Slike stranica

Gasner, Ernst. Beiträge zum entwickelungsgang der neuenglischen schriftsprache auf grund der mittelenglischen Bibelversionen, wie sie auf Wyclif und Purvey zurückgehen sollen. Inaugural-dissertation, Göttingen. Nürnberg. 1891. 8°. "Vita," after p. 144. 9287.59

Gatschet, Albert Samuel. The Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon. 2 pt. Washington. 1890. 4. Map. (In U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION.

nology, 2.)

Köhler, Rudolf. Eine quellenkritik_zur_geschichte Alexanders des Grossen in Diodor, Curtius, und Justin. Inaugural-dissertation. Leipzig. 1879. 8. pp. (2), 49+. G 830 Vita," after p. 49.

[ocr errors]

litteratur. Contributions to North American eth20.3

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Goodwin, Charles Jaques. Apollonius Rhodius; his figures, syntax, and vocabulary. Dissertation [at] Johns Hopkins university, 1890. Baltimore. 1891. 8o. pp. viii., 27. Ga 83.57

Graux, Charles, and Martin, Albert. Facsimilés de manuscrits grecs d'Espagne, gravés d'après les photographies de Charles Graux, avec transcriptions et notices par Albert Martin. Paris. 1891. 8°, and atlas of 18 plates, 1. fo.

27 Case. 613 Grimm, Friedrich. Der syntactische gebrauch der präpositionen bei John Wycliffe und John Purvey (uebersetzung der vier evang.). Inauguraldissertation. Marburg. 1891. 8. pp. 58+.

[blocks in formation]

al-Hamdāni. Geographie der arabischen halbinsel, nach den handschriften von Berlin, Constantinopel, London, Paris, und Strassburg, zum ersten male herausgegeben von D. H. Müller. Arab. 2 bde. Leiden. 1884-91. 8o. Table. Sem. 1134 Contents: [i.] Text. 1884.-ii. Noten und indices. 1891. al-Ḥansā. Diwan; traduit par le P. de Coppier et suivi des fragments inédits d'al Hirniq, sœur du poète Tarafat. Fr. and Arab. Beyrouth. 1889. sm. 8°. Sem. 1165


"Vie," pp. 7-28.

Hertel, Bruno. Der syntaktische gebrauch des verbums in dem angelsächsischen gedichte "Crist." Ein beitrag zur angelsächsischen grammatik. Inaugural-dissertation. Leipzig-Reudnitz. 1891. 8. pp. 52+.

"Vita," after p. 52.


Horatius. Ars poetica; translated into English verse by H. O. Sibley. Syracuse, N. Y. [189-.] sm. 8°. pp. 22. Lh 8.853 Hübner, (Ernst Willibald) Emil. Römische herrschaft in Westeuropa [England, Deutschland, Spanien]. Berlin. 1890. 8. 11254.38

Huizinga, Abel Henry. Analogy in the Semitic languages. Dissertation [at] Johns Hopkins university. Baltimore. 1891. 8°. pp. 63+. 2256.9 "Biographical sketch," after p. 63.

[blocks in formation]


Koldewey, Robert. Neandria. Berlin. 1891. pp. 49+. Map, wdcts., and plans. (BERLIN, Germ. Archäologische gesellschaft. Programme zum Winckelmannsfest, 51.) II. 3115 Kopp, Waldemar. Geschichte der römischen 6e aufl., nach der umarbeitung von F. G. Hubert besorgt von O. Seyffert. Berlin. 1891. sm. 8°. 13273.26, also Class. Kornemann, Ernst. De civibus romanis in provinciis imperii consistentibus. Berolini. 1892. (BERLINER studien für classische philologie und archaeologie, xiv. 1.) Philol. 200 (XIV) Koschwitz, Eduard. Zur aussprache des französischen in Genf und Frankreich. Berlin. 1892. 8. pp. x., (2), 79. (In Zeitschrift für französische sprache und litteratur, supplementheft vii.) Philol. 457 Laudien, C. F. Ueber die quellen zur geschichte Alexanders des Grossen in Diodor, Curtius, und Plutarch. Inaugural-dissertation, Leipzig. Königsberg i/Pr. 1874. 8. pp. (4), iv.,

(2), 40.

"Vita," before p. 1.

G 831

Lees, James Thomas. Δικανικός λόγος in Euripides. Dissertation [at] Johns Hopkins university. Lincoln, Nebraska. 1891. 8°. pp. 42. Ge 36.837

Lehmann, C. F., editor. Samaŝŝumukîn, könig von Babylonien, 668-648 v. Chr.; inschriftliches material über den beginn seiner regierung, grossentheils zum ersten male herausgegeben, übersetzt und erläutert. Leipzig. 1892. 4o. Front. (ASSYRIOLOGISCHE bibliothek, 8.) 3225.53

List of works consulted, pp. ix.-x.

Lewicki, Peter. De natura infinitivi atque usu apud Horatium praecipue lyrico. Pars i. [Lemberg. 1891.] 8. pp. 3-25. (Progr. d. k. k. zweiten obergym.) Lh 9.486 Lloyd, Richard John. Phonetic attraction; [an essay upon the influence of similarities in sound upon the growth of language and the meaning of words]. Thesis [at] the university of London, 1888. [Liverpool. 1888.] 8°. pp. (58). 1246.46 Paged continuously with three other of his essays. Lloyd, Richard John. Vowel-sound. Thesis [at] the university of London, 1890. [Liverpool. 1890.] 8. pp. (48). 1246.46

Paged continuously with three other of his essays. Mackail, John William, editor. Select epigrams from the Greek anthology, edited with a revised text, introduction, translation, and notes. London, etc. 1890. 8o. Ga 64.73

Mahaffy, John Pentland. A history of classical Greek literature. 3d ed. 2 vol. in 4. London, etc. 1891, '90. sm. 8°. Class. Contents:-i. 1. The poets; with an appendix on Homer, by Prof. Sayce.-2. The dramatic poets. 1891.

ii. 1. The prose writers from Herodotus to Plato.-2. The prose writers from Isocrates to Aristotle. 1890. Mahaffy, John Pentland. Problems in Greek history. London, etc. 1892. sm. 8°. 10254.26

Contents: Our earlier historians of Greece. Recent treatment of the Greek myths.-Theoretical chronology.The despots; the democracies.-The great historians. Political theories and experiments in the fourth century B.C. Practical politics in the fourth century. - Alexander the Great.Post-Alexandrian Greece. The Romans in Greece. Appendix: On the authenticity of the Olympian register.

Manitius, Maximilian. Geschichte der christlich-lateinischen poesie bis zur mitte des 8. jahrhunderts. Stuttgart. 1891. 8°.

Class. Marquardt, (Karl) Joachim, and Mommsen, (Christian Matthias) Theodor. Manuel des antiquités romaines; traduit de l'allemand sous la direction de Gustave Humbert. Tom. i., vi.-xiii. 9 tom. in 10. Paris. 1887-92. 8. Plan and wdcts. 11285.13

Contents:-i., vi., vii. Le droit public romain par Théo dore Mommsen; traduit par P. F. Girard. Tom. i., vi., vii. 3 tom. in 4. 1887-91.-viii., ix. Organisation de l'Empire Romain par Joachim Marquardt; traduit par A. Weiss et P. Louis-Lucas. 2 tom. 1889-92. x. De l'organisation financière chez les romains par Joachim Marquardt; traduite par Albert Vigié. 1888. xi. De l'organisation militaire chez les romains par Joachim Marquardt; traduit par J. Brissaud. 1891. xii., xiii. Le culte chez les romains par Joachim Marquardt; traduit par [J.] Brissaud.


2 tom.

[blocks in formation]

Moses ha-darshan. Fragmente seiner literarischen erzeugnisse nach druckwerken u. mehreren handschriften mit einleitung und anmerkungen von Abraham Epstein. Heb. Wien. 1891. sm. 8°. pp. 52.




Murray, Augustus Taber. On parody and paratragoedia in Aristophanes, with especial reference to his scenes and situations. Based upon dissertation [at] Johns Hopkins university. Berlin. 1891. 8. pp. (2), 50. Ga 110.864 Nepos. Vitae; bearbeitet von Andreas Weid3e aufl., mit einleitung, namensverzeichnis, und anhang, versehen von Johann Schmidt. Leipzig. 1890. sm. 8°. Maps and wdcts. Class. Neubauer, Adolf, editor. Petite grammaire hébraïque provenant de Yemen. Texte arabe publié d'après les manuscrits connus. Leipzig. 1891. sm. 8°. SL. pp. 38+. Otten, Georg. The language of the Rushworth gloss to the Gospel of St. Matthew. Pt. i. Leipzig. 1890. 9286.49.2

[ocr errors]

The same. Pt. ii. Nordhausen. [1891.] 4o. (Progr. d. kgl. gym. "1891, no. 239.") 9286.49.2 Paulson, Johannes. Index hesiodeus. Lundæ. 1890. 8. pp. (4), 94. Perry, Mrs. Lilla CABOT. From the garden of Hellas; translations into verse from the Greek anthology. New York. [1891.] sm. 8°.


Ga 64.80 Peshutan (Dastur) Behramji Sanjana, editor and translator. Ganjesháyagán, Andarze Átrepát Máráspandán, Mádigáne chatrang, and Andarze Khusroe Kavátán. The original Péhlvi text; the same transliterated in Zend characters and translated into the Gujarati and English languages; a commentary and a glossary of select words. Bombay. 1885. 1.8o IV. 2766

The English translation is taken from the Gujarati, by Hirji Pestonji Wadia.

Petronius Arbiter. Cena Trimalchionis; mit deutscher übersetzung und erklärenden anmerkungen von Ludwig Friedlaender. Leipzig. 1891. Lp 16.46, also Class.


[blocks in formation]

Prace filologiczne; wydawane przez J. Baudouina de Courtenay, J. Karlowicza, A. A. Kryńskiego i L. Malinowskiego. Tom. i.-iii. 3 tom. Warszawa. 1885-91. 8. Wdcts. and fac-sim. Philol. 121

Prickard, Arthur Octavius. Aristotle on the art of poetry; a lecture, with two appendices. London, etc. 1891. 8°. Ga 113.353, also Class. List of the principal editions of and commentaries upon the "Poetics," pp. 109-114.

Rappold, Jakob. Beiträge zur kenntnis des gleichnisses bei Aischylos, Sophokles und Euripides. Leipzig. 1887. 1. 8. pp. 27. Ga 9.799 Reinach, Théodore. Mithridate Eupator roi de Pont. Paris. 1890. 8°. Front., plates, maps, and wdcts. (BIBLIOTHÈQUE d'archéologie, d'art et d'histoire ancienne.) 11264.40

Reniez, L. La prose latine; complément pratique de la grammaire destiné aux élèves des classes supérieures à partir de la quatrième. 7e éd. contenant une méthode et un questionnaire. Paris. 5258.25

1891. 12.

Revue des études grecques; publication trimestrielle de l'association pour l'encouragement des études grecques. Tom. i.-iii. Année 18881890. 3 tom. Paris. 1888-90. 8. Fac-sims., plates, and wdcts. Philol. 291

To be continued. "Bibliographie annuelle des études grecques," at the end of each volume.

This takes the place of the Annuaire de l'association, which ceased publication in 1887.

Rich, Anthony. A dictionary of Roman and Greek antiquities. 5th ed., revised and improved, 1884. London, etc. 1890. 8. pp. iv., 756. Wdets.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Teuffel, Wilhelm Sigmund voN. History of Roman literature. Revised and enlarged by Ludwig Schwabe. Authorised translation from the 5th German ed. by G. C. W. Warr. 2 vol. London, etc. 1891-92. 8. 13273.10, also Class. Contents:i. The republican period. 1891. ii. The imperial period. 1892.

Thucydides. Thucydides, book ii. Edited by E. C. Marchant. Gr. London, etc. 1891. 16°. Class. Thucydides. Seventh book; the text newly revised and explained, with introduction, summaries, and indexes, by H. A. Holden. Gr. Cambridge [Eng.]. 1891. 16. Maps and plan. (Pitt press series.) Class.

Tisdall, William St. Clair. A simplified grammar of the Gujarāti language, with a short reading book and vocabulary. London. 1892. sm. 8°. (TRÜBNER & Co. Collection of simplified grammars, 22.) 3255.35 Tregear, Edward. The Maori-Polynesian comparative dictionary. Wellington, N. Z. 1891. 8°. pp. xxiv., 675+. 2274.54

Tyler, Henry Mather. A Greek play and its presentation; [the Electra of Sophocles, given by the senior class, Smith college, June 11 and 15, 1889. With a reprint of the original program, a copy of the music, and newspaper reports of the play. Springfield, Mass. cop. 1891.] 4. pp. 64. Front., plates, and wdcts. Gs 32.575

[Velasco, Juan Bautista DE.] Arte de la lengua cahita por un padre de la compañia de Jesus, idioma usado por los yaquis y los mayos en el estado de Sonora y por algunos indios del rio del Fuerte en el de Sinaloa, y un Catecismo de la doctrina cristiana en cahita y español por [Tomas Basilio]. Publicado de nuevo, por Eustaquio Buelna, con una introducción, notas, y un pequeño diccionario. Mexico. 1890. 8. 1272.20 Verrall, Arthur Woolgar. "On editing Aeschylus"; a reply [to Walter Headlam]. London, etc. 1892. 8°. Ga 9.863 pp. 28. [Victor, Sextus Aurelius.] Liber de viris illustribus urbis Romae apparatu critico et adnotationibus instructus. Specimen litterarium inaugurale quod submittet I. R. Wijga. Groningae. [1890.] 8. Class.

Wagner, Dr. Richard. Der gebrauch des imperativischen infinitivs im griechischen. [Schwerin i. M. 1891.] 8°. pp. 52. Class.

"Wissensch. beilage zum progr. des grossherzoglichen gymnas. Fridericianum. 1891. Nr. 645."

Weber, Dr. Max. Die römische agrargeschichte in ihrer bedeutung für das staats- und privatrecht. Stuttgart. 1891. 8°. Plates. Class.

Weisbach, Franz Heinrich, editor. Die achamenideninschriften zweiter art; herausgegeben und bearbeitet. [With transliteration and German translation.] Leipzig. 1890. 4. (ASSYRIOLOGISCHE bibliothek, 9.) 3226.68.2

"Bibliographie," pp. 3-4.

Werner, Julius. Quaestiones babrianae. Berolini. 1892. 8°. pp. (3), 27. (BERLINER studien für classische philologie und archaeologie, xiv. 2.) Philol. 200 (XIV)

Whitney, William Dwight. Max Müller and "The science of language"; a criticism. New York. 1892. 8. pp. (4), 79. 1226.17

Wilcken, Ulrich. Tafeln zur aelteren griechischen palæographie, nach originalen des Berliner koenigl. museums herausgegeben. Leipzig, etc. 1891. fo pp. xiii.+. 20 plates. 27 Case. 617

Wilisch, Ernst (Gustav). Die altkorinthische thonindustrie. Leipzig. 1892. 8. 8 plates. (BEITRÄGE zur kunstgeschichte; neue folge, 15.) II. 2833

Xenophon. Works; translated by H. G. Dakyns. Vol. i. London, etc. 1890. sm. 8°. Maps. Gx 9.645

"Sketch of Xenophon's life," pp. lxix.-cxlviii. Contents:i. Hellenica, books I. & II., and Anabasis. Zeno Citiensis. Fragments of Zeno and Cleanthes, with introduction and explanatory notes. An essay which obtained the Hare prize in 1889; by A. C. Pearson. Gr. London. 1891. "Life of Zeno," pp. 1-7.

[blocks in formation]

sm. 8°.

Gz 3.4

[blocks in formation]

Adams, Oscar Fay. The story of Jane Austen's life. Chicago. 1891. sm. 8°. Port. of Jane Austen. 18436.14

"Biography and criticism of Jane Austen," pp. 259–263.

Eneas of Troy. Enéas; texte critique, publié par Jacques Salverda de Grave. Halle. 1891. 8°. (SUCHIER, Hermann, editor. Bibliotheca normannica, 4.) 7594.41

This is the earliest French poem taken directly from Virgil's Eneid, being an adaptation rather than a translation of the Latin text, although following closely the plot and order of the original.

Alas, Leopoldo. Benito Pérez Galdós; estudio 2a ed. crítico-biográfico. Madrid. 1889. sm. 8°. pp. 39. Port. of Pérez Galdós and fac-sim. (CELEBRIDADES españolas contemporáneas, 1.)

[blocks in formation]

Ancona, Alessandro D'. Origini del teatro italiano; libri tre, con due appendici sulla rappresentazione drammatica del contado toscano e sul teatro mantovano nel sec. XVI. 2a ed., rivista ed accresciuta. 2 vol. Torino, etc. 1891. 8. IV.3798 Arbuthnot, John (1675-1735). The life and works of John Arbuthnot, M.D., fellow of the royal college of physicians. By G. A. Aitken. Oxford. 1892. 8. Port. and geneal. table. "Bibliography," pp. 176-188. 15492.23

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

"250 copies printed."

"Biographical sketch," pp. v.-xvi. Contents: Peter Rugg, the missing man. - The late Joseph Natterstrom. - Martha Gardner; or, Moral reaction. -The man with the cloaks; a Vermont legend. The suf ferings of a country schoolmaster. - Letters from London. -The human character of Jesus Christ. - Oration at Charlestown, Mass., June 17, 1801.

Bapst, Edmond. Deux gentilshommes-poetes de la cour de Henry VIII. [George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford and Henry Howard, earl of Surrey]. Paris. 1891. 8. 12473.29

Barbier, Paul Jules. Jeanne d'Arc; drame en cinq actes, en vers avec chœurs. Musique de Ch. Gounod. Nouvelle éd. Paris. 1890. 18°. The cover has the date 1891. 12568.3 Barrie, James Matthew. The little minister. 3d ed. London, etc. 21423.29 Barrière, Marcel. L'œuvre de H. de Balzac ; étude littéraire et philosophique sur la Comédie humaine. Paris. 1890. 8o. 10517.5.2

1892. 8.

Bate, William Stivers. Wayside voices. New York. 1891. 16°. AL 932.1.30

Baxley, Isaac R. Songs of the spirit. Buffalo. 1891. sq. 24° AL 932.9.30 Besant, Walter. St. Katherine's by the Tower; a novel. New ed. London. 1892. sm. 8°. Front. and plates. 21423.68

Boissier, (Marie Louis Antoine) Gaston. SaintSimon. Paris. 1892. sm. 8°. Port. of Saint-Simon. (Les GRANDS écrivains français.) 3564.34 Bourget, Paul. Sensations d'Italie; Toscane, 1891. Ombrie, Grande-Grèce. Paris. 18o. I. 4035 Boutell, Lewis Henry. Thomas Jefferson, the man of letters. [Read before the Phi Beta Kappa society at the Northwestern university, Evanston, Ill., June 23d, 1891.] Chicago. 1891. pp. 73.

"Privately printed."

sm. 8°. 7342.19.2

[blocks in formation]

Brunetière, Ferdinand. Le roman naturaliste. Nouvelle éd. Paris. 1892. 18° 12584.18

· Le

Contents: Le roman réaliste en 1875.-L'érudition dans le roman. Les origines du roman naturaliste. - L'impres sionnisme dans le roman.- Le reportage dans le roman.Le roman expérimental. - Le naturalisme français. naturalisme anglais. Le faux naturalisme. - A propos de Pot-bouille. Les petits naturalistes [Henry Céard, Karl Huysmans, Léon Hennique, Guy, de Maupassant]. - La banqueroute du naturalisme.-L'Evangéliste de M. Daudet. -Les nouvelles de M. de Maupassant.

Buchanan, George (1506-1582). Vernacular writings; edited by P. H. Brown. Edinburgh, etc. 1892. 8. Fac-sim. (SCOTTISH TEXT SOCIETY. [Publ.] 26.) Eng. Lit. 2117

"Life of Buchanan," pp. ix.-xxxviii.

Contents: Opinion anent the reformation of the universitie of St. Andros. Ane admonitioun to the trew lordis maintenaris of justice, and obedience to the kingis grace.— Chamæleon, written against the laird of Lidingtone. - Two letters to Sir Thomas Randolph.-Notes and various readings. Byers, Samuel Hawkins Marshall. The happy isles, and other poems. New York. 1891. sm. 8°. AL 998.9.30

Caird, Edward. Essays on literature and philosophy. 2 vol. (paged contin.). New York. 1892. sm. 8°. III. 6881

Contents:i. Dante in his relation to the theology and ethics of the middle ages. Goethe and philosophy. Rousseau. Wordsworth. -The problem of philosophy at the present time. [An address to the philosophical society of the university of Edinburgh, 1881.]- The genius of Carlyle. [A lecture delivered to the dialectic society of the university of Glasgow.]

ii. Cartesianism; general relations of Descartes, Malebranche, and Spinoza. - Metaphysic.

Carlyle, Thomas.

[Copies of letters written to his brother about his books, some of which he left by will to Harvard college. Dated 11 April and 22 August, 1856.] f. ff. (6). MS.

Carlyle, Thomas.

[ocr errors]

*Carl. 243.2 The last words of Thomas Carlyle. New York. 1892. 8°. Port. 20452.23 Contents: Wotton Reinfred; a romance. Excursion (futile enough) to Paris, autumn 1851.-Letters to Varnhagen von Ense in 1837-57. Edited by Richard Preuss.-Letter to K. E. Vehse. - Translation of some notes of Varnhagen about Carlyle's first visit to Berlin, 1852.- Letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle to Amely Bölte, 1843-1849.

Caro, Mme. Pauline (CASSIN). fille. 8e éd. Paris. 1892. 18.

Amour de jeune 12526.28b

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel DE. The ingenious gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha; a translation, with introduction and notes, by John 1885. Ormsby. 4 vol. London. 8°. Map. IV. 3783 Life of Cervantes, i. 13-51. — The Spanish romances of chivalry, iv. 396-409. — “Bibliography of Don Quixote," iv. 410-426.

[Chaucer, Geoffrey.] Specimens of all the accessible unprinted manuscripts of the Canterbury tales; the Doctor-pardoner link, and Pardoner's prologue and tale. Edited by Julius Zupitza. Pt. i. London. 1892. obl. 8. (CHAUCER SOCIETY. [Publ.] 81.) Eng. Lit. 2003

The cover has the date 1890. Contents: -i. Seven MSS.

Clarke, William, M. A.

The Dd. group.

Walt Whitman. Lon

don, etc. 1892. 16. Port. of Whitman. (The DILETTANTE library, 10.) AL 4159.03

Craigmyle, Elizabeth, translator. German ballads. [Translations from Goethe, Schiller, Burger, Uhland, and others.] London, etc. [1892.] 24. (The CANTERBURY poets.) Crawford, Francis Marion. London, etc. 1892. sm. 8°.

16567.9 The three fates. AL 1085.325

Crawford, Francis Marion. The witch of Prague; a fantastic tale. sm. 8°. Wdcts.

London, etc. 1891. AL 1085.360

Curtis, George William. James Russell Lowell; an address [before the Brooklyn institute, Feb. 22, 1892]. New York. 1892. 24. pp. 64. Portrs., plate, and fac-sim. (Harper's black & white series.) AL 2395.021 Davis, L. Clarke, compiler. The story of the memorial fountain to Shakspeare at Stratfordupon-Avon; also accounts of the Herbert and Cowper window, Westminster abbey; the Milton window, St. Margaret's church, Westminster; and the Bishops Andrewes and Ken reredos, St. Thomas's church, Winchester, England: gifts of G. W. Childs. Cambridge. 1890. 8. Port. of Childs and plate.

"Privately printed."

De Lagutry, Norman. poems. Sewanee, Tenn.


Love conquereth; 1890. sq. 16%%

AL 1137.3.20 Delfour, L. Cl., l'abbé. La Bible dans Racine. Thèse pour le doctorat présentée à la faculté des lettres de Paris. Paris. 1891. 8o. 8525.12

Dermot. The song of Dermot and the earl; an old French poem from the Carew manuscript no. 596 in the archiepiscopal library at Lambeth palace. Edited with literal translation and notes by G. H. Orpen. Oxford. 1892. sm. 8°. Front. and map.

"Principal authorities," pp. 253–254.


[blocks in formation]

"These papers were originally published in the Contemporary review."

Dupuy, (Charles) Ernest. Victor Hugo; son œuvre poétique. 2e éd. Paris. 1890. 8°. Portrs. and wdct. (COLLECTION des classiques populaires.)

11574.33 Dupuy, Elisabethe. The Dragon yoke; sonnets and songs. New York. 1890. sq. 16. AL 1192.7.15 pp. 46. Ellis, Frederick S. A lexical concordance to the poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley; an attempt to classify every word found therein according to its signification. London. 1892. 1. 8°. pp. xii., 818. 18451.20

Énault, Louis. Tragiques amours. Paris. 12548.30


sm. 8°.

Eyre-Todd, George, editor. Mediæval Scottish poetry; King James the First, Robert Henryson, William Dunbar, Gavin Douglas. Glasgow. 1892. sm. 8°. (ABBOTSFORD series of the Scottish poets.)

12474.10 Faguet, Émile. Dix-septième siècle; études littéraires. 9° éd. Paris. 1892. 18°. (Nouvelle bibliothèque littéraire.) 7564.32

An earlier edition has the title "Les grands maitres du XVIIe siècle."

Contents: - Corneille. - Pascal. La Rochefoucauld. La Fontaine. Molière. - Racine. - Boilean. Madame de Sévigné. Bossuet.- Fénelon. - Madame de Maintenon. La Bruyère.-Saint-Simon. Faguet, Emile.

Dix-huitième siècle; études littéraires. 9e éd. Paris. 1892. 18o. (NouVELLE bibliothèque littéraire.) 7565.37

Contents: - Pierre Bayle.-Fontenelle.-Le Sage.-MariMontesquieu.- Voltaire. - Diderot.-J. J. RousBuffon.- Mirabeau. - André Chénier.



Faguet, Émile. Dix-neuvième siècle; études littéraires. ge éd. Paris. 1892. 18. (NouVELLE bibliothèque littéraire.) 7566.31

Contents: Chateaubriand.

- Lamartine. Alfred de Vigny. Victor Hugo. A. de Musset. Th. Gautier.— P. Mérimée. Michelet. - George Sand. - Balzac. Faust, Johann. Das böhmische puppenspiel vom Doktor Faust. Abhandlung und übersetzung von Ernst Kraus. Breslau. 1891. sm. 8°. 26295.22.2 [Forbes, John Murray, of Boston, compiler.] An old scrap-book, [containing poems, songs, epigrams, and charades, gathered from various sources]. With additions. [Cambridge.] 1884. 8. pp. xxxiv., (2), 659. Front.


Printed for private distribution. [-] Supplement. [Cambridge.] 1891. 8. pp. iv., (4), 32. Portrs. of R. G. Shaw (H. U. 1860) and C. R. Lowell (H. U. 1854). 10412.28 Printed for private distribution.

Forster, Joseph. Four great teachers; John Ruskin, Thomas Carlyle, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Robert Browning. Orpington; London. 1890. sm. 8°. 10436.24

Fotheringham, James. Studies in the poetry of Robert Browning. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. London. 1888. sm. 8°. 23444.24.2

France, (Jacques) Anatole. La vie littéraire. 4e série. Paris. 1892. 18. 7557.20.4 Frommel, Gaston. Esquisses contemporaines. Lausanne. 1891. sm. 8°. 7567.34

Contents:- Pierre Loti [Julien Viaud.-H. F. Amiel.Charles Secrétan. - Paul Bourget. - Edmond Scherer.

Fuller, Henry B. The chevalier of PensieriVani. [4th ed., revised.] New York. 1892. 12o. Vigns. (The Century series.) AL 1595.1.40

Garland, Hamlin. A little Norsk; or, Ol' Pap's Flaxen. New York. 1892. 16o AL 1618.5.15 Gevin-Cassal, Mme. O. Souvenirs du Sundgau; récits de la Haute Alsace. Paris. 1892. 18. (NOUVELLE bibliothèque variée. - Romans Nouvelles-Théâtre.)

Goncourt, Edmond De. Chérie. Paris. 1892. 12°.

Goncourt, Edmond DE. 7e éd. Paris. 1879. 12o.

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