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Petersburg, 1855. enchanter of Bagarat, 264 Bagatur, 335 Baghdad, palaces, 129, 240 sqq. ; founda- Bahasna, 244 Balabakhi, 438 Baladhuri, 251 Balkan passes, 339, 344 Barca, see Theodosia, Empress. Bardanes Turcus, rebellion of, 10 sqq., Bardas, Caesar, restores sea walls, 135; Bardas, father of Symbatios, 178, 458 Bartholomew of Edessa, 439 Basil I., Emperor (the Macedonian): early Basil, Prefect of City, 173 Basil, false legate at Synod of 867, 202 Basil, archbishop of Thessalonica, 191 |