Slike stranica

Adams, Rev. H: C. the war with 1887. "There is only one complaint to make about it though that, to be sure, is one to which all histories of the Jews are liable it is undoubtedly, in parts, monoto. nous. About three-fourths of such histories are accounts of persecutions and sufferings. Full half of these deal with onslaughts provoked by false charges trumped up for the occasion. In most of the cases the real culprit is discovered, and the innocent sufferers are not only not indemnified, but they are practically told to go and sin no more. Until we get the whole case stated frankly and dispassionately, as it is by Mr. Adams, no one can rightly understand how irredeemably barbarous has been the treatment of the Jews at the hands of their Christian brethren their patient forbearance, their dignity, their forgiving spirit, their love of their adopted countries, their sense of gratitude for the favours of simple humanity. The author lays both Jews and Gentiles under a great obligation: he has written what should become a standard' popular book." - P. A. Burnett in the Academy, Apr. 14.

History of the Jews; from
Rome to the present time.

Alexandre Dumas roi de Naples. 1860.
Annexion de la Savoie et du comté de Nice. 1860.
Arundel Soc. Chromolithographs. 1888. S. George

baptising the princess Cleodolinda and her father; after the picture by Carpaccio in the Church of S. Giorgio dei Schiavoni at Venice. Bancroft, H. H. California inter pocula; a review of some classical abnormities.

Bates, A. The Philistines.

Bates, Mrs. H.. L. V. and A. Prince Vance; the story of a prince with a court in his box. Bell, C. F. M. From Pharaoh to fellah; illust. by G: Montbard.

Besant, W. Dorothy Forster. 1884.

2 v.

"In Mr. Besant's new and delightful story, but few of the rules which he laid down in his Lecture on the art of fiction' are observed. The novel is none the worse for this; and we are willing to pardon the author's theories, provided that he always departs from them so much to our satisfaction as in the present instance." - Spectator, July 19, 1884.

"Mr. Besant's ability has never before been shown so conspicuously. He has made his heroine tell the story of Lord Derwentwater, and the Northumbrian rising in 1715, and every word of it may be read with unflagging interest, in spite of the extraordinary amount of family history and local detail worked into it." Athenæum, June 14, 1884.

The world went very well then. Bevan, W: L. St. David's. (Diocesan histories.)

"His main point is that the work of the Church in the diocese has been, historically speaking, hampered at least as much by poverty as by the difficulty of the language. The process of approximation and fusion between the Welch and Anglican churches is skilfully sketched, and the origin and growth of the Dissenting bodies traced with care and scrupulous moderation." Athenæum, July 14.

Blake, M.. E.., and Sullivan, M. F. Mexico; pic

turesque, political, progressive.

"Miss Sullivan's historical sketch is rapid, and tells an old story. Its more valuable features are the contemporaneous survey of the Mexican estate, including statistics, educational facilities, ecclesiastical affairs, and revMrs. Blake's account of her Mexican excursion is fascinating. We have read no descriptions of the land, its cities, its people, its antiquities, which compare with these for charm, and for graphic power." - Literary world, Aug. 18.


Boetticher, A. Die Akropolis von Athen; [illust.]

"This book supplies a long felt want. It is 34 years since the first and best edition of Beule's 'L'Acrople d'Athenes' was published, and although successive ex

cavations have put that further and further behind the times, it has still remained the best handbook of the Acropolis ever written. The second edition which appeared 8 years later contained merely the substance of the first in inore condensed and popular form, and was therefore of less value to scholars. Boetticher's book lacks the brilliancy of Beule's; it has none of the fine descriptions which made that book such attractive read. ing, and it is not calculated, like that, to inspire enthusiasm for the subject in the mind of him who does not already feel it; but those who go to the book simply for information, to learn what archæologists of the highest standing know and think about the Acropolis to-day, will not be disappointed. The skill with which he has stated the gist of a whole library of essays will save students an enormous amount of unnecessary reading." Nation, Apr. 5.

Boissarie, R. Droit romain; des formes du testament romain. Droit français; de la notion de l'ordre public en droit international privé. Thèse pour le doctorat.

Bolton, H. C. The counting-out rhymes of children; their antiquity, origin, and wide distribution; a study in folk-lore.

"His object has been to show that the use of rhymes and doggerels for counting-out obtains among children in all countries; that the customs perpetuated in their juvenile games are of great antiquity; and that they originate in the superstitious practices of divination by The interesting part of the book consists in the collection of over eight hundred specimens of counting-out from different parts of Europe, Asia, and America."- Athenæum, Sept. 1.


Bonham, J: M. Industrial liberty.

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"The author is in the main a disciple of Herbert Spencer, and opposes all laws that interfere in any way with industrial operations except for the purpose of maintaining justice and preserving the peace. The special objects of his antagonism are corporations, the protective tariff, and the public schools. The general principles of industrial liberty as laid down by Mr. Bonham are sound and of great importance.". Critic, Sept. 1.

Bonnetain, P. Bontoux, E.

Le nommé Perreux. L'union générale, sa vie, sa mort,

son programme.

Bourinot, J: G:

Manual of the constitutional history of Canada, to 1888; including the British North America Act, 1867, and a digest of judicial decisions on questions of legisla lative jurisdiction.

"Contains an exposition of the details and the working of the present system, with an interesting account of what preceded it. An enlarged and improved form of those parts of his larger book [Parliamentary practice and procedure in Canada] which are required for the study of political science at the university of Toronto." Nution, Oct. 18.

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Butler, S: Ex voto; account of the Sacro Monte, or New Jerusalem at Varallo-Sesia.


"This singular book with its vivid descriptions, its strange and fascinating illustrations, its startling ideasamounting often to discoveries and new departures in the world of religious art its criticism, full of knowl edge and originality, if also of a certain mocking spirit which destroys the effect of it for some minds, book with all its peculiarities, is certainly a striking contribution to literature of the kind, and will be an authority on the past and present history of such places as Varallo. Perhaps the oddest and most original thing in a book full of originalities and oddities is the photograph in which Mr. Butler and Stefano Scotto, Guadenzio Ferrari's old master stand side by side. To visitors to Varallo this book will probably in future be indispensable; as regards the chapels, their artists,

and their aesthetic history it is a most complete guide. We can only hope that those who study it will have wit and wisdom to gather the wheat for their own needs, and to cast the tares away."- Spectator, Aug. 4. Carr, L. Missouri; a bone of contention. (Amer. commonwealths.)


"While not professedly a defense, is in effect a strong statement of the position occupied by a great border state under the strain of the slavery contest. real contribution not only to our knowledge of Missouri but also to our understanding of what may be called the borderland mind."-Atlantic, August. Castille, H. Le pape et l'encyclique. 1860. Chadwick, W. I. The magic lantern manual; illust. 1886.

Clark, J: B. Capital and its earnings. (Amer. Econ. Assoc.)

Clemens, S. L. (pseud. Mark Twain).

Mark Twain's library of humor; illust. by E. W. Kemble.

Cockburn, Lord H: T: Circuit journeys.

"Very interesting and enjoyable as a picture of Scotland; it is still more valuable as a reflection of its author's mind."— W: Wallace in the Academy, Aug. 18. Coffin, Rev. P. Sermon, Aug. 15, 1762, in Narra

ganset No. 1, now Buxton, Me.; and an address there Aug. 15, 1886, by Cyrus Wood


Coleridge, H. Poems; with a memoir by his brother. 1851. 2 v.

Coolidge, S. What Katy did next.
Couat, A. La poésie Alexandrine sous les trois

premiers Ptolémées, 324-222 av. J. C. 1882. Curtis. W: E. The capitals of Spanish America. Illust.


"Mr. Curtis has got together much interesting information. For a half hour's skipping reading, the book with the help of the numerous illustrations would be fitted to almost all tastes. But beyond that it does not seem to us to go. If the reader expects to get either a good descripton of the cities, or a satisfactory account of the history of the countries and the habits of the peoples, he will be disappointed." Nation, Oct. 4. Daly, J. B. Ireland in '98; sketches of the principal men of the time.

Daudet, E. Henriette. 1887.
Denslow, V. B. Principles of the economic phi-

losophy of society, government, and indus-

"Upon the whole, we can sincerely commend this volume as containing the very best exposition of protectionism, its theory and its facts, its animus and its methods, that is now in existence or that is likely to be produced." Nation, Sept. 20. Dickinson, J., and others. A winter picnic; the

story of a four month's outing in Nassau, told in the letters, journals, and talk of four picnicers. (Leisure hour ser.) Dumesnil, H: Troyon; souvenirs intimes. Dupanloup, F. A. P., Bp, of Orléans. Réponse à M. le baron Mobrogiuer. 1860.

Durrie, D. S. Supplement to Bibliographia genealogica Americana; an alphabetical index to American genealogies and pedigrees. Everett, C: C. Poetry, comedy, and duty.

"The whole matter is treated lucidly, and with a certain unity running through it. Little claim for real originality would be made for the substance of the volume, although the author's mind plays freely about the material which his scholarship has provided him with. A clear and precise method of developing his subject,

the absence of all dogmatism and controversy from his manner, the extreme conscientiousness of his thinking are the distinguishing qualities of his work," - Nation, Oct. 11.

Falloux, A. F: P:, comte de.

Antécédents et con

séquences de la situation actuelle. 1860. Ferrari, J. L'annexion des Deux-Siciles. 1860. Fitzgerald, P. H. Life of Mrs. Catherine Clive;

with an account of her adventures on and off the stage, a round of her characters, [and] her correspondence.

"Her fame has lasted bright and clear to modern times, and will be brighter and clearer now that she has Sat. found a pleasant and competent biographer.". rev., Aug. 25.

Flinn, F. M. Campaigning with Banks in Louisiana, '63 and '64, and with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley in '64 and '65.

France en Syrie, La. 1860.

Francis, F., Jr. Saddle and mocassin. 1887.
Gildehaus, C: Plays.

Contents. Sibyl.- Telemachus. - Eneas.
Glatron, G.


"Une œuvre délicate et distinguée, et où entre beaucoup d'observation, sans que l'auteur en fasse le moindre fracas."

Grant, R. Jack in the bush; or, A summer on a salmon river.

Greely, A. W. American weather; a popular exposition of the phenomena of the weather; incl. chapters on hot and cold waves, blizzards, hailstorms, and tornadoes. Greey, E: A brief history of Japanese bronze; illust. by T. Willing; [added a catalogue of the Japanese bronzes in the art gallery of G., established 1881.]

Grey, A., and Fremantle, Canon W: H. Church


Gronow, Capt. R. H. Anecdotes of celebrities of London and Paris; added [his] last recollections. New ed. 1870.

Hannington, J. Last journals; narratives of a journey through Palestine, 1884, and through Massai-Land and U-Soga.

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"An exceedingly interesting volume the comple ment to a certain extent of the editor's biography of Bp. Hannington, The final journal occupies about onehalf of the present volume, and sets forth the events of the eventful and fatal voyage from Kisulutini to the northern shores of Victoria Nyanza. Despite the anxi. eties and trials of the voyage, and the dreary wastes of desert traversed, the cheerful tone of the traveller's note-book is remarkable, and adds not a little to the pa thos of the last eight days." Sat. rev., July 14. Havard, H. La Hollande pittoresque; les Frontières menacées; voyage dans les provinces de Frise, Groningue, Drenthe, Overyssel, Gueldre et Limbourg; avec une préf. par E. Levasseur. 1877.

Hawkins, F: The French stage in the 18th century. 3 v.

"The period he describes was in many respects interesting and remarkable. The career of Voltaire is necessarily included. Beaumarchais produced the 'Barbière de Séville' in 1775, and the Mariage de Figaro in in 1784; and a brilliant constellation of players whose reputations are still bright aided in building up and strengthening the celebrity of the House. Mr. Hawkins has bestowed no small amount of diligence on his task. He is an enthusiast on behalf of the Comédie, and has produced a narrative which leaves untold few incidents

of importance which occurred during the years whose history he traces. Enthusiasm goes for much, and the author is not without a certain competence, though his literary style has its faults and weaknesses." -Sat. rev., June 16.

Henslow, Rev. G:

The origin of floral structures through insect and other agencies. (Int. sci. ser.)

"The work is full of facts and deductions; but the two are studiously kept separated so that the reader may reject the one and accept the other as he pleases.

[ocr errors]

Mr. Henslow pursues the fascinating theme of structural change at considerable length, and it forms one of the most interesting and suggestive parts of his book; moreover, it directly leads up to his conclusion, which is that the modifications from the original floral type are direct result of insect visitations. The insects come for pollen or honey, and by their weight, pressure, or thrusts they stimulate the protoplasm, and bring about the changes of which we now see the results. Hence on this theory it is the insect which unconsciously determines what the shape of the flower shall be, not the flower which adapts itself for its own purposes to receive, and profit by the visit of the insect."-Athenaeum, Aug. 18.

Hill, H. A: Boston's trade and commerce for 40 years, 1844-84.

Houssaye, H:


"Not a mere piece of rhetorical writing, but a mass of facts drawn from official reports and letters in the National Archives, the Archives of Foreign Affairs, and of War, from the memoirs and correspondence of persons of weight, etc. It is written with animation and spirit, although in the fashion of the day, it is excessively documenté,' and it is always clear and easy to read, although its abundant materials are compressed and crowded upon each other, sometimes to almost as great an extent as would have been done by M. Taine himself." Nation, June 7.

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Juvigny, L: de. King, Capt. C: King, Miss G..

L'Occident en Orient. 1860.
The Colonel's daughter. 1887.
Monsieur Motte.

"The author has learned to write with the force, precision, and grace which make style, and which are qualities indispensable for the attainment of rank in the literature of any language. She totally discards the dialects, verbal corruptions, jargon, which have been reproduced or invented by her confrères with such as. tonishing facility. She sketches phases of creole life in Louisiana in easy intelligible English, relying for her local color on careful description, and on a thoughtful and sympathetic interpretation of the spirit of a race which she thoroughly understands. The book has a personality, and a rarely versatile and charming one. It is strong and tender, merry and sad, refined, yet not falsely delicate or squeamish. It has above all, that preeminent feminine grace which women so seldom bear with them into the kingdom of letters." - Nation, Aug. 2.

King, H: Savage London; lights and shadows of

riverside character and queer life in London dens.

"Every page bears witness to the author's familiarity with the scenes he describes. The eight studies from wretchedness here brought together are stirring, pathetic, and vivid narratives of life amid what may be called the ooze of civilisation, all are honest and manly transcripts from such depths of poverty as not one in a thousand of us even guessed at." - W: Sharp in the Academy, Mar. 17.

La Fontaine, J: de. Euvres complètes; pub. [avec] notes et un lexique, par C. Marty-Laveaux. Vol. 1. 1863.

La Varenne, C: de. La révolution sicilienne et l'expédition de Garibaldi. 1860.

Liessegang, P. E. A manual of the carbon process of permanent photography, and its use in making enlargements, etc.; tr., from the 6th rev. Germ. ed., by R. B. Marston. 1878. McClelland, M. G. Madame Silva. The pecu.

"Mme. Silva is a' healer' or adept.'

liar theories of various systems of healing are introduced, and Mme. Silva and her evil genius and coworker appear in several uncanny scenes."

Macdonald, G: The elect lady.

[ocr errors]

Though slight in construction, full of matter for consideration." Athenæum, July 21.

Mackay, C: Dictionary of Lowland Scotch; with introd. chapter on the poetry, humour, and literary history of the Scottish language, and an appendix of Scottish proverbs. Mackenzie, Sir M. The fatal illness of Frederick the Noble.

McMaster, J: B., and Stone, F: D.


and the Federal constitution, 1787-88. Mariager, P: Pictures of Hellas; 5 tales of ancient Greece; tr. from the Danish by M. J. Spofford.



Contents Zeus Hypsistos. The sycophant. hetacria. Too happy. - Lycon with the big hand. "We can recommend them primarily as a story supplement to Professor Mahaffy's volume on the social life of ancient Greece, and only secondarily as tales of hu man passion." - Literary world, Aug. 4. Martirologio romano, dato in luce per ordine di Gregorio XIII, etc., aument. e corr. da Benedetto XIV. 1886.

"Contains a complete list of the saints to the present time." Nation, July 21, 1887.

Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E. B. The fatal three.


"The story is decidedly thinner than her stories are wont to be; and it is not told in her usual direct and straightforward manner, but by a series of harkings back to the antecedents of this or that situation, which is a little tantalising. When one considers what the novel of the period generally is, even the mildest depreciation of a book like The fatal three' seems like quarrelling with one's mercies." James Ashcroft Noble in the Academy, Aug. 18. Mendès, C. Grande-Maguet.

"Deux romans juxtaposés: l'un qui secoue les nerfs violemment et dont M. Mendès a du sourire en l'écri vant; l'autre rare et distingué, du Catulle Mendès des meilleurs jours.". Revue bleue, 20 juin.

Naples et le Piémont. 1860.

Nutt, A. Studies on the legend of the Holy Grail; with especial reference to the hypothesis of its Celtic origin. (Folk Lore Soc.) "These charming studies consist in part of the author's own views of the origin of the legend and his reasoning in support of those views, and in part of a copious array of data on which he builds, and on which other students may build for themselves if they disapprove of the structure which he has achieved. The book, besides being highly readable, is the most important contribution to the literature of the Grail legend which has been made for many years.". Athenæum, Sept. 15.


Ongania, F. La basilica di San Marco in Venezia

illustrata. [Chromo-lithographs, etc.] 18 v. Oxford University. Honours register of the University of Oxford; a record of the university honours and distinctions to the end of Trinity Term 1883.

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Up to the middle of the second volume this was em phatically a book to be written, and Mr. Wemyss Reid was the man to write it. The events of 1880-82 have been treated without that impartiality that true biography demands. Nothing can be better than Mr. Reid's account at the beginning of his book of his reasons for writing it; but he should have stopped resolutely at 1880, and have said that the time had not yet come for revealing the inner life of the Cabinet of 1880-82. The work is largely political." -Athe

næum, July 14. Romagna. Le gouvernement des Romagnes aux puissances de l'Europe [mémoire, etc.]. 1860. Rose, G: (pseud. Arthur Sketchley). The Brown papers. 1866-70. 2 v.

Russell, W: C. The mystery of the "Ocean Star;" a collection of maritime sketches. "Contains some two dozen miscellaneous papers on all kinds of marine subjects. The sketch from which the volume gets its title is a very pretty little surprise, and The extraordinary adventures of a chief mate,' which follows it is a good match," - Spectator, Oct. 6.

Rye, W.


Records and record searching.

"Not so much an antiquarian work as a guide to
those who are about to become antiquaries.
A very
useful part of the book is a list of the fees payable, and
regulations to be observed in all the libraries and offices
wherein the record hunter pursues his prey."-
rev., May 12.

Sanuto, M., il giovane. I diarii, 1496-1533. 1879-
87. 18 v.
Saunders, W. H. B.

Sime, J.

Legends and traditions of

Life of Johann Wolfgang Goethe. (Great writers.)

"Mr Simes's memoir, short as it is, shows the knowledge of the special student and the taste and feeling of an accomplished scholar." St. James's budget, Aug.


Stephens, W: R: W. Hildebrand and his times.

"It is a good sound monograph, clearly written, and with some measure of sympathy with the great man with whom it deals in its main portion. Mr. Stephens takes in the whole period from the pontificate of Bene. dict IX, in 1033 till that of Calixtus II, the closing scene of the book being the ratification of the Concordat of Worm in the Lateran Council of 1125; and he prefaces his narrative with a survey of the political and ecclesiastical position from the fall of the Western Empire to the date at which his special subject begins." — Academy, Aug. 25.

Stillé, C: J.
Beaumarchais and "The lost million."
Stuart, J. A. E. The Brontë country; its topog-
raphy, antiquities, and history; [illust.]

Sweet, H: History of the English sounds from the earliest period.


"Thoroughly worthy of his well-known ability and scholarship. It will probably long continue to be the most perfect existing handbook of English phonology. The basis of Mr. Sweet's method of soundnotation is his own modification of Mr. Bell's Visible speech." Athenæum, July 28. Tableau général du commerce de l'Europe avec l'Afrique, les Indes Orientales, et l'Amérique fondé sur les traités de 1763 et 1783. 1787. Tchihatchef, P: Nouvelle phase de la question d'Orient. 1860. What to do? thoughts evoked by the census of Moscow; tr. by I. F. Hapgood. 1887. Valori, H: de, prince de. mont. 1860.

Tolstoi, Count L. N.

L'Autriche et le Pié

La pape et la confédération italienne. 4e éd. 1860.

Une triple alliance contre l'Angleterre, l'Isla-
misme, et la révolution. 1860.

Verney, Lady F. P. N. How the peasant owner
lives in parts of France, Germany, Italy,
Mémoires et corre-

Villéle, J: B. S. J., comte de.

spondance. T. 1.

Walford, L.. B. A mere child. (Leisure hour ser.)

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"A very excellent book, a valuable addition to the history of English public works. We have only one fault to find with this valuable record, and that is that it tells us nothing as to the cost of this difficult work."- Atheneum, Aug. 20. Whitworth, Lord, and others. England and Na

poleon in 1803; despatches printed from originals in the record office; ed. by Oscar Browning.

"The volume forms a valuable contribution to the historical literature of the time, and the more so as printed sources of information relating to the causes which led to the breach of the treaty of Amiens are few and scanty."— B. M. Gardiner in the Academy, Aug. 18. Wilde, O.

The happy prince and other tales; illust. by W. Crane and J. Hood. "The gift of writing fairy tales is rare, and Mr. Oscar Wilde shows that he possesses it in a rare degree. The happy prince, and other tales' are full of charming fancies and quaint humour. Though with a distinct character of their own, they are not unworthy to compare with Hans Andersen, and it is not easy to give higher praise than this."- Athenæum. Sept. 1.

"Children do not care for satire, and the dominant spirit of these storios of satire - a bitter satire differing widely from that of Hans Andersen, whom Mr. Wilde's literary manner so constantly recalls to us. This qual ity of bitterness, however does not repel the readers, in as much as Mr. Wilde always contrives to leave us at the end of every tale with a very pleasant sensation of the humorous"- Sat. rev., Oct 20. Wilson, J. T. The black phalanx; a history of the Negro soldiers of the U. S. in the wars of 1775-1812, 1861-65. Art and character; address before the Music School, Pittsfield, Mass., June 27, 1878.

Wood, Rev. W. C.

Abbott, E. History of Greece. Pt. 1.

"It is exhaustive in its recognition of subjects, but -its thread is broken too often."- Academy, Oct. 20. Abney, Capt. W. de W., and Robinson, H. P. The art and practice of silver printing. Alexander, F., (pseud. Francesca).

Christ's folk in the Apennine; reminiscences of her friends among the Tuscan peasantry; ed. by J; Ruskin. 1887. Allen, F: H. Recent German art; selections from the portfolios of Bleibtreu and others; 16 photo-etchings, with descriptive text. 1886. Angell, G: T. Autobiographical sketches and personal recollections. 1884.

Ap Richard, pseud.? Marriage and divorce; incl. religious, practical, and political aspects of the question.

"Professedly written in a sober and conservative spirit, in reality it appears to be put forth in the interests of those who would amend' those laws." Sat. Dec. 15. rev.,

Arnaud, F: L'independance du pape et les droits des peuples. 1860.

Arnold, M. Essays in criticism. 2d ser. Bakeman, Rev. F. W. Commemorative discourse

on the life and character of Prof. C: E: Hamlin, LL. D., Colby Univ., July 5, 1887. Banville, T. F. de. Les belles poupées, avec un dessin de G: Rochegrosse.

Barine, Mme. A. Essais et fantaisies.
Baugean, J: J. Collection de toutes les espèces de

bâtimens de guerre et de bâtimens mar-
chands qui naviguent sur l'océan et dans la
Méditerranée. 1826.

Besant, W., and Palmer, E: H: Jerusalem; the city of Herod and Saladin. New ed.

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and Rice, J.

other stories.

'Twas in Trafalgar's Bay; and

Bliss, W: R. Colonial times on Buzzard's Bay. Brewer, D. C. Madeleine; a poem in fragments. Brignole-Sales, A., marq. di Groppoli. Des droits

temporels du pape. 1860.

British Apollo, The; or, Curious amusements for

the ingenious; added, the most material occurrences foreign and domestick; perform'd by a society of gentlemen. Vol. 1, 2. [170810]. 2 v. Brown, H. A.

A winter in Albania.


"A pleasantly written little book of travel, giving an account of the author's experiences during a winter spent in a part of Turkey in Europe that even English travellers seldom visit." - Athenæum, Oct. 20. Burrows, M. Cinque Ports. (Historic towns.) "The story is told with much sympathy and skill, and a brilliant story it is. This is the most important contribution to the series that has yet appeared. It has filled a distinct void in our national annals, and so far as its scope admitted, has filled it well. It is refreshing to find original research employed to an extent that is rarely the case in books of this character, while the materials have been selected and grouped with great judgment." — Athenæum, Nov. 3.

Caine, W: S. A trip round the world, 1887-88; illust.

"A readable little work, profusely and admirably il lustrated. A few little slips do not mar the pleas. antness of the book." — · Athenæum, Oct. 27.


Causes célèbres de l'Angleterre. 2e sér. 1887.

Contents. Vandam, A. L'affaire Colin-Campbell.

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"The edition is limited to 250 copies. These volumes will have a warm welcome from all lovers of Cervantes, and not the least from those who have studied most carefully, and are most alive to the merits of the preceding versions. Bibliophiles, too, will hail this edition with delight. In paper, print, and binding it seems almost perfect. Strong, and yet light; though a quarto, yet not too heavy to be held in the hand; clear in type, with head and tail-pieces not too obtrusive, but which repay investigation it is materially a model of what a student's edition of a favourite author should be. Beati possidentes.'- Academy, June 23. Champlin, J: D., Jr., and Apthorp, W: F. Cyclopedia of music and musicians. Vol. 1. Cim, A., abridg. of A. Cimochowski. La petite

Contents. La petite fée. Trop d'amour.-
bancal. Le neveu de M. le curé.

- Jean-le

"A writer of a good school, the author of 'Jeunesse.'" -Athenæum, July 7.

Colerick, E. F. Adventures of pioneer children; or, Life in the wilderness.

Coleridge, H: J. Life and letters of St Teresa. 1881-87. 3 v.

"Even apart from all religious considerations, the life of Teresa de Cepeda would have been well worth recording for she was a woman of no ordinary powers, and successfully carried out an undertaking of great importance and difficulty. The regeneration of Roman Catholicism which marked the latter part of the sixteenth century was at once manifested and promoted by a reform of conventual discipline; and Mr. Coleridge has given a minute account of St. Teresa, the reformer of the Carmelites in Spain. Her letters are sprightly and pleasant -the letters of a clever refined woman as well as of a saint. She was a wise and courageous woman, always hopeful under difficulties, and with a singular power of adapting the means at her disposal to the attainment of her end." - Saturday rev.. Conway, M. D. Omitted chapters of history disclosed in the life and papers of Edmund Randolph.

"Marvelously interesting, whether the reader accepts the theories and interpretations of the author or otherwise. Written in Mr. Conway's best style, graphic, rapidly flowing, and incisive, and possesses all the ele. ments of a tragic romance. Aside from the main purpose of the book, to show that Edmund Randolph was not guilty of corruption while in Washington's cab inet, there is an immense amount of historical information." Mag. of Amer. hist., Dec.

Corbett, J. For God and gold. (Macmillan's summer reading lib.)

"No one could have written such a book without saturating himself in the literature of the spacious time therein depicted. Yet so unstrained and easy is the archaic style in which Mr. Corbett has cast his narrative that the sense of artificiality usually present during the perusal of historical romances is seldom aroused in his pages. A fresh and vivid romance, in which the conflicting tendencies of the early Elizabethan epoch euphuistic, ascetic, and adventurous are happily and often divertingly contrasted." - Athenæum, Dec. 24, 1887.

Cusack, M.. F. C. The nun of Kenmare; an autobiography.

Darimon, A. Notes pour servir à l'histoire de la guerre de 1870.

"The former associate of Proudhon, who became the friend of Emile Ollivier, was well placed for knowing

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