Slike stranica

Kompert, L. Aus dem Ghetto, 858. Geschichten einer Gasse, 843.

Koninklijk Inst. voor TaalLand en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indie. Nieuw Guinea, 895.

Kopp, H. Die Alchemie, 867. Korschelt, O. Das "Go," Spiel, 847.

Krafft, J: C: Plans des belles maisons, etc., à Paris, 870. Kramm, C. Holland. en vlaamsche kuntschilders, 870. Krane, F: v. Der Kapitän, 858. Kraus, F. X. Real-Encyk. d. christlich. Alterthümer, 863. Krause, A: Vitae Romanorum, 863.

Kreuser, J. Kirchenbau, 850. Kreussler, H: G. Geschichte d. Reformation, 886. Kriegs-Poesie, 838. Kropotkine, l': Russ. and Fr. prisous, 870.

Kugler, F. T. Painting, 847. Kunhardt, C. P. Steam yachts, 878.

Kurtz, F: Geschichtstabellen, 882.

L., E. v. König Jérôme, 831. Laboulaye, C: P: L. technologique, 822.


Labus, G. Museo di Mantova, 874.

La Caille, N: L: de. Voy. de Bonne-Espérance, 867.

[blocks in formation]

Lamborn, R. H. Metallurgy of silver, 822. Lamothe-Langon, E. L. Les après-diners de Cambacérès, $63. Louis XVIII, 835. Soirées de Louis XVIII, 867. La Motte Fouqué, F: H: C: de. Altsächsischer Bildersaal, 843. Die Fahrten Thiodolfs, 887. Gedichte; Der Held des Nordens; Jakob Böhme; Joseph u. seme Geige; Karls des Grossen Geburt; Der Pappenheimer Kürassier; Reise-Erinnerungen; Sophie Ariele, 843. Thiodolf the Icelander, 827. Lancaster, A. Bibliog. de l'as. tronomie, 878. (Houzeau and Lancaster.)

Lane, C. A. Eng. Ch. hist., 870.

[blocks in formation]

Larned, J. N. Buffalo Library, 882.

Larousse, P: Dictionnaire des opéras, 857. (Clément and Larousse.)

Lasinio, C: Campo Santo de Pisa, 886.

Latimer, E..W. Shakespeare's comedies, 822.

Laurie, R: H. Survey, country
around London, 867.
Laurie, S. S. Universities, 838.
Laveleye, E. L: V: de. Balkan
Peninsula, 850.

Laviny, G. Il paradiso riacquis. tato, 843.

Law, W: Works, 835. Law and order, 879. Lawrence, T: J. Pub. internat. law, 870. Lawrence, W: Autobiography, 855. Laya, J: L: L'ami des loix, 827. Discours, 843. Lea, F: S. Hospital of St. Katharine, 867. Lebensbeschreibung, Zwingli, 879. Lebèque, J. A. Leber, J: M. C. Le Blond, G. M. vées, 882. Blond.) Leboucher, O. J. Atlas, guerre de l'indépendance des EtatsUnis, 879.



Délos, 843.
La presse,879.
Pierres gra-
Chau and Le

[blocks in formation]

Un maréchal de

France, 855. Lemonnier, H: La condition, des affranchis, 891. Lempertz, H: Geschichte d. Bücherhandels; 6 Blätter Insig[nien] berühmter Drucke reien, 879. L'Enclos, A.. Correspondance, 858.

Lenglet du Fresnoy, N: Jeanne
d'Arc, 863.
Lermina, J. H.
Le Row, C. B.

taught, 858.

Dict. univ.,823. Eng. as she is

[blocks in formation]


Le Tellier, C: C. fr., 847. Letter from a gentleman at Ley. den, 835.

Letters from Donegal, 827. Lettres et les arts, Les, 843. Leuthy, J. J. L'appel des Jésuites à Lucerne, 871. Leuzinger, R. Karte d. Schweiz, 863.

Lewis, W: Map, Bath, 863.
Library chronicle, 883.
Library of the Fathers, 875.
Liger, F. La ferronnerie, 858.
Ligne, C: J., prince de. Lettres,
Marq. de Coigny, 863.
Lillie, A. Buddhism, 867.
Lilly, W: E. Ashmole, W:

Lilly, 879.
Lindau, P:
wife, 823.
Lindsley, J: B.
nals, 851.
Linton, E. L.

Klaus Bewer's

Military anUnder which

lord, 886. Lipsius, J. Ad Annales C.Taciti, 847.

List, F: Political economy, 879. Little, A. P. The world as we

saw it, 871. Little, A. W. Little, G: T. 839. Little, L. P. Ben Hardin, 891. Lives of women saints, 883, Lives, St. Joseph Calasanctius, etc., 895. Livius Patavinus, T. Quæ extant decades, 863. Lloyd, E. M. Vauban, etc.,847. Lockhart, W: A. Rosmini

Reasons, 839.
A. S. Packard,

Serbati, 843. Lockyer, J. N.

Chemistry of the sun, 847. Stargazing, 867. Loeb, I. Tables, calendrier juif,


Löwenstein, W:

Ausflug v.

Lissabon, 851. Loftie, W: J: London, 843. Logan, J: A. Volunteer soldier, 879. Logerot, A: Carte Normandie, 863. Lombard, J. S. Regional temperature of head; Tempera. ture of the head, 887.

Londini quod reliquum, 831.
London and its environs, 863.
London Guild of Merchant
Taylors of the Fraternity of
St. John the Baptist. Me.
morial, 867.
London. St. George. Hanover
Sq. Register book of mar-
riages, 875.

London. St. Mary Woolnoth
and St. Mary Woolchurch
Haw. Transcript of registers,
London. Diocese. Allegations,
marriage licenses, 863.
Long, A. L. R. E. Lee, 839.
Longfellow, H: W. The es
tray, 887. The golden legend;
Voices of the night, 867. The
waif, 887.

Longfellow, S: H: W. Longfellow, 867.

[ocr errors]

Longhi, G. La caleografia, 875.
Eloge de M.
Mengs, 879.
Longus. Daphnis et Chloé,

[ocr errors]

871. Lord, W: R. 858.

Lorenz, O.

Homing of dogs, Cat., librairie fr., 827. Loret, J: La muze hist., 891. Lorimer, J. Political progress, 855.

Lossing, B. J: M. Washington, 858. The two spies, 823. Washington and the Amer. Repub., 875.

Lotus de la bonne loi, Le, 863. Loudon, J: C. Encyclopædia of gardening, 835. Louisy, P. L'ane. France, 835. Louyrette, W. H. Louis XI., 851.

Lovett, J: Washington's birthday, 883.

Lowe, E. J. Les plantes, 883. Lowell, J. R. Democracy, 827. Lubbock, J: Pleasures of life,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Tecumseh, 891.

Mairet, J. Une folie, 827. Mairobert, M. F. P: La comtesse Du Barry, 827. Maistre, X. de. Nocturnal expedition, 879.

Mallet, D: Eurydice, 891. Mallock, W: H. Old order changes, 823.

Malot, H. H: Zyte, 971.
Malpez, Notices sur les gra
yeurs, 877. (Baverel and Mai.
Maltitz, H. v. Das gräfliche
Haus Rottorff, 531. Die von
Valsel, 827
Mandat-Grancey, G. F. E. Chez
Paddy, 891.

Manhattan, The, 883.
Manigault, G. A poiit. creed


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Massmann, H. F. Altes, vom Turnen, 867.

Masson, M. Die Weisheit des Volks., 847. Mather, I. cils, 8.1. Mathers, H.. Eyre's acquittal; Found out; Murder or manslaughter? Sam's sweetheart, 887.

Ecclesiastical coun

Mathesius, J: Das Leben, M.
Luther, 879.
Mathias, T: J.
Matthews, J.
books, dol.
Maude, J: E: Ethics, 871.
Maugras, G. Les comédiens,

Poesie, 847.
B. Ballads of


Maupassant, G. de. Au soleil, 891. Contes, 851. Mont-Oriol, 875.

Maurice, C. E. Revolutionary

movement, 1848-49, 895. Maverick Nat. Bank. Manual, 883.

Maxwell, M.. E.. B. Asphodel; Fenton's quest; Hostages to fortune; 891. In great waters, 847. Joshua Haggard's daughter; Lovels of Arden, 891. Mohawks, 895. One thing needful, 827, 895. Only a clod, 891. An open verdict, 847. Story of Barbara; Strangers and pilgrims; Vixen, 891. Weavers and weft; Wyllard's Weird, 847. Means, J. H. Dorchester, 879. Medleys for 1711, 867.

Meier, S: De panurgia lamiarum, 883.

Melbourn, J. T: Jefferson,


Mémorial diplomatique,835, 879. Ménant, J. Les langues perdues, Perse, 839.

Manzolli, P: A. Zodiacus vitae, Mendel, H.


Marcela; comedia, 835.
Marciano, O. Fabrizio dall'
Aste, 831.
Marcovitch, M..A. Maroussia,

Margry, P. Découvertes des
Fr. dans l'Amerique, 871.


Musik. Conversations Lexikon, 843. Mendès, C. Lesbia, 859. Zo'har,


Menn,C: L'enseignement, arts
du dessin, 843.
Menzies, L. L. J. Tales, anc.
Britons, 827.

housekeeper, 827. Mexico. Secretaria de Fomento, etc. La crisis monetaria, 863.

Meyrick, S: R. Ancient arms,

827. Michaelis, S. Conversion d'une pénitente, 855. Michaud, E.

Guillaume de

Champeaux, 883. Michaud, J. F. Jeanne D'Arc, 867.

Michel, F. Job, 871. Michelet, J. Notre France,843. | Michell, R: Orationes Creweianae, 883. Michigan. Semi-centennial, 875. Middleton, T: Plays, 879. Migne, J. P. Dictionnaire des musecs, 879. Military monitor, 847. Millaud, A. La comédie du jour, 875. Millaud, A. P. D. A. Physiologies parisiennes, 839. Miller, S: Mem., J: Rodgers, 863.

Millot, C. F. X. Troubadours,


Milton, J: Divorce, 867. Milwaukee,

DEG 14 Wo

Moncrieff, W. T. The Jewess, 895.7

Monnet, C: Etudes d'anatomie, 883.

Monro, E: Eng. poetry, 891. Monson, W., etc. Fight of the Revenge, 879.

Montaigne, M. E. de. L'esprit de M., 823. Montalembert, C: F. de T. Du vandalisme, dans l'art, 879. Monteiro, M. Legends, Basque people, 827.

Montelatici, D. Villa Borghese, 883. Montgomery, D: H: Facts of

Eng. hist., 879. Moore, E: Time references in the Divina Commedia, 883. Moore, G. Parnell and his island, 875.

Moore, G: H. Prytaneum Bostoniense, 839.

Moore, H. N. Gen. F. Marion,


Moore, J. French Revolution, 883.

Moore, J: W. Gatherings rel. to printers, 839. Moreau, A. Decamps, 875. Moreau, G: Le monde des prisons, 871.

Moret, S. Moyen-Age pittoresque, 859. Morgan, A.

Digesta Shakespeareanae, 875. Morgan, S. 0. Memoirs, 879. Morgan, T: Romano-Brit. mosaic pavements, 839. Morison, J. C. Service of man,

[blocks in formation]

Morrison, A. F. Russia, 823. Wix. Pub. Lib. Morse, E: S. Arrow-release, Catalogue, 839.


Minchin, G: M. Naturae veri- Morton, T: Education, 895. tas, 875.

Minchin, J. G: C. Freedom,

Balkan Peninsula, 831.
Minot, L. Poems, 895.
Minturn, W: Travels West,

Minucius Felix, M. Octavius,

Mirabeau, II. G.R. Catalogue,
883. Errotika bibion, 891.
Mémoires, 871.

Miss Bayle's romance, 867.
Mistère du Viel Testament, 871.
Mistral, F: Lou tresor d'ou fe-
librige, 831.

Mitchell, S. W. Roland Blake,

[blocks in formation]

Mosby, J: S. War reminiscences, 875.

Mosnier, H: Le chateau de
Chavaniac-Lafayette, 895.
Moulton, L.. C. Ourselves, etc.
Mouravline, D. Les amours

d'un ténor, 839.
Mouton, E. L Invalide à la
Tête de Bois, etc., 867.
Mowris, J. A. 117th Regt. N.
Y. Vol., 839.
Mozley, T: Henry VII.. Prinec
Arthur, etc., 871.
Mozzoni, I. Tavole, chiesa,
univ., 855.

Müller, Fr., etc. Die Künstler,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


National Electric Medical
Assoc. Transactions, 867.
Naumann, E. Music, 863.
Neill, F: D. Minnesota, 843.
Nepos, C. De vita excellentium
imp., 863.

Neuesten Staatsbegebenheiten,
Die, 843.

New pocket dict., Eng. Russ., 839.

New Princeton rev., The, 843. New verses from Harvard advocate, 875.

N. Y. (city). Addresses of N. Y. to G: Washington, 855. Newburyport, Mass. Pub. Lib. Exercises, Simpson annex,851. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Pub. Lib. Suppl. cat. of books, 867.

Newcomb, S. Labor question, 823.

Newman, F. W: Life after death, 851. Mod. Arabic,867. Newman, J: H: Hymns, 859. Nicholas, E: Nicholas papers, 851. Nichols, J. M. Perry's Saints,

D. G. Ros

831. Nicholson, P: W. Netti, 868. Nicht doch-, 868. Nicolas, A. La torture, 883. Nicolle, H: Contes invraisem. blables, 871.

Night adventure, My, 823.
Nimmo's pop. tales, 859.
Nisard, J M.. N. D. Renais.
sance, 831.

Noailles, E, H: V. Cent ans

de république, 823. Nodier, J: C: E. Contes, 835. Noel, C. M. The name of Jesus. 859.

Nolan, J. A. Library of G: G. King, 835.

Norbert, le père. Lettres apologétiques, 859.

Norgate, K. England, 871. Norman, C. B. Colonial France, 827.

Norman, H: Harvard Gr. play,

859. The witching time, 831. Norris, W. E. A bachelor's blunder, 828. Major and minor, 891.

Northcote, S. H: Lectures,875. Notice, col., portraits de Marie Stuart, 871.

[blocks in formation]

O'Donoghue, P. Riding, 839.
Ohnet, G: Noir et rose, 855.
O'Keefe, J: Wild oats, 895.
Olearius, A. Voy., Moscovie,863.
Oliphant, L. Episodes,875,883.
Fashionable philosophy, 863.
Haifa, 887. Masollam, 895.
Oliphant, M. O. W. The son
of his father, 831, 879. Within
the precincts, 851.
Oliphant, T: L. K. New Eng-
lish, 835.

Oliver, S: P. Madagascar, 835.
Olivieri, A. Carte per la storia
genovese, 868.
O'Meara, K. Mabel Stanhope,


Omond, G: W. T. Arniston memoirs, 895.

One fourth of Washington, 835.
Oneida Historical Society.
Transactions, 895.
O'Neil, C: A.

Amer. electoral

system, 883. Orcutt, S: Stratford, etc.,Conn.,


[blocks in formation]


Palmer, R. Defence, Church of Eng. against disestablishment, 871.

[blocks in formation]

Index, [London]

facts, 835. Percival, J. G. Perkins, A: T.

Poems, 871.

erature, 839. Perkins. C: C.

Cyclopedia of

Palmer, S: Times, 868. Pambour, F. M.. G. de. Steam engine, 864. Panin, I. Thoughts, 895. Panofka, T. Argos Panoptes; Atalante; Comment. zu lausanias; Delphi; Dissertations archéol.; Erklärung des Plinius; Perseus; Phocus: Poseidon Basileus; Uber verle. gene Mythen; Winckelmannsfest; Zeus Basileus, 887. Panton, J. E. Dear life, 835. Papendiek, Mrs. Life and time of Queen Charlotte, 851. Papillon, A. F. W. Mem. of T: Papillon, 879. Papillon, P. Auteurs de Bourgogne, 839. Paris. Ecole Nat. des BeauxArts. Catalogue, 891. Paris Noël, 847. Parker, J: L. H: Wilson's reg. iment, 879. Parker, T: H.

51st Regiment,

[blocks in formation]

Parkyns, T: The inn-play,879. Parr, H. Ben Milner's wooing,

887. Echoes of a famous year, 864. Her title of honour; A poor squire, 887. Parry, T. G.

Ministry of fine

art, 855. Pascal, B. Pensées; Les provinciales, 831. Paschkoff, L.

Vera Glinsky, 855. Pascoe, C: E. London, 883. Pasig, J. L. M. Luther, 875. Pater, W. Imaginary portraits,


Path. The, 875.

Losses to lit

painters, 873. (Champlin and Perkins.) Perrot, G: 871. Perry, E.. A. Gloucester, R.I., 831.

L'art dans l'antiq.,

Perry, N. A flock of girls, 895. New songs, 831. Perry,T: S. Heart of the weed, 839. The snob, 835. Perry, T: W. Hist. considerations rel. to the declaration on kneeling, 871.

Perry, W: S. Men, Mass. conventions, 835.

Pessard, H. Mes petits papiers,


Pestalozzi, J: H: Bilder, Le-
ben Zwingli, 871.
Peterson's ladies nat. mag., 831.
Petherick, E: A:
Cat., York
Gate Lib., 859.
Petit, L. J. A. Les comédiens,

Petit, P: Les Amazones, 887. Petrarca, F. Sonetti e canzoni, 871.

Petre, E: Eng. colleges, etc., 871.

Petrie, W. M. F. Naukratis,


Pettes, G. W. Whist, 879. Peyrebrune, G: de. Les roses d'Arlette, 839.

Phelps, E.. S. The gates be. tween; Jack, the fisherman, 887. Madonna of the tubs, 835. Phelps, W. M. S: Phelps, $28. Philadelphia, etc., 883. Philippi, R. A. Reise, Wueste Atacama, 883.

Patrick, R. W. Knapsack and Phillimore, C. M.. Studies,

rifle, 871.


Greece, 847.

Pausch, G: Journal, Burgoyne campaign, 847. Pavlovsky, I. Russisch deutsches Wörterbuch, 831. Paxton, J. Botanical dictionary, Glow-worm tales,

891. Payn, J.


[blocks in formation]

Paget, F. E: Tombstones, 851. Paillard,C: Troubles de Valenciennes, 835. Paine, T: Letter, 859. Palamède, Le, 851. Palatinate. Catechesis relig. Christianae, 871. Wells, 847. Paleario, A. Benefizio del. Pene du Bois, H: de. Library morte di Cristo, 871. and art coll. of P., 875. Palfrey, J: G. Chaldee, Syriac, Pennell, J. Two pilgrims' pro. etc., grammar, 868. gress, 831. Palfrey, S. H. The blossoming Penrose, B. City government, rod, 839. Phila., 849. Philadelphia, 857. Palma, R: (Allinson and Penrose.) Palmer, A. J. 48th Regt. N. Y. Penrose, E.. C. Hist., Germany, Vol., 839.

Peru, 868.


Ital. lit.; Il cenacolo, 855. Phillips Exeter lectures, 875. Photographes des dessins, 843. Piatt, D. The men who saved the Union, 859.

Picco, M. Elementi, pedagogia, 839.

Pickering, E. Agnes Serle;

Ellen Wareham,855. The ex

pectant, 887. Kate Walsingham; The merchant's daughter, 855. Nan Darrell; The poor cousin; The prince and the pedler: The squire; Who shall be heir, 887. Pickering, E: C: research, 831. Pickering, M.. O. ing, 891. Pickett, W: V. Architecture,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Pougin, A.

Verdi, 843.

Poujoulat, J: J. F. Jeanne D'Arc, 867. (Michaud and Poujoulat.)

Pouy, F. Les faïences, 871. Powell, F: Y: Grimm centenary, 876. (Vigfusson and Powell.) Practical mechanic, etc., maga. zine, 864.

Praed, C. Molock, 872. Pratt Manufacturing Compa. ny. Antidote against melancholy, 856.

Premières illustrées, Les, 864. Presbyterian Church in the U. S. Presbyterian reunion, 891. Prescott, W: H. Essays, 880. Pressensé, E. de. Pauvre petit,

832. Preston, H. W. Year in Eden, 839.

Prévost, M. Le scorpion, 883. Prevost d'Exiles, A. F. Manon Lescaut, 850.

Price,J: E: Guildhall, Lon.,851. Price, L. Venice, 872.

Prierias, S. De strigimagarum mirandis, 883.

Prime, S. I. S: F. R. Morse, 872.

Prince, T:

Chron. hist., New

England, 887. Principali costumi di Roma,872. Probasco, H: Catalogue, col.of paintings, 875. Proctor, B. W. The flood of Thessaly, 844. Proctor, R: A. Chance and luck, 875. Other suus, 895. Pseudo-Shakespearian plays: Edward the third; The shoemaker's holiday, 880.

Publishers' trade list ann., 839. Pufendorff, E. The Druids,


Pyatt, J. O. A. Newsam, 859. Pyle, H. Rose of Paradise,895. Pyrard, F. Voy., E. Indies, 880. Quatremère de Quincy, A. C. Dissertations archéol., 887. Question of identity, A, 847. Quicherat, J. E. J. Jeanne d'Arc, 875.

Quilter, H. Sententiae artis,859. R, K. B. Festival poems, 851. Rabelais, F. Rabelais médecin, 887. Three good giants, 895. Rabusson, H. Le stage d'Adhémar, 832.

Raby, R: Pope Adrian IV.,864.
Race for life, A, 824.
Racot, A. La brèche aux loups;
Le capitaine muet, 883. Cham-
pagne Cornod; La maitresse
Invisible; Supplice de Love-

lace. 839.

[blocks in formation]

Renan, J. E. L'abbesse de
Jouarre, 839. Discours, 883.
Etudes d'hist. relig., 839.
Origines du christianisme, 844.
Renouard, A.A: Aldine press,
Venice, 880.
Republican gazetteer, 839.
Republican magazine, 887.
Requeno, V. Antica arte de'gre-
ci e romani pittori, 844.
Reusch, E. Capita deorum,883.
Reuss, R. La justice crim. à
Strasbourg, 832.
Révélations, l'occupation fr. au
Méxique, 856.
Review, excise-scheme, 856.
Revue archéologique, 824.
Revue illustrée, 864.
Reynardson, C. T. S. B. Sports
of bygone days, 864.
Reynolds, G. A Concord farm,


Rheinhardt, R.H. Whist scores,


Rhode Island Hist. Soc. nonicus memorial, 859. Richard, J. La théorie

[blocks in formation]



Ross, J:

Amer. literOld Eng.

songes, 884. Richards, A. B., etc. R: F. Burton, 868. Richardson, C: F. ature, 851. Richardson, C: J. mansions, 868. Richepin, J. Braves gens, 852. Richer, '. Les démoniaques, 862. (Charcot and Richer.) Riddell, J. H. Mortomley's estate, 891. Rider, C. British Merlin, 872. Ridgway, R. Nomenclature of colors, 852. N. Amer. birds, 896. Riethmüller, C. J: F: Lucas, 876.

Riley, A. Athos, 880.

Rawle, W: H: The educated Rimbault, E: F. Who was unemployed, 876.

Rawlinson, G. Ancient Egypt,

[blocks in formation]

"Jack Wilson," 824. Rio de Janeiro. Bibl. Nacional. Catalogo, 848. Riola, H: Russian reader, 836. How to learn Russian, 839. Riordan, R. French etchers, 852. Musical hist.,824. Edmée, 872.

Ritter, F: L: Rivière, H:

H: W. Long.

Reade, J: The half-breed, 836. Roberts, E. H. New York, 868. Literary faculty, 851. Roberts, M. A child of the Reber, F. v. Mediaeval art, Rev., 852. The western Avernus, 876. Robertson, C: F. The Louisi ana purchase, 876. Robertson, E. S. fellow, 872. Robertson, J: D. Scotland, 880. Robertson, J: F. S: Phelps, 828. (Phelps and Robertson.) Robertson, W. Pocahontas,884. Robins, E.. Two pilgrims' progress,831. (Pennell and Robins.)


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

land, 824.

Capitalization of

Appendix, 887.

Ross, T: Architecture of Scotland, 863. (Macgibbon and Ross.)

Rosse, J. W. 856.

Index of dates,

[blocks in formation]

Rutherford, M. Revolution,
Tanner's Lane, 860.
Ryle, T: Amer. liberty, ques-
tioned, 860.
Sacher Masoch, L. Der Hajda-
mak, 852. Sascha, 832.
Sachs, H. Hans Sachs, 880.
Sacken, E: v. Antiken Sculp.
turen, Wien, 876.
Saint Edme, E. T. B., called.
Le pénalité, 884.
St. John, H:

Queen Anne, 836.
St. Petersburg. Musée Imp. de
l'Ermitage. Catalogue, 896.
St. Petersburger Kalender, 840.
Saint-Simon, L. de R. Ecrits
inédites, 8:6.
Saintsbury, G:

French lit.,832.

[blocks in formation]

the century, 864.
Sanderson, J.,etc. Letters, 887.
Sands, N. Teaching, 856.
Sandys, J: E. Easter vacation
in Greece, 860.
Sappho. Memoir, text, etc.,872.
Sarazin, C:
La dernière guerre
franco-allemande, 880.
Sardou, A. L. La danse ma-
cabre du Bar, 860.
Sarrepont, H. de. Guerre, com-
muneux, Paris, 840.
Saumery, de. The devil
turned hermit, 887.
Sauvagest, C. Palais, etc.., de
France, 856.

Sawyer, S: E. West Roxbury
Park, 888.

Schadow, J: G. Polyclet, 884.
Schafer, C. Die Holzarchitek-
tur Deutschlands, 868.
Schaeffer, A. Ocho comedias,


[blocks in formation]

Schanne, A. Souvenirs, Schau- Shaw, S.. M.. Centennial offer

[blocks in formation]

Sigonio, C: De repub. Hebreorum, 852.

Silsbee, M. C.D. Half century, Salem, 844.

Simms, F: W. Levelling, 880. Simms, J. Human faces, 868. Physiognomy illust., 876. Simon, E: L'empereur Guil. laume, etc., 864. Simon, J. F. S. La liberté politique, 848. Nos hommes d'état, 868, 876. Victor Cousin, 880. Simpson, W. G. Golf, 884. Simson, A. Ecuador, etc., 856. Sinnett, A. P. Mme. Blavatsky; The "occult world phenomena," 840.

Sir Beues of Hamtoun, 888. Sire Degarre; Metrical romance, 824.

Skeat, W. W. Eng. Etymology,


Skelton, J:

Spencer, G: E. A plucky one, 832.

Spencer, H. Organic evolution,


Spielhagen, F: An der Heilquelle, 86. Uhlenhaus, 848. Spinoza, B. La manière de vivre, 840.

Spoiled child, The, 896. Spooner, L. Letter, G. Cleveland, 828.

Spotorno, G. Cristoforo Colombo, 852.

Sprague, C: Poetical, etc. writ-
ings, 832.
Sprague, W: B.
McIntyre, 844.
Sprengel, M. C.

Sermon, E.

Geschichte, Revolution v. Nord-Amer.,860. Stael Holstein, A..L.. G. N. de. Delphine, 872.

Stalin, P. F: Gesch. Würt-
tembergs, 884.

Maitland of Leth- Stanford, E. Ireland, 848. Rail-
way map, Eng., etc., 852.
Stansbury, H. Map, Fort Leav-
enworth, etc.; Map, Great
Salt Lake, 836.
Stanton, H: B. Random re-

ington, etc., 848.
Skene, F. M. F. A strange in-
heritance, 860.
Sleeper, H: D.
vard, 828.
Sloan, J: A. The Guilford
Grays, 856.

Songs of Har

Small, J: Castles, etc. of the Lothians, 860. Smart, B: H. Memoir of a metaphysician, 880. Smeaton, D. M. Loyal Karens of Burma, 872. Smee, A. Galvanoplastie, etc.,


Smith, A. Smith, C. Smith, F. H.


Cyprus, 872, 884. Beachy Head, 848. Well worn roads,

Smith, G. W. papers, 836. Smith, G: B:

832. Smith, I. G. Smith, J. M.

Confederate war

Queen Victoria, Aristotle, 852. Ornamental inte

Roy. book of
Loch Creran,

riors, 872. Smith, R. C. dreams, 868. Smith, W. A. 860. Smolnikar, A. B. dige Ereignisse, 836. Smyth, E. C., etc. fence, 852. Smyth, W: H: objects, 856. Snelling, W: J. son, 8.6. Snow, M. S.


Andover de

Cycle, celestial

Andrew Jack.

City gov't of St.

Louis, 860. Soc. des Amateurs d'Echecs de

St. Pétersbourg. Regles, 840. Society of American Wood En gravers. Engravings, 896. Some obs. on a plan of peace, 852.

Somerset House gazette, 868. Songs of the civil war, 832. Sonnenschein, W: S. The best books, 896.

Sophocles. Sophocles, 896. Sorel, A. Montesquieu, 892. Soulé, J. H., & Co. U. S. military list, 852. Seulié, M. F: Au jour le jour, 868. Julie; La lionne, 872. Marguerite; si jeunesse savait, 868.

Souvenir album, 840.

[blocks in formation]

Spanheim, F: Le tableau d'une Stothard, C: A. Monumental princesse, 844.

etligies, Gr. Brit., $72.

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