Slike stranica

tiny and an execution, a fight with savages and a rescue from sharks - these are but a few of the leading events in a tale of unflagging energy and unbroken interest." - Saturday rev., Jan. 7.

Pearson, K: Die Fronica; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Christusbildes im Mittelalter; [illust.] 1887.

"A valuable contribution towards the history of Christian iconography. Mr. Pearson has arranged his matter under six heads: (1) The evolution of the story. (2) The various versions and translations of the Salu-, tation of the Holy Face. (3) The office in its honour. (4) The indulgences attached to the Salutation. (5) Remarks on the representations of Christ in pictorial art. (6) A chronological list of those connected with Saint Veronica."-W. H. James Weale in the Academy, Nov. 12, 1887.

Pérard, -, and Bréchillet, E. Le retour de Bontemps, 1682.

Petit-Senn, J: Petrarca, F. Epistolae de rebus familiaribus et variae, cura J. Fracassetti. 1859-63. 3 v. Phillimore, W: P. W. Visitation of the county of Worcester, 1569, with other pedigrees relat ing to that county from R: Mundy's collection. (Harleian Soc. Pub.)

Bluettes et boutades. 1865.

Piatt, J: J. Idyls and lyrics of the Ohio Valley. Pierce, C: F. Souvenir of army life, 1862-63, Co.

C, 51st Mass. Reg. [1885.]

Piozzi, Mrs. H. L. S. T. Observations in a journey through France, Italy, and Germany. 1789 2 v.

Pitzipios-Bey, J. G. L'Orient; les réformes de l'Empire Byzantin. 1858.

Pococke, R. Travels through England, 1750, 51, and later years; ed. by J. J. Cartwright. Vol. 1. (Camden Soc.)

Pontmartin, A. A. J. M.. F., comte de.


d'un vieux critique. 1883-88. 9 v. Puech, A: Une ville au temps jadis ou Nimes à la

fin du 16e siècle. 1884.

Rhodes, M. J. His Holiness Pope Pius IX, and the

temporal rights of the Holy See, etc., 1859. Robinson, H. P. Picture making by photography.


The studio, and what to do in it. 1885. Russie, La, et la question d'Orient. 1860. Rylands, J: P. Disclaimers at the Heralds' Visi

tations; a list of persons who were disclaimed as gentlemen of coat-armour by the Heralds at the visitations of the various counties of England; with an introd. Sandeau, L. S. J. Mademoiselle de la Seiglière; comédie, with Eng. notes by F. Bôcher. [1865.] Sardou, V. Les pattes de mouche; comédie. 1885. Shakespeare, W: King Richard I.; the 1st

quarto, 1597; a facsimile by C: Prætorius
from the copy in the possession of H: Huth;
with introd. notice by W. A. Harrison.
3d quarto, 1608; a facsimile by C: Prætorius;
with introd. notice by W. A. Harrison.
Richard 11.; the 3d quarto, 1602; a facsimile
by C: Prætorius; with introd. notice by P.
A. Daniel.

Sinues de Marco, M. del P. Isabel. [1877.]
La vida real. 1884.

Soto, P: de. Assertio catholicae fidei circa articulos confessionis nomine Ducis Wirtenbergensis oblatae Concilio Tridentino, 1552. 1555. Spiers, R. P. Architectural drawing; pref. to the Amer. ed. by W: R. Ware. "Comprehensive, catholic, clear, and orderly. covers the whole field of draughtsmanship from office tracing and the preparation of working drawings to sketching in the field and rendering perspectives for competitions. The illustrations are of real value, being reproductions of drawings by architects who are exemplary."- Nation, Apr. 12.

Syrie, la, et l'alliance russe. 1860.


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Turner, D. illust. Vacquer, T.

Account of a tour in Normandy, etc.; 1820. 2 v.

Le Bois de Boulogne architectural; recueil des embellissements executés dans son enceinte et à ses abords, sous la direction de MM. Alphand et Davioud. 1860. Maisons les plus remarquables de Paris construites pendant les trois dernières années. [1863.]

Villedieu, E. Rome et les deux démocraties, 1861. Vincent, R., and Pénaud, E: Dictionnaire de droit international privé; législation, doctrine, jurisprudence francaises. 1887.

Ward, Mrs. H. Robert Elsmere. Wells, D: A. Relation of the tariff to wages. (Questions of the day.)

Whitman, W. Democratic vistas, and other papers. (Camelot series,)

"The book is valuable precisely because it is a faithful and self.willed record. It is a biography in poetry of the human soul of Whitman's own soul, ostensibly; really, of all souls for the experience of the individual is simply the exper ence of the race in miniature. That the record is self-willed is undeniable; and in these days when few persons dare to utter their own thought, while most are mere echoes, or at best, speak only when they are quite sure that their opinions are supported by precedent, surely the faithful, honest, uncompromising Whitman is a much needed teacher.”— Walter Lewin in the Academy, June 30. Whittier, J: G. Writings. Large paper ed. Wildridge, T: T. Holderness and Hullshire; historic gleanings; a portfolio of pictures, poetry, and prose. 1886. Wilkinson, W. T. Photo-engraving, photo-etching, and photo-lithography in line and halftone; also collotype and heliotype, rev. and enl. by E: L. Wilson.

2 v.

Wilson, E: L. American carbon manual. 1868. Wright, T: Early mysteries, and other Latin poems of the 12th and 13th centuries; ed. from the original mss. in the British Museum, etc. 1838.

Wycherley, W: W: Wycherley, ed. with introd., etc., by W: C. Ward. (Mermaid ser.)

About, E. F. V. Le Décaméron du Salon de pein

ture pour 1881.

Agassiz, A. E. R. Three cruises of the "Blake" in the Gulf of Mexico, etc., 1877-80. 2 v. "The field of work opened to naturalists by such surveys is of the greatest importance. The materials collected throw a flood of light on our knowledge of the conditions of animal life in deep water, and promise the most important general conclusions on terrestrial physics and geology. The second volume treats almost exclusively of marine animal life. There are a few points in the first volume to which attention may be especially directed. These are the conclusions of the author on the formation of coral reefs in general, and upon those of south Florida in particular; on the relations of the Gulf and Caribean fauna to those of the Atlantic and Pacific respectively; and on the factors influencing the distribution of deep water animals." Nation, June 7.

Arnold, E. L. England as she seems; selections from the notes of an Arab hadji,

"With Oriental eyes he looks at the curiosities of civilization, and tells his impressions in the style current in the countries of sand and camels. The pages of the little pamphlet crackle with fun." -Critic, Oct. 20.

[ocr errors]

Baines, E: The history of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster; biog. dept. by W. R. Whatton, add. [by] J: Harland and B. Herford; enl. ed., by J. Croston. Vol. 1. "An 'olla podrida' of the history of England is served up, and a running commentary on the part which Lancashire may have had'in the general course of events, is made to represent its particular county his. tory.... Mr. Croston has collected a number of facts concerning persons and places which are by no means valueless. In an appendix, also, he has added several trade lists, population abtracts, house and property as. sessments, electoral statistics, and so forth, which may prove useful hereafter. Nevertheless. Lancashire offers a subject of remunerative investigation." - Westminster repiero, March.

Barr, Mrs. A. E. H. Remember the Alamo.

"In Remember the Alamo' Mrs Barr has made the time when Texas won her independence of Mexico through blood, a charming bit of historically grounded romance." Critic, Nov. 3.

Baumbach, R. Summer legends; tr. by H.. B. Dole.

"Charming little fairy stories. These tales have had a wide circulation in Germany, which is not surprising, since they are full of the aroma of those forests where gnomes and fairies dwell. But he who loves a nineteenth-century barb for his magic arrow will find that too, in the pungent satire which Baumbach, as an observer of today, cannot escape, and as a poet of nature cannot help wrapping in field-flowers, wood-mosses, and mist-wreaths."- Nation, Aug. 9.


Bidpai. The earliest English version of the fables

of Bidpai, The morall philosophie of Doni, by Sir T: North; edited and induced by J. Jacobs.

"It may be broadly said that, of an ancient book an ancient translation is, on the whole, the pleasanter read. ing. The antiquated vernacular seems more in harmony with the sayings of the ancient Sages,' and preserves for us a flavour of the original that mostly evap orates in the modern (even if more exact) translation." -Saturday rev., July 7.

Bigelow, J. France and the Confederate navy,

1862-68; an international episode.

Blondel, A., and Mirabaud, P. Rodolphe Töpffer; l'écrivain, l'artiste, et l'homme. Illustré et suivi d'une bibliog. complète. 1886.

Bookworm, The; an illust. treasury of old-time literature.

Bosanquet, C. Logic; or, The morphology of knowledge. 2 v.


"We can hardly regard its general views as final, and should witness with horror what its own author, je modest enough to deprecate the stereotyping of it rigid and pedantic modes of speech; but we may say that no student of logic can read without intérest and profit the remarks on negation, or the fuller classification of judgments that replaces the usual bald and unsatisfactory division into particular and universal, or the chapter on hypothesis, as well as much besides." Athenæum, Aug. 25.

Boudon, R. L'Isthme de Suez et la question

d'Orient. Bradlee, C. D. Busteed, H. E.

1860. Sermons for all sects.

Echoes from old Calcutta. 2d

ed., enl. and illust.

"Valuable and entertaining,

lively." Saturday review, June 16.

[ocr errors]

instructive and

Carrau, L.: La philosophie religieuse en Angleterre,

depuis Locke jusqu'à nos jours.

"Deux études sont consacrées, l'une à M. Herbert Spencer et l'autre à M. Fr. ncis Ellingwood Abbot L'ouvrage se termine par une conclusion qui n'est point sans doute une théodicée,' mais qui ne contient pas moins en quelque pages de très précieuses indications sur la méthode, les principes, et les dogmes del philosophie religieuse." Rev. d. D. Mondes, Mar. 1. Cazin, Mme. J. Les petits montagnards; illust. 1886.

Chantrel, J. Rome devant la France, réponse à M. de La Guéronnière. 1861.

Clouston, W: A. The book of noodles; stories of simpletons; or, Fools and their follies.

"A handy amusing little volume, in which we only regret an occasional want of precison in the references." Saturday rev., June 30.

Cooke, J. P. The credentials of science the warrant of faith.

Corbin, D. F. M. Life of M. F. Maury.

"The history not only of a distinguished hydrogra. pher, but of an amiable aud good man." - Athenæum, July 21. Corroyer, E: L'architecture romane. (Bibl. de l'Enseign. des Beaux-Arts.)

Cossa, L: Taxation, its principles and methods, tr. with introd. by H. White, with a compilation of the state tax systems of N. Y. and Pennsylvania.

"If one may distinguish between the books that teach and the books that educate, Professor Cossa's belongs to the latter class. The author never dogmatizes, andnever attempts to suppress or belittle the arguments which weigh against his own conclusions. ... In making clear and distinct the outlines of his subject, his method is that of the anatomist, and not that of the art. ist. He dissects instead of portraying; and though he always cuts at the joint and never into the bone, it is only the scientific student who can appreciate and enjoy his work. The method of treatment is historical and statistical rather than mathematical." - Nation, June 21.


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Darwin, C: R. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle round the world under the command of Capt. Fitz Roy. New ed. 1887. Davis, A. M. The Indians and the border warfure of the Revolution.

De Mille, J. A strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder; illust. by G. Gaul.

"Written long before Rider Haggard's star rose on the literary horizon. The author is therefore exonerated from suspicion of plagiarism. Yet the adventures of the sailor cast away near the Antarctic circle have a close resemblance to those of Mr Haggard's heroes. The story is ingenious and well-written, and the evident satire on the ideas and guiding principles of known races gives it some intellectual interest."-Nation, Aug. 2.

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Dempster, C.. L. H. Ninette; an idyll of Pro

- vence.

"Every book of this author possesses distinction and charm in a greater or less degree, and to this rule Ninette' is not an exception. Full of charming bits of description." Spectator, Aug. 18. Diario delle feste per lo scoprimento della facciata di S. M. del Fiore e il centenario di Donatello. [1887.]

Du Bois-Melly, C: The history of Nicolas Muss; an episode of the massacre of St. Bartholomew; tr. from the French.

"M. C: du Bois Melly has woven out of an old. time episode in the Massacre of St. Bartholomew a new. time tale of which Stevenson might be proud."— Critic, July 14.

Durandeau, J. Théâtre de l'infanterie dijonnoise. 1887. 5 v.

"M. Durandeau poursuit avec perseverance, avec opiniatreté, la tache qu'il s'est imposée de ressusciter le passé littéraire de la Bourgogne." -Revue bleue, 21


Emerton, E. Introduction to the study of the

[ocr errors]

Middle Ages, 375-814.

"It is Mr. Emerton's great merit that he has carefully defined his field of labor, limiting himself to just these centuries and for the most part to just three points of view the way in which the German nationality took possession of the Empire, the way in which the Christ. ian Church took possession of society, and the way in which a new type of government was evolved, to ineet the needs of a new type of society. The book is distinctively a guide to students, not a final and complete account of its subject, although as a history it has high merit and a certain completeness within its limits." Nation, Sept. 13.

Empereur Napoléon 1, L', et l'Italie. 1859. Etheredge, Sir G: Works; ed. with notes and introd. by A. W. Verity.

Falloux, A. F: P:, comte de. Mémoires d'un royaliste. 2 v.

"Taking literary and intellectual ability together with excellence of character, and adding the advantages of station and general accomplishment, M. de Falloux was not far from being the the best man that the Royalist party in France has had to show since Chateaubriand." Saturday review, Feb. 11.

[blocks in formation]

Ford, P. L. Pamphlets on the Constitution of the U. S.. pub. during its discussion by the people 1787-88; with notes and a bibliog. Gerbet, O. P., l'abbé. De la papauté, en réponse à l'écrit intitulé, Le pape et le congrès. 1860. Guthrie, F. A. (pseud. F. Anstey). Burglar Bill; and other pieces for the young reciter; with introd, and stage directions. Haggard, H. R. Maiwa's revenge; or, The war of the little hand.

"We can imagine only one unfavorable criticism to be passed by a competent critic. For so small a book it may be thought that the purely sporting adventure of the opening bears rather disproportionate relation in point of size to the actual story of the revenge of Maiwa. When it fills fully one-half of a booklet of two hundred pages, it looks, tho for a different reason, as' unekal' as the glass of grog in which the rum did not fill an equal space with the water. We do not know that, even in the book that first made him popular, Mr. Haggard has done better work."- Sat. rev., Aug.


Mr. Meeson's will.

"The blemishes in this small book are legion; yet in spite of them, the author has given us a bright little piece of drollery." Critic, June 30.

Hamilton, J. A. Life of Daniel O'Connell. (Statesmen ser.)

"Mr. Hamilton is not a philosophical biographer of the order of Mr Lecky, whose sketch of O'Connell in his Leaders of public opinion in Ireland' is probably the truest estimate of him that has yet been framed; nor is he a picturesque biographer of the stamp of Mr. Carlyle. He does not even minutely survey the politi cal controversies in which O'Connell was engaged, as Mr. Shaw Lefevre has done in his work on Peel and O'Connell. But he has compiled a workmanlike chronological narrative, into which the intelligent reader may fit his own inferences and conclusions, or out of which, if he be imaginatively given, he may frame his own pictures." Sut. rev., June 16. Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus. The divine Pymander; tr. from the Arabic by Dr. Everard (1650); with introd. and prelim. essay by H. Jennings. 1884.

Hewes, F. W. Citizen's atlas of American politics, 1789-1888; colored maps and charts. Higginson, T: W. Travellers and outlaws; episodes in American history; with an appendix of authorities.

Horsford, E. N. Discovery of America by North-
men; address at the unveiling of the statue
of Leif Eriksen, Oct. 29, 1887.
Howells, W: D. A sea-change; or, Love's stow-
away; a lyricated farce.

Hugo, V: M., comte. Notre-Dame de Paris.
(Library ed.)
Ingram, J: K.

2 v.

A history of political economy. "Many hard things have been said of political economy, but it is doubtful if anything could be more depressing to the disengaged mind than Mr. Ingram's succinct and useful review of the subject. The book itself is accurate in statement, and as a summary of the growth and development of economic theories, is fairly inclusive, and without bias." Sat. rev., July 7.

James, H: The reverberator.

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(Trubner's oriental ser.)

"Mr. Knowles is a most intelligent and industrious collector of folk-tales. The collection is an excellent one. The tales are with one or two trifling excep. tions highly entertaining. W.A. Clouston in the Academy, Apr. 28. Lacordaire, J: B. H: D., l'abbé. De la liberté de l'Italie et de l'Eglise. 1860. Lécrivain, C: Le sénat romain depuis Dioclétien à Rome et à Constantinople. (Athens. Ecole Fr. Bibl.)

Lescure, M. F. A. de. La nouvelle question d'Orient. 1860.

Le Tac, S., père, Recollect. Histoire chronologique de la Nouvelle France ou Canada, 15041632, pub. par E. Réveillaud.

"Publiée pour le première fois, d'après le manuscript original de 1639 et accompagnée de notes et d'un appendice tout composé de documents originaux et inédits." Levi, P. L'elogio della pazzia; der Ring des Nibelgunen. 1883.

"Il s'agit de la tétralogie' de Wagner. Lisez donc : je vous promets une demi-heure de joie." — Bibl. univ., août, 1883.

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Longfellow, H: W. Nuremberg; illust. with photogravures by the Gebbie & Husson Co. Madden, R: R. History of the penal laws enacted against Roman Catholics. 1847. Maimon, S. Autobiography; tr., with add. and notes, by J. C. Murray.


"It is certainly, as Dr. Clark Murray himself observes, a very strange thing that this fascinating piece of autobiography, which has been in existence something like ninety years should never have been translated into English till now. An English translation as pure and lively as if it were an original, and an original by a classic English writer. The one charming aspect of this autobiography is the generosity which Maimon so often experienced at the hands of his richer Jewish acquaintances and friends, a generosity which he repaid by the most frank and cordial gratitude. Otherwise, this most vivid picture of a wasted life is one of almost unrelieved gloom." Spectator, May 12. Maréchal, M.. Hôtel Woronzoff. Martel, Mme. la comtesse de, (pseud. Gyp). Pauvres p'tites femmes !!!


Mathieu, l'abbé D. L'ancien régime dans la province de Lorraine et Barrois, d'après des documents inédits, 1698-1789. 1879. Matthey, A. (pseud. A. Árnould). 189. H. 981; suite et fin du Billet de mille. "Interesting." — Saturday review, Mar. 10. Maupassant, G. de. Clair de lune. Morris, W: Signs of change; 7 lectures.


"Mr. Morris, like the wanderers whose illusions and sufferings and failure he told in noble verse, has himself set out in search of an earthly paradise. Like them having passed through much affliction, he would find if he had his way, that he had arrived at a place very dif ferent from that of his dreams. He might find himself in an earthly inferno. He describes a state of things which does not exist, and proposes, as a cure for it a state of things which could not possibly exist." Sat. rev., May 19.

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Payn, J. The eavesdropper. (Franklin Sq. lib.) Pearson, K: The ethic of free thought; a selection of essays and lectures.

"A manifesto by an able, straightforward, and cultivated man on behalf of a Freethought' which as developed in these essays, includes atheism, socialism, and free love. Finally, the object of the book is distinctly declared to be not destructive, but regenerative and synthetical to deduce rational enthusiasm and a possible basis of morals.' While taking serious exception to every essay, almost to every page, we by no means wish to speak in a tone of mere disparagement or dislike. We have seldom seen so much real promise combined with so little of valuable performance; and if Mr. Pearson will abandon his Ishmealitish attitude and manage to believe that other men love truth as well as he- if he will take the hint which he gives to Mr. Gladstone, and learn before he teaches; and the hint which he gives to Mr. Dollinger, and keep clear in history of polemical bias; and the hint which he gives to Professor Stokes, and avoid logical fallacies based on erroneous extention of terms,' - if he will accomplish as he purposes some laborious and exact historical labour, and will then in a calmer mood express the con. clusions of a longer experience we can believe that his fearless voice may intervene to useful purport in some of the practical problems of our time." — Athe næum, Apr. 21.

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Phillott, Rev. H: W. Hereford. (Diocesan histories.)

"Mr. Phillott's chapters on the Hereford Use, and the Lollards impart a local colour. Excellent addition to this most useful series." — · Athenæum, July 14. Pie, L. F. D. E:, Bp. of Poitiers. Mandement au sujet des accusations contre le Souverain Pontife, etc., dans La France, Rome, etc., par A. de La Guéronnière. 1861. Poole, S. L., and others. The story of Turkey. (The story of the nations.)

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Largely made up of shreds and patches. Mr. Poole, its ostensible author, acknowledges in his preface that he owes three chapters and some more besides to Mr. Gibb, and an unknown quantity of matter on a ' part of the subject less familiar to Mr. Gibb, and myself,' to Mr. Gilman the universal genius of the series. Besides the contributions he has made many and long cuttings from Gibbon, Finlay, Knolles, Creasy, and the English translation of Schinner's Two sieges of Vienna. book made up in this fashion is naturally ill propor. tioned, and unsatisfactory." —- Saturday review, July




Poole, W. F., and Fletcher, W: I. Poole's index to periodical literature; the 1st supplement, Jan. 1882 to Jan. 1887.

Rives, A. Virginia of Virginia.

"The promise displayed in A brother to dragons,' is fully realized in this story. Through it Miss Rives takes a prominent place among onr novelists as a delineator of character. Virginia Herrick, the overseer's daughter, is a new study, full of power and pathos." Rolfe, E. N. Pompeii, popular and practical. Rome et Constantinople. 1860.

Russell, W. C. The frozen pirate.

"The discovery and thawing of the buccaneer is a stroke of genius in a story that is compact of fire and spirit." Saturday rev., May 19.

Sinues de Marco, M. del P.

amargas. 1882.

Verdades dulces y

Smith, C. Address on the commercial value of ideas and physical facts, before the Commercial Club of Boston, Jan. 21, 1888.

Smith, J: C. The culmination of the science of logic; with synopses of all possible valid forms of categorical reasoning in syllogisms of both three and four terms.

Steel, A. G., and Lyttleton, Hon. R. H. Cricket; with contributions by A. Lang [and others]. (Badminton libr.)

"For the first time the intricacies of the game are both practically and theoretically discussed by writers most of whom are themselves masters of it in all the details." Athenæum, July 21. Stephanopoli, N: de, prince Commène. Le deux grandes perturbations sociales recommencées en Orient et en Occident, etc. 1860. Stockton, F. R. Amos Kilbright; his adscititious experiences; with other stories.

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Contents. Amos Kilbright. всаре. Dusky philosophy. Plain fishing. Strachan, Capt J: Explorations and adventures in New Guinea.

"The statements every where throughout the book are so loose and unsatisfactory, and what are claimed as additions to geographical knowledge are so speculative, that they can be accepted only with the greatest reserve, especially the latter, as the author has omitted to afford us any means of testing how his positions have been fixed or his distances computed."- Athenæum, Oct. 27.

Temple, Lady D. O. Letters to Sir W: Temple, 1652-54, ed. by E. A. Parry.

"Written during her long and romantic engagement with Sir W: Temple; they not only tell a very interesting old-world love story, but give a complete and accurate picture of the social life of the aristocracy of the seventeenth century. With photographs and facsimiles of autographs." — Academy, Apr. 28.

Terrell, W: G. An appeal to the American people as a jury; speeches on the tariff in the U: S. House of Reps. in the great debate, Apr. 17 May 19, 1888.

Thomas, Venerable D: R: St. Asaph. (Diocesan histories.)

Toussenel, A. Les juifs rois de l'époque; histoire de la féodalité financière. 2 v.

Ulbach, I.: La Csárdás; notes et impressions d'un Français en Autriche, en Hongrie, en Roumainie, én Angleterre, en Suisse, en Belgique, en Hollande, en France.

Unité italienne, L', devant la France et devant l'Eu

rope. 1860.

Valdés, A. P. El quarto poder. 2 v. Varin, P. Le Rhin à propos de la question d'Orient. 1860.

Vater, J. S. Untersuchungen über Amerika's Bevölkerung aus dem alten Kontinente. 1810. Veitch, W:, and Brysson, G: Memoirs; written by themselves; with narratives illust. of the hist. of Scotland; added, biog. sketches and notes by T: M'Crie. 1825.

Verestchagin, A. At home and in war, 1853-81; tr. by I.. F. Hapgood.

"Remarkable book, dashed off with the freedom and frankness of a Russian soldier." Critic, Sept. 15. Ward, Mrs. H. Miss Bretherton. 1884. Whistler, J. A. M'N. "Ten o'clock."

"Brilliant and pungent wit, wisdom salted with paradox, and reason spiced with eccentricity; truths and semi-truths, admirable propositions, and questionable inferences. Much that Mr Whistler has to say about the primary requisites, and the radical conditions of art is not merely sound and solid good sense as well as vivid and pointed rhetoric, it is a message very specially needed by the present generation of students in art or letters. Those only who have laid it to heart may be permitted to point out that it is not all the truth; that it is by no manner of means an exhaustive and complete statement of the capacities and the duties, the ob jects and the properties of creative or imaginative art. It is a cruel but an inevitable Nemesis which re duces even a man of real genius, keen-witted, and sharp. sighted, to the level of the critic Jobson, to the level of the dotard and the dunce, when paradox is discoloured by personality and merriment is distorted by malevolence."- Algernon Charles Swinburne in the Fort nightly review, June 1.

Wines, E. C. The state of prisons and of childsaving institutions in the civilized world. 1880. Woodgate, W. B. Boating; with introd. by E. Warre and a chapter on rowing at Eton, by R. H. Mason. (Badminton lib.) "Fully equal to the volumes which have preceded it both in interest and completeness. A learned introduction by the Rev. E. Warre of Eaton deals with Greek and Roman rowing, with biremes, and triremes, and quinqueremes. Elaborate tables give the results of all the inipor tant races in England from 1880 to the present time, and nothing has been left undone to present an adequate history of the growth of scientific rowing." Nation, July 5.


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