:XNWR+OD Reade, C. Under which king? a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) Rogers, Rev. C: Genealogical memoirs of the families of Colt and Coutts. 1879. (Cottonian Soc.) 5E-9YC72 History of the Chapel Royal of Scotland; with the Register of the Chapel Royal of Stirling; incl. details in relation to the rise and progress of Scottish music, and obs. respecting the Order of the Thistle. 1882. (Grampian Club.) Memorials of the Earl of Stirling and the House of Alexander. 1877. 2 v. 5Ds-ST58R Rudolf Franz Karl Josef, Erzherzog von Esterreich. Travels in the East; including a visit to Egypt and the Holy Land. AU+R83 Rüppell, Dr. E: Reisen in Nubien, Kordofan und dem peträischen Arabien; vorzüglich in geog.-statistischer Hinsicht. 1829. :A0Z-R83 Russell, W: C. Jack's courtship; a sailor's yarn of love and shipwreck. Round the galley fire. 1883. Sacher-Masoch, L., Ritter von. Das Vermächtniss Kains. 1877. 2 v. VGF SA12V2 VR91J VR91R San Nicolas, P. de. Antiquedades eclesiasticas de España, en los quatro primeros siglos de la iglesia. 1725. Shakespeare, W: Comedy of the Merchant of VE-S5H6-2 King Richard 11.; hrsg. und erklärt von N. Delius. 1857. VE-S5Q Shaler, N. S. First book in geology. Sheridan, R: B. B. Comedies; The rivals and The school for scandal; ed., with introd. and notes, and a biog. sketch, by B. Matthews. VED-SHOC Shinn, C: H. Land laws of mining districts. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.) Shorthouse, J. H. The little schoolmaster Mark; a spiritual romance. Pt. 2. VSH82L Siegmey, Tutti frutti; illustrirte FeuilletonBibliothek. Heft 2, 3, 5-8, 11, 12. 187778. 5 v. VGF 9T Smart, H. From post to finish; a racing romance. (Franklin Sq. lib.) Smith, P. H. Acadia; a lost chapter in American 94N85-SM history. Sommervogel, C. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes et pseudonymes; pub. par des religieux de la Compagnie de Jésus. XR-805 Spencer, H. The man and the state. EAEH-SP3 "Mr. Herbert Spencer has for more than forty years been preaching against over-legislation. It was the sub. ject of some of the most spirited of his early essays, and he still continues his attacks with the same convic. tion, and with more than the same energy. This little work is full of passages which come from a large and noble sense of liberty; and it is useful as marking in one direction the extreme limit of opinion on the greatest of political questions." G. P. Macdonell in the Academy, Dec. 20. Stiles, H: R. The civil, political, professional, and ecclesiastical history, and commercial and industrial record of the county of Kings, and the city of Brooklyn, N. Y. 967K61||ST Stories by American authors. Vol. 8. V9ST72 Contents. De Forest, J. W. The brigade commander.Beers, H: A. Split zephyr. Phelps, E.. S. Zerviah Hope. - Adee, A. A. The life-magnet. - Stoddard, E. D. B. Osgood's predicament. Tennyson, A, Lord. Becket. VED T25B Thy name is truth; a social novel. [18-]. 3 v. VT423 "Its writer is a young Irish lady,and the book is 'racy of the soil.' She has studied men, women, and things, with quick intelligence, keen appreciation, and the ready sympathy that gives the last vivifying touch to the characters portrayed and the scenes depicted. There is a heroine who is as individual, and as independent as any of Mr. Henry James's analytical, young females, but worth a score of them by reason of her wholesomeness, her godliness, and her contentment; a hero who is a good fellow, full of talent, and honest of purpose; and a villain quite manifestly concocted, and not a bit like a real, live villain." - Spectator, Nov. 3, 1883. Tod, J: (pseud. J: Strathesk). More bits from Blinkbonny; a tale of Scottish village life between 1831 and 1841. VST85м Tremain, H. E., Brig.-Gen. The closing days about Richmond, etc. Ward, Mrs. H: Miss Bretherton. 8E-8c54 ✓w212M "Mrs. Humphry Ward writes admirably though she errs a little in the direction of over-description. She is an enthusiastic lover of the stage, and her conceptions of dramatic criticism are taken from the best French school; but she is hardly as terse and reticent as she is eloquent and graceful." Spectator, Dec. 27. Warden, F. Deldee; the ward of Waringham; a novel. ✓w219D Weise, A. J. History of Albany, N. Y., from the discovery of the great river in 1524, by Verrazzano to the present time. 967 AL1-W w53.w46 Wells, Mrs. K. G. About people. :81-9V Wiedertäufer in Esterreich-Ungarn, Die Geschichts-Bücher der, 1526-1785; gesam., erlaut. u. ergänzt durch J. Beck. (Fontes rerum Austr.) Wingfield, Hon. L. Notes on civil costume in England from the conquest to the Regency, as exemplified in the International Health Exhibition, So. Kensington. Youatt, W: Structure and diseases of the horse, with their remedies, etc.; the most important parts of the Eng ed, brought down by W. C. Spooner; pref. An account of the breeds of the U. S. by H: S. Randall. 1858. Published by the Boston Athenæum, Beacon St., Boston, Mass., tri-weekly. Price by the year 25 cts.; by mail, 50 cts. Entered at the Post Office, Boston, Mass., as second class matter. Ali Bey. Travels in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, 1803-07. 2d Amer. from 1st Lond. ed. 1816. 2 v. :ARZ-R14-E Arundel Soc. Chromolithographs. 1884. The supper and miraculous vision of S. Dominick and his brethren, from a fresco by Fra Bartolommeo and G. A. Sogliani in the Convent of S. Mark, Florence, copied by E. Kaiser. Atkinson, E: The distribution of products; or, The mechanism and the metaphysics of exchange; essays. CMOE AT5 Baker, W. S. Medallic portraits of Washington; with notes, and a descr. catalogue of the coins, medals, tokens, and cards. Bancroft, H. H. History of the Pacific States of N. America. Vol. 7: San Francisco. 93-B22 Barker, M.. A.., Lady, (Mrs. F: N. Broome). Letters to Guy. BW B79 Beehler, W. H. The cruise of the "Brooklyn;" journal of the principal events of a 3 years' cruise in the South Atlantic Station; descriptions of places in South America, Africa, and Madagascar, etc. AOZ-B39 Blackie, J: S. The Scottish Highlanders and the land laws; an historico-economical enquiry. CYT-B56 Boddy, A. A. To Kairwân the Holy; scenes in MuASK12.B hammedan Africa. Boileau Despréaux, N. Œuvres complètes; préc. de l'éloge de D. par d'Alembert, avec le comment. hist. de Brossette revu. 1832. 3 v. VF-B635 Bolles, A. S. The financial history of the U. S., 1774-89. CU5-4B63-2 CP-B63 Practical banking. Bray, C: Phases of opinion and experience during a long life; an autobiography. 5E B7392 Bristed, J: Thoughts on the Anglican and American-Anglo churches. 1822. Buntling ball, The; a Græco-American play; a poetical satire on N. Y. society. W5D-B88 "The general conception, the satire of it, is neither particularly original nor very amusing; but the execution is delightful. One hardly knows which is the funnier, the profound sentiment flippantly expressed in trifling measures, or the flippant sentiment profoundly wrapped in the dignity of Shakesperian periods. ... The skill as well as the cleverness, the technique' as well as the topic, the beauty as well as the funniness in the execution, imply that the author is not merely a satirist but a poet." Critic, Jan. 10. Cacheux, E. L'économiste pratique; construction et organisation des crèches, salles d'asile, écoles, etc. DIF-C11 D1F||C11 Atlas. Carey, R. N. Not like other girls; a novel. Vc188N "It is not the less pleasant for the suggestion of the spiritedDoigts de fée,' though there is as little resem blance as between the brilliancy of a Paris boulevard and the charm of an English village. The story ranks with the best of its kind, and the kind is a very good one that leaves would-be philosophy and pretentious theories quite out of sight, and gives us the home-life of gentle, high-hearted maidens." - Nation, May 22. Chapin, Rev. A. B. Puritanism not genuine Protestantism; a review of "The Puritans and their principles; by E. Hall." 1847. VEN C11 Christian ballads. 1840. Church almanac. [1842-67.] 10 v. Cicero, M. T. Three books of offices, or moral duties; Cato major; Laelius; Paradoxes; Scipio's dream; and letters to Quintus on the duties of a magistrate; tr. with notes, by C. R. Edmonds. 1858. VJ.C7V.EE2 Clark, E. C. Practical jurisprudence; a comment on Austin. "The fault charged upon Austin's great work on jurisprudence is, according to Professor Clark, that' Austin considers political societies only at an advanced period of their existence, and denies the name of law to that which has been keeping them together for ages, because it does not square with his own logical conception." The fault charged upon the historical school of jurists, is that they live in the past, dwell exclusively upon that which was, and lose sight of that which ought to be.' Professor Clark's object appears to be to connect the labours of Austin with the labours of the historical jurists."- Athenæum, Dec. 27. Collingwood, W. G. The limestone Alps of Savoy; a study in physical geology; with introd. by J: Ruskin. Cook, J. Occident; with preludes on current events. (Boston Monday lectures.) Craven, Mme. A:, née P. La Ferronnays. Lettres d'une jeune femme irlandaise à sa sœur; pub. par M.. O'Nelya. 1880. VFF C854L Crime of Christmas-day, The; a tale of the Latin quarter; by the author of "My ducats and Vc86 my daughter." Cross, J. W. George Eliot's life as related in her letters and journals. Edin. 3 v. 5E EL44 Same. N. Y. 3 v. 5E EL55.2 "Compiled with great tact. Mr. Cross has aimed at making them a self-revelation of his wife's career and character, and he has been for the most part successful The book is rein the difficult undertaking. markably satisfactory in tone, and is especially noteworthy for a rigid abstinence from anything that could pander to mere curiosity. The novel method of extracts arranged in order of time tells the tale spontaneously, and George Eliot the woman stands forth revealed to the world in all her strength and refinement of her intellect, in all the clinging trustfulness of her moral and emotional nature." - Athenaeum, Jan. 31. "What one misses most in these letters is instinct, intensity, vividness. They are the letters of slow, and somewhat too sweet reflectiveness, out of which the vi. vacity of strong personal impression seems to have vanished altogether. Taken as a whole this 'Life' leaves us with the impression of a lofty mind of singularly feeble instincts, and singularly amiable sentiments, - somewhat slow and elaborate in its movements, and almost artificially judicial in its attitude towards every new intellectual claim. A sceptical Milton, without his epic genius, though with a very real dramatic gift of her own, we yet never see that gift in anything she writes in her own name." - Spectator, Jan. 31. Crozier, W., and Henderson, P: How the farm pays; the experiences of 40 years of successful farming and gardening. 1884. Dekker, T: Non-dramatic works; coll. and ed., with introd., notes, etc., by A. B. Grosart. Vol. 1. VE-D366 Denison, Rev. F: The battle of Groveton, Aug. 28, 1862. (Soldiers' and Sailors' Hist. Soc. 965-8s04 of R. I. Per. narr.) Devoy, J: The land of Eire; the Irish land league; its origin, progress, etc.; with a descriptive and historical account of Ireland. [1882]. ADU+D49 VD63T Dubois, M. Les ligues étolienne et achéenne; leur histoire et leurs institutions, nature et durée de leur antagonisme. (Athens. Ecole Fr. Bibl.) Dutuit, E. Manuel de l'amateur d'estampes. T. 1, le pte., 5. Planches xylographiques, 1-37. Edwards, J. Memoirs of Rev. D: Brainerd; ed. by J. M. Sherwood, with introd. on [his] life and character; also an essay on God's hand in missions; by A. T. Pierson. 65.B735.3 Emerson, R. W. Essays. W53 EM37E4 Ewing, J. H. Daddy Darwin's Dovecot; illust. by R. Caldecott. [1884.] Fabre, F. Lucifer. VEW5D VFF FIL "Est plus qu'une œuvre forte: c'est une œuvre puissante. M. Fabre porte un conp retentissant à l'esprit ultramontain, aux réguliers, aux jésuites, aux congréga nistes de toute robe qui reçoivent le mot d'ordre de Rome, aux 'monsignori' qui se glissent dans les évêchés, pour gouverner le clergé et dominer l'évêque, tyrans à la voix douce, au geste onctueux, qui vous brisent en vous caressant et qui usent toute résistance par une guerre sourde et opiniâtre." - Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 8 nov. Farmer, S. History of Detroit and Michigan; or, The metropolis illustrated; a chronological cyclopædia, etc. 971D48+F Fiske, J: The destiny of man viewed in the light of his origin. 3d thous. "This short treatise has a value in inverse proportion to its length. The discussion last summer at Concord concerning immortality gave Mr. Fiske an opportunity for claiming that Darwinism instead of degrading, elevates man, that theism and the belief in immortality rest on more solid foundations than ever. He aflirms that the Darwinian theory, properly understood, replaces as much theology as it destroys. Mr. Fiske's reasons for belief in immortality are not new. But his conclusions are striking, because reached by a comparatively untrodden path. If criticism were to be made ... it would be directed towards the view taken of the actual processes of evolution. It may be questioned also whether geology and biology have yet come to so explicit an agreement concerning time as Mr. Fiske's quiet assumption would imply. But these criticisms do not touch the rea! purpose of the book. Its value will be found in the reassurances it may bring to those who cannot deny many of the conclusions of evolution, yet who fear its effects on religious beliefs, and also in the evidence it affords, that the spiritual in man is su preme, and must be recognized from whatever side the approach may be taken." - George Harris in the Andover review, Jan. Garbett, Rev. J. Review of Dr. Pusey's sermon ; and The doctrine of the eucharist according to the Church of England. 1843. Gilbert, J. Landscape in art before Claude and Salvator. VJ234AU James, H: The author of Beltraffio; Pandora; Georgiana's reasons; The path of duty; Four meetings. Jenkins, H. M. Historical coll. relating to Gwynedd, Montgomery Co., Pa.; with data referring to the adjoining township of Montgomery. 969G99-J Jessopp, Rev. A: Norwich. (Diocesan histories.) The best of the series." - Athenæum, Nov. 15. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circulars, Dec. 1879-Sept. 1882. DV5J6+7J Johnston, A. Representative American orations, to illust. Amer. political history. 3 v. W56.9J64 Josephus, F. Genuine works; tr., with notes, etc., by W: Whiston. 1794. 6 v. Kahnis, C: F: A. Internal history of German Protestantism since the middle of last century; tr. by T. Meyer. 1856. Kastromenos, P. G. The monuments of Athens; an historical and archæological description; tr. by A. Smith. 1884. Kebbel, T. E. English statesmen since the peace of 1815. 1868. 5E-9EK23 King, Rev. R. M. Diary of a civilian's wife in India, 1877-82. 2 v. A5 K58 Ill-natured ... "Contains just what its title purports. gossip and profound views on politics are alike asent from her pages. But she does not decline to enliven them with picturesque details, nor to express her own views on passing events with unusual independence. The sketches by the author add to the attractiveness of a book which one cannot commend too highly for its brightness and its simplicity."— Academy, Jan. 31. Kрuráde, receuil de documents pour servir à l'etude des traditions populaires. 1883-84. )VOL K94 La Fontaine, J: de. Les amours de Psyché et de Cupidon, ete. 1819. VFFL138A Lankester, E. On food; lectures at the South Kensington Museum. 1861. Lapham, W: B., and Maxim, S. P. History of Paris, Maine, to 1880; with a history of the grants of 1736 and 1776, personal sketches, genealogical register, etc. 961P21-L Lavater, J: C. Hand-Bibliothek für Freunde. [1789-94.] 24 v. VG 1382 Leach, D., and Swan, W: D. Theoretical and practical arithmetic. 1850. Leolinus Siluriensis. The anatomy of tobacco; or, Smoking methodised, divided, and considered after a new fashion. D97s 813 A5-158 Lewin, Lieut.-Col. T: H. A fly on the wheel; or, How I helped to govern India. Lockhart, W: The old religion; or, How shall we find primitive Christianity? [188-]. Lomas, J: Sketches in Spain from nature, art, and life. AHX 183 "Far the best book of tourist travel in Spain for many a day. There is little or no hasty jotting down of impressions formed from a single visit. Nearly every building or work of art described has been carefully examined and paused over until really understood. In fact were it equally illustrated, this smaller volume might almost take the place of Street's noble tome on Gothic architecture in Spain.” — Academy, Jan. 31, Lucy, H: W. East by west; a journey in the re cess. 2 v. A.196 "Mr. Lucy has not anything very novel to tell. He has produced a book which any one may read with pleasure, and which leaves as its most permanent impression on the mind a favorable opinion of the author." -Academy, Jan. 31. McGavin, W: The Protestant; essays on the principal points of controversy between the Church of Rome and the Reformed. 1835. 2 v. Mackie, J. M. Life of Tai-ping-wang, chief of the Chinese insurrection. 1857. 53.13 Markham, C. R. The sea fathers; a series of lives of great navigators of former times. 1884. A.3M Mason, J: M. Writings; selected and arr. by Rev. E. Mason. 1832. 4 v. Masson, G. Choice readings from French history. 1880-83. 3 v. 8FM38 "Very well conceived and arranged and ought to be very useful in the teaching of French. An extraordinary delusion prevails even in France as to the difficulty of the elder tongue, and it is probable that if this little book were brought into use (it could be run through in a term) in the higher forms of public schools, we should have more reading of old French in England in a few years than France herself can boast." Mar. 5, 1881. Miller, Mrs. F. F. Harriet Martineau. Athenæum, (Famous Molinier, E. Dictionnaire des émailleurs, depuis le Moyen Age jusqu'à la fin du 18e siècle; ouvrage accomp. de 67 marques et monogrammes. Montaigne, M. E. de. Essais; texte orig. de 1580, avec les variantes des éds. de 1582 et 1587; pub. par R. Dezeimeris et H. Barckhausen. 1870-73. 2 v. VF3-M76 Mozley, Rev. T: Reminisences chiefly of towns, villages, and schools. 2 v. 5E M87R Muhammad Kasim Farishta. History of Dekkan from the first Muhammedan conquests; with a contin. to 1794. 2 v. :85D35+Sco Murdock, B. A history of Nova-Scotia; or, Acadie. Vol. 1, 3. 1865-66. 2 v. 94N85-M9 Oliver, G. A. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley; his life, work, and teachings. 5E ST260L Oman, C: W: C. The art of war in the Middle Ages, 378-1515. O'Shea, J: A: Leaves from the life of a special correspondent. 2 v. 5E 084 "Towards dullness Mr. O'Shea never turns his face. His high spirits never flag, and his readers must be singularly phlegmatic and insensitive if they do not be come infected with his exuberant gaiety. It would be too much to expect of a writer in such a mood that he should adhere with prosaic doggedness to his nominal subject, and Mr. O'Shea has a great deal to tell us about many things which are altogether apart from his experiences as a special correspondent; but they are so full of interest and amusement that we forget what we ought to expect, and should not grumble if he had forgotten all about his title and gone on as he began.". James Ashcroft Noble in the Academy, Jan 24. Peabody, A. P. Baccalaureate sermons. Peissner, E. Elements of the German language; with exercises, readings, etc. 1867. :YGG P35 Perdicaris, G. A. The Greece of the Greeks. 1845. 2 v. AQ P41 Pfizer, G. Martin Luther's Leben. 1836. 5G 1978P Porter, D. D. Allan Dare and Robert le Diable; a romance. 1 v. in 2. VP833 Porter, N. Elements of moral science, theoretical and practical. 1M-P83 Quincy, E. Wensley; and other stories; ed. by E. Quincy. VQ4w Rauch, Rev. F: A. Psychology; or, A view of the human soul; including Anthropology. 1841. Rawlinson, Rev. G: Rawson, G. Miles treated in the Egypt and Babylon. 88-R19 Christianus; or, Christians quality of souldiers; sermon to the Ancient and Hon. Artillery Co. of Massachusetts. 1703. Recueil des instructions données aux ambassadeurs et ministres de France, depuis les traités de Westphalie jusqu'à la Révolution Française; avec une introd. et des notes par A. Sorel. "The eighteenth century was the palmy age of diplo macy; it was the century in which the inclinations of peoples were held of no account, and all alliances were made in accordance with the caprice or state-craft of Continental monarchs. The history of the diplomacy of the eighteenth century is, therefore, of the greatest importance, and it is the point on which least light has been thrown. For others than students of diplomatic history the chief interest of the volume will be found in its portraits of the Austrian statesmen and the foreign ambassadors at Vienna, which are sketched for the instruction of the departing envoys. The genius of the French for this style of portraiture is admirably exemplified in these short incisive sketches. A word must also be said for the able introduction and generally correct editing of M. Sorel." H. M. Stevens in the Academy, Jan. 3. Rockhill, W. W. Life of the Buddha; and early history of his order; derived from Tibetan works in the Bkah-hgyur and Bstan-hgyur. Roe, Rev. E. P. Nature's serial story. VR622N Rousseau, J: J. Euvres complètes; avec des eclaircissements et des notes historiques par P. R. Auguis. 1825, 24. 27 v. VF-R765 Royce, J. The religious aspect of philosophy; a critique of the bases of conduct and of faith. Macbeth; ein Trauerspiel; eingerichtet von Schiller. 1855. VE S5M G Shecut, J: L. E. W. Flora Carolinæensis; or, A historical, medical, and economical display of the vegetable kingdom according to the Linnæan system of botany. Vol. 1. 1806. Smart, H. Tie and trick; a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) Snodgrass, Maj. J. J. Narrative of the Burmese war; the operations of Maj. Gen. Sir A. Campbell's army, 1824-26. 1827. :84B92-SN Square, A. pseud. Flatland; a romance of many dimensions. "Flatland is a world inhabited by beings whose expe rience of space is limited to two dimensions. The idea is very cleverly worked out, with many happy sa tiric touches." - Academy, Nov. 8. Swedenborg, E. Concerning heaven and its won ders, and concerning hell; from things heard and seen; tr. from the Latin. 1851. Swift, C. F. History of old Yarmouth, comprising the present towns of Yarmouth and Dennis, 1794-[1884]. 964Y2-sw Taine, H. A. Les origines de la France contemporaine; La Révolution. Vol. 3: Le gouvernement révolutionnaire. 8FG-T13 Tate, T: Elementary course of natural and experimental philososophy. Amer. ed. rev., by C. S. Cartée. 1857. :8LZH T23 Tefft, Rev. B: F. Hungary and Kossuth; or, An American exposition of the late Hungarian revolution. 1852. Thomas, B. Ichabod; a portrait. lib.) (Franklin Sq. "There are fine things in Miss Thomas's story, but John Ichabod, its hero, is one of the most extraordinary and unpleasant beings who ever wore the semblance of humanity. The world, time, life, man, and nature are all out of joint with him, and compared with Ichabod and his jaundiced views of things Schopenhauer is quite a cheerful being.... He is drawn with striking indi. viduality, and there are many parts of her story which are unquestionably clever." G. Barnett Smith in the Academy, Jan. 24. Thomson, J. B. Higher arithmetic. 1856. Townsend, P. D. Joseph Hayden. (The great musicians.) Whitaker, J. Almanack for 1885. White witch, The; a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) "Belongs to the school of Mrs. Wood, and is a very creditable study in the style of that artist in fiction. It depends upon its plot.' Spectator, Jan. 3. Wilkinson, W. C. Edwin Arnold as poetizer and as paganizer; cont. an examination of the light of Asia for its literature and for its Buddhism. XVEL AR6W "Mr. Wilkinson deals some stout blows in this little essay, which, whether the reader agree with it or not, will be found very entertaining reading. The author confines himself chiefly to an elaborate discussion of "The light of Asia,' a work that in his opinion has done serious harm in two ways: by giving many people a false ideal of what is true poetry; and what is far worse by representing Buddha and his teachings in a wholly false and meretricious light. ... Mr. Wilkinson in fact brings against Mr. Arnold a very formidable series of charges. He cites chapter and verse, and quotes freely from standard authorities for proof, and makes a very strong as well as entertaining argument." - Lit. world, Feb. 7. Williams, T., and Calvert, J. Fiji and the Fiji ans; ed. by G: S. Rowe. 1859. BTF47-w67 Wilson, W. Congressional government; a study in American politics. EB5 W69 "We have often been asked by students of politics and by foreign visitors for some book which would explain the real working of our Government, and have been obliged to confess that there was none in existence. This want Mr. Wilson has come forward to supply. His book is evidently modelled on Mr. Bagehot's 'English Constitution,' and it will, though the praise is so high as to be almost extravagant, bear comparison with that inestimable work."- Nation, Feb. 12. Woodberry, G: E. Edgar Allan Poe. (Amer. men of letters.) 65 P753W "We have for the first time a thoroughly trustworthy and fairly adequate account of the poet's feverish and tortuous career. Every page shows the results of painstaking research, and careful and discriminating sifting of evidence." - Literary world, Feb. 7. |