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"Mr. Adams has traversed the field of English literature to advantage. Four original poems are contributed to the March volume. By March winds led' by Louise Chandler Moulton; March' by Jane G. Austin; A masque of March' by Clinton Scollard, and "The gift of Spring' by C: Miner Thompson." Almanach très curieux pour 1789, calculé sur la latitude de Maestricht, etc. [1789]. Amherst, W. S. The history of Catholic emancipation and progress of the Catholic Church in the British Isles, etc., 1771-1820. 2 v. "A somewhat dry book, though it is a useful one. A really good account of the old Roman Catholic families at the end of the eighteenth century, and how they passed their lives in their old halls and manor-houses, cut off from public affairs,and excluded from most of the professions, might have been made as entertaining as a novel. Much of the work is taken up with an account of the jealousies and dissensions which prevailed among the Romanists themselves."- St. James's budget, Feb. 27.

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Iroquois in Ohio. [1877.]

975-8w52 975-8w52


975-8w52 975-8w52


The Margry papers, vol. 1. 1876.
Notice of History and Pioneer Socs. in Ohio.

Bandi, G. P: Carnesecchi. 2 v. 1873. VIF R22P
Barber, Mrs. M.. Some drawings of ancient em-
broidery, 30 specimens. 1880.
Barbour, J. War letters of a disbanded volunteer;
embracing his experiences as Honest Old
Abe's bosom friend and unofficial adviser.
954 B23
Barker, J. Conspiracy trials of 1826-27; chap-
ter in the life of B., with introd. by R. D.
Turner. 1864.

Bartolozzi, F. Collection of old engravings by Bartolozzi, and others, after Guercino, Caracci, Conway, Fuseli, and others.

Benzoni, G. De gedenkwaardige West-Indise voyagien door Columbus, Vesputius en L. Hennepin, enz., vertaald; met print-verbeeldingen, enz. 1704. :B21 B44 Bossard, E., l'abbé, and Maulde, R. de. Gilles de Rais, maréchal de France, dit Barbe-Bleue.

5FR134 "Ouvrage très intéressant et qui sera recherché pour les fameux documents du procès."

Botticelli, S. Zeichnungen zu Dantes Goettlicher Komödie, nach den Originalen im K. Kupferstickkabinet zu Berlin, hrsg. von F. Lippmann. 1885.

Bourrit, M. T. Relation of a journey to the glaciers of Savoy; tr. by C: and F. Davy. 1776. AFSA9.B6

Brooks, H: M. Curiosities of the old lottery.


"Gleanings chiefly from old newspapers of Boston and Salem."

Brough, W: Conrad and Medora; a Christmas burlesque and pantomime. [18—.] ¶ved·b79 Bryan, M. Dictionary of painters and engravers; biog. and critical. New ed. rev. and enl., ed. by R. E. Graves. Vol. 1. A-K. Büchner, F: K: C. L: Kraft u. Stoff. 1862.

HA R86 Burty, P. Bernard Palissy. (Les artistes célébres.)

"M. Burty, qui a fait des arts industriels une étude de toutes les heures et qui a sans cesse affiné son goût naturellement fin, était particulièrement apte à apprécier les œuvres de Bernard Palissy et de son école." -Les lettres et les arts, fév.

Caulfield, S. F. A., and Saward, B. C. Dictionary of needlework, etc., with colored plates, etc. 2d ed. 1885. Channing, E: The Narragansett planters; a study of causes. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.)

E-9J63 Charles, Mrs. E.. R. Three martyrs of the 19th century; studies from the lives of Livingstone, Gordon, and Patteson. Christison, Sir R. Life; ed. by his sons.

5E 90c38

Vol. 1. 5E C463

"Wholly autobiographic. His knowledge of medical jurisprudence and toxicology gave him much more than local fame. Despite a dullness of style, aided by want of correction and proper arrangements of dates and events, a satisfactory picture of the man is drawn." - Contemporary rev., Jan.

Cody, Hon. W: F. Life of Hon. W: F. Cody, known as Buffalo Bill the famous hunter, scout, and guide; an auto-biography. [1879.] 65.c646 Collins, M. Thoughts in my garden; ed. by E. Yates. 1880. 2 v.

Collins, W: W. The evil genius; a domestic story. Vc693E (Harper's handy ser.) Cooke, W: Memoirs of C: Macklin, etc. 2d ed. 1806. T5E M21C

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Cox, Rev. Sir G: W. Lives of Greek statesmen. 2d ser.: Ephialtes - Hermocrates. "Dr. Arnold, we believe, was the first to lay stress on the truth that much of what we call ancient history is modern, too. The three Greek statesmen - Pericles, Cleon, and Nicias - are the three who in this volume illustrate the saying of Dr. Arnold, and are far the most interesting. In regard to all of them the reader will do well to correct the impressions he receives from Sir Ceorge Cox by the more serene testimony of Bishop Thirlwall, who writes history in the spirit of a judge, and rarely if ever descends to partisanship.” - St. James' budget, Mar. 13.

Coxe, J. C. Illustrated nautical polyglot, cont. descr. in Eng., Germ., Fr., Span., Ital., and Scandinavian, etc.


Crawford, F. M. A tale of a lonely parish.



"At p. 193, suddenly, startlingly, with scarce a note of warning, without the slightest reason for expectation on the part of the reader, an event occurs of a highly dramatic character, which is very powerfully managed, which stirs the reader's blood, and arouses his liveliest attention; and from that point on the book runs upon an upper level of interest so that it will be finished for its own sake, and not for its author's. The lonely par ish' is Billingsford in Essex."— Literury world, Apr. 6. Cruikshank, G: Fairy library: Hop-o-my-thumb; Jack and the bean stalk; Cinderella; Puss in boots. $VEK 9c88 Dodgson, C: L. A tangled tale; illust. by A. B. Frost. 3d thousand. H2.3c2 Dufour, V., l'abbé. Collection des anciennes descriptions de Paris; introd. et notes [avec avantpropos du Bibliophile Jacob]. 1878

83. 10 v.


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Eastman, Mrs. M..

Dahcotah; or, Life and legends of the Sioux around Fort Snelling; with preface by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. 1849. Eells, Rev. M. History of Indian missions on the

Pacific coast; Oregon, Washington, and Idaho; with introd. by Rev. G. H. Atkinson. 1882. Emilie Emma, pseud. Die neue deutsche Nationalliteratur krit., humor., u.s.w. von Heine's Himmelfahrt. 1857-58. 2 v. XVG EM4 Everitt, G. English caricaturists and graphic humorists of the 19th century.

"The art criticism is by no means the strong point of the book. The book's strength lies rather in the mass of material collected, in the number of particulars gleaned. It is a repertory of curious fact a thing done evidently by a man who has loved his theme. patient assemblage both of fact and deduction." Academy, Jan. 16.

Farina, S. Amore ha cent' occhi.



"The scene of the larger part of the tale is laid in the island of Sardinia, of which Farina is a native, and of the curious customs and the strongly pronounced individuality of its inhabitants he furnishes a graphic picture." Athenæum, Apr. 21, 1883.

Ferrusac, A. E. J. P. J. F. d'A., baron de. Histoire naturelle des mollusques; [contin. par G. P. Deshayes]. 1819-41. 2. v. KT/F41 Findel, J. G. Geschichte der Freimauerei, u.s.w. 1861-62. 2 v. DZF 4F49

Fontaine, W: M., and White, I. C. The permian or upper carboniferous flora of West Virginia and S. W. Pennsylvania. 1880. IK69 P38S Foster, W: E. Town government in Rhode Island. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.) E-9J63 Fothergill, J. M. On diseases of sedentary and advanced life.

French, A. D. W. Surnames and coats of arms of the Williamses, etc. [188-.] 65.9YW67F Fry, F. The Bible by Coverdale, 1535; remarks on the titles, etc., with fac-similes. 1867. :XX3 194

Garnier, E: Histoire de la verrerie et de l'emaillerie; illust.

"Fascinating volume, illustrated both in chromolithograph and engraving from drawings of the author him. self executed by M. Trichon in quite faultless style."Bookseller, Jan. 6.

Garrard, L. H. Wah-to-yah, and the Taos trail; or, Prairie travel and scalp dances, with a look at Los Rancheros from Muleback and the Rocky Mt. campfire. 1850. CT.G36

Giffen, B. Essays in finance. 2d ser.

"A single chord vibrates through them. All is for the best in the best possible of worlds.' His figures cease with the year 1883. But what presses upon us, what causes gloom and disquietude throughout the whole region of industry and politics, are the figures for 1884 and 1885. Throughout 473 pages of Mr. Giffen's book we look in vain for light and leading in what really concerns us at this very time. At length, on page 474 and last, is mentioned, A very serious difficulty impending - in fact, already upon us.' This is a mere isolated farewell remark hastily set down in conclusion,' and left to tell its own tale. Could not optimism face it." -H. Avray Tipping in the Academy, Ápr. 24. Goldsmith, O. Vicar of Wakefield; facsimile of 1st ed. pub. 1766 [by F. Newberry]; with introd. by A. Dobson, and bibliog. list of ed. pub. in Eng. and abroad. 5 v.

Gould, C: Mythical monsters.

$V657V K5.G73


"There is a delightful middle ground of traditional possibility in which some fools believe foolishly, in which many other fools and a few wise men disbelieve foolishly, and in which the elect of the Earth neither believe nor disbelieve, but rejoice, though it must be ad. mitted that they go nearer to believing than to disbeliev ing. This ground is inhabited by fairies, mermaids, dragons, sea-serpents, trolls, half-trolls, phoenixes, unicorns, mantichoras, wooden horses with Fortunatus-caps and purses, witches, ghosts, pots of money under the rainbow, and all sorts of other delight. ful things and persons, all horrible to the laws of physi cal science, though quite unexpugnable and unabolishable by them, and all licensed by the laws of thought. With this delightful world there are three permissable ways of literary dealing. There is the poetical way; there is the sober common-sense way which deals with them in what may be called an affirmative-rational fashion; and there is the purely book-making way, which jots down everything it can find about them, and is con. Mr. Gould's book is an excellent example of the second way, and very good reading."- Saturday rev., Mar. 13.


Adventures among the InVG82M

Goulding, Rev. F. R.
dians. [1871.]
Green, A. K. The mill mystery.

The mystery is not kept as darkly veiled to the close as in the author's former works, but she shows her old skill in the working up of minute details of evidence." Hall, S: C. Royal gallery of art, ancient and modern; engravings from the collections at Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, and Osborne. [1858]. 4 v.


Harte, F. B.

Hamlin, M. C. W. Legends of le Détroit; illust. 971D48 H Snow-bound at Eagle's. VH253s "In a somewhat gayer vein than most of Mr. Bret Harte's longer stories. The characters are struck off with the author's invariable precision. It is one of his brightest and most readable stories." -Athe naum, Mar. 13.

Hawthorne, N. Tanglewood tales; illust. 1853. $VPL H31T

Henry iv. of France. Lettres intimes; avec une introduction et des notes par L. Dussieux. [2e éd.] VF5 H3

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Hughes, T: P. Dictionary of Islam; illust. Hullah, Mrs. F.. Life of J: Hullah, by his wife. TB H87 "An amorphous mass of observations and incidents which were well worth recording, and already invite the labours of rearrangement and condensation. Of espe cial interest are the different accounts of what may be termed Mr. Hullah's professional relations with men of letters e.g., with Kingsley, Dickens, Moore." - St. James's budget, Mar. 13.

Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Glimpses of three coasts.

Jacques, J: Exclusive salvation. [1851.]
James, H: The Bostonians; a novel.
Jay, J:



The peace negotiations of 1782 and 1783. address before the N. Y. Hist. Soc., Nov. 27, 1883. 1884. 952.J33

[ocr errors]

Johnson, V. W. Tulip Place; a story of New York. (Harper's handy ser.) √J632T

"Even if it does not strike one as a remarkably good portrait of New York, it is nevertheless full of a grateful vitality and vividness which make it an extremely interesting story."- Critic, May 1.

Kulp, G: B. Families of the Wyoming Valley; biog. geneal., and hist. sketches of the bench and bar of Luzerne Co., Pa. Vol. 1. 669w9+K Lacroix, P. Les amours d'un antiquaire. 1877.

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Mr. Lang has many men to talk about, and on almost all of them he has really a good deal to say. In one letter he adopts the manner of Don Juan;' in another, he parodies the iambics of l'ope; in a third, he uses the tetrastich of Omar; in a fourth the prose of the Complete angler;' in a fifth the Litanies of Rabelais; and so on, and so on. And he performs these feats not conscientiously and as a pedant, but with the lightness of touch, the independence, the whimsical felicity of a real humorous artist in style. He has airs of patronage that are sometimes hard to bear; he blunders in critcicism with a superiority that is not far short of exasperating. But his readers will forgive him in the end." Athenæum, Mar. 27.

Latter-day Saint's millennial star. Vol. 43. 1851. Latter-days Saints in Utah: Opinion of Z. Snow

upon the course of Gov. B. Young; Plea for G: A. Smith, etc. 1852.

Layres, A: Defense of the reconstruction acts of Congress, and critical review of the inaugural of H: H. Haight, Gov. of Cal. 1868.

[blocks in formation]

Lesley, J: P: Geological hand atlas of the 67 counties of Pa. embodying the results of the field-work of the survey, 1874-81. 1K69 P38s Longfellow, S: Life of H: Wadsworth Longfellow; with extracts from his journals and correspondence. 2 v.

65.1862 Loubat, J. F. The medallic history of the U. S. of America, 1776-1876; with etchings by J. Jacquemart. 1880. 2 v.

Luce, S. Jeanne d'Arc à Domremy, etc. 5F+D244LU "Contient un choix de documents des plus importants et que l'auteur a mis bien des années réunir." - Feuilleton, 2 jan.

M., E. Frank's ranche; or, My holiday in the Rockies, etc.

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BAM11 "The letters from Frank,' which are given in the first part of the book, are by far the most interesting portion. So fresh a nature is not often met with in books, and in this is the charm of the whole. The second portion consists of the account of the father's journey to see this son. These sketches are interesting light reading."- Nation, Mar. 18. McCarthy, J. H. Our sensation novel. (Har

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per's handy ser.) "Burlesques with a good deal of real humour the most characteristic work of Victor Hugo, the late Lord Lytton, Charles Dickens, and Mr. Wilkie Collins; and oddly enough, some of the chapters are an unmistakable parody of Thackeray who was the least sensational' of writers." J. A. Noble in the Academy, Mar. 13. Macmillan, M. Dagonet the jester.


"One of the most excellently conceived tales we are acquainted with." E: Peacock in the Academy, Mar.


Merrick, R: T. Speech to the jury on the trial of J: H. Surratt for murder of President Lincoln. 1867. T Miskouaki, Ottawa chief. Indian affairs around Detroit, 1706; speech to the Marq. Vaudreuil Gov. Gen. of Canada, and his reply. 1871. 975-8w52 Morris, E: E. The early Hanoverians; with maps and plans. (Epochs of hist.) SEF M83


"He has produced a good account, not merely of such familiar subjects as the Triple and Quadruple alliance, the administration of Alberoni, the Pragmatic Sanction, and the War of the Austrian succession - all of which touch English history closely but of those more remote events, The Turkish wars, and the War of the Polish succession. Mean as was the English nation and government during these years, there are many events of even romantic interest, and the reader will be grateful for the full exposition of Law's scheme, the South Sea bubble, the Porteous riots, and Anson's famous but little known voyages of discovery. The rebellion of 1745 is the subject of a long and interesting chapter." Nation, Apr. 22.

Northrup, S. Twelve years a slave, etc. 1853. D945-3N81

Oberholtzer, Mrs. S. L. Come for Arbutus, and other wild bloom. 1882. WOP OB2 O'Shea, J: A: An iron-bound city, or 5 months of peril and privation. 2 v. 8FM2.084 "There has been a multitude of narratives of the siege of Paris, but with the one exception of the 'Diary of a besieged resident' the two most recently published - Count d'Hérisson's Journal d'un officier d'ordonnance,' and Mr. O'Shea's Iron-bound city' are much the more vivacious and entertaining. Since so much has been written upon the military aspects of the siege, he has wisely filled more than half of his book with de. scriptions of the daily life of the Parisians. history of the internal life of Paris during the weary

As a

months of siege his volumes are valuable; and they are welcome, moreover, for the straightforward honesty and the kindly sympathy with which they are written." St. James's budget, Mar. 13. Parker, H. M. Proceedings of the 1st reunion of the 11th Reg. Ill. Vol. Infantry, Oct. 27, 1875, etc. 19541L P22 Patterson, R. Egypt in history prophecy, etc. 1883. (Anti-infidel lib.)

The testimony of Christ to the truth of the Old Testament. (Anti-infidel lib.) Peckham, W. G., and Tyler, E. W. Four bank cases as to stolen bonds. [1884.] Pfaff, A. Deutsche Geschichte, [-1618]. 1864.

4 v.

8G P47

Pfleiderer, 0. Lectures on the influence of the apostle Paul on the development of Christianity, Apr. and May, 1885; tr. by J. F: Smith. (Hibbert lectures.) Piozzi, Mrs. H. L., and others. Johnsoniana; or, Supplement to Boswell. 1835. 5E-J635P Works; new ed. coll. in part by J: W. Croker; introd. and notes by W. Elwin and W. J. Courthope. Vols. 9, 1o. VE-F812 "Completing the Works; vol. 5 containing the Life and gen. index is in preparation.” - Athenæum, Oct. 10.

Pope, A.

Pray, J: H., Sons & Co. Illustrated catalogue. Preuss, J: D: E. Friedrich der Grosse. 1832-34. 4 v. 8GZPA P92

Urkundenbuch. 1832-34. 5 v.
Rees, J. R. The pleasures of a book-worm.

XG B25
"Mr. Rees has brought together much gossip that will
interest those who are anxious about the externals of
modern books of precosity.'
His title and his con-

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tents do not agree. No book-worm proper such as would be recognized by Mr. Blades, would dare to feast upon any book produced in this century." — Academy, Feb. 20.

Reuter, F. Seed-time and harvest; tr. 1878.

VGG:131s Reynaert, A. Histoire de la discipline parlementaire; règles et usages des assemblées politiques des deux mondes l'enquête du Foreign Office sur la clôture, le serment, les modes de votation, etc. 1884. 2 v. FOY R38 S., I. W. Laconia; or, Legends of the White Mts. and Merry Meeting Bay; by an old mountaineer. 1854. Vs11 Schevichavius, G. De ecclesiasticorum vita, moribus, et officiis lib. III. 1883. 2 v. Scott, J. G: Burma; as it was, as it is, and as it will be. A4B92 SCO8

"Most interesting little volume, divided into three parts: the first giving a sketch of Burmese history, the second describing the country, and the third the people; while his knowledge of facts past and present enables the author to draw conclusions of tolerable certainty as to the future." St. James's budget, Apr. 3. Sinnett, Mrs. A. P. The purpose of theosophy. Smith, L., and Roquette, J. I., l'abbé. Guide to English-Portuguese conversation. 1843.

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"Apart altogether from the critic's own comments, the facts of Hugo's literary life are focussed with so much knowlodge and so much skill, the selections from Hugo's poetry are so admirably made, they are so entirely representative of Hugo at his best, that to the French as well as to the English student the book is quite indispensable. It is impossible to imagine a greater service than this done to the fame of Hugo, the whole of whose voluminous work Mr. Swinburne has at his fingers' ends. With regard to the style in which the book is written, whatever may be said for or against the antithetical balance of his sentences and sometimes the antithesis is one of sound merely there can be no doubt that in brilliance of diction in the certainty with which thought finds its proper expression in word and image Mr. Swinburne has no equal among contempo. rary writers of prose.' -Atheneum, Mar. 13. Texeda, F. Hispanus conversus.


Tod, Maj. G: Correspondence; war of 1812.


Turguénev, I. S. Euvres dernières. [18-]

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Van Kortland, Miss. Pro aris et focis; a plea for our altars and hearths. [1870.]

Veness, Rev. W. T. Ten years of mission life in British Guiana; mem. of Rev. T: Youd: [18-]

Vicary, J: F. An American in Norway.


"Contains a great deal of information about the hab. its and customs of the Norwegians, the history and politics of the country, its folk-lore, etc., written in such a precise style as to recommend it as a good class-book for students of geography, history, and ethnology of Norway. Mr. Vicary is very accurate; indeed, few books on Norway are so correct." Athenæum, Mar. 6. Walford, Mrs. L. B. The history of a week; a novel. (Leisure hour ser.)


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Ware, W: R. Outline of a course of architectural instruction. 1866. Watering places of Great Britain and fashionable AE+W29 directory; illust. [1837.] Welch, Judge H. Indian narrative. [1879.] 975-8w52

Whitman, S.. H. Poem, recited before the RhodeIsland Historical Society, Jan. 13, 1847. :965-9R34M Wilkinson, Rev. C. A. Reminiscences of the court and times of King Ernest of Hanover. 2 v. 8GZH1-W6

"Clumsily written books are often quite as instructive as the productions of men skilled in the art of literature. For the presentment of vulgar, tawdry facts a twaddling record, which carries its own proof of the writer's inability to romance or by any graceful colour. ing to spoil the truthfulness of his narrative, is, from the historian's point of view, the best.” — Athenæum, Mar. 20.

Wilson, J. G. Bryant and his friends; some reminiscences of the Knickerbocker writers. xw5.95w69 Wines, E. C. A trip to Boston; letters to the U. S. Gazette. 1838. B64B6 W72 Wyoming Historical and Geological Society. Proceedings and collections. Vol. 1, pub. 1-7, 2, pt. 2. 1884-85. 2 v.



Public Library. Catalogue of the lending department. :XKDS AB3 Alma Tadema, Miss L. Love's martyr. VAL62L **A sad story, but one full of power, tenderness, and insight. Balzac, George Eliot, and Charlotte and Emily Brontë have evidently been among Miss Alma Tadema's teachers. ... She has at any rate some of the qualities of the immortal sisters. Her characters live; they have minds and hearts; and these she anatomizes and reveals almost as pitilessly as Mr. Browning. Miss Alma-Tadema gives us full reason to expect truly fine work from her hand in future attempts."- St. James's budget, Apr. 3. Almanach des spectacles, par K. Y. Z. 3e année.

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Armitt, A. In shallow waters; a novel. (Harper's handy ser.)


"A remarkably good story of its kind. Its plot is thoroughly original, and it is written in the straightforward English of an author who means every word she uses."W: Wallace in the Academy, Jan. 30.

"Annie Armitt takes a truly and not conventionally high view of life. Not mere self-renunciation in the æsthetic Emersonian, but self-sacrifice in the serious Christian sense, is what she preaches, and what in In shallow waters' she incarnates in Henry Dilworth, its hero. All other figures are drawn with the utmost care and conscientiousness." Spectator, Apr. 3.

Athol, Mass. The record of Athol, Mass., in suppressing the great rebellion. 1866. 964AT4 R Ausgewählte Psalmen für die deutsche Matutin u. Vesper. 1875.

Bacon, G. W. New ordnance survey atlas of London and suburbs, etc. [188-.]



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de. Le roman d'un officier de forVB382R "The return to the romance of adventure and of old times has for the last year or two been as evident in France as in England."- Sat. rev., Jan. 16. Bekker, E. Maria Stuart, Darley, Bothwell; mit einem Vorwort von W: Oncken. 1881. 8DSM B39 Berly, J. A. British, American, and continental electrical directory and advertiser. 1883. HC 6B45 Birkbeck, W: L. Historical sketch of the distribution of land in England, etc. CYT B53 Blind, M. Madame Roland. (Famous women.)

5F R643B

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Brooks, H: M. The days of the spinning-wheel in New England. (Olden times ser.) 7c5.9B Browne, F. F. Bugle-echoes; a coll. of poems of the Civil War, northern and southern. W5P.98CB Burke, Sir J: B. Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage. 48th ed. 7NE+5B9+5 Christkatholisches Gesangbuch; Zugabe zum Gebetbuch d. christkath. Kirche d. Schweiz. 1884.

Clay, H: Beauties of H: Clay; added, a biog. and crit. essay [by J. Rees]. 1839. w56.c57B Colange, L. de. Zell's U. S. business directory,


Combe, E. Réfugiés de la révocation en Suisse.

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"More remarkable for exhaustiveness than for any novelty in the mode of treatment or in the point of view Dr. Edersheim has been seven years at his task,and. twelve columns of authors consulted and referred to, show the extent of his reading. His researches have led him, or have confirmed him in a position of thorough orthodoxy; he concedes nothing to any ra tionalistic theory; and there is no likeness in his portrait of Jesus the Messiah' either to the shadowy personalty of Strauss's 'Jesus' or to the subject of M. Renan's sentimental realism."- Saturday review, Nov. 24. Edgeworth, M. The absentee. (Harper's handy ser.) VED3A Eichthal, L: d. Le général Bourbaki, avec portrait, cartes, etc. 1885. 5F.B6625 Emmerton, J. A. A record of the 23d Regt. Mass. Vol. Infantry in the war of the rebellion, 1861-65; with alphabetical roster, etc.

954M3 EM6 Eze, G. d', and Marcel, A. Histoire de la coiffure

des femmes en France, illust. par J. Rocault. "A most agrecable book to turn over; two or three hundred engravings, really invaluable for artists, amateur actors, ladies who like to dress out of fashion, and people generally who like what deserves liking."-Sat. rev., Feb. 13.

Farjeon, B: L. Aunt Parker. (Franklin Sq. lib.)
Fearn, or Noel Fearn, previously Christmas, Rev.
H: Concise history of the Hampden con-
troversy, etc. 1848.
Feuillet, O. La morte. 28e éd.

VFF F43MR "The machinery of the novel is excellent, and the interest admirably sustained." Sat. rev., Feb. 27. Fields, Mrs. C. W. High lights.


"By Mrs. Whitney's daughter; better than the mother's works, and very popular."

Flint, T. The Shoshonee valley. 1830. 2 v. Vr64s

« PrethodnaNastavi »