Slike stranica
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Koninklijk Inst. voor Taal- Land en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indie. Nieuw Guinea ethnographisch en naturkundig onderzocht en beschreven, 1858. 1862. Langford, J: A. Modern Birmingham and its institutions, 1841-71. [18-] 2 v. Lecoy de la Marche, A. Le Roi René, sa vie, son administration, etc. 1875. 2 v.

Legouvé, J. W. E. G. Comédies en un acte, avec préfaces.

Lee, F: G. Reginald Pole, Card. Arbp. of Canterbury.

"While Dr. Lee's book suppresses or misrepresents some of the principal matters with which it ought to deal fully, its special characteristics are verbosity and intemperance. It is written with the object of forwarding a reunion with the Church of Rome on the principles adopted by Cardinal Pole. His abhorrence of the separation from Rome leads him to say many foolish and violent things, and he expresses his dislike in unmeasured abuse both of persons and institutions."— Saturday rev., Nov. 5.

Le Sage, A. R. Le diable boiteux, avec une notice sur L., [par A. J: Q. Beuchot]. 1820.

2 v.

Lives of St. Joseph Calasanctius and of B. Ippolito Galantini. 1850.

Lyall, E. In the golden days.

"The scene is in England during the reign of Charles the Second. Miss Lyall has been able to see and to describe the miserable truth of those days." - Nution, Oct. 27.

Mackay, C: Glossary of obscure words and

phrases in the writings of Shakespeare and and his contemporaries, etc. Madan, F. Rough list of ms. materials rel. to the

hist. of Oxford contained in the printed catalogues of the Bodleian and Coll. libraries. Maidment, J. The Court of Session garland, incl. all suppl.

Maurice, C. E. The revolutionary movement of 1848-9 in Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Germany, etc.

"Trustworthy and well-written. Preceeded by an examination of the previous thirty-three years, no less interesting than valuable."- St. James's budget, Oct. 8. Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. B. Mohawks. 3 v.

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Minot, L., A. 1333-52. Poems; ed. with introd. by J. Hall. (Clarendon press ser.)

"There is an absence of anything like simile or metaphor; a bald and realistic simplicity prevails. Still his turn is lyrical rather than narrative. His direct histor ical value is small; though he preserves now and then a curious detail which has escaped the contemporaneous English Chroniclers, he adds little to our store of facts about the wars of the third Edward. But he is the abstract of the spirit of his time, its undoubted bravery, its glitter, its savagery, its complete absence of pity for the conquered. The greatest merit of his poems lies in their warm and spontaneous expression of national feeling. His predecessors in the political poem had attacked abuses, exposed grievances or written in the service of a faction. He is the first to speak in the name of the English nation just awakened to à conscientiousness of its unity and strength."

Moncrieff, W. T. The Jewess; historical drama. [183-?]

Morton, T: Education; comedy. [183-.] Mosnier, H: Le château de Chavaniac-Lafayette.

[blocks in formation]

Peard, F. M. Perry, N. Pilling, J. C.



Alicia Tennant. 1886.

flock of girls and their friends.

Bibliography of the Eskimo lan

Pittenger, W: Daring and suffering; a history of the Andrews raid into Georgia in 1862.

"A narrative of one of the wildest and most thrilling adventures of the war. A brief account of the expedi tion, and of the wonderful experiences and terrible suf. ferings of the survivors, was published in 1863. This is a revised and enlarged edition, in which the writer ap. pears to have collated the facts since learned from his comrades, and compared the whole with the official records of the war, both national and Confederate."- Nation, Nov. 3.

Poor, H: V: and H. W. Directory of railway officials, 1886.

Manual of the railroads of the U. S., 1873-77, 81, 84, 85. 6 v.

Proctor, R: A. Other suns than ours; with two essays on whist, and correspondence with Sir J: Herschel.

Pyle, H. The Rose of Paradise.

The scene is laid in the Mozambique Channel, a hundred and fifty years ago. The Rose of Paradise' was a wondrous jewel, a ruby. ... The capture and recovery of the gem are the themes of Mr. Pyle's story."- Lit. world, Oct. 26.

Rabelais, F. Three good giants whose deeds are recorded [by] R., comp. by J: Dimitry; illust. by G. Doré and A. Robida.

"Mr. Dimitry has chiselled out the famous trio, and made the book one retaining all its great qualities and thoroughly devoid of the objectionable ones." Boston truveller.

Ragozin, Z. A.

The story of Assyria from the rise of the empire to the fall of Nineveh. (Story of the nations.)

Ramabai, Sarasvati Pundita. The high-caste Hindu woman, with introd. by R. L. Bodley. Ridgway, R. Manual of North American birds; illust. by outline drawings.

Rowell, J. C. The sonnet in America. Ruskin, J: Hortus inclusus; messages from the wood to the garden, etc.

"The qualities which charm, astonish, and alas! disgust us in all Mr. Ruskin's works, are present in his latest volume. There is the same exquisite beauty of workmanship; the same inimitable power of fitting to every configuration of mountain, flood, and field the exact phrase which will make it real to those who read; the same eager, chivalrous love for what is good and true; the same childish joy in birds and beasts; and with all these priceless gifts for delighting the world, the same habit of puerile and pedantic scolding. Hap. pily, in a series of familiar letters we get Mr. Ruskin at his best." — Spectator, Oct. 1.

St. Petersburg. Musée Imp. de l'Ermitage. Catalogue de la galerie des tableaux. 1869Só. 3 v.

Scottish History Society.


Publications. Vol. 1,

Scudder, H. E. Men and letters; essays in characterization and criticism.

Smith, F. H. Well-worn roads of Spain, Holland, and Italy.

Society of American Wood Engravers. Engravings on wood by members of the Soc.; with introd. and descr. text by W: W. Laffan. Sonnenschein, W: S. The best books; a reader's guide, with dates of editions, prices, sizes,


"An excellent book executed in a competent manner. Confined to English literature except in two secHe includes some books that it is a stretch of



[ocr errors]

courtesy to call the best books. On the other hand there are some omissions. On the whole, however, the work is admirably done.” — Athenæum, Oct. 15. Sophocles. Sophocles; with Eng. notes by F. A. Paley. 1880. (Bibl. class.) Spoiled child, The; farce. [183-?] Stapfer, E. Palestine in the time of Christ; tr.

by A. H. Holmden. 1886.

"In a pleasant and popular style, making no display of learning, he sets forth the facts in regard to the social and religious life of the Jews of the time of Christ. It has not the range of Schürer, but seems to us to be better fitted for general reading." Nation, Oct. 20.

Sterry, J. A. Cucumber chronicles.

Much of the writer's thought is as frivolous as one can well endure even to pass the time." - Nation, Aug.


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pen belongs not to the peasants of Russia but to the world."- Phila. press.

Trollope, T: A. What I remember. 2 v.


"Mr. Trollope has spent nearly eighty very pleasant years in this world. He has seen much excellent Bociety; he lived in Florence in the day of the Grand Duke, before the fair city was modernized; he inhabited Rome when Rome was still a medieval city; he saw most of the clever people who visited Central Italy between 1843 and 1870; he knew Landor, and Mrs. Browning, and Mr. Marsh; he fraternized with Dickens, and entertained George Eliot. No wonder the key-note of the book is the contentment of the writer. He has scarcely achieved fame, yet has enjoyed his life. These are entertaining reminiscences.” — Athenæum, Νον. 12.

"His experiences of life in many lands have been remarkably varied. His opportunities for social study have been exeeptionally advantageous, and have been greatly enhanced by the keen and trained powers of observation that belonged naturally to the novelist and historian. Despite his modest disclaimer. Mr. Trollope's work is in the strict literary sense an autobiography, and one of the most pleasing of its class, without the shadow of ill-nature on its sunny pages and without a trace of egoism in its personal tone." - Sat. rev., Nov. Mr. and Mrs. Pringle;


Trueba y Cosio, J. T.

comic interlude. [183-?]

Tuckerman, A. L. Short history of architecture;


"A compact and well-balanced account of the differ. ent schools of architecture." - Critic, Oct. 29. Tuttle, C: W. Captain J: Mason, incl. his tract on Newfoundland; ed. with hist. illust. by J: W: Dean. (Prince Soc.)

Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry. (Amer. statesmen.) We have his record, luminously developed, as a member of the First Continental Congress, leader in the Revolution, Governor of Virginia three times, opponent in all sincerity of the Constitution of the United States, and as a hearty and earnest Christian believer. Patrick Henry has found at this late day an adequate biographer." Critic, Oct. 29.

"It has a special importance as giving in definite form the figure of a man who has been at once very nebulous and luminous at one or two points." Atlantic, Nov. Vasili, comte. P. La société de Paris. Vol. 1: Le grand monde.

Venn, II: Complete duty of man. 1804.
Victorian hymns.

Vivian, Lieut. Col. J: L. The marriage licences of the diocese of Exeter. Pt. 1.

Watson, W: Life in the Confederate army; obs.,
etc. of an alien in the South.
Wells, Mrs. K.. G. Miss Curtis.
Woolley, C. P. Love and theology.

"The sketches of religious life in certain rural com. munities are well managed and the style is bright and clear."

Adshead, J. A circumstantial narrative of the wreck of the Rothsay Castle, Aug. 17, 1831; illust. 3d thous. 1834. American Iron Association. Bulletin, 1856-58; prec. by constitution and by-laws. 1858.] Arnold, E. Lotus and jewel.

"When all hypercriticism has been recorded, it remains a pleasant duty to acknowledge that the book is full of charm. Mr. Arnold brings to the task of our instruction a lively fancy and a sympathetic mind; and the well-known literary skill which governs the use of these gifts only requires a little more use of the file." H. G. Keane in the Academy, Oct. 29.

Arundel Soc. Chromolithographs. 1887. St. Jerome in his study; after the picture by V. Carpaccio, in the Church of S. Giorgio dei Schiavoni, Venice.

Assier, A. d'. Posthumous humanity; tr. and annot. by H: S. Olcott, added an appendix. "M. d'Assier was a disciple in the scientific part of M. Comte's teaching till the sufferings of 1870 left him partially paralyzed and entirely blind. In this unhappy condition he began to collect evidence of psychical phenomena in general. Applying his previous ideas to these topics, he has concluded that men and animals, at least, possess an inner self, something of a shadowy being, which may manifest itself to the senior during the life, and after the death of its proprietor. ... Col. Olcott adds an appendix which is not uninteresting as a contribution to the folklore of India. On the whole, M. d'Assier's ideas, though bleak and comfortless, are simpler than Colonel Olcott's who multiplies entities, 'praeter necessitum.' The ghostly will find much comfort in the book, and the translator will find that his printers are at sea among the accents when they encounter Greek." Saturday review, Oct. 22.

[ocr errors]

Baldwin, J. The story of Siegfried; illust. by H. Pyle. 1882.

Barrows, Mrs. E. A. Memorial of Bradford Academy. 1870.

Barry, R. M. Bayreuth and Franconian Switzer



"Voyagers to Nürnberg, and the Wagnerian temple do not often penetrate into the interesting country of which Pottenstein is the centre, or reach the yet more interesting district east of Bayreuth. His account of the towns and villages of Frankischschweiz is brightly written, and will serve tourists who contem. plate a summer trip thereto." - Sat. rev., Nov. 12. Benedict XIV., Pope. Heroic virtue; a portion of

the treatise on the beatification, etc. of the servants of God; tr. 1850-52. 3 v. Big wages and how to earn them, by a foreman. Botticelli, S. Zeichnungen zu Dante's Goettlicher

Komoedie; erklaerende Beschreibung. Boutwell, C: A manual of British archæology.

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Brougham, H:, Baron Brougham and Vaux. Political and historical dissertations. 1857. Brown, J. A. H., and Buckley, T. E. A vertebrate fauna of Sutherland, Caithness, and West Cromarty.

Brunn, H: Description de la Glyptothèque fondé par Louis 1. à Munich. 1879.

Brydges, Sir S: E. Cimelia, seu Examen criticum librorum ex diariis literariis lingua præcipue Gallica, 1665-1792. 1823.

Burges, Sir J. B. Riches; or, The wife and brother; a play. [183-.]

Capefigue, J. B. H. R. A king's mistress; or, Charles VII and Agnes Sorel and chivalry in the 15th century; now first trans., with notes and illust. by E. Goldsmid. Vol. 1. (Bibl. cur.)

Carpenter, E. B. South County neighbors.

"The sketches are particularly strong in drawings of characters who flourished in the Narragansett country' some forty or fifty years ago."

Champlain, S: de. Two rare tracts relating to the
state of New York, 1609-15; viz: Cham-
plain's expeditions to northern and western
New York, 1632; [also] Letter from a gen-
tleman of N. Y., 1698. (Coll. adam.)
The French in the Allegheny

Chapman, T. J.
Child, F. J. Il pesceballo; opera seria [tr. da J.
R. Lowell], musica [di] Rosibelli-Donimo-
zarti. 1862].

Confederate States of America. Senate. Letter

from Gen. Wise, Jan. 3, 1864. [endorsing a memorial to the Confed. States by W. J. Hardee and others. 1864].

Cotton, Sir R: Cottoni posthuma; choice pieces, preserved from the injury of time, etc., by J. Howell]. 3 v. (Coll. adam.)

Crawford, F. M. Marzio's crucifix.

"The tale is one of Italian bourgeois life. but it seems to be Mr. Crawford's privilege to be able to invest commonplace surroundings with a halo of romance." -Athenæum, Oct. 29.

Cunningham, W: Diary and general expenditure (Scottish book, 1673-80., ed. by J. Dodds. Hist. Soc.)

Davis, A. McF. "The colony of Nox." From the Proc. of the Amer. Antiq. Soc., 1887. An historical study of Law's system. Didier, E. L. Report of the trial of Dr. W: H. Stokes and M.. Blenkinsop physician and Superior of Mt. Hope Institution, Feb. 6. Doheny, M. The felon's track; or, History of the late attempted outbreak in Ireland, 1843-48. [1849.]

Doran, J: Annals of the English stage; ed. and rev. by R. W. Lowe, [illust.] 3 v.

"The mantle of Cibber cannot be said to have fallen upon Doran. Doran's pictures of actors living in his time are less brilliant, as well as less truthful, than those of his predecessor. With the exception of Charles Lamb, indeed, no writer has supplied pictures such as those of Cibber. Doran's descriptions are written with vigour and taste, and his books may be read with the certainty of interest and amusement. Woe be, however, to the student who trusts in its pleasant sketches and lively anecdotes. ... The illustrations enhance remarkably its value. No such collection of theatrical engravings is elsewhere to be obtained. ... Some of the scarcest

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"Miss Duffy's book has not quite reached the standard of a successful biography but on the other hand it must be allowed that Mme. de Staël, in spite of her many great qualities,does not appeal to the imagination, and that the author has neglected nothing which would tend to widen her knowledge of the subject."- Sat. Nov. 5. rev.,

Edwards, M. B. Next of kin wanted. 2 v.

"Not a novel, but a clever and essentially artificial comedy, bordering here and there on farce. It is all very funny, but it becomes wearisome before the end of the second volume is reached." - W: Wallace in the Academy, Apr. 9.

Faith and conduct; an essay on verifiable religion. Farrar, F: W: Eric. (College lib.)

Julian Home; a tale of college life. (College lib.)

- St. Winifred's. 1886. (College lib.) Fontenelle, B. le B. de. Nouveaux dialogues des morts. (16-?]

Foster, J. London marriage licences, 1521-1869, from excerpts by Col. Chester, with memoir,


Franzos, K: E. Ein Kampf um's Recht. [18-.]

2 v.

Frederic, H. Seth's brother's wife.


"There is a knack of description which is clever, and the reverse of wordy. Mr. Frederic is a close and a shrewd observer of certain human and natural phenomBut it is when, with vivid touches, he coujures up the barren toil, the commonplace hopelessness and shiftlessness of the unsuccessful farmer of the district, that Mr. Frederic is at his best." - Athenæum, Dec. 3. Fredericq, P. The study of history in England and Scotland, tr. by H. Leonard. Hopkins Univ. Studies.)

Frey, A. R. Sobriquets and nickames.


"Some years ago, Mr. Frey, while engaged upon a a dictionary of pseudonyms (since incorporated in Mr. Cushing's work), found so many nicknames, etc., that he began to collect them. The result is the present volume, containing over five thousand subjects, invalu able to all libraries, editors, students, to all who find such books as Wheeler's, Brewer's, or Cushing's useful in their reading, study or work."- Pub. weekly, Nov.


Galton, A. Character and times of T: Cromwell.

"As a youthful production it is respectable and indeed promising; but it was not worth publishing. The first part of the book contains a life of Thomas Cromwell, along with a good deal that has no immediate bearing on it, the second he describes as 'entirely critical.' The critical portion of his essay contains some not very recondite reflections."— Saturday rev., Nov. 5. Geier, J: Thespis on tryal; or, The moralitie of plays considered; tr. out of the Latin by A. C. 1685. (Bibl. curiosa.) Goodwin, H, and Knight, W.

Wordsworth country.

Through the

"Consists of those poems of Wordsworth which contain allusions to the scenery of the English Lake District, and fifty engravings from drawings made for the purpose by Mr. Goodwin, while Prof. W. Knight has supplied a running comment, intelligent and sympa. thetic, that links the verses in the proper sequence of their subjects from Cockermouth Castle to Duddon Sands. It is difficult to imagine why Mr. Goodwin,

an artist of tried powers, condemned himself to work in so unsatisfactory a manner." — - Athenæum, Nov. 12. Grant, R. Jack Hall. Griffin, A: Journal; first settlers of Southold, biog. sketches. 1857.

Halévy, J. La nouvelle évolution de l'accadisme. 1876.

Handbook for Portugal. 4th ed., rev.

Harris, J. C. Free Joe, and other Georgian sketches.

Hastings, H. L. A warning word conc. the spread of infidelity in Christendom, etc. (Anti-infidel lib.)

Hawthorne, N. Legends of the Province House. 1877.

Hoffmann, R. Die Gemälde-Sammlung des Gross

herzoglichen Museums zu Darmstadt. 1885. Howard, B. W. Tony, the maid.

"Tony's management of her mistress and her af fairs, and her wise generalship where she herself is concerned are quite new in fiction." Literary news, Nov. Hutton, R: H. Essays on some of the modern

guides of English thought in matters of faith. "We have Cardinal Newman and F. D. Maurice: but we have also Carlyle, and Matthew Arnold; and nearly half of the volume is devoted to George Eliot. The es says contain a good deal of the purely literary criticism to which these authors naturally lend themselves; but the main purport of the book is to draw out or to com. pare the views of these 'guides of thought 'as regards the ancient problems of man's nature and destiny. This little book shows Mr. Hutton at his best a critic with power to feel and to excite a deep and varied interest on many topics of worthy thought, a' guide in matters of faith whose candour and earnestness have won for him greater weight and influence than belong to many a more officially accredited champion of Christianity." Athenæum, Nov. 19.

Jeaffreson, J: C. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nel


"By far the most interesting and valuable part of Mr. Jeaffreson's book is his examination into the claim which was made by Lady Hamilton and her friends that she rendered important services both to the English government and to the royal family at Naples. He proves clearly and satisfactorily that these claims are based on misrepresentations and misstatements. ... Mr. Jeaffreson has neglected much readily accessible evi dence on points of biographical interest."- Athenæum. Keddie, Mrs. H. (pseud. S. Tytler). Buried diamonds. 1886. 3 v.

"There is much to interest and nothing to offend the most placid of readers. Yet Miss Tytler by no means reaches the standard she promised to attain in 'Citoyenne Jacqueline.' It is true that the characters are all remarkable, and the details of scenery perfect; but occasionally the plot halts a little and the writing becomes slightly laborious."- Saturday rev., May 29. King, W: F. H: Classical and foreign quotations, etc., in French, Germ., Gr., Ital., Lat., Span., and Portuguese, with tr., etc.

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Kingston, W. B. Monarchs I have met. 2 v. "As one of the correspondents of the Daily telegraph' the author has collected material for more than 600 pages of chit-chat that some people find amusing. No one will go to these volumes for solid information or political guidance." - Atheneum, Nov. 12. Knight, W: Memorials of Coleorton; letters from

Coleridge, Wordsworth, and others, to Sir G: and Lady Beaumont, of Coleorton, 180334. 2 v.

"Professor Knight was down at Coleorton the other day making some inquiries for his forthcoming life of

Wordsworth when he came across the correspondence addressed to Sir George and Lady Beaumont by Coleridge, Southey, Sir Walter Scott, and Dorothy Words. worth. These letters cover in main the years 1803-20, and are full of fresh and interesting glimpses of the Lake poets. The value is greatly enhanced by Professor Knight's judicious introduction and complete index." - Pall Mall budget, Nov. 17. Koehne, B. von. Description des objets les plus remarquables de la collection de sculpture antique de A. de Montferrand. Tiré des Mém. de la Soc. Imp. d'Archéol. 1852. Kurfürstlich hessisches Hof- und Staats- Handbuch. 1766-1866. 74 v.

Labitte, C: De la démocratie chez les prédicateurs de la Ligue. 1865.

Lester, H. F. Ben d'Ymion [repr. from Punch], and other parodies.

Letters to our working party. [188-.]

Lewis, M. G. Rugantino; melo-drame. [183-?]. Lives of Fr. P. Segneri, Fr. P: Pinamonti and J.

de Britto.

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"Gloomy but exciting narrative. If it ever was doubted it can be doubted no longer that at the begin. ning of 1884 the government had their eyes opened to the terrible danger from which they persisted in refusing to extricate their loyal servant. ... Mr. Macdonald is to be thanked for telling with candour and clearness, as well as with great literary skill, the story of our military glory and political dishonour." St. James's budget, Nov. 19. Mahaffy, J. P. Greek life and thought from the age of Alexander to the Roman conquest. "Professor Mahaffy has not succeeded in making a dull nor a worthless book, but his defects in taste, consistency, and correctness diminish the pleasure taken by a reader in a book which has many respectable qual ities, which covers a period too unfamiliar, and which is illustrated from new sources, such as the Egyptian demotic writings translated by M. Revillout." Sat. rev., Nov. 12.

Man, T: A picture of Woonsocket, etc.; added, translations from French, Spanish, and Italian writers. 1835.

Mann, E. R. The Bench and Bar of Saratoga Co. 1876.

Marchese, F. Life of St. Peter of Alcantara, [and of Father I. Azevedo by F. de Beauvais]; tr. 1856. 2 v.

Marciano, G. Lives of Fr. A. Talpa and Fr. Eustachio, and of Fr. G. Prever. 1851.

Mathews, W: Men, places, and things. Mayo, W: S. Kaloolah; the adventures of Jonathan Romer. 30th thous., the Framazugda

ed.; illust. by Fredericks.

"Enriched by a number of spirited designs by M. A. Fredericks."- Athenæum, Nov. 12.

Meacham, J. H., & Co. Illustrated historical atlas of Prince Edward Island. 1880.

Middleton, J. J. Grecian remains in Italy, descr. of cyclopian walls and Roman antiq., with views of anc. Latium. 1812.

Minor, T: C. Athothis; a satire on modern medicine.

Moncrieff, W. T. The Lear of private life; drama. [183-.]

More, H? Pathomachia; or, The battell of affections, London, 1630. (Coll. adam.) Morton, T: Cure for the heartache; comedy.


School of reform; comedy. [183-?]

Town and country; comedy.

Müntz, E. Les artistes célèbres.

Napoléon, Prince J. C: P. B. Napoléon et ses dé


"We are not quite sure that this answer to M. Taine's Deux Mondes' articles on Napoleon will exalt the Prince's reputation for ability. To begin with there is an air of personal rancour about it; in the second place, it is a little odd for a person in the Prince's position to write a book in answer to articles; and in the third, there are some awkward flaws in the apology itself.". Saturday rev., Nov, 26.

Nicholas, G. A. The Biddy Club; how its mem

bers grappled with the servant question, etc. Norman, C. B. The corsairs of France.

"The biographical sketches are marred by chauvinistic romances, which have their origin not in fact but in the patriotic ardour of some earlier chronicler, or by inaccurate statements which in themselves of not much consequence, are important as evidence of the untrustworthy nature of the book."— Athenæum, Nov. 4. North, R. Antobiography; ed. by A: Jessopp.

"Dr. Jessopp's notes introductory and supplementary, contain much interesting information about the North family, about their vanished palace of Kirtling, about the correspondents whose letters to and from Roger North eke out the substance of this book, about the voJuminous lawyer's life, after this Autobiography ceases to tell of it. Well worth making acquaintance with

is the Honourable Roger North, sometime steward of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Solicitor-General to the Duke of York, Attorney-General to the Queen, executor to Sir Peter Lely, etc. of whose acts and deeds in all these capacities and many others, with no small store of matter on other men and things in the realm of England during his time, this volume doth contain abundant and delightful mention." - Sat. rev., Nov. 12.

Oliphant, L. Sympneumata; or, Evolutionary

forces now active in man.


Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. A house divided against itself. 1886. 3 v.

"Continuation of A country gentleman.'" Our living and our dead. Vol. 1-3. 1874-75. 3 v. Outlines of the life of Gen. Lafayette, with acc. of the rev, of 1830., etc. 1830.

Peake, R: B. The hundred pound note; farce. [183-?]

Pennant, T: Illustrations of Wales, views, castles,

etc., 44 plates. [1810.]

Pilling, J. C. Bibliography of the Siouan languages. (Smithsonian Inst.)

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