Slike stranica

could have been compiled which ignored the evidence of the Audit Office accounts, and yet how many his torians know of their existence, or would have troubled themselves to disturb the dust of two centuries upon the covers?... Colonel Davis's narrative follows the fortunes of the garrison to the end with unwearying minuteness, and an agreeable distraction is afforded from the perusal of original documents by numerous views and plans of the town and its environs, chiefly from Hollar's designs and pictures by Stoop reproduced in the most sumptuous style of modern art." Athenæum, Jan. 12.

Défense de Sir J. Yorke, s'il en a besoin; réponse à celle d'un citoyen qui croit exprimer le vœu de sa nation. [1779.] Dekker, T: Thomas Dekker; ed. with introd. and notes by E. Rhys. (Mermaid ser.)

"In his interesting introduction Mr. Rhys reviews not only Dekker's plays. but his tracts, which rank with the chief literary legacies of the Elizabethan age." Athenæum, Jan. 7.

De Vere, A. T: Essays, chiefly on poetry. 2 v.

"The more prominent among these essays deal with the philosophy and characteristics of Spensers's poetry, the genius and passion of Wordsworth, and the works of Sir Henry Taylor... They are graceful and sympathetic, though less interesting, because less fervid in conviction than the other and better known criticisms." - Sat. rev., Dec. 31.

Du Moulin, P: Defence of the Catholike faith contained in the booke of King James against the answer of N: Coffeteau; trans. [by J: Sanford]. 1610.

Edwardes, C: Letters from Crete, 1886.

"Mr. Edwardes has the gift of seeing in ordinary men and women and ordinary occurrences more than other people would see in them. Besides this, his impressions of nature are those of a painter only the suggestiveness of his imagination saves his descriptions from the fault of word-painting; and he possesses a considerable vein of humour."- Academy, Feb. 11.

"It is difficult to imagine what one could want to know about Crete that Mr. Edwardes has left untold." Spectator, Dec. 31.

Ehlers, E. Reports on the results of dredging by steamer Blake. 32. Report on the Annelids. 86 portraits of the British naval officers engaged in the victories, 1, 2, Aug. 1798, 11 Oct., 14 Feb. 1797, and 1 June, 1794, under Lord Nelson, etc. [17—.]

Eliot, G: Complete works. Sterling ed. 12 v. Franklin, A. Les armoiries des corporations ouvrières de Paris. 1884.

Gambrill, C: D., and Richardson, H: H. Trinity Church, Boston, Mass. (Monographs of Amer. archit.)

Games, G. D. de. Cronica de Don Pedro Niño, conde de Buelna, pub. par E. de Llaguno Amirola. 1782.

Geest van Claudius Civilis, De, Veldoverste der oude Batavieren. [1780.]

Goed staats, goed prins, goed magistraats, enz., beweezen uit de Memorie [van] den Ridder Yorke, enz. [1780.]

Goens, R. M. van. Politiek vertoog over het waar sistema van de stad van Amsterdam, enz. 1781.]

Green, S. Home fishing and home waters; treatise on fish culture.

Gunton, G: Wealth and progress; examination of the labor problem.

Gurney. E. Tertium quid. 2 v.

"The essays range over a considerable variety of topics-moral, metaphysical, and aesthetic. ... Singlehanded, Mr. Edmund Gurney encounters one after the other such champions as Mr. Frederic Harrison, the author of Natural religion,' Mr. Mallock, Mr. Arthur Balfour, the late Professor Clifford, Professor Pollock, Mr. Swinburne, Mr. Alfred Austin, the opponents of 'psychical research,' both parties to the vivisection controversy, the devotees of Wagner, and finally, in defence of his own musical theory, Mr. James Sully, and Professor Stumpf. In each instance he shows perfect knowledge of the subject under discussion, perfect mas. tery of dialectical fence, perfect good temper and good taste."

Havard, H: Dictionnaire de l'ameublement et de la décoration depuis le 13e siècle. Vol. 1. Helm, C. Die Glücksblume von Capri. [18-] Hicks, C. S. Yachts, boats, and canoes; illust.

"Intended to show the amateur yachtsman how to build, rig, and sail his own craft; and so far as all or any of those accomplishments are capable of being conveyed by precept, it is likely to be of use." - Spectator, Dec. 31.

Holland. Generaliteit Extract uit de resolutien op de klagten over het neemen en opbrengen der nederlandsche koopvaardyscheepen, enz.


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Jedema, Brother, pseud. Briev an W: Pen, secundus, waarby gevoegd zyn de 2 memorien, en zo als die door den Ridder Yorke zyn gepresenteert, en met muzyk verrykt door Hans-Ours. 1780.

Johnson, R: U., and Buel, C. C. Battles and leaders of the Civil war. Vol. 1.

Kendall, M. Dreams to sell.

"Cleverness and wit. ... How very much more satisfactory than many pages of invective is the one line about the pure botanist in Education's Martyr': Primroses by the river's brim Dicotyledons were to him,

And they were nothing more."'"-H.C. Beeching in the Academy, Nov. 12. Kitchin, D. B. Introduction to the study of Provençal.

"The first English book for the study of Provençal.

It will give students a fair idea of the nature of this literature.... That in execution it is up to the present high standard cannot be said. ... In the first part Mr. Kitchin gives a sketch of the literature, ... for the most part a translation and condensation of Bartsch's Grundriss zur Geschichte der provenzalischen Literatur,' which is, in general, a thoroughly reliable book. The second treats of the language. Excepting the first chapter and scattered remarks in the others, this follows Bartsch's Chresomathie' closely. The third consists of selections from the literature. On the whole the verse selections are good." - Nation, Nov. 10.


Kleynhoff van Enspijk, C. F: Ode ad J: Kinkerum quum magni Washingtonis ferali carmine, enz. 1800.

Kron, K: 10,000 miles on a bicycle.

"A gazetteer, a dictionary, a cyclopedia, a statistical guide, a thesaurus of facts,' a book of American roads for cyclists. ... Packed with information of interest to the wheelman collected, it is plain with great labor and, so far as we can judge, accurate."- Nation, July 7.

Laborde, L. E. S. J., comte de. Documents in

édits ou peu connus sur l'histoire et les antiquités d'Athènes. 1854. Lawless, Hon. E. Major Lawrence, F. L. S. (Leisure hour ser.)

"Contains no individual sketch so original and striking as the now almost famous Irish portrait in Hur. rish,' by the same author. It is not exciting, but we want to know the end."- Sat. rev., Jan. 28.

"The author of A Chelsea householder' has sur. passed the promise of her former books in this her la test. Major Lawrence is a strong piece of work with real character drawing in it."— Literary world, Jan. 7. The story of Ireland, with add. by Mrs. A.

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Bronson. (The story of the nations.) "Not so much a narrative of how the present state of affairs has come about, as of how, under one form or another, it has always existed. Clear and temperate narrative, in which the author's sympathies are on both sides. Miss Lawless is very uncompromising in her conclusion that both are wrong.". Spectator, Jan. 14. Liefdetraanen gestort na het leezen der publicatie tot soulagement der verminkten gegeeven door de H. H. Staaten Gen. der Verëen. Nederlanden, enz. [17—.]

Lierzang aan de Britten by gelegenheid dat zy 1 Jan. 1780, het Hollands Convooy aanranden. [1780.]

Mac Donald, G: Home again.

"Well worth reading, and the scene of the prodigal's homecoming is as pathetic as anything that even Dr. Macdonald has written."— Academy, Dec. 24. Magazine of art; illust. Vol. 3-10. [1880]-87.

8 v. Malet, L. Little Peter; a Christmas morality for children of any age; illust. by P. Hardy. "Years will not have brought wisdom to anyone from whom they have taken the power of enjoying this very simple and sweet story. The full beauty of it will scarcely be apprehended by the very young. They will not see how clearly all the characters are drawn from Master Lepage to Cincinnatus the cat. But they Academy,

I will love little Peter and Cincinnatus."
Dec. 3.


Mazzini, G. Essays, ed., with introd. by W:
Clarke. (Camelot ser.)

Medford. [Plates.]
Mondéjar, G. I. de S. P. y M., marques. Memorias

historicas de la vida [de] Alonso el Noble, con notas, etc., por F. Cerda y Rico. 1783. Müller, F: M. Biographies of words and the home of the Aryas.

"A collection of essays chiefly reprinted from Good words,' and of letters out of other periodicals and from various people. The topics are etymological and antiquarian; words are traced to their sources, or to what Mr. Max Müller holds to be their sources; their changes of significance are examined; the recent arguments as to the original home of the people who spoke Aryan are discussed; and the Ayriologist' is 'talked at rather than argued with. The studies of words are full of interest, even when we are not convinced by Mr. Max Müller's art." - - Saturday rev., Jan. 14.

Muluk Chand Chaudikar. Trial of Muluk Chand for the murder of his own child, with introd. by W. A. Hunter. Netherlands. K. Akad. van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Letterkunde. Beschrijving van Nederlandsche historie-penningen, ter vervolge op het werk van G. van Loon. 7e, 8e stuk 1862-63. 2 v.

Nicolai, F: Beschreibung einer Reise durch Deutschland und die Schweiz, 1781, u.s.w. 1783-96. 12 v.

Nieuwe nederlandsche jaerboeken der geschiedenissen die voorgevallen zyn in de Vereenigde Provincien, enz. 1766-83. 39 v. in 19 pts. Paton, W: A. Down the islands, a voyage to the Caribbees, with illust. by M. J. Burns. "Breezy descriptions of the little paradise known to mortals as the Windward Isles.' Much solid information gathered from many sources not easily accessible to the general reader; and if they take it with them it will serve as an admirable guide book for the various ports touched at by the steamer during its few week's trip." Nation, Dec. 26.

Peabody, A. P. Harvard reminiscences.

Pen, W:, secundus. Dagboek van het Britsch ministerie zedert het begin der N. Americaansche onlusten enz., vert. 1781. 4 v. Petrel, pseud. In Southern seas; a trip to the antipodes; illust. by Twain.'

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"A bright, compact, and highly readable narrative, full of incidents and illustrated with clever little vign ettes." Athenæum, Dec. 24.

Pickering, E: C: Zone observations made with
the transit wedge photometer, etc.
Popularis, pseud. Brief aan een zyner vrienden in
Utrecht. 1781.
Proctor, R: A.
Watched by the dead; a study of
Dickens' half-told tale.

Propert, J. L. History of miniature art, with notes on collectors and collections.

Mr. Propert has gathered together and carefully ar ranged a large amount of matter, hitherto scattered and undigested; and that especially with regard to miniature art in England, his work, if not exhaustive, is yet a valuable contribution to the literature of a compara tively neglected and interesting branch of art. ... Taken by themselves, all parts of the book are interesting. The illustrations are also good and well chosen." Cosmo Monkhouse in the Academy, Jan. 7.

Richey, A. G. Short history of the Irish people, etc.; ed. by F. R. Kane.

"Few persons were so well qualified, both from predilection and training, to write the history of Ireland as was the late Professor Richey. His study of the Brehon laws endowed him with an acuteness of perception that enabled him to thread his way with unerring instinct through the mazes of Irish history. Dr. Kane has performed his duties as editor with admirable discretion. His notes have enhanced the value of the book."- R. Dunlop in the Academy, Jan. 14. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. The nun's curse. "It is not pleasant reading, and its conclusion espe cially is eminently unsatisfactory.". Academy, Dec.




Ridley, G. Life of N: Ridley. 1763. Robinson, F: W. Memoirs of Jane Cameron, female convict.

Robiquet, P. Paris et la Ligue sous le règne de Henri III. 1886.

"Historiens, mémoires, lettres, manifestes, pamphlets, brochures, chansons, lois et ordonnances; rien d'impor. tant n'a échappé à ses recherches, et chaque témoignage, à la lumière d'une critique sévère et judicieuse, prend sa véritable valeur."― Alfred Rambaud in Rev. pol. et lil., 15 oct.

Rodd, R. Songs in the South. 1881.
Rowlands, S: Aue Cæsar, God saue the King.
Repr. from the unique original, 1603. 1886.
(Hunterian Club. Pub.)

Schatz, J. A. De verdrukte wildeman; een verwolg op Het Engelsche en Amerikaansche kaart-spel. 1778.

Schmidt, C: Peter Martyr Vermigli; Leben u. ausgewählte Schriften. 1858.

Schöpf, J: D: Reise durch einige der mittlern u. südlichen Vereinigten Nordamerikanisch. Staaten, 1783-84. 1788. 2 v. Sharp, Sir C. Chronicon mirabile; or, Extracts from parish registers principally in the North of England. 1841. Sheldon, R: Certain general reasons proving the lawfulnesse of the oath of allegiance; by R: S., etc. 1611.

Shelley, P. B. Essays and letters, ed. with introd. note by E. Rhys. (Camelot class.) Spalding, J. F. The teaching and influence of St. Augustine. 1886.

Stanford, E: London atlas of universal geography. Folio ed.

Stockton. F. R: The Dusantes; a sequel to "The

casting away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine.

Stokes, M. Early Christian art in Ireland.

"This is a publication of the kind that ignores the reader for mere pleasure, and the reader who would be satisfied to obtain a general notion of his subject. The technical student will here find exactly what he wants, and absolutely unencumbered by anything in the guise of padding. The book will serve as a guide to the entire domain of Irish ecclesiology in the centuries preceding the connection with England, the most famous specimens of illumination, metal-work, sculp ture, and architecture which remain to us being carefully described and explained.". St. James's budget,

Jan. 7.

Swift, J. Prose writings; [ed.] by W. Lewin. 1886. (Camelot class.)

Teele, A. K. History of Milton, Mass., 1640


Temminck, E. de V., and others, vs. Lewis, Duke of Brunswick. Pleidooi. 1781.

Vervolg of het Pleidooi, enz. 1781.

Testament maakers of de Marquis van Tolbrugge, tooneelspel. [17—.]

Thackeray, W: M. Collection of letters, 1847-55.

with portraits, and reproductions of letters and drawings.

Trumbull, J., and Livingston, W: Brieven aan J. D. van der Capellen, vert. [1778.] Underhill. G: F. Literary epochs.

"Mr. Underhill's object is to prove that the practical events of the world are reflected in the mirror of contemporary writings,' and that great writers come in 'clusters. With this object he examines the ancient classics,' the literature of medieval Italy, of the Eliza bethan era, of the age of Louis XIV., and so on, in successive chapters. After reading the first two or three chapters, we found it unnecessary to proceed further. Comment on such a work as this is superfluous." Spectator, Jan. 7.

Utrecht, J: van. Briev over het onlangs voorgevallene met twee boek verkopers, enz. [17—.] Virgilius (or Vergilius) Maro, P. A. Virgil in

English verse; Eclogues and Eneid, 1-VI, by Sir C: Bowen.

"Lord Justice Bowen has acquitted himself with the honors of a scholar, and a man of taste, and to our mind with something more. He is constantly meritorious, often felicitous; and he is more in sympathy with

the refinement of Virgil's work than any previous translator. He has not been led astray by either archaic or modern affectation, but has aimed at rendering in good literary English the effects which Virgil produced, as a rule, within the limits of current Augustan Latin.... The most striking novelty of his version is the metre. It is arrived at by striking off the last syllable of the English hexameter, and the result is excellent. Instead of a sickly exotic, we get a line with a real English movement, going easily and gracefully in rhyme, and capable of no small variety."— Saturday review, Jan.


Vitringa, L. J. Gedachten over de belangens en plichten der onzydige mogentheden, enz., by gelegentheid der Noord-Americaan onlusten. 1778.

Walker, E. D. Reincarnation; a study of forgotten truth; [with bibliography]. Washington, G: Letter to the Master, Wardens, etc. of King David's Lodge in Newport. Watford Public Library and College of Science, Art, Music, and Literature. Catalogue of books, compiled by J: Woolman. Handbook and reports, 1887-88.

Webster, A. The sentence; a drama.

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By her bright and breezy Disguises,' and the intense and high-pitched In a day,' Mrs. Webster has already achieved a foremost place among the poetical dramatists of our time, and her reputation will not lose by the issue of the present voluine." J. M. Gray in the Academy, Nov. 19.

Weerklank aan den dichter van den Lier-zang aan de Britten. [1780.]

West-Indische Compagnie. Missive, met een deductie door den Commandeur van St: Eustatius, J. de Graaf, soo ten opsigte van de klagten door Engeland tegens hem ingebragt, enz. 1779.

West Medford. [Plates.]

Whipple, E. P. Outlooks on society, literature, and politics.

Willement, F: A roll of arms; the reign of Richard II. 1834.

Winchester, E. Perseverance; a poem in reply to Rev. Mr. Wesley's poetical performance called "An answer to Dr. Gill on the final perseverance of the Saints." 1773. Winthrop, A. C. "Under the cedar," and others. Woermann, K: Königliche Gemälde-Galerie zu Dresden. [1884.]

Wolff, J. Das Recht der Hagestolze; eine HeirathsGeschichte aus dem Neckarthal.

Wotton, M. E. Word portraits of famous writers.

"Miss Wotton has hit upon a happy idea in going to contemporary sources for the word-portraits. As however, slie has only edited a hundred authors, ranging from Chaucer to Mrs. Henry Wood, her work is inevit ably scrappy." Academy, Dec. 24.


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Abington, Mrs. Life of Mrs. Abington, formerly Miss Barton, etc., incl. notes upon the hist. of the Irish stage.

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"The principal events of her career are well known. The number of important characters she played, her influence over Johnson; how Reynolds painted her as Miss Prue, and how Horace Walpole paid her the highest compliments. How thirty years she queened it over the stage on which she walked, stamped, played, fretted, and sulked in a manner that enchanted every one except those who were at the mercy of her whims and vagaries. This Life brings together a quantity of information only to be found by some research. We should be thankful for more accuracy, and for a few traces of style." — Saturday review, Feb. 11.



Allen, J. To foretell frost.
Almanach historique de la Révolution Françoise,
1792; red. par J. P. Rabaut. 1792.
Alveri, G. Roma in ogni stato, alla santità di N.
S. Alessandro VII. 1664. 2 v.
Aristoteles. Politics; with introd., etc., by W.
L. Newman. 2 v.

Armstrong, W. Sir J. E. Millais; his life and work; illust. 1885. (Art annual.) Barrows, W: The United States of yesterday and of tomorrow.

Bassett, F. S. Legends and superstitions of the sea, etc. 1885.

Beebe, W: M., and others.

Work of the Signal Service in the Arctic Regions. 1883. Beneyton, C: A. Chroniques, contes, et legendes. 1854.

Bernard, N:, Dean of Ardagh. The whole proceedings of the siege of Drogheda in Ireland.

1736. Bible. Whole. English. Holy Bible, authorized version 1611, commentary and rev. of the tr. by bishops, etc.; Apochrypha, ed. by H: Wace. 2 v.

Bigot, C: Peintres français contemporains.
Binet, A., and Féré, C: Animal magnetism.

"If there is very little that is new in the book in matter, it must be conceded that the authors have studied the subject in a more scientific way than had previ ously been attempted.". - Westminster rev., Jan. Birkhimer, W: E. Memoir on the use of homing pigeons for military purposes. 1882. Blake, W: P. 1786: centenary of Hamden, Conn., 1886; history of Hamden, with account of the celebration.

Blyden, E: W. Christianity, Islam and the negro race, with introd. by S: Lewis.

"Those who have been stirred by Canon Taylor's pa per on Islam' should by all means read Dr. Blyden's contribution to the controversy raised. Dr. Blyden is the minister in England for the Republic of Liberia, and deals with his subject as an expert of undoubted ability and knowledge. He recognises the merits of Islam, but he does not despair of African Christianity." - Spectator, Dec. 10.

Bourget, P. Mensonges.

L'événement du jour, c'est l'apparition du nouveau roman de M. Paul Bourget."— Rev. pol. et lit., Nov. 12.

Bowne, E. S. A girl's life 80 years ago; introd.

by C. Cook; illust.

"Miss Southgate's correspondence gives us a pretty glimpse into this plainly upright, high-back, Johnsonian period." Critic, Jan. 4.

Bromley, G: W., and W. S. Atlas of Brookline,


Buet, C: Contes ironiques. [1884.]
Century Guild hobby horse. Vol. 1, 2. 1886-87.
Chiokoynikoy, Iroquois Chief, pseud. Apocalypse,

écrite vers l'an 1305, tr. avec un commentaire, rev. et corr., pub. par odre du Congrès Général. 1777. Church, A. J:, and Putnam, R. The Count of the Saxon Shore; or, The villa in Vectis; illust. "Of the many pretty tales which Professor Church has produced at Christmastide of late years this is by far the most ingenious. The main action takes place in A.D. 408/3, when the usurper Constantine removed the Roman legions from Britain." — Athenæum, Nov. 26. Clodd, E: The story of creation; a plain account of evolution.

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"Its faults are the faults of Grant Allen exaggerated, while, alas! the clear and attractive literary style, the simple yet precise mode of statement, and the flavor of wood and hedgerow, which are among Grant Allen's virtues, may be sought in vain in the pages of Mr. Clodd. We believe that the latter, while evidently a tryo in physics, and an amateur in biology, has done his best to represent the cosmos in accordance with the present state of knowledge. He has compiled from excellent authorities, and much of his material is reliable and authentic. His is what Teufelsdröckh would term a 'scis. Bors-intelligence.'"— Nation, Apr. 12.

Constans, L. La légende d'Edipe, étudiée dans l'Antiquité, au Moyen-Age, etc. 1881. Croucher, J: H. Plain directions for obtaining photographic pictures, etc., also hints on the daguerreotype, etc. 1853.

Cunningham, A. Great English painters; arr. and ed. with introd. by W. Sharp. 1886. (Camelot class.)

Curtis, G. E. Effect of wind-currents on rainfall. 1884. (Signal service notes.)

Cutler, Rev. M. Life, journals, and correspondence, by W: P. and J. P. Cutler. 2 v. Darras, P. Causes célèbres de la Belgique. Demengeot, C: Dictioñaire du chiffre-monogramme dans les styles Moyen-Age et Re

naissance. 1881.

Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Bybury to Beacon Street. Dove, P. E: Domesday commemoration, 10861886: Domesday studies, with bibliog., etc. of mss. and printed books exhib. at Pub. Record office and Brit. Museum. Vol. 1. Dryden, J: Works with notes by Sir W. Scott; rev. by G: Saintsbury. 1882-87. 13 v. Dunwoody, H. H. C. Weather proverbs. 1883. D'Urfey, T: New operas, with comical stories and poems. 1721.

Eden, C: H: Queer chums; being a narrative of a midshipman's adventures and escapes in eighteen hundred-and war time; illust. by W. H. Oberend. [18-]

"We may cordially recommend Mr. Eden's delightful book to parents who are not afraid of their boys be ing bitten with a love of the sea. There is a healthy, manly tone about it." Sat. rev., Oct. 29.

Fagan, L: Descriptive catalogue of the engraved works of W: Faithorne.

Firth, J. F. B. Reform of London goverment and of city guilds.

"The case for reform is well put. In the appendices he has collected some rather startling illustrations of the financial methods of the Metropolitan and other London Boards, and of the scandalous waste of the funds of several of the city companies." - Westminster review, Jan.

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Forsyth, Sir T: D. Autobiography and reminiscences; ed. by his daughter, [E. Forsyth]. "People sometimes find it difficult to understand why we should not, if so minded, leave India to the Indians. They cherish the belief that self-government is the one thing needful to ensure India's prosperity. study of the late Sir Douglas Forsyth's life might serve to illustrate some of the obstacles to a policy of that Besides performing with credit the ordinary duties of a civil officer, he displayed on more than a few occasions that faculty of right decision in a great emergency, and that still higher faculty of resolute action when the least sign of faltering would be fatal, without which the government of a country like India could hard y be carried on for a day."- St. James'8 budget, Feb. 11.



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Froude, J. A. The English in the West Indies; or, The bow of Ulysses; illust.

"Sadly inferior to his Oceana.' It is a rhetorical book, a book full of paradox, a book adverse to progress in the true as well as in the cant sense, and a book, which, did we not fear to be misunderstood, we should call atheistic in its teaching, and certainly antiChristian in its practical denial of the possibilities of the same advance in all men, whatever the colour of their skins. The text of Mr. Froude's gospel of despair is the inmate incapacity of the negro for self-government; but it is singular to observe how powerfully in parts of the book he contradicts himself. He could hardly have contradicted himself so often and so completely as he has if his book had been well arranged, or if it had had an index: but it is wanting both in index and in map. The repetitions are as disagreeable as the contradictions." Athenæum, Jan. 2.

Garnett, R: Life of T: Carlyle. (Great writers.) "A terse and very well-written book. Full of skilful compression, and as modest as it is discerning. Dr. Garnett is always impartial, is a wise friend, and the only grave fault we have to find with him is, that he agrees too much with Carlyle's arrogant and jerky transcendentalism to see its weakness and trace its mischievous effect on his own mind." Spectator, Sept. 10.


Geikie, C. The Holy Land and the Bible. 2 v. "The title reminds one of The Land and the Book.' And there is also considerable resemblance in the ain, plan, and execution. But there is more pious naïveté in the older writer's pages, more evidence of study and book learning in those of the younger. Geikie's production is by far less original, but much more systematic and complete. He can justly claim that all the country is brought before the reader from the extreme south to its northern limits. ... All Bible history is il lustrated, and almost repeated, in pointed analogies and contrasts. In a certain sense, the book is a Bible dictionary, made handy as such by its full index. And yet, it has the freshness of a book of travels." Mar. 15.

Gladden, W. Parish problems.


Glenn, S. W. Report on the tornado of Aug. 28, 1884, near Huron, Dakota. 1885.

Haldane, R. B. Life of Adam Smith. writers.)



"This well-intentioned, and in many respects wellexecuted monograph is a trifle dreary. The value of Mr. Haldane's volume lies in its being a clear and popu lar exposition of the doctrines in The wealth of ha tions,' and of the effect of these doctrines on the politi cal and mercantile history of the world." - Spectator, Νον. 5.

Hale, E: E. Life of G: Washington studied anew. Handbook of Rome and its environs. 1888. Hazlitt, W: C. Schools, school-books, and school


"It is a wholesome rule that when a writer quotes as serious history the forgery known by the name of Ingulf of Croyland he is forthwith dispensed from criticism; he is beyond criticism. This is the case with Mr. Hazlitt. He has, perhaps wisely, given no table of contents, and it seems hopeless to discover the method by which he has pasted together his excerpts. We are, however, grateful for the index. The prudent reader will peruse Mr. Hazlitt's quotations, and will probably agree with the note which Mr. Quaritch once put to a book in his catalogue: The author's conclusion should be carefully ignored.' Athenæum, Nov. 12.

Hitchman, F. Richard F. Burton; his early, private and public life, etc. 2 v.

"The object of the book is to show that Sir Richard Burton's career has been blighted;' that his contemporaries have not understood or appreciated him; that he is the victim of misrepresentation and prejudice; that he has lived six lives while other men were living one;' that he has been scandalously neglected and treated with cruel injustice by each successive Government,' etc. These unhappy volumes have left on us

an impression of pain and shame that a man of Sir Richard Burton's energy, courage, and hardihood, a man of his scholarly acquirements, a soldier, morcovertrained to habits of discipline, should, perhaps, without his own cognisance, and through the indiscreet zeal of the compiler of this book, be made to appear disre spectful and ungrateful, discontented with his lot, and perpetually whining after more rewards and honours and better paid posts." - Sat. rev., Jan. 28.

Hogan, J. F. The Irish in Australia.

"Following to some extent the lines of The Irish in America,' Mr. Hogan goes more into the beginning of things than did Mr. Maguire." He shows, not only that many Irishmen have done splendidly in Australia, but that of the great mass of Irish emigrants it may be affirmed they are all doing well. Of course his book will be popular with those of his own blood. They will enjoy his crisp, racy style. The very absence of authorities' of that apparatus of quotations will be a recommendation to many. He has assimilated his facts, and need not therefore be at the pains to show us how he came by them." II: Stuart Fagan in the Academy, Jan. 28.

"It is as warm hearted, as illogical, as deficient in the sense of proportion and strict accuracy, and as overflowing with generous clannishness, as Irish books, not of the worst class often are."- Sat. rev., Jan. 21. Hogg, J: London as it is; observations on the health, habits, etc., of the people. 1837. Honter, J: Rudimenta cosmographica. 1546. Horatius Flaccus, Q. Odes; Englished and imi

tated by various hands; sel. and arranged by C: W. F. Cooper. 1880.

Odes and carmen saeculare; tr. into Eng. verse by J: Conington. 1874.

Odes and epodes, tr. by W. Sewell. 1850. Poésies complètes, tr. par Batteux et F. Peyrard, avec le texte en regard. 1803. 2 v. Poetical translation of Works with orig. text and notes coll. from his commentators, by P. Francis. 1764. 4 v.

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