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The first number was published March 1, the second, May 3, since which date it appeared weekly, the last number being Oct. 25.

Livre moderne (Le); revue du monde littéraire et des bibliophiles contemporains. Publiée par Octave Uzanne. i.-iv. 1890-1891. m. 4 tom. Paris. 1890-91. 8. Portrs., plates, wdcts., etc. No more published. VIII. 145.2

"1050 exemplaires. No. 545." The successor of Le livre, published by the same editor from 1880 to 1889.

For continuation, see L'art et l'idée.

Table générale 1890-1891; dressée par Michel Mourlevat. Paris. 1892. 8°. VIII. 145.3 MacAlister, James. Supplement to the catalogue of the pedagogical library, and the books of reference in the office of the superintendent of public schools, board of public education, Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 1890. sm. 8. pp. x., 47.

DR. 3.377.2

Massachusetts historical society. Enlargement and enrichment of its library; being a report of the committee appointed to examine the library and cabinet, read at the annual meeting of the society, 10th April, 1890, by E. F. Slafter. Boston. 1890. 8°. pp. 7.

DS. Medina, José Toribio. Bibliotheca americana; catálogo breve de mi coleccion de libros relativos a la América latina, con un ensayo de bibliografía de Chile durante el período colonial. Santiago de Chile. 1888. 16° 1322.53

Messina, Italy ·

Università. Catalogo dei lavori pubblicati dai professori, dai liberi docenti, dagli assistenti e dagli studenti, nel decennio dal 1877 al 1886-87. Messina. 1887. 8°. IV. 3796 Motta, Emilio. Bibliografia del suicidio. Bellinzona. 1890. 8. IV. 3793 Nessel, Daniel VoN. Catalogus sive recensio specialis omnium codicum manuscriptorum græcorum nec non linguarum orientalium augustissimæ bibliothecæ cæsareæ vindobonensis; accedunt non solum indices verum etiam appendix. 6 pt. in 2 vol. Vindobonæ, etc. 1690. f. Front., plates, IV. 3805 portrs., and wdcts. Half-title: "Breviarium & supplementum Commentariorum lambecianorum, sive Catalogus aut recensio specialis, etc."

Nevada State library. brary; by Jennie D. Fisher. 1890. 8°.

Catalogue of the liCarson City, Nev. IV. 3774 New York (City)- Holland society. Catalogue of the works of Grotius and of books relating to him presented to the society by R. B. Roosevelt. [New York? 1890?] 1. 8°. pp. 28. IV. 3772 O'Donoghue, David J. The poets of Ireland; a biographical dictionary with bibliographical particulars. Pt. i. [London.] 1892. 8. Pier 3.205 Papadopoulos-Kerameus, A. 'Iepoσoλvμτικὴ βιβλιοθήκη, ἤτοι Κατάλογος τῶν ἐν ταῖς βιβλιοθήκαις τοῦ ἁγιωτάτου ἀποστολικοῦ τε καὶ καθολικοῦ ὀρθοδόξου πατριαρχικού θρόνου τῶν ̔Ιεροσολύμων καὶ πάσης Παλαιστίνης ἀποκειμένων ἑλληνικῶν κωδίκων. Tom. i. Ἐν ΠετρουTóλel. 1891. 1. 8°. Fac-sim. plates. IV. 3803




Peabody institute, Baltimore, Md.-Library. Catalogue of the library. 5 pt. (paged contin.). Baltimore. 1883-92. 1. 8°. pp. vi., (2) + x., DR. 3.17 Catalogue des incunables et des livres imprimés de 1500 à 1520 [in the bibliothèque publique de Versailles]; avec les marques typographiques des éditions du xve siècle. Paris. 8. Wdcts. IV. 3768 Pennsylvania - State library. Check-list of Pennsylvania county, town, and township histories, 1794-1892. Harrisburg. 1892. 8°. pp. 24. 12384.1 An appendix to the "Report of the librarian for 1891." Pilling, James Constantine. Bibliography of the Algonquian languages. Washington. 1891. 8. pp. x., 614. Fac-sims. (Bureau of ethnology.) 1271.10.2, also BG.

Quaritch, Bernard. A catalogue of Bibles, liturgies, church history, and theology. London. 1891. 1. 8°. LR.

This is supplement iii, of his General catalogue. Quaritch, Bernard, publisher. Contributions towards a dictionary of English book-collectors, as also of some foreign collectors whose libraries were incorporated in English collections, or whose books are chiefly met with in England. Pt. i. London. 1892. 1. 8. Port. of Pirkheimer and fac-sims. IV. 3841

Contents: -i. The libraries of Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, 1489-1556; and of Bilibald Pirkheimer, of Nuremberg, 1470-1530.

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Roth, F. W. E. Die Mainzer buchdruckerfamilie Schöffer während des xvI. jahrhunderts, und deren erzeugnisse zu Mainz, Worms, Strassburg, und Venedig; enthaltend die drucke des Johann Schöffer, 1503-1531, des Peter Schöffer des jüngeren, 1508-1542, und des Ivo Schoeffer, 1531-1555. Leipzig. 1892. 8. (CENTRALBLATT für bibliothekswesen. Beihefte, 9.) IV. 2736.3 Slater, John Herbert. The library manual; a guide to the formation of a library, and the valuation of books. 3d and enlarged ed. London. 1892. sm. 8". DR. 3.267 Smart, Thomas Burnett. The bibliography of Matthew Arnold. London. 1892. 8. 23433.44 United States - Bureau of education. A catalogue of educational literature. Pt. i. WashingDR. 3.373

ton. 1892. 8o.

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[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Ameer Ali, Syed. The life and teachings of Mohammed, or The spirit of Islâm. London. 1891. 8. pp. xvi., 677. Sem. 456 Arréat, Lucien. Psychologie du peintre. Paris. 1892. 8o. III. 6852

Ars moriendi; that is to saye, the craft for to deye for the helthe of mannes sowle. Photolithograph of the unique and perfect copy, printed about 1491 by William Caxton or Wynken de Worde, preserved in the Bodleian library, Oxford. Issued, with an introductory note, by E. W. B. Nicholson. London, etc. [1891?] 8°. pp. 7, (17). G. L. ([BODLEIAN facsimile series, 1.]) III. 6765 Avenarius, Richard. Der menschliche weltbegriff. Leipzig. 1891. 8. III. 6813 Bachmann, Johannes. Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg; sein leben und wirken nach gedruckten und ungedruckten quellen dargestellt. jer, ijer bd.; - iiier bd. Nach J. Bachmanns tode dargestellt von Th. Schmalenbach. 3 bde. in 2. Gütersloh. 1876-92. 8°. Port. of Hengstenberg. DS. Badaud, U. N. Coup d'œil sur les thaumaturges et les médiums du XIXe siècle. Paris, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. III. 6848

Batiffol, Pierre, l'abbé. L'abbaye de Rossano; contribution à l'histoire de la Vaticane. Paris. 1891. 8° Vign. III. 6850 Batiffol, Pierre, l'abbé, editor. Studia patristica; études d'ancienne littérature chrétienne. 1er, 2e fasc. 2 fasc. Paris. 1889-90. 8o.

III. 5820

Beckett, W. H. The English reformation of the sixteenth century, with chapters on monastic England, and the Wycliffite reformation. London. 1890. sm. 8". Portrs. and maps. (The CHURCH history series, 7.) III. 6876

"Works for reference," pp. 306-308. Belgium -Commission royale d'histoire. Publications. Bruxelles. 1889. 8. Namely:GHENT, Belgium - Église de Saint Jean. Obituarium sancti Johannis. Nécrologe de l'église St. Jean (St. Bavon) à Gand, du XIIIe au XVIe siècle; par Napoléon de Pauw. 1889. III. 6859 Bellesheim, Alphons. Geschichte der katholischen kirche in Irland von der einführung des christenthums bis auf die gegenwart. 3 bde. Mainz. 1890–91. 8. Maps and port. of Oliver Plunket, abp. of Armagh. III. 6663 "Literaturverzeichniss," i. xix.-xxxii.; ii. xxiii.-xxxv.;

iii. xxiii.-xxxvi.

Contents:-i. 432-1509. 1890.-ii. 1509-1690. 1890.- iii.

1690-1890. 1831.

Bernardus Clarævallensis, Saint. Life and works; edited by John Mabillon. Translated and edited with additional notes, by S. J. Eales. Vol. i., ii. 2 vol. London. 1889. 8°. Port. (CATHOLIC standard library.) III. 6757

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Ezekiel. Eng. (1892.) The book of the prophet Ezekiel; with notes and introduction by A. B. Davidson. Edited for the syndics of the university press. Cambridge [Eng.]. 1892.

sm. 8°. Plans. (The CAMBRIDGE Bible for schools and colleges.) DS.

Bible. New Test. Eng. (Tyndale.) (1549 or 1550.) [The New Testament, translated by William Tyndale, with the notes of Thomas Mathewe. London, John Daye. 1549 or 1550.] sm. 8. G. L. Wdcts. *III. 6825

A detailed collation is given in Fry's "Bibliographical description of the editions of the New Testament," p. 142, no. 28. Only three copies were known to Fry, his own, one in the British museum, and one in the Lenox library, all imperfect. The present copy, (187 ff.), lacks all after the Gospel of John, but has seven leaves at the beginning not found in the copies described by Fry, being [*.ii.] *.iii., *.iiii. and the four corresponding unnumbered last leaves of the same signature. No title-page is known. The first page,

which should be marked *.ii. contains "An almanacke for xxviii. yeares." (M.D.l. to M.D.lxxvii.) The next six pages contain "The kalender," after which follows "A table to finde the Epistles and gospels read | in the churche of Englande, at the holye | Communion," seven pages, with "The bokes contayned in the newe Testament" added on the last page.

"A Table of the principal matters con-teyned in thys new Testa-ment. Gathered by J. C." begins on the next page (the first in the other copies described). The signature is ii. (a tailed star, not the simple six-pointed star of the first leaves), that of the next page is 1.ii (an error, evidently), the next, .iii., the next, .iiii. In other respects Fry's collation is correct, except that "declaration" should be "declaracion" on 7 verso.

This copy belonged to Bentley Masslich, who presented it to J. B. Harrison, of Franklin Falls, N. H. Mr. Harrison gave it to the College Library.

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"Reprinted from the Transactions of the Deronshire association for the advancement of science, literature, and art, 1891, xxiii. 239-306."

Buhl, Frants. Canon and text of the Old Testament; translated by John Macpherson. Edinburgh. 1892. 8.

DS. Call, Wathen Mark Wilks. Final causes; a refutation. London. 1891. sm. 8°. III. 6777 "Autobiography," pp. xiii.-1.

Cambridge, Mass. — First church and Shepard congregational society. Twenty-five years; sermons and addresses in recognition of the twentyfifth anniversary of the installation of Alexander McKenzie. Cambridge. 1892. 8°. pp. 66. Front. III. 6653.2

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"500 copies printed. No. 415."

Cornill, Karl Heinrich. Einleitung in das Alte Testament. Freiburg i. B. 1891. 8. (GRUNDRISS der theologischen wissenschaften, ii. 1.) DS. Darmesteter, James. Les prophètes d'Israël. Paris. 1892. 8. III. 6846 Delff, Heinrich Karl Hugo. Die geschichte des rabbi Jesus von Nazareth; kritisch begründet, dargestellt, und erklärt. Leipzig. [1889.] 8°. DS. Delff, Heinrich Karl Hugo. Neue beiträge zur kritik und erklärung des vierten evangeliums. Supplement zu der schrift "Das vierte evangelium, ein authentischer bericht über Jesus von NazaDS.

reth." Husum. 1890. 8. pp. 37.

Desjardins, Paul. Le devoir présent. 4o éd. Paris. 1892. 16. pp. (4), 82. (Questions du temps présent.) III. 6853

Dibblee, Frederick. Proceedings at the centennial commemoration of the ordination of Rev. Frederick Dibblee [Oct. 23rd, 1891]. Sermon by Rev. Canon Ketchum. Paper on Early days of Woodstock, etc., by W. O. Raymond. St. John, N. B. 1891. 8°. pp. 28. 4345.22

"Reprinted from the Saint John Daily sun." Dieterich, Albrecht. Abraxas; studien zur religionsgeschichte des spätern altertums. Leipzig. 1891. 8°. III. 6784

"Festschrift Hermann Usener zur feier seiner 25jährigen lehrtätigkeit an der Bonner universität, dargebracht vom klassisch-philologischen verein zu Bonn.'

Dillmann, (Christian Friedrich) August. Hiob. Von der gen aufl. an erklärt. 4e aufl. Leipzig. 1891. 8. (KURZGEFASSTES exegetisches handbuch zum Alten Testament, 2.) DS.

Döllinger, (Johann Joseph) Ignaz voN. Das papstthum. Neubearbeitung von Janus "Der papst und das concil," von J. Friedrich. München. 1892. 8°. III. 6786

Döllinger was assisted in the preparation of this work by Prof. J. Huber.

Ellis, John, M.D. Personal experience of a physician, with an appeal to the medical and clerical professions [in behalf of homeopathy and the teachings of Swedenborg]; and a review of "Christ and the temperance question" in the Christian union. Philadelphia. 1892.

sm. 8°. DS.

Enders, Ludwig, editor. Luther und Emser; ihre streitschriften aus dem Jahre 1521. 2 bde. Halle a. S. 1890-92. sm. 8°. (NEUDRUCKE deutscher litteraturwerke des xvI. und xvII. jahrhunderts, 83, 84, 96-98.)

Contents:i. EMSER, Hieronymus. Wider das unchristenliche buch Martini Luters augustiners, an den tewtschen adel aussgangen. - LUTHER, Martin. An den bock zu Leyptzck [sic]. 1890.


ii. EMSER, Hieronymus. An den stier zu Uuiettenberg. LUTHER, Martin. Auff des bocks zu Leypcezick antwort.EMSER, Hieronymus. Auff des stieres tzu Wiettenberg wiettende replica.- LUTHER, Martin. Auff das vbirchristlich vbirgeystlich vnd vbirkunstlich buch bocks Emssers zu Leypczick antwortt. -EMSER, Hieronymus. Quadruplica auff Luters jungst gethane antwurt, sein reformation belangend.-LUTHER, Martin. Eyn widderspruch seynis yrthusz erczwungen durch Hieronymo Emser, vicarien tzu Meyssen.- -EMSER, Hieronymus. Bedingung auf Luters orsten widerspruch. 1892. 17522.20

Eucken, Rudolf (Christof). Die lebensanschauungen der grossen denker; eine entwickelungsgeschichte des lebensproblems der menschheit von Plato bis zur gegenwart. Leipzig. 1890. 8.

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ii. Die Augsburger "tragödie" und ihre nachspiele.Die Altenburger komödie und das schauspiel in Leipzig. 1883.

iii. Vollendung des innern bruchs mit der kirche. - "Der würfel ist geworfen." 1884.

iv. Die bannbulle. - Der reichstag zu Worms im jahre 1521. Der reichstag und seine vor- und nachspiele. 1886. v. Gewaltsamer durchbruch der revolution. 1888. vi. Im genuss der früchte der revolution und in der arbeit zur befestigung derselben. Luther und die doppelehe des hessischen landgrafen. -"Meine armen alten tage." 1891.

Farrer, J. A. Paganism and Christianity. London, etc. 1891. 8°.


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Hatch, Edwin, and Redpath, Henry Adeney. A concordance to the Septuagint and the other Greek versions of the Old Testament, including the apocryphal books. By Edwin Hatch, and H. A. Redpath, assisted by other scholars. Pt. i. Α-βωρίθ. Oxford. 1892. 4o. DS.

Haupt, Herman (b. 1854). Waldenserthum und inquisition im südöstlichen Deutschland. Freiburg i. B. 1890. 8°. III. 6797

Field, George Warren. That better world. [A sermon.] Boston. [1890.] 12. pp. 38. DS. Finding (The) of the gnosis, or Apotheosis of an ideal. An interior-life drama wherein is brought to light the inmost secret of all veritable religion the mystery of the divine self. Authorized version. Boston. 1890. sm. 4. pp. 74. AL 4315.49 Finke, Heinrich. Forschungen und quellen zur geschichte des Konstanzer konzils. Paderborn, etc. Die psychologie in Kants 1889. 8°. III. 6664 ethik. Freiburg i. B. 1891. 8°. III. 6798 Friedländer, Michael. The Jewish religion. London. 1891. DS. Heidenhain, Arthur. Die unionspolitik landPersonality; sergraf Philipps von Hessen, 1557-1562. [With "Ar8. 1890. chivalische beilagen."] Halle a. S. III. 6752 pp. xx., 480, 139. III. 6750

sm. 8°.

Fuller, Samuel Richard.


Boston, etc.


Furness, William Henry.

sm. 8°
A Christmas dis-

course delivered in the first congregational unitarian church of Philadelphia, Dec. 21st, 1890. [Philadelphia. 1890.] 8°. pp. 24. DS. Giner de los Rios, Francisco. Estudios filosóficos y religiosos. Madrid. 1876. sm. 8°.

III. 6761 Contents:-Condiciones del espíritu científico. - El alma de los animales. - Clasificacion de las ciencias. - Doctrina de la ciencia.- Concepto y division de la matemática. - Reforma de las ciencias matemáticas.- Religion y ciencia. — La iglesia española. - Los católicos viejos.

Goblet d'Alviella, Eugène, Comte. Lectures on the origin and growth of the conception of God as illustrated by anthropology and history. London, etc. 1892. 8°. (HIBBERT lectures, 1891.)

III. 6816 Goldziher, Ignaz. Die zâhiriten, ihr lehrsystem und ihre geschichte; beitrag zur geschichte der muhammedanischen theologie. Leipzig. 1884. 8. SL.

[Goodyear, Anna Forbes.] References to truths revealed in the Holy Bible. [Boston. 1892.] 24° pp. iv., 81. III. 6865

Green, Samuel Fisk. Life and letters; compiled by Ebenezer Cutler. [New York?] 1891. 8. Portrs., plate, and fac-sim. 17353.23

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Guines, France - Eglise reformé. Transcript of the registers of the protestant church at Guisnes, from 1668 to 1685. Made and edited by William Minet and W. C. Waller. Lymington. 1891. 4°. (LONDON, Eng. - Huguenot society. Publ. 3.) "500 copies printed. No. 410." III. 6692

Guttmann, J. Das verhältniss des Thomas von Aquino zum judenthum und zur jüdischen litteratur. Göttingen. 1891 8. pp. (6), 92. Sem. 467 Contents:-Thomas von Aquino und das judenthum.. Das verhältniss des Thomas von Aquino zur Gabirol'schen philosophie. Das verhältniss des Thomas von Aquino zur religionsphilosophie des Maimonides.

Hall, Harriet Ware. Essays. Boston. 1890. DS. sm. 8°.

"Privately printed." Contents: Thought as a duty. - Happiness.-Imagination. Personal influence.

Hardy, Edmund. Der buddhismus nach älteren pâli-werken dargestellt. Münster i. W. 1890. 8. Map. (Darstellungen aus dem gebiete der nichtchristlichen religionsgeschichte, 1.) DS. "Litteratur-übersicht," pp. 163–166.

Hegler, Alfred.

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Contents: Prologue. The rise and progress of palæontology. The interpreters of Genesis and the interpreters of nature. Mr. Gladstone and Genesis. The evolution of theology; an anthropological study.-Science and morals. Scientific and pseudo-scientific realism. Science and pseudo-science. An episcopal trilogy. Agnosticism. The value of witness to the miraculous.-Agnosticism; a rejoinder. Agnosticism and Christianity. The lights of the church and the light of science.-The keepers of the herd of swine. Illustrations of Mr. Gladstone's controversial methods. Hasisadra's adventure. Most of these essays originally appeared in the Nineteenth century.

Hyslop, James Henry. The elements of logic, 1892. theoretical and practical. New York. 8. III. 6828 Diagrs. Ingram, Thomas Dunbar. England and Rome; a history of the relations between the papacy and the English state and church from the Norman conquest to the revolution of 1688. London, etc. 1892. 8o. III. 6808

International congregational council, London. (1891.) Authorised record of proceedings; with introduction by R. W. Dale. 2d ed. London. 1891. 1. 8. Portrs., wdcts., and plate. III. 6634

Issel, Ernst. Die lehre vom reiche Gottes im Neuen Testament. Eine von der Haager gesellschaft zur verteidigung der christlichen religion gekrönte preisschrift. Leiden. 1891. 8o. DS.

Jackson, Samuel Macauley, editor. Concise dictionary of religious knowledge and gazetteer, edited by S. M. Jackson; associate editors: T. W. Chambers and F. H. Foster. 2d and revised ed. New York. 1891 [cop. 1889]. 1. 8. pp. (6), 996, 34. Maps. DS. Japan - Unitarian association (kō-dō kwai). [1st annual report. 1892.] Jap. [Tokyo. 1892.] sm. 8°. DS.

Jesus Christ. W. Caxtons Infantia
Salvatoris; herausgegeben von F. Holthausen.
sm. 8°. pp. xii., 24. 25234.39.2


Jingruai (Ki) ka jingmane bad jingngeit ba'n pyndonkam ha ki jingiaseng, ha iing bad ha ki jaka baroh [a book of hymns in the Kassia language of north eastern India, for the unitarian churches in Assam]. Boston. 1892. 8. pp. 28, iii.+. DS. Kawerau, Waldemar. Thomas Murner und die deutsche reformation. Halle. 1891. 8. (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften, 32.) III. 3119 (32) Kawerau, Waldemar. Thomas Murner und die kirche des mittelalters. Halle. 1890. 8o (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften, 30.) III. 3119 (30) Kedney, John Steinfort. Mens Christi; and other problems in theology and Christian ethics. [Lectures.] Chicago. 1891. sm. 8°. DS.

Contents: The question of Jesus' knowledge, and of inspiration, as affected by the doctrine of the kenosis. - The doctrine of the atonement.-The possibilities of the future, as determining the mode of human moral activity.-The functions of the Christian ministry.-The doctrine of "a nature in God."-The impotence and the right use of imagination in dealing with Christian doctrine.

Keferstein, Horst. Religionsunterricht und erziehung zur religion. Hamburg. 1891. 8. pp. 64. (DEUTSCHE Zeit- und streit-fragen; neue folge, vi. 93, 94.) VIII. 7a (vi)

Kirkpatrick, Alexander Francis. The divine library of the Old Testament, its origin, preservation, inspiration, and permanent value. Five lectures. London, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. DS. Kitchin, William C. The story of Sodom; a biblical episode. New York, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. Front. and plates.

AL 2264.5.35

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Knight, William. Essays in philosophy old and new. Boston, etc. 1890. sm. 8°. III. 6659 Contents:- Idealism and experience, in literature, art, and life. The classification of the sciences. -Ethical philosophy and evolution. -Eclecticism. - Personality and the infinite. -Immortality. - The doctrine of metempsychosis.

Knight-Bruce, George Wyndham Hamilton, bp. of Mashonaland. Journals of the Mashonaland mission, 1888 to 1892. Edited, with an introduction, by L. K. B. [London.] 1892. 8°. Maps and wdcts. III. 6877

Kuntze, Johannes Emil. Gustav Theodor Fechner (Dr. Mises); ein deutsches gelehrtenleben. Leipzig. 1892. 8. Portrs. 19525.25

"Verzeichniss der werke Fechner's," pp. 363–372. Lamech, and Agrippa, pseudon. Chronicon ephratense; a history of the community of seventh day baptists at Ephrata, Lancaster county, Penn'a. Translated from the original German by J. M. Hark. Lancaster, Pa. 1889. 8°. III. 6651

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Legge, James, translator. The sacred books of China; the texts of Tâoism. 2 pt. Oxford. 1891. 8°. (MÜLLER, F. Max, editor. The sacred books of the East, 39, 40.)

III. 492 (XXXIX, XL), also DS. Contents:i. The Tâo teh king [by Lâo-sze]. The writ Books i.-xvii.ii. The writings of ings of Kwang-sze. Kwang-ze. Books xviii.-xxxiii. The Thâi-shang tractate of actions and their retributions. Appendixes i.-viii.

Little, Andrew George. The grey friars in Oxford; a history of the convent, biographical notices of the friars, with appendices of original documents. Oxford. 1892. 8. (OXFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publ.] 20.) 9425.77.8

Lobstein, Paul. La doctrine de la sainte cène ; essai dogmatique. Lausanne. 1889. 8°. III. 6785 London, Eng. - Huguenot society. Proceedings. April, 1885-July, 1890. Vol. i. no. 1, 3, 4; ii.; iii. 1-3. 1 vol. and 6 nos. London. 1887 ['85]-90. 8°. III. 6684 Loth, Arthur. Saint Vincent de Paul et sa mission sociale; introduction par Louis Veuillot, appendices par Ad. Baudon, P. B. et L. B., E. Cartier, Auguste Roussel. Paris. 1880. fo. Illustr. * III. 6856

Loucks, M. [Historical chart of the history of Christianity from the apostolic period to the reformation.] Cincinnati, etc. 1892. 33 X 46 in. DS. The key to the tree of Christianity. Dayton, Ohio. 1892. sm. 8°. pp. 79. Wdcts. and portrs. DS. Lukens, Hermann T. Die vorstellungsreihen und ihre pädagogische bedeutung. Inaugural-dissertation, Jena. Gütersloh. 1892. 8°. pp. 50+. III. 6821


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III. 6827, also DS. Modern science unlock

Mackenzie, Harriot. ing the Bible; or, The truth seen from three points. London. 1892. sm. 8°. III. 6826, also DS. Maennel, Bruno. Über abstraktion; eine psychologisch-pädagogische monographie. Inauguraldissertation, Jena. Gütersloh. 1890. 8°. pp. 63+. "Litterarischer nachweis," pp. 62-63. III. 6823

Martineau, James. Home prayers, with two services for public worship. 2d ed. London, etc. 1892. 8. DS.

Marvin, Abijah Perkins. The life and times. of Cotton Mather, D.D., F.R.S.; or, A Boston minister of two centuries ago. 1663-1728. Boston, etc. [1892.] 8°. Portrs. and plate. 10397.24 Meyer, Elard Hugo. Die eddische kosmogonie; ein beitrag zur geschichte der kosmogonie des altertums und des mittelalters. Freiburg i. B. 1891. 8°. III. 6800 Michie, Alexander. Missionaries in China. London. 1891. 8o DS.

Migne, Jacques Paul, l'abbé. Ταμεῖον τῆς Πατρολογίας ἤτοι συλλογὴ τῶν ἐν τῇ Πατρολογίᾳ τῇ ὑπὸ Μιγνίου περιεχομένων κυριωτέρων ἐννοιῶν, φράσεων, καὶ ὑποθέσεων, ὑπὸ Δωροθέου Exolapiov v où κaì vôν πрÔTOV TÚLS ÉκdíSoral. Tom. [i.]; ii. [1]. 1 tom. and 1 pt. 'Ev ̓Αθήναις. 1883-87. 1. 8°. III. 6869

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