"A charming volume of stories admirably fitted for the entertainment of children, and at the same time containing much valuable information for students. Its contents naturally resemble those of the collections previously made by Miss Frere, Miss Stokes, the Rev. Lal Behari Day, and Mr. Damant; but its authors justly claim for it the merit of special genuineness, inasmuch as 'it has been mostly procured at first-hand from the lips of purely village children, who have never been inside a school,' and whose complete freedom from any European influence is beyond all question.'" — Academy, Feb. 14. Stenhouse, Mrs. F.. "Tell it all;" the story of a life's experience in Mormonism; an autobiography; with introd. pref. by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. 1874. Stephen, J. K. International law and international relations. "Is there true international law? Professor Lawrence asks in his first essay, and he argues that there is; half of Mr. Stephen's little work is devoted to showing that there is no such thing, and the other half to an illustrative explanation of what the rules really are which look like international law." G. P. Macdonell in the Academy, Feb. 7. Stepniak, pseud. Russia under the tzars; ren dered into English by W: Westall. AB ST4 "A book about Russia, by a Russian who has been in the thick of the Revolutionary movement, who has edited a clandestine journal, and while objecting to the name frankly avows himself a Nihilist. It may be defined as being at once a history, a description, and an apology, a history of the rise of the Russian despotism, a description of the Russian revolutionary movement, and a Nihilist's apologia pro vitâ suâ.' For all who would form an adequate idea of the present condition of Russia, gauge its capacity for war, or attempt to forecast its future, 'Stepniak's' book is indispensable." Spectator, Apr. 25. ... Teatro scelto italiano; commedie di C: Goldoni, Tegnér, E. Die Frithiof-Sage, aus dem schwed. "If the thing that is well done were always worth doing, it would be difficult to praise this book too highly; but the genius of a Carlyle would have spent itself in vain over the tiresome and endless squabbles which form the staple of D'Eon's chequered career. Captain Telfer is a good biographer. He is lucid and conscientious; he never proses; and his book is provided with an excellent index." - St. James's budget, Mar. 28. Thatcher, Capt. M. P. A hundred battles in the West; St. Louis to Atlanta, 1861-65; the 2d Michigan Cavalry with the armies of the Mississippi, Ohio, etc. under Gens. Halleck, 954M5-T32 etc. Thieme, F: W: Thieme-Preusser; a new and complete critical dictionary of the English and German languages. 16th ed. 1883. YEDC T34 "Of this revised Thieme, the publishers tell us no fewer than 120,000 copies were sold between 1860 and 1884, and surprising as this success of the work is, examination shows it to be deserved. The fullness, clearness, and excellent mechanical execution of the dictionary are striking."- Nation, Feb. 12. Thomas, Rev. A. C. Autobiography. 2d thous. 65.T361 1852. Tice, J. H. Over the plains and on the mountains; or, Kansas and Colorado agriculturally, mineralogically, etc., described. [1871.] B95-T43 Timayenis, T. T. Greece in the times of Homer; an account of the life, customs, and habits of the Greeks during the Homeric period. 7BP T48 "Does not furnish new light, but it does what is quite as good for the great number of readers who have neither the inclination nor the opportunity for original re search. It gathers to a focus on many topics some of the light which already exists." - Literary world, Mar. 2. report to the Board of Regents for the year ending June 30, 1884. DVбUNC-ACAN Varin, C:, and Beauplan, V. A. R. de. La montagne qui accouche; vaudeville. 1849. VFD+V43 Varner, F. A., and Duvert, F. A. La sœur de Jocrisse, comédie. 1841. VFD+V43 Verly, H. Contes flamands; illustré par Just. VFF+V58 "A very handsome volume written with wit, and not without power of description, and abundantly illustrated with a very remarkable power both of grotesque and graceful fancy by Just.'"'— Sat. rev., Dec. 27. Wead, Prof. C: K. Aims and methods of the teaching of physics. 1884. (Bureau of Education. Circ. of information.) DA-UN3C Wettergrund, J. Queer people, a selection of stories from the Swedish of Leah [pseud.]; by A. Alberg. 1882. 2 v. VCSG W53 Wildes, Rev. G: D. The citizen soldier; a discourse before the Anc. and Hon. Artillery Co., Boston, June 4, 1855, their 217th anniv. 1855. 5E IR85W Winter, W: Henry Irving. Young, J: The province of reason; a criticism of the Bampton lecture on the limits of religious thought, by [H: L. Mansel]. 1860. Published by the Boston Athenæum, Beacon St., Boston, Mass., tri-weekly. Price by the year 25 cts.; by mail, 50 cts. Entered at the Post Office, Boston, Mass., as second class matter. Aldrich, M. A. History of the U. S. Marine Corps; from official reports, etc., compiled by Capt. R. S. Collum. 1875. Alexander, F. Roadside songs of Tuscany; ed. by J: Ruskin. Pt. 7. ¶VIN/AL Contents. The colonel's leave. Story of Faustina. -The song of roses. The song of the shepherds. Auerswald, F. von. Die Ringer-Kunst; erneuert von G. A. Schmidt, mit einer Einleitung von K. Wassmansdorff. 1869. Beers, H: A. Nathaniel Parker Willis. men of letters.) 85/AU3 (Amer. 65 w6774B "Mr. Beers has handled his subject well, and given us as ample and careful a statement of it as it will justify." Literary world, Apr. 18. Bent, J. T. The Cyclades; or, Life among the insular Greeks. AQC99-B4 "A better book in its way we have not read for long. Mr. Bent has had the luck and skill to discover a mine of various interests in the Isles of Greece, and he has worked the vein with admirable thoroughness. Every page is rich in living popular antiquities, he discourses in notes of the cold remains of the past-statues, coins, vases, buildings, inscriptions, the great Naxian unfinished statue, still lying half created, half imbedded in marble, in the quarry. This work is thirtyfour feet long, and was to represent a bearded Apollo. In Lesbos fire is still carried from place to place in the narthex of Prometheus. The simple mythical invention holds its own in the age of Bryant and May. The archaic lion of Keos, nine yards long, is not less interesting than the unfinished Naxian Apollo; so ancient is the lion that it seems to have given rise to a myth. These are but specimen bricks from the house, examples of the great and lively interest of 'The Cyclades,' a work equally desirable for the archeologist, the historian, the geographer, the student of folk-lore, and the curious traveller." Saturday rev., Apr. 25. Berlin. Königliches Museum. Ethnol. Abtheilung. Amerikas nordwest Küste, neueste Ergebnisse ethnologischer Reisen. Neue Folge. Bonaparte, L., Prince of Canino. Choix de gra vures à l'eau forte d'après les peintures originales et les marbres de [sa] galerie. 1812. Boniface, J. X. D. F. A:, and Lauzanne de VauxRoussel, A: T. Riche d'amour, comédievaudeville. 1845. VFD+V43 Bottavelli, F. Dizionario portatile italiano, inglese e francese. 1803. 3 v. :YID B65 Bouvier, A. La petite duchesse. 1883. VFF B664P Bovee, C. N. Intuitions and summaries of thought. 1862. 2 v. W57.B66 Brinton, D. G. The Lenâpé and their legends; with the complete text and symbols of the Walam Olum; a new trans. and an inquiry into its authenticity. (Lib. of aboriginal Amer. literature.) "The editor has illuminated this Indian narrative with a great wealth of illustration, historical, ethnological, and linguistic, set forth in a clear and attractive style. Altogether, the volume may be fairly said to form one of most important and interesting contributions to Ameri. can archæology and ethnology that have appeared for many years." Critic, Apr. 18. Brooks, C: History of Medford, Mass., 16301855. 964M46-B Brunellus, J: Tractatus de dignitate et potestate legati, necnon de primaria cardinalium origine atq; institutione. 1519. Brunner, D. B. Indians of Berks county, Pa.; a summary of all the records. 1881. Cabrera y Quintero, C. Escudo de armas de Mexico; su proteccion en la pestalencia Maria. 1746. Caine, H. The shadow of a crime; a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) ... "Mr. Hall Caine has chosen a very original time for his tale namely, the beginning of the English Restoration, which he studies from the point of view of the Commonwealth. The scene is in the dales of Cumberland, where a number of original people are got together and some very horrible events occur. The story has an attraction which it is not easy to describe. ... The occasional views of society in that roystering emancipated time among the northern towns, and the whole air of cold, wild, mountain weather in the Cumbrian vales are indicated with very unusual skill and success. The novel is full of human nature." - Pall Mall budget, May 1. ... Chadwick, Lieut. Com. F. E. Report on the training systems for the navy and mercantile marine of England, and on the naval training system of France, 1879. 1880. Chassant, A. Paléographie des chartes et des manuscrits du 1le au 17e siècle; 7e éd. augm. d'une instruction sur les sceaux et leurs légendes et de règles de critique propres à déterminer l'âge des chartes et des manuscrits non datés. 1876. Y3.c38 Clark, E: H. G. Man's birthright; or, The higher law of property. CY C54 "The conclusions arrived at by the author are ably presented, and should prove a good counter-irritant to the barren and pernicious theories of Henry George,' and point out a method for settling the vexed questions of land ownership and taxation." - Literary world, Apr. 18. Coad, J: Memorandum of the wonderful providences of God to a poor unworthy creature during the Duke of Monmouth's rebellion and to the revolution in 1688. 1849. 5E.C631 Coddington, D: S. Speeches and addresses; with a biographical sketch. 1866. w56-c64 Colton, G: H. Tecumseh; or, The West thirty years since; a poem. 1842. W5P C827 Concise and accurate description of the University, town, and county of Cambridge. New and impr. ed. [1799?] :VE C74 Cox, Sir G: W. Lives of Greek statesmen; Solon. - Themistocles. 5P.9EC8 "Themistocles is the best of the series, and great pains are taken to sift the evidence on which the charges of treachery and corruption are brought against the victor of Salamis." Westminster review, Apr. Custer, Mrs. E.. B. Boots and saddles;" or, Life in Dakota with General Custer, B91-c96 "Although herself and General Custer are necessa rily in the foreground of the sketches, their presence is not obtrusive. The manner of the narrator is always unpretending." - Dial, May. Davenport, A. Camps and field life of the 5th N. Y. Vol. Infantry (Duryee Zouaves). 1879. 954N4 D27 De Foe, D. An essay upon projects. 1697. VF+D374 Dennery, A. P., and Clairville, L: F. N. Les sept chateaux du diable, féerie. 1844. VFD+V43 Deux missions, Les, du colonel Flatters en Afrique; par un membre de la première mission. AS D48 Dickens, C: Dictionary of the University of Ox ford. 1884. DUEOX 5D Disraeli, B., Earl of Beaconsfield. "What is he?" and 64 A vindication of the English constitution." SEX D63 "A reprint of the famous and long lost pamphlet What is he?' of which it is believed that only one copy is in existence, and of the almost equally scarce Vindication of the Constitution,' which Disraeli the Younger addressed to Lord Lyndhurst in 1835." Dobson, A. At the sign of the lyre. VEP. D655A "No triolets ever contained a lighter or more concen. trated tale than those in which Mr. Dobson jots down theNotes of a honey-moon;' and the villanelle, On a Nankin plate,' is worthy of the little blue mandarin bimself. The windings of some old-world dance' have entered into these metres, and made them skim along like speckled lady-birds. Mr. Dobson possesses a happiness of touch that is like the touch and flash of a fire-fly." Critic, May 2. Du Boisgobey, F. Les cachettes de Marie-Rose. 1880. 2 v. - VFF D855CA Le pignon maudit. 1882. 2 v. La vieillesse de M. Duncan, Rev. G: J: C. can, D. D. 1848. Edwards, Rev. J: E. Fairbairn, P. The typology of Scripture viewed in connection with the entire scheme of the divine dispensations. From the 3d Edin. ed. 1859. 2 v. Farjeon, B. L. Great Porter Square; a mystery. (Franklin Sq. lib.) "Who has not been absorbed and delighted by such stories as Gaboriau's Le crime d'Orcival,' or Wilkie Collins's Moonstone?' 'The mystery of Great Porter Square' is well worthy of comparison with either of these masterpieces. It contains, too, some curious studies of character." Westminster review, Apr. Farrer, J. A. Military manners and customs. "He has collected a great deal of interesting matter about the military manners of all times. The facts are worth knowing, and no one is bound to take Mr. Farrer's interpretation of them."- Saturday rev., May 2. Feldzug der vereinigten Franzosen und Nordamerikaner in Virginien im Jahre 1781; nebst Karte und Beylagen. [17-.] $9529 F Fisher, G: P. Discussions in history and theology. 1880. Greenaway, K. Language of flowers. [188-?] VG862M Hazard, R. G. Man a creative first cause; two discourses at Concord, Mass., July, 1882. Hogg, J., the Ettrick shepherd. Songs. 1st Amer. ed. 1832. VDSP H678 Holborn, A. The Bible the Sunday school textbook. (Normal studies for Sunday school teachers.) Hunter, W: W. The Indian Musulmans. 3d ed. 1876. EA5C-H91 Hutton, L. Literary landmarks of London. XVE H97 "Mr. Hutton's book amasses a large amount of scattered information touching the London haunts of liter. ary men." Literary world, May 2. Hyde, J. W. The royal mail; its curiosities and CIEP H99 romance. Hyndman, H: M. Historical basis of socialism in England. 1883. COS-H99 Investigator, pseud. The rebellion; its consequences and the Congressional committee, denominated the Reconstruction committee. 1866. EB55-IN8 Jung, T. Dubois-Crancé, mousquetaire, constituant, conventionnel, général de division, ministre de la guerre 1747-1814. 2 v. 5F 18552 Jacoby, Dr. L. Cunita; ein Gedicht aus Indien. VGP+J153 Jefferies, R: After London; or, Wild England. VJ35A "It takes higher ground in many respects than any. thing else he has yet written. ... A wild, weird, strange romance, it overflows with curious touches of naturalis. tic description, and luminous glimpses of what may yet be when civilisation has sunk forever into a wide sea of renewed barbarism. For the book is a novel of the remote future a future not of increased arts, and improved science, but of final relapse into retrogressive savagery." - Grant Allen in the Academy, Apr. 18. Jefferson, T: Notes on the state of Virginia. 9th Amer. ed. 1802. B6T.135 Jesus; his opinions and character; the New Testament studies of a layman. 1883. Johnson, Maj. E. C. On the track of the crescent; erratic notes from the Piræus to Pesth. Killebrew, J. B. Oil region of Tennessee; with some account of its other resources and capabilities. 1877. B7E-K5501 or, The early days of a country gentleman's son and heir. 1860. VK617DI VEP 125R Kingston, W: H. G. Digby Heathcote; Lang, A. Rhymes à la mode. "Here are wit and fancy in new dresses, here is scholarship arrayed in silk attire, learning disguised in mot ley, and golden-haired harmony to lead the revels. Mr. Lang has discovered a new mode of giving permanence to the perishable fancies of the poet's mind."- Westminster review, April. Lapham, O. Recollections of service in the 12th Regt. R. I. Vols. 965-8804 Letters from Hell; given in English by L. W. J. S.; with pref. by G: MacDonald. ... "A glance at the first page, or the last, brings the reader within the grasp of intense, realistic earnestness. The book is pervaded not only by a ghastly picturesque ness, but also by a burning conviction that what is written down is essentially true, and the impressiveness of this combination is not lost by sifting through two languages. From a literary standpoint there is occa sionally too much of the preacher, but no artistic de fect greatly weakens the impression of originality and searching power.". Critic, May 9. Lightfoot, J. B. Primary charge; two addresses delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Durham, Dec. 1882. Liguori, A. M. de. Theologia moralis; adjuncta J: D. Mansi epitome doctrinae moralis et canonicae ex operibus Benedicti XIV. Ed. 12a. 1822. 3 v. Mailand, G. Catalogue de tableaux anciens de[s] écoles italienne, flamande, hollandaise, et française composant la collection de feu M. Mailand. 1881. Mayhew, H: and A. The image of his father; or, One boy is more trouble than a dozen girls; being a tale of a "young monkey." 1851. VM4561 Montégut, E. Nos morts contemporains. 2e sér. XVFV-M76 - "Tel M. Montégut s'était montré à nous dans le pre- Tableaux de la France; en Bourbonnais et en Nash, G. Historical sketch of Weymouth, Mass., 964w54-8w 1622-1884. 65-9YN43 New-York book of poetry, The. [1836.] w5p-99P New-York weekly magazine; or, Miscellaneous repository. Vol. 2. July 27, 1796 - June 21, 1797. Newcomb, J: B. Genealogical memoir of the Newcomb family in England. 1874. Nisard, J: M. N. D. Souvenirs de voyages; France, Belgique, Prusse rhénane, Angleterre. 1855. AA F63 Nodier, J: C: E. Souvenirs de la Révolution et de l'empire. Nouv. éd. 1872. 2 v. 8FG 1N67 O'Donovan, J. Brief account of [his] interview with his countrymen and of the parts of the Emerald Isle whence they emigrated; with a direct reference to their present location in the land of their adoption during his travels, 1854-55. 1864. 95ZIR OD Paris. Musée Royal. Explication des ouvrages des artistes vivans, 1836. Peignot, E. G. Tableau de mœurs au 10e siècle, ou la cour et les lois de Howel-le-Bon, roi d'Aberfraw, 907 à 948; suivi de cinq pièces de la langue française, et terminé par une notice sur la langue anglaise. 1832. Phila. Hose Co. Historical sketches of [its] formation and founders; together with proceedings at the 50th anniv. celebration, Dec. 15, 1853. Picot, E. Catalogue des livres de feu M. le baron James de Rothschild. T. 1. :XHF-R74 Protestant Episcopal Church. Liturgies, etc. The Book [of common prayer] annexed to the report of the joint committee as modified by the General convention of 1883. Rabelais, F. Works; faithfully trans. from the French, with variorum notes and numerous illust. by G. Doré. [18-] )VFA R11 E3 Rambossom, J: Les pierres précieuses et les principaux ornements. 2e éd. Rémusat, C: F. M., comte de. Bacon, sa vie, son temps, sa philosophie, et son influence jusqu'à nos jours. 3e éd. 1877. 5E B134R Critiques et études littéraires, ou passé et présent. Nouv. éd. 1859. 2 v. Essais de philosophie. 1842. 2 v. St. Anselme de Cantorbery. 2e éd. Ritch, W: G. Illustrated New Mexico. 1883. VF3 R28 1868. 5E AN84R 4th ed. BAE-OF Robinson, Mrs. M.. D. Angelina. 1796. 3 v. VR5633 Rodenbough, T. F. Afghanistan and the AngloRussian dispute; an account of Russia's advance toward India, etc. 819 R61 "The author labors under all the difficulties which are natural to one who has no well-grounded knowledge concerning the subject he is discussing. He has collected a certain amount of data, some of it useful, and some of it irrelevant and without value; and has strung it together in a fragmentary and disjointed manner entirely devoid of clearness of diction or brilliancy of style.". Nation, May 14. Rogers, W: B. Reprint of annual reports and other papers on the geology of the Virginias. Roland. Das altfranzösische Rolanslied, genauer Abdruck der Oxforder Hs. Digby 23; mit e photographische[n] Facsimile von E. Stengel. 1878. VFO R64D Photographische Wiedergabe der Hs. Digby 23 der Bodley'scher Bibliothek zu Oxford, von E. Stengel. 1878. $VFO R64D Rush, B: Account of the manners of the German inhabitants of Pennsylvania, written 1789; notes by Prof. I. D. Rupp. 1875. B690G R St. James's magazine; conducted by Mrs. S. C. Hall. Vol. 1-13, Apr. [1861]-July [1865]. pressibly gloomy, Mrs. Sartorius does not tell her Nevertheless, as the records of a disas- trous campaign, her book will command some interest.' - British quarterly rev., April. Schelhorn, J. G: Ergötzlichkeiten aus der Kir- Sime, W: Boulderstone; or, New men and old populations; a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.) "An interesting story of capital and labor in which the social problem is not made aggressively prominent, though the moral is evident that the remedy for the so- cial difficulty lies in creating right feeling on the part of the capitalist, not exciting wronged feeling on the part of sues." Simon, J. F. S. S., dit J. La liberté de conscience. La politique radicale. 3e éd. 1869. EAFL-S15 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Soley, Prof. J. R. Report on foreign systems of Sorel, C: La science universelle. 1668. 4 v. Stael Holstein, A. L.. G. N., la baronne de. "A very readable and instructive little book." - Lit. Trafford, F. G. The moors and the fens. New ed., Tunnard, W: H. A southern record; history of Urquhart, W: P. Life and times of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan; with prelim. sketch of the history of Italy. 1852. 2 v. 51-SF5U Valle, P: della. Viaggi; diviso in tre parti, cioè la Turchia, la Persia, e l'India, colla vita dell' Verrall, A. W. Studies literary and historical on "A delightful book. Charming contribution to Horatian literature."- Nation, May 14. Poétes du siècle de Louis XIV. 1861. XVFPT-V Wells, H, P. Fly-rods and fly-tackle; sugges- tions as to their manufacture and use. "Not only an able but an individual essay. A learned and exhaustive exposition, filling a place not be- Weygant, C: H. History of the 124th Regt. N.Y. Whitaker, J. A reference catalogue of current White, R. E: The Cross of Monterey; and other Whitelocke, B. METEμywoç: sive tentamen de Published by the Boston Athenæum, Beacon St., Boston, |