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Besant, W. All in a garden fair; the simple story of three boys and a girl. 3 v. VB463A

"We have the three boyish competitors for the prize of life Willie energetic, practical, resolute; Allen am. bitious, sensitive, eager; Tommy confident, conceited, and self-complacent. Now which of these three lads shall win Claire? The whole story turns on this; and Mr. Besant has contrived to make of it a curiously vivid and penetrating study of the influence of temperament on character, of character on conduct, of conduct on career." - Saturday rev.

Bible. O. T. Pentateuch. W: Tyndale's Five books of Moses, called the Pentateuch; a verbatim reprint of the ed. of 1530; compared with Tyndale's Genesis of 1534, and the Pentateuch in the Vulgate, etc., by J. I. Mombert. Bigot, C: Raphael and the Villa Farnesina; tr. by M.. Healy (Mme. C: Bigot).

Bird, C: Higher education in Germany and England; brief account of the organization, etc.,of the German higher schools, with critical remarks and suggestions with reference to those of England. DSG B53 Blackburne, G. M. I. Algernon Sidney; a review. 5E SI157B Blüthgen, V: Der Preusse; Erzählung. [18—.]



Boiteau, D. A. P., called Boiteau d'Ambly. Les cartes à jouer et la cartomancie; illust. SW.B63 Boston almanac and business directory, 1885. Boyle, F: Chronicles of No-Man's land. Vв693Cн A good hater; a novel. (Franklin Square lib.)

Broglie, J. V: A., duc de. Frédéric 11 et Louis xv; d'après des documents nouveaux, 1742-44. 2 v. 8GZPA-B78L Burrell, A. B. Reminiscences of G: La Bar, the centenarian of Munroe Co., Pa., and incidents in the early settlement of the Pennsylvania side of the river valley, from Easton to Bushkill. 1870. 65-L11 Burt, Capt. E: Letters from the north of Scotland with an introd. by R. Jamieson; and the History of Donald the Hammerer; by Sir W. Scott. 1876. 2 v. ADT-B95 Butts, F. B. Reminiscences of gunboat service on the Nansemond. (Soldiers' and Sailors' Hist. Soc. of R. I.) 965-8s04 Calton, R. B. Annals and legends of Calais; with sketches of émigré notabilities, and memoirs of Lady Hamilton. 1852.

Carr, Mrs. A. C. La Fortunina. 3 v.



"Mrs. Conyns Carr's new work possesses very high artistic merits. The simple country-folk, and marketpeople of North Italy who figure in La Fortunina' are true children of its soil and its sun, and not English peasants, milk-maids, and such like in disguise."— W: Wallace in the Academy, Feb. 16.

Casanova styling himself de Seingalt, J. Histoire de ma fuite des prisons de la république de Venise qu'on appelle les plombs. Réimp. textuelle de la rarissime éd. orig. de Leipsick 1788, accompagnée d'une notice et d'un essai de bibliographie Casanovienne par L. B. de F. Castle, E. Schools and masters of fence, from the Middle Ages to the 18th century; with a sketch of the development of the art of fencing with the rapier, etc., and a bibliography. 87+c27


Cathedral churches of England and Wales; descriptive, historical, pictorial. Clark, Capt. W. P. The Indian sign language; with explan. notes of the gestures taught deafmutes, and descr. of some of the peculiar laws, customs, myths, etc., of our aborigines. Daryl, P. Signe Meltroë; mœurs berlinoises. 2e éd. (La vie partout.) VFFD25S

"A clever but very virulent caricature of Berlin life."
- Academy, Nov. 15.

Didon, père dominicain. The Germans; tr. by R.
L. de Beaufort.

Dillwyn, E. A. Jill.

Dolby, G: Charles Dickens as I knew him; the story of the reading tours in Gr. Britain and America, 1866-70. 5E D553D Donnell, E. J. The true issue; industrial depression and political corruption caused by tariff monopolies; reform demanded in the interest of manufactures, farmers, and working¶CX D71 Dosabhai Framji Karaka. History of the Parsis; incl. their manners, customs, religion, and present position. 2 v. A5P25-D-H Du Boisgobey, F. Le billet rouge. [18—.]


VFF D855BI Eadmerus. Historia novorum in Anglia et De vita Sancti Anselmi et quibusdam miraculis ejus; ed. by M. Rule. (Gr. Brit. Chron. and mem.)



Eckstein, E. Das Vermächtniss; Roman aus der Gegenwart. 2e Aufl. 3 v. Edwards, M. B. Pearla. Flaubert, G. L'éducation sentimentale; histoire d'un jeune homme. 1880. Fontane, T. Graf Petoefy; Roman. [18-] 2 v. VGF F735G Foster, J. Royal lineage of our noble and gentle families; with their paternal ancestry. 7NE+F81 Freeman, E: A: The office of the historical professor; inaugural lecture in the Museum at Oxford, Oct. 15, 1884. Gallenga, A. (pseud. L. Mariotti). Episodes of my second life. 2 v. 51-G136 Garden, Mrs. Memorials of James Hogg, the Ettrick shepherd; with pref. by Prof. Veitch. 5DS-н674G Gomme, G: L. The gentleman's magazine library; a classified collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman's magazine, 1731-1868. Popular superstitions.


Goodell, A. C., Jr. Reasons for concluding that the act of 1711, reversing the attainders of the persons convicted of witchcraft in Mass. in 1692, became a law.

Grant, G: M. Picturesque Canada; the country as it was and is. [1882]. 2 v. B4||9G7 Graves. A. A dictionary of artists who have exhibited works in the principal London exhibitions of oil paintings, 1760 to 1880. Haeckel, E. H: Freedom in science and teaching; from the German. with pref. note, by T. H. Huxley. 1879.

Hale, E: E. Christmas in Narragansett.


and S. A family flight around home. VH13F Halsey, C. S. A genealogical and chronological chart of the rulers of England, Scotland, France, Germany, and Spain. Harvey, G. Works; ed. by A. B. Grosart. 2 v. (Huth library.) VE-H264 Hedge, F: H: Atheism in philosophy and other Holmes, O. W. Ralph Waldo Emerson. (Amer. men of letters.) $65 EM3H Das Allheilmittel; eine Berliner Geschichte. VGF H77A Hoppin, A: Recollections of Auton House. 3d ed. VH777R


Hopfen, H.

How we educate our officers; the latest warrant for the regulation of the army competitive examinations; by the author of The FrancoGermanic war, its causes and immediate effects.

Ipswich, Mass. Celebration of the 250th anniv. of the incorporation of the town, Aug. 16, 1884. 9641P-C James, H: Literary remains; ed., with introd., by W: James. Janssen, J: Geschichte des deutschen Volkes zeit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters. 1881-83. 3 v. 8G3T-1J2 Jennings, H. Phallicism, celestial and terrestrial, heathen and Christian; its connexion with the Rosicrucians and the Gnostics and its foundation in Buddhism; with an essay on Mystic anatomy.

John Herring; a west of England romance; by the author of Mehalah. 3 v. VJ6135

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"The main situation is excellent, the style is rapid and vigorous throughout, while the reflections and comments are full of shrewdness and humour; but the failure in the development of the story is pronounced. Delighted with the wit of the comments, the reality and charm of the dialogue, and the correctness of the descriptions, no one who takes up 'John Herring' will be likely to lay it aside unread." Sat. rev., Jan. 5.

"It is stronger, because better proportioned and finished than Mehalah; its interest is wider, if deep, its insight into human nature, its closer observation and more easy reproduction, its truth and pathos and humor, all mark it as a fine creation." Athenæum, Nov. 10, 1883. Johnson, S: Dr. Johnson; his life, works, and table talk. Centenary ed. 5E J635м

Johnsoniana; life, opinions, and table talk; arr. and coll. by R. W. Montagu. бE J635BM Keeling, E. D'E. Three sisters; or, Sketches of a highly original family. VK244T

Lamb, C: Poems, plays, and miscellaneous essays; introd. and notes by A. Ainger. VEL163P Lee, Rev. F: G: Glimpses in the twilight; notes, etc., of the supernatural.

Linton, Mrs. E. I.. Ione. 1883. 3 v.


"One of the author's most powerful and least pleas ant works. There are passages in Ione' which perhaps no other living novelist could have written so well." Athenæum, Dec. 8, 1883.

"Mrs. Linton has endeavored to be passionate, but she has mistaken exaggeration for power, and only succeeded in being grotesque." -C. E. Dawkins in the Academy, Dec. 8, 1883.

McCarthy, J. Maid of Athens. 3 v.



"The descriptive touches have a peculiar charm, as we feel that the scenery of Greece has become part of the author's soul. The masterpiece, however, is the villain. He is eminently a Greek scoundrel, and his features are drawn with absolute truth."- Arthur R.R. Barker in the Academy, Nov. 24, 1883.

"An almost perfect piece of workmanship of a characteristic kind. Its tone is quiet, intimate, and the one bit of tragedy near the close of the third volume is led up to and then given with consumate skill."— Spectator, Nov. 24, 1883.

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M'Clintock, Rev. J., and Strong, J. Cyclopædia of biblical, theological, and ecclesiastical literature. Suppl. vol. 1. A-Cn. McLennan, J: F. The patriarchal theory; based on [his] papers; ed. and completed by D. McLennan.

Macleod,. History of the castle and town of Dumbarton. [1878.] 8DsZD89.M McQuade, J. The cruise of the Montauk to Bermuda, the West Indies, and Florida. BE-M24 Masson, G. Richelieu. 5F.R395M Maulvi Haji Hafiz Nuzeer Ahmed, Khan Bahadur. The repentance of Nussooh; trans, by M. Kempson. Mexicans at home in the interior; by a resident.

BD M57 Montgomery, Miss F. The blue veil; a new series of moral tales for children. VM764B Moore, G: H. Supplementary notes on witchcraft in Mass.; examination of the alleged law for reversing the attainders of the witches of 1692. ག

Murray, E. C. G. Under the lens; social photographs. 2 v. VM962U Neander, F: A: W: La morale des philosophes grecs et la morale chrétienne; trad. par C: Berthoud. 1860. ་

Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Hester; a story of con

temporary life. 3 v. Madam; a novel.

Oliver, P. Charley Kingston's aunt. O'Rell, M. Les filles de John Bull.




"The book is exceedingly clever and amusing, invariably good-humored and tolerant, and as full of blunders as an egg is full of meat." — G: A. Sala in Illust. Lond. news, Oct. 18.

Osborne, F. G., 5th Duke of Leeds. Political memoranda; ed., with other papers, and with notes, introd., etc., by O. Browning. (Camden Soc.)

Otto, G. F: Lexikon der seit dem funfzehenden Jahrhunderte verstorbenen und jeztlebenden oberlausizischen Schriftsteller und Künstler. 1800-03. 3 v. in 6 pts. :XTGZL OT Oxenhem, H. N. Short studies in ecclesiastical history and biography.

Paris. Biblioth. Nat. Catalogue des manuscrits arabes; par M. de Slane. ler fasc. [1883.] :X47||P21 Catalogue des manuscrits espagnols; par A. Morel-Fatio. 1re livr. [1881.] :X4HX||P21 Manuscrits orientaux; catalogue des manuscrits éthiopiens (gheez et amharique). [1877.] :X4XE||P21 Manuscrits orientaux; catalogues des manuscrits hébreux et samaritains. [1866.]

:X48||P21 Manuscrits orientaux; catalogues des manuscrits syriaques et sabéens (mandaites). [1874]. :X48w||P21

Parr, H. (pseud. Holme Lee). Loving and serving. 1883. 3 v. 1515Ꮮ

Patch, O. Sunny Spain; its people and places;

with glimpses of its history.


Perrot, G, and Chipiez, C. Histoire de l'art dans l'antiquité. T. 3: Phenicie et Cypre.

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