Lafond, E. Etude sur la vie et les œuvres de Lope de Vega. 1857. Lee, W: W. Barkhamsted, Conn., and its centennial, 1879. 1881. Legouvé, G. J: B. E. W. 60 ans de souvenirs. 2e pte. Lemaitre, J. Les contemporains. 3e sér., 3e éd. "When we read the article upon M. Paul Bourget, or those on the brothers De Goncourt, or Pierre Loti, or Jules de Glouvet, or Rabusson, or Feuillet, it seems as if M. Lemaitre was at his very best in treating of the authors of the 'roman contemporain' in all its surprising diversity. But when he writes of Parisian 'chroniquers,' Wolff and Blaret, Rochefort and Henry Fouquier, or of poets like Soulary or Jean Richepin, we feel in every fibre of malice there is in us such a sympathy with the critic, such an enjoyment of every sarcastic thrust,every delicate touch of the critical blade, that we are ready to say that here alone is he in the fullest exercise of all his best abilities. But it is only when we re-rend one of his most serious papers that we feel the full power and range of his marvellously varied gifts as a writer and critic." — Nation, Mar. 31. Library of the Fathers; [ed. by Card. Newman]. 1840-85. 40 v. London. St. George. Hanover Sq. Register book of marriages, ed. by J: H. Chapman. Vol. 1, 1725-87. (Harleian Soc.) 1830. Longhi, G. La caleografia, e.c. Vol. 1. Lossing, B. J: Washington and the American republic. 1879. 3 v. Lubbock, Sir J:, and others. Mr. Gladstone and the nationalities of the United Kingdom, etc., followed by Gyfla, the scir of the Ivel valley, by T: Kerslake. Lützow, C: F: A. von. Münchener Antiken. 1869. McClellan, C. Personal memoirs and mil. hist. of U. S. Grant versus the record of the Army of the Potomac. "The writer was special aide from 1862 to 64 on the staff on Gen. A. A. Humphreys." Pub. weekly, July 9. Manrique, J. Coplas; tr., with introd. essay on the moral and devotional poetry of Spain, by H: W. Longfellow. 1833. Mantegazza, P. Fisiologia del piacere. 1879. Martin, J: H. Chester, and its vicinity, Delaware the state of Michigan into the Union; addresses at its celebration, June 15, 1886. Millaud, A. La comédie du jour sous la république athénienne; illust. par Caran d'Ache. 1886. "Les croquis humoristiques offrent une photographie exacte de notre époque et une curieuse galerie de nos célébrités contemporaines." - E. R. in Rev. pol. et lit., 18 déc. 1886. Minchin, G: M. Naturæ veritas. Mohl, J. de, and M.. (Clarke). Letters and recollections; by M. C. M. Simpson. "As Mme. Mohl might herself have said, ' This is a a very nourishing book.' Mrs. Simpson knew Mme. Mohl well, and for upwards of 25 years saw her at frequent intervals. Writing or speaking Mme. Mohl was brilliant, witty, incisive, and full of heart; her husband was far-seeing, profoundly learned, and perfectly honSaturday rev., July 2. est." Moore, G. Parnell and his island. 1869. Morgan, A. Digesta Shakespeareanæ. 2 v. New verses from the Harvard advocate, 1876-86. spere. Index to the works of Shak "The compiler has aimed to combine in one compact volume a sort of phrase-book, a dictionary of obscure words and allusions, an outline history of the plays, and a list of all the characters that appear in them. She has done the work carefully and faithfully in the main, but seems to lack thorough acquaintance with Shakespearian literature." Literary world, June 11. Oliphant, L. Episodes in a life of adventure; or, Moss from a rolling stone. "Significant events, extraordinary experiences, or startling adventures told in a way to keep the reader's attention ever on the stretch."-Literary world, June 11. Ostade, A. van. Eaux-fortes; reproduites et pub. par Amand-Durand. "51 planches gravées à l'eau forte."- Bibl. de la France, Etrennes. Pasig, J. L. Dr. Martin Luther's letzte Lebens tage, Tod, u. Begräbniss, u.s.w. 1846. Pater, W. Imaginary portraits. Contents. A prince of court painters; Denys L'Auxerrois; -Sebastian van Storck; - Duke Carl of Rosenmold. Path, The; a magazine devoted to the brotherhood of humanity, theosophy in Amer., etc. v. 1. Pene du Bois, H: de. Library and art collection of H: de Pene du Bois of N. Y. Phillips Exeter lectures; lectures before the students of [the] Academy, 1885-86. Plumb, H: B. History of Hanover Township and Wyoming Valley, Penn. 1885. Poole, Rev. G: A. The testimony of Saint Cryprian against Rome; essay towards determining the judgment of St. C. touching papal supremacy. 1828. Probasco, H: Catalogue of collection of paintings; illust. Proctor, R: A. Chance and luck; a discussion of the laws of luck, coincidences, etc.; with notes on poker and martingales. Quicherat, J. E. J. Apérçus nouveau sur Jeanne d'Arc. 1850. Ranke, F. L. von. Die serbische Revolution. "Supplying a long-felt want, for the books of Moxon and Mores are not only out of date, but were more or less incomplete and incorrect even at the time of publication." E. Gordon Duff in the Academy, Apr. 9. Reeves, J: The Rothschilds; the financial rulers of nations. Riethmüller, C.J: Frederick Lucas; a biography. 1862. Roberts, M. The western Avernus; or, Toil and travel in further North America. "It is the story of a cultured man escaping from London's thronging streets to buffet with fortune in the free air of western America, and in the end to find the experiment a failure. The story is one which must be a matter of more common experience than common publication." - Booksellr, July 2. Robertson, C: F. The Louisiana purchase and its influence upon the American system. 1885. Roland. The song of Roland, tr. into Eng. verse by J: O'Hagan. 1886. Rosny, L. de. Les peuples orientaux connus des anciens Chinois. 1886. Rugg, A. H. Peoria; its business, its resources and attractions. Rumbold, Sir H. The great silver river; notes of a residence in Buenos Ayres, 1880-81. Russell, W: C. The Golden Hope. (Franklin Sq. lib.) "Mr. Clark Russell is at his best in The Golden Hope,' which means that this latest book of his is one of the finest books of its kind in our language." Acad emy, May 21. Sacken, E: Freiherr von. Die antiken Sculpturen des K. K. Münz- u. Antiken-Cabinetes in Wien. 1873. Salmon, G: Historical introduction to the study of the books of the New Testament. Schurz, C: Life of H: Clay. 2 v. (Amer. statesmen.) Scott, L. Lucca della Robbia with other Italian sculptors. 1883. Scratchley, Sir P. H: Australian defences and New Guinea; comp. from [his] papers by C. K. Cooke; with introd. memoir. Seidlitz, W. von. Allgemeines historisches Portrâtwerk. [Ser. 1, 2.] 1884. Simms, J. Physiognomy illust.; or, Nature's revelations of character. Simon, J. F. S. S., called Jules. Nos hommes d'état. "The gentle pricking of his satire on the French caucusses, or comites'; his fancy sketches of types in the Chamber, and his strictures on anti-clericalism, on the policy of inaction', on the expulsion of the princes, on strikes, and so forth, are in a mild way nearly as good as they can be. M. Simon is not quite so clever as Paul Louis Courier; but he has something of Courier's cleverness, and something of Courier's cleverness is a good deal." Saturday rev., May 21. Snelling, W: J. Memoirs of Andrew Jackson; compiled by a citizen of Massachusetts. 1828. Stanton, H: B. Random recollections. "Original, discursive, and teeming with condensed details concerning the noteworthy men and events of half a century." — Literary world, June 11. Stearns, E. S. History of Ashburnham, Mass., 1734-1886. Stevens, T: Around the world on a bicycle. Vol. 1: From San Francisco to Teheran. "A frank, straightforward presentation of the most novel adventures, sometimes amusing, sometimes full of hardship and peril. ' — Nation, July 7. Susane, L: Histoire de l'artillerie française. 1874. Theal, G: M. History of the Boers in S. Africa. Theolgical Seminary of the Reformed Church in Amer. Centennial, 1784-1884. 1885. Theuriet, A. Au paradis des enfants. Thévenot, M. The art of swimming; illust. by forty copper-plate cuts, with advice for bathing. 1798. Thornton, P. M. The Brunswick accession. Thureau-Dangin, P. Histoire de la monarchie de juillet. Vol. 4. Tolstoi, Graf L. N. Iván Ilyitch, and other stories; tr. by N. H. Dole. "These short stories form about one half of the twelfth volume of Count Tolstoi's collected writings. With the exception of "The death of Iván Ilyitch' these tales were written as tracts for the people."— Preface. Katia; tr. from the French. Torr, C. Rhodes in modern times. the Uphams of Castine, Me., and Dixon, Ill. Valée, L. Bibliographie des bibliographies; supl. Vasili, le comte P. La société de Rome; éd. augm. de lettres inéd. Veitch, J: The feeling for nature in Scottish poetry. 2 v. Vigfusson, G., and Powell, F: Y: Grimm centenary; Sigfred-Arminus and other papers. Virmaitre, C: Paris qui s'efface. Vitzthum, von Eckstædt, K: F., Graf. St. Petersburg and London, 1852-64; ed. with pref. by H: Reeve; tr. by E: F. Taylor. 2 v. "The letters admit us to the inner ways of diplomacy, and throw side-lights upon many illustrious personages." Church rev., May. Count Vitzthum was the man Friday of Count von Beust." Athenæum, Apr. 16. Walpole, S. History of England from 1815. Vol. 4. 5. Watkin, Sir E: W: Canada and the States; recollections, 1851-86. Webb, Right-Rev. A. B. The presence and office of the Holy Spirit. 7th ed. Week away from time, A. "The stories are all good and some of them are very good." - · Literary world, June 11. Weise, A. Albrecht Dürer u. sein Zeitalter. 1819. stories. A humble romance and other Winklemann, J: C: A: Gerson, Wicklefus, Hussus inter se et cum reformationibus comparati. 1857. Adam,C. Chancellor's voyage to Muscovy; taken from Respublica Muscoviæ, 1630; added, a tract De moneta Russica, Elzevier, 1630; with Eng. trans. by J. M'Crindle; ed. by E. Goldsmid. (Bibl. curiosa.) Adeline, J. L. H. Brevière, dessinateur et graveur, 1797-1869. 1876. Elianus Claudius Prænestinus. Diversités historiques; tr. [avec] remarques par M. Formey. 1764. Argles, Mrs. M. A modern Circe. Arundel Soc. Chromolithographs. 1887. The procession of the three kings, from a fresco in the chapel of the Riccardi Palace, Florence; copied by E: Kaiser. Barante, A. G. P. B., baron de. The chieftains of Vendée; Cathelineau, La Roche-Jacquelein, Charette, Stofflet, and Sombreuil. (Bibl. curiosa.) Barrows, S: J., and Mrs. I.. C. The Shaybacks in camp. Baschet, L. Exposition des beaux-arts; Salon de 1887, catalogue illustré. Bates, A. A lad's love. Notices sur les graveurs qui nous ont laissé des estampes marqueés de monogrammes, etc. 1807. Bersot, E. Mesmer et le magnétisme animal. 3e éd. 1864. Bodemann, E: Xylographische und typographische Incunabeln d. K. Oeffentl. Bibliothek zu Hannover; illust. 1866. Bodoni, G. B. Album di tutti li rami de la tipografia del B. [1809.] Bolles, Rev. S. Early history of Bethlehem, N. H. 1883. Bourde, P. La fin du vieux temps. "Les couleurs en sont vraies et franches, et le drame, tout en étant simple, comme le veut le cadre, est interessant. Certaines scènes même, pathétiques et origi. nales, produisent une impression saisissante. teurs du drame vivent d'une vie réelle, et ils paraitraient plus vivants encore si l'intention dominante Les ac de l'œuvre s'accusait avec moins de relief. Mais devant ce parallèle constant du présent et du passé ne perdant pas assez de vue l'idée mère et la thèse, nous sommes tentés de prendre ces personnages pour des symbols et des allégories.". - Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 5 juillet 1884. Bournand, F. Paris-Salon, 1887; par les procédés phototypiques de E. Bernard and Cie. 2 v. Boylston, Mass. Centennial celebration of the incorporation of Boylston, Mass., Aug. 18, 1886. Brethous-Lafargue, L. Fabienne. "Les suffrances de cet homme trop heureux sont d'un comique délicat et discret."- Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 23 avril. Brewster, B: H. Thomas a'Becket; lecture, Jan. 22. 1874. Buchdruckzeichnung oder Glyphographie ; [illust.]. 1846. Burckhard, J. Diarium, sive Rerum urbanarum commentarii, 1483-1506, avec introd., etc., par L. Thuasne. 1883-85. 3 v. Burke, Sir J: B. Genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry of Gr. Brit., etc. 7th ed. 2 v. Crawford, S: W. The genesis of the Civil war; the story of Sumter, 1860-61. Croston, J. County families of Lancashire and Cheshire. Cumberland, S. The Queen's highway from ocean to ocean; illust. "A description of the newly completed Canadian Pacific Railway from Vancouver to Halifax." -Bookseller, Aug. 5. Daniel, G. Histoire de la milice françoise, et des changemens qui s'y font faits jusqu'à la fin du regne de Louis le grand. 1721. 2 v. Defoe, D. The great law of subordination considered; behaviour of servants in England enquired into. 1724. Dekker, T: The shoemaker's holiday, a comedy; rev. and ed., with introd. and notes, by K: Warnke and L: Proescholdt. 1886. (PseudoShakespearian plays.) Dexter, F. B. Sketch of the history of Yale University. Dilke, Sir C: W. The present position of European politics; or, Europe in 1887. "A lively and suggestive series of articles published in the Fortnightly review. Such a survey of the European position as that included in this volume is not only useful, because a competent writer is sure to supply information in a connected form, but because it provokes examination and keeps the large problems before the public."- Spectator, July 30. Dobson, H. A. Handbook of English literature. 2d ed. extended. 1880. (Civil Service ser.) Doublet, J: F. Journal, pub. d'après le ms. auto graphe, avec introd.,notes, etc., par C: Bréard. "En publiant le manuscrit, M. Bréard, n'a rien négligé de ce qui pouvait nous en rendre la lecture plus profitable encore qu'interessante."- Rev. d. D. Mondes, i juil., 1884. Doyen, C. Trattato di litografia. 1877. Dumas, A., fils. L'étrangère. 1882. 1861. Eberlin, J: von. G. Ein klägliche Klag võ wege Doctor Luthers u. U. von Hutten, u.s.w. [1521.] Edwards, J: N. Noted guerillas. 1880. Famous historie of Fryer Bacon. 2 v. (Bibl. curiosa.) Fernagus, J: L: Rélation de la déportation et de T'exile à Cayenne d'un jeune Français. 1816. Foster, G: G. New York in slices; by an experienced carver. 1849. Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, daughter of Frede eric William I., of Prussia, Markgrafin von Baireuth. Memoirs, tr. and ed. by H. R. H. Princess Christian of Schleswig Holstein. "The Princess Christian has done her work as a translator carefully. Whether it was worth the Princess's while to translate a book to which no historical impor tance can be attached is another question."-Athenæum, July 9. Genlis, S. F. D. de St. A., comtesse de. Les diners du Baron d'Holbach, etc. 1822. Gibbon, T: Memoirs of eminently pious women. 1835. Gould, S. B. Red spider; a novel. "The author states that he partly owes the theme to the reminder a little German tale conveyed, and partly to a visit to his native parish Bratton-Clovelly, where the scene is laid. The story abounds in quaint humor, and the forgotten superstitions of Devon." Pub. weekly, Aug. 13. Heisch, P. I. Memoirs of J: C. Lavater, with a brief mem. of his widow, etc. 1842. Heywood, T: Love's mistress; or, The queen's masque. 1640. (Bibl. curiosa.) Holland, J: The psalmists of Britain; records, biog, and lit. of upwards of 150 authors who have [translated] the Psalms into Eng. verse. 1843. 2 v. Holmes, O. W. Our 100 days in Europe. Homerus. Odyssey; done into English verse by W: Morris. Vol. 1. "If to be reminded in every line of the Homeric method and fluency of narration; if to have the figures of Odysseus, and Nausicaa and Alcinous acting and speaking with the same straightforward simplicity as they use in the original; if to find on every page lines that recall Homer at his best, and Mr. Morris's best work elsewhere; if to feel everywhere the sunlight' of that old world morn' if, I repeat, the presence of these merits makes a good translation of Homer, then I think this is not only the best verse translation of any part of Homer that I have ever seen, but one of the best literary efforts, in this kind, that we possess." — E. D. A. Morshead in the Academy, Apr. 30. Hondius, J. Thresor des chartes; tableaux de tous les pays du monde; [tr. par I. de La Haye. 1597.] Horton, S. D. The silver pound, and England's monetary policy since the Restoration, etc. "Monetary history- - a field neglected by most economists has been cultivated by Mr. Horton with a rare diligence. His labours have been rewarded by the dis covery of hidden treasures. The prestige attached to so great ability and learning is somewhat impaired by the appearance of a certain want of measure and moderation. The writer's tone is too often that of an advocate brow-beating a jury, rather than of a judge impartially summing up the case."- F. Y. Edgworth in the Academy, July 30. ... Houzeau, J. C., and Lancaster, A. Bibliographie générale de l'astronomie. 1882-87. 2 v. How to make a saint; or, The process of canonization in the Church of England; by The prig. Hunt, J. H: L. translated. Foliage; poems original and 1818. Intermédiare, L', des chercheurs et curieux. 6e19e année. 1873-1886. 14 v. Isham, C: The fishery question, with map and bibliography. Jacob, J. G. Life and times of P. Gass, with G.'s journal condensed, etc. 1859. Jalalu'd-din Muhammad, i Rumi. Masnavi i ma, navi: The spiritual couplets; tr. and abr. by E. H. Whinfield. (Trübner's Oriental ser.) "In modern language the Masnavi may be called the 'Divina Commedia,' or the Paradise Lost,' of Islam — a summary of religions thought, a "Théodicée,' justify. ing the way of Allah to man, and a standard of religious feeling. In India it is regarded as a very weighty document of the faith, second only to the Koran and the traditions; in Turkey, according to Khaja 'Aini, one of the 'Ulama, it is esteemed the amulet of the soul;' and Sir J. Malcolm and Mr. Hughes, in spite of its Sunni bias, call it the Bible of Persia." Jones, J. W: Christ in the camp; or, Religion in Lee's army; with introd. by J. C. Granberry. Keil, F: S. Das Leben Hannss Luthers u. seine Ehefrauen Margarethen Lindemannin, des M. Luthers gewesenen Eltern, u.s.w. 1752. Kentish harmony; glees, etc., selected from the best authors ancient and modern. 1821. Koch, A. Prince Alexander of Battenberg; reminiscences of his reign in Bulgaria. "Has had the effect of prejudicing the interests of the Prince in Bulgaria by the unsympathetic tone which it represents as uniformly prevailing in the Court. Dr. Koch, a high-flying Tory of the academic stamp, had a Boswellian genius for recording those remarks which fell from the Prince, especially in the earlier years of his reign, in moments of depression, when the ingratitude of his subjects hurt him sorely, or before he had come to see that the truest road to their hearts lay in identifying himself with their national aspirations. The pleasantest chapter in the book is borrowed bodily from a volume by the Countess of Erbach, describing her visit to Sandrovo, her brother's summer residence at Varna." - Spectator, July 16. Kunhardt, C. P. Steam yachts and launches; their machinery and management. Lacy's acting edition. No. 1855-59, 61-73,75–77, 79, 80, 84-90, 96, 97. 32 nos. Law and order. Vol. 1, 2. Oct. 4, 1884 - Sept. 11, 1886. Incomplete. Lebensbeschreibung das Schweizerischen Refor mator Ulrich Zwingli. 1819. Leber, J: M. C. De l'état réel de la presse, etc. depuis François 1 jusqu'à Louis XIV. 1834. Leboucher, O). J. Atlas pour servir à l'intelli gence de l'Histoire de la guerre de l'indépendance des Etats-Unis. [1830?] Le Bouvier, J. The recovery of Normandy from the English in 1449; tr. from the contemporary French account. 2 v. Leland, C: G. Poetry and mystery of dreams. 1856. Lempertz, H: Bilder-Hefte zur Geschichte des Bücherhandels, u.s.w. 1853-65. 6 Blatter Insig[nien] berühmter Drückereien d. ersten typog. Jahrhunderts, welche in dem thesaur[o symbolorum] ac emblematum von Rothscholz fehlen, in Holz nachgebildet. 1838. seinem Tode, 1576, von J: Lapaus, hrsg. von Lycophron. La Cassandre, éd., tr. annot. par F. "His dealings are mainly with another world than this; but his speeeh is fluent, if his aims are mysterious, and his verses while difficult to remember are quite easy to read. To those who know him only as the poet of duchesses, the heir of Byron, the continuator of Musset, the understudy of Heinrich Heine, it will be something of a surprise to find him wandering as to the manner born, in the starry wilderness of thought, where nought is everything, and everything is nought." Athenæum, Aug 6. M'Cullum, Rev. D. History of the Culdees, 177– 1300. 1855. McIntosh, A. J. The laws of whist. room; tr. by E. Goldsmid. (Bibl. curiosa.) Manley, Sir R. History of the late warres in Denmark, 1657-60. 1670. Mascardi, A: Historical relation of the conspiracy of John Lewis, Count de Fieschi, against the city and republick of Genoua, 1547; done into English by H. Hare. 2 v. (Bibl. curiosa.) Mathesius, J: Das Leben Dr. M. Luthers, mit einem Vorwort von G. H. v. Schubert. 1846. Maxime Maugras, G. Les comédiens hors la loi. "Livre très intéressant, très piquant." Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 28 mai. Means, Rev. J. H. Dorchester, past and present; sermon, Dec. 26, 1869. 1870. Melbourn, J. Life and opinions, with sketches of T: Jefferson [and others]. 1847. Mémorial diplomatique; directeur E: Simon. Metcalfe, W. C. The visitations of Northamptonshire, 1564 and 1618-19, with Northamptonshire pedigrees from Harleian mss. Middleton, T: Plays: ed. by H. Ellis with introd. by A. C: Swinburne. Vol. 1. (Mermaid sér.) Migne, J. P., l'abbe. Dictionnaire des musées, ou Description des principaux musées d'Europe, suivi de Notions sur la photographie par M. X***. 1855. Mix, J. Brief account of [his] life and patriotic services; an autobiographical memoir. Monson, Sir W., and others. The last fight of the Revenge. and the death of Sir R: Grenville, 1591; with the tragedie of Sir R: Grinuile, knight, by G: Markham, 1595; added, Sir R. Grenville's farewell, circà 1543. (Bibl. curiosa.) Montalembert, C: F. de T., comte de. Du vandalisme et du catholicisme dans l'art. 1839. Montgomery, D: H: The leading facts of English history. Morgan, S. O. Memoirs; autobiography, diaries and correspondence. 1863. 3 v. Munroe, K. The flamingo feather. Nabbes, T: Works; ed. by A. H. Bullen. Oates, T. An exact discovery of the mystery of iniquity, as it is now practised among the Jesuits, 1679. (Bibl. curiosa.) 2 v. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. The son of his father. "As good as anything that she has produced in recent years." Academy, July 9. Ossoli, S.. M. F., marchesa. Summer on the Lakes in 1843. 1844. Papillon, A. F. W. Memoirs of T: Papillon, of London, merchant, 1623-1702. "He writes for those interested in the fortunes of Huguenot settlers in England, and takes his ancestor as a worthy example of the way in which a good Hugue. not family might thrive in worldly affairs, and also do solid service to their country.". Athenæum, July 9. Parker, J: L., and Carter, R. G. Henry Wilson's regiment; history of the 22d Mass. Inf., the 2d Co. Sharpshooters, and the 3d Light Battery. Parkyns, Sir T: The inn-play or Cornishhugg wrestler. 1713. Pazig, C. Treatise on magic incantations; tr. from the Latin. (Bibl. curiosa.) Pettes, G. W. Whist universal; an analysis of the game as improved by the introduction of American leads. Pickett, W: V. New system of architecture founded on the forms of nature. 1845. Pigot, C. Georges Bizet et son œuvre. "Bizet was composer of Carmen, etc., etc. Poor, H: V. and H. W. Directory of railway officials. 1887. |