| Pierre Jurieu - 1687 - Broj stranica: 628
...are exfired,, Satan shall be loafed out efhisprifon. V. 8. And shall go out to deceive the Rations , which are in the four quarters of the Earth , Gog . and Magog, to gather them together to battel, the number of tvhom is as the f and of the Sea. V. 9. And they went up on the breadth of the... | |
| Joseph Perry (of Thorpe.) - 1721 - Broj stranica: 580
...Confiderationifif the ejghth.and ninth Verfes. i-":l Verfe 404 Veife 8. And. jbaU go out to deceive the vhiib are in the 'four quarters of the Earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to Battelj the Nu-mber of wham is as the Sand of the Sea. And they veni up on the breadth of the Earth,... | |
| Edward Hawarden - 1728 - Broj stranica: 324
...? And that, when the thoufand years are expir'd, Satan fhall be loos'd out of his Prifon, and Jhall go out to deceive the Nations, which are in the four Quarters of the Earth. Apoc.xx. v. 7. fcfc? TO the FIRST, I anfwer, it does. But that the Catholick and Orthodox Church^ which... | |
| Jacques Lenfant - 1730 - Broj stranica: 738
...thoufand Years, when and how at the Expiration of the thoufand Years Satan was looied from his Chain to deceive the Nations which are in the four Quarters of the Earth, Gog and Magog, (a) Revefat. and gather'd them together to Battle, &f. (a). THE following Chapters treat chiefly of... | |
| Benjamin Parker - 1734 - Broj stranica: 200
...Entertainment, his Deceits are greedily fwallowed; and now they are un'roerj'ally received throughout the four Quarters of the Earth, Gog and Magog to gather them together to Battle; that is, I conceive, mojl wicked and imperious Infults againjl God and Goodnefs, headed by Satan, now... | |
| John Ray - 1738 - Broj stranica: 560
...faying, ' When the thoufand years are expired * Satan fhall be loofed out of prifon. And fhall go out 4 to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters...Gog and Magog to gather them together * to battle, (as alfo is written in this fame book of Revelations in chap. ix. and by the holy Prophet Ezekiel,... | |
| Francis Fox - 1748 - Broj stranica: 598
...And when the thouland years are expi«d, " Satan fliall be loofed out of his priion, - 8. And ball go out to ° deceive the nations, which are 'in the four quarters of the earth, p Gog and Magog, to "gather Jiem together to battle': the number of whom is- as ¡he fand of the fea.... | |
| Philip Doddridge - 1755 - Broj stranica: 562
[ Ispričavamo se, sadržaj ove stranice je ograničen ] | |
| 1757 - Broj stranica: 616
...worfhip and drinking the blood of the Saints. IN this war, we evidently fee the OLD SERPENT deceiving the nations, which are in the four quarters of the earth, GOG and MACOG, to gather them together to battle, untill their numbers increafe as the fand of the fea, covering... | |
| Edmund Spenser - 1758 - Broj stranica: 700
...T?? q> v^un^ ivrS, And frees himfelf out of caytive handes, ie captivity, I* 4>Wiax5i?.] And Jhall go out to deceive the nations, which are in the four...GOG and MAGOG, to gather them together to battle, ver. 7, 8. GOG and MAGOG, are the Sarazins, Sansfoy, Sansjoy, Sanity, &c. who are gathered together... | |
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