Slike stranica

J. SERENIUS, Dictionarium Suethico-Anglo-Latinum, quo singulae voces Suethicae, secundum proprias et metaphoricas significationes Anglice ac Latine redduntur, etc. Stockh. 1741. 4°.


1. Angelsaksisch.

J. P. THOMMEREL, Recherches sur la fusion du Franco-Normand et de l'Anglo-Saxon. Paris et Londr. 1841. 8°.

В. Н.

E. THOMSON, On the Archaic mode of expressing numbers in English, Saxon, Friesic, etc. being an essay towards the settling of the case, Grimm v. Self, Kemble, Vernon, and others. Lond. 1853. 8°.

В. Н.

FRANC. JUNII, FRANC. FILII Etymologicum Anglicanum. Ex autographo descripsit et accessionibus permultis auctum edidit EDW. LYE. Praemittuntur vita auctoris et grammatica Anglo-Saxonica. Oxon., e Theatro Sheld., 1743. fol.

B. H.

GEORG. HICKESIUS, Institutiones grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicae et Moeso-Gothicae: accessere grammaticae Islandicae rudimenta RuDOLPHI JONAE, etc.; EDV. BERNARDI etymologicum Brittanicum. Oxon., e Theatro Sheld., 1689. 4°.

R. K. RASK, Angelsaksisk Sproglære, tilligemed en kort Læsebog. Stokholm 1817. 8°.

E. RASK, A grammar of the Anglo-Saxon tongue with a praxis. A new edition enlarged and improved by the author. Translated from the Danish, by B. THORPE. Copenh. 1830. 8°. В. Н.

J. BOSWORTH, Elements of Anglo-Saxon grammar, with copious notes, illustrating the Saxon, and the formation of English language, with remarks on the history and use of the Anglo-Saxon, and an introduction on the origin and progress of alphabetic writing, with critical remarks by CHAS. O'CONOR. Lond. 1823. В. Н.



-) The essentials of Anglo-Saxon grammar, with an

outline of Rask and Grimm's systems. (Overdruk.) 8°. B. Н.

Fragment of ELFRIC's Grammar, Elfric's glossary, and a poem on the soul and body, in the orthography of the 12th. century: discovered among the archives of Worcester Cathedral by T. PHILLIPPS. Edited by T. P. Lond. 1838. fol.

В. Н.

J. M. KEMBLE, On the names, surnames, and nicnames of the Anglosaxons. Lond. 1846. 8°.

В. Н.

GUL. SOMNERUS, Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum voces, phrasesque praecipuas Anglo-Saxonicas, e libris, sive MSS., sive typis excusis, aliisque monumentis magna diligentia collectas; cum Latina et Anglica vocum interpretatione complectens. Adjectis interdum exemplis, vocum etymologiis, et cum cognatis linguis collationibus, plurimisque observationibus. Acc. AELFRICI abbatis Grammatica Latino-Saxonica, cum glossario suo ejusdem generis. Oxonii, excudebat Gul. Hall. et Londini, Dan. White, 1659. fol. В. Н.

Vóór in dit zeldzame boek (zie Brunet V, 437), hetwelk door Dr. Halbertsma op de verkooping der bibliotheek van Meerman werd gekocht, staan de initialen L. T. K. H., waaruit Dr. H. besloot, blijkens de met potlood gemaakte aant., dat het vroeger het eigendom was van Lambert Ten Kate Hermanz.

THOM. BENSON, Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum, lexico GUL. SOMNERI magna parte auctius. Oxon. e Theatr. Sheld. 1701. 8°.

EDV. LYE, Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum. Acc. Fragmenta versionis Ulphilanae, nec non opuscula quaedam AngloSaxonica. Edid. nonnullis vocabulis auxit, plurimus exemplis illustravit et grammaticam utriusque linguae praemisit Ow. MANNING. Lond. 1772. 2 tom. 8°.

B. H.

J. BOSWORTH, A dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon language. Lond.

1838. 8°.

B. H.

A compendious Anglo-Saxon and English dictionary. Lond. 1848. Roy. 8°. В. Н. A compendious Anglo-Saxon and English dictionary.

В. Н.

Lond. 1849. 8°. K. W. BOUTERWEK, Ein Angelsächsisches Glossar. Elberf. 1851. В. Н.


J. P. AREND, Proeve eener Geschiedenis der Dichtkunst en Fraaije Letteren onder de Angel-Saksen. Amst. 1842. 8°.

В. Н.

JOHN JOS. CONYBEARE, Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon poetry. Edited, together with additional notes, introductory notices etc. by his brother WILL. DAN. CONYBEARE. Lond. 1826. 8°.

Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. A selection in prose and verse, from Anglo-Saxon authors of various ages; with a glossary, designed chiefly as a first book for students, by BENJ. THORPE. Lond. 1834. 8°.

B. H.

Altsächsische und Angelsächsische Sprachproben. Herausgeg. und mit einem erklärenden Verzeichniss der Angelsächsischen Wörter versehen von HEINR. LEO. Halle 1838. 8°.

В. Н.

Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. Selections, in prose and verse, from the Anglo-Saxon literature; with an introductory ethnological essay, and notes, critical and explanatory. By LOUIS F. KLIPSTEIN. New-York 1849. 2 vol. 8°.

В. Н.

Engla and Seaxna Scopas and Bôceras. Anglosaxonum poëta atque scriptores prosaici, quorum partim integra opera, partim loca selecta collegit, correxit, edidit LUD. ETTMÜLLERUS. (Bibliothek der gesammten Deutschen National-Literatur von der ältesten bis auf die neuere Zeit. 28er Bd.) Quedlinb. et Lips. 1850. 8°. В. Н.

LUD. ETTMÜLLER, Vorda vealhstod Engla and Seaxna. Lexicon Anglo-Saxonicum ex poëtarum scriptorumque prosaicorum operibus nec non lexicis Anglosaxonicis collectum, cum synopsi grammatica. (Bibliothek der gesammten Deutschen National-Literatur von der ältesten bis auf die neuere Zeit. 29er Bd.) Quedlinb. et Leipz. 1851. 8°.

В. Н.

Alt- und Angelsächsisches Lesebuch nebst Altfriesischen Stücken mit einem Wörterbuche von MAX RIEGER. Giessen 1861. 8°.

В. Н.

Bibliothek der Angelsächsischen Poesie in kritisch bearbeiteten Texten und mit vollständigen Glossar herausgeg. von C. W. M. GREIN. Gött. 1857-64. 4 Th. 2 Bde. 8°.

В. Н.

Codex Exoniensis. A collection of Anglo-Saxon poetry, from a manuscript in the library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, with an English translation, notes, and indexes, by B. THORPE Lond. 1842. 8°.

В. Н.

Geschenk van prins Louis Lucien Bonaparte aan Dr. J. H. Halbertsma.

CADMONIS Monachi Paraphrasis poetica Genesios ac praecipuarum Sacrae paginae Historiarum, abhinc annos MLXX. Anglo Saxonice conscripta, et nunc primum edita a FRANC. JUNIO. Amstelod. 1655. 4°.

В. Н.

CEDMON'S Metrical paraphrase of parts of the Holy Scriptures, in Anglo-Saxon; with an English translation, notes, and a verbal index, by BENJ. THORPE. Lond. 1832. 8°.

B. H.

De Danorum rebus gestis secul. III et IV. Poema Danicum dialecto Anglosaxonica. Ex biblioth. Cottonica Musaei Britannici edidit versione Lat. et indd. auxit GRIM. JOHNSON THORKELIN. Havniae 1815. 4°.

В. Н.

The Anglo-Saxon poems of Beowulf, the Travellers song and the Battle of Finnes-burh, edited together with a glossary of the more difficult words and an historical preface, by JOHN M. KEMBLE, Lond., W. Pickering, 1833. 8°. В. Н.

Volgens eene inscriptie op het schutblad zijn hiervan slechts 100 ex. gedrukt, en is dit daarvan no. 86.

A translation of the Anglo-Saxon poem of Beowulf, with a copious glossary, preface and philological notes by JOHN M. KEMBLE. Lond., W. Pickering, 1837. 8°.

В. Н.

Beowulf. Heldengedicht des achten Jahrhunderts. Zum ersten Male aus dem Angelsächsischen in das Neuhochdeutsche stabreimend übersetzt und mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von LUDW. ETTMÜLLER. Mit einem Kärtchen. Zürich 1840. 8°.

В. Н.

H. LEO, Bëówulf, dass älteste Deutsche in Angelsächsischer Mundart erhaltene Heldengedicht nach seinem Inhalte, und nach seinen historischen und mythologischen Beziehungen betrachtet. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte alter Deutscher Geisteszustände. Halle 1839. 8°. B. H.

Andreas und Elene. Herausgeg. von JAC. GRIMM. Cassel 1840. 8°.

The Anglo-Saxon legends of St. Andrew and St. Veronica. Edited for the Cambridge antiquarian society, with an English transl. by CHARL. WYCLIFFE GOODWIN. Cambr. 1851.8°. B. Н.

Menologium seu Calendarium poeticum, ex Hickesiano Thesauro: or, the poetical Calendar of the Anglo-Saxons. With an English transl. and notes, by SAM. FOX. Lond. 1830. 8°. B. Н.

The Anglo-Saxon version from de historian OROSIUS, by ÆLFRED the Great, together with an English translation from de Anglo-Saxon (by DAINES BARRINGTON, with remarks by JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER). Lond., Bowyer, 1773. 2 parts, 1 vol.8°. B. Н.

Jos. BOSWORTH, King ALFRED's Anglo-Saxon version of the compendious history of the world by OROSIUS. Containing: Facsimile specimens of the Lauderdale and Cotton MSS.; a preface describing these MSS., etc.; an introduction on Orosius and his works; the Anglo-Saxon text; notes and various readings; a map of Europe, Asia, and Africa, according to Orosius and Alfred. Lond. 1859. Roy. 8°. В. Н.

Present-exemplaar van J. Bosworth aan J. H. Halbertsma. KING ALFRED'S Anglo-Saxon version of the metres of BOETHIUS, with an English transl. and notes; by SAM. Fox. Lond. 1835.


Geschenk van J. Bosworth aan J. H. Halbertsma.

B. H.

The Will of King Alfred, reprinted from the Oxford ed. of 1788; with a preface, and additional notes. Lond. 1828. 8°. В. Н. Rituale ecclesiae Dunelmensis. Nunc primum typis mandatum. (From the publiations of the Surtees Society.) Lond. 1840. 8°. B. H.

Divers ancient monuments in the Saxon tongue, written seven hundred yeares agoe, shewing that both in the Old and New Testament, the Lord Prayer, and the Creede, were then used in the mother tongue, and also, what opinion was then held of the Sacrement of the Body and Blood of Christ. Published by WILL. L'ISLE of Wilburgham; whereunto is added out of the Homilies and Epistles of AELFRICUS a second ed. of a testimony of antiquity touching the sacrament, etc. Lond. 1638. 4°. B. H.

Heptateuchus, Liber Job, et Evangelium Nicodemi; AngloSaxonice. Historiae Judith fragmentum; Dano-Saxonice. Edidit nunc primum ex MSS. codd. EDW. THWAITES. Oxon., e Theatr. Sheld., 1698. 8°.

В. Н. Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum vetus. A JOHANNE SPELMANNO D. HENR. FIL. editum, e vetustissimo exemplari MS. in Biblioth. ipsius Henrici, et cum tribus aliis non multo minus vetustis collatum. Londini, R. Bagder, 1640. 4°.

B. H.

Gebonden in fraai lederen band, en verguld op sneê. Geschenk van Prins

Louis Lucien Bonaparte aan J. H. Halbertsma.

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