Slike stranica

Abbott, E. A. The kernel and the husk; letters on spiritual Christianity.

"This remarkable book is a natural complement of the author's previous works Philochristus,' and 'Onesi mus.' It affords a reply to some such question as this: Assuming the origin and early growth of Christianity to be what you represent, how do you propose to apply your method and conclusions to the practical needs of Christian theology in the present day?" -J: Owen in the Academy, Feb. 19.

Agatha and the shadow; a novel. (Old Colony ser.)

"The strength of the story is in the portrayal of the heroine. The story of Agatha is well done; amply fortified with learning, enlivened with a cheery strain of humor, and actuated by a generous and elevating pur. pose." Lit. world, Feb. 19. Agrippa, H: C. De incertitudine et vanitate scientiarum et artium liber; acc. De nobilitate fœminei sexus et De matrimonio. 1622. Allen, F: H. The great cathedrals of the world. 130 plates in photogravure; with explan. and descr. text. Pt. 1-6.

Alteste Faust-Buch, Das; historia von J: Fausten,

mit einer Einleitung von W: Scherer. 1884. Archæological Institute of America. Regula

tions, officers, and list of members. 1883. Comm. on the American School of Class. Studies at Athens. 1st annual report. [1881.] Bardoux, A. La bourgeoisie française, 1789-1848.

"M. Bardoux est optimiste; il est apologiste : c'est sa nature. Mais que de pages charmantes et vraies cet op. timisme lui inspire et comme, à certains endroits, son apologie est éloquente."- C. D. in Les lettres et les arts, fév.

Barnes, P. Present technical condition of the
steel industry of the U. S. 1885.
Barrows, W: The church and her children. 1875.
Baudelot de Dairval, C: C. Lettre sur le pre-

tendu Solon des pierres gravées. Explication d'une medaille d'or de la famille Cornuficia. 1717.

Réflexions sur les deux plus anciennes médailles d'or romaines qui se trouvent dans le cabinet de S. A. R. Madame. 1720. Becker, G: F. Notes on the stratigraphy of California. 1885.

Berndt, G. Der Alpenföhn in seinem Einfluss auf Natur- und Menschenleben. Bickerdyke, J: Curiosities of ale and beer; illust.

"Free from the faults so common to books of this class- discursiveness and attempted wit." Nation, Dec. 23. Bird, R. M. Nick of the woods; or, The Jibbenainosay; a tale of Kentucky. 1837. 2 v. Boscowen, N. H. 150th anniversary of the settlement, Aug. 16, 1883. 1884.

Bourciez, E: Les mœurs polies et la littérature de cour sous Henri II.

Brachelius or Brachell, A. Historia nostri temporis, dat is Geschiedenis onses tijdts, 161854. 1656.

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"The subjects of the parleyings are: (1) That every growth of good Sprang consequent on evil's neighbor. hood.' (2) An account of a heroic woman who gave np a man she loved, and a ducal throne to prevent a sacrifice of duty and power which she regarded as the betrayal of a trust on his part. (3) The close affinity of true genius to mere mediocrity. (4) The true source of popularity with the democracy. (5) The relation between spiritual and fleshly art. (6) A refutation of the old notion that art finds its great subjects in the dis. tant past. (7) That though one style of music dethrones another as the ages pass, there is a core of reality common to all the music of high feeling.... When the whole has been carefully read, and we go back to the obscurer parts with the whole before us, we still find much that is too difficult for anything but guesswork interpretation."- Spectator, Feb. 5.

Brunel, I. Life of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, civil engineer. 1870.

Buchanan, R. A look round literature.

"Essays fresh, vigorous, original, and full of sugges tion, admirable and varied in substance, strenuous and powerful in style. Recognising in George Eliot not a woman of genius, but merely a noteworthy woman,' and in Thackaray a hater of all imaginative revolt, a Major Pendennis of literature, and in Mr. Arnold not a poet at all, but a writer of didactic verse, whose inspira. tion is not of the heart, but always and only of the head. Mr. Buchanan holds Goethe responsible for what he regards to be the misfortune to literature that such writers have been widely read and liberally praised." — Hall Cuine in the Academy, Feb. 26.

Buddha. Selections by M. Müller.
Cameron, Mrs. H. L.

dom's chance.

Vera Nevill; or, Poor wis

Célières, P. Les mémorables aventures du docteur J. B. Quiès; illust. par F. Lix.

"125 délicieux et spirituels dessins de M. F. Lix. Certainement un des plus grands succès de 1886.” —Bibl. de la France, Etrennes.

"Admirably translated; overflows with delightful French humor. - Times, quoted in the Academy, Dec. 11.

"Enchanting book."— Sat. rev., quoted in the Academy, Dec. 11. Chamberlayne, E. H., Jr. Record of the Richmond city and Henrico Co. Va. troops, Confed. States army. No. 1-4, 6-10. 1879. Church, R. W. Human life and its conditions; sermons before the Univ. of Oxford, 187678; with 3 ordination sermons. Church of England. Liturgies and Ritual. Books of common prayer. 6 v. 1844.

Namely. Vol. 1. Second prayer book of Edward VI. 1552. 2. First of Queen Elizabeth. 1559. 3. King James's prayer book. 1604. 4. Scotch prayer book of King Charles 1. (Arch. Laud.) 1637. 5. King Charles II. prayer book (Sealed book.) 1662. 6. Edition of 1662, adapted to the present reign. 1844.

Colange, L. de. The American dictionary of com. merce, manufactures, commercial law, and finance. 1880-81. 2 v.

Coleridge, S: T. Poems. 1803.

Rime of the ancient mariner; illust. by J. N.
Paton. 1863.

Constance of Acadia; a novel. (Old Colony ser.)

"The heroic deeds of Constance La Tour, and the events that centered about the early struggle for empire in the maritime provinces, are familiar to most readers, but few have been able to see clearly through the mists of time the actual personality of this wonderful Con stance, who is here depicted with vivid, sympathetic touches, and brought before us in all essentials as she must have seemed to her contemporaries. With her as the leading personage in a historical drama, the author has succeeded well in portraying the very essence of the times, and in making all of his characters flesh and blood creations." Lit. world, Feb. 19.


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Winifred's wooing; and other tales. 1868. Cranach, L. Passional Christi und Antichristi;

Holzschnitte mit dem Texte von Melanchthon, mit einer Einleitung von G. Kawerau. 1885.

Dedham, Mass. Town Clerk. Record of births, marriages, and deaths, and intentions of marriage in Dedham. Vol. 1, 2; with app. cont. marriages before 1800, returned from other towns, 1635-1845; ed. by D. G. Hill. Delaborde, H:, vicomte. Engraving, its origin, processes, and history; tr. by R. A. M. Stevenson, with chapter on English engraving by W: Walker.

Dennett, R. E. Seven years among the Fjort; an English trader's experiences in the Congo district.



"He divided his time between the stations of Kinsembo, Ambrizette and Landana. His little book is disappointing. He certainly furnishes some facts illus trating the life and customs of the Fiothe' among whom he dwelt, but he has no grasp of his subject, and leaves a somewhat vague impression upon the mind of his readers. The book is clearly honest and outspoken. Many of the illustrations are excellent. The little map attached is wretched."— Athenæum, Feb. 5. Dominion annual register and review for the 19th year of the Canadian Union, 1885; ed. by H: J. Morgan, etc.

Doyle, J: A. The English in America; the Puri

tan colonies. 2 v.

"A continuation of The English in America,' published about three years ago, the best and most authentic history of the southern colonies that had been written; and we believe this history of the northern colo. nies of America to be the fairest and the soundest that has yet been published. The thoroughness of Mr. Doyle's researches is conspicuous in every chapter.". W. Noel Saintsbury in the Academy, Feb. 19. Epictetus. 'Ey yεipídiov; ex ed. J. Upton [Gr. et Lat.] 1792.

Erskine, J. Fatal consequences of minist'l influence. 1736.

Evans, W. F. Esoteric Christianity and mental therapeutics.

Events in Paris, July 26-29, 1830; by several eye witnesses; tr. from the 4th Paris ed. 1830.

Fitzgerald, P. H. The book fancier; or, The romance of book collecting.

"Mr. Fitzgerald gossips brightly and agreeably, bringing to the reader's mind in a novel shape many well-remembered anecdotes, and giving him some new and welcome information. If to these gifts Mr. Fitzgerald would only add a moderate amount of accuracy all would be well. In style and in fact he is, however, alike unteachable. Had Mr. Fitzgerald's work been less seductive reading, tempting us on to the last page, the list of blunders would have been shorter." — Athenæum, Feb. 5.

The lives of the Sheridans; with engravings by Stodart and Every. 2 v.

[ocr errors]

"To the uncompromising school of truth-tellers Mr. Percy Fitzgerald is the latest recruit; and he does his work with so much vigour, that, though we do not like it, we cannot help confessing that from the greatest of the Sheridans he has stripped the few rags of reputation that were left to him. ... How wonderful a family these Sheridans were has never been so clearly shown. Το Richard Brinsley Sheridan, naturally, the greater part of Mr. Fitzgerald's work is devoted,and of that extraorIn dinary genius a vivid lifelike picture is presented. fact, the whole work is vivacious and interesting. With all its good points it has one serious defect: i is marked by numerous inaccuracies which do not affect the general interest, but they materially diminish its historical value." - St. James's budget, Feb. 12.


Flach, J. Les origines de l'ancienne France; Le régime seigneurial, 10e et lle siècles. "Shows the feudal system in its connection with the epoch which preceded it, and marks how Carlovingian anarchy precipitated the transformation of society. Flach is master of his subject; his book is full of facts and new authorities, and at the same time it is pleasant reading." G. Monod in the Contemporary rev., Nov. Fortunatus, Les aventures merveilleuses de; conte fantastique du 16e siècle; avec une préface par H: Fouquier; dessins d'E: de Beaumont. Fullerton, Lady G. C.. L. G. Mrs. Gerald's niece. 1870. 2 v.

Gardiner, M., Countess of Blessington. Marmaduke Herbert; or, The fatal error. 1847. 2 v. Generation of judges, A; by their reporter. Girault de Prangey. Monuments arabes et mauresques de Cordoue, Séville, et Grénade. [18-]

H., E. G. Surprise Land; a girl's letters from the

Hallam, R. A. Annals of St. James's Church,
New London, for 150 years. 1873.
Haym, R. Herder nach seinem Leben u. seinen

Werken. 1880-85 2 v.

Hennet, L. La régiment de la Calotte.

"Qu'était ce que ce régiment? Une milice d'esprits satiriques qui firent la guerre, une petite guerre de pamphlets, frappés au bon coin du 18e siècle, aux abus, aux intrigues, aux ridicules,à la licence des mœurs,au langage précieux, à l'emphase de la littérature académique, aux menées des jésuites, s'attaquant même aux ministres,à la cour et aux princee du sang. ... Le curieux travail de M. Léon Hennet jette une vive lumière sur un coin assez peu exploré de l'histoire de la satire en France." Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 11 sept. Heron Alexandrinus. Pneumatics; tr. and ed. by B. Woodcroft. 1851.

Historic Rehoboth; record of the dedication of Goff Memorial Hall, May 10, 1886. Hope, R. C: Glossary of dialectal place-nomenclature, [with] a list of family surnames pronounced differently from what the spelling suggests. 1883.

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Irving, W. Beauties of Washington Irving; with illust. by G: Cruikshank. 1884.

Jebb, R: C. Homer; an introd. to the Iliad and the Odyssey.

"Professor Jebb has rendered a signal service to the scientific study of Greek literature by the publication of this little book of 200 pages. We do not remem

ber any introduction to the poet which has essayed to impart the necessary elements of information in all the various departments, linguistic, literary, archæological, and critical, which between them make up the study of 'Homerology. Yet such an aim is eminently practical; that it can be successfully achieved, and that in a compact and readable form, we need no more than the present volume to show us."— Athenæum, Feb. 12. Jewett, S.. O. The story of the Normans; told chiefly in relation to their conquest of England. (Story of the nations.)

"She has confined herself to accounts of the first seven dukes as men typical of their time, and repre sentative of the various types of national character;' the tendency to portray the characteristics of an epoch in the traits of its leading personage is very marked, and gives vitality and unity to a narrative which might otherwise, compressed within limits so narrow, have been dry and unprofitable." — Lit. world, Feb. 9. Justinus. Historiæ Philippæ, ex recens. J: G: Grævii; acc. notæ J. Bongarsii [et. al.].



Korschelt, O. Das "Go," Spiel [ein Concurrent des Schach].

Kugler, F. T. Handbook of painting; the Italian schools; orig. ed. by Sir C: L.. Eastlake. 5th ed., rev. and in part rewritten, by A. H: Layard. 2 v.

La Figanière, F: F. de. Memorias das rainhas de Portugal; D. Theresa, Santa Isabel. 1859. Lesley, Mrs. S. I. L. Recollections of my mother. "A family history which renews our acquaintance with Edward Everett, Theodore Parker, Dr. Channing, Lady Duff Gordon, R. W. Emerson, and others.". Critic, Feb. 19.

Le Tellier, C: C. Grammaire française. 60e éd. rév. et augm. par G. Le Tellier. 1844. Lipsius, J. (Belgian Lipse, J.). Ad Annales C. Taciti liber commentarius. 1581. Lloyd, E. M. Vauban, Montalembert, Carnot; engineer studies.

"To the officer who cares about the archæology of his profession the first section of this volume, and to the practical soldier the fifth, will prove most attractive. ... The chapter on modern forts is most ably written and carefully reasoned. Major Lloyd is a decided acquisition to the ranks of writers on this important branch of the art of war."— Athenæum, Feb. 19.

Lockyer, J. N. The chemistry of the sun.

"Mr. Norman Lockyer has conferred a great boon upon chemists, physicists, and astronomers by gather ing into one connected whole the chief results of the researches which have been made on the chemistry of the sun. He fully acknowledges the labours of other work. ers, although his own share in these difficult inquiries has been indeed ample."— A. II. Church in the Academy, Feb. 12.

Lucretius Carus, T. De rerum natura lib. vi ed. annot. crit., gram., et exeg. adiec. A. Forbiger. 1828.

McClellan's own

McClellan, Maj. Gen. G: B. story; the war for the Union, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to it and to them.

"If not an important contribution to the history of the war from a purely military standpoint, yet indispensable as a witness in the still burning political controversy upon the rights and wrongs of the accomplished General's peculiar relations to the politicians and responsible authorities at Washington during the trying ordeal of 1861-62."- Spectator, Feb, 12.

Marshall, O. H. Historical writings rel. to the early history of the West; with introd. by W: L. Stone.

Marx, K: Capital; a critical analysis of capitalist production; tr. from the 3d German ed. by S. Moore and E: Aveling; ed. by F: Engels.

2 v. Masson, M. Die Weisheit des Volks, aus dem Sprichwörterschatz d. Deutschen, Russen, Franzosen, u.s.w. 1868.

Mathias, T: J. Poesie liriche e varie. Nuova ed. 1825. 2 v.

Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. B. In great waters; and other tales. 1877.

An open verdict. 1878. 3 v. Weavers and weft. 1877. Wyllard's Weird. 1885. 3 v. Mestres, A. Cuentos vivos. [1882.]


Contents. El conde Tal. La sonda. Cuatro hombres y un cabo.

Metcalfe, W. C. Book of Knights Banneret, Knights of the Bath, and Knights Bachelor, between the 4th year of Henry vi and the restoration of Charles II, and knights made in Ireland, 1566-1698, etc. 1885. Military monitor and American register, The; a record of the war of 1812. Vol. 1. Aug. 17, 1812 Aug. 31, Sept. 14, 28 - Aug. 23, 1813. Moore, H. N. Life and times of General Francis Marion; with app. containing biog. notices of Greene, Morgan, etc. 1845. Observations upon the manifesto of His Catholick Majesty. 1739.

Paris Noël. 2e année. 1886. Pausanias. Description of Greece, with notes and index by A. R: Shilleto. 2 v.

Pausch, Capt. G: Journal during the Burgoyne campaign; tr. and annot. by W: L. Stone; introd. by E: J. Lowell.

Peabody, E: P. Last evening with Allston; and other papers.

Pelton, R. Map of the environs of Tunbridge Wells. [18-]

Pierres, A. de. Tablettes chronologiques de l'histoire du chateau et de la ville de Loches. 1843.

Poole, S. L. The story of the Moors in Spain; with the collaboration of A. Gilman.

"The period covered by the narrative extends from 710 to the final expulsion of the invaders, in 1570. It is a romantic but chequered history of growth, of splendor, and of decay; and the compilers have related it in a manner worthy of the theme."- Lit. world, Feb. 10. Question of identity, A. (No name ser.) Rathery, E. J. B. Le comte de Plélo, un gentilhomme français au 18e siècle. 1876.

Rio de Janeiro. Bibliotheca Nacional. Catalogo da exposição permanente dos cimelios. 1885. Scherer, W: Deutsche Drucke alterer Zeit in Nachbildungen. 1883-85. 3 v.

Scherr, J: Gestalten u. Geschichten.

Shelley, P. B. Alastor; or, The spirit of solitude; and other poems; a facsimile repr. of the orig. ed. in 1816; ed. by B. Dobell. (Shelley Soc.)

The Cenci; a tragedy; given from the poet's own eds., with introd., by A. and H. B. Forman, and a prologue by J: Todhunter. (Shelley Soc.)

Hellas; a lyrical drama; repr. of the orig. ed. pub. in 1822; with author's prologue and notes; ed. by T: J. Wise. (Shelley Soc.) Review of Hogg's Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff; with an extract from [his] early writings by Prof. E. Dowden; ed. by T: J. Wise. (Shelley Soc.)

A vindication of natural diet. New ed. 1884. (Shelley Soc.)


Simon, J. F. S. dit J. La liberté politique. 1867. Skelton, J: Maitland of Lethington and the Scotland of Mary Stuart; a history. Vol. 1. "The reader will find no lack of entertainment, and will be grateful for a work of so much freshness and originality. The work is not a history, but a set of historical essays. Mr. Skelton is essentially graphic and pictorial. The book begins with a brief discription of the lonely country of the Lammermuirs, the country of the Maitlands, and from its condition today the wri ter goes on to infer what it must have been three hundred years ago. However little we can agree with Mr. Skelton's philosophy in some things, there is much in the present volume that deserves attention, and will be of real assistance to the thoughtful student of history." Athenæum, Feb. 12.


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"Will o' the mill' was one of Mr. Stevenson's ear. liest attempts in fiction, and it is interesting to note that the writer's marked individuality is as distinct as in any of his later productions. The two really remark. able stories are The merry men,' and the short sketch "Thrawn Janet.' Mere horror is easily conjured up,but it is only under the power of genius that horror can permanently fascinate. ... It ranks among the most impressive studies in the weird yet given us by the author of The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.' The Merry men,' I should unhesitatingly place among Mr. Stevenson's finest productions." W: Sharp in the Academy, Feb. 26.

"The charm in this little book is its variety. No two tales are in the same key. Each has its own colourscheme, its own atmosphere."-Pall Mall budget, Feb. 24. Strong, A: H. Systematic theology. Stuckle, H: Interoceanic canals; an essay on the

question of location for a ship canal across the American continent. 1870.

Swainson, Rev. C: The folk lore and provincial

names of British birds.

"Mr. Swainson's collection consists primarily of a list of provincial names for each bird, carefully compiled, and probably almost exhaustive; he has added to the account of each bird those curious legends, Christian or heathen, which connect the different species with the lives of the saints, or point back to the old Teutonic deities or the earlier and more poetic Celtic nature-worship.” . Pall Mall budget, Feb. 10. Symons, A. Introd. to the study of Browning. Tableaux de Paris pendant les journées du 27, 28, 29 juillet 1830.

Temple, G: Britta; a Shetland romance. (Harper's handy ser.)

"Mr. Temple reproduces the Shetland dialect admir ably, and certain local 'customs' are illustrated vividly and realistically. If Mr. Temple has merely read up Shetland literature for Britia,' he has read it very thoroughly, although we should say this is improbable, if not impossible. Britta,' however it may have been constructed, is a thoroughly original and artistic story." Spectator, Feb. 5.

Trevor, R., Viscount Hampden. Britannia, Lathmon, Villa Bromhamensis; poematia. 1792. Uchard, M. Joconde Berthier.

"Industrieuse et émouvante intrigue." - Rev. d. D. Mondes, ir nov.

Uzanne, O. La relieure moderne artistique et fantaisiste; illust. J. Adeline [et autres]. "Grâce à lui, un progrès très sensible a été réalisé dans la façon de comprendre l'illustration, façon qui, quoique inspirée du 18e siècle, est néanmoins tout à fait caractéristique de temps présent. 11 nous donne tous les spécimens désirables des relicures les plus modernes. M. Uzanne passe en re vue tous les types d'amateurs. Il nous mène agréable. ment à travers toutes les bibliothèques du passé, nous en montrant les curiosités et nous en découvrant les recoins." C. D. in Les lettres et les arts, Jan.

Van Brocklin, W: W., and others. Re-union of the sons and daughters of Pompey, Pompey Hill, June 29, 1871; also a history of the town, etc. 1875.

Vinet, A. R. Histoire de la littérature française
au 18e siècle. [18-] 2 v.
Vose, G: L. Sketch of the life and works of G:
W. Whistler, civil engineer.
Wakeman, H: O., and Hassall, A. Essays introd.

to the study of English constitutional his-
tory; by resident members of the Univ. of

"The institutions to be dealt with are the institutions dealt with by Dr. Stubbs; the period comprised in this book is the period comprised in Dr. Stubbs's History, This book is to be regarded as a sort of student's 'Stubbs' published with the author's sanction, and, indeed, com. piled almost under his supervision. The compilers without exception are thoroughly well qualified for the task which they have undertaken. ... One is tempted to ask, however, whether a proper study of

Stubbs himself is not the true cure for those who are incapable of understanding his book at once; and it will be doubted whether the beginners will not lose more than they will gain by having their Stubbs made easy for them."- Spectator, Feb. 5.

Walpole, R., 1st Earl of Orford. Some consider. ations conc. the public funds, revenues, and annual supplies, granted by Parl. 1735. Williams, G: H. The gabbros and assoc. hornblende rocks [near] Baltimore. Wordsworth, W: Yarrow revisited; and other poems.

Alexander, A. Some problems of philosophy.

"In a hundred and seventy narrow pages, Professor Alexander discusses seventeen great problems of ethics, philosophy, and theology, sixteen of the problems being despatched in a hundred pages. It goes without saying that the treatment possible in such limits can be satisfactory to very few." - Lit. world, Mar. 5. Allacci (Lat. Allatius), L. De templis Græcorum, recentioribus; De narthece ecclesiæ vet. nec non de Græcorum hodie, quorundum opinionibus. 1645.

Allinson, E: P., and Penrose, B. The city government of Philadelphia. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.)

Allonville, A. F.,comte d'. Mémoires secrets, 17701830. 1838-45. 6 v. American Public Health Assoc. Public health; Lomb prize essays, 13th ann. meeting, Dec. 10, 1885.

Annales de l'Ecole des Sciences Politiques; recueil trimestriel.

Architectural magazine, conducted by J: C. Loudon. 1834-38. 5 v.

Assoc. of American Physicians. Transactions, 1st session, 1886.

Avril, A. d'. Négociations relatives au traité de Berlin, et aux arrangements qui ont suivi, 1875-86.

Baker, L: C. History of the U. S. Secret Service. 1867.

Ballou, M. M. Due north; or, Glimpses of Scan

dinavia and Russia.

Bates, A. Sonnets in shadow.

Beaumont, A. Thornicroft's model. 1874. 2 v. Bergerat, E. Vie et aventures du sieur Caliban,

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Berghman, G. Etudes sur la bibliographie Elzevirienne; basées sur l'ouvrage de A. Willems 1885.

Bernard, J: Retrospections of America, 1797– 1811; ed. from the ms. by Mrs. B. Bernard; with introd., notes, etc., by L. Hutton, and B. Mathews.

"John Bernard, a successful English actor and sec. retary of the famous Beefsteak Club, came to this country in 1797, and acted with great and growing popularity until his return in 1819. The pictures of the varied society of the different sections of the country, the anecdotes of the famous men with whom the author came in contact, and, above all, the rare nature unconsciously revealed by the man himself, make the book a fascinating one from cover to cover." - Critic, Mar. 12. Blagden, I. The woman I loved, and the woman who loved me; A Tuscan wedding. 1872. Boccaccio, G. Decameron; now first completely done into English prose and verse by J: Payne. 3 v.

[ocr errors]

Bonaparte, C: L. J. L., Prince of Canino.

Muséum étrusque; fouilles de 1828-29, vases peints avec inscriptions. 1829.

Bonnet, J. E. Réponses aux principales questions sur les Etats-Unis. 1795. 2 v.

Brown, G: W: Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861; a study of the war.

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Chicago Browning Society. Robert Browning's poetry; outline studies. Christian offering, The. 1832.

Clark, W: Letter from a gentleman in the British settlement at Silver Lake, Susquehanna Co., Penn., Feb. 1, 1820. (Ms.)

Collier, Ilon. J: Manual of oil painting.

"Mr. Collier has no gospel that can be called specially new, and the chief quality of his instruction is its pretended simplification of the matter in question. It is a genuine attempt to put its subject matter unaffect edly and plainly; but as a manual of oil-painting, its point of view is, we think, wholly mistaken." — Spectator, Feb. 12. Constant de Rebecque, H: B: Adolphe; nouv. éd, suivie de Réflexions sur le théatre allem. et préc. d'une notice par G. Planche. 1882. Contemporary review, April.

"The best paper in the Contemporary review, and in the magazines for this month, is Mr. R. L. Stevenson's on The day after to-morrow.' He believes that 'the po litical soil itself steals forth by imperceptible degrees like a travelling glacier, carrying on its bosom not only political parties, but their flag-posts and cantonments,' and that English political society, no longer trusting in liberty, is travelling in the direction of Socialism."Spectator, April 9.

Coppée, H: Gallery of famous English and Amer. poets; with introd. essay. 1873.

Corolla hymnorum sacrorum; a selection of Latin hymns, tr. by J. L. Hayes.

Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. About money and other things.

"Miss Muloch is one of those authors whom time kindly allows to communicate to their books only the charm of age. Unambitious and slight as these pages are, their simple, direct moral teaching, their sound reflections on the common things of life, and the gracious womanliness which is felt pervading them, combine to make this volume excellent home reading." Nation, Jan. 20.

Dallas, R. C: Aubrey; a novel. 1804. 4 v.
Dunning, Rev. H. The assassination; its lessons
to young men; discourse, May 7, 1865.
The nameless crime; discourse, Apr. 23, 1865.
Duval, G: Un coup de fusil.

"Histoire agréablement contée." -Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 4 déc.

Edler, K: E. Baldine; and other tales; tr. by the Earl of Lytton. 2 v.

"Lord Lytton has earned the gratitude of all lovers of beautiful and genuinely imaginative work by his translation of three of the tales of Kari Erdmann Edler, and by an introductory essay which is as fine in criticism as it is fervid in enthusiasm." J. A. Noble in the Academy, Jan. 1.

Edwin Alden Co. American newspaper catalogue; lists of newspapers and magazines pub. in the U. S., and the Canadas. Everest, Rev. R. Journey through the U. S., and part of Canada. 1855.

« PrethodnaNastavi »