Head, T: A: Campaigns and battles of the 16th Regiment Tennessee Vols., with the part performed by other Tenn. troops, 1861-65. Hervieu, P. Les yeux verts et les yeux bleus. Hook, J. Pen Owen. 1850. Howe, H: M. Copper smelting. 1885. Hughes, T: James Fraser, 2d Bp. of Manchester; a memoir, 1818-85. "Whoever desires to study the character of a brave, earnest, God-fearing man who was in the highest sense of the word useful in his generation, should read the life of James Fraser as it is told in Judge Hughes's admirable volume." - Athenæum, Mar. 12. Hunnius, Æ. De indulgentiis et iubilæo Romani pontificis tractatus, etc. 1601. Irving, W. Dietrich Knickerbocker's humoristische Geschichte von New York, u.s.w. [18-] Jackson, E. P. A demi-god. Jefferson College. Catalogue of officers and students, 1848, 52, 53. 1848-53. Jones, Rev. H. East and West London; notes of common life and pastoral work in Saint James's, Westminster, and in Saint George's in-the-East. 1875. Joyce, Col. J: A. A checkered life. 1883. Kingston, W. B. Music and manners; personal reminiscences and sketches of character. 2 v. "During a residence of many years in Central and Eastern Europe, Mr. Kingston seems to have made the acquaintance of nearly all the eminent composers of the Continent, many of the leading statesmen, and a considerable number of planists and diplomatists, who prac tise both diplomacy and the piano... Mr. Kingston, whose book is one long causerle on the music, the musi cians, the politics, and the national peculiarities of the countries in which he has lived, has no musico-ethnolog. ical system with which to confuse and distress the reader. But his wide knowledge of music, including the popu lar music of many different lands, makes his observations on musical characteristics really valuable. One of the most interesting chapters in a thoroughly in. teresting book is that in which he gives an account of a week's stay at Mme. Patti's castle in Wales." — Sat. rev., Mar. 5. Kock, C: P. de, and others. La grande ville; nouveau tableau de Paris comique, critique, et philosophique; illust. par Gavarni, etc. 1844. 2 v. Lawrence, Serg. W: Autobiography of W: L., a hero of the Peninsular and Waterloo campaigns; ed. by G: N. Bankes. "Sergeant Lawrence never learned to write, and dictated his recollections after leaving the army to a fellowservant. His memory, a sceptic will be inclined to say, must have been singularly strong and clear, for his recollections are set down in perfect sequence. If this book be genuine,it is a decided addition to the literature of the struggle." — Athenæum, Feb. 5. Leibnitz, G. W: Scriptores rerum Brunsvicensium. 1707-11. 3 v. Lemire, C: Un maréchal et un connétable de France; le Barbe bleue de la legende et de l'histoire. Lorimer, J. Political progress not necessarily democratic; or, Relative equality the true foundation of liberty. 1857. Lyte, H. C. M. History of the University of Oxford, to 1530. "A combination of antiquarian research and histori. cal construction, at once thorough and attractive." — Sat. rev., Feb. 26. Manu. Laws; tr., with extracts from seven commentaries, by G. Bühler. (Sacred books of the East.) Martel, Mme. la comtesse de, (pseud. Gyp). Dans l'train. Ohnet, G: Noir et rose. Overton, J: H: The evangelical revival in the 18th century. (Epochs of church history.) Oxford Historical Society. Magdalen College and King James 11., 1686-88; a series of documents coll. and ed.by Rev. J.R. Bloxam ; with add. Parker, Capt. T: H. History of the 51st Regiment of P. V. and V. V., 1861-65. 1869. Parry, T. G. The ministry of fine art to the happiness of life; essays on various arts. Contents. Purpose and practice of fine art. - Minis. try of fine art to common life and to spiritual life. Ministry of colour to sculpture and architecture. His. tory of mosaic, ancient and Christian. - Art and artists of glass painting, ancient and mediæval. Adornment of sacred buildings. Art in archæology. Builders and buildings of the cathedral at Gloucester. Pratt Manufacturing Company. An antidote against melancholy; choice poems, jovial songs, etc. 1884. Reber, F. History of medieval art; tr. by J. T. Clarke; with illust. and a glossary of technical terms. "A very valuable work, well translated." Regazzoni, I. Paleoetnologia; l'uomo preistorico nella provincia di Como. 1878. Révélations sur l'occupation française au Méxique au point de vue financier; docs. trouvés dans les archives de Mexico. 1869. Review of the excise-scheme; answer to "The rise and fall of the late projected excise impartially considered." 1733. Robinson, A. M.. F. Margaret of Angoulême, Queen of Navarre. (Famous women ser.) "Miss Robinson's portraits are throughout admirable. Not only has she carefully examined the works of Clouet and his school, but she has studied the best models for simplicity of design, and brilliancy of colouring, the relazioni' of the ambassadors of Venice. Margaret's literary merits receive sympathetic, yet not exaggerated, appreciation. Yet it may be questioned if the romance of the age of François I. is not at once too simple and too artificial to bear translation even into the tongue of the nineteenth century renaissance." Eng. hist. rev., Jan. Roosevelt, T. Life of T: Hart Benton. (Amer. statesmen.) Rosse, J. W. Index of dates. 1858-59. 2 v. Ruskin, J: Dilecta; correspondence, etc.. illus trating Præterita. Pt. 1. Saltikov, M. Y. (pseud. N. Shtchedrin).__Berlin et Paris; voyage satirique à travers l'Europe. La conscience perdue; tr. par M. Deline. Sanbornton, N. H. Cong. Church. 1771, 1871; addresses and proceedings at the centennial anniv., Nov. 12, 13, 1871; compiled by M. T. Runnels. 1872. Sands, N. The philosophy of teaching; the teacher, the pupil, the school. 1869. Sauvageot, C. Palais, chateaux, hôtels, et maisons de Franee du 15e-18e siècle. 1867. 4 v. Scherr, J: Porkeles u. Porkelessa; eine böse Geschichte. 1882. Schinas, M. Grammaire élémentaire du grec moderne, suivi de l'Apologie de Socrate en grec mod. 1829. Schwarz, M.. E. B. von, (pseud. Elpis Melena). Garibaldi; recollections of his public and private life; with letters; Eng. version by C: Edwardes. "They are exceedingly personal reminiscences. Full of scenes of interest and excitement, in which the writer figures quite as conspicuously as her hero. New light is thrown on many points the skirmish at Apromonte, Garibaldi's contempt for Mazzini's policy, and the story of the escape from Caprera in 1867, told by the Solitario' himself." Contemporary rev., March. Scott, G: G. Argument for the intellectual character of the First Cause as affected by recent investigations of physical science. 1870. Scott, Sir W. Waverley novels. [Abbottsford ed.] 1851. 12 v. Shakespeare, W: Dramatic works; illust. with etchings. 1883. 8 v. Shaw, G: B. Cashel Byron's profession. (Harper's handy ser.) Simson, A. Travels in the wilds of Ecuador and exploration of the Putumayo River. "Mr. Simson was specially interested in the 'Indian question'; and a chief motive for the journey was the desire to study the character and habits of the wild tribes amid their natural surroundings. ... Much of the book is devoted to excellent descriptions of the Jivaros, Canelos, Záparos, Piojés, and other independent tribes occupying the Pastassa, Tigre, and Napo.” —A. H. Keane in the Academy, Mar. 12. Sloan, J: A. Reminisences of the Guilford Grays, Smyth, Capt. W: H: A cycle of celestial objects for the use of astronomers; observed, reduced, and discussed. 1844. 2 v. Stories about Indians. 1854. "The long and varied years made her acquainted with almost every one bearing a historical name, with the numberless old houses full of portraits, books, relics, traditions, the natural and happy hunting-grounds of a writer with her objects in view. On the whole, the path of authorship, thorny as it might be, was not altogether a painful path to Agnes Strickland."- Spectator, Apr. 2. ... Tennyson, A., Lord. A dream of fair women; illust. 1884. Terentius Afer, P. Comœdiæ sex, acc. Ælii Donati commentarius cum selectis Guieti, etc. acc. C. Schrevelio. 1669. Todd, W: C. Timothy Dexter, known as "Lord Ungern-Sternberg, A., Freiherr von. Diana. 1842. 3 v. Vaughan, H. Silex scintillans; sacred poems and private ejaculations; fac-simile of 1st ed., 1650; with introd. by Rev. W: Clare. 1885. Vèron, E. La troisième invasion. 2 v. Villars, P: de. England, Scotland, and Ireland; a picturesque survey of the United Kingdom and its institutions; tr. by H: Frith; illust. "If this is merely a translation of a book written by a foreigner for the use of foreigners, it is an extraordinary production.... Travellers in the British Islands should take it with them, for all it is so big a book. The six hundred illustrations are nearly all useful. The views of buildings, interior and exterior, in town and country, near at hand and far in the landscape, are of singular accuracy in the impressions they give of the originals." Nation. Vinet, A. R. Nouveaux discours sur quelques sujets religieux. 1860. Vuillemin, A. Bassins des grandes fleuves de la France et de l'Europe centrale. [18-] Ward & Lock's (late Shaw's) illust. guide to, and popular history of Liverpool and its environs. [1883.] Washington, G: Memoirs of Gen. G: Washington. New ed. with add. 1813. Wildrick, Mrs. A zealot in tulle. Wollheim, C. da F. A. E. Neue Indiscretionen; Erinnerungen aus d. geheimen Diplomatie der letzten 30 Jahre. 1884. Yonge, C.. M.. The Victorian half century; a jubilee book. Abbott, C: C. Waste-land wanderings. "A captivating book." - Literary world, Apr. 16. Allinson, E: P., and Penrose, B. Philadelphia, 1681-1887; a history of municipal development. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies.) Antiqua mater; a study of Christian origins. "In this work the writer has addressed himself to the literary and historical question What light is thrown upon the origin of Christianity by the Græco-Roman literature of the second century, and by the early Christian literature, independently of the New Testament? He finds that there is no supposed reference to Christ. ians in Pliny the younger, Tacitus, Suetonius or other pagan writer of the period which has not been interpo. fated by Christians themselves; and that, assuming the writings ascribed to the Apostolic Fathers,' and to Justin Martyr,' actually to have been written so early as the second century, they supply no evidence that any historic founder or founders of a new religion were at the end of that period known. The theology of Jewish Hellenic sectarians is examined in some detail; and it is proved that Christianity' began with a theology, which was gradually converted into a history of past earthly events. Attention has been given in this work to the views of leading writers in Germany, France, and Holland, on the subject of inquiry. The results arrived at being in the historical sense, mainly negative, the writer proposes in a sequel to the present work to trace, if pos sible, to their origin, those literary fabrications, which, as is well known to students of the period, were produced in great abundance, and which have been the means of promoting an entirely unreal conception of the first four centuries of our era." Atkinson, J. B. Overbeck. 1882. (Illustrated biog. of great artists.) Attwood, F. G. Manners and customs of ye Harvard studente. Baddeley, M. J. B. The peak district of Derby shire and neighboring counties; with maps, adapted from the Ordnance Survey, by Bartholomew. 1882. (Thorough guide ser.) Ball, Hon. J. T. The reformed Church of Ireland, 1537-1886. "Although the principal aim is to describe the history of the Church of Ireland subsequent to the act of union, the larger part is devoted to a slight though generally satisfactory sketch of its earlier fortunes. Dr. Ball's arrangement of his subject is good, and he preserves throughout a tone of scrupulous moderation." Satur day rev., April 2. - Beauvoir, R. de. Confidences de Mlle. Mars. 1855. Beger, L. Hercules ethnicorum ex antiq. reliquiis delin., etc. 1705. Benjamin, S: G. W. The story of Persia. (Story of the nations.) pros "Unhappily for his story,' Mr. Benjamin had just published a delightful volume 'Persia and the Persians,' - treating very fully of the present condition and pects of the empire of Sohrab and Rustum; so that, in his Story of Persia,' to avoid repeating himself, he was thrown back upon the comparatively uninterest. ing legendary and mediæval annals of the country which had already been more or less covered by the 'Greece,' Assyria,' etc. of the same series. In fact, we must Black, J: J. The cultivation of the peach and the pear on the Delaware and Chesapeake peninsula; with a chapter on quince culture and the culture of some of the nut-bearing trees. Bourget, P. André Cornélis; roman. "Peu de matière et beaucoup d'art, mais de l'art, tout ce qu'on peut en souhaiter, et du plus fin, et du plus délicat, et du plus rare. Jamais l'observation psycholo gique n'a atteint à un tel degré de clairvoyance, de pénétration subtile, de précision dans l'anatomie morale.". Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 5 fév. Bouvier, A. 1882. Bayonnette; histoire d'une joli fille. Bruno, G. Life and works. (Eng. and for. philos. lib.) Buonafede, A. Histoire crit. et philos. du suicide; tr. par G. Armellino et L. F. Guerin. 1841. Caine, H. Life of S: Taylor Coleridge. (Great writers.) "Mr. Caine's Coleridge is not the real Coleridge, it is not Coleridge the poet. Never for one instant are we brought near to Coleridge, the magic of that wonderful personality is hidden from us by a cloud of mean details, an unholy jungle of facts. He has written the life of a great peripatetic philosopher, and chroni cled only the peripatetics."- Pall Mall budget, Mar. 31. Campbell, H.. Prisoners of poverty; women wage-workers, their trades and their lives. Canadian economics. 1885. Carey, R. N. Wee wifie. Chambers, G: F. Tourists' guide to the County of Sussex. 1883. Claretie, A. A., dit J. La canne de Monsieur Michelet, promenades et souvenirs; préf, par A. Mézières, [illust.] de P. Jazet. Clément, F., and Larousse, P: Dictionnaire des opéras; contenant l'analyse et la nomenclature de tous les opéras. Club of one, A; passages from the note-book of a man who might have been sociable. "Brief comments on men and things in which anec. dote and quotation play a very liberal part, so liberal a part indeed, that it seems as if the design of having it the work of a complaining invalid, absorbed in himself and his books as his only resource, was merely a dodge on the part of the true author not to appear pedantic in retailing so much of his reading experience. The book is most enjoyable. There is much that is new and worth compiling in this new way." Critic, Apr. 16. Crater, L: History of the 50th Regiment Penn. Vet. Vol., 1861-65. 1884. ... Dodd, A. B. Cathedral days; a tour through southern England. "A thoroughly delightful book. A carriage tour through the Cathedral towns of southern England Dohm, C. K. W: von. Denkwürdigkeiten meiner Zeit, 1778-1806. 1814-19. 5 v. Donne, W: B. Essays on the drama, and on popular amusements. Repr. from the Quarterly rev., etc. 1863. Dos Passos, J: R. The Inter-State Commerce Act: analysis of its provisions. (Questions of the day.) Dumesnil, A. J. Histoire des plus célèbres amateurs étrangers, Espagnols, Anglais, etc. 1860. Histoire des plus célèbres amateurs français. 1857-58. 3 v. Gale, J: B. Affinity no bar to marriage. 1881. "The chapter on Government' contains a résumé from the author's point of view, of the home politics of Italy since her union. ... In the chapters on the present condition of literature, art, science, and education there is no lack of interesting matter. The chapter on Character' is avowedly an expression of the summaries of Italian character in old English school-books, and of Shakespeare's conception of it, but is none the less interesting for this. The seemingly merciful but really cruel leniency towards criminals which discredits Italy is earnestly dwelt upon. Throughout the book the author oscillates between hopefulness and despondency, inclining, perhaps, to the latter somewhat too much." Ernest Meyers in the Academy, Apr. 16. Gleig, Rev. G: R. School history of England; with a chronology, etc.; abr. from the Family history of England. 1850. Goethe, J: W. von. Correspondence [with] Carlyle; ed. by C. E. Norton. ... "Besides showing in a most interesting light a curious phase of Carlyle's intellectual growth, these letters give fresh and delightful evidence of Goethe's temperament in his old age." — Athenæum, Apr. 2. Goertz, Graf J: E. Histor. u. polit. Denkwurdig keiten. 1827-28. 2 v. Grossheim, G. C. Hessische Cadetten Lieder in Musik gesetzt. 1782. Guenot, C., l'abbé. Le comte de Tyrone, ou L'Irlande et le protestantisme au 16e siècle. 1867. Halévy, I.: Princesse; Un grand mariage; Les trois coups de foudre; Mon camarade Mussard. Hall, S: C. Selected pictures from the galleries and private collections of Gr. Brit. 4 v. Hauréau, J: B. Œuvres de Hughes de Saint-Victor; essai critique. Haussonville, G. P. O. de C., vcte. de. Etudes sociales: Misère et remèdes. Heyse, P. J: L: Der Roman der Stiftsdame. "A good specimen of a short biography - concise, clear, accurate, and neglectful of no fact that imperatively calls for mention." - St. James's budget, Apr. 2. Hoar, G: F. The obligations of New England to to the Co. of Kent. 1885. Hoke, J. The great invasion of 1863; or, Gen. Lee in Pennsylvania. Horton, R. G. A youth's history of the great Civil War in the U. S., 1861-65. 1867. Jay, J: The fisheries dispute; a suggestion for its adjustment by abrogating the Convention of 1818, and resting on the treaty of 1783; a letter to W. M. Evarts. Jastrow, M. Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic literature. Pt. 1. Jennings, H. The Rosicrucians, their rites and Kenilworth illustrated; or, The history of the castle, etc. 1821. Keuller, H. F. Les tapisseries historiées à l'Exposition Nationale Belge de 1880; texte par A. Wauters. 1881. King, T: H. Orfévrerie et ouvrages en métal du Moyen-Age. [1856.] Kompert, L. Aus dem Ghetto. Krane, F: von. Der Kapitän. 1874. 3 v. Laing, S: Notes of a traveller on the social and political state of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, and other parts of Europe. 1st series. 1854. La Madelene, J. H: de C. de. Le comte Gaston de Raousset-Boulbon, sa vie et ses aventures. 1860. Larned, A. Village photographs. "It is a long story that the author tells. She has exhausted the field, not in the sense of telling all that is to be known, but in leaving out no detail that belongs to general impression. A good many life-histories are reÏated, not as the novelist writes them, but in the way in which they are really known to the people of the town. Full of reality, and sometimes touched with homely pathos." Nation, Apr. 7. - McCarthy, J. H. Ireland since the union; sketches of Irish history, 1798–1886. "A partisan pamphlet. It would require a dic tionary of Irish biography to fill up all the personal allusions." Academy, Apr. 2. McCosh, J. Realistic philosophy defended in a philosophical series. 2 v. Macgeorge, A. Papers on the principles and real position of the Free Church. 1875. Manigault, G. A political creed embracing some truths in sociology and political science; answer to H: George's "Progress and poverty." 1884. Mann, Mrs. M.. Juanita; a romance of real life in Cuba 50 years ago. "In 1833 the wife of Horace Mann spent the winter in Cuba." - Pub. weekly, Apr. 16. Martens, C:, baron de, and Cussy, F., baron de. Recueil de traités et conventions sur lesquels sont établis les rapports existant entre les divers états souverains du globe, depuis l'année 1760 jusqu'à l'époque actuelle. 2e sér.; par F. H. Geffcken, 1857-69. 1885. Mendès, C. Lesbia. Moberly, Rev. C: E: The early Tudors; Henry VII.; Henry VIII. (Epochs of hist.) "Mr. Moberly has undertaken a task to which he is not equal." — Athenæum, Apr. 9. Moberly, G: The administration of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ; 8 [Bampton] lectures, 1868. 1883. Molènes, P. de. Les commentaires d'un soldat. avec une préf. de P. de Saint-Victor. 1877, Moret, S. Moyen-Age pittoresque; monumens d'architecture, meubles, etc.; dessinées par Chapuy. 1837-40. 2 v. Morison, J. C. The service of man; an essay towards the religion of the future. "A book of spiritual assistance (for Agnosticism requires such as well as any more orthodox creed) for those men and women whom natural endowment and accidental circumstances have led on to think and feel in opposition to the old ways of thinking and feeling; but only up to a certain point, where they are tempted to retrace their steps or to tarry in doubt and uselessness. They have walked out of Christianity impelled more often by what is best in their mind and heart, dissatisfaction with its want of logic when it attemps to satisfy our moral side, and its want of morality when it attempts to satisfy our sense of logic; but after a certain point, they find themselves in the mist, confronted with faint and perplexing tracks, and what is worst, without a companion. ... For such souls Mr. Morison has traced an onward road; and, what is more important, he has given them a companion."- Vernon Lee in the Acad. emy, Feb. 5. Morley, H: English writers; an attempt towards a history of English literature. Vol. 1. "The first instalment of a revised and enlarged edi tion of a book published under the same title twenty years ago. If the present volume is to be tried by any more rigorous standard than that which it is fitting to apply to work of merely popular pretentions, the only possible verdict is that it is very bad indeed." - H: Bradley in the Academy, Apr. 16. Myers, J: C. Daily journal of the 192d Regiment Penn. Vol., commanded by W: B. Thomas in the service of the U. S. for 100 days. 1864. Newman, J: H: Hymns. 1885. Nimmo's popular tales; The ten of diamonds, etc. 1866. Noel, C. M. The name of Jesus; and other poems for the sick and lonely. New ed,, with mem. notice and app. 1884. Norbert, le père, Capuchin. Lettres apologétiques [conc.] les calomnies que les Jésuites ont répandu contre sa personne et ses ouvrages. 1746. 2 v. Norman, H, An account of the Harvard Greek play. 1882. Orcutt, Rev. S: History of Stratford and Bridgeport, Conn. 2 v. Orelli, J: C. Inscriptionum Latinarum selectarum collectio ad illust. Romanæ antiquitatis, cum ined. J: C. Hagenbuchii suisque adnot., etc. 1828. 2 v. Paine, T: Letter to G: Washington on affairs public and private. 1790. Peabody, A. P. Moral philosophy; lectures. Penrose, Mrs. E.. C. (pseud. Mrs. Markham). History of Germany, to 1850. New and rev. ed. 1853. Petherick, E: A: Catalogue of the York Gate Library formed by S. W: Silver; an index to the literature of geography, etc. Petit, L. J. A. Les comédiens malgré eux; illust. "Les paysans naïfs qui ont pris une société de touristes en voyage pour une troupe de baladins obligent les acteurs improvisés à représenter devant eux 'Iphigénie en Aulide. Cette singulière confusion provoque une succession bizarre de quiproquos, de malentendus et et d'incidents burlesques que le crayon du desinateur re. produit avec une joyeuse ingéniosité."— Rev. pol. et lit., 25 déc. Piatt, D. Memories of the men who saved the Memoir of Albert Newsam, deaf mute artist. 1868. Quilter, H. Sententiæ artis; first principles of art for painters and picture lovers. Raymond, Mme. E. Un mariage parisien. 1867. Reade, C: L., and Rev. C. C: Reade; dramatist, novelist, journalist; a memoir compiled chiefly from his literary remains. 2 v. "A clumsy compilation made up of hitherto unprinted essays and scraps of letters and diaries. ... It is unfortunate that Mr. Compton Reade should have had it in his power to bring much undeserved ridicule on his uncle, who, with all his faults and vanities, was a man of genius... A better book than this one must be written by a more capable biographer, before we shall know all that would be worth knowing about the remarkable man to whose memory these volumes are quite unintentionally an insult." Athenæum, Apr. 16. Rhode Island Historical Society. Canonicus memorial; services of dedication. 1883. Rondelet, J: Traité théorique et practique de l'art de bâtir; suppl. par G. A. Blouet. 1847-48. 2 v. Rosier, J. Relation of Waymouth's voyage to the coast of Maine, 1605; with an introd. and notes, by H: S. Burrage. (Gorges Soc.) Round about London; historical, archæological, etc., notes, within a circle of 12 miles; by a fellow of the Soc. of Antiq. 1877. Rowbotham, J: F: History of music. Vol. 1, 2. 1885. 2 v. Rowland, T: B., and Frideswide, F. The problem art; a treatise on how to solve chess problems. |