4427

Hedges, Killingworth. Continental electric light central stations, with notes on the methods in actual practice for distributing electricity in towns. Compiled in part from the reports made for the congress of the German municipal authorities, on the occasion of their visit to the international electrical exhibition at Frankfort, 26th-29th Aug. 1891. London, etc. 1892. 1. 8°. Illustr. SS. Hodges, Harry Foot. Notes on mitering lock gates. Washington. 1892. 4°. Plates and wdcts. (UNITED STATES - Corps of engineers. Professional papers, 26.) V. 4584 Jaques, William Henry. Present development of heavy ordnance in the United States. [A lecture delivered before the Franklin institute, Jan. 6, 1893.] Philadelphia. 1893. 8°. pp. 35. Wdcts. 5376.17

"Reprinted from the Journal of the Franklin institute, July, 1893."

Keasbey, Lindley Miller. Der Nicaraguakanal; geschichte und beurteilung des projekts. Strassburg. 1893. 8°. Map. (ABHANDLUNGEN aus dem staatswissenschaftlichen seminar zu Strassburg, 11.) VI. 4774

Massachusetts - Department of inspection of factories and public buildings. School-houses and public buildings; how they may be safely constructed and properly heated and ventilated. Drawings on exhibition at the world's Columbian exposition illustrating and describing methods of heating and ventilation, and protection from fire. [Boston. 1893.] 1. 8°. pp. 35. Portrs., plates, and plans. II. 3313

Mills, Edmund James. Destructive distillation; a manualette of the paraffin, coal tar, rosin oil, petroleum, and kindred industries. 4th ed. London. 1892. 8°. Plate and diagrs. V. 4626 "Bibliography," pp. 190-196.

Rosenberg, Marc. Der goldschmiede merkzeichen. 2000 stempel auf älteren goldschmiedearbeiten in facsimile herausgegeben und erklärt. Frankfurt am Main. 1890. 8. V. 4598

V. - Fine Arts.

Bell, Malcolm. Edward Burne-Jones; a record and review. [2d ed.] London, etc. 1893. fo. Illustr. *II. 3334 Berlin, Germ.- Königliche museen. Beschreibung der antiken skulpturen mit ausschluss der pergamenischen fundstücke. Berlin. 1891. 8°. Wdcts. II. 3317 Berlioz, (Louis) Hector. Benvenuto Cellini; opéra en trois actes de Léon de Wailly et Auguste Barbier. Partition chant et piano. Paris. [1884?] 1. 8° 122.106

Billi, Antonio. Il libro di Antonio Billi esistente in due copie nella biblioteca nazionale di Firenze. Herausgegeben von Carl Frey. Berlin. 1892. 8. II. 3304

A work on Florentine artists, which was largely drawn from by the compiler of the Codice magliabechiano. It is uncertain whether Billi was the author or only the possessor of this book.

British museum. Index of artists represented in the department of prints and drawings. Vol. i. London. [1893.] 1. 8°. DR. 138.23

Contents: -i. Dutch and Flemish schools. German schools. By Lionel Cust.

Burr, Frederic Martin. Life and works of Alexander Anderson, the first American wood engraver. [With extracts from his diary.] New York. 1893. 1.8°. Illustr. II. 3306

"725 copies printed. No. 93."

Codice magliabechiano (II) cl. xvii. 17, contenente notizie sopra l'arte degli antichi e quella de' fiorentini da Cimabue a Michelangelo Buonarroti, scritte da anonimo fiorentino. Herausgegeben und mit einem abrisse über die florentinische kunsthistoriographie bis auf G. Vasari versehen von Carl Frey. Berlin. 1892. 8°. Facsim. and diagr. II. 3305

Coquard, Arthur. De la musique en France depuis Rameau. Paris. 1891. 18o. 122.57 Dehaisnes, Chrétien, l'abbé. Recherches sur le retable de Saint-Bertin et sur Simon Marmion. Lille, etc. 1892. Plates. (In LILLE, France · Société des sciences, etc. Mémoires, 4e série, 1892, 8°, xvii. [2].) 122.69 Dehaisnes, Chrétien, l'abbé. La vie et l'œuvre de Jean Bellegambe. Lille. 1890. Port. of Bellegambe and plates. (In LILLE, France. Société des sciences, etc. Mémoires, 4e série, 1892, 8°, xvii. [1].) 122.69

Ebe, Gustav. Die schmuckformen der denkmalsbauten aus allen stilepochen seit der griechischen antike. Theil i., ii. (in 1 vol.). Berlin. 1893. 4. Plates and wdcts. II. 3336

Gazier, Augustin. Philippe et Jean Baptiste de Champaigne. Paris. [1893.] 1.8°. Illustr. (Les ARTISTES célèbres.) II. 1580

"Sources et ouvrages à consulter," pp. 108-109. Gounod, Charles (François). Faust; opéra en 5 actes de J. Barbier & M. Carré. [Partition chant & piano, transcrite par Léo Delibes.] Paris. [18-?] 1.8°. 1221.62

Harnack, Otto. Die klassische ästhetik der deutschen; würdigung der kunsttheoretischen arbeiten Schiller's, Goethe's, und ihrer freunde. Leipzig. 1892. 8. Fac-sim. III. 7249

Haynes, John Henry. Descriptive catalogue to accompany a series of photographs of Asia Minor, taken in the summer of 1887. New York. 1892. 24. pp. 59. Map. II. 3307

Printed on one side of the leaf only.

Hirth, Georg, and Muther, Richard. Meister holzschnitte aus vier jahrhunderten. München, etc. 1893. 4o. pp. (6), col. v.-xliv., pp. (2). 200[177] plates. *II. 3311

Hutchinson, G. W. Caldwell. Some hints on learning to draw. London, etc. 1893. 1. 8°. Front. and wdcts. II. 3337

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Knight, William. The philosophy of the beautiful. 2 pt. New York, etc. (UNIVERSITY extension manuals.)

1891-93. sm. 8°. II. 3039 Contents: [i.] Its history. 1891.-[ii.] Its theory, and its relation to the arts. [With bibliographical lists.] 1893. Lacroix, Paul, and Seré, Ferdinand, editors. Le moyen âge et la renaissance; histoire et description des moeurs et usages, du commerce et de l'industrie, des sciences, des arts, des littératures, et des beaux-arts en Europe. 5 tom. Paris. 1848-51. 4o. Illustr. * II. 3321

Bibliography at the end of each chapter.

Loftie, William John. The cathedral churches of England and Wales; their history, architecture, and monuments. London. 1892. 16. 29 plans. II. 3342 Martin, George Clement. The art of training choir boys. [2d thousand.] London, etc. [1892.] 1. 8°. pp. 92. (STAINER, Sir John, editor. Music 122.56 primers, 39.)

Morelli, Giovanni. Italian painters; critical studies of their works; the Borghese and DoriaPamfili galleries in Rome. Translated from the German by Constance J. Ffoulkes, with an introduction by Sir A. H. Layard. London. 1892. 8. Plates and wdcts. II. 3340 Münsterberg, Rudolf. Zu den spartanischen Dioskurenreliefs. Inaugural-dissertation. Zürich. II. 3301 1890. 8°. pp. 39+.

Life, after p. 39.-"Literatur," p. 3. Ohnesorge, Karl. Wendel Dietterlin, maler von Strassburg; ein beitrag zur geschichte der deutschen kunst in der zweiten hälfte des XVI. jahrhunderts. Leipzig. 1893. 8. pp. viii., 68. Front. (BEITRÄGE zur kunstgeschichte; neue folge, 21.) II. 2839

Perkins, Charles Callahan, and Dwight, John Sullivan. History of the Händel and Haydn society, Boston, Mass. [With an account of puritan psalmody in old and New England, and appendices.] Vol. i. Boston. 1833-93. 8°. Wdct. 122.21 Contents:i. From the foundation of the society through its seventy-fifth season, 1815-1890.

Perry, J. Tavenor. The chronology of medieval and renaissance architecture; a date book of architectural art, from the building of the ancient basilica of S. Peter's, Rome, to the consecration of the present church. London. 1893, 8°. Front. and wdcts. DR. 149.10 Robert, Karl. Die Nekyia des Polygnot. Halle a/S. 1892. 4. pp. 84. Wdcts. and plate. (HALLISCHES Winckelmannsprogramm, 16.) II. 2535

Roger-Milès, L. Michel-Ange: sa vie, son œuvre; suivi du catalogue de ses principales œuvres. Paris. 1893. 1. 8°. Port. of Michel Angelo and wdcts. II. 3333 "Catalogue des principales œuvres de Michel-Ange," pp. 107-111. Rogers, Mrs. Clara Kathleen. The philosophy of singing. New York. 1893. sm. 8° 122.43 Seelmann, Wilhelm. Die totentänze des mittelalters; untersuchungen, nebst litteratur- und denkmäler-übersicht. Norden, etc. 1893. 4°. pp. (4), 80. Emb. 32.15

"Aus dem Niederdeutschen jahrbuche, xvii.”

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