Slike stranica

Forneron, H: Louise de Kéroualle, duchesse de Portsmouth, 1649-1734. 5F.K45

"Montre, d'après les documents inédits, Louis XIV s'occupant des galanteries de la cour d'Angleterre et les faisant servir à sa politique. C'est un sorte de continua. tion des Mémoires du chevalier de Gramont, écrite par les ambassadeurs de France." - - Bibl. de la France, Feuilleton, 16 jan.

Fort, G: F. Historical treatise on early builders' marks. 1885. Furniss, W: (pseud. W. de Grasse). Swallows on the wing o'er garden springs of delight. 1866. :w5 D36 Galerie contemporaine, littéraire, et artistique.

[187-.] Gatty, H. K. F. Juliana Horatia Ewing and her books; illust. бE EW53 Gauthiez, P. Prud'hon. (Les artistes célèbres.) "Le texte de cette monographie est excellent; il et dû à M: P: Gauthiez qui a traité avec une simplicité élégante et une émotion continue une histoire dont l'intérêt nous saisit vivement: celle d'un homme supérieur et malheureux." Les lettres et les arts, fév. Goethe, J: W. von. Faust; tr. with notes by A. Hayward. New ed. 1853. VGD G55F EH.2 Gordon, H: W: Events in the life of C: G: Gordon.

5E G652G Gower, Lord R. Last days of Marie Antoinette; an historical sketch. 5FM335G0 Greely, Lieut. A. W. Three years of arctic service; an account of the Lady Franklin Bay expedition, 1881-84, and the attainment of the farthest north. 2 v. B1.G81

"The book is not a scientific report. The meteoro. logical and magnetic observations which the expedition was sent to make have not yet been worked out. The natural history collections were left behind. The plants, however, were saved, and are catalogued in the appendix. Every page is full of the most valuable

[ocr errors]

data. Modestly, with an evident desire to tell only the truth, Major Greely gives the history of his experi ences, from the time when the expedition left the United States to the day when it returned, little more than a fifth of what it set out. Though he narrates in detail the execution of private Henry for repeated thefts, he declines to touch on the subject of the cannibalism which aroused so much unnecessary animadversion. These volumes are full of valuable matter. No account of travel produced this winter is comparable with them; not one is so beautifully illustrated or treats of matter so important. It is nothing more than just to characterize Major Greeley's narrative as worthy of a place beside those of Payer and Nordenskjold."- Athenæum, Mar. 6.

Groton historical series. No. 10: The earliest church records in Groton. 96469-9G

Hardy, I. D. Hearts or diamonds? a novel. 2 v. Vн221H

"Freshness of conception, strong grasp of character, triumphant handling of strong or delicate situation, and unfailing felicity of literary workmanship.” — James Ashcroft Noble in the Academy, Sept. 12. Harrison, F: The choice of books, and other literary pieces. VE3 H243

"A writer of such wide interests, who can find something instructive to say about subjects so far apart as the French Revolution and the developments of modern æstheticism, the law courts and the Academy exhibition, St. Bernard and Lord Beaconsfield, who tackles' Mr. Ruskin and Mr. Arnold with equal intrepidity, cannot fail to suggest matter for discussion to any moderately intelligent reader. Perhaps the pick of the basket,' is the essay on the Opening of the courts of justice' written in anticipation of the event which took place on Dec., 1882."— Athenæum, Mar. 20.

Hatfield, Miss J. The Bryant homestead-book, by the idle scholar; illust. 1870. XW51.B84H Hepburn, J, Earl of Bothwell. Les affaires du conte de Bodwel, 1563. 1829. (Bannatyne Club.) 5DS+B654 Hill, W. H. Historical sketch of the St. Louis University; celebration of its 50th anniv., DV5SA2.4H Hodgetts, J. F: The English in the Middle Ages; from the Norman usurpation to the days of the Stuarts; their mode of life, dress, etc. 7BE H66 Popular view of the American 1954 H77


Hope, A. J. B. B. civil war. 1861. Horawitz, A. Erasmus von Rotterdam

tinus Lipsius. 1882.

und Mar

¶VJY5 ER 1

AD H87

Hübner, Baron J. A. Through the British Empire; with a map. 2 v. "Perhaps the most interesting portion of Baron Hübner's travels is India. It is certainly what interested him the most. Our readers have been in luck in having two such books as Through the British Empire,' and Froude's Oceana' offered to them in one year. Years may pass without the appearance of any record of travel so original, and from which so much is to be learned."- W: Wickham in the Academy, Apr. 10.

Hunnewell, J. F. The imperial island; England's chronicle in stone.

2 v.

AE H89

Hymans, L: Bruxelles à travers les âges. [1882.] AHUR/H99 Isaac de Bourges. Description des monuments de Paris. 1878. AFP2.9D8 Jenkins, R. C. Heraldry; English and foreign ; with a dictionary of heraldic terms. 7LJ41 Jesse, Capt. W: Life of George Brummell, Esq., commonly called Beau Brummell. Rev. and annot. ed. 2 v. 5E B835J2 Johnson, H. N. Numismatics; early Amer. coins. [1879.] 975-8w52 Keenan, H: F. The aliens. VK25A


"A story of the first setting in of the tide of Irish immigration to America. It is sad, distressingly sad. Yet it is purely and interestingly told, with many gleams of true humor to relieve the always impending gloom." - Literary world, Apr. 17.

Kershaw, S. W. Protestants from France in their English home; illust.

"The chapter on the Kentish settlements represent more than a mere reduction of Agnew's somewhat cumbrous narrative. But the attempt at popular treatment has resulted in a rather disjointed summary, sometimes giving the impression of mere notes printed from a commonplace book. To the deficiencies of style and arrangement must be added some more serious omissions.

In the last chapter dealing with the present state of French Protestantism, the most serious defects will be found." Athenæum, Mar. 27.

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"The title is a happy thought, but it is the only one in the book. The prig in question is more of an enthusiast or a fanatic than a prig. He writes his own history; and it is the history of a religious maniac who procoeds from High Churchism to Ritualism, and so on through all the religious issues including Buddhism, Mohammedanism, Confucianism, etc., till he arrives at Agnosticism and a wife. The idea is deplorably commonplace, and the way it is worked out is still more so." - Acad. emy, Jan. 2.

[blocks in formation]

"It is a common experience to meet with a volume which might with advantage have been compressed into an essay. Here we find something much more uncom. mon, a volume of essays almost every one of which would gain in interest and value by being expanded into a volume. The quantity of well-digested reading, and of patient, careful thought represented in Mr. Lilly's essays is as refreshing as it is astonishing." Spectator, Mar. 20.

Locker-Lampson, F: The Rowfant library; a cat

alogue of the printed books, manuscripts, autograph letters, drawings, and pictures coll. by F: L. L. :x15 119 Loring, E: P., and Russell, C: T., Jr. Reports of controverted elections in the Senate and Ho. of Reps. of Mass., 1853-85. 964Y.9L Lubbock, Sir J: Flowers, fruit, and leaves; illust. (Nature ser.) J3.196

"The first two lectures are mainly concerned with the principles involved in the fertilization of plants, now so identified with the name of Darwin. But Sir John brings many fresh observations of his own to render if it were possible, the basis of that doctrine more firm. The section of the second lecture, on seeds which mimic animals, we regard as the perfection of popular scientific style. The object of the lecture on Leaves' is to show that the endless variety of shape and character and hue, which has often been regarded as a beneficent arrangement made specially with reference to the enjoyment and delight of man, is really due more to considerations of utility, of fitness, and purpose; and the investigation of some of the typical forms is carried out in a manner well calculated to enforce this conviction." - British quarterly rev., April.


Luce, R. Electric railways and the electric transmission of power described in plain terms. McCarty, L. P. Annual statistician. 1886. Macdonald, G: What's mine's mine. VM14WH Martha, J. Manuel d'archéologie étrusque et romaine. [1884.]

"Ecrit avec élégance et méthode, il sera l'intermédiaire tout trouvé entre les ouvrages spéciaux et approfondis, à la lecture desquels il servira d'initiateur, et les catalogues, dont il tempère la précision par de sombres commentaires. L'exécution est fort soignée au double point de vue de la typographie et de l'illustration. plan est simple, bien coordonné. Les examples y sont bien choisis, parmi les types les plus célèbres et les plus faciles à comprendre." - P. L. Lucas in Bulletin critique, 1 déc.


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Myers, E. The judgment of Prometheus; and other poems.


"There is no marked originality of thought or of expression. His ideas are those of a man of culture, who sees life through the medium of his culture that is to say, at second hand.... Mr. Myers is best in blank verse, which he writes, if not originally, at least with an electicism of imitation which prevents it from seeming a monotonous echo of any one voice. In his rhymed verses Mr. Myers has some passages of real beauty, though few of sustained excellence. His garland of love songs possesses the merit of reticence, so often lacking in the latter-day erotics." Pall Mall budget, April 1.

Naquet, A. Le divorce. 1877.


Nelson, H. The Salisbury hymn-book. [1857.] New York genealogical and biographical record. Vol. 1-16. 1870-85. 16 v. 667-7N4 O'Connor, T: P. The Parnell movement; with a sketch of Irish Parties from 1843. 8DUA OC5 "Most fascinating reading."- Times quoted in the Athenæum, Feb. 13.

Ohnet, G: Les dames de Croix-mort. VFF OH45D "There is some pathos of a rather cheap kind, a virtuous and persecuted heroine, a hero of immoral character, and a tragic, or at least melo-dramatic, conclusion." Sat. rev., Mar. 27.

Our little Ann; by the author of Tip Cat, Miss Toosey's mission, etc. Vou7

"Slight in plot, but gracefully written."-Athenæum, Feb. 6.

Parey, P. Verlagskatalog; Verlagsbuchhandlung für Landwirthschaft, Gartenbau, u. Forstwe

[blocks in formation]

:XL5 P27

Paterson, N. J. Free Pub. Lib. Catalogue. Jan.1, 1886; arr. by F. P. Hill. Pelleschi, G. Eight months on the Gran Chaco of the Argentine Republic. BP P36

"With the exception of Alaska and the Arctic seaboard, the Gran Chaco wilderness is certainly the least known region in the New world. ... Since the partial survey of Major Host, little has been done to dispel this ignorance until the appearance of the present work, which notwithstanding innumerable shortcomings and crudities of all sorts, may still be thankfully accepted as a welcome contribution to a better knowledge of the natural history, political and social condition at least of the central districts. The chapters devoted to the geology, climate, physical constitution, and natural re sources of Gran Chaco are by far the most valuable portion of the work." -A. H. Keane in the Academy, Mar.


Petit de Julleville, L:

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Comédiens en France au Moyen Age. T8F P44 "M. Petit de Julleville, qui nous a donné déjà deux volumes pleins de substance sur les mystères du vieux théâtre français, nous invite aujourd'hui à le suivre dans les coulisses. Nous allons nous mêler aux artistes naïfs figurant dans les mystères, les farces, les soties et les moralités, qui n'étaient pas toujours très morales." Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. el lit., 21 nov. Posnett, H. M. Comparative literature. national sci. ser.)


(InterXV P84

He seems

"A quaintly dull and blundering book. to have said a great deal that is mixed, and a great deal


that is superfluous, and a great deal that every educated man takes for granted, and a great deal that is inaccurate; but then how much more he might have said. There is no reason why a book like this should ever stop; yet stop it does in the long run. The arrangement seems by no means well ordered. Heaps of information (not always correct) are 'shot' (like rubbish) all over the place; and if this information is necessary and ought to be given, why is other information equally necessary withheld?" If we are constantly to be lectured on the clan' stage of society, on community of land and community of responsibility, why should not the whole development of religion and society be described in the same manner? It is just as germane to the topic of literature." - Sat. rev., Apr. 6.

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"Dans cet enchevêtrement tous les fils sont très artistement entre-croisés et ce drame noir vous fait passer par de vivres émotions." - Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 31 oct. Robinson, H. P. etc. 2d ed. Rocoles, J. B. de.

Pictorial effect in photography, 1881. (Photog. handy-books.) Les imposteurs insignes; augm. 1776. 2 v. 501 R59 Rosmini-Serbati, A., il abate. Des lois civiles concernant le mariage des chrétiens; tr. par L. Rupert. 1853. Salisbury, Diocese of. The psalter, according to the use of Sarum, hymns, etc., with melodies; also the litany and vigils of the dead; tr. 1852.

Schaufuss, L: W: Giorgione's Werke unter Berücksichtigung d. neuesten Forschungen von Crowe u. Cavalcaselle. u.s.w. 1884. Schilling, N. H. The present condition of electric lighting; report at Munich, Sept. 26, 1885. HCL SCH3

Searles, I. A. History of Northfield. 1873.


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Sherman, Gen. W: T. Memoirs. 2d ed., rev. and 65.SH57.3 corr. 2 v. Sibbes, R: The soul's conflict and victory over itself by faith. 1837.

Sienkiewicz, Bartek Vainqueur; tr. par Ney

roud; introd. par T. de Wyzewa. VмPF SI6B "Sienkiewicz est l'écrivain national de la Pologne. Il tient la tête du mouvement réaliste trés accentué qui s'est produit depuis de longues années déjà dans la littérature polonaise; il s'attache spécialement dans ses œuvres à étudier la psychologie et à décrire les mœurs des classes inférieures de la société. Ses œuvres ont eu un grand retentissement non seulement en Pologne mais aussi en Russie et en Allemagne. Bartek Vainqueur est le récit des aventures d'un soldat de la landwehr polonaise pendant le guerre de France en 1870-71."- Bibl. de la France, Fenilleton, 13 fév.

Smith, G: B. The prime ministers of Queen Victoria. 5E-9ESM5

"As a series of magazine or newspaper articles, ephemeral and excusably incomplete, these hastily writ ten chapters might satisfy hasty readers; but in a book presumably intended for permanent use and reference, they are out of place. The narrow limits of research that he has set himself, would not justify much complaint if only the task were artistically or neatly performed."- Athenæum, Apr. 10.

"There is nothing new in the book. What history there is in it can be found elsewhere."- Spectator, Apr.


Spencer, H. Ecclesiastical institutions; pt. 6 of the Principles of sociology.


"Mr. Spencer is at home in the discussion of the origin, features, and tendencies of ecclesiastical institutions. But an examination of the characteristics of institutions is a process differing in kind from an inquiry into the origin of religious belief, a task for the performance of which Mr. Spencer does not appear to possess the first essential requisite. ... When the au. thor comes to the Jews, his method most conspicuously fails. No ordinarily unbiassed reader of the Bible can help seeing that however crude and unworthy were the early Jewish ideas of their Deity they were not derived from ghost or ancestor worship." - Saturday review,

Feb. 27.

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Stauder, Rev. C. Inni per feste della chiesa christiana per uso degli Italiani. 1883.

Todd, C: B. Life and letters of Joel Barlow, LL.D.; poet, statesman, philosopher; with extracts from his works. 65.B246T Touchard-Lafosse, G. Chroniques secrètes et galantes de l'opéra, 1667-1844 [45]. 4 v. 1846. TCO T64 Traits of the Aborigines of America; a poem.

W5P T68 Warden, R. B. A voter's version of the life and character of Stephen Arnold Douglas. 1860. 65.D746w Welsh, C: A bookseller of the last century; account of the life of J: Newbury and of the books he published; with a notice of the later Newburys. 5E N423

"The firm of Newbury could not claim the leading place among publishing houses in the last century, but its associations with those who followed literature as a profession were with one exception those of the great business of Dilly, without a rival. The flavour of the old world hangs around this book, and invests it with a lasting attraction." W. P. Courtney in the Academy, April 3.

Whitier, J: G. Saint Gregory's guest; and recent poems. W5P W614s Whytehead, Rev. R. Key to the prayer book of the Prot. Episc. Church, adapted to the Amer. prayer book by the Prot. Episc. Soc. for the Prom. of Evan. Kn. [1848.] Wilder, S. Life; its nature, origin, development, and the psychical related to the physical. IQ W64 Willey, Rev. A. History of the anti-slavery cause in state and nation. D945 W66

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"As a missionary of the Presbyterian Board, Mr. Bassett made many extended tours through Persia; in the first part of his book he describes these tours at length, with some account of the results of American mission work."

Bernheim, G. D. History of the German settlements and of the Lutheran Church in N. and S. Carolina. 1872.

Biron, L: A. de G., duc de. Lettres sur les Etats Gén. de 1789, préc. d'un notice hist. sur B. et pub. par Roger de la Lande. 1865.

[blocks in formation]

çaise. 1881.

Supplément général, 1878-84.

Bouchet, J: Le panégyric du Chevallier sans re

proche [L: de la Trimouille]. 1527. 5FL34 Bourne, V. Poetical works. 1826. VEP B66 Brent, J. L. Mobilizable fortifications, and their controlling influence in war. R6D B75

Brevoort, J. C., vs. Brevoort, E.. D., and others. Supreme Court of New York, Co. of Kings. Brevoort vs. Brevoort. [1875.]

Brown, C: B. Edgar Huntly. 1849. VB81E2 Bruin, C. Kleetsche en Zuid-Hollandsche Arkadia, enz., met aanteekeningen van L. Smids. 1716. VHSP.B83

Byron, G: G. N., 6th Baron Byron. Complete works, with notes by Sir W. Scott [and others]. VEP+B99+1837 Capell, E: Notes and various readings to Shakespeare. Pt. 1, with glossary. [1774.] VE+871c17 Carrington, Gen. H: B. The Indian question; addr., Bristol, 1875. Amer. repr. 1884. Casa, G. della. Le Galatée; Ital., Fr., Lat., Span. 1598.

Cecil, E. Life of G: Washington. 1859. Chamisso, L: C: A. von. Faust; a dramatic sketch; tr. by H: Phillips, Jr. 1881. VGD C35F EP Chasles, V: E. P. Questions du temps et problèmes d'autrefois. 1867. VF4 c38

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"Purports to have been written in the seventeenth century by the son of a gentleman of Oxfordshire. Beginning with the grand pageant given by the gentle. men of the four Inns of Court of London to King Charles I., the reader is carried through the exciting events of his reign, ending with his tragical death." Cocchetti, C: Brescia e sua provincia; tratto dalla Grande illustrazione del Lombardo-Veneto. 1859.

AIB75+c6 Cochelet, L., afterwards Mme. Parquin. Mémoires sur la reine Hortense et la famille impériale. 1856. 2 v. 5F.H786c Coles, Rev. G: Incidents of my later years. 1855. 65.c676 Collins, M. Lord Vanecourt's daughter; a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.)

Complete collection of the papers, letters, etc., in the case of J: Wilkes, Esq., elected knight of the shire for the Co. of Middlesex, Mar. 28, 1768. 5E W654c Court and city kalendar; or, Gentleman's register for 1768.

Cümmins, A. H. Grammar of the old Friesic lanYHSQFG C

guage. 1881.

Davies, T: Narrative of the life and theatrical transactions of J: Henderson commonly called the Bath Roscius. 1777.

Davis, Mrs. R. H. Natasqua.

TбE H38 VD297N

"A story of genuine merit, with rare delineations of curious human nature, and a moral as clear-cut as a cameo, standing out in fine relief from the background of interesting story." Critic, May 1.

Day, S: P. English America; or, Pictures of Canadian places and people. 1864. 2 v. B4 D33 Delaborde, le vicomte H: Gérard Edelinck. (Artistes célèbres.)

Diehl, C: Ravenne; études d'archéologie byzantine; [illust.]

Dodd, G: The food of London, etc. 1856.
Dollet, -, and others. Galerie dramatique; cos-
tumes des théâtres de Paris. [18-]
Duplessis, G: G., and Bouchot, H:


des marques et monogrammes de graveurs. Vol. 1. A-F.

Durrie, D. S. Bibliographia genealogica Americana; an Alphabetical index to American genealogies and pedigrees. 65.9Y0D9.2 Illustrations of Longfellow's Courtship of Miles Standish. 1859. Episcopal Church in Scotland. Hymns for divine service. [1862.]

Ehninger, J: W.

Farrar, Capt. C: A. J. Down the West Branch; or, Camps and tramps around Katahdin. VF243D Fewkes, J. W. Acalephs by J. W. Fewkes and Polyps by E. L. Mark; [illust.]. 1884. K264c+H26 Fitzpatrick, W: J. Life of the very Rev. T: N. Burke, O. P. 2 v. 5DU B9185 "The materials at least of a singularly interesting With minute care Mr. Fitzpatrick has gleaned a mass of facts, and a few legends that belong to the career of this mediæval preaching friar, who stands out in bold relief from the splendid chaos of the nineteenth century in the white habit of Dominic, and yet in enthusiastic sympathy with all that is distinctively human


in our struggle of evolution. He loved his Tennyson, he revered his Shakespeare, he delighted in physi cal research, and in the triumph of human inventions. It were hard to say whether he were more enthusiastically patriotic or more ascetically Christian; but his reputation among men will rest on his oratory."- Spectator, Feb. 27.

Florian, J: P: C. de. Gonzalve de Cordoue. 1820.
2 v.
VFF F6660
Foure sonnes of Aymon, Right plesant and goodly
historie of the. Pt. 1. 1884. (Early Eng.
Text Soc.)
Gomme, G: L. The gentleman's magazine library.
Archæology: Pt.1.

Greene, B. Reflections and modern maxims.

VE7 G83 Guizot, F. P. G. Vie, correspondance, et écrits de Washington; atlas [avec portraits]. 1840. Guthry, H: Memoirs cont. an impartial relation of the affairs of Scotland, 1637 to the death of Charles I. 1747. 8DSP G98 Hinton's

Haddon, C. The larger life; studies in ethics, with unpublished letters. Hammond, W: A., and Lanza, Mrs. C. eccentric life.

Tales of VH189T

Hanbury, Mrs. D. One day in the life of a stag; illust. by E. R. Smyth. 1847. Hapgood, I. F: The epic songs of Russia; with


an introd. note by Prof. F. J. Child. VBO 9H "These songs have been handed down from generation to generation for a thousand years, wholly by oral tradition. It is only within the present century that the learned Russians began to take any notice of these legends. Within the past twenty-five years several val. uable collections have been made by men who travelled among the peasants, and jotted down the words as they were sung. ... The author has in this volume given a prose translation of fifty songs."

Hastings, H. L. Infidel testimony conc. the truth of the Bible, etc. (Anti-infidel lib.) Hawkins, E. Historical notices of the missions of the Church of England in the N. Amer. colonies, etc., 1845.

Helyot, P:, and Bullot, M. Histoire des ordres monastiques, religieux, et militaires, etc. 1715-21. 8 v.

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lude. [18-]


Hitchcock, J. R. W. Etching in America, with lists of Amer. etchers.

Hudson, E. An American woman's life and work; a memmorial of M.. Clemmer. 65.c594H

Hudson, J. F. The railways and the Republic.
Ireland, S: Investigation of Mr. Malone's claim
to the character of scholar, or critic; an ex-
amination of his inquiry into the authenti-
city of the Shakespeare manuscripts, etc.
VE 8781

James, G: P. R. De l'Orme. 1854.
John, E. The lady with the rubies; [tr.] by Mrs.
A. L. Wister.

Johnston, A. History of American politics. 2d ed. enl.

EB5 J65.2

Jones, Sir W: The Indian game of chess, and the Burmha game of chess compared with the Indian, Chinese, and Persian games, by Capt. H. Cox. 1883. (Aungervyle Soc.) VE-AU5 La Fayette, M.. J: P. R. Y. G. de M., marquis de. Mémoires, correspondance, et mss.; pub. par sa famille. 1837-39. 2 v. OF+L133+3 Land concentration and irresponsibility of political power as causing the anomaly of a widespread state of want by the side of the vast supplies of nature.

Lang, A. Books and bookmen.


"A collection of pleasant essays on Literary forge. ries,' Bookmen at Rome,' Bibliomania in France,' 'Book bindings,' Elzevirs,' and so on-gossiping and semi-humorous papers, distinguished by a light touch, and an easy flow of entertaining information." Langlois, E. H. Essai hist., philos., et pittor. sur les danses des morts; [illust.]; pub. par A. Pottier et A. Baudry. 1852. 2 v. Larkin, E: Speculum patrum; a looking-glasse of the Fathers, added, characters of philosophers, etc. 1659.

Lemaitre, J. Les contemporains; études et portraits littéraires. le sér. XVFV L54

"Ce livre, paru depuis quelques semaines, a atteint deja sa cinquième édition."-Bibl. de la France, Feuilleton, 16 jan. Lewis, Sir G: C., Bart. Remarks on the use and

abuse of some political terms; new ed. with notes, etc. by Sir R. K. Wilson. 1877. EL58 Lewis, M. G. Bravo of Venice; tr. from the German. [1849.] VB382V2 Lightfoot, J. B., Bp. of Durham. Apostolic fathers; pt. 2: S. Ignatius, S. Polycarp; rev. texts with introd., notes, etc. 2 v. in 3 pts. Longfellow, H. W. Christus; a mystery. 1873.

W5D L86c

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